
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. live_histogram_read_y
  2. live_histogram_get_range
  3. shooting_calc_autoiso_coef
  4. shooting_recalc_conf_autoiso_values
  5. shooting_set_autoiso

   1 #include "camera_info.h"
   2 #include "math.h"
   3 #include "conf.h"
   4 #include "viewport.h"
   5 #include "shooting.h"
   6 #include "modes.h"
   7 #include "lens.h"
   9 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
  10 // AUTO ISO
  12 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  13 // @tsv
  14 // Module below calculate live histogram in same way as OSD histogram
  15 // Difference from shot_histogram family is that live_histogram give answer before shot
  16 // Regular histogram_process cannot be used, because raw non-summarized 0.255 values required
  17 // This module is used in AutoISO2 mechanizm.
  18 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  20 // This uses 30 'Y' values from each row (or seccond row for cameras with 2x height YUV viewports).
  21 // Is summing 30 columns of data a good selection for histogram?
  23 // Define how many viewport bytes to step in each loop iteration. Skip 6 sets of 4 pixels.
  24 #ifdef THUMB_FW
  25 // Digic 6: Each block is 4 bytes (UYVY) 2 Y values
  26 #define HISTO_STEP_SIZE 48
  27 #else
  28 // Each block is 6 bytes (UYVYYY) / 4 Y values
  29 #define HISTO_STEP_SIZE 36
  30 #endif
  32 /*
  33 build histogram of viewport Y values (downsampled by HISTO_STEP_SIZE)
  34 NOTE also used by lua get_live_histo
  35 */
  36 int live_histogram_read_y(unsigned short *h)
  37 {
  38 #ifdef THUMB_FW
  39     int vp_width = vid_get_viewport_width_proper() * 2;             // X bytes per row
  40 #else
  41     int vp_width = vid_get_viewport_width_proper() * 6 / 4;         // X bytes per row
  42 #endif
  44     int yscale = vid_get_viewport_yscale();   // Y scale factor (2 for 480 line high lv buffer on pre-d6)
  45     int vp_height_full = vid_get_viewport_height_proper();
  46     // for large resolutions, increase yscale to avoid overflow
  47     if(vp_height_full > 480) {
  48         // minimum 2
  49         yscale = vp_height_full/240;
  50     }
  52     int vp_height = vp_height_full / yscale;      // Number of rows to process
  54     // account for cases where step does not exactly divide width
  55     int total = ((vp_width + HISTO_STEP_SIZE/2)/HISTO_STEP_SIZE) * vp_height;
  57     memset(h, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*256);
  59     unsigned char *img = vid_get_viewport_active_buffer();
  60     if (img)
  61     {
  62         int vp_offset = vid_get_viewport_byte_width() * yscale;     // Bytes length of each row (or double row)
  63         img += vid_get_viewport_image_offset() + 1; // Skip border and move to 1st Y component in each block
  65         int x, y;
  66         for (y=0; y<vp_height; y+=1, img+=vp_offset)
  67         {
  68             for (x=HISTO_STEP_SIZE/2; x<vp_width; x+=HISTO_STEP_SIZE)
  69             {
  70                 h[img[x]] += 1;
  71 //                img[x] = img[x+2] = 255;  // Change sampled values on screen for debugging
  72             }
  73         }
  74     } else {
  75         // if no live buffer, act as if all black
  76         // should be rare, generally only happens in playback with video selected
  77         h[0] = total; 
  78     }
  80     return total;
  81 }
  83 static int live_histogram_get_range(unsigned short *histo, int total,int from, int to)
  84 {
  85     if (from < 0) from = 0;
  86     if (to > 255) to = 255;
  88     int rv = 0;
  89     for(; from<=to; from++)
  90         rv += histo[from];
  92     return (rv * 100) / total;
  93 }
  95 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
  97 static const int shutter1_values[] = { 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 15, 30, 60, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 };
  98 static const int shutter2_values[] = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 };
 100 static void shooting_calc_autoiso_coef( int min_shutter )
 101 {
 102     if (shutter2_values[conf.autoiso2_shutter_enum] >= min_shutter)
 103     {
 104         conf.autoiso2_coef = 0.0;
 105     }
 106     else
 107     {
 108         conf.autoiso2_coef = (float)(conf.autoiso2_max_iso_auto_real - conf.autoiso_max_iso_auto_real) / 
 109             (float)( shutter2_values[conf.autoiso2_shutter_enum] - min_shutter);
 110     }
 111 }
 113 static void shooting_recalc_conf_autoiso_values()
 114 {
 115     // convert market to real iso
 116     conf.autoiso_max_iso_hi_real    = shooting_iso_market_to_real(conf.autoiso_max_iso_hi) ;
 117     conf.autoiso_max_iso_auto_real  = shooting_iso_market_to_real(conf.autoiso_max_iso_auto) ; 
 118     conf.autoiso_min_iso_real       = shooting_iso_market_to_real(conf.autoiso_min_iso) ;      
 119     conf.autoiso2_max_iso_auto_real = shooting_iso_market_to_real(conf.autoiso2_max_iso_auto) ;
 121     // There are two exceptional situation: 
 122     // 1. shutter_numerator2 should be < shutter_numerator1, otherwise exceptional situation 
 123     // 2. autoiso2 <= autoiso1
 124     if ( !shutter2_values[conf.autoiso2_shutter_enum] )
 125         conf.autoiso2_max_iso_auto_real = conf.autoiso_max_iso_auto_real;
 127     // C2=( iso2_max_auto_real - iso_max_auto_real) / ( tv_num[autoiso2_shutter] - tv_numerator[autoiso_shutter])
 128     shooting_calc_autoiso_coef( shutter1_values[conf.autoiso_shutter_enum] );
 129 }
 131 void shooting_set_autoiso(int iso_mode)
 132 {
 133     short max_iso;
 135     if (iso_mode<=0)
 136         shooting_recalc_conf_autoiso_values();
 138     switch (iso_mode)
 139     {
 140     case -1: // ISO HI
 141         //max_iso = conf.autoiso_max_iso_hi*10;
 142         max_iso = conf.autoiso_max_iso_hi_real;
 143         break;
 144     case 0: // ISO AUTO
 145         //max_iso = conf.autoiso_max_iso_auto*10;
 146         max_iso = conf.autoiso_max_iso_auto_real;
 147         break;
 148     default:
 149         return;
 150     }
 152     // TODO also long shutter ?
 153     if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_M || camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_TV || camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_STITCH)
 154         return; //Only operate outside of M and Tv
 156     int ev_overexp = 0;
 157     if (conf.overexp_ev_enum)
 158     {
 159         unsigned short *histo = malloc(256*sizeof(unsigned short));
 160         if(histo) {
 161             // No shoot_histogram exist here because no future shot exist yet :)
 162             int total = live_histogram_read_y(histo);
 164             // step 32 is 1/3ev for tv96
 165             if (live_histogram_get_range(histo,total,255-conf.autoiso2_over,255) >= conf.overexp_threshold)
 166                 ev_overexp = conf.overexp_ev_enum << 5; 
 167             free(histo);
 168         }
 169     }
 171     float current_shutter = shooting_get_shutter_speed_from_tv96(shooting_get_tv96());
 173     short current_iso = shooting_get_iso_real();
 175     short min_shutter = shutter1_values[conf.autoiso_shutter_enum];
 176     if (min_shutter == 0)
 177     {
 178         short IS_factor = (shooting_get_is_mode()<=1)?conf.autoiso_is_factor:1;
 179         min_shutter = get_focal_length(lens_get_zoom_point())*conf.autoiso_user_factor / (IS_factor*1000);
 180         //min_shutter is NOT 1/Xs but optimized for the calculation.
 181         if (shutter2_values[conf.autoiso2_shutter_enum])
 182             shooting_calc_autoiso_coef( min_shutter );
 183     }
 185     short target_iso = current_iso * min_shutter * current_shutter;
 186     short min_iso = conf.autoiso_min_iso_real;
 188     if (target_iso > max_iso)
 189     {
 190         ev_overexp=0;
 192         // AutoISO2 if
 193         //      it is turned on (C2!=0.0)
 194         //      and it has valid iso2/shutter2 ( C2<0)
 195         //       and non-IsoHI mode
 196         if ( !iso_mode && conf.autoiso2_coef < 0.0 )
 197         {
 198             target_iso = (max_iso - min_shutter*conf.autoiso2_coef) / ( 1.0 - conf.autoiso2_coef  / (current_shutter * current_iso) );
 199             if ( target_iso > conf.autoiso2_max_iso_auto_real )
 200                 target_iso = conf.autoiso2_max_iso_auto_real;
 201         }
 202         else
 203         {
 204             target_iso = max_iso;
 205         }
 206     }
 207     else if (target_iso < min_iso)
 208     {
 209         target_iso = min_iso;
 210     }
 212     float target_shutter = current_shutter *  current_iso / target_iso;
 214         if (target_shutter > 0)
 215         shooting_set_tv96_direct(shooting_get_tv96_from_shutter_speed(target_shutter) + ev_overexp, SET_NOW);
 217     shooting_set_iso_real(target_iso, SET_NOW);
 218 }
 220 //-------------------------------------------------------------------

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */