x                  65 core/autoiso.c         int x, y;
x                  68 core/autoiso.c             for (x=HISTO_STEP_SIZE/2; x<vp_width; x+=HISTO_STEP_SIZE)
x                  70 core/autoiso.c                 h[img[x]] += 1;
x                1455 core/conf.c                        configVal->pos.x = pos->x;
x                1543 core/conf.c                        pos->x = configVal.pos.x;
x                  88 core/console.c             int x = console_x * FONT_WIDTH + camera_screen.disp_left;
x                  96 core/console.c                 draw_string_justified(x, y - c * FONT_HEIGHT, buf, col, 0, console_line_length * FONT_WIDTH, TEXT_LEFT|TEXT_FILL);
x                 222 core/console.c         coord x = (camera_screen.width - w * FONT_WIDTH) >> 1;
x                 225 core/console.c         draw_rectangle(x-3, y-3, x+w*FONT_WIDTH+3, y+(h+1)*FONT_HEIGHT+2, col, RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED); // main box
x                 226 core/console.c         draw_rectangle(x-2, y-2, x+w*FONT_WIDTH+2, y+FONT_HEIGHT+1, col, RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED); //title
x                 228 core/console.c         draw_string_justified(x, y, "Console - press SET to close", col, 0, w*FONT_WIDTH, TEXT_CENTER); //title text
x                 235 core/console.c             draw_string_justified(x-1, y + c * FONT_HEIGHT, console_buf[i], col, 0, w * FONT_WIDTH, TEXT_LEFT|TEXT_FILL);
x                 239 core/console.c         draw_rectangle(x+w*FONT_WIDTH, y+((MAX_CONSOLE_HISTORY-console_scroll-h)*(h*FONT_HEIGHT))/MAX_CONSOLE_HISTORY,
x                 240 core/console.c                        x+w*FONT_WIDTH+2, y+((MAX_CONSOLE_HISTORY-console_scroll)*(h*FONT_HEIGHT))/MAX_CONSOLE_HISTORY-1,
x                  16 core/gps_math.c double arctan(double x, int n){
x                  22 core/gps_math.c     if (abs(x) < 1 )
x                  24 core/gps_math.c         result = x;
x                  31 core/gps_math.c             result += ((pow(x, i)/i) * ((sign) ? -1.0 : +1.0));
x                  36 core/gps_math.c     if (abs(x) >= 1 )
x                  38 core/gps_math.c         if (x<-1) {result = 3.141592653589793* -0.5; }
x                  39 core/gps_math.c         if (x>=1) {result = 3.141592653589793*0.5; }
x                  46 core/gps_math.c             result += ((1/(i*pow(x,i))) * ((sign) ? -1.0 : +1.0));
x                  54 core/gps_math.c double arctan2(double y, double x){
x                  56 core/gps_math.c     result = 2.0 * arctan((y / (sqrt(x*x+y*y)+x)),30);
x                 295 core/gps_math.c         rcb->values[i].x = 0;
x                 304 core/gps_math.c void regressionAdd (t_regression *rcb, double x, double y) {
x                 309 core/gps_math.c         double old_x   = rcb->values[rcb->index].x;
x                 311 core/gps_math.c         rcb->values[rcb->index].x = 0;
x                 325 core/gps_math.c         rcb->sx         += x;
x                 327 core/gps_math.c         rcb->sxx        += x*x;
x                 328 core/gps_math.c         rcb->sxy        += x*y;
x                 332 core/gps_math.c         rcb->last_x     = x;
x                 333 core/gps_math.c         rcb->values[rcb->index].x = x;
x                 373 core/gps_math.c double regressionForecast (t_regression *rcb, double x) {
x                 375 core/gps_math.c     return x * rcb->s + rcb->t;
x                   9 core/gps_math.h extern double arctan(double x, int n);
x                  10 core/gps_math.h extern double arctan2(double y, double x);
x                  51 core/gps_math.h     double x;
x                  76 core/gps_math.h extern void   regressionAdd (t_regression *rcb, double x, double y);
x                  78 core/gps_math.h extern double regressionForecast (t_regression *rcb, double x);
x                 278 core/gui.c         coord x = (camera_screen.width  - EXP_TEXT_WIDTH*FONT_WIDTH) >> 1;
x                 281 core/gui.c         draw_text_justified(x, y, exp_text, cl, EXP_TEXT_WIDTH, camera_info.state.gui_mode_alt ? EXP_TEXT_HEIGHT : 1, TEXT_CENTER|TEXT_FILL);
x                 284 core/gui.c     void do_expire_splash(int x,int y) {
x                 293 core/gui.c         draw_string(x-((strlen(under_dev_text)*FONT_WIDTH)>>1), y, under_dev_text, cl);
x                 903 core/gui.c     #define _XSTR(x) #x
x                 904 core/gui.c     #define STR(x) _XSTR(x)
x                2332 core/gui.c         coord x, y;
x                2348 core/gui.c         x = (camera_screen.width-logo_text_width)>>1; 
x                2351 core/gui.c         draw_rectangle(x, y, x+logo_text_width, y+logo_text_height, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_RED, COLOR_RED), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED|RECT_ROUND_CORNERS);
x                2354 core/gui.c             draw_string(x+((logo_text_width-strlen(text[i])*FONT_WIDTH)>>1), y+i*FONT_HEIGHT+4, text[i], cl);
x                2358 core/gui.c         do_expire_splash(x+((logo_text_width)>>1),y+(i+1)*FONT_HEIGHT+4);
x                2536 core/gui.c     static int shortcut_text(int x, int y, int button, int func_str, const char *state, twoColors col)
x                2556 core/gui.c         draw_string(x, y, buf, col);
x                2585 core/gui.c         int x = ((camera_screen.width/2)-(FONT_WIDTH*35/2));
x                2594 core/gui.c         draw_string(x, y, buf, hdr_col);
x                2603 core/gui.c             draw_string(x, y, buf, col);
x                2607 core/gui.c         draw_string(x, y, lang_str(LANG_HELP_SCRIPTS), col);
x                2611 core/gui.c         y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_MF_TOGGLE,LANG_HELP_MANUAL_FOCUS,gui_on_off_enum(0,&conf.subj_dist_override_koef), col);
x                2617 core/gui.c             draw_string(x, y, buf, col);
x                2624 core/gui.c             y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_RAW,LANG_MENU_DEBUG_SHORTCUT_ACTION,gui_debug_shortcut_modes[conf.debug_shortcut_action], col);
x                2631 core/gui.c                 y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_RAW, LANG_HELP_INF_FOCUS, 0, col);
x                2633 core/gui.c             y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_RAW, LANG_HELP_CHG_FOCUS_FACTOR, 0, col);
x                2637 core/gui.c             y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_RAW,LANG_MENU_RAW_SAVE,(conf.save_raw?(conf.dng_raw?"DNG":"RAW"):"Off"), col);
x                2641 core/gui.c             y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_RAW,LANG_MENU_DEBUG_SHORTCUT_ACTION,gui_debug_shortcut_modes[conf.debug_shortcut_action], col);
x                2644 core/gui.c             y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_RAW,LANG_MENU_RAW_SAVE,(conf.save_raw?(conf.dng_raw?"DNG":"RAW"):"Off"), col);
x                2647 core/gui.c         y = shortcut_text(x, y, 0 ,LANG_HELP_HALF_PRESS, 0, hdr_col);
x                2651 core/gui.c             y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_DISABLE_OVERRIDES,LANG_MENU_OVERRIDE_DISABLE,gui_override_disable_modes[conf.override_disable], col);
x                2652 core/gui.c             y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_HISTO,LANG_MENU_HISTO_SHOW,gui_histo_show_modes[conf.show_histo], col);
x                2653 core/gui.c             y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_ZEBRA,LANG_MENU_ZEBRA_DRAW,gui_on_off_enum(0,&conf.zebra_draw), col);
x                2654 core/gui.c             y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_OSD,LANG_MENU_OSD_SHOW,gui_on_off_enum(0,&conf.show_osd), col);
x                2658 core/gui.c             y = shortcut_text(x, y, 0,LANG_HELP_SHORTCUTS_DISABLED, 0, col);
x                2662 core/gui.c             y = shortcut_text(x, y, KEY_DISPLAY, LANG_HELP_HIDE_OSD, 0, col);
x                2665 core/gui.c             y = shortcut_text(x, y, 0 ,LANG_HELP_NOT_ALT, 0, col);
x                3051 core/gui.c     int gui_touch_process(int x, int y)
x                3054 core/gui.c             return gui_mode->touch_handler(x, y);
x                  66 core/gui_batt.c     draw_icon_cmds(conf.batt_icon_pos.x, conf.batt_icon_pos.y, batt_icon);
x                 127 core/gui_draw.c     int x, y;
x                 133 core/gui_draw.c         for (x = 0; x < vid_get_viewport_width() / 2; x += 1) {
x                 134 core/gui_draw.c             if (obu[x] == 0xfdfd) {
x                 135 core/gui_draw.c                 obu[x] = 0;
x                 136 core/gui_draw.c                 bbu[x] = 0x00800080;
x                 148 core/gui_draw.c         for (x = 0; x < vid_get_viewport_width() / 2; x += 1) {
x                 149 core/gui_draw.c             if (obu0[x] == 0xfdfd) {
x                 150 core/gui_draw.c                 obu0[x] = 0;
x                 151 core/gui_draw.c                 bbu0[x] = 0x00800080;
x                 152 core/gui_draw.c                 obu1[x] = 0;
x                 153 core/gui_draw.c                 bbu1[x] = 0x00800080;
x                 269 core/gui_draw.c static void draw_1pixel_simple(coord x, coord y, int px, int vrepeat)
x                 271 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y+vrepeat >= camera_screen.height)/* || ((x == 0) && (y == 0))*/) return;
x                 272 core/gui_draw.c     unsigned int offset = y * camera_screen.buffer_width + x;
x                 341 core/gui_draw.c static void draw_2pixels_simple(coord x, coord y, int px, int vrepeat)
x                 343 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x+1 >= camera_screen.width) || (y+vrepeat >= camera_screen.height)/* || ((x == 0) && (y == 0))*/) return;
x                 345 core/gui_draw.c     unsigned int offset = (y * camera_screen.buffer_width + x)>>1;
x                 390 core/gui_draw.c void draw_hline_simple(coord x, coord y, int len, int px)
x                 392 core/gui_draw.c     if ((y < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y >= camera_screen.height)) return;
x                 393 core/gui_draw.c     if (x < 0) { len += x; x = 0; }
x                 394 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x + len) > camera_screen.width) len = camera_screen.width - x;
x                 396 core/gui_draw.c     register unsigned int offset = y * camera_screen.buffer_width + (x);
x                 564 core/gui_draw.c void draw_pixel(coord x, coord y, color cl)
x                 567 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y >= camera_screen.height) || ((x == 0) && (y == 0))) return;
x                 570 core/gui_draw.c         register unsigned int offset = y * camera_screen.buffer_width + ASPECT_XCORRECTION(x);
x                 669 core/gui_draw.c color draw_get_pixel(coord x, coord y)
x                 672 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y >= camera_screen.height)) return 0;
x                 676 core/gui_draw.c         return bitmap_buffer[0][rotate_base - (y * camera_screen.buffer_width + ASPECT_XCORRECTION(x))];
x                 678 core/gui_draw.c         return frame_buffer[0][rotate_base - (y * camera_screen.buffer_width + ASPECT_XCORRECTION(x))];
x                 684 core/gui_draw.c         return bitmap_buffer[0][y * camera_screen.buffer_width + ASPECT_XCORRECTION(x)];
x                 686 core/gui_draw.c         return frame_buffer[0][y * camera_screen.buffer_width + ASPECT_XCORRECTION(x)];
x                 691 core/gui_draw.c     (void)x; (void)y;
x                 717 core/gui_draw.c      int x;
x                 718 core/gui_draw.c      for (x=x1; x<=x2; ++x)
x                 720 core/gui_draw.c          if (steep) draw_pixel(y, x, cl);
x                 721 core/gui_draw.c          else draw_pixel(x, y, cl);
x                 751 core/gui_draw.c     int x;
x                 752 core/gui_draw.c     for (x=x1; x<=x2; x+=2)
x                 755 core/gui_draw.c             draw_pixel(y, x, cl);
x                 756 core/gui_draw.c             draw_pixel(y+1, x, cl);
x                 757 core/gui_draw.c             draw_pixel(y, x+1, cl);
x                 758 core/gui_draw.c             draw_pixel(y+1, x+1, cl);
x                 760 core/gui_draw.c             draw_pixel(x, y, cl);
x                 761 core/gui_draw.c             draw_pixel(x+1, y, cl);
x                 762 core/gui_draw.c             draw_pixel(x, y+1, cl);
x                 763 core/gui_draw.c             draw_pixel(x+1, y+1, cl);
x                 776 core/gui_draw.c void draw_hline(coord x, coord y, int len, color cl)
x                 778 core/gui_draw.c     if ((y < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y >= camera_screen.height)) return;
x                 779 core/gui_draw.c     if (x < 0) { len += x; x = 0; }
x                 780 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x + len) > camera_screen.width) len = camera_screen.width - x;
x                 784 core/gui_draw.c         if ((y == camera_screen.height-1) && ((x+len) >= camera_screen.width-1)) { x--; len--; }   // Skip guard pixel
x                 788 core/gui_draw.c         if ((y == 0) && (x == 0)) { x++; len--; }   // Skip guard pixel
x                 791 core/gui_draw.c     register unsigned int offset = y * camera_screen.buffer_width + ASPECT_XCORRECTION(x);
x                 797 core/gui_draw.c void draw_vline(coord x, coord y, int len, color cl)
x                 799 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y >= camera_screen.height)) return;
x                 803 core/gui_draw.c         draw_pixel(x, y, cl);
x                 890 core/gui_draw.c void draw_char(coord x, coord y, const char ch, twoColors cl)
x                 899 core/gui_draw.c         draw_hline(x, y+i, FONT_WIDTH, BG_COLOR(cl));
x                 917 core/gui_draw.c             draw_pixel(x+ii, y+i, (dsym & (0x80>>ii))? FG_COLOR(cl) : BG_COLOR(cl));
x                 924 core/gui_draw.c                 draw_pixel(x+ii, y+i, (dsym & (0x80>>ii))? FG_COLOR(cl) : BG_COLOR(cl));
x                 933 core/gui_draw.c         draw_hline(x, y+i, FONT_WIDTH, BG_COLOR(cl));
x                 939 core/gui_draw.c void draw_char(coord x, coord y, const char ch, twoColors cl)
x                 956 core/gui_draw.c         draw_hline_simple(x, y+j, fw, 0);
x                 957 core/gui_draw.c         draw_hline_simple(x, y+j+1, fw, 0);
x                 993 core/gui_draw.c             if (x&1)
x                 995 core/gui_draw.c                 draw_1pixel_simple(x+ii, yt, dsym>>(fw-1), 1);
x                1001 core/gui_draw.c                 draw_2pixels_simple(x+ii, yt, px, 1);
x                1003 core/gui_draw.c             if (x&1)
x                1005 core/gui_draw.c                 draw_1pixel_simple(x+ii-1, yt, dsym&1, 1);
x                1019 core/gui_draw.c         draw_hline_simple(x, y+j, fw, 0);
x                1020 core/gui_draw.c         draw_hline_simple(x, y+j+1, fw, 0);
x                1024 core/gui_draw.c void draw_char_unscaled(coord x, coord y, const char ch, twoColors cl)
x                1039 core/gui_draw.c         draw_hline_simple(x, y+i, fw, 0);
x                1062 core/gui_draw.c             if (x&1)
x                1064 core/gui_draw.c                 draw_1pixel_simple(x+ii, yt, dsym>>(fw-1), 0);
x                1070 core/gui_draw.c                 draw_2pixels_simple(x+ii, yt, px, 0);
x                1072 core/gui_draw.c             if (x&1)
x                1074 core/gui_draw.c                 draw_1pixel_simple(x+ii-1, yt, dsym&1, 0);
x                1086 core/gui_draw.c         draw_hline_simple(x, y+i, fw, 0);
x                1093 core/gui_draw.c void draw_char_scaled(coord x, coord y, const char ch, twoColors cl, int xsize, int ysize)
x                1105 core/gui_draw.c         draw_rectangle(x,y,x+FONT_WIDTH*xsize-1,y+offset*ysize+ysize-1,clb,RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                1130 core/gui_draw.c                     draw_rectangle(x+(ii-len)*xsize,y+i*ysize,x+ii*xsize-1,y+i*ysize+ysize-1,(last)?clf:clb,RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                1139 core/gui_draw.c             draw_rectangle(x+(ii-len)*xsize,y+i*ysize,x+ii*xsize-1,y+i*ysize+ysize-1,(last)?clf:clb,RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                1148 core/gui_draw.c         draw_rectangle(x,y+i*ysize,x+FONT_WIDTH*xsize-1,y+FONT_HEIGHT*ysize+ysize-1,clb,RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                1153 core/gui_draw.c void draw_char_scaled(coord x, coord y, const char ch, twoColors cl, int xsize, int ysize)
x                1167 core/gui_draw.c         draw_rectangle(x,y,x+FONT_WIDTH*xsize-1,y+offset*ysize+ysize-1,clb,RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                1206 core/gui_draw.c                     draw_rectangle(x+(ii-len)*xsize,y+i*ysize,x+ii*xsize-1,y+i*ysize+ysize-1,(last)?clf:clb,RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                1215 core/gui_draw.c             draw_rectangle(x+(ii-len)*xsize,y+i*ysize,x+ii*xsize-1,y+i*ysize+ysize-1,(last)?clf:clb,RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                1224 core/gui_draw.c         draw_rectangle(x,y+i*ysize,x+FONT_WIDTH*xsize-1,y+FONT_REAL_HEIGHT*ysize+ysize-1,clb,RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                1231 core/gui_draw.c int draw_string_clipped(coord x, coord y, const char *s, twoColors cl, int max_width)
x                1235 core/gui_draw.c 	    draw_char(x, y, *s, cl);
x                1238 core/gui_draw.c 	    x += FONT_WIDTH;
x                1239 core/gui_draw.c 	    if ((x>=camera_screen.width) && (*s))
x                1241 core/gui_draw.c 	        draw_char(x-FONT_WIDTH,y, '>', cl);
x                1245 core/gui_draw.c     return x;
x                1249 core/gui_draw.c int draw_string(coord x, coord y, const char *s, twoColors cl)
x                1251 core/gui_draw.c     return draw_string_clipped(x, y, s, cl, camera_screen.width);
x                1259 core/gui_draw.c int draw_string_justified(coord x, coord y, const char *s, twoColors cl, int xo, int max_width, int justification)
x                1283 core/gui_draw.c         draw_rectangle(x, y, x+xo-1, y+FONT_HEIGHT-1, cl, RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                1286 core/gui_draw.c     l = draw_string_clipped(x+xo, y, s, cl, max_width - xo) - x;
x                1290 core/gui_draw.c         draw_rectangle(x+l, y, x+max_width-1, y+FONT_HEIGHT-1, cl, RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                1293 core/gui_draw.c     return x+xo;
x                1332 core/gui_draw.c int draw_text_justified(coord x, coord y, const char *s, twoColors cl, int max_chars, int max_lines, int justification)
x                1340 core/gui_draw.c         rx = draw_string_justified(x, y, s, cl, 0, max_chars*FONT_WIDTH, justification);
x                1351 core/gui_draw.c void draw_string_scaled(coord x, coord y, const char *s, twoColors cl, int xsize, int ysize)
x                1355 core/gui_draw.c         draw_char_scaled(x, y, *s, cl, xsize, ysize);
x                1357 core/gui_draw.c         x+=FONT_WIDTH*xsize;
x                1358 core/gui_draw.c         if ((x>=camera_screen.width) && (*s))
x                1360 core/gui_draw.c             draw_char_scaled(x-FONT_WIDTH*xsize,y, '>', cl, xsize, ysize);
x                1368 core/gui_draw.c void draw_string_scaled(coord x, coord y, const char *s, twoColors cl, int xsize, int ysize)
x                1374 core/gui_draw.c             draw_char_unscaled(x, y, *s, cl);
x                1376 core/gui_draw.c             x+=FONT_REAL_WIDTH;
x                1377 core/gui_draw.c             if ((x>=camera_screen.width) && (*s))
x                1379 core/gui_draw.c                 draw_char_unscaled(x-FONT_REAL_WIDTH,y, '>', cl);
x                1388 core/gui_draw.c             draw_char_scaled(x, y, *s, cl, xsize, ysize);
x                1390 core/gui_draw.c             x+=FONT_WIDTH*xsize;
x                1391 core/gui_draw.c             if ((x>=camera_screen.width) && (*s))
x                1393 core/gui_draw.c                 draw_char_scaled(x-FONT_WIDTH*xsize,y, '>', cl, xsize, ysize);
x                1405 core/gui_draw.c     if ((scale.x == 0) || (scale.y == 0) || ((scale.x == 1) && (scale.y == 1)))
x                1406 core/gui_draw.c         draw_string(pos.x+xo, pos.y+yo, s, c);
x                1408 core/gui_draw.c         draw_string_scaled(pos.x+(xo*scale.x), pos.y+(yo*scale.y), s, c, scale.x, scale.y);
x                1415 core/gui_draw.c     if ((scale.x == 1) && (scale.y == 1))
x                1417 core/gui_draw.c         draw_string(pos.x+xo, pos.y+yo, s, c);
x                1419 core/gui_draw.c     else if ((scale.x == 0) || (scale.y == 0))
x                1421 core/gui_draw.c         draw_string_scaled(pos.x+(xo>>1), pos.y+(yo>>1), s, c, scale.x, scale.y);
x                1425 core/gui_draw.c         draw_string_scaled(pos.x+(xo*scale.x), pos.y+(yo*scale.y), s, c, scale.x, scale.y);
x                1554 core/gui_draw.c void draw_button(int x, int y, int w, int str_id, int active)
x                1559 core/gui_draw.c     draw_rectangle(x-2, y-2, x+w+2, y+FONT_HEIGHT+2, cl, RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED|RECT_SHADOW1);     // main box
x                1560 core/gui_draw.c     draw_string(x+((w-(strlen(lang_str(str_id))*FONT_WIDTH))>>1), y, lang_str(str_id), cl);
x                1566 core/gui_draw.c void draw_icon_cmds(coord x, coord y, icon_cmd *cmds)
x                1595 core/gui_draw.c             draw_hline(x+x1, y+y1, x2, cb);
x                1597 core/gui_draw.c             draw_hline(x+x1, y+y1+1, x2, cb);
x                1601 core/gui_draw.c             draw_vline(x+x1, y+y1, y2, cb);
x                1603 core/gui_draw.c             draw_vline(x+x1+1, y+y1, y2, cb);
x                1608 core/gui_draw.c             draw_line_x2(x+x1, y+y1, x+x2, y+y2, cb);
x                1610 core/gui_draw.c             draw_line(x+x1, y+y1, x+x2, y+y2, cb);
x                1615 core/gui_draw.c             draw_rectangle(x+x1, y+y1, x+x2+1, y+y2+1, MAKE_COLOR(cb,cf), thickness);
x                1617 core/gui_draw.c             draw_rectangle(x+x1, y+y1, x+x2, y+y2, MAKE_COLOR(cb,cf), thickness);
x                1622 core/gui_draw.c             draw_rectangle(x+x1, y+y1, x+x2+1, y+y2+1, MAKE_COLOR(cb,cf), thickness|DRAW_FILLED);
x                1624 core/gui_draw.c             draw_rectangle(x+x1, y+y1, x+x2, y+y2, MAKE_COLOR(cb,cf), thickness|DRAW_FILLED);
x                1629 core/gui_draw.c             draw_rectangle(x+x1, y+y1, x+x2+1, y+y2+1, MAKE_COLOR(cb,cf), thickness|RECT_ROUND_CORNERS);
x                1631 core/gui_draw.c             draw_rectangle(x+x1, y+y1, x+x2, y+y2, MAKE_COLOR(cb,cf), thickness|RECT_ROUND_CORNERS);
x                1636 core/gui_draw.c             draw_rectangle(x+x1, y+y1, x+x2+1, y+y2+1, MAKE_COLOR(cb,cf), thickness|DRAW_FILLED|RECT_ROUND_CORNERS);
x                1638 core/gui_draw.c             draw_rectangle(x+x1, y+y1, x+x2, y+y2, MAKE_COLOR(cb,cf), thickness|DRAW_FILLED|RECT_ROUND_CORNERS);
x                 107 core/gui_draw.h extern color draw_get_pixel(coord x, coord y);
x                 108 core/gui_draw.h extern void draw_pixel(coord x, coord y, color cl);
x                 109 core/gui_draw.h extern void draw_or_erase_edge_pixel(coord x, coord y, color cl, int is_draw);
x                 116 core/gui_draw.h extern void draw_hline(coord x, coord y, int len, color cl);
x                 117 core/gui_draw.h extern void draw_vline(coord x, coord y, int len, color cl);
x                 125 core/gui_draw.h extern void draw_char(coord x, coord y, const char ch, twoColors cl);
x                 126 core/gui_draw.h extern int  draw_string_clipped(coord x, coord y, const char *s, twoColors cl, int max_width);
x                 127 core/gui_draw.h extern int  draw_string(coord x, coord y, const char *s, twoColors cl);
x                 128 core/gui_draw.h extern int  draw_string_justified(coord x, coord y, const char *s, twoColors cl, int xo, int max_width, int justification);
x                 129 core/gui_draw.h extern int  draw_text_justified(coord x, coord y, const char *s, twoColors cl, int max_chars, int max_lines, int justification);
x                 130 core/gui_draw.h extern void draw_string_scaled(coord x, coord y, const char *s, twoColors cl, int xsize, int ysize);
x                 132 core/gui_draw.h extern void draw_button(int x, int y, int w, int str_id, int active);
x                 171 core/gui_draw.h extern void draw_icon_cmds(coord x, coord y, icon_cmd *cmds);
x                  93 core/gui_mbox.c         coord x = (camera_screen.width - w * FONT_WIDTH) >> 1;
x                  95 core/gui_mbox.c         draw_rectangle(x-4, y-4, x+w*FONT_WIDTH+4, y+(h+2)*FONT_HEIGHT+SPACING_BTN+2+SPACING_TITLE+7,
x                  97 core/gui_mbox.c         draw_rectangle(x-2, y-2, x+w*FONT_WIDTH+2, y+FONT_HEIGHT+2, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE), RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED); //title
x                  99 core/gui_mbox.c         draw_string_justified(x, y, mbox_title, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE), 0, w*FONT_WIDTH, TEXT_CENTER); //title text
x                 108 core/gui_mbox.c         draw_text_justified(x+FONT_WIDTH, y, mbox_msg, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_GREY, COLOR_WHITE), w-1, MAX_LINES, justification); // text
x                 110 core/gui_mbox.c         mbox_buttons_x = x+((w*FONT_WIDTH-bw)>>1);
x                 155 core/gui_mbox.c     coord x = mbox_buttons_x;
x                 161 core/gui_mbox.c             if ((sx >= x) && (sx <= x+BUTTON_SIZE*FONT_WIDTH+3))
x                 170 core/gui_mbox.c             x += BUTTON_SIZE*FONT_WIDTH+BUTTON_SEP;
x                 180 core/gui_mbox.c     coord x=60, y=100;
x                 183 core/gui_mbox.c     draw_rectangle(x, y, x+w, y+h, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_GREY, COLOR_WHITE), RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED|RECT_SHADOW3); // main box
x                 184 core/gui_mbox.c     draw_string_justified(x, y+2, msg, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_GREY, COLOR_WHITE), 0, w, TEXT_CENTER); //title text
x                 185 core/gui_mbox.c     draw_rectangle(x+10, y+4+FONT_HEIGHT, x+w-10, y+h-10, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE), RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED); // progress rect
x                 186 core/gui_mbox.c     draw_rectangle(x+11, y+5+FONT_HEIGHT, x+11+(w-22)*perc/100, y+h-11, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_RED, COLOR_RED), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED); // progress bar
x                  35 core/gui_menu.c static int          x, y;
x                 524 core/gui_menu.c     if ((tx >= x) && (ty >= y) && (tx < (x + w)) && (ty < (y + h)))
x                 735 core/gui_menu.c     x = camera_screen.disp_left  + camera_screen.menu_border_width;
x                 753 core/gui_menu.c         draw_rectangle((x+w), y, (x+w)+wplus, y+num_lines*rbf_font_height()-1, MAKE_COLOR(BG_COLOR(user_color(conf.menu_color)), BG_COLOR(user_color(conf.menu_color))), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 764 core/gui_menu.c     rbf_draw_menu_header(x, y-rbf_font_height(), w+wplus, (conf.menu_symbol_enable)?curr_menu->symbol:0, lang_str(curr_menu->title), user_color(conf.menu_title_color));
x                 995 core/gui_menu.c             xx = x;
x                1029 core/gui_menu.c                 rbf_draw_char(x, yy, ' ', cl);
x                1039 core/gui_menu.c                 if (xx > (x + len_space))
x                1041 core/gui_menu.c                     draw_rectangle(x+len_space, yy, xx-1, yy+rbf_font_height()/2-1, MAKE_COLOR(BG_COLOR(cl), BG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                1042 core/gui_menu.c                     draw_line(x+len_space, yy+rbf_font_height()/2, xx-1, yy+rbf_font_height()/2, FG_COLOR(cl));
x                1043 core/gui_menu.c                     draw_rectangle(x+len_space, yy+rbf_font_height()/2+1, xx-1, yy+rbf_font_height()-1, MAKE_COLOR(BG_COLOR(cl), BG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                1047 core/gui_menu.c                     xx = x;
x                1052 core/gui_menu.c                 if (xx < (x+w-len_space))
x                1054 core/gui_menu.c                     draw_rectangle(xx, yy, x+w-len_space-1, yy+rbf_font_height()/2-1, MAKE_COLOR(BG_COLOR(cl), BG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                1055 core/gui_menu.c                     draw_line(xx, yy+rbf_font_height()/2, x+w-1-len_space, yy+rbf_font_height()/2, FG_COLOR(cl));
x                1056 core/gui_menu.c                     draw_rectangle(xx, yy+rbf_font_height()/2+1, x+w-len_space-1, yy+rbf_font_height()-1, MAKE_COLOR(BG_COLOR(cl), BG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                1059 core/gui_menu.c                 rbf_draw_char(x+w-len_space, yy, ' ', cl);
x                1066 core/gui_menu.c                 draw_rectangle(x+w-1-cl_rect-2-len_space, yy+2, x+w-1-2-len_space, yy+rbf_font_height()-1-2, MAKE_COLOR(mc,mc), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED|RECT_ROUND_CORNERS);
x                1074 core/gui_menu.c                 draw_rectangle(x+w-1-cl_rect-2-len_space, yy+2, x+w-1-2-len_space, yy+rbf_font_height()-1-2, MAKE_COLOR(mc,mc), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED|RECT_ROUND_CORNERS);
x                1100 core/gui_menu.c             draw_rectangle((x+w)+2, y+1,   (x+w)+6, y+1+i,                             MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED|RECT_ROUND_CORNERS);
x                1101 core/gui_menu.c             draw_rectangle((x+w)+2, y+i+j, (x+w)+6, y+num_lines*rbf_font_height()-1-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED|RECT_ROUND_CORNERS);
x                1102 core/gui_menu.c             draw_rectangle((x+w)+2, y+1+i, (x+w)+6, y+i+j,                             MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_WHITE), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED|RECT_ROUND_CORNERS);
x                 442 core/gui_osd.c void gui_osd_draw_clock(int x, int y, twoColors cl, int is_osd_edit)
x                 479 core/gui_osd.c             if (x)  // for gui_4wins.c
x                 480 core/gui_osd.c                 draw_string(x, y, osd_buf, cl);
x                 487 core/gui_osd.c             if (conf.clock_pos.x >= 4*FONT_WIDTH) w = 3;
x                 686 core/gui_osd.c     int x0=conf.ev_video_pos.x, y0=conf.ev_video_pos.y;
x                 946 core/gui_osd.c         short x;
x                 950 core/gui_osd.c             get_property_case(PROPCASE_DIGITAL_ZOOM_POSITION, &x, sizeof(x));
x                 952 core/gui_osd.c 	        if (x==0) zoom_status=ZOOM_OPTICAL_MAX; //ERR99: No zoom back from digital to optical zoom possible if set to medium
x                 954 core/gui_osd.c 	        if (x==0) zoom_status=ZOOM_OPTICAL_MEDIUM;
x                  25 core/gui_osd.h extern void gui_osd_draw_clock(int x, int y, twoColors cl, int is_osd_edit);
x                  41 core/gui_space.c     xx = pos.x;
x                  62 core/gui_space.c     coord x;
x                  68 core/gui_space.c     x = width - ((perc*width)/100);
x                  69 core/gui_space.c     if (x < 1) x = 1;
x                  70 core/gui_space.c     if (x >= width) x = width;
x                  71 core/gui_space.c     else draw_rectangle(xx+x+2, yy+2, xx+width+1, yy+height+1, MAKE_COLOR(FG_COLOR(cl), FG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED); // If not empty fill 'free' space area
x                  72 core/gui_space.c     draw_rectangle(xx+2, yy+2, xx+x+1, yy+height+1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_TRANSPARENT, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED);  // fill 'used' space area
x                 131 core/gui_space.c     draw_icon_cmds(conf.space_icon_pos.x, conf.space_icon_pos.y, space_icon);
x                  29 core/gui_usb.c     draw_icon_cmds(conf.usb_info_pos.x, conf.usb_info_pos.y, usb_icon);
x                  35 core/gui_usb.c     draw_string(conf.usb_info_pos.x, conf.usb_info_pos.y, "<USB>", cl);
x                 165 core/gui_user_menu.c     int x;
x                 166 core/gui_user_menu.c     for (x=0; x<USER_MENU_ITEMS; x++) {
x                 172 core/gui_user_menu.c         if ( user_submenu_items[x+1].text )
x                 174 core/gui_user_menu.c             if ( user_submenu_items[x+1].value == (int *)gui_load_user_menu_script )
x                 176 core/gui_user_menu.c                 conf.user_menu_vars.items[x].var = USER_MENU_IS_SCRIPT;                             // flag script entries specially 
x                 178 core/gui_user_menu.c             else if ((user_submenu_items[x+1].value == (int *)module_run) && ((user_submenu_items[x+1].type & MENUITEM_USER_MODULE) == MENUITEM_USER_MODULE))
x                 180 core/gui_user_menu.c                 conf.user_menu_vars.items[x].var = USER_MENU_IS_MODULE;                             // flag module entries specially 
x                 184 core/gui_user_menu.c                 conf.user_menu_vars.items[x].var = lang_strhash31(user_submenu_items[x+1].text);    // otherwise save a hash
x                 189 core/gui_user_menu.c             conf.user_menu_vars.items[x].var = 0;
x                 190 core/gui_user_menu.c             if (conf.user_menu_vars.items[x].script_file != 0)
x                 192 core/gui_user_menu.c                 free(conf.user_menu_vars.items[x].script_file);
x                 193 core/gui_user_menu.c                 conf.user_menu_vars.items[x].script_file = 0;
x                 195 core/gui_user_menu.c             if (conf.user_menu_vars.items[x].script_title != 0)
x                 197 core/gui_user_menu.c                 free(conf.user_menu_vars.items[x].script_title);
x                 198 core/gui_user_menu.c                 conf.user_menu_vars.items[x].script_title = 0;
x                 217 core/gui_user_menu.c     int x, y;
x                 224 core/gui_user_menu.c     for (x=0, y=1; x<USER_MENU_ITEMS; x++, y++)
x                 226 core/gui_user_menu.c         if (conf.user_menu_vars.items[x].var == USER_MENU_IS_SCRIPT)    // special flag- there is no hash for script entries
x                 228 core/gui_user_menu.c             set_user_menu_extern(y, x, 0x35, MENUITEM_PROC, (int*)gui_load_user_menu_script);
x                 230 core/gui_user_menu.c         else if (conf.user_menu_vars.items[x].var == USER_MENU_IS_MODULE)    // special flag- there is no hash for module entries
x                 232 core/gui_user_menu.c             set_user_menu_extern(y, x, 0x28, MENUITEM_PROC|MENUITEM_USER_MODULE, (int*)module_run);
x                 236 core/gui_user_menu.c             if (conf.user_menu_vars.items[x].var > 0 )  // look up the menu text
x                 237 core/gui_user_menu.c                  item = find_menu_item(&root_menu, conf.user_menu_vars.items[x].var);
x                 494 core/ptp.c                 char x[4];
x                 499 core/ptp.c                 memcpy(x,src,send_size);
x                 502 core/ptp.c                 if(data->send_data(data->handle,x,send_size,total_size,0,0,0) != 0) {
x                 287 core/raw.c     void set_raw_pixel(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned short value) {
x                 289 core/raw.c         unsigned char* addr=(unsigned char*)rawadr+y*camera_sensor.raw_rowlen+(x/8)*10;
x                 290 core/raw.c         switch (x%8) {
x                 301 core/raw.c         unsigned char* addr=(unsigned char*)rawadr+y*camera_sensor.raw_rowlen+(x/4)*6;
x                 302 core/raw.c         switch (x%4) {
x                 309 core/raw.c         unsigned char* addr=(unsigned char*)rawadr+y*camera_sensor.raw_rowlen+(x/8)*14;
x                 310 core/raw.c         switch (x%8) {
x                 326 core/raw.c     unsigned short get_raw_pixel(unsigned int x,unsigned  int y) {
x                 328 core/raw.c         unsigned char* addr=(unsigned char*)rawadr+y*camera_sensor.raw_rowlen+(x/8)*10;
x                 329 core/raw.c         switch (x%8) {
x                 340 core/raw.c         unsigned char* addr=(unsigned char*)rawadr+y*camera_sensor.raw_rowlen+(x/4)*6;
x                 341 core/raw.c         switch (x%4) {
x                 348 core/raw.c         unsigned char* addr=(unsigned char*)rawadr+y*camera_sensor.raw_rowlen+(x/8)*14;
x                 349 core/raw.c         switch (x%8) {
x                 366 core/raw.c     void patch_bad_pixel(unsigned int x,unsigned  int y) {
x                 371 core/raw.c         if ((x>=2) && (x<camera_sensor.raw_rowpix-2) && (y>=2) && (y<camera_sensor.raw_rows-2)) {
x                 376 core/raw.c                             val=get_raw_pixel(x+i, y+j);
x                 379 core/raw.c                 if (nzero) set_raw_pixel(x,y,sum/nzero);
x                 381 core/raw.c                 set_raw_pixel(x,y,0);
x                 386 core/raw.c         int x;
x                 394 core/raw.c             patch_bad_pixel((*pixel).x,(*pixel).y);
x                 400 core/raw.c         int x,y;
x                 408 core/raw.c             x=strtol(ptr, &endptr, 0);
x                 419 core/raw.c                                 (*pixel).x=x;
x                  24 core/raw.h     extern unsigned short get_raw_pixel(unsigned int x,unsigned  int y);
x                  25 core/raw.h     extern void set_raw_pixel(unsigned int x,unsigned int y, unsigned short v);
x                  27 core/raw.h     extern void patch_bad_pixel(unsigned int x,unsigned  int y);
x                 250 core/shooting.c     int x=shooting_get_prop(PROPCASE_DIGITAL_ZOOM_MODE);
x                 252 core/shooting.c     if(x==1) {
x                 256 core/shooting.c     return x;
x                 264 core/shooting.c     int x=shooting_get_prop(PROPCASE_DIGITAL_ZOOM_MODE);
x                 265 core/shooting.c     if(x==1) {
x                 405 core/shooting.c #define ISO_MARKET_TO_REAL(x)       (((int)x * ISO_MARKET_TO_REAL_MULT + ISO_MARKET_TO_REAL_ROUND) >> ISO_MARKET_TO_REAL_SHIFT)
x                 406 core/shooting.c #define ISO_REAL_TO_MARKET(x)       (((int)x * ISO_REAL_TO_MARKET_MULT + ISO_REAL_TO_MARKET_ROUND) >> ISO_REAL_TO_MARKET_SHIFT)
x                1838 core/shooting.c void set_ev_video_avail(int x)
x                1843 core/shooting.c     if (ev_video_avail==x) return;
x                1844 core/shooting.c     ev_video_avail=x;
x                1845 core/shooting.c     if (x)
x                1859 core/shooting.c void set_ev_video(int x)
x                1862 core/shooting.c     if ((x<-4)||(x>4))
x                1865 core/shooting.c     ev=48*x;
x                1869 core/shooting.c         ev_video=x;
x                 333 core/usb_remote.c     int x = 0;
x                 338 core/usb_remote.c             x = usb_power;
x                 342 core/usb_remote.c             x=usb_state;
x                 348 core/usb_remote.c                 x = *usb_buffer_out ;
x                 352 core/usb_remote.c             x = usb_count;
x                 356 core/usb_remote.c             x = logic_module_usb_count;
x                 360 core/usb_remote.c             x = usb_HPtimer_error_count;
x                 364 core/usb_remote.c     return x;
x                 456 include/camera.h     #define ASPECT_XCORRECTION(x)   ((x)<<1)    // See comments for CAM_USES_ASPECT_CORRECTION above
x                 458 include/camera.h     #define ASPECT_XCORRECTION(x)   (x)         // See comments for CAM_USES_ASPECT_CORRECTION above
x                  56 include/camera_info.h             int x, y;           // DNG JPEG top left corner
x                  35 include/conf.h     unsigned short  x, y;
x                  39 include/conf.h     unsigned short  x, y;
x                  34 include/font.h extern int rbf_draw_char(int x, int y, int ch, twoColors cl);
x                  35 include/font.h extern int rbf_draw_symbol(int x, int y, int ch, twoColors cl);
x                  36 include/font.h extern int rbf_draw_string(int x, int y, const char *str, twoColors cl);
x                  37 include/font.h extern int rbf_draw_clipped_string(int x, int y, const char *str, twoColors cl, int l, int maxlen);
x                  38 include/font.h extern int rbf_draw_string_len(int x, int y, int len, const char *str, twoColors cl);
x                  39 include/font.h extern int rbf_draw_string_right_len(int x, int y, int len, const char *str, twoColors cl);
x                  40 include/font.h extern int rbf_draw_menu_header(int x, int y, int len, char symbol, const char *str, twoColors cl);
x                  65 include/gui.h      int (*touch_handler)(int x, int y);
x                  76 include/gui.h  extern int gui_touch_process(int x, int y);
x                 249 include/lolevel.h extern double __log(double x);
x                 250 include/lolevel.h extern double __log10(double x);
x                 251 include/lolevel.h extern double __pow(double x, double y);
x                 252 include/lolevel.h extern double __sqrt(double x);
x                  11 include/math.h extern double log(double x);
x                  12 include/math.h extern double log2(double x);
x                  13 include/math.h extern double log10(double x);
x                  14 include/math.h extern double pow(double x, double y);
x                  15 include/math.h extern double sqrt(double x);
x                 311 lib/font/rbf_font.c void font_draw_char(int x, int y, char *cdata, int width, int height, int pixel_width, twoColors cl) {
x                 318 lib/font/rbf_font.c                 draw_pixel(x+xx ,y+yy, (cdata[yy*width/8+xx/8] & (1<<(xx%8))) ? FG_COLOR(cl) : BG_COLOR(cl));
x                 322 lib/font/rbf_font.c int rbf_draw_char(int x, int y, int ch, twoColors cl) {
x                 331 lib/font/rbf_font.c         draw_char(x,y,ch,cl);
x                 333 lib/font/rbf_font.c         font_draw_char(x, y, cdata, rbf_font->width, rbf_font->hdr.height, rbf_font->wTable[ch], cl);
x                 339 lib/font/rbf_font.c int rbf_draw_symbol(int x, int y, int ch, twoColors cl) {
x                 359 lib/font/rbf_font.c         draw_rectangle(x, y, x+pixel_width, y+space, MAKE_COLOR(BG_COLOR(cl), BG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 364 lib/font/rbf_font.c       font_draw_char(x, y, cdata, rbf_symbol_font->width, sym_height, pixel_width, cl);
x                 368 lib/font/rbf_font.c           draw_rectangle(x, y+sym_height, x+pixel_width, y-space+txt_height-1, MAKE_COLOR(BG_COLOR(cl), BG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 376 lib/font/rbf_font.c int rbf_draw_string_c(int x, int y, const char *str, twoColors c1, int c, twoColors c2) {
x                 380 lib/font/rbf_font.c           l+=rbf_draw_char(x+l, y, *str++, (i==c)?c2:c1);
x                 387 lib/font/rbf_font.c int rbf_draw_string(int x, int y, const char *str, twoColors cl) {
x                 388 lib/font/rbf_font.c     return rbf_draw_string_c(x, y, str, cl, -1, MAKE_COLOR(0,0));
x                 408 lib/font/rbf_font.c int rbf_draw_clipped_string(int x, int y, const char *str, twoColors cl, int l, int maxlen)
x                 417 lib/font/rbf_font.c             l+=rbf_draw_char(x+l, y, *str++, inv_cl);
x                 419 lib/font/rbf_font.c             l+=rbf_draw_char(x+l, y, *str++, cl);
x                 427 lib/font/rbf_font.c int rbf_draw_string_len(int x, int y, int len, const char *str, twoColors cl) {
x                 429 lib/font/rbf_font.c     int l = rbf_draw_clipped_string(x, y, str, cl, 0, len);
x                 433 lib/font/rbf_font.c         draw_rectangle(x+l, y, x+len-1, y+rbf_font->hdr.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(BG_COLOR(cl), BG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 439 lib/font/rbf_font.c int rbf_draw_string_right_len(int x, int y, int len, const char *str, twoColors cl) {
x                 445 lib/font/rbf_font.c         draw_rectangle(x, y, x+l-1, y+rbf_font->hdr.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(BG_COLOR(cl), BG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 448 lib/font/rbf_font.c     l = rbf_draw_clipped_string(x, y, str, cl, l, len);
x                 454 lib/font/rbf_font.c int rbf_draw_menu_header(int x, int y, int len, char symbol, const char *str, twoColors cl) { 
x                 470 lib/font/rbf_font.c     int right = x+len-1, bottom = y+rbf_font_height()-1;
x                 476 lib/font/rbf_font.c             draw_line(x+i,     y+2-i, x+i,     bottom, BG_COLOR(cl));        // left side
x                 481 lib/font/rbf_font.c             draw_rectangle(x+i,      y, x+ll-1,   bottom, MAKE_COLOR(BG_COLOR(cl), BG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);    // left side
x                 488 lib/font/rbf_font.c       ll += rbf_draw_symbol(x+ll, y, symbol, cl);
x                 489 lib/font/rbf_font.c       ll += rbf_draw_char(x+ll, y, ' ', cl);
x                 493 lib/font/rbf_font.c     ll = rbf_draw_clipped_string(x, y, str, cl, ll, len);
x                 268 lib/lua/ldebug.c #define check(x)		if (!(x)) return 0;
x                  27 lib/lua/ldump.c #define DumpVar(x,D)	 	DumpMem(&x,1,sizeof(x),D)
x                  41 lib/lua/ldump.c  char x=(char)y;
x                  42 lib/lua/ldump.c  DumpVar(x,D);
x                  45 lib/lua/ldump.c static void DumpInt(int x, DumpState* D)
x                  47 lib/lua/ldump.c  DumpVar(x,D);
x                  50 lib/lua/ldump.c static void DumpNumber(lua_Number x, DumpState* D)
x                  52 lib/lua/ldump.c  DumpVar(x,D);
x                  69 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c #define fabs(x)     ((((x) < 0.0) ? -(x) : (x)))
x                 181 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c static void cordic(int f, double *x, double *y, double *z) {
x                 187 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c         xstep = *x / div;
x                 194 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c         *x = (f1) ? *x + ystep : *x - ystep;
x                 201 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c #define trunc(x)    ((double)((int)(x)))
x                 203 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c static double fmod(double x, double y) {
x                 204 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     return x - trunc(x / y) * y;
x                 207 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c static double cathetus(double x) {
x                 208 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     return sqrt((1 + x) * (1 - x));
x                 222 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     double x = INV_GAIN_CIRCLE, y = 0, z = phi;
x                 223 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     cordic(ROTATE, &x, &y, &z);
x                 226 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     if ((q == 2) || (q == 3)) { x = -x; }
x                 230 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     *cosphi = x;
x                 234 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c static void atanhypCordic(double x, double y, double *phi, double *hyp) {
x                 235 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     if (x == 0 && y == 0) {
x                 245 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     if (x < 0) {
x                 253 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     x = fabs(x);
x                 257 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     cordic(VECTOR, &x, &y, &z);
x                 267 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     *hyp = x;
x                 417 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     double x = arg(L, 1);
x                 421 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c         y = x;
x                 422 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c         x = cathetus(x);
x                 425 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c         y = cathetus(x);
x                 428 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c         y = x;
x                 429 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c         x = 1.0;
x                 435 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     atanhypCordic(x, y, &phi, &hyp);
x                  34 lib/lua/lgc.c  #define makewhite(g,x)	\
x                  35 lib/lua/lgc.c     ((x)->gch.marked = cast_byte(((x)->gch.marked & maskmarks) | luaC_white(g)))
x                  37 lib/lua/lgc.c  #define white2gray(x)	reset2bits((x)->gch.marked, WHITE0BIT, WHITE1BIT)
x                  38 lib/lua/lgc.c  #define black2gray(x)	resetbit((x)->gch.marked, BLACKBIT)
x                  27 lib/lua/lgc.h  #define resetbits(x,m)	((x) &= cast(lu_byte, ~(m)))
x                  28 lib/lua/lgc.h  #define setbits(x,m)	((x) |= (m))
x                  29 lib/lua/lgc.h  #define testbits(x,m)	((x) & (m))
x                  32 lib/lua/lgc.h  #define l_setbit(x,b)	setbits(x, bitmask(b))
x                  33 lib/lua/lgc.h  #define resetbit(x,b)	resetbits(x, bitmask(b))
x                  34 lib/lua/lgc.h  #define testbit(x,b)	testbits(x, bitmask(b))
x                  35 lib/lua/lgc.h  #define set2bits(x,b1,b2)	setbits(x, (bit2mask(b1, b2)))
x                  36 lib/lua/lgc.h  #define reset2bits(x,b1,b2)	resetbits(x, (bit2mask(b1, b2)))
x                  37 lib/lua/lgc.h  #define test2bits(x,b1,b2)	testbits(x, (bit2mask(b1, b2)))
x                  65 lib/lua/lgc.h  #define iswhite(x)      test2bits((x)->gch.marked, WHITE0BIT, WHITE1BIT)
x                  66 lib/lua/lgc.h  #define isblack(x)      testbit((x)->gch.marked, BLACKBIT)
x                  67 lib/lua/lgc.h  #define isgray(x)	(!isblack(x) && !iswhite(x))
x                  72 lib/lua/lgc.h  #define changewhite(x)	((x)->gch.marked ^= WHITEBITS)
x                  73 lib/lua/lgc.h  #define gray2black(x)	l_setbit((x)->gch.marked, BLACKBIT)
x                  75 lib/lua/lgc.h  #define valiswhite(x)	(iscollectable(x) && iswhite(gcvalue(x)))
x                  70 lib/lua/llimits.h #define UNUSED(x)	((void)(x))	/* to avoid warnings */
x                 123 lib/lua/llimits.h #define condhardstacktests(x)	((void)0)
x                 125 lib/lua/llimits.h #define condhardstacktests(x)	x
x                  35 lib/lua/lobject.c LUAI_FUNC int luaO_int2fb (unsigned int x) {
x                  37 lib/lua/lobject.c   while (x >= 16) {
x                  38 lib/lua/lobject.c     x = (x+1) >> 1;
x                  41 lib/lua/lobject.c   if (x < 8) return x;
x                  42 lib/lua/lobject.c   else return ((e+1) << 3) | (cast_int(x) - 8);
x                  47 lib/lua/lobject.c LUAI_FUNC int luaO_fb2int (int x) {
x                  48 lib/lua/lobject.c   int e = (x >> 3) & 31;
x                  49 lib/lua/lobject.c   if (e == 0) return x;
x                  50 lib/lua/lobject.c   else return ((x & 7)+8) << (e - 1);
x                  54 lib/lua/lobject.c LUAI_FUNC int luaO_log2 (unsigned int x) {
x                  66 lib/lua/lobject.c   while (x >= 256) { l += 8; x >>= 8; }
x                  67 lib/lua/lobject.c   return l + log_2[x];
x                 119 lib/lua/lobject.h #define setnvalue(obj,x) \
x                 120 lib/lua/lobject.h   { TValue *i_o=(obj); i_o->value.n=(x); i_o->tt=LUA_TNUMBER; }
x                 122 lib/lua/lobject.h #define setpvalue(obj,x) \
x                 123 lib/lua/lobject.h   { TValue *i_o=(obj); i_o->value.p=(x); i_o->tt=LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA; }
x                 125 lib/lua/lobject.h #define setbvalue(obj,x) \
x                 126 lib/lua/lobject.h   { TValue *i_o=(obj); i_o->value.b=(x); i_o->tt=LUA_TBOOLEAN; }
x                 128 lib/lua/lobject.h #define setsvalue(L,obj,x) \
x                 130 lib/lua/lobject.h     i_o->value.gc=cast(GCObject *, (x)); i_o->tt=LUA_TSTRING; \
x                 133 lib/lua/lobject.h #define setuvalue(L,obj,x) \
x                 135 lib/lua/lobject.h     i_o->value.gc=cast(GCObject *, (x)); i_o->tt=LUA_TUSERDATA; \
x                 138 lib/lua/lobject.h #define setthvalue(L,obj,x) \
x                 140 lib/lua/lobject.h     i_o->value.gc=cast(GCObject *, (x)); i_o->tt=LUA_TTHREAD; \
x                 143 lib/lua/lobject.h #define setclvalue(L,obj,x) \
x                 145 lib/lua/lobject.h     i_o->value.gc=cast(GCObject *, (x)); i_o->tt=LUA_TFUNCTION; \
x                 148 lib/lua/lobject.h #define sethvalue(L,obj,x) \
x                 150 lib/lua/lobject.h     i_o->value.gc=cast(GCObject *, (x)); i_o->tt=LUA_TTABLE; \
x                 153 lib/lua/lobject.h #define setptvalue(L,obj,x) \
x                 155 lib/lua/lobject.h     i_o->value.gc=cast(GCObject *, (x)); i_o->tt=LUA_TPROTO; \
x                 359 lib/lua/lobject.h #define twoto(x)	(1<<(x))
x                 367 lib/lua/lobject.h #define ceillog2(x)	(luaO_log2((x)-1) + 1)
x                 369 lib/lua/lobject.h LUAI_FUNC int luaO_log2 (unsigned int x);
x                 370 lib/lua/lobject.h LUAI_FUNC int luaO_int2fb (unsigned int x);
x                 371 lib/lua/lobject.h LUAI_FUNC int luaO_fb2int (int x);
x                 122 lib/lua/lopcodes.h #define ISK(x)		((x) & BITRK)
x                 130 lib/lua/lopcodes.h #define RKASK(x)	((x) | BITRK)
x                  27 lib/lua/lstate.c #define state_size(x)	(sizeof(x) + LUAI_EXTRASPACE)
x                 258 lib/lua/lua.c  #define notail(x)	{if ((x)[2] != '\0') return -1;}
x                 225 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define LUA_QL(x)	"'" x "'"
x                 797 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define lua_assert(x) ((x)?(void)0:dbg_dump_assert("A/LUAASRT.DMP",#x,__FILE__,__LINE__))
x                  55 lib/lua/lualib.h #define lua_assert(x)	((void)0)
x                  45 lib/lua/lundump.c #define LoadVar(S,x)		LoadMem(S,&x,1,sizeof(x))
x                  56 lib/lua/lundump.c  char x;
x                  57 lib/lua/lundump.c  LoadVar(S,x);
x                  58 lib/lua/lundump.c  return x;
x                  63 lib/lua/lundump.c  int x;
x                  64 lib/lua/lundump.c  LoadVar(S,x);
x                  65 lib/lua/lundump.c  IF (x<0, "bad integer");
x                  66 lib/lua/lundump.c  return x;
x                  71 lib/lua/lundump.c  lua_Number x;
x                  72 lib/lua/lundump.c  LoadVar(S,x);
x                  73 lib/lua/lundump.c  return x;
x                 216 lib/lua/lundump.c  int x=1;
x                 221 lib/lua/lundump.c  *h++=(char)*(char*)&x;				/* endianness */
x                 377 lib/lua/lvm.c  #define Protect(x)	{ L->savedpc = pc; {x;}; base = L->base; }
x                  20 lib/lua/print.c #define Sizeof(x)	((int)sizeof(x))
x                 158 lib/lua/print.c #define SS(x)	(x==1)?"":"s"
x                 159 lib/lua/print.c #define S(x)	x,SS(x)
x                  29 modules/cordic_math.c static void cordic(tangle t, fcordic f, fixed *x, fixed *y, fixed *z) {
x                  34 modules/cordic_math.c         xstep = *x >> i;
x                  41 modules/cordic_math.c         *x = (f1) ? *x + ystep : *x - ystep;
x                  82 modules/cordic_math.c static fixed cathetus(fixed x) {
x                  83 modules/cordic_math.c     return FIXED(sqrt((1 + FLOAT(x)) * (1 - FLOAT(x))));
x                  96 modules/cordic_math.c     fixed x = INV_GAIN_CIRCLE[t], y = 0, z = phi;
x                  97 modules/cordic_math.c     cordic(t, ROTATE, &x, &y, &z);
x                  99 modules/cordic_math.c     if ((q == 2) || (q == 3)) { x = -x; }
x                 102 modules/cordic_math.c     *cosphi = x;
x                 132 modules/cordic_math.c         fixed x = px, y = py, z = 0;
x                 133 modules/cordic_math.c         cordic(t, VECTOR, &x, &y, &z);
x                 141 modules/cordic_math.c         *hyp = (f)? 0 : x;
x                 172 modules/cordic_math.c static fixed asinCordic(tangle t, fixed x) {
x                 174 modules/cordic_math.c     fixed _cos = cathetus(x);
x                 175 modules/cordic_math.c     atanhypCordic(t, _cos, x, &phi, &hyp);
x                 179 modules/cordic_math.c static fixed acosCordic(tangle t, fixed x) {
x                 181 modules/cordic_math.c     fixed _sin = cathetus(x);
x                 182 modules/cordic_math.c     atanhypCordic(t, x, _sin, &phi, &hyp);
x                 186 modules/cordic_math.c static fixed atanCordic(tangle t, fixed x) {
x                 188 modules/cordic_math.c     atanhypCordic(t, CORDIC_SCALE, x, &phi, &hyp);
x                 217 modules/cordic_math.c LUALIB_API fixed asind(fixed x) {
x                 218 modules/cordic_math.c     return asinCordic(DEG, x);
x                 221 modules/cordic_math.c LUALIB_API fixed acosd(fixed x) {
x                 222 modules/cordic_math.c     return acosCordic(DEG, x);
x                 225 modules/cordic_math.c LUALIB_API fixed atand(fixed x) {
x                 226 modules/cordic_math.c     return atanCordic(DEG, x);
x                 250 modules/cordic_math.c LUALIB_API fixed asinr(fixed x) {
x                 251 modules/cordic_math.c     return asinCordic(RAD, x);
x                 254 modules/cordic_math.c LUALIB_API fixed acosr(fixed x) {
x                 255 modules/cordic_math.c     return acosCordic(RAD, x);
x                 258 modules/cordic_math.c LUALIB_API fixed atanr(fixed x) {
x                 259 modules/cordic_math.c     return atanCordic(RAD, x);
x                  79 modules/cordic_math.h LUALIB_API fixed asind(fixed x);
x                  80 modules/cordic_math.h LUALIB_API fixed acosd(fixed x);
x                  81 modules/cordic_math.h LUALIB_API fixed atand(fixed x);
x                  88 modules/cordic_math.h LUALIB_API fixed asinr(fixed x);
x                  89 modules/cordic_math.h LUALIB_API fixed acosr(fixed x);
x                  90 modules/cordic_math.h LUALIB_API fixed atanr(fixed x);
x                 522 modules/dng.c              crop_origin[0] = camera_sensor.jpeg.x;
x                 703 modules/dng.c  int pow_calc_2( int mult, int x, int x_div, double y, int y_div)
x                 705 modules/dng.c  	double x1 = x;
x                 715 modules/dng.c  int pow_calc( int mult, int x, int x_div, int y, int y_div)
x                 717 modules/dng.c  	return pow_calc_2( mult, x, x_div, y, y_div);
x                 907 modules/dng.c      int x_end = camera_sensor.active_area.x1 + camera_sensor.jpeg.x + DNG_TH_WIDTH*x_inc;
x                 923 modules/dng.c          for (x_off=camera_sensor.active_area.x1 + camera_sensor.jpeg.x; x_off<x_end; x_off += x_inc)
x                 925 modules/dng.c              int x = (x_off & 0xFFFFFFFE) + xadj;
x                 928 modules/dng.c              *buf++ = gamma[get_raw_pixel(x,y)>>shift];           // red pixel
x                 930 modules/dng.c              int g=get_raw_pixel(x+1,y) >> (shift+1);
x                 932 modules/dng.c              *buf++ = gamma[get_raw_pixel(x+1,y+1)>>shift];       // blue pixel
x                 951 modules/dng.c      int x, y, xlen, ylen;
x                 968 modules/dng.c      for (x=camera_sensor.active_area.x1; x<camera_sensor.active_area.x2; x++)
x                 973 modules/dng.c              if (get_raw_pixel(x,y) <= camera_sensor.dng_badpixel_value_limit)
x                 976 modules/dng.c                      if (get_raw_pixel(x,y+ylen) > camera_sensor.dng_badpixel_value_limit)
x                 983 modules/dng.c                          c[0] = x | ((xlen-1) << 13);
x                 994 modules/dng.c              c[0] = x | ((xlen-1) << 13);
x                1049 modules/dng.c      short x, y, xcnt, ycnt;
x                1052 modules/dng.c          x = ptr[i] & 0x1FFF;
x                1061 modules/dng.c                  if (get_raw_pixel(x, y) <= camera_sensor.dng_badpixel_value_limit)
x                1062 modules/dng.c                      patch_bad_pixel(x, y);
x                 220 modules/edgeoverlay.c                                int x, int x_max)
x                 225 modules/edgeoverlay.c     for (; x<x_max; x+=6)
x                 227 modules/edgeoverlay.c         *(smptr + x + 1) = (*(ptrh1 + x - 1) +
x                 228 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh1 + x + 1) +
x                 229 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh1 + x + 3) +
x                 231 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x - 1) +
x                 232 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 1) +
x                 233 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 3) +
x                 235 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x - 1) +
x                 236 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 1) +
x                 237 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 3)) / 9u;
x                 239 modules/edgeoverlay.c         *(smptr + x + 3) = (*(ptrh1 + x + 1) +
x                 240 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh1 + x + 3) +
x                 241 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh1 + x + 4) +
x                 243 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 1) +
x                 244 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 3) +
x                 245 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 4) +
x                 247 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 1) +
x                 248 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 3) +
x                 249 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 4)) / 9u;
x                 251 modules/edgeoverlay.c         *(smptr + x + 4) = (*(ptrh1 + x + 3) +
x                 252 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh1 + x + 4) +
x                 253 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh1 + x + 5) +
x                 255 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 3) +
x                 256 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 4) +
x                 257 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 5) +
x                 259 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 3) +
x                 260 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 4) +
x                 261 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 5)) / 9u;
x                 263 modules/edgeoverlay.c         *(smptr + x + 5) = (*(ptrh1 + x + 4) +
x                 264 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh1 + x + 5) +
x                 265 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh1 + x + 7) +
x                 267 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 4) +
x                 268 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 5) +
x                 269 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 7) +
x                 271 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 4) +
x                 272 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 5) +
x                 273 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 7)) / 9u;
x                 277 modules/edgeoverlay.c     smptr[x+1] = smptr[x-5];
x                 278 modules/edgeoverlay.c     smptr[x+3] = smptr[x-3];
x                 279 modules/edgeoverlay.c     smptr[x+4] = smptr[x-2];
x                 280 modules/edgeoverlay.c     smptr[x+5] = smptr[x-1];
x                 283 modules/edgeoverlay.c 	for (; x<x_max; x+=8)
x                 285 modules/edgeoverlay.c         *(smptr + x + 1) = (*(ptrh1 + x - 1) +
x                 286 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh1 + x + 1) +
x                 287 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh1 + x + 3) +
x                 289 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x - 1) +
x                 290 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 1) +
x                 291 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 3) +
x                 293 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x - 1) +
x                 294 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 1) +
x                 295 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 3)) / 9u;
x                 297 modules/edgeoverlay.c         *(smptr + x + 3) = (*(ptrh1 + x + 1) +
x                 298 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh1 + x + 3) +
x                 299 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh1 + x + 5) +
x                 301 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 1) +
x                 302 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 3) +
x                 303 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 5) +
x                 305 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 1) +
x                 306 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 3) +
x                 307 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 5)) / 9u;
x                 309 modules/edgeoverlay.c         *(smptr + x + 5) = (*(ptrh1 + x + 3) +
x                 310 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh1 + x + 5) +
x                 311 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh1 + x + 7) +
x                 313 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 3) +
x                 314 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 5) +
x                 315 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 7) +
x                 317 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 3) +
x                 318 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 5) +
x                 319 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 7)) / 9u;
x                 321 modules/edgeoverlay.c         *(smptr + x + 7) = (*(ptrh1 + x + 5) +
x                 322 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh1 + x + 7) +
x                 323 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh1 + x + 9) +
x                 325 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 5) +
x                 326 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 7) +
x                 327 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh2 + x + 9) +
x                 329 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 5) +
x                 330 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 7) +
x                 331 modules/edgeoverlay.c                             *(ptrh3 + x + 9)) / 9u;
x                 335 modules/edgeoverlay.c     smptr[x+1] = smptr[x-7];
x                 336 modules/edgeoverlay.c     smptr[x+3] = smptr[x-5];
x                 337 modules/edgeoverlay.c     smptr[x+5] = smptr[x-3];
x                 338 modules/edgeoverlay.c     smptr[x+7] = smptr[x-1];
x                 354 modules/edgeoverlay.c     int x, y, xdiv3;
x                 433 modules/edgeoverlay.c         for (x = x_min, xdiv3 = x_min/3; x < x_max; x += 6, xdiv3 += 2)
x                 436 modules/edgeoverlay.c             conv1 = *(ptrh1 + x + 1) * ( 1) +
x                 437 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh1 + x + 4) * (-1) +
x                 439 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh2 + x + 1) * ( 2) +
x                 440 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh2 + x + 4) * (-2) +
x                 442 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 1) * ( 1) +
x                 443 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 4) * (-1);
x                 448 modules/edgeoverlay.c             conv2 = *(ptrh1 + x + 1) * ( 1) +
x                 449 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh1 + x + 3) * ( 2) +
x                 450 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh1 + x + 4) * ( 1) +
x                 452 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 1) * (-1) +
x                 453 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 3) * (-2) +
x                 454 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 4) * (-1);
x                 466 modules/edgeoverlay.c             conv1 = *(ptrh1 + x + 5) * ( 1) +
x                 467 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh1 + x + 9) * (-1) +
x                 469 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh2 + x + 5) * ( 2) +
x                 470 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh2 + x + 9) * (-2) +
x                 472 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 5) * ( 1) +
x                 473 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 9) * (-1);
x                 478 modules/edgeoverlay.c             conv2 = *(ptrh1 + x + 5) * ( 1) +
x                 479 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh1 + x + 7) * ( 2) +
x                 480 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh1 + x + 9) * ( 1) +
x                 482 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 5) * (-1) +
x                 483 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 7) * (-2) +
x                 484 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 9) * (-1);
x                 496 modules/edgeoverlay.c         for (x = x_min, xdiv3 = x_min/2; x < x_max; x += 4, xdiv3 += 2)
x                 499 modules/edgeoverlay.c             conv1 = *(ptrh1 + x + 1) * ( 1) +	// UYVYYY UYVYYY	>>	UYVY UYVY UYVY
x                 500 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh1 + x + 5) * (-1) +	// 012345 678901	>>	0123 4567 8901
x                 502 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh2 + x + 1) * ( 2) +
x                 503 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh2 + x + 5) * (-2) +
x                 505 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 1) * ( 1) +
x                 506 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 5) * (-1);
x                 511 modules/edgeoverlay.c             conv2 = *(ptrh1 + x + 1) * ( 1) +
x                 512 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh1 + x + 3) * ( 2) +
x                 513 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh1 + x + 5) * ( 1) +
x                 515 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 1) * (-1) +
x                 516 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 3) * (-2) +
x                 517 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 5) * (-1);
x                 529 modules/edgeoverlay.c             conv1 = *(ptrh1 + x + 7) * ( 1) +
x                 530 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh1 + x + 11) * (-1) +
x                 532 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh2 + x + 7) * ( 2) +
x                 533 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh2 + x + 11) * (-2) +
x                 535 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 7) * ( 1) +
x                 536 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 11) * (-1);
x                 541 modules/edgeoverlay.c             conv2 = *(ptrh1 + x + 7) * ( 1) +
x                 542 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh1 + x + 9) * ( 2) +
x                 543 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh1 + x + 11) * ( 1) +
x                 545 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 7) * (-1) +
x                 546 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 9) * (-2) +
x                 547 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     *(ptrh3 + x + 11) * (-1);
x                 625 modules/edgeoverlay.c     int x, y;
x                 648 modules/edgeoverlay.c             for (x = x_min; x < x_max; ++x)
x                 650 modules/edgeoverlay.c                 x_off = x + xoffset;
x                 657 modules/edgeoverlay.c                     draw_or_erase_edge_pixel(x_off+viewport_xoffset, y_off+viewport_yoffset, cl, bv_get(edgebuf, y_edgebuf + x));
x                 677 modules/edgeoverlay.c             for (x = x_min_c; x < x_max_c; ++x)
x                 680 modules/edgeoverlay.c                 draw_or_erase_edge_pixel(x+viewport_xoffset, y+viewport_yoffset, cl, 0);
x                 694 modules/edgeoverlay.c             for (x = x_min; x < x_max; ++x)
x                 697 modules/edgeoverlay.c                 draw_or_erase_edge_pixel(x+viewport_xoffset, y+viewport_yoffset, cl, 0);
x                 197 modules/games/gui_4wins.c     coord w, x, y;
x                 201 modules/games/gui_4wins.c     x = (camera_screen.width - w) >> 1;
x                 203 modules/games/gui_4wins.c     draw_rectangle(x, y, x + w, y + FONT_HEIGHT + 8, cl, RECT_BORDER2 | DRAW_FILLED | RECT_ROUND_CORNERS);
x                 204 modules/games/gui_4wins.c     draw_string_justified(x, y + 4, text, cl, 0, w, TEXT_CENTER);
x                 274 modules/games/gui_4wins.c     int x = camera_screen.disp_right - 15 * FONT_WIDTH;
x                 275 modules/games/gui_4wins.c     draw_string_justified(x, 4 * FONT_HEIGHT, (mode_rival == 1) ? lang_str(LANG_CONNECT4_HUMAN) : "cam", TEXT_COLOR, 0, 12 * FONT_WIDTH, TEXT_LEFT | TEXT_FILL);
x                  36 modules/games/gui_mastermind.c static void choice_box(int x, int y, twoColors cl)
x                  38 modules/games/gui_mastermind.c     x = camera_screen.disp_left+FONT_WIDTH+(x*cell_size);
x                  40 modules/games/gui_mastermind.c     draw_rectangle(x+5, y+5, x+cell_size-5, y+cell_size-5, cl, RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED);
x                  45 modules/games/gui_mastermind.c     int x = camera_screen.disp_left+4*cell_size+10+(pos+2)*(FONT_WIDTH+2);
x                  47 modules/games/gui_mastermind.c 	draw_rectangle(x, y, x+FONT_WIDTH-2, y+FONT_WIDTH-2, MAKE_COLOR(col,col), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                  58 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     uchar x, y;
x                  61 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     for (x=0; x<8; ++x)
x                  63 modules/games/gui_reversi.c             if (Field[x][y]==FIELD_PLAYER1) ++NumPl1;
x                  64 modules/games/gui_reversi.c             if (Field[x][y]==FIELD_PLAYER2) ++NumPl2;
x                  69 modules/games/gui_reversi.c static void DrawCell(uchar x, uchar y) {
x                  70 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     draw_rectangle(field_x+cell_size*x, field_y+cell_size*y,
x                  71 modules/games/gui_reversi.c                    field_x+cell_size*(x+1), field_y+cell_size*(y+1),
x                  72 modules/games/gui_reversi.c                    (x==xPos && y==yPos)?MAKE_COLOR(SELECTED_COLOR, COLOR_RED):((x+y)&1)?MAKE_COLOR(FIELD_COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_WHITE)
x                  74 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     switch (Field[x][y]) {
x                  78 modules/games/gui_reversi.c             draw_ellipse(field_x+cell_size*x+(cell_size>>1), field_y+cell_size*y+(cell_size>>1),
x                  82 modules/games/gui_reversi.c             draw_ellipse(field_x+cell_size*x+(cell_size>>1), field_y+cell_size*y+(cell_size>>1),
x                  89 modules/games/gui_reversi.c static uchar Place(uchar x, uchar y, uchar Player, uchar Placed) {
x                  94 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     if (Field[x][y]!=FIELD_EMPTY) {
x                 101 modules/games/gui_reversi.c                 x1 = x + I;
x                 109 modules/games/gui_reversi.c                     Field[x][y] = Player;
x                 110 modules/games/gui_reversi.c                     DrawCell(x, y);
x                 111 modules/games/gui_reversi.c                     x1 = x + I;
x                 219 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     uchar x, y;
x                 224 modules/games/gui_reversi.c         for (x=0; x<8; ++x) {
x                 225 modules/games/gui_reversi.c             DrawCell(x, y);
x                 255 modules/games/gui_reversi.c static void Clk(uchar x, uchar y) {
x                 261 modules/games/gui_reversi.c         Placed = Place(x, y ,CurrPlayer, 0);
x                 269 modules/games/gui_reversi.c             Placed = Place(x, y, CurrPlayer, 1);
x                 307 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     uint x, y, mid;
x                 326 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     x = camera_screen.disp_left+field_size, y = 40;
x                 328 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     x += mid;
x                 329 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     draw_string(x, y-10, "REVERSI", MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_WHITE));
x                 331 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     draw_string(x+FONT_WIDTH*(7-strlen(buf))/2, y+FONT_HEIGHT*2, buf, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_WHITE));
x                 332 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     draw_string(x, y+FONT_HEIGHT*2, plm1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_WHITE));
x                 333 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     draw_ellipse(x+FONT_WIDTH*1.5+(cell_size>>1), y+FONT_HEIGHT*3+(cell_size>>1),
x                 336 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     draw_string(x+FONT_WIDTH*(7-strlen(buf))/2, y+FONT_HEIGHT*6, buf, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_WHITE));
x                 337 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     draw_string(x, y+FONT_HEIGHT*6, plm2, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_WHITE));
x                 338 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     draw_ellipse(x+FONT_WIDTH*1.5+(cell_size>>1), y+FONT_HEIGHT*7+(cell_size>>1),
x                 210 modules/games/gui_snake.c static void draw_element(int x,int y,const char element[8][8],char angle){
x                 211 modules/games/gui_snake.c   x = screen_left + x * snake_screen_size;
x                 235 modules/games/gui_snake.c               draw_pixel( x+px, y+py, c );
x                 242 modules/games/gui_snake.c   int x,y;
x                 243 modules/games/gui_snake.c   for(x=0;x<RING_WIDTH;x++)
x                 245 modules/games/gui_snake.c       ring[x][y] = labyrinth[num][y][x];
x                 246 modules/games/gui_snake.c       if(ring[x][y] != ' '){
x                 247 modules/games/gui_snake.c         draw_element(x,y,wall,0);
x                 249 modules/games/gui_snake.c         draw_rectangle(screen_left + x * snake_screen_size,
x                 251 modules/games/gui_snake.c                        screen_left + x * snake_screen_size+snake_screen_size-1,
x                 259 modules/games/gui_snake.c   int x,y,i;
x                 263 modules/games/gui_snake.c     x = rand() % RING_WIDTH;
x                 265 modules/games/gui_snake.c     if(ring[x][y] != ' ') continue;
x                 268 modules/games/gui_snake.c       if(snake[i][0] == x && snake[i][1] == y) goto randomagain;
x                 272 modules/games/gui_snake.c     draw_element(x,y,apple,0);
x                 273 modules/games/gui_snake.c     ring[x][y] = 1;
x                 158 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c     int x=0, y, w=0, h=0;
x                 193 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c           if (x>w) w=x;
x                 194 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c           x=0;
x                 196 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c           ++x;
x                 200 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c     if (x>w) w=x;
x                 205 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c         for (x=0; x<FIELD_WIDTH; ++x)
x                 206 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c             field[y][x]=MARKER_EMPTY;
x                 211 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c         for (x=(FIELD_WIDTH-w)/2; x<FIELD_WIDTH && *p && *p!=MARKER_LINE_END; ++x, ++p) {
x                 212 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c             field[y][x]=*p;
x                 213 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c             if (field[y][x] == MARKER_PLAYER || field[y][x] == MARKER_PLAYER_PLACE) {
x                 214 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c               xPl = x; yPl = y;
x                 228 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c     int x, y;
x                 231 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c         for (x=0; x<FIELD_WIDTH; ++x)
x                 232 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c             if (field[y][x]==MARKER_BOX) 
x                 273 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c static void sokoban_draw_box(int x, int y, twoColors cl) {
x                 274 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c     draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size, y*cell_size, camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size+cell_size-1, y*cell_size+cell_size-1, cl, RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 275 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c     draw_line(camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size+2, y*cell_size, camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size+2, y*cell_size+cell_size-1, FG_COLOR(cl));
x                 276 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c     draw_line(camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size+cell_size-1-2, y*cell_size, camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size+cell_size-1-2, y*cell_size+cell_size-1, FG_COLOR(cl));
x                 277 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c     draw_line(camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size+2, y*cell_size+2, camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size+cell_size-1-2, y*cell_size+2, FG_COLOR(cl));
x                 278 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c     draw_line(camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size+2, y*cell_size+cell_size-1-2, camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size+cell_size-1-2, y*cell_size+cell_size-1-2, FG_COLOR(cl));
x                 401 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c     int y, x;
x                 413 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c             for (x=0; x<FIELD_WIDTH; ++x) {
x                 414 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c                 switch (field[y][x]) {
x                 416 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c                         draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size, y*cell_size, camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size+cell_size-1, y*cell_size+cell_size-1, MAKE_COLOR(WALL_COLOR_1, WALL_COLOR_2), RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 419 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c                         sokoban_draw_box(x, y, MAKE_COLOR(BOX_COLOR_1, BOX_COLOR_2));
x                 422 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c                         draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size, y*cell_size, camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size+cell_size-1, y*cell_size+cell_size-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 423 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c                         draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size+4, y*cell_size+4, camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size+cell_size-1-4, y*cell_size+cell_size-1-4, MAKE_COLOR(PLACE_COLOR_1, PLACE_COLOR_2), RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 426 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c                         sokoban_draw_box(x, y, MAKE_COLOR(BOX_COLOR_3, BOX_COLOR_2));
x                 430 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c                         draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size, y*cell_size, camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size+cell_size-1, y*cell_size+cell_size-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 431 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c                         draw_ellipse(camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size+(cell_size>>1)-1, y*cell_size+(cell_size>>1)-1, (cell_size>>1)-3, (cell_size>>1)-3, PLAYER_COLOR_1, DRAW_FILLED);
x                 435 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c                         draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size, y*cell_size, camera_screen.disp_left+x*cell_size+cell_size-1, y*cell_size+cell_size-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 138 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	int i, y, x;
x                 154 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	for (y=0; y<3; y++)for (x=0; x<3; x++)
x                 158 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 		draw_string(xPadStart+padLineDistance*x+(padLineDistance-FONT_WIDTH)/2, yPadStart+padLineDistance*y+(padLineDistance-FONT_HEIGHT)/2, str, MAKE_COLOR(SUDOKU_BG_COLOR, COLOR_BLACK));
x                 200 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	int i, x, y;
x                 246 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 		for (x=0; x<9; x++){
x                 248 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 			if (user[y][x]==0) continue;
x                 249 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 			if (mode==MODE_EDIT && x==xPos && y==yPos) continue;
x                 250 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 			sprintf(str, "%i", get_dec_num(user[y][x]));
x                 251 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 			if (field[y][x]!=0)
x                 252 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				draw_string(xFieldBorder+fieldLineDistance*x+(fieldLineDistance-FONT_WIDTH)/2, yFieldBorder+fieldLineDistance*y+(fieldLineDistance-FONT_HEIGHT)/2, str, MAKE_COLOR(SUDOKU_BG_COLOR, COLOR_BLACK));
x                 253 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 			else draw_string(xFieldBorder+fieldLineDistance*x+(fieldLineDistance-FONT_WIDTH)/2, yFieldBorder+fieldLineDistance*y+(fieldLineDistance-FONT_HEIGHT)/2, str, MAKE_COLOR(SUDOKU_BG_COLOR, MARKER_COLOR));
x                 298 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	int counter, chkflag, x, y, xs, ys, linenum, columnnum;
x                 306 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 		for (x=0; x<=8; x++)
x                 308 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 			if (*(pointer+linenum*9+x)&flag[chkflag])
x                 348 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 					for (x=xs*3; x<xs*3+3; x++)
x                 350 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 						if (*(pointer+y*9+x)&flag[chkflag])
x                 367 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c int sudoku_follows_rules_xy(int x, int y, int number)	//for field
x                 371 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	for (yc=0; yc<9; yc++) if (field[yc][x]&(number)) return 0;
x                 375 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 		for (xc = x/3 * 3; xc < x/3 * 3 + 3; xc++)
x                 385 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	int x;
x                 386 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	for (x=0; x<9; x++)
x                 388 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 		if (is_one_num(mess[lineNum][x]))returnnum |= mess[lineNum][x];
x                 407 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	int y, x;
x                 410 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 		for (x=squareX*3; x<squareX*3+3; x++)
x                 412 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 			if (is_one_num(mess[y][x]))returnnum |= mess[y][x];
x                 425 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	int x, y, xs, ys;
x                 428 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	for (x=0; x<=8; x++)
x                 430 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 		leftnums=get_missing_nums_column(x);
x                 433 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 			if (one_plus_nums(mess[y][x]))
x                 435 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				temp=mess[y][x];
x                 436 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				mess[y][x]&=leftnums;
x                 437 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				if (temp !=mess[y][x])
x                 447 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 		for(x=xs*3; x<xs*3+3; x++)for (y=ys*3; y<ys*3+3; y++)
x                 449 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 			if (one_plus_nums(mess[y][x]))
x                 451 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				temp=mess[y][x];
x                 452 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				mess[y][x]&=leftnums;
x                 453 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				if (temp != mess[y][x])
x                 463 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 		for (x=0; x<9; x++)
x                 465 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 			if (one_plus_nums(mess[y][x]))
x                 467 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				temp=mess[y][x];
x                 468 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				mess[y][x]&=leftnums;
x                 469 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				if (temp != mess[y][x])
x                 482 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	int x, y, xs, ys, num, count;
x                 491 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 			for (y=ys*3; y<ys*3+3; y++)	for (x=xs*3; x<xs*3+3; x++)
x                 493 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				if (field[y][x] > 0 || mess[y][x]==0 || is_one_num(mess[y][x]))
x                 495 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				else if (mess[y][x] & flag[num])
x                 502 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 						xtemp = x;
x                 519 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 			for (x=0; x<9; x++)
x                 521 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				if (field[y][x] > 0 || mess[y][x]==0 || is_one_num(mess[y][x]))
x                 523 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				else if (mess[y][x] & flag[num])
x                 530 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 						xtemp = x;
x                 544 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	for (x=0; x<9; x++)for (num=1; num<10; num++)
x                 549 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				if (field[y][x] > 0 || mess[y][x]==0 || is_one_num(mess[y][x]))
x                 551 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				else if (mess[y][x] & flag[num])
x                 558 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 						xtemp = x;
x                 586 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	int x, y;
x                 592 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 		for (x=0; x<=8; x++)if (mess[y][x]==0)mess[y][x]=leftnums;
x                 701 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	int x, y, i, j;
x                 707 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 		for (x = 0; x < 9; x++) for (y = 0; y < 9; y++) field[y][x] = 0;
x                 710 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 		for (x=0; x<9; x++)field[0][x]=flag[x+1];
x                 734 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 			for (x=0; x<9; x++)
x                 738 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				field[y][x]=field[0][xnum];
x                 800 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	int y, x;
x                 817 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 					for (y=0; y<9; y++)	for (x=0; x<9; x++)	if (is_one_num(mess[y][x]))user[y][x]=mess[y][x];
x                 821 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 					for (y=0; y<9; y++)	for (x=0; x<9; x++)	if (is_one_num(mess[y][x]))user[y][x]=mess[y][x];
x                 832 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 			for (x = 0; x < 9; x++)for (y = 0; y < 9; y++)
x                 834 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				field[y][x] = 0;
x                 835 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 				user[y][x]=0;
x                 986 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	int x, y;
x                1008 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	for (x = 0; x < 9; x++) for (y = 0; y < 9; y++)
x                1010 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 		field[y][x] = 0;
x                1011 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 		user[y][x]=0;
x                  78 modules/games/gui_tetris.c     int x;
x                 204 modules/games/gui_tetris.c                 tmp[i + game->fallingBlock.x][j + game->fallingBlock.y] = game->fallingBlock.cells[i][j];
x                 375 modules/games/gui_tetris.c     game->fallingBlock.x = (BOARD_WIDTH - game->fallingBlock.size) / 2;
x                 458 modules/games/gui_tetris.c                 if ((game->fallingBlock.x + i < 0) || (game->fallingBlock.x + i >= BOARD_WIDTH) || (game->fallingBlock.y + j >= BOARD_HEIGHT))
x                 463 modules/games/gui_tetris.c                 if (game->map[i + game->fallingBlock.x][j + game->fallingBlock.y] != EMPTY_CELL)
x                 488 modules/games/gui_tetris.c     newx = game->fallingBlock.x + dx;
x                 552 modules/games/gui_tetris.c static void moveTetramino(StcGame *game, int x, int y)
x                 557 modules/games/gui_tetris.c     if (checkCollision(game, x, y))
x                 578 modules/games/gui_tetris.c                             game->map[game->fallingBlock.x + i][game->fallingBlock.y + j] = game->fallingBlock.cells[i][j];
x                 600 modules/games/gui_tetris.c                         for (x = 0; x < BOARD_WIDTH; ++x)
x                 604 modules/games/gui_tetris.c                                 game->map[x][y] = game->map[x][y - 1];
x                 633 modules/games/gui_tetris.c                 game->fallingBlock.x = (BOARD_WIDTH - game->fallingBlock.size) / 2;
x                 643 modules/games/gui_tetris.c         game->fallingBlock.x += x;
x                  15 modules/gui_bench.c #define draw_txt_string(x,y,s,c) draw_string((x)*FONT_WIDTH,(y)*FONT_HEIGHT,s,c)
x                  16 modules/gui_bench.c #define draw_txt_stringnonalign(x,y,s,c) draw_string((x)*FONT_WIDTH+1,(y)*FONT_HEIGHT,s,c)
x                 527 modules/gui_bench.c     int x;
x                 568 modules/gui_bench.c             x = open(BENCHTMP, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0777);
x                 569 modules/gui_bench.c             if (x>=0) {
x                 571 modules/gui_bench.c                 s=write(x, hook_raw_image_addr(), camera_sensor.raw_size)/1024;
x                 573 modules/gui_bench.c                 close(x);
x                 580 modules/gui_bench.c             x = open(BENCHTMP, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0777);
x                 581 modules/gui_bench.c             if (x>=0) {
x                 583 modules/gui_bench.c                 s=write(x, (void*)0x10000, 0xC00000)/1024;
x                 585 modules/gui_bench.c                 close(x);
x                 593 modules/gui_bench.c                 x = open(BENCHTMP, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0777);
x                 594 modules/gui_bench.c                 if (x>=0) {
x                 598 modules/gui_bench.c                         s+=write(x, benchbuf, 0x10000);
x                 601 modules/gui_bench.c                     close(x);
x                 610 modules/gui_bench.c                 x = open(BENCHTMP, O_RDONLY, 0777);
x                 611 modules/gui_bench.c                 if (x>=0) {
x                 615 modules/gui_bench.c                         s+=read(x, benchbuf, 0x10000);
x                 618 modules/gui_bench.c                     close(x);
x                  67 modules/gui_calendar.c     int x, i;
x                  76 modules/gui_calendar.c     for (x=cal_x+FONT_WIDTH/2, i=0; i<7; x+=FONT_WIDTH*4, ++i) {
x                  77 modules/gui_calendar.c         draw_string(x, cal_y+4+FONT_HEIGHT+4+4, lang_str(days[i]), (i<5)?CALENDAR_COLOR:WEEKEND_COLOR);
x                 131 modules/gui_calendar.c     int x, y;
x                 147 modules/gui_calendar.c         x = cal_x + (cal_w-FONT_WIDTH*2-FONT_WIDTH*4-FONT_WIDTH*2-i*FONT_WIDTH)/2;
x                 150 modules/gui_calendar.c         draw_string(x+FONT_WIDTH, y, lang_str(months[cal_month]), TITLE_COLOR);
x                 161 modules/gui_calendar.c         for (x=0; x<w; ++x) {
x                 162 modules/gui_calendar.c             draw_string(cal_x+x*FONT_WIDTH*4, y, "    ", (x<5)?CALENDAR_COLOR:WEEKEND_COLOR);
x                 167 modules/gui_calendar.c             draw_string(cal_x+x*FONT_WIDTH*4, y, str, (x<5)?CALENDAR_COLOR:WEEKEND_COLOR);
x                 169 modules/gui_calendar.c             if (++x>6) {
x                 170 modules/gui_calendar.c               x=0;
x                 174 modules/gui_calendar.c         for (; y<cal_y+cal_h; y += FONT_HEIGHT+4, x=0) {
x                 175 modules/gui_calendar.c             for (; x<7; ++x) {
x                 176 modules/gui_calendar.c                 draw_string(cal_x+x*FONT_WIDTH*4, y, "    ", (x<5)?CALENDAR_COLOR:WEEKEND_COLOR);
x                  29 modules/gui_hexbox.c static int w, h, x, y;
x                  56 modules/gui_hexbox.c     x = (camera_screen.width - w) >> 1;
x                 139 modules/gui_hexbox.c             draw_rectangle(x-4, y-4, x+w+4, y+h+4, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_GREY, COLOR_WHITE), RECT_BORDER3|DRAW_FILLED|RECT_SHADOW3);
x                 140 modules/gui_hexbox.c             draw_rectangle(x-2, y-2, x+w+2, y+FONT_HEIGHT+2, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE), RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 142 modules/gui_hexbox.c             draw_string(x+FONT_WIDTH*2, y+FONT_HEIGHT*4, box_helpline,  MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_GREY, COLOR_WHITE));
x                  95 modules/gui_mpopup.c         coord x=0, y=0;
x                 106 modules/gui_mpopup.c         x = (camera_screen.width - w*FONT_WIDTH) / 2;
x                 108 modules/gui_mpopup.c         draw_rectangle(x-4, y-4, x+w*FONT_WIDTH+4, y+h*FONT_HEIGHT+3,
x                 111 modules/gui_mpopup.c         mpopup_actions_x = x;
x                  19 modules/gui_osd_edit.c #define SCX(x) (FONT_WIDTH*(x)/FONT_REAL_WIDTH)
x                  69 modules/gui_osd_edit.c         int xscale = osd[curr_item].scale->x;
x                  77 modules/gui_osd_edit.c             draw_rectangle((osd[curr_item].pos->x>=i)?osd[curr_item].pos->x-i:0, (osd[curr_item].pos->y>=i)?osd[curr_item].pos->y-i:0,
x                  78 modules/gui_osd_edit.c                            (osd[curr_item].pos->x+SCL(osd[curr_item].size.x,xscale))+i-1,
x                  82 modules/gui_osd_edit.c         sprintf(osd_buf, " %s:  x:%d y:%d s:%d f:%d:%d ", lang_str(osd[curr_item].title), osd[curr_item].pos->x, osd[curr_item].pos->y, step, xscale, yscale);
x                  83 modules/gui_osd_edit.c         draw_string(0, (osd[curr_item].pos->x<strlen(osd_buf)*FONT_WIDTH+4 && osd[curr_item].pos->y<FONT_HEIGHT+4)?camera_screen.height-FONT_HEIGHT:0,
x                  93 modules/gui_osd_edit.c     xscale = osd[curr_item].scale->x ;
x                 137 modules/gui_osd_edit.c     osd[curr_item].scale->x = xscale ;
x                 148 modules/gui_osd_edit.c         if (osd[curr_item].pos->x > 0)
x                 150 modules/gui_osd_edit.c             osd[curr_item].pos->x-=(osd[curr_item].pos->x>=step)?step:osd[curr_item].pos->x;
x                 155 modules/gui_osd_edit.c         if (osd[curr_item].pos->x < camera_screen.width-SCL(osd[curr_item].size.x,0))
x                 157 modules/gui_osd_edit.c             osd[curr_item].pos->x+=(camera_screen.width-SCL(osd[curr_item].size.x,0)-osd[curr_item].pos->x>step)?step:camera_screen.width-SCL(osd[curr_item].size.x,0)-osd[curr_item].pos->x;
x                 160 modules/gui_osd_edit.c             osd[curr_item].pos->x = camera_screen.width-SCL(osd[curr_item].size.x,0);
x                 146 modules/gui_palette.c     unsigned int x, y, xl, xr, w, h;
x                 202 modules/gui_palette.c                 for (x=0; x<4; x++, c++)
x                 204 modules/gui_palette.c                     draw_rectangle(xl+(x*w), (2*FONT_HEIGHT)+(y*h), xl+(x*w)+w-1, (2*FONT_HEIGHT)+(y*h)+h-FONT_HEIGHT-6, MAKE_COLOR(cols[test_page][c],cols[test_page][c]), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 205 modules/gui_palette.c                     draw_string(xl+(x*w),(2*FONT_HEIGHT)+(y*h)+h-FONT_HEIGHT-3, nams[test_page][c], MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE));
x                 217 modules/gui_palette.c                 for (x=0; x<2; x++, c++)
x                 219 modules/gui_palette.c                     draw_rectangle(xl+(x*w), (2*FONT_HEIGHT)+(y*h), xl+(x*w)+w-1, (2*FONT_HEIGHT)+(y*h)+h-FONT_HEIGHT-6, MAKE_COLOR(cols[test_page][c],cols[test_page][c]), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 220 modules/gui_palette.c                     draw_string(xl+(x*w),(2*FONT_HEIGHT)+(y*h)+h-FONT_HEIGHT-3, nams[test_page][c], MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE));
x                 232 modules/gui_palette.c                 for (x=0; x<5; x++, c++)
x                 234 modules/gui_palette.c                     draw_rectangle(xl+(x*w), (2*FONT_HEIGHT)+(y*h), xl+(x*w)+w-1, (2*FONT_HEIGHT)+(y*h)+h-FONT_HEIGHT-6,
x                 236 modules/gui_palette.c                     draw_string(xl+(x*w),(2*FONT_HEIGHT)+(y*h)+h-FONT_HEIGHT-3, nams[test_page][c], MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE));
x                 258 modules/gui_palette.c     int x, y, xl, xr;
x                 295 modules/gui_palette.c         for (x=DISP_LEFT; x<DISP_LEFT+CELL_SIZE*(IDX_COLOR_MAX+1); x+=CELL_SIZE, c++)
x                 297 modules/gui_palette.c             draw_rectangle(xl+x, DISP_TOP_CHDK, xl+x+CELL_SIZE, DISP_TOP_CHDK+CELL_SIZE, MAKE_COLOR(chdk_colors[c],COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 306 modules/gui_palette.c             for (x=DISP_LEFT; x<DISP_RIGHT; x+=CELL_SIZE, c++)
x                 308 modules/gui_palette.c                 draw_rectangle(xl+x, y, xl+x+CELL_SIZE, y+CELL_SIZE, MAKE_COLOR(c,COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 317 modules/gui_palette.c             x = DISP_LEFT + cl.col * CELL_SIZE;
x                 322 modules/gui_palette.c             x = DISP_LEFT + (cl.col&0x0F) * CELL_SIZE;
x                 326 modules/gui_palette.c         draw_rectangle(xl+x-CELL_ZOOM, y-CELL_ZOOM, xl+x+CELL_SIZE+CELL_ZOOM, y+CELL_SIZE+CELL_ZOOM, MAKE_COLOR(chdkColorToCanonColor(cl), COLOR_RED), RECT_BORDER2|DRAW_FILLED);
x                  33 modules/gui_read.c static coord x, y, h, w;
x                  85 modules/gui_read.c     x=camera_screen.disp_left+6; 
x                 100 modules/gui_read.c     draw_rectangle(xx, yy, x+w-1, yy+rbf_font_height()-1, MAKE_COLOR(BG_COLOR(col), BG_COLOR(col)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 101 modules/gui_read.c     xx  = x;
x                 107 modules/gui_read.c     return (xx+rbf_char_width(ch) < x+w);
x                 144 modules/gui_read.c         xx=x; yy=y;
x                 154 modules/gui_read.c                      draw_rectangle(x, yy, x+w-1, y+h-1, MAKE_COLOR(BG_COLOR(col), BG_COLOR(col)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 180 modules/gui_read.c                                 if (xx==x) //ignore leading spaces
x                 204 modules/gui_read.c                                 if (xx+ll>=x+w && ll<w) {
x                 218 modules/gui_read.c                 if (xx >= x+w) {
x                 219 modules/gui_read.c                     xx  = x;
x                 235 modules/gui_read.c             draw_rectangle(x+w+6+2, y+1,   x+w+6+6, y+1+i,   MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 236 modules/gui_read.c             draw_rectangle(x+w+6+2, y+i+n, x+w+6+6, y+h-1-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 237 modules/gui_read.c             draw_rectangle(x+w+6+2, y+1+i, x+w+6+6, y+i+n,   MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_WHITE), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 239 modules/gui_read.c             draw_rectangle((x+w)*FONT_WIDTH+2, y*FONT_HEIGHT+1,
x                 240 modules/gui_read.c                            (x+w)*FONT_WIDTH+6, (y+h)*FONT_HEIGHT-1-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 189 modules/gui_tbox.c             coord x = (camera_screen.width - tbox_width * FONT_WIDTH) >> 1;
x                 191 modules/gui_tbox.c             draw_rectangle(x-4, y-4, x+tbox_width*FONT_WIDTH+4, y+(tbox_height+6)*FONT_HEIGHT+SPACING_BTN+2+SPACING_TITLE+11,
x                 193 modules/gui_tbox.c             draw_rectangle(x-2, y-2, x+tbox_width*FONT_WIDTH+2, y+FONT_HEIGHT+2, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE), RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED); //title
x                 195 modules/gui_tbox.c             draw_text_justified(x, y, tbox_title, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE), tbox_width, 1, TEXT_CENTER); //title text
x                 199 modules/gui_tbox.c             draw_text_justified(x, y, tbox_msg, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_GREY, COLOR_WHITE), tbox_width, MAX_LINES, TEXT_CENTER);
x                 201 modules/gui_tbox.c             text_offset_x = x+((tbox_width-fldlen)>>1)*FONT_WIDTH;
x                 204 modules/gui_tbox.c             tbox_buttons_x = x+((tbox_width*FONT_WIDTH-BUTTON_AREA_WIDTH)>>1);
x                 242 modules/gui_tbox.c                 int x = key_offset_x + 4*FONT_WIDTH;
x                 244 modules/gui_tbox.c                 x = draw_text_justified(x, y, tstr, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_GREY, COLOR_WHITE), tbox_width-8, 1, x_just[group]);
x                 246 modules/gui_tbox.c                     draw_char(x+(curchar*FONT_WIDTH), y, tstr[curchar], MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_RED, COLOR_WHITE));    // Selected char cursor
x                  77 modules/histogram.c static float identity(float x)      { return x; }
x                  78 modules/histogram.c static float logarithmic(float x)   { return log(x); }
x                 323 modules/histogram.c static void gui_osd_draw_single_histo(int hist, coord x, coord y, int small)
x                 356 modules/histogram.c                 draw_pixel(x+1+i, y+h-v, (v<=threshold)?cl:cl_bg);
x                 359 modules/histogram.c                 draw_pixel(x+1+i, y+h-v, (v<=threshold)?cl_over:cl_bg);
x                 366 modules/histogram.c                 draw_pixel(x+1+i, y+h-v, (v<=threshold)?cl:cl_bg);
x                 369 modules/histogram.c                 draw_pixel(x+1+i, y+h-v, (v<=threshold)?cl_over:cl_bg);
x                 373 modules/histogram.c     draw_rectangle(x, y, x+1+w, y+h, hc2, RECT_BORDER1);
x                 375 modules/histogram.c     if (conf.histo_show_ev_grid) for (i=1;i<=4;i++) draw_line(x+(1+w)*i/5, y, x+(1+w)*i/5, y+h, FG_COLOR(hc2));
x                 379 modules/histogram.c static void gui_osd_draw_blended_histo(coord x, coord y)
x                 408 modules/histogram.c             draw_pixel(x+1+i, y+HISTO_HEIGHT-v, cls[sel]);
x                 412 modules/histogram.c     draw_rectangle(x, y, x+1+HISTO_WIDTH, y+HISTO_HEIGHT, hc2, RECT_BORDER1);
x                 414 modules/histogram.c     if (conf.histo_show_ev_grid) for (i=1;i<=4;i++) draw_line(x+(1+HISTO_WIDTH)*i/5, y, x+(1+HISTO_WIDTH)*i/5, y+HISTO_HEIGHT, FG_COLOR(hc2));
x                 437 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_Y, conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y, 0);
x                 440 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_RGB, conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y, 0);
x                 441 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_Y, conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y+HISTO_HEIGHT, 0);
x                 444 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_R, conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y, 0);
x                 445 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_G, conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y+HISTO_HEIGHT, 0);
x                 446 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_B, conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y+HISTO_HEIGHT*2, 0);
x                 449 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_RGB, conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y, 0);
x                 450 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_Y, conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y+HISTO_HEIGHT, 1);
x                 451 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_R, conf.histo_pos.x+HISTO_WIDTH/2+1, conf.histo_pos.y+HISTO_HEIGHT, 1);
x                 452 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_G, conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y+HISTO_HEIGHT+HISTO_HEIGHT/2, 1);
x                 453 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_B, conf.histo_pos.x+HISTO_WIDTH/2+1, conf.histo_pos.y+HISTO_HEIGHT+HISTO_HEIGHT/2, 1);
x                 456 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_Y, conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y, 0);
x                 457 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_RGB, conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y+HISTO_HEIGHT, 1);
x                 458 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_R, conf.histo_pos.x+HISTO_WIDTH/2+1, conf.histo_pos.y+HISTO_HEIGHT, 1);
x                 459 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_G, conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y+HISTO_HEIGHT+HISTO_HEIGHT/2, 1);
x                 460 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_B, conf.histo_pos.x+HISTO_WIDTH/2+1, conf.histo_pos.y+HISTO_HEIGHT+HISTO_HEIGHT/2, 1);
x                 463 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_blended_histo(conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y);
x                 466 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_blended_histo(conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y);
x                 467 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_Y, conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y+HISTO_HEIGHT, 0);
x                 471 modules/histogram.c                 gui_osd_draw_single_histo(HISTO_RGB, conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y, 0);
x                 479 modules/histogram.c                 draw_ellipse(conf.histo_pos.x+HISTO_DOT_PAD, conf.histo_pos.y+HISTO_DOT_PAD,
x                 484 modules/histogram.c                 draw_ellipse(conf.histo_pos.x+HISTO_WIDTH-HISTO_DOT_PAD, conf.histo_pos.y+HISTO_DOT_PAD,
x                 489 modules/histogram.c             draw_string(conf.histo_pos.x+HISTO_WIDTH-FONT_WIDTH*3, conf.histo_pos.y-FONT_HEIGHT, "EXP", hc);
x                 494 modules/histogram.c                 draw_string(conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y-FONT_HEIGHT, osd_buf, hc);
x                 496 modules/histogram.c                 draw_string(conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y-FONT_HEIGHT, " 9.99x ", hc);
x                 498 modules/histogram.c                 draw_rectangle(conf.histo_pos.x, conf.histo_pos.y-FONT_HEIGHT, conf.histo_pos.x+8*FONT_WIDTH, conf.histo_pos.y-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_TRANSPARENT, COLOR_TRANSPARENT), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                2336 modules/luascript.c                 lua_pushnumber(L, configVal.pos.x);
x                2368 modules/luascript.c                         case 0: configVal.pos.x = luaL_checknumber(L, i); configVal.isPos++; break;
x                 296 modules/md5.c  #define F1(x, y, z) (z ^ (x & (y ^ z)))
x                 297 modules/md5.c  #define F2(x, y, z) F1(z, x, y)
x                 298 modules/md5.c  #define F3(x, y, z) (x ^ y ^ z)
x                 299 modules/md5.c  #define F4(x, y, z) (y ^ (x | ~z))
x                 302 modules/md5.c  #define MD5STEP(f, w, x, y, z, data, s) \
x                 303 modules/md5.c  	( w += f(x, y, z) + data,  w = w<<s | w>>(32-s),  w += x )
x                  50 modules/motion_detector.c #define MD_XY2IDX(x,y) ((y)*motion_detector.columns+(x))
x                 431 modules/motion_detector.c #define mx_dump_memory(x)
x                 465 modules/motion_detector.c     register int x, y;
x                 470 modules/motion_detector.c         for (x=x_start; x<x_end; x+=x_step)
x                 472 modules/motion_detector.c             curr += img[y + x + 1];  //Y always 2nd byte in each block
x                 481 modules/motion_detector.c     register int x, y, uvx;
x                 486 modules/motion_detector.c         for (x=x_start; x<x_end; x+=x_step)
x                 490 modules/motion_detector.c             uvx = x & 0xFFFFFFFC;           // U is in 1st two bytes of each 4 byte block V is in 2nd two bytes
x                 493 modules/motion_detector.c             uvx = (x&1)?x-3:x;
x                 504 modules/motion_detector.c     register int x, y, uvx;
x                 509 modules/motion_detector.c         for (x=x_start; x<x_end; x+=x_step)
x                 513 modules/motion_detector.c             uvx = x & 0xFFFFFFFC;               // U is in 1st two bytes of each 4 byte block V is in 2nd two bytes
x                 516 modules/motion_detector.c             uvx = (x&1)?x-3:x;
x                 527 modules/motion_detector.c     register int x, y, uvx, cy, cv;
x                 532 modules/motion_detector.c         for (x=x_start; x<x_end; x+=x_step)
x                 534 modules/motion_detector.c             cy = img[y + x + 1];
x                 537 modules/motion_detector.c             uvx = x & 0xFFFFFFFC;               // U is in 1st two bytes of each 4 byte block V is in 2nd two bytes
x                 540 modules/motion_detector.c             uvx = (x&1)?x-3:x;
x                 552 modules/motion_detector.c     register int x, y, uvx, cy, cu, cv;
x                 557 modules/motion_detector.c         for (x=x_start; x<x_end; x+=x_step)
x                 559 modules/motion_detector.c             cy = img[y + x + 1];
x                 562 modules/motion_detector.c             uvx = x & 0xFFFFFFFC;               // U is in 1st two bytes of each 4 byte block V is in 2nd two bytes
x                 566 modules/motion_detector.c             uvx = (x&1)?x-3:x;
x                 579 modules/motion_detector.c     register int x, y, uvx, cy, cu;
x                 584 modules/motion_detector.c         for (x=x_start; x<x_end; x+=x_step)
x                 586 modules/motion_detector.c             cy = img[y + x + 1];
x                 589 modules/motion_detector.c             uvx = x & 0xFFFFFFFC;               // U is in 1st two bytes of each 4 byte block V is in 2nd two bytes
x                 592 modules/motion_detector.c             uvx = (x&1)?x-3:x;
x                 203 modules/rawhookops.c     lua_pushnumber(L,camera_sensor.active_area.x1 + camera_sensor.jpeg.x);
x                 249 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned x=luaL_checknumber(L,1);
x                 253 modules/rawhookops.c     if(x >= (unsigned)camera_sensor.raw_rowpix || y >= (unsigned)camera_sensor.raw_rows) {
x                 256 modules/rawhookops.c     lua_pushnumber(L,get_raw_pixel(x,y));
x                 271 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned int x=luaL_checknumber(L,1);
x                 276 modules/rawhookops.c     if(x >= (unsigned)camera_sensor.raw_rowpix || y >= (unsigned)camera_sensor.raw_rows) {
x                 280 modules/rawhookops.c     set_raw_pixel(x,y,v);
x                 296 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned int x=luaL_checknumber(L,1);
x                 299 modules/rawhookops.c     x &= 0xFFFFFFFE;
x                 302 modules/rawhookops.c     if(x >= (unsigned)camera_sensor.raw_rowpix || y >= (unsigned)camera_sensor.raw_rows) {
x                 305 modules/rawhookops.c     lua_pushnumber(L,get_raw_pixel(x+cfa_offsets[CFA_R][0],y+cfa_offsets[CFA_R][1]));
x                 306 modules/rawhookops.c     lua_pushnumber(L,get_raw_pixel(x+cfa_offsets[CFA_G1][0],y+cfa_offsets[CFA_G1][1]));
x                 307 modules/rawhookops.c     lua_pushnumber(L,get_raw_pixel(x+cfa_offsets[CFA_B][0],y+cfa_offsets[CFA_B][1]));
x                 308 modules/rawhookops.c     lua_pushnumber(L,get_raw_pixel(x+cfa_offsets[CFA_G2][0],y+cfa_offsets[CFA_G2][1]));
x                 325 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned int x=luaL_checknumber(L,1);
x                 332 modules/rawhookops.c     x &= 0xFFFFFFFE;
x                 335 modules/rawhookops.c     if(x >= (unsigned)camera_sensor.raw_rowpix - 1 || y >= (unsigned)camera_sensor.raw_rows - 1) {
x                 338 modules/rawhookops.c     set_raw_pixel(x+cfa_offsets[CFA_R][0],y+cfa_offsets[CFA_R][1],r);
x                 339 modules/rawhookops.c     set_raw_pixel(x+cfa_offsets[CFA_G1][0],y+cfa_offsets[CFA_G1][1],g1);
x                 340 modules/rawhookops.c     set_raw_pixel(x+cfa_offsets[CFA_B][0],y+cfa_offsets[CFA_B][1],b);
x                 341 modules/rawhookops.c     set_raw_pixel(x+cfa_offsets[CFA_G2][0],y+cfa_offsets[CFA_G2][1],g2);
x                 377 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned x,y;
x                 379 modules/rawhookops.c         for(x=xstart; x<xmax; x+=xstep) {
x                 380 modules/rawhookops.c             set_raw_pixel(x,y,val);
x                 435 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned x,y;
x                 437 modules/rawhookops.c         for(x = x1; x < x_max; x += x_step) {
x                 438 modules/rawhookops.c             t+=get_raw_pixel(x,y);
x                 579 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned x,y;
x                 582 modules/rawhookops.c             for(x=xstart;x<xmax;x+=xstep) {
x                 583 modules/rawhookops.c                 h->data[get_raw_pixel(x,y)>>shift]++;
x                 588 modules/rawhookops.c             for(x=xstart;x<xmax;x+=xstep) {
x                 589 modules/rawhookops.c                 h->data[get_raw_pixel(x,y)]++;
x                 407 modules/sha1.c int fips186_2_prf(const u8 *seed, size_t seed_len, u8 *x, size_t xlen)
x                 412 modules/sha1.c 	u8 *xpos = x;
x                 557 modules/sha1.c #define R0(v,w,x,y,z,i) \
x                 558 modules/sha1.c 	z += ((w & (x ^ y)) ^ y) + blk0(i) + 0x5A827999 + rol(v, 5); \
x                 560 modules/sha1.c #define R1(v,w,x,y,z,i) \
x                 561 modules/sha1.c 	z += ((w & (x ^ y)) ^ y) + blk(i) + 0x5A827999 + rol(v, 5); \
x                 563 modules/sha1.c #define R2(v,w,x,y,z,i) \
x                 564 modules/sha1.c 	z += (w ^ x ^ y) + blk(i) + 0x6ED9EBA1 + rol(v, 5); w = rol(w, 30);
x                 565 modules/sha1.c #define R3(v,w,x,y,z,i) \
x                 566 modules/sha1.c 	z += (((w | x) & y) | (w & x)) + blk(i) + 0x8F1BBCDC + rol(v, 5); \
x                 568 modules/sha1.c #define R4(v,w,x,y,z,i) \
x                 569 modules/sha1.c 	z += (w ^ x ^ y) + blk(i) + 0xCA62C1D6 + rol(v, 5); \
x                  39 modules/shot_histogram.c     int x, y, x0, x1, y0, y1;
x                  58 modules/shot_histogram.c             for (x = x0; x < x1; x += SHOT_HISTOGRAM_STEP)
x                  60 modules/shot_histogram.c                 p = get_raw_pixel(x,y);
x                  69 modules/shot_histogram.c             for (x = x0; x < x1; x += SHOT_HISTOGRAM_STEP )
x                  71 modules/shot_histogram.c                 p = get_raw_pixel(x,y) >> shift;
x                 101 modules/shot_histogram.c     int x, tot, rng;
x                 108 modules/shot_histogram.c     for (x = 0 ; x < SHOT_HISTOGRAM_SAMPLES; x++)
x                 110 modules/shot_histogram.c         tot += shot_histogram[x];
x                 111 modules/shot_histogram.c         if (x>=histo_from && x <= histo_to)
x                 113 modules/shot_histogram.c             rng += shot_histogram[x];
x                  40 modules/user_menu_edit.c static int          x, y;
x                 310 modules/user_menu_edit.c     x = camera_screen.disp_left + camera_screen.menu_border_width;
x                 423 modules/user_menu_edit.c         draw_rectangle((x+w), y, (x+w)+wplus, y+num_lines*rbf_font_height()-1, MAKE_COLOR(BG_COLOR(user_color(conf.menu_color)), BG_COLOR(user_color(conf.menu_color))), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
x                 438 modules/user_menu_edit.c     rbf_draw_menu_header(x, y-rbf_font_height(), w+wplus, (conf.menu_symbol_enable)?curr_menu->symbol:0, lang_str(curr_menu->title), MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_RED,COLOR_WHITE));
x                 518 modules/user_menu_edit.c                 xx = x;
x                 562 modules/user_menu_edit.c             draw_rectangle((x+w)+2, y+1,   (x+w)+6, y+1+i,                             MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED|RECT_ROUND_CORNERS);
x                 563 modules/user_menu_edit.c             draw_rectangle((x+w)+2, y+i+j, (x+w)+6, y+num_lines*rbf_font_height()-1-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED|RECT_ROUND_CORNERS);
x                 564 modules/user_menu_edit.c             draw_rectangle((x+w)+2, y+1+i, (x+w)+6, y+i+j,                             MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_WHITE), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED|RECT_ROUND_CORNERS);
x                 115 modules/zebra.c unsigned char clip8(signed short x){ if (x<0) x=0; else if (x>255) x=255; return x; }
x                 243 modules/zebra.c     int v, s, x, y, over;
x                 276 modules/zebra.c             for (x=viewport_xoffset; x<viewport_xoffset+viewport_width; x+=step_x, sx+=step_x, v+=step_v) {
x                 287 modules/zebra.c                     if (!((conf.zebra_mode == ZEBRA_MODE_ZEBRA_1 || conf.zebra_mode == ZEBRA_MODE_ZEBRA_2) && (y-x-timer)&f)) {
x                 295 modules/zebra.c                 else if (((conf.zebra_mode == ZEBRA_MODE_ZEBRA_1 || conf.zebra_mode == ZEBRA_MODE_ZEBRA_2) && (y-x-timer)&f))
x                 351 modules/zebra.c     int v, s, x, y, over;
x                 378 modules/zebra.c             for (x=0; x<camera_screen.width; x+=step_x, s+=step_x, v+=step_v) {
x                 382 modules/zebra.c                 if (!bWide && (x + aspOffset >= camera_screen.width - aspOffset)) continue; // do not draw "outside screen" 
x                 389 modules/zebra.c                     if (!((conf.zebra_mode == ZEBRA_MODE_ZEBRA_1 || conf.zebra_mode == ZEBRA_MODE_ZEBRA_2) && (y-x-timer)&f)) {
x                 396 modules/zebra.c                 else if (((conf.zebra_mode == ZEBRA_MODE_ZEBRA_1 || conf.zebra_mode == ZEBRA_MODE_ZEBRA_2) && (y-x-timer)&f)) buf[s]=COLOR_TRANSPARENT;
x                 611 modules/zebra.c     int x, y, over;
x                 646 modules/zebra.c             for (x=0; x<viewport_width; x+=2)
x                 648 modules/zebra.c                 v = y*(viewport_byte_width) + x + x ; //v is the byte number in img-buf  0...480,480+320...960,
x                 649 modules/zebra.c                 bitmap_byte = (y + viewport_yoffset) * viewport_byte_width + 2*(x + viewport_xoffset);
x                 652 modules/zebra.c                 if (!((conf.zebra_mode == ZEBRA_MODE_ZEBRA_1 || conf.zebra_mode == ZEBRA_MODE_ZEBRA_2) && (y-x-timer)&f))
x                   5 platform/a1200/sub/100b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x) { // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a1200/sub/100b/movie_rec.c         *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a1200/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x) { // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a1200/sub/100c/movie_rec.c         *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a1300/sub/100b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a1300/sub/100b/movie_rec.c         *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a1300/sub/100d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a1300/sub/100d/movie_rec.c         *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a1300/sub/100e/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a1300/sub/100e/movie_rec.c         *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/a1400/sub/100b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/a1400/sub/100b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a1400/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/a1400/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/a2200/sub/100b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/a2200/sub/100b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/a2200/sub/100d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/a2200/sub/100d/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a2200/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/a2200/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a2300/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a2300/sub/100c/movie_rec.c 		*x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a2300/sub/100e/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a2300/sub/100e/movie_rec.c 		*x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a2300/sub/100f/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a2300/sub/100f/movie_rec.c 		*x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a2400/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a2400/sub/100c/movie_rec.c         *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a2400/sub/100d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a2400/sub/100d/movie_rec.c         *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a2400/sub/100e/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a2400/sub/100e/movie_rec.c         *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/a2500/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/a2500/sub/100a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a2500/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/a2500/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/a2600/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/a2600/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a2600/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/a2600/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/a3000/sub/100b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a3000/sub/100b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/a3000/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a3000/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/a3000/sub/100d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a3000/sub/100d/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/a3200/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/a3200/sub/100a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/a3200/sub/100d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/a3200/sub/100d/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a3200/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/a3200/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a3300/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a3300/sub/100a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a3300/sub/100d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a3300/sub/100d/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  89 platform/a3400/kbd.c void get_touch_data(unsigned short *x, unsigned short *y, unsigned int *cnt)
x                  91 platform/a3400/kbd.c     *x=touchx;
x                   5 platform/a3400/sub/100f/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a3400/sub/100f/movie_rec.c         *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a3400/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a3400/sub/101a/movie_rec.c         *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a3400/sub/101b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a3400/sub/101b/movie_rec.c         *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a4000/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a4000/sub/100c/movie_rec.c         *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a4000/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a4000/sub/101a/movie_rec.c         *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a4000/sub/101b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a4000/sub/101b/movie_rec.c         *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  44 platform/a430/sub/100b/lib.c     int x=(*(int*)0x71AB0); // @ffd0f29c
x                  45 platform/a430/sub/100b/lib.c     return (x) ? (void*)x : vid_get_viewport_fb();
x                  54 platform/a540/sub/100b/lib.c   int x=(*(int*)0x63AD0); // found in sub_FFD25770
x                  55 platform/a540/sub/100b/lib.c   return (void *)x;
x                   5 platform/a810/sub/100b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a810/sub/100b/movie_rec.c         *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a810/sub/100d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a810/sub/100d/movie_rec.c         *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/a810/sub/100e/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/a810/sub/100e/movie_rec.c         *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 676 platform/d10/sub/100a/boot.c extern void msleep(int x);
x                   7 platform/d10/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   8 platform/d10/sub/100a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/d20/sub/100b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x) {                 // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/d20/sub/100b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/d30/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/d30/sub/100a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/d30/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/d30/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/g10/sub/102a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g10/sub/102a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/g10/sub/103b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g10/sub/103b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/g10/sub/104a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g10/sub/104a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/g10/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/g10/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/g11/sub/100f/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/g11/sub/100f/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/g11/sub/100j/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/g11/sub/100j/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/g11/sub/100l/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/g11/sub/100l/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/g12/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g12/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/g12/sub/100e/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g12/sub/100e/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/g12/sub/100f/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g12/sub/100f/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/g12/sub/100g/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g12/sub/100g/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/g12/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/g12/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/g15/sub/100b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g15/sub/100b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/g15/sub/100e/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g15/sub/100e/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/g15/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/g15/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/g1x/sub/100e/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g1x/sub/100e/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/g1x/sub/100f/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g1x/sub/100f/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/g1x/sub/100g/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g1x/sub/100g/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/g1x/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g1x/sub/101a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/g1x/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/g1x/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 474 platform/g5x/sub/100c/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                   8 platform/g5x/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g5x/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 474 platform/g5x/sub/101a/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                   8 platform/g5x/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g5x/sub/101a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 474 platform/g5x/sub/101b/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                   8 platform/g5x/sub/101b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g5x/sub/101b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 474 platform/g5x/sub/101d/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                   8 platform/g5x/sub/101d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g5x/sub/101d/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 457 platform/g7x/sub/100b/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                 457 platform/g7x/sub/100c/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                 452 platform/g7x/sub/100d/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                 591 platform/g7x2/sub/101a/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                   8 platform/g7x2/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g7x2/sub/101a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 600 platform/g7x2/sub/110b/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                   8 platform/g7x2/sub/110b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/g7x2/sub/110b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 963 platform/generic/wrappers.c     static int x[10];
x                 964 platform/generic/wrappers.c     return _LocalTime(_tod, &x);
x                1002 platform/generic/wrappers.c double log(double x) {
x                1003 platform/generic/wrappers.c     return __log(x);
x                1006 platform/generic/wrappers.c double log10(double x) {
x                1007 platform/generic/wrappers.c     return __log10(x);
x                1010 platform/generic/wrappers.c double pow(double x, double y) {
x                1011 platform/generic/wrappers.c     return __pow(x, y);
x                1014 platform/generic/wrappers.c double sqrt(double x) {
x                1015 platform/generic/wrappers.c     return __sqrt(x);
x                1019 platform/generic/wrappers.c double log2(double x) { return (log(x) * ((double)1.44269504088906)); }
x                1477 platform/generic/wrappers.c int mute_on_zoom(int x){
x                1496 platform/generic/wrappers.c  return x; // preserve R0 if called from assembler
x                1540 platform/generic/wrappers.c int my_some_f(char *s, int x){
x                1544 platform/generic/wrappers.c   return default_some_f(s, x);
x                1611 platform/generic/wrappers.c void PostLogicalEventForNotPowerType(unsigned id, unsigned x) {
x                1612 platform/generic/wrappers.c 	_PostLogicalEventForNotPowerType(id,x);
x                1615 platform/generic/wrappers.c void PostLogicalEventToUI(unsigned id, unsigned x) {
x                1616 platform/generic/wrappers.c 	_PostLogicalEventToUI(id,x);
x                2050 platform/generic/wrappers.c void SetVideoOutType(int x) {
x                2053 platform/generic/wrappers.c     _SetVideoOutType(x);
x                  10 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/100d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  11 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/100d/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  10 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/100f/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  11 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/100f/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/101a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  14 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/102b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  15 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/102b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/102c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/102c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/102d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/102d/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/102e/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/102e/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus100_sd780/sub/100b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus100_sd780/sub/100b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus100_sd780/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus100_sd780/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/ixus100_sd780/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/ixus100_sd780/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 738 platform/ixus110_sd960/sub/100b/boot.c extern void msleep(int x);
x                   7 platform/ixus110_sd960/sub/100b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   8 platform/ixus110_sd960/sub/100b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 738 platform/ixus110_sd960/sub/101d/boot.c extern void msleep(int x);
x                   7 platform/ixus110_sd960/sub/101d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   8 platform/ixus110_sd960/sub/101d/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 738 platform/ixus110_sd960/sub/101f/boot.c extern void msleep(int x);
x                   7 platform/ixus110_sd960/sub/101f/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   8 platform/ixus110_sd960/sub/101f/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/sub/101b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/sub/101b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  14 platform/ixus120_sd940/sub/100e/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  16 platform/ixus120_sd940/sub/100e/movie_rec.c 	*x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  14 platform/ixus120_sd940/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  16 platform/ixus120_sd940/sub/101a/movie_rec.c 	*x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  13 platform/ixus120_sd940/sub/102c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  15 platform/ixus120_sd940/sub/102c/movie_rec.c 		*x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  14 platform/ixus120_sd940/sub/103b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  16 platform/ixus120_sd940/sub/103b/movie_rec.c 	*x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  13 platform/ixus120_sd940/sub/103c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  15 platform/ixus120_sd940/sub/103c/movie_rec.c 	*x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/sub/100d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/sub/100d/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/sub/100e/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/sub/100e/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  12 platform/ixus130_sd1400/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x) { // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  13 platform/ixus130_sd1400/sub/100a/movie_rec.c     if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  12 platform/ixus130_sd1400/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x) { // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  13 platform/ixus130_sd1400/sub/100c/movie_rec.c     if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus145_elph135/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus145_elph135/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/ixus145_elph135/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/ixus145_elph135/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  20 platform/ixus150_elph140/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  21 platform/ixus150_elph140/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  17 platform/ixus150_elph140/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  18 platform/ixus150_elph140/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  11 platform/ixus155_elph150/sub/100b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  12 platform/ixus155_elph150/sub/100b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus155_elph150/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus155_elph150/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus160_elph160/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus160_elph160/sub/100a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/ixus160_elph160/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/ixus160_elph160/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus170_elph170/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus170_elph170/sub/100a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/ixus170_elph170/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/ixus170_elph170/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  20 platform/ixus175_elph180/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  21 platform/ixus175_elph180/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  17 platform/ixus175_elph180/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  18 platform/ixus175_elph180/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/ixus200_sd980/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/ixus200_sd980/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/ixus200_sd980/sub/101c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/ixus200_sd980/sub/101c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/ixus200_sd980/sub/101d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/ixus200_sd980/sub/101d/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/sub/101c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/sub/101c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/sub/101g/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/sub/101g/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/sub/100a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/sub/100b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/sub/100b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/sub/100e/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/sub/100e/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  94 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c #define LB(x,n) TS_XL+x*TS_W, TS_YT+n*TS_H, TS_XL+(x+1)*TS_W, TS_YT+n*TS_H+TS_H
x                  95 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c #define RB(x,n) TS_XR-x*TS_W, TS_YT+n*TS_H, TS_XR+TS_W-x*TS_W, TS_YT+n*TS_H+TS_H
x                  96 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c #define RBW(x,n) TS_XR-TS_W-x*TS_W, TS_YT+n*TS_H, TS_XR+TS_W-x*TS_W, TS_YT+n*TS_H+TS_H
x                 112 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c void set_tv_video(int x)
x                 116 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c         if (x < tv_min_video) x = tv_min_video;
x                 117 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c         if (x > 1152) x = 1152;
x                 118 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c         if (tv_video != x)
x                 120 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c             tv_video = x;
x                 126 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c void set_av_video(int x)
x                 130 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c         if (x < 200) x = 200;
x                 131 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c         if (x > 576) x = 576;
x                 132 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c         if (av_video != x)
x                 134 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c             av_video = x;
x                 143 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c void set_sv_video(int x)
x                 147 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c         if (x < 0) x = 0;
x                 148 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c         if (x > 768) x = 768;
x                 149 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c         sv_video = x;
x                 159 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c void set_ev_video_avail(int x)
x                 161 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c     if (video_ael == x) return;
x                 162 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c     video_ael = x;
x                 163 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c     if (x)
x                 381 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c static int draw_test_pixel(coord x, coord y, color c)
x                 385 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c     return (bitmap_buffer[active_bitmap_buffer][y * camera_screen.buffer_width + ASPECT_XCORRECTION(x)] == c);
x                   8 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/sub/102a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/sub/102a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  12 platform/ixus300_sd4000/sub/100d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x) { // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  13 platform/ixus300_sd4000/sub/100d/movie_rec.c     if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 332 platform/ixus30_sd200/kbd.c long my_kbd_read_keys(long x){
x                 333 platform/ixus30_sd200/kbd.c 	kbd_new_state[1]=x & 0xFFFF;
x                 348 platform/ixus30_sd200/kbd.c 		return x;
x                  27 platform/ixus30_sd200/sub/100k/movie_rec.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) set_quality(int *x){ // 0 highest; +14 lowest
x                  29 platform/ixus30_sd200/sub/100k/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=14*(98-(conf.video_quality-1))/98;
x                  56 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c #define LB(x,n,s)   TS_XL+x*TS_W, TS_YT+n*TS_H, TS_XL+(x+1)*TS_W-1, TS_YT+n*TS_H+TS_H-1, s
x                  57 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c #define RB(x,n,s)   TS_XR-x*TS_W, TS_YT+n*TS_H, TS_XR-(x-1)*TS_W-1, TS_YT+n*TS_H+TS_H-1, s
x                 203 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c static int draw_test_pixel(coord x, coord y, color c)
x                 208 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c         return (bitmap_buffer[active_bitmap_buffer][(240-y) * camera_screen.buffer_width + ASPECT_XCORRECTION(480-x) - 1] == c);
x                 210 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c         return (bitmap_buffer[active_bitmap_buffer][y * camera_screen.buffer_width + ASPECT_XCORRECTION(x)] == c);
x                   8 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/sub/100a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/sub/101c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/sub/101c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 337 platform/ixus40_sd300/kbd.c long my_kbd_read_keys(long x){
x                 338 platform/ixus40_sd300/kbd.c 	kbd_new_state[1]=x & 0xFFFF;
x                 354 platform/ixus40_sd300/kbd.c 		return x;
x                 127 platform/ixus50_sd400/kbd.c long my_kbd_read_keys(long x)
x                 129 platform/ixus50_sd400/kbd.c  kbd_new_state[1]=x & 0xFFFF;
x                 130 platform/ixus50_sd400/kbd.c  if (kbd_process() == 0) return x; else return (kbd_new_state[1]&~KEYS_MASK1) | (kbd_mod_state[1] & KEYS_MASK1);
x                  43 platform/ixus65_sd630/sub/100a/lib.c     int x=(*(int*)0x6dd4c);
x                  44 platform/ixus65_sd630/sub/100a/lib.c     return (void*) (x ? x : 0x105599a0) ; //ixus65, still incorrect when a stopped movie is displayed
x                 130 platform/ixus700_sd500/kbd.c long my_kbd_read_keys(long x)
x                 133 platform/ixus700_sd500/kbd.c  kbd_new_state[1]=x & 0xFFFF;
x                 134 platform/ixus700_sd500/kbd.c  if (kbd_process() == 0) return x; else return (kbd_new_state[1]&~KEYS_MASK1) | (kbd_mod_state[1] & KEYS_MASK1);
x                   6 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/100e/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/100e/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/101a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/102b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/102b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus95_sd1200/sd1200_debug.h #define LED_ON(x) { volatile long *p = (void *)x; *p = 0x46; }
x                   9 platform/ixus95_sd1200/sd1200_debug.h #define LED_OFF(x) { volatile long *p = (void *)x; *p = 0x44; }
x                  11 platform/ixus95_sd1200/sd1200_debug.h #define LED_ON_1S(x) { volatile long *p = (void *)x; *p = 0x46; \
x                  13 platform/ixus95_sd1200/sd1200_debug.h #define LED_OFF_1S(x) { volatile long *p = (void *)x; *p = 0x44; \
x                 771 platform/ixus980_sd990/sub/100e/boot.c extern void msleep(int x);
x                   7 platform/ixus980_sd990/sub/100e/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   8 platform/ixus980_sd990/sub/100e/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 771 platform/ixus980_sd990/sub/101b/boot.c extern void msleep(int x);
x                   7 platform/ixus980_sd990/sub/101b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   8 platform/ixus980_sd990/sub/101b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/ixus990_sd970/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/ixus990_sd970/sub/100a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/ixus990_sd970/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/ixus990_sd970/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   9 platform/n/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  10 platform/n/sub/100a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   7 platform/n/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   8 platform/n/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   9 platform/n_facebook/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  10 platform/n_facebook/sub/100a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   7 platform/n_facebook/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   8 platform/n_facebook/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/s100/sub/100d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/s100/sub/100d/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/s100/sub/100e/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/s100/sub/100e/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/s100/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/s100/sub/101a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/s100/sub/101b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/s100/sub/101b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/s100/sub/102a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/s100/sub/102a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/s110/sub/101b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/s110/sub/101b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/s110/sub/102b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/s110/sub/102b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/s110/sub/103a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/s110/sub/103a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/s110/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/s110/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/s90/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/s90/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/s90/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/s90/sub/101a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/s90/sub/101c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/s90/sub/101c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  11 platform/s95/sub/100e/movie_rec.c void  set_quality (int *x)  // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  14 platform/s95/sub/100e/movie_rec.c 		*x = 12 - ((conf.video_quality-1) * (12+17) / (99-1));
x                  10 platform/s95/sub/100h/movie_rec.c void  set_quality (int *x)  // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  13 platform/s95/sub/100h/movie_rec.c 		*x = 12 - ((conf.video_quality-1) * (12+17) / (99-1));
x                  10 platform/s95/sub/100i/movie_rec.c void  set_quality (int *x)  // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  13 platform/s95/sub/100i/movie_rec.c 		*x = 12 - ((conf.video_quality-1) * (12+17) / (99-1));
x                  10 platform/s95/sub/100k/movie_rec.c void  set_quality (int *x)  // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  13 platform/s95/sub/100k/movie_rec.c 		*x = 12 - ((conf.video_quality-1) * (12+17) / (99-1));
x                   6 platform/sx1/sub/200h/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/sx1/sub/200h/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/sx1/sub/201a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/sx1/sub/201a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/sx10/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/sx10/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/sx10/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/sx10/sub/101a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/sx10/sub/101b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/sx10/sub/101b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/sx10/sub/102b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/sx10/sub/102b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/sx10/sub/103a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/sx10/sub/103a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  11 platform/sx130is/sub/101c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality (int *x)  // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  14 platform/sx130is/sub/101c/movie_rec.c 		*x = 12 - ((conf.video_quality-1) * (12+17) / (99-1));
x                  11 platform/sx130is/sub/101d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality (int *x)  // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  14 platform/sx130is/sub/101d/movie_rec.c 		*x = 12 - ((conf.video_quality-1) * (12+17) / (99-1));
x                  11 platform/sx130is/sub/101f/movie_rec.c void  set_quality (int *x)  // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  14 platform/sx130is/sub/101f/movie_rec.c 		*x = 12 - ((conf.video_quality-1) * (12+17) / (99-1));
x                  11 platform/sx150is/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality (int *x)  // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  14 platform/sx150is/sub/100a/movie_rec.c 		*x = 12 - ((conf.video_quality-1) * (12+17) / (99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx160is/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx160is/sub/100a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/sx160is/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/sx160is/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/sx170is/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/sx170is/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/sx20/sub/100f/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/sx20/sub/100f/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/sx20/sub/102b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/sx20/sub/102b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/sx20/sub/102d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/sx20/sub/102d/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx200is/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx200is/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/sx200is/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/sx200is/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   6 platform/sx210is/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   7 platform/sx210is/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx220hs/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx220hs/sub/100a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx220hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx220hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx220hs/sub/101b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx220hs/sub/101b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/sx220hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/sx220hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx230hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx230hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx230hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx230hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx230hs/sub/101b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx230hs/sub/101b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/sx230hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/sx230hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx240hs/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx240hs/sub/100a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx240hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx240hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx240hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx240hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/sx240hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/sx240hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx260hs/sub/100b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx260hs/sub/100b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx260hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx260hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx260hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx260hs/sub/101a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/sx260hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/sx260hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx30/sub/100e/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx30/sub/100e/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx30/sub/100h/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx30/sub/100h/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx30/sub/100l/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx30/sub/100l/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx30/sub/100n/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx30/sub/100n/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx30/sub/100p/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx30/sub/100p/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/sx30/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/sx30/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 517 platform/sx400is/sub/100b/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                  20 platform/sx400is/sub/100b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  21 platform/sx400is/sub/100b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  18 platform/sx400is/sub/boot_extras.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                  17 platform/sx400is/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  18 platform/sx400is/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx40hs/sub/100d/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx40hs/sub/100d/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx40hs/sub/100f/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx40hs/sub/100f/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx40hs/sub/100g/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx40hs/sub/100g/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx40hs/sub/100i/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx40hs/sub/100i/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/sx40hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/sx40hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 509 platform/sx410is/sub/100c/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                  20 platform/sx410is/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  21 platform/sx410is/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  17 platform/sx410is/sub/boot_extras.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                  17 platform/sx410is/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  18 platform/sx410is/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 540 platform/sx420is/sub/100a/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                  18 platform/sx420is/sub/boot_extras.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                 552 platform/sx430is/sub/100b/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                  18 platform/sx430is/sub/boot_extras.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                   8 platform/sx500is/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx500is/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/sx500is/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/sx500is/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx50hs/sub/100b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx50hs/sub/100b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   8 platform/sx50hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx50hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                   5 platform/sx50hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   6 platform/sx50hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  20 platform/sx520hs/sub/100b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  21 platform/sx520hs/sub/100b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  20 platform/sx520hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  21 platform/sx520hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  17 platform/sx520hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  18 platform/sx520hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  20 platform/sx530hs/sub/100a/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  21 platform/sx530hs/sub/100a/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  20 platform/sx530hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  21 platform/sx530hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  17 platform/sx530hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                  18 platform/sx530hs/sub/movie_rec_hdr.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  55 platform/sx60hs/sub/100b/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                   8 platform/sx60hs/sub/100b/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx60hs/sub/100b/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  55 platform/sx60hs/sub/100c/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                   8 platform/sx60hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx60hs/sub/100c/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  56 platform/sx60hs/sub/100f/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                   8 platform/sx60hs/sub/100f/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx60hs/sub/100f/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                  56 platform/sx60hs/sub/100h/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                   8 platform/sx60hs/sub/100h/movie_rec.c void  set_quality(int *x){ // -17 highest; +12 lowest
x                   9 platform/sx60hs/sub/100h/movie_rec.c  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
x                 122 platform/sx700hs/sub/100d/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                 122 platform/sx700hs/sub/100e/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                 583 platform/sx710hs/sub/100a/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                 582 platform/sx710hs/sub/101a/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                 598 platform/sx730hs/sub/100c/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                 600 platform/sx730hs/sub/100d/boot.c     extern int _CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly(int x, int y);
x                 115 tools/chdk_dasm.c #define RD(x)	((x)<<12)	/* destination register */
x                 116 tools/chdk_dasm.c #define RN(x)	((x)<<16)	/* operand/base register */
x                 117 tools/chdk_dasm.c #define CP(x)	((x)<<8)	/* coprocessor number */
x                 121 tools/chdk_dasm.c #define RD_is(x)	((instr&RDbits)==RD(x))
x                 122 tools/chdk_dasm.c #define RN_is(x)	((instr&RNbits)==RN(x))
x                 123 tools/chdk_dasm.c #define CP_is(x)	((instr&CPbits)==CP(x))
x                 772 tools/chdk_dasm.c             t_value x = (instr&(3<<23)) >> 23;
x                 773 tools/chdk_dasm.c             if (instr&Lbit) x^=3;
x                 775 tools/chdk_dasm.c                 const char * foo = _i_stk[x];
x                 802 tools/code_gen.c     int x;
x                 819 tools/code_gen.c             x = fread(buf,1,1024,fp);
x                 820 tools/code_gen.c             if (x > 0) fwrite(buf,1,x,outfile);
x                 821 tools/code_gen.c         } while (x > 0);
x                 104 tools/elf2flt/elf.h #define ELF32_ST_TYPE(x)          (((unsigned int) x) & 0xf)
x                  16 tools/firmware_load_ng.h #define ADR_SET_THUMB(x) ((x)|1)
x                  17 tools/firmware_load_ng.h #define ADR_CLEAR_THUMB(x) ((x)&~1)
x                  18 tools/firmware_load_ng.h #define ADR_IS_THUMB(x) ((x)&1)
x                  20 tools/firmware_load_ng.h #define ADR_ALIGN4(x) ((x)&~0x3)
x                  21 tools/firmware_load_ng.h #define ADR_ALIGN2(x) ((x)&~0x1)
x                  23 tools/firmware_load_ng.h #define ADR_IS_ALIGN4(x) (((x)&0x3)==0)
x                 241 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall double _log(double x);
x                 242 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall double _log10(double x);
x                 243 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall double _pow(double x, double y);
x                 244 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall double _sqrt(double x);
x                 366 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void DebugAssert(int x, char *file, int line);
x                 246 tools/packfi2/zutil.h #  define Trace(x) {if (z_verbose>=0) fprintf x ;}
x                 247 tools/packfi2/zutil.h #  define Tracev(x) {if (z_verbose>0) fprintf x ;}
x                 248 tools/packfi2/zutil.h #  define Tracevv(x) {if (z_verbose>1) fprintf x ;}
x                 249 tools/packfi2/zutil.h #  define Tracec(c,x) {if (z_verbose>0 && (c)) fprintf x ;}
x                 250 tools/packfi2/zutil.h #  define Tracecv(c,x) {if (z_verbose>1 && (c)) fprintf x ;}
x                 253 tools/packfi2/zutil.h #  define Trace(x)
x                 254 tools/packfi2/zutil.h #  define Tracev(x)
x                 255 tools/packfi2/zutil.h #  define Tracevv(x)
x                 256 tools/packfi2/zutil.h #  define Tracec(c,x)
x                 257 tools/packfi2/zutil.h #  define Tracecv(c,x)
x                  42 tools/rawconvert.c typedef unsigned (*get_pixel_func_t)(uint8_t *p, unsigned row_bytes, unsigned x, unsigned y);
x                  43 tools/rawconvert.c typedef void (*set_pixel_func_t)(uint8_t *p, unsigned row_bytes, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned value);
x                  54 tools/rawconvert.c void set_12_pixel(uint8_t *p,unsigned row_bytes, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned value)
x                  56 tools/rawconvert.c  uint8_t* addr=p+y*row_bytes+(x>>2)*6;
x                  57 tools/rawconvert.c  switch (x%4) {
x                  77 tools/rawconvert.c unsigned get_12_pixel(uint8_t *p, unsigned row_bytes, unsigned x, unsigned y)
x                  79 tools/rawconvert.c  uint8_t* addr = p + y * row_bytes + (x>>2) * 6;
x                  80 tools/rawconvert.c  switch (x&3) {
x                  89 tools/rawconvert.c unsigned get_10_pixel(uint8_t *p, unsigned row_bytes, unsigned x, unsigned y)
x                  91 tools/rawconvert.c 	uint8_t* addr = p + y * row_bytes + (x>>3) * 10;
x                  92 tools/rawconvert.c 	switch (x&7) {
x                 105 tools/rawconvert.c void set_10_pixel(uint8_t *p, unsigned row_bytes, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned value)
x                 107 tools/rawconvert.c 	uint8_t* addr = p + y*row_bytes + (x>>3)*10;
x                 108 tools/rawconvert.c 	switch (x&7) {
x                 144 tools/rawconvert.c unsigned get_8_pixel(uint8_t *buf, unsigned row_bytes, unsigned x, unsigned y)
x                 146 tools/rawconvert.c 	return buf[row_bytes*y+x];
x                 149 tools/rawconvert.c void set_8_pixel(uint8_t *buf, unsigned row_bytes, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned value)
x                 151 tools/rawconvert.c 	buf[row_bytes*y+x] = (uint8_t)value;
x                 154 tools/rawconvert.c unsigned get_16_pixel(uint8_t *buf, unsigned row_bytes, unsigned x, unsigned y)
x                 156 tools/rawconvert.c 	return ((uint16_t *)buf)[(row_bytes/2)*y + x];
x                 159 tools/rawconvert.c void set_16_pixel(uint8_t *buf, unsigned row_bytes, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned value)
x                 161 tools/rawconvert.c 	((uint16_t *)buf)[(row_bytes/2)*y + x] = (uint16_t)value;
x                 529 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c int shot_histogram_set(int x)
x                 545 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c int set_capture_mode(int x)
x                 547 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c     printf("*** set_capture_mode %d ***\n",x);
x                 551 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c int shooting_set_mode_chdk(int x)
x                 553 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c     printf("*** set_capture_mode_canon %d ***\n",x);
x                 557 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c int shooting_set_mode_canon(int x)
x                 559 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c     printf("*** set_capture_mode_canon %d ***\n",x);