state             321 core/action_stack.c         if (camera_info.state.state_shooting_progress == SHOOTING_PROGRESS_NONE)
state             372 core/action_stack.c     if (shooting_in_progress() || camera_info.state.mode_video)
state             409 core/action_stack.c     camera_info.state.state_shooting_progress = SHOOTING_PROGRESS_NONE;
state             153 core/autoiso.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_M || camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_TV || camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_STITCH)
state             259 core/camera_info.c     camera_info.state.osd_title_line = 1 ;
state             260 core/camera_info.c     camera_info.state.gui_mode_none = 1 ; // default state before gui initialized
state              57 core/conf.c            || (conf.alt_prevent_shutdown == ALT_PREVENT_SHUTDOWN_ALT && !camera_info.state.gui_mode_none)
state              58 core/conf.c            || (conf.alt_prevent_shutdown == ALT_PREVENT_SHUTDOWN_ALT_SCRIPT && camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run)) {
state            1168 core/conf.c            if (config_has_changed(confinfo_handlers[i].ci) || ((confinfo_handlers[i].start_id == CONF_USER) && camera_info.state.user_menu_has_changed))
state            1590 core/conf.c        int m = camera_info.state.mode_shooting;
state            1616 core/conf.c           (camera_info.state.mode & MODE_DISABLE_RAW)      // Disable if bit set in modemap
state             102 core/console.c     else if (console_displayed && !camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run)      // Erase if drawn and script not running
state             298 core/gps.c         if (camera_info.state.gui_mode_none)
state             523 core/gps.c                 if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             950 core/gps.c                     if (camera_info.state.mode_rec)
state             959 core/gps.c                     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state            1208 core/gps.c                 if (camera_info.state.mode_rec)
state            1215 core/gps.c                 if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state            1377 core/gps.c             if (camera_info.state.gui_mode_none)
state            1398 core/gps.c             if (camera_info.state.gui_mode_none)
state             267 core/gui.c         if (camera_info.state.gui_mode_alt) {
state             272 core/gui.c         } else if (camera_info.state.gui_mode_none) {
state             281 core/gui.c         draw_text_justified(x, y, exp_text, cl, EXP_TEXT_WIDTH, camera_info.state.gui_mode_alt ? EXP_TEXT_HEIGHT : 1, TEXT_CENTER|TEXT_FILL);
state            2400 core/gui.c             if (camera_info.state.gui_mode_none || camera_info.state.gui_mode_alt)
state            2410 core/gui.c                 if (camera_info.state.gui_mode_none || camera_info.state.gui_mode_alt)
state            2468 core/gui.c         camera_info.state.gui_mode = mode->mode;
state            2469 core/gui.c         camera_info.state.gui_mode_none = (camera_info.state.gui_mode == GUI_MODE_NONE);
state            2470 core/gui.c         camera_info.state.gui_mode_alt = (camera_info.state.gui_mode == GUI_MODE_ALT);
state            2497 core/gui.c         if (camera_info.state.gui_mode_alt)
state            2536 core/gui.c     static int shortcut_text(int x, int y, int button, int func_str, const char *state, twoColors col)
state            2539 core/gui.c         if (state)
state            2543 core/gui.c             sprintf(buf+strlen(buf)," [%6s",state);
state            2569 core/gui.c         if ((camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run != 0) || (console_displayed != 0))
state            2682 core/gui.c         if (camera_info.state.osd_title_line) 
state            2691 core/gui.c             if (camera_info.state.mode_rec || camera_info.state.mode_play)
state            2820 core/gui.c         if (camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press) return 0;
state            2903 core/gui.c                     if ((camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_M) || (camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_AV))
state            2960 core/gui.c             ((conf.user_menu_as_root && !camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press) ||
state            2961 core/gui.c              (!conf.user_menu_as_root && camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press)))
state            2979 core/gui.c         if (!draw_test_guard() && (!camera_info.state.gui_mode_none || gui_splash))     // Attempt to detect screen erase in <Alt> mode, redraw if needed
state            3087 core/gui.c     	    if ((conf.user_menu_enable == 2) && !camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) {
state            1656 core/gui_draw.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_rec)
state             474 core/gui_menu.c     if (camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press || kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_ZOOM_IN) || kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_ZOOM_OUT)) c=4; else c=1;
state             644 core/gui_menu.c                         if (camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press)
state              95 core/gui_osd.c         (camera_info.state.mode_rec_or_review && ((conf.show_dof == DOF_SHOW_IN_DOF) || (conf.show_dof == DOF_SHOW_IN_DOF_EX)) &&
state              96 core/gui_osd.c          (((camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press || camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run || shooting_get_common_focus_mode()) &&
state              97 core/gui_osd.c            (camera_info.state.mode_photo || camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_STITCH)) ||
state              98 core/gui_osd.c           ((camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) && conf.show_values_in_video))))
state             208 core/gui_osd.c          !camera_info.state.mode_video && !camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press && 
state             209 core/gui_osd.c          camera_info.state.mode_rec_or_review
state             258 core/gui_osd.c     if ((conf.show_state && camera_info.state.mode_rec_or_review) || is_osd_edit)
state             269 core/gui_osd.c             if(camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press) 
state             289 core/gui_osd.c         if ((conf.autoiso_enable && shooting_get_iso_mode()<=0 && !(camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_M || camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_TV) && shooting_get_flash_mode() && (autoiso_and_bracketing_overrides_are_enabled)) || is_osd_edit)  
state             291 core/gui_osd.c         if ((is_sd_override_enabled && shooting_can_focus()) || (camera_info.state.gui_mode_alt && shooting_get_common_focus_mode()) || is_osd_edit)
state             294 core/gui_osd.c             if (camera_info.state.gui_mode_alt)
state             332 core/gui_osd.c             if (camera_info.state.edge_state_draw==0) gui_print_osd_state_string_chr("EDGE:", "LIVE");
state             333 core/gui_osd.c             else if (camera_info.state.edge_state_draw==1) gui_print_osd_state_string_chr("EDGE:", ((conf.edge_overlay_pano==0)?"FROZEN":"PANO"));
state             353 core/gui_osd.c     if (is_osd_edit || (camera_info.state.mode_rec_or_review && conf.show_values))
state             360 core/gui_osd.c             ((conf.show_values==SHOW_MISC_ALWAYS && camera_info.state.mode_photo) ||
state             361 core/gui_osd.c              ((camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) && conf.show_values_in_video) ||
state             362 core/gui_osd.c              ((camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press || (recreview_hold==1)) && (conf.show_values==SHOW_MISC_SHOOT))))
state             364 core/gui_osd.c         else if (is_zebra || (shooting_get_common_focus_mode() && camera_info.state.mode_photo && conf.show_values && !((conf.show_dof==DOF_SHOW_IN_DOF) || (conf.show_dof==DOF_SHOW_IN_DOF_EX))))
state             454 core/gui_osd.c         if ((camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press == 0) || (conf.clock_halfpress == 0) || is_osd_edit)
state             484 core/gui_osd.c         else if (camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press && (conf.clock_halfpress == 1))
state             514 core/gui_osd.c     if ((conf.show_movie_time > 0) && (camera_info.state.mode_video || record_running) && !camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             517 core/gui_osd.c         if (camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording())
state             633 core/gui_osd.c     if ((!camera_info.state.mode_video && camera_info.state.mode_rec && conf.fast_ev) || is_osd_edit)
state             732 core/gui_osd.c     if ( (canon_menu_active!=(int)&canon_menu_active-4) || canon_shoot_menu_active!=0 || !camera_info.state.mode_rec) return 0;
state             735 core/gui_osd.c     if (conf.fast_ev && (key_pressed == 0) && (camera_info.state.mode_shooting != MODE_M))
state             760 core/gui_osd.c         if (camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press && (jogdial==JOGDIAL_RIGHT))
state             767 core/gui_osd.c         if (camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press && (jogdial==JOGDIAL_LEFT))
state             830 core/gui_osd.c         && (camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording())
state             878 core/gui_osd.c     if (camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press)
state             903 core/gui_osd.c     half_disp_press = camera_info.state.mode_photo && camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press && kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_DISPLAY);
state             961 core/gui_osd.c     if (is_video_recording() && !camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press)
state            1003 core/gui_osd.c         if (!camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press)
state            1005 core/gui_osd.c             if (camera_info.state.mode_rec)
state            1099 core/gui_osd.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_video)
state            1347 core/gui_osd.c     if (conf.flashlight && (camera_info.state.mode&MODE_SCREEN_OPENED) && (camera_info.state.mode&MODE_SCREEN_ROTATED))
state            1365 core/gui_osd.c         if (libzebra->gui_osd_draw_zebra(conf.zebra_draw && camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press && camera_info.state.mode_photo))
state            1377 core/gui_osd.c     if (camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press && camera_info.state.mode_rec && camera_info.state.mode_shooting!=MODE_VIDEO_STD && camera_info.state.mode_shooting!=MODE_VIDEO_COMPACT)
state             123 core/kbd_common.c int kbd_force_analog_av(int state)
state             126 core/kbd_common.c     forced_analog_av = state;
state             129 core/kbd_common.c     (void)state;
state             223 core/kbd_common.c         if ((jogdial_stopped==0) && !camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) {
state             227 core/kbd_common.c         else if (jogdial_stopped && camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) {
state             422 core/kbd_common.c     if (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_ZOOM_IN) && kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_MF) && camera_info.state.mode_rec) {
state             437 core/kbd_common.c     if (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_ZOOM_OUT) && kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_MF) && camera_info.state.mode_rec) {
state             458 core/kbd_common.c     if (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_ZOOM_IN) && camera_info.state.mode_rec) {
state             472 core/kbd_common.c     if (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_ZOOM_OUT) && camera_info.state.mode_rec) {
state             118 core/kbd_process.c         camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked = kbd_get_clicked_key();
state             119 core/kbd_process.c         camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked_time = get_tick_count();
state             123 core/kbd_process.c     camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press = kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF);
state             156 core/kbd_process.c                     enter_alt(camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run);
state             168 core/kbd_process.c     if (camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press && kbd_is_key_pressed(conf.alt_mode_button)) 
state             317 core/lib_thumb.c     if ((conf.clean_overlay == 1) && camera_info.state.mode_rec) { // clean during rec mode
state             348 core/lib_thumb.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_rec) {
state             258 core/main.c            dce_nowmode = camera_info.state.mode_play;
state             317 core/main.c            if ((camera_info.state.state_shooting_progress != SHOOTING_PROGRESS_PROCESSING) || recreview_hold)
state             323 core/main.c            if (camera_info.state.state_shooting_progress != SHOOTING_PROGRESS_PROCESSING)
state             328 core/main.c                if ((camera_info.state.gui_mode_none || camera_info.state.gui_mode_alt) && conf.edge_overlay_thresh && conf.edge_overlay_enable)
state             338 core/main.c            if ((camera_info.state.state_shooting_progress == SHOOTING_PROGRESS_PROCESSING) && (!shooting_in_progress()))
state             340 core/main.c                camera_info.state.state_shooting_progress = SHOOTING_PROGRESS_DONE;
state             154 core/modules.c void module_save_edge(void* buf, int state)      { saved_edgebuf = buf; saved_edgestate = state; }
state             407 core/modules.c         ((camera_info.state.mode_play || !camera_info.state.mode_video) &&
state             409 core/modules.c           ((conf.show_histo==SHOW_HISTO_HALF) && camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press) ||
state             410 core/modules.c           ((conf.show_histo==SHOW_HISTO_REC) && camera_info.state.mode_rec && (recreview_hold==0)) ||
state             422 core/ptp.c                 camera_info.state.auto_started = 0;
state             781 core/ptp.c             if (camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) {
state             214 core/raw.c         if (camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run)
state             255 core/raw.c             if (camera_info.state.state_shooting_progress != SHOOTING_PROGRESS_PROCESSING)
state             266 core/raw.c             camera_info.state.state_shooting_progress = SHOOTING_PROGRESS_PROCESSING;
state             269 core/raw.c         else if (!(conf.raw_save_first_only && camera_info.state.state_shooting_progress == SHOOTING_PROGRESS_PROCESSING))
state             271 core/raw.c             camera_info.state.state_shooting_progress = SHOOTING_PROGRESS_PROCESSING;
state             101 core/remotecap.c         || !camera_info.state.mode_rec
state             165 core/remotecap.c void filewrite_set_discard_file(int state);
state             107 core/script.c      if (camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run)
state             130 core/script.c      camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run = SCRIPT_STATE_RAN;
state             150 core/script.c      if ((script_terminate_key != KEY_SHOOT_FULL) && camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run)
state             164 core/script.c      if(camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run && script_terminate_request) {
state             178 core/script.c          if (camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run == SCRIPT_STATE_INTERRUPTED)
state             182 core/script.c              camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run = SCRIPT_STATE_INTERRUPTED;
state             197 core/script.c      if (camera_info.state.mode_rec || camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             200 core/script.c          if (camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) show_md_grid=5;
state             219 core/script.c      if(camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run == SCRIPT_STATE_INACTIVE) {
state             224 core/script.c      while(camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run != SCRIPT_STATE_INACTIVE) {
state             233 core/script.c      camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run = SCRIPT_STATE_INACTIVE;
state             234 core/script.c      camera_info.state.osd_title_line = 1 ;
state             248 core/script.c          if(old_gui_handler == &altGuiHandler && camera_info.state.gui_mode_none) {
state             250 core/script.c          } else if(old_gui_handler == &defaultGuiHandler && camera_info.state.gui_mode_alt) {
state             279 core/script.c      camera_info.state.auto_started = autostart;
state             285 core/script.c      camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked = 0;
state             286 core/script.c      camera_info.state.kbd_last_checked_time = get_tick_count();
state             448 core/shooting.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_HIGHSPEED_BURST)
state             537 core/shooting.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             564 core/shooting.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             570 core/shooting.c             if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_HIGHSPEED_BURST)
state             677 core/shooting.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             693 core/shooting.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             720 core/shooting.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             741 core/shooting.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             754 core/shooting.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             859 core/shooting.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             879 core/shooting.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             910 core/shooting.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             930 core/shooting.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             943 core/shooting.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             965 core/shooting.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state            1007 core/shooting.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state            1021 core/shooting.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state            1230 core/shooting.c   if ((camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_M || camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_AV) && (av96>0) && !f_focus_ok) { 
state            1310 core/shooting.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_play) return 0 ;                 // don't focus in playback mode
state            1314 core/shooting.c     if( camera_info.state.mode_video == 1) return 1;           // FIXME : default to MF enabled in video mode for now
state            1374 core/shooting.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state            1392 core/shooting.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state            1399 core/shooting.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state            1414 core/shooting.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state            1526 core/shooting.c             if (!(camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_M || camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_TV || camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_LONG_SHUTTER))
state            1551 core/shooting.c         if (!(camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_M || camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_AV))
state            1641 core/shooting.c         if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting!=MODE_STITCH && camera_info.state.mode_shooting!=MODE_BEST_IMAGE)
state            1643 core/shooting.c             if (camera_info.state.state_shooting_progress != SHOOTING_PROGRESS_PROCESSING)
state            1659 core/shooting.c     if (camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) {
state            1738 core/shooting.c     return ((movie_status == VIDEO_RECORD_IN_PROGRESS) && (camera_info.state.mode_shooting != MODE_VIDEO_MOVIE_DIGEST));
state            1807 core/shooting.c     camera_info.state.mode = mode;
state            1808 core/shooting.c     camera_info.state.mode_shooting = mode & MODE_SHOOTING_MASK;
state            1809 core/shooting.c     camera_info.state.mode_video = mode_is_video(mode);
state            1810 core/shooting.c     camera_info.state.mode_rec = ((mode & MODE_MASK) == MODE_REC);
state            1811 core/shooting.c     camera_info.state.mode_rec_or_review = camera_info.state.mode_rec && (recreview_hold==0 || conf.show_osd_in_review);
state            1812 core/shooting.c     camera_info.state.mode_play = ((mode & MODE_MASK) == MODE_PLAY);
state            1813 core/shooting.c     camera_info.state.mode_photo = (camera_info.state.mode_play || !(camera_info.state.mode_video || (mode&MODE_SHOOTING_MASK)==MODE_STITCH));
state            1850 core/shooting.c         if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting==MODE_VIDEO_SPEED)
state            1914 core/shooting.c     if (((camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) || (usb_remote_active)) && (photo_param_put_off.tv96 != PHOTO_PARAM_TV_NONE))
state            1924 core/shooting.c     if (((camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) || (usb_remote_active)) && (photo_param_put_off.sv96))
state            1934 core/shooting.c     if (((camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) || (usb_remote_active)) && (photo_param_put_off.av96))
state            1942 core/shooting.c     if (((camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) || (usb_remote_active)) && (photo_param_put_off.subj_dist))
state            1951 core/shooting.c     if ((camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) && (photo_param_put_off.nd_filter))
state            1980 core/shooting.c     if ((camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) && (photo_param_put_off.sv96))
state            1991 core/shooting.c     if ((camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) && (photo_param_put_off.nd_filter))
state             407 core/usb_module.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             217 core/usb_remote.c void usb_remote_status_led(int state)
state             222 core/usb_remote.c             debug_led(state);
state             224 core/usb_remote.c             *(int*)camera_info.cam_remote_sync_status_led=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state             275 core/usb_remote.c                 camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked = 0xFF;                  // flag the remote key as the last one pressed (for scripts)
state             276 core/usb_remote.c                 camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked_time = get_tick_count(); // store key release time too
state             403 core/usb_remote.c         if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             406 core/usb_remote.c             camera_mode = camera_info.state.mode_video ? CAMERA_MODE_VIDEO : CAMERA_MODE_SHOOTING ;
state              36 core/usb_sync.c int force_usb_state(int state)
state              38 core/usb_sync.c     forced_usb_port = state ;
state             202 include/camera_info.h     } state;
state               9 include/debug_led.h extern void debug_led(int state);
state              13 include/debug_led.h void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright);
state              35 include/dryos23.h     unsigned char state;
state              36 include/dryos31.h     unsigned char state;
state              46 include/levent.h extern void SetLogicalEventActive(unsigned event, unsigned state);
state             240 include/lolevel.h extern void _SetLogicalEventActive(unsigned event, unsigned state);
state              29 include/vxworks.h     unsigned int    state;
state             311 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) r = 0;
state             312 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play) r = 1;
state             313 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play && camera_info.state.mode_video) r = 2;
state             325 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c     r = camera_info.state.auto_started;
state             613 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_rec) 
state             614 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c       r = camera_info.state.mode_shooting;
state             696 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c     r = camera_info.state.osd_title_line ;
state             708 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c     r = (camera_info.state.gui_mode != 0);
state             712 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c     r = (is_raw_possible() && !camera_info.state.mode_play);
state             941 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c     if (camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run == 1) {  
state            1875 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c           || camera_info.state.mode_video)  // TODO video needs to be investigated, carried over from old code
state            1971 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c     if ((get_tick_count() >= action_top(2)) || camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked)
state            1974 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c         if (!camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked)
state            1975 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c             camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked=0xFFFF;
state            1977 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c             camera_info.state.kbd_last_checked_time = camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked_time;
state            2001 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c     if (camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked_time <= camera_info.state.kbd_last_checked_time)
state            2003 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c         camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked = 0;
state            2600 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c       camera_info.state.osd_title_line=expr()?1:0;
state              52 loader/generic/check_compat.c void set_led(int led, int state, int method) {
state              57 loader/generic/check_compat.c         *p = (*p & 0xFFFFFFCF) | ((state) ? 0x00 : 0x20);
state              61 loader/generic/check_compat.c         *p = ((state) ? 0x93d800 : 0x83dc00);
state              65 loader/generic/check_compat.c         *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003);
state              69 loader/generic/check_compat.c         *p = ((state) ? 0x024d0002 : 0x024c0003);
state              72 loader/generic/check_compat.c         *p = ((state) ? 0x46 : 0x44);
state             737 modules/dng.c      if (camera_info.state.shutter_open_time)
state             740 modules/dng.c          subsectime = (camera_info.state.shutter_open_tick_count - camera_info.tick_count_offset) % 1000;
state             742 modules/dng.c          datetime = camera_info.state.shutter_open_time + ((cam_shutter[0] + (subsectime * 1000)) / 1000000);
state             743 modules/dng.c          camera_info.state.shutter_open_time = 0;
state             765 modules/dng.c      exif_data.exp_program = camera_info.state.mode_shooting;
state            1000 modules/dng.c      camera_info.state.state_shooting_progress = SHOOTING_PROGRESS_PROCESSING;
state            1161 modules/dng.c      if (!camera_info.state.mode_rec)
state             766 modules/edgeoverlay.c     const int bHalfPress = camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press;
state             767 modules/edgeoverlay.c     const int bPlayMode = camera_info.state.mode_play;
state             794 modules/edgeoverlay.c         camera_info.state.edge_state_draw=0;
state             798 modules/edgeoverlay.c         int bRealtimeUpdate = bCanDisplay && (camera_info.state.gui_mode_alt || camera_info.state.gui_mode_none);
state             807 modules/edgeoverlay.c         int bSwitch2Frozen = bFullPress && !bFullPress_prev && camera_info.state.gui_mode_none;
state             831 modules/edgeoverlay.c         camera_info.state.edge_state_draw=1;
state             836 modules/edgeoverlay.c         if (camera_info.state.gui_mode_alt)
state             848 modules/edgeoverlay.c         if (bCanDisplay && (camera_info.state.gui_mode_alt || camera_info.state.gui_mode_none))
state             858 modules/edgeoverlay.c         if (bFullPress && !bFullPress_prev && camera_info.state.gui_mode_none)
state              23 modules/edgeoverlay.h extern void module_save_edge(void* buf, int state);
state             477 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state            1063 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              19 modules/games/simple_game.c     if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             176 modules/gui_bench.c     txtbufptr+=sprintf(txtbuf+txtbufptr,"Mode      : 0x%x\n\n",camera_info.state.mode);
state            1488 modules/gui_fselect.c                 if (camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press) fselect_goto_prev(4);
state            1497 modules/gui_fselect.c                 if (camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press) fselect_goto_next(4);
state             228 modules/gui_grid.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_rec_or_review && conf.show_grid_lines)
state             422 modules/histogram.c         ((camera_info.state.mode_play || !camera_info.state.mode_video) &&
state             424 modules/histogram.c           ((conf.show_histo==SHOW_HISTO_HALF) && camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press) ||
state             425 modules/histogram.c           ((conf.show_histo==SHOW_HISTO_REC) && camera_info.state.mode_rec && (recreview_hold==0)) ||
state             488 modules/histogram.c         if ((conf.show_overexp ) && camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press && (under_exposed || over_exposed))
state             276 modules/luascript.c         ptp_saved_alt_state = camera_info.state.gui_mode_alt;
state             676 modules/luascript.c   lua_pushboolean( L, is_raw_possible() && !camera_info.state.mode_play );
state             926 modules/luascript.c       || camera_info.state.mode_video)  // TODO video needs to be investigated, carried over from old code
state            1099 modules/luascript.c     if ((get_tick_count() >= action_top(2)) || camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked)
state            1102 modules/luascript.c         if (!camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked)
state            1103 modules/luascript.c             camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked=0xFFFF;
state            1105 modules/luascript.c             camera_info.state.kbd_last_checked_time = camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked_time;
state            1121 modules/luascript.c     if (camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked_time <= camera_info.state.kbd_last_checked_time)
state            1123 modules/luascript.c         camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked = 0;
state            1235 modules/luascript.c     camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run = SCRIPT_STATE_RAN;
state            1246 modules/luascript.c     if (camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run)
state            1255 modules/luascript.c     camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run = SCRIPT_STATE_INACTIVE;
state            1266 modules/luascript.c     camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run = SCRIPT_STATE_INACTIVE;
state            1386 modules/luascript.c   lua_pushboolean( L, camera_info.state.auto_started );
state            1458 modules/luascript.c     lua_pushboolean(L, (camera_info.state.gui_mode != 0));
state            1869 modules/luascript.c   lua_pushboolean( L, !camera_info.state.mode_play );
state            1870 modules/luascript.c   lua_pushboolean( L, camera_info.state.mode_video );
state            1871 modules/luascript.c   lua_pushnumber( L, camera_info.state.mode );
state            1931 modules/luascript.c   camera_info.state.osd_title_line= on_off_value_from_lua_arg(L,1);
state            1938 modules/luascript.c    lua_pushboolean( L, camera_info.state.osd_title_line  );
state            2072 modules/luascript.c   unsigned state;
state            2075 modules/luascript.c   state = on_off_value_from_lua_arg(L,2);
state            2076 modules/luascript.c   SetLogicalEventActive(event_id,state);
state             795 modules/motion_detector.c     if (!md_running() || motion_detector.draw_grid==0 || camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run==0)
state             811 modules/motion_detector.c     for (i=0, row=0; row < motion_detector.rows && camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run; row++)
state             881 modules/motion_detector.c     return camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run == SCRIPT_STATE_INACTIVE;
state             126 modules/scrdump.c     int state = SCRDUMP_STATE_IDLE;
state             136 modules/scrdump.c                 if(state == SCRDUMP_STATE_RUN) {
state             142 modules/scrdump.c                 state = SCRDUMP_STATE_PENDING;
state             145 modules/scrdump.c                 if(state == SCRDUMP_STATE_RUN) {
state             152 modules/scrdump.c         if(state == SCRDUMP_STATE_PENDING) {
state             156 modules/scrdump.c                     state = SCRDUMP_STATE_RUN;
state             158 modules/scrdump.c                     state = SCRDUMP_STATE_IDLE;
state             162 modules/scrdump.c         if(state == SCRDUMP_STATE_RUN) {
state             174 modules/scrdump.c                     state = SCRDUMP_STATE_IDLE;
state             178 modules/scrdump.c         if(state == SCRDUMP_STATE_IDLE) {
state              20 modules/script_key_funcs.c         return (camera_info.state.kbd_last_clicked == k);
state             373 modules/sha1.c 	u32 state[5];
state             385 modules/sha1.c static void SHA1Transform(u32 state[5], const unsigned char buffer[64]);
state             579 modules/sha1.c 	       context->state[0],
state             580 modules/sha1.c 	       context->state[1],
state             581 modules/sha1.c 	       context->state[2],
state             582 modules/sha1.c 	       context->state[3],
state             583 modules/sha1.c 	       context->state[4]);
state             589 modules/sha1.c static void SHA1Transform(u32 state[5], const unsigned char buffer[64])
state             605 modules/sha1.c 	a = state[0];
state             606 modules/sha1.c 	b = state[1];
state             607 modules/sha1.c 	c = state[2];
state             608 modules/sha1.c 	d = state[3];
state             609 modules/sha1.c 	e = state[4];
state             632 modules/sha1.c 	state[0] += a;
state             633 modules/sha1.c 	state[1] += b;
state             634 modules/sha1.c 	state[2] += c;
state             635 modules/sha1.c 	state[3] += d;
state             636 modules/sha1.c 	state[4] += e;
state             650 modules/sha1.c 	context->state[0] = 0x67452301;
state             651 modules/sha1.c 	context->state[1] = 0xEFCDAB89;
state             652 modules/sha1.c 	context->state[2] = 0x98BADCFE;
state             653 modules/sha1.c 	context->state[3] = 0x10325476;
state             654 modules/sha1.c 	context->state[4] = 0xC3D2E1F0;
state             675 modules/sha1.c 		SHA1Transform(context->state, context->buffer);
state             677 modules/sha1.c 			SHA1Transform(context->state, &data[i]);
state             709 modules/sha1.c 			((context->state[i >> 2] >> ((3 - (i & 3)) * 8)) &
state             715 modules/sha1.c 	memset(context->state, 0, 20);
state             117 modules/user_menu_edit.c                 camera_info.state.user_menu_has_changed = 1;
state             166 modules/user_menu_edit.c                 camera_info.state.user_menu_has_changed = 1;
state             218 modules/user_menu_edit.c     camera_info.state.user_menu_has_changed = 1;
state             272 modules/user_menu_edit.c             camera_info.state.user_menu_has_changed = 1;
state             371 modules/user_menu_edit.c     if (camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press || kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_ZOOM_IN) || kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_ZOOM_OUT)) c=4; else c=1;
state             479 modules/zebra.c         if (!camera_info.state.mode_rec) ready=1;
state             510 modules/zebra.c         return draw_zebra_aspect_adjust(camera_info.state.mode_rec,f,cls);    // For newer cameras with 720/960 pixel wide screen
state             512 modules/zebra.c         return draw_zebra_no_aspect_adjust(camera_info.state.mode_rec,f,cls); // For older cameras with 360/480 pixel wide screen
state             731 modules/zebra.c         if (!camera_info.state.mode_rec) ready=1;
state              23 platform/a1000/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/a1000/lib.c 	if (state)
state              44 platform/a1000/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright) { 
state              58 platform/a1000/lib.c         led_c.action=state<=1 ? !state : state; 
state              25 platform/a1000/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/a1000/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/a1100/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              36 platform/a1100/lib.c  *(int*)LED_DP=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              39 platform/a1100/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              41 platform/a1100/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/a1100/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a1100/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              25 platform/a1200/lib.c void debug_led(int state) {
state              27 platform/a1200/lib.c     *(int*)LED_OR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              30 platform/a1200/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              33 platform/a1200/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/a1200/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a1200/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a1300/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              27 platform/a1300/lib.c      *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              39 platform/a1300/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              41 platform/a1300/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/a1300/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a1300/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              20 platform/a1400/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              24 platform/a1400/lib.c      *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              31 platform/a1400/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              33 platform/a1400/lib.c     if(state<=1) _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], (!state)&1);
state              24 platform/a1400/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a1400/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              46 platform/a2000/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              48 platform/a2000/lib.c  *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              49 platform/a2000/lib.c  *(int*)LED_GRN=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              57 platform/a2000/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright) { 
state              71 platform/a2000/lib.c         led_c.action=state<=1 ? !state : state; 
state              25 platform/a2000/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/a2000/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              37 platform/a2100/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              40 platform/a2100/lib.c   *(int*)LED_AF=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              58 platform/a2100/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              60 platform/a2100/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              25 platform/a2100/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              36 platform/a2100/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              24 platform/a2200/lib.c void debug_led(int state) {
state              26 platform/a2200/lib.c 	*(int*)LED_AC=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              29 platform/a2200/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              32 platform/a2200/lib.c 	_LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/a2200/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a2200/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              24 platform/a2300/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              29 platform/a2300/lib.c      *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              36 platform/a2300/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              38 platform/a2300/lib.c 	_LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/a2300/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              35 platform/a2300/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              24 platform/a2400/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              29 platform/a2400/lib.c      *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              36 platform/a2400/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              38 platform/a2400/lib.c     if(state<=1) _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], (!state)&1);
state              24 platform/a2400/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              35 platform/a2400/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a2500/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              27 platform/a2500/lib.c      *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              33 platform/a2500/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              35 platform/a2500/lib.c     if(state<=1) _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], (!state)&1);
state              24 platform/a2500/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a2500/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a2600/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              27 platform/a2600/lib.c      *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              33 platform/a2600/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              35 platform/a2600/lib.c     if(state<=1) _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], (!state)&1);
state              24 platform/a2600/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a2600/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a3000/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/a3000/lib.c     if (state)
state              57 platform/a3000/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              59 platform/a3000/lib.c 	_LEDDrive(7, state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              61 platform/a3000/lib.c 	_LEDDrive(9, state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              30 platform/a3000/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              39 platform/a3000/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a3100/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/a3100/lib.c     if (state)
state              57 platform/a3100/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              66 platform/a3100/lib.c     if (state)
state              30 platform/a3100/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              39 platform/a3100/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              15 platform/a3200/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              17 platform/a3200/lib.c  *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              20 platform/a3200/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              22 platform/a3200/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              65 platform/a3200/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_video)
state              24 platform/a3200/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a3200/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              15 platform/a3300/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              17 platform/a3300/lib.c  *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              20 platform/a3300/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              22 platform/a3300/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/a3300/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a3300/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             107 platform/a3400/kbd.c     return !camera_info.state.gui_mode_none;
state              23 platform/a3400/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              28 platform/a3400/lib.c      *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              34 platform/a3400/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              36 platform/a3400/lib.c     if(state<=1) _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], (!state)&1);
state              23 platform/a4000/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              28 platform/a4000/lib.c      *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              34 platform/a4000/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              36 platform/a4000/lib.c     if(state<=1) _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], (!state)&1);
state              23 platform/a410/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/a410/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/a410/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              38 platform/a410/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/a410/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a410/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a420/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/a420/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/a420/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              38 platform/a420/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/a420/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a420/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a430/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/a430/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/a430/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              38 platform/a430/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/a430/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a430/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a450/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/a450/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/a450/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              38 platform/a450/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/a450/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a450/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a460/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/a460/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/a460/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              38 platform/a460/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/a460/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a460/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              42 platform/a470/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              45 platform/a470/lib.c     if (state)
state              19 platform/a470/wrappers.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              27 platform/a470/wrappers.c   _LEDDrive(leds[led%4], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              37 platform/a470/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              46 platform/a470/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a480/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              35 platform/a480/lib.c  *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              38 platform/a480/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              40 platform/a480/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/a480/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a480/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              26 platform/a490/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              28 platform/a490/lib.c     *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              31 platform/a490/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              32 platform/a490/lib.c     long val = state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              24 platform/a490/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a490/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              36 platform/a495/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              38 platform/a495/lib.c     *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              44 platform/a495/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              46 platform/a495/lib.c     if(state<=1) _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], (!state)&1);
state              24 platform/a495/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a495/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              24 platform/a530/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              27 platform/a530/lib.c     if (state)
state              34 platform/a530/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              39 platform/a530/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/a530/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a530/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a540/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/a540/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/a540/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              38 platform/a540/lib.c     if (state)
state              34 platform/a540/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              43 platform/a540/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a550/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/a550/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/a550/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              38 platform/a550/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/a550/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a550/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              22 platform/a560/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              25 platform/a560/lib.c     if (state)
state              38 platform/a560/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              44 platform/a560/lib.c     if (state)
state              22 platform/a570/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              25 platform/a570/lib.c     if (state)
state              38 platform/a570/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              44 platform/a570/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/a570/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a570/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              22 platform/a580/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              25 platform/a580/lib.c     if (state)
state              19 platform/a580/wrappers.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              29 platform/a580/wrappers.c   _LEDDrive(leds[led-4], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              38 platform/a580/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              49 platform/a580/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              24 platform/a590/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              27 platform/a590/lib.c     if (state)
state              20 platform/a590/wrappers.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              30 platform/a590/wrappers.c   _LEDDrive(leds[led-4], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              41 platform/a590/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              50 platform/a590/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a610/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/a610/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/a610/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              38 platform/a610/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/a610/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a610/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a620/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/a620/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/a620/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              38 platform/a620/lib.c     if (state)
state              25 platform/a620/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/a620/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a630/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/a630/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/a630/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              38 platform/a630/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/a630/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a630/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a640/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/a640/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/a640/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              38 platform/a640/lib.c     if (state)
state              34 platform/a640/sub/100b/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              46 platform/a640/sub/100b/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              73 platform/a640/sub/100b/lib.c     if(!camera_info.state.mode_play && camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_STITCH) {
state              80 platform/a640/sub/100b/lib.c     if(!camera_info.state.mode_play && camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_STITCH) {
state              87 platform/a640/sub/100b/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              89 platform/a640/sub/100b/lib.c     } else if(camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_STITCH) {
state             105 platform/a640/sub/100b/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             108 platform/a640/sub/100b/lib.c     return (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_STITCH)?60:0; // window is 120, centered in 240 screen
state              24 platform/a640/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a640/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              22 platform/a650/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              25 platform/a650/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/a650/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              39 platform/a650/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/a650/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a650/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a700/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/a700/lib.c     if (state)
state              19 platform/a700/wrappers.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright)
state              25 platform/a700/wrappers.c  led_c.action=state<=1 ? !state : state;
state              38 platform/a700/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              47 platform/a700/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a710/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/a710/lib.c     if (state)
state              18 platform/a710/wrappers.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright)
state              24 platform/a710/wrappers.c  led_c.action=state<=1 ? !state : state;
state              37 platform/a710/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              46 platform/a710/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              22 platform/a720/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              25 platform/a720/lib.c     if (state)
state              20 platform/a720/wrappers.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright)
state              35 platform/a720/wrappers.c         led_c.action=state<=1 ? !state : state; 
state              49 platform/a720/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              58 platform/a720/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              26 platform/a800/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              28 platform/a800/lib.c     *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              31 platform/a800/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              33 platform/a800/lib.c     if(state<=1) _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], (!state)&1);
state              24 platform/a800/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/a800/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/a810/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              27 platform/a810/lib.c      *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              39 platform/a810/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              41 platform/a810/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/a810/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              35 platform/a810/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              29 platform/d10/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              32 platform/d10/lib.c     if (state)
state              59 platform/d10/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              61 platform/d10/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              25 platform/d10/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/d10/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              48 platform/d20/lib.c void debug_led(int state) {
state              52 platform/d20/lib.c      *(int*)GREEN_LED=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              58 platform/d20/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              60 platform/d20/lib.c     if(state<=1) _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], (!state)&1);
state              30 platform/d20/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              41 platform/d20/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              45 platform/d30/lib.c void debug_led(int state) {
state              49 platform/d30/lib.c      *(int*)GREEN_LED=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              56 platform/d30/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              58 platform/d30/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              30 platform/d30/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              41 platform/d30/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              38 platform/g10/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              40 platform/g10/lib.c   *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              55 platform/g10/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              57 platform/g10/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              49 platform/g10/sub/102a/boot.c             gui_mode = camera_info.state.gui_mode;
state              49 platform/g10/sub/103b/boot.c             gui_mode = camera_info.state.gui_mode;
state              49 platform/g10/sub/104a/boot.c             gui_mode = camera_info.state.gui_mode;
state              46 platform/g10/sub/boot_hdr.c             gui_mode = camera_info.state.gui_mode;
state              25 platform/g10/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/g10/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/g11/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/g11/lib.c     if (state)
state              41 platform/g11/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              43 platform/g11/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              27 platform/g11/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              36 platform/g11/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              57 platform/g12/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              59 platform/g12/lib.c  *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              70 platform/g12/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              72 platform/g12/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state             103 platform/g12/lib.c     if ((b == 3) && camera_info.state.mode_video)
state             133 platform/g12/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             147 platform/g12/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             163 platform/g12/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             188 platform/g12/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             202 platform/g12/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             210 platform/g12/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_video)
state              25 platform/g12/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/g12/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              35 platform/g15/lib.c void debug_led(int state)   //TODO
state              41 platform/g15/lib.c     *p = (*p & 0xFFFFFFCF) | ((state) ? 0x00 : 0x20);
state              50 platform/g15/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              52 platform/g15/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              25 platform/g15/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              36 platform/g15/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              36 platform/g16/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              39 platform/g16/lib.c     *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003);
state              42 platform/g16/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              45 platform/g16/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              78 platform/g16/lib.c     if(( camera_info.state.mode_shooting != MODE_AUTO ) &&
state              79 platform/g16/lib.c        ( camera_info.state.mode_shooting != MODE_HYBRID_AUTO ))
state              96 platform/g16/lib.c     if(( camera_info.state.mode_shooting != MODE_AUTO ) &&
state              97 platform/g16/lib.c        ( camera_info.state.mode_shooting != MODE_HYBRID_AUTO ))
state             142 platform/g16/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             152 platform/g16/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             169 platform/g16/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             173 platform/g16/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording())
state             182 platform/g16/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             186 platform/g16/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording())
state              30 platform/g16/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              39 platform/g16/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              57 platform/g1x/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              63 platform/g1x/lib.c     *p = (*p & 0xFFFFFFCF) | ((state) ? 0x00 : 0x20);
state              71 platform/g1x/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              73 platform/g1x/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state             102 platform/g1x/lib.c     if ((b == 3) && (camera_info.state.mode_video || ((camera_info.state.mode & MODE_SHOOTING_MASK) == MODE_VIDEO_MOVIE_DIGEST) || is_video_recording()))
state             132 platform/g1x/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             142 platform/g1x/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             170 platform/g1x/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             184 platform/g1x/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             192 platform/g1x/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_video)
state              25 platform/g1x/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/g1x/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              66 platform/g5x/lib.c void debug_led(int state) {
state              68 platform/g5x/lib.c     *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003);
state              73 platform/g5x/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              75 platform/g5x/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led % sizeof(led_table)], state <= 1 ? !state : state);
state             142 platform/g5x/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             154 platform/g5x/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             176 platform/g5x/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             180 platform/g5x/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_video)
state             200 platform/g5x/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             204 platform/g5x/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_video)
state              24 platform/g5x/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/g5x/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              22 platform/g7/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              25 platform/g7/lib.c     if (state)
state              32 platform/g7/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              38 platform/g7/lib.c     if (state)
state              42 platform/g7x/lib.c void debug_led(int state) {
state              44 platform/g7x/lib.c     *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003);
state              49 platform/g7x/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              51 platform/g7x/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              90 platform/g7x/lib.c     if( camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_AUTO) {
state             200 platform/g7x/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             209 platform/g7x/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             230 platform/g7x/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             235 platform/g7x/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state             253 platform/g7x/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             258 platform/g7x/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state              23 platform/g7x/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              32 platform/g7x/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              61 platform/g7x2/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              64 platform/g7x2/lib.c     *p = ((state) ? 0x24D0002 : 0x24C0003);
state              69 platform/g7x2/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              71 platform/g7x2/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led % sizeof(led_table)], state <= 1 ? !state : state);
state             128 platform/g7x2/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             138 platform/g7x2/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             159 platform/g7x2/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             163 platform/g7x2/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_video)
state             186 platform/g7x2/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             190 platform/g7x2/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_video)
state              24 platform/g7x2/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/g7x2/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              27 platform/g9/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              30 platform/g9/lib.c     if (state)
state              39 platform/g9/lib.c void camera_set_led1(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)//?
state              44 platform/g9/lib.c     if (state)
state              19 platform/g9/wrappers.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright)
state              34 platform/g9/wrappers.c         led_c.action=state<=1 ? !state : state; 
state              48 platform/g9/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              57 platform/g9/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              92 platform/generic/capt_seq.c  camera_info.state.shutter_open_time = _time((void*)0);
state              93 platform/generic/capt_seq.c  camera_info.state.shutter_open_tick_count = get_tick_count();
state             116 platform/generic/filewrite.c void filewrite_set_discard_file(int state) {
state             117 platform/generic/filewrite.c     ignore_current_write = state;
state            1239 platform/generic/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state            1247 platform/generic/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state            1255 platform/generic/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state            1265 platform/generic/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play)
state            1619 platform/generic/wrappers.c void SetLogicalEventActive(unsigned id, unsigned state) {
state            1620 platform/generic/wrappers.c 	_SetLogicalEventActive(id, state);
state            1861 platform/generic/wrappers.c   if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state            1985 platform/generic/wrappers.c     if ((camera_info.state.mode_rec == 1) && conf.remote_enable && (conf.remote_input_channel == REMOTE_INPUT_HDMI_HPD))
state              67 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              69 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/lib.c  *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              72 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              74 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              64 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              73 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              30 platform/ixus100_sd780/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              33 platform/ixus100_sd780/lib.c     if (state)
state              44 platform/ixus100_sd780/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              54 platform/ixus100_sd780/lib.c   _LEDDrive(led_table[led], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              33 platform/ixus100_sd780/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              42 platform/ixus100_sd780/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              51 platform/ixus105_sd1300/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              54 platform/ixus105_sd1300/lib.c     if (state)
state              60 platform/ixus105_sd1300/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              64 platform/ixus105_sd1300/lib.c   _LEDDrive(led_table[(led-4)%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              98 platform/ixus105_sd1300/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_video)
state              24 platform/ixus105_sd1300/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus105_sd1300/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              79 platform/ixus110_sd960/kbd.c void kbd_fetch_data(long *state) {
state              80 platform/ixus110_sd960/kbd.c     _GetKbdState(state);
state              81 platform/ixus110_sd960/kbd.c     _kbd_read_keys_r2(state);
state              30 platform/ixus110_sd960/lib.c void debug_led(int state) //mix orange instead of the boring green
state              33 platform/ixus110_sd960/lib.c     if (state)
state              61 platform/ixus110_sd960/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              63 platform/ixus110_sd960/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              25 platform/ixus110_sd960/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/ixus110_sd960/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              37 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              39 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/lib.c  *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              42 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              44 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/lib.c 	_LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state             113 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/lib.c     if ((b == 3) && (camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()))
state              24 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              46 platform/ixus120_sd940/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              48 platform/ixus120_sd940/lib.c  *(int*)LED_ORANGE=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              53 platform/ixus120_sd940/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              55 platform/ixus120_sd940/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state             125 platform/ixus120_sd940/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             134 platform/ixus120_sd940/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              49 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c void debug_led(__attribute__ ((unused))int state)
state              61 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              63 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c     if(state<=1) _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], (!state)&1);
state              86 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording())
state             100 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             110 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             129 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             133 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_STITCH) // guessed based on elph130
state             146 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state             161 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             165 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_STITCH) // guessed based on elph130
state             169 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording())
state             185 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             189 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_STITCH) // guessed based on elph130
state             193 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording())
state              24 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              50 platform/ixus130_sd1400/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              61 platform/ixus130_sd1400/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              66 platform/ixus130_sd1400/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              68 platform/ixus130_sd1400/lib.c     * (int *) DEBUG_LED = state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              95 platform/ixus130_sd1400/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_video)
state              49 platform/ixus130_sd1400/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              58 platform/ixus130_sd1400/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus132_elph115/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              36 platform/ixus132_elph115/lib.c     if (state)
state              42 platform/ixus132_elph115/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              44 platform/ixus132_elph115/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              25 platform/ixus132_elph115/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/ixus132_elph115/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus135_elph120/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              36 platform/ixus135_elph120/lib.c     if (state)
state              42 platform/ixus135_elph120/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              44 platform/ixus135_elph120/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              25 platform/ixus135_elph120/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/ixus135_elph120/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              31 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              34 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c     if (state)
state              40 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              42 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              94 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              97 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c     if(_GetVideoOutType() != 0 || (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_FISHEYE && !is_video_recording())) {
state             105 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             115 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             137 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play || is_video_recording())
state             141 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_STITCH)
state             166 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             179 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_STITCH)
state             191 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             203 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_STITCH)
state             218 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              25 platform/ixus140_elph130/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/ixus140_elph130/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              27 platform/ixus145_elph135/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              31 platform/ixus145_elph135/lib.c      *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              37 platform/ixus145_elph135/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              39 platform/ixus145_elph135/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              22 platform/ixus145_elph135/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              31 platform/ixus145_elph135/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state               9 platform/ixus150_elph140/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              11 platform/ixus150_elph140/lib.c 	*(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x93d800 : 0x83dc00;
state              24 platform/ixus150_elph140/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              26 platform/ixus150_elph140/lib.c     if(state<=1) _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], (!state)&1);
state              22 platform/ixus150_elph140/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              31 platform/ixus150_elph140/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              27 platform/ixus155_elph150/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              31 platform/ixus155_elph150/lib.c      *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              37 platform/ixus155_elph150/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              39 platform/ixus155_elph150/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              57 platform/ixus155_elph150/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              68 platform/ixus155_elph150/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              22 platform/ixus155_elph150/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              31 platform/ixus155_elph150/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state               9 platform/ixus160_elph160/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              11 platform/ixus160_elph160/lib.c 	*(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x93d800 : 0x83dc00;
state              25 platform/ixus160_elph160/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              27 platform/ixus160_elph160/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);    
state              22 platform/ixus160_elph160/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              31 platform/ixus160_elph160/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state               9 platform/ixus170_elph170/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              11 platform/ixus170_elph170/lib.c 	*(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x93d800 : 0x83dc00;
state              23 platform/ixus170_elph170/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              25 platform/ixus170_elph170/lib.c     if(state<=1) _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], (!state)&1);
state              22 platform/ixus170_elph170/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              31 platform/ixus170_elph170/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state               9 platform/ixus175_elph180/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              11 platform/ixus175_elph180/lib.c 	*(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x93d800 : 0x83dc00;
state              23 platform/ixus175_elph180/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              25 platform/ixus175_elph180/lib.c     if(state<=1) _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], (!state)&1);
state              59 platform/ixus175_elph180/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play && _GetVideoOutType() != 0) {
state              68 platform/ixus175_elph180/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              77 platform/ixus175_elph180/lib.c   if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              90 platform/ixus175_elph180/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             114 platform/ixus175_elph180/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              22 platform/ixus175_elph180/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              31 platform/ixus175_elph180/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state               8 platform/ixus185_elph185/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              10 platform/ixus185_elph185/lib.c     *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x93d800 : 0x83dc00;
state              47 platform/ixus185_elph185/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              49 platform/ixus185_elph185/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/ixus185_elph185/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus185_elph185/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              32 platform/ixus200_sd980/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              34 platform/ixus200_sd980/lib.c  *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              37 platform/ixus200_sd980/lib.c void ubasic_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              39 platform/ixus200_sd980/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              42 platform/ixus200_sd980/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              44 platform/ixus200_sd980/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state             170 platform/ixus200_sd980/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             179 platform/ixus200_sd980/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              35 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              37 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/lib.c  *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              43 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              45 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              35 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/lib.c  *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              38 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              40 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              55 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c int kbd_force_analog_av(__attribute__ ((unused))int state)
state             400 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c     int guiMode = camera_info.state.gui_mode;
state             440 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c     int guiMode = camera_info.state.gui_mode;
state             444 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c     if (((guiMode == 0) && camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press) || !show_virtual_buttons()) return;
state             522 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c         int guiMode = camera_info.state.gui_mode;
state              60 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/lib.c void debug_led(__attribute__ ((unused))int state) {
state              72 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              74 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/lib.c     if(state<=1) _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], (!state)&1);
state              88 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              98 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_FISHEYE) {
state             113 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording())
state             139 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             150 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             165 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              23 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              32 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              27 platform/ixus255_elph330hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              30 platform/ixus255_elph330hs/lib.c     if (state)
state              36 platform/ixus255_elph330hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              38 platform/ixus255_elph330hs/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/ixus255_elph330hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus255_elph330hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state               8 platform/ixus265_elph340hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              10 platform/ixus265_elph340hs/lib.c 	*(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x93d800 : 0x83dc00;
state              59 platform/ixus265_elph340hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              61 platform/ixus265_elph340hs/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              88 platform/ixus265_elph340hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              98 platform/ixus265_elph340hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_FISHEYE) {
state             106 platform/ixus265_elph340hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             116 platform/ixus265_elph340hs/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             135 platform/ixus265_elph340hs/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             149 platform/ixus265_elph340hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             166 platform/ixus265_elph340hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              24 platform/ixus265_elph340hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus265_elph340hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state               8 platform/ixus275_elph350hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              10 platform/ixus275_elph350hs/lib.c 	*(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x93d800 : 0x83dc00;
state              59 platform/ixus275_elph350hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              61 platform/ixus275_elph350hs/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              82 platform/ixus275_elph350hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              92 platform/ixus275_elph350hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_FISHEYE) {
state             100 platform/ixus275_elph350hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             110 platform/ixus275_elph350hs/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             129 platform/ixus275_elph350hs/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             143 platform/ixus275_elph350hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             160 platform/ixus275_elph350hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              24 platform/ixus275_elph350hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus275_elph350hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state               8 platform/ixus285_elph360hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              10 platform/ixus285_elph360hs/lib.c 	*(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x93d800 : 0x83dc00;
state              59 platform/ixus285_elph360hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              61 platform/ixus285_elph360hs/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              95 platform/ixus285_elph360hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              24 platform/ixus285_elph360hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus285_elph360hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              28 platform/ixus300_sd4000/lib.c void debug_led(int state) {
state              32 platform/ixus300_sd4000/lib.c     if (state)
state              43 platform/ixus300_sd4000/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {  // camera has three LED's (focus assist lamp & and a green/orange combo LED)
state              45 platform/ixus300_sd4000/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              95 platform/ixus300_sd4000/lib.c         if (camera_info.state.mode_video || (get_movie_status()==VIDEO_RECORD_IN_PROGRESS))
state             126 platform/ixus300_sd4000/lib.c         if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             136 platform/ixus300_sd4000/lib.c         if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              21 platform/ixus300_sd4000/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              30 platform/ixus300_sd4000/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             230 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state             232 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c     if (state)
state             242 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c void set_led(int led, int state)
state             244 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c     if (state)
state             249 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright)
state             251 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c 	if (state) {
state             159 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c     int camMode = (get_movie_status()==VIDEO_RECORD_IN_PROGRESS) ? MODE_VID : (camera_info.state.mode & MODE_MASK);
state             177 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c         if ((sx >= keymap[i].x1) && (sx < keymap[i].x2) && (sy >= keymap[i].y1) && (sy < keymap[i].y2) && is_button_active(i,camera_info.state.gui_mode,camMode))
state             189 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c             if ((keymap[i].hackkey == mk) && is_button_active(i,camera_info.state.gui_mode,camMode))
state             197 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c     return !camera_info.state.gui_mode_none || (((touch_panel_state & 1) == 0) && ((kbd_mod_state[3] & 1) != 0));
state             218 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c     if ((camera_info.state.gui_mode_none && camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press) || !show_virtual_buttons()) return;
state             221 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c     if (!draw_test_pixel(0, 80, (camera_info.state.gui_mode)?COLOR_GREEN:COLOR_WHITE)) redraw_buttons = 1;
state             228 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c         int camMode = (get_movie_status()==VIDEO_RECORD_IN_PROGRESS) ? MODE_VID : (camera_info.state.mode & MODE_MASK);
state             235 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c             if (is_button_displayed(i, camera_info.state.gui_mode, camMode) && keymap[i].nm)
state             245 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c                 if (camera_info.state.gui_mode && (keymap[i].hackkey == KEY_PRINT)) cl = c2;
state             279 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c         int camMode = (get_movie_status()==VIDEO_RECORD_IN_PROGRESS) ? MODE_VID : (camera_info.state.mode & MODE_MASK);
state             285 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c             if (is_button_active(i, camera_info.state.gui_mode, camMode))
state              57 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              59 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/lib.c     *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              65 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              67 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              90 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/lib.c     if ((b == 3) && (camera_info.state.mode_video || ((camera_info.state.mode & MODE_SHOOTING_MASK) == MODE_VIDEO_MOVIE_DIGEST) || (get_movie_status()==VIDEO_RECORD_IN_PROGRESS)))
state             125 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             135 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              25 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             226 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state             228 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c     if (state)
state             238 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c void set_led(int led, int state)
state             240 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c     if (state)
state             245 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright)
state             247 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c 	if (state) {
state              48 platform/ixus50_sd400/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              50 platform/ixus50_sd400/lib.c     if (state)
state              60 platform/ixus50_sd400/lib.c void set_led(int led, int state)
state              62 platform/ixus50_sd400/lib.c     if (state)
state              67 platform/ixus50_sd400/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright)
state              69 platform/ixus50_sd400/lib.c 	if (state) {
state               9 platform/ixus50_sd400/wrappers.c     return (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF) || camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run  || shooting_get_common_focus_mode())?v=_GetFocusLensSubjectDistance():v;
state              16 platform/ixus50_sd400/wrappers.c     return (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF) || camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run  || shooting_get_common_focus_mode())?v=_GetFocusLensSubjectDistanceFromLens():v;
state              22 platform/ixus50_sd400/wrappers.c     return (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF) || camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run  || shooting_get_common_focus_mode())?v=_GetCurrentTargetDistance():v;
state              32 platform/ixus50_sd400/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              43 platform/ixus50_sd400/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              22 platform/ixus55_sd450/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              25 platform/ixus55_sd450/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/ixus55_sd450/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              39 platform/ixus55_sd450/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/ixus55_sd450/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              35 platform/ixus55_sd450/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/ixus60_sd600/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/ixus60_sd600/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/ixus60_sd600/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              38 platform/ixus60_sd600/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/ixus60_sd600/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              35 platform/ixus60_sd600/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/ixus65_sd630/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/ixus65_sd630/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/ixus65_sd630/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              38 platform/ixus65_sd630/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/ixus65_sd630/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              35 platform/ixus65_sd630/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              47 platform/ixus700_sd500/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              49 platform/ixus700_sd500/lib.c     if (state)
state              59 platform/ixus700_sd500/lib.c void set_led(int led, int state)
state              61 platform/ixus700_sd500/lib.c     if (state)
state              66 platform/ixus700_sd500/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright)
state              68 platform/ixus700_sd500/lib.c 	if (state) {
state               9 platform/ixus700_sd500/wrappers.c     return (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF) || camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run  || shooting_get_common_focus_mode())?v=_GetFocusLensSubjectDistance():v;
state              16 platform/ixus700_sd500/wrappers.c     return (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF) || camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run  || shooting_get_common_focus_mode())?v=_GetFocusLensSubjectDistanceFromLens():v;
state              22 platform/ixus700_sd500/wrappers.c     return (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF) || camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run  || shooting_get_common_focus_mode())?v=_GetCurrentTargetDistance():v;
state              29 platform/ixus70_sd1000/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              32 platform/ixus70_sd1000/lib.c     if (state)
state              45 platform/ixus70_sd1000/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              51 platform/ixus70_sd1000/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/ixus70_sd1000/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus70_sd1000/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              22 platform/ixus750_sd550/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              25 platform/ixus750_sd550/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/ixus750_sd550/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              39 platform/ixus750_sd550/lib.c     if (state)
state              29 platform/ixus75_sd750/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              32 platform/ixus75_sd750/lib.c     if (state)
state              45 platform/ixus75_sd750/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              51 platform/ixus75_sd750/lib.c     if (state)
state              25 platform/ixus800_sd700/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              28 platform/ixus800_sd700/lib.c     if (state)
state              34 platform/ixus800_sd700/lib.c void camera_set_led(__attribute__ ((unused))int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              36 platform/ixus800_sd700/lib.c 	debug_led(state);
state              24 platform/ixus800_sd700/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              35 platform/ixus800_sd700/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              21 platform/ixus80_sd1100/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              24 platform/ixus80_sd1100/lib.c     if (state)
state              31 platform/ixus80_sd1100/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              37 platform/ixus80_sd1100/lib.c         if (state)
state              25 platform/ixus80_sd1100/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/ixus80_sd1100/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              28 platform/ixus850_sd800/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              31 platform/ixus850_sd800/lib.c     if (state)
state              44 platform/ixus850_sd800/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              49 platform/ixus850_sd800/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/ixus850_sd800/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus850_sd800/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              25 platform/ixus85_sd770/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              27 platform/ixus85_sd770/lib.c 	*(int*)LED_PR = state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              30 platform/ixus85_sd770/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              33 platform/ixus85_sd770/lib.c 	_LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/ixus85_sd770/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus85_sd770/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              26 platform/ixus860_sd870/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              29 platform/ixus860_sd870/lib.c     if (state)
state              36 platform/ixus860_sd870/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              44 platform/ixus860_sd870/lib.c 	if (state)
state              25 platform/ixus860_sd870/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/ixus860_sd870/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              42 platform/ixus870_sd880/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              45 platform/ixus870_sd880/lib.c  *((int*) 0xC02200D4) = state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              48 platform/ixus870_sd880/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              50 platform/ixus870_sd880/lib.c   long val = state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              33 platform/ixus900_sd900/lib.c void debug_led(int state) {
state              35 platform/ixus900_sd900/lib.c     if(state)
state              43 platform/ixus900_sd900/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              47 platform/ixus900_sd900/lib.c     if(state)
state              21 platform/ixus900_sd900/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              30 platform/ixus900_sd900/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              21 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              24 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c 	if (state)
state              30 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c void debug_led_c(int color, int state)
state              42 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c     if (state)
state              49 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              57 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c 	if (state)
state              24 platform/ixus90_sd790/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus90_sd790/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             122 platform/ixus950_sd850/kbd.c         if (isRunning_taskTouchW && !camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) {
state             125 platform/ixus950_sd850/kbd.c         } else if (!isRunning_taskTouchW && camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) {
state              33 platform/ixus950_sd850/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              36 platform/ixus950_sd850/lib.c     if (state)
state              44 platform/ixus950_sd850/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              50 platform/ixus950_sd850/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/ixus950_sd850/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              35 platform/ixus950_sd850/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              35 platform/ixus95_sd1200/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              39 platform/ixus95_sd1200/lib.c    if (state)
state              46 platform/ixus95_sd1200/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              48 platform/ixus95_sd1200/lib.c     * (int *) DEBUG_LED = state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              30 platform/ixus95_sd1200/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              41 platform/ixus95_sd1200/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              18 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              21 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c if (state)
state              27 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              32 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c if (state)
state              37 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c void af_led(int state)
state              40 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c if (state)
state              46 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c void newled(int state)
state              49 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c if (state)
state              54 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c void orange_led(int state)
state              57 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c if (state)
state              63 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c void green_led(int state)
state              66 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c if (state)
state              72 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c void yellow_led(__attribute__ ((unused))int state)
state              75 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c void timer_led(int state)
state              77 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c debug_led(state);
state              22 platform/ixus960_sd950/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus960_sd950/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              25 platform/ixus970_sd890/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              27 platform/ixus970_sd890/lib.c 	*(int*)LED_PR = state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              30 platform/ixus970_sd890/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              33 platform/ixus970_sd890/lib.c 	_LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/ixus970_sd890/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixus970_sd890/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              30 platform/ixus980_sd990/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              33 platform/ixus980_sd990/lib.c     if (state)
state              44 platform/ixus980_sd990/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              54 platform/ixus980_sd990/lib.c   _LEDDrive(led_table[led], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              25 platform/ixus980_sd990/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/ixus980_sd990/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              30 platform/ixus990_sd970/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              33 platform/ixus990_sd970/lib.c     if (state)
state              42 platform/ixus990_sd970/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              51 platform/ixus990_sd970/lib.c   _LEDDrive(led_table[led], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              20 platform/ixus990_sd970/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              29 platform/ixus990_sd970/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              38 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/lib.c     if (state)
state              22 platform/ixusw_sd430/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              25 platform/ixusw_sd430/lib.c     if (state)
state              33 platform/ixusw_sd430/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              39 platform/ixusw_sd430/lib.c     if (state)
state              24 platform/ixusw_sd430/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/ixusw_sd430/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             181 platform/m10/kbd.c         if ((jogdial_stopped==0) && !camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) {
state             185 platform/m10/kbd.c         else if (jogdial_stopped && camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) {
state              31 platform/m10/lib.c void debug_led(int state) {
state              33 platform/m10/lib.c     *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003);
state              38 platform/m10/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              40 platform/m10/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state             106 platform/m10/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             117 platform/m10/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             133 platform/m10/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             138 platform/m10/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state             149 platform/m10/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             154 platform/m10/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state              24 platform/m10/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/m10/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              45 platform/m3/lib.c void debug_led(int state) {
state              47 platform/m3/lib.c     *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003);
state              52 platform/m3/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              54 platform/m3/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state             128 platform/m3/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             139 platform/m3/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             155 platform/m3/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             160 platform/m3/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state             171 platform/m3/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             176 platform/m3/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state              30 platform/m3/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              39 platform/m3/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             172 platform/n/kbd.c     int guiMode = camera_info.state.gui_mode;
state             201 platform/n/kbd.c                 if ((keymap[i].hackkey == mk) && is_button_active(i,camera_info.state.gui_mode,camMode))
state             222 platform/n/kbd.c         int guiMode = camera_info.state.gui_mode;
state             249 platform/n/kbd.c     int guiMode = camera_info.state.gui_mode;
state             364 platform/n/kbd.c void kbd_fetch_data(long *state) {
state             365 platform/n/kbd.c     _GetKbdState(state);
state             366 platform/n/kbd.c     _kbd_read_keys_r2(state);
state              42 platform/n/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              44 platform/n/lib.c     if ( state == 1 ) *(int*)0xc022c30c = ( (*(int*)0xc022c30c) & 0xffffffcf ) | 0x20 ;
state              49 platform/n/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              52 platform/n/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              70 platform/n/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording() || camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_FISHEYE)
state              82 platform/n/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              85 platform/n/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_FISHEYE && !is_video_recording()) {
state              93 platform/n/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             103 platform/n/lib.c   if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             126 platform/n/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play || camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording())
state             139 platform/n/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             143 platform/n/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording())
state              24 platform/n/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/n/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             172 platform/n_facebook/kbd.c     int guiMode = camera_info.state.gui_mode;
state             201 platform/n_facebook/kbd.c                 if ((keymap[i].hackkey == mk) && is_button_active(i,camera_info.state.gui_mode,camMode))
state             222 platform/n_facebook/kbd.c         int guiMode = camera_info.state.gui_mode;
state             249 platform/n_facebook/kbd.c     int guiMode = camera_info.state.gui_mode;
state             364 platform/n_facebook/kbd.c void kbd_fetch_data(long *state) {
state             365 platform/n_facebook/kbd.c     _GetKbdState(state);
state             366 platform/n_facebook/kbd.c     _kbd_read_keys_r2(state);
state              42 platform/n_facebook/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              44 platform/n_facebook/lib.c     if ( state == 1 ) *(int*)0xc022c30c = ( (*(int*)0xc022c30c) & 0xffffffcf ) | 0x20 ;
state              49 platform/n_facebook/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright)
state              52 platform/n_facebook/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              70 platform/n_facebook/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording() || camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_FISHEYE)
state              82 platform/n_facebook/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              85 platform/n_facebook/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_FISHEYE && !is_video_recording()) {
state              93 platform/n_facebook/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             103 platform/n_facebook/lib.c   if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             126 platform/n_facebook/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play || camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording())
state             139 platform/n_facebook/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             143 platform/n_facebook/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording())
state              24 platform/n_facebook/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/n_facebook/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/s100/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              40 platform/s100/lib.c     *p = (*p & 0xFFFFFFCF) | ((state) ? 0x00 : 0x20);
state              46 platform/s100/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              48 platform/s100/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              32 platform/s100/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              41 platform/s100/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/s110/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              37 platform/s110/lib.c     if (state)
state              47 platform/s110/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              49 platform/s110/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/s110/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/s110/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              47 platform/s2is/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              49 platform/s2is/lib.c     if (state)
state              59 platform/s2is/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright)
state              61 platform/s2is/lib.c 	if (state) {
state               9 platform/s2is/wrappers.c     return (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF) || camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run || shooting_get_focus_mode())?v=_GetFocusLensSubjectDistance():v;
state              15 platform/s2is/wrappers.c    return (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF) || camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run  || shooting_get_focus_mode())?v=_GetFocusLensSubjectDistanceFromLens():v;
state              21 platform/s2is/wrappers.c     return (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF) || camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run  || shooting_get_focus_mode())?v=_GetCurrentTargetDistance():v;
state              47 platform/s3is/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              49 platform/s3is/lib.c     if (state)
state              60 platform/s3is/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright)
state              62 platform/s3is/lib.c 	if (state) {
state               9 platform/s3is/wrappers.c     return (!camera_info.state.mode_play && (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF) || camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run  || shooting_get_focus_mode()))?v=_GetFocusLensSubjectDistance():v;
state              15 platform/s3is/wrappers.c     return (!camera_info.state.mode_play && (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF) || camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run  || shooting_get_focus_mode()))?v=_GetFocusLensSubjectDistanceFromLens():v;
state              21 platform/s3is/wrappers.c     return (!camera_info.state.mode_play && (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF) || camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run  || shooting_get_focus_mode()))?v=_GetCurrentTargetDistance():v;
state              30 platform/s3is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              39 platform/s3is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              58 platform/s5is/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              60 platform/s5is/lib.c 	if (state)
state              66 platform/s5is/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright)
state              68 platform/s5is/lib.c 	if (state) {
state               6 platform/s5is/wrappers.c     return (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF) || camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run  || shooting_get_focus_mode())?v=_GetFocusLensSubjectDistance():v;
state              13 platform/s5is/wrappers.c     return (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF) || camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run  || shooting_get_focus_mode())?v=_GetFocusLensSubjectDistanceFromLens():v;
state              20 platform/s5is/wrappers.c     return (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF) || camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run  || shooting_get_focus_mode())?v=_GetCurrentTargetDistance():v;
state              30 platform/s5is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              39 platform/s5is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              24 platform/s80/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              29 platform/s80/lib.c     if (state) {
state              37 platform/s80/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright)
state              51 platform/s80/lib.c  led_c.action=state<=1 ? !state : state;
state              25 platform/s80/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/s80/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              23 platform/s90/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/s90/lib.c     if (state)
state              32 platform/s90/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              34 platform/s90/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/s90/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/s90/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              24 platform/s95/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              26 platform/s95/lib.c     if (state)
state              38 platform/s95/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              41 platform/s95/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state             102 platform/s95/lib.c     if ((b == 3) && camera_info.state.mode_video)
state             132 platform/s95/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             146 platform/s95/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             150 platform/s95/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_STITCH)
state             162 platform/s95/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             166 platform/s95/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_STITCH)
state             187 platform/s95/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             201 platform/s95/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             205 platform/s95/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_STITCH)
state             209 platform/s95/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_video)
state              26 platform/s95/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              35 platform/s95/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              30 platform/sx1/lib.c void debug_led(__attribute__ ((unused))int state)
state              36 platform/sx1/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              38 platform/sx1/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/sx1/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx1/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              36 platform/sx10/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              38 platform/sx10/lib.c  *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              41 platform/sx10/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              43 platform/sx10/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/sx10/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx10/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              68 platform/sx100is/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              71 platform/sx100is/lib.c     if (state)
state              20 platform/sx100is/wrappers.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright)
state              37 platform/sx100is/wrappers.c         led_c.action=state<=1 ? !state : state; 
state              51 platform/sx100is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              60 platform/sx100is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              46 platform/sx110is/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              48 platform/sx110is/lib.c  *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              49 platform/sx110is/lib.c  *(int*)LED_GRN=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              52 platform/sx110is/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              54 platform/sx110is/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              25 platform/sx110is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/sx110is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              48 platform/sx120is/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              51 platform/sx120is/lib.c  *(int*)LED_GREEN=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              54 platform/sx120is/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              56 platform/sx120is/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/sx120is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx120is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              30 platform/sx130is/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              32 platform/sx130is/lib.c     if (state)
state             147 platform/sx130is/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state             149 platform/sx130is/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              16 platform/sx130is/sub/101c/capt_seq.c 	camera_info.state.shutter_open_time = _time((void*)0); 
state              17 platform/sx130is/sub/101c/capt_seq.c     camera_info.state.shutter_open_tick_count = get_tick_count();
state              16 platform/sx130is/sub/101d/capt_seq.c 	camera_info.state.shutter_open_time = _time((void*)0); 
state              17 platform/sx130is/sub/101d/capt_seq.c     camera_info.state.shutter_open_tick_count = get_tick_count();
state              16 platform/sx130is/sub/101f/capt_seq.c 	camera_info.state.shutter_open_time = _time((void*)0); 
state              17 platform/sx130is/sub/101f/capt_seq.c     camera_info.state.shutter_open_tick_count = get_tick_count();
state              27 platform/sx130is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              36 platform/sx130is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              19 platform/sx150is/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              21 platform/sx150is/lib.c     if (state)
state              86 platform/sx150is/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              88 platform/sx150is/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              21 platform/sx150is/sub/100a/capt_seq.c 	camera_info.state.shutter_open_time = _time((void*)0); 
state              22 platform/sx150is/sub/100a/capt_seq.c     camera_info.state.shutter_open_tick_count = get_tick_count();
state              18 platform/sx150is/sub/capt_seq_hdr.c 	camera_info.state.shutter_open_time = _time((void*)0); 
state              19 platform/sx150is/sub/capt_seq_hdr.c     camera_info.state.shutter_open_tick_count = get_tick_count();
state              27 platform/sx150is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              36 platform/sx150is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             106 platform/sx160is/kbd.c void kbd_fetch_data(long *state) {
state             107 platform/sx160is/kbd.c     _GetKbdState(state);
state             108 platform/sx160is/kbd.c     _kbd_read_keys_r2(state);
state              25 platform/sx160is/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              29 platform/sx160is/lib.c     *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              35 platform/sx160is/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              37 platform/sx160is/lib.c     if(state<=1) _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], (!state)&1);
state              57 platform/sx160is/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              67 platform/sx160is/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              80 platform/sx160is/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              84 platform/sx160is/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state             108 platform/sx160is/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state              24 platform/sx160is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx160is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              41 platform/sx170is/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              44 platform/sx170is/lib.c     if (state)
state              50 platform/sx170is/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              52 platform/sx170is/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/sx170is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx170is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              42 platform/sx20/lib.c void debug_led(__attribute__ ((unused))int state)
state              47 platform/sx20/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              49 platform/sx20/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/sx20/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx20/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              45 platform/sx200is/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              47 platform/sx200is/lib.c  *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              50 platform/sx200is/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              52 platform/sx200is/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/sx200is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx200is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              57 platform/sx210is/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              59 platform/sx210is/lib.c  *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              62 platform/sx210is/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              64 platform/sx210is/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/sx210is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx210is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              36 platform/sx220hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              38 platform/sx220hs/lib.c  *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              41 platform/sx220hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              43 platform/sx220hs/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/sx220hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx220hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              38 platform/sx230hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              40 platform/sx230hs/lib.c  *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              43 platform/sx230hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              45 platform/sx230hs/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              31 platform/sx230hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              40 platform/sx230hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/sx240hs/lib.c void debug_led(__attribute__ ((unused))int state) {
state              45 platform/sx240hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              47 platform/sx240hs/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/sx240hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx240hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/sx260hs/lib.c void debug_led(__attribute__ ((unused))int state) {
state              45 platform/sx260hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              47 platform/sx260hs/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              78 platform/sx260hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state              30 platform/sx260hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              39 platform/sx260hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              31 platform/sx280hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state) {
state              33 platform/sx280hs/lib.c     *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003);
state              38 platform/sx280hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              40 platform/sx280hs/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state             127 platform/sx280hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             141 platform/sx280hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              30 platform/sx280hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              39 platform/sx280hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              58 platform/sx30/lib.c void debug_led(__attribute__ ((unused))int state)
state              66 platform/sx30/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              68 platform/sx30/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              98 platform/sx30/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_video || (get_movie_status()==VIDEO_RECORD_IN_PROGRESS))
state             123 platform/sx30/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             133 platform/sx30/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             158 platform/sx30/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             168 platform/sx30/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             176 platform/sx30/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_video)
state              25 platform/sx30/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/sx30/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              39 platform/sx400is/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              42 platform/sx400is/lib.c     if (state)
state              57 platform/sx400is/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              59 platform/sx400is/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/sx400is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx400is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              57 platform/sx40hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              63 platform/sx40hs/lib.c     *p = (*p & 0xFFFFFFCF) | ((state) ? 0x00 : 0x20);
state              69 platform/sx40hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              71 platform/sx40hs/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state             100 platform/sx40hs/lib.c     if ((b == 3) && (camera_info.state.mode_video || ((camera_info.state.mode & MODE_SHOOTING_MASK) == MODE_VIDEO_MOVIE_DIGEST) || (get_movie_status()==VIDEO_RECORD_IN_PROGRESS)))
state             125 platform/sx40hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             139 platform/sx40hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             155 platform/sx40hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             180 platform/sx40hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             194 platform/sx40hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             202 platform/sx40hs/lib.c     else if (camera_info.state.mode_video)
state              25 platform/sx40hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              36 platform/sx40hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state               8 platform/sx410is/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              10 platform/sx410is/lib.c 	*(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x93d800 : 0x83dc00;
state              49 platform/sx410is/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              51 platform/sx410is/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/sx410is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx410is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state               8 platform/sx420is/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              10 platform/sx420is/lib.c 	*(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x93d800 : 0x83dc00;
state              49 platform/sx420is/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              51 platform/sx420is/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/sx420is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx420is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state               8 platform/sx430is/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              10 platform/sx430is/lib.c 	*(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x93d800 : 0x83dc00;
state              47 platform/sx430is/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              49 platform/sx430is/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              24 platform/sx430is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx430is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              31 platform/sx500is/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              35 platform/sx500is/lib.c      *(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x46 : 0x44;
state              42 platform/sx500is/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              44 platform/sx500is/lib.c     if(state<=1) _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], (!state)&1);
state              24 platform/sx500is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              35 platform/sx500is/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              35 platform/sx50hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              41 platform/sx50hs/lib.c     *p = (*p & 0xFFFFFFCF) | ((state) ? 0x00 : 0x20);
state              49 platform/sx50hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              51 platform/sx50hs/lib.c  _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              25 platform/sx50hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              34 platform/sx50hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              48 platform/sx510hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              51 platform/sx510hs/lib.c     if (state)
state              57 platform/sx510hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              59 platform/sx510hs/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              94 platform/sx510hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              24 platform/sx510hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx510hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              53 platform/sx520hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              56 platform/sx520hs/lib.c     if (state)
state              62 platform/sx520hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              64 platform/sx520hs/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              93 platform/sx520hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              24 platform/sx520hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx520hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              53 platform/sx530hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              56 platform/sx530hs/lib.c     if (state)
state              62 platform/sx530hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              64 platform/sx530hs/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              93 platform/sx530hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              24 platform/sx530hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx530hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              38 platform/sx60hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state) {
state              40 platform/sx60hs/lib.c     *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003);
state              45 platform/sx60hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              47 platform/sx60hs/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              85 platform/sx60hs/lib.c     if( camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_AUTO) {
state             161 platform/sx60hs/lib.c    if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             196 platform/sx60hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             215 platform/sx60hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             219 platform/sx60hs/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state             227 platform/sx60hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             231 platform/sx60hs/lib.c         if(camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state              30 platform/sx60hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              39 platform/sx60hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state               8 platform/sx610hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              10 platform/sx610hs/lib.c 	*(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x93d800 : 0x83dc00;
state              59 platform/sx610hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              61 platform/sx610hs/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              86 platform/sx610hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              96 platform/sx610hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_FISHEYE) {
state             104 platform/sx610hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             114 platform/sx610hs/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             133 platform/sx610hs/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             147 platform/sx610hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             164 platform/sx610hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              24 platform/sx610hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx610hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state               8 platform/sx620hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              10 platform/sx620hs/lib.c 	*(int*)LED_PR=state ? 0x93d800 : 0x83dc00;
state              59 platform/sx620hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              61 platform/sx620hs/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state              87 platform/sx620hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              97 platform/sx620hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_shooting == MODE_FISHEYE) {
state             105 platform/sx620hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             115 platform/sx620hs/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             134 platform/sx620hs/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             148 platform/sx620hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             165 platform/sx620hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state              24 platform/sx620hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx620hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              36 platform/sx700hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state) {
state              38 platform/sx700hs/lib.c     *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003);
state              43 platform/sx700hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              45 platform/sx700hs/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state             123 platform/sx700hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             134 platform/sx700hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             151 platform/sx700hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             156 platform/sx700hs/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state             166 platform/sx700hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             171 platform/sx700hs/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state              24 platform/sx700hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              33 platform/sx700hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              36 platform/sx710hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state) {
state              38 platform/sx710hs/lib.c     *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003);
state              43 platform/sx710hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              45 platform/sx710hs/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state             130 platform/sx710hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             141 platform/sx710hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             158 platform/sx710hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             163 platform/sx710hs/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state             173 platform/sx710hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             178 platform/sx710hs/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state              23 platform/sx710hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              32 platform/sx710hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              36 platform/sx730hs/lib.c void debug_led(int state) {
state              38 platform/sx730hs/lib.c     *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003);
state              44 platform/sx730hs/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, __attribute__ ((unused))int bright) {
state              46 platform/sx730hs/lib.c     _LEDDrive(led_table[led%sizeof(led_table)], state<=1 ? !state : state);
state             125 platform/sx730hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             136 platform/sx730hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             152 platform/sx730hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             157 platform/sx730hs/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state             167 platform/sx730hs/lib.c     if (camera_info.state.mode_play)
state             172 platform/sx730hs/lib.c     if(camera_info.state.mode_video || is_video_recording()) {
state              23 platform/sx730hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              32 platform/sx730hs/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              51 platform/tx1/lib.c void debug_led(int state)
state              54 platform/tx1/lib.c     if (state)
state              61 platform/tx1/lib.c void set_led(int led, int state)
state              63 platform/tx1/lib.c     if (state)
state              70 platform/tx1/lib.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright)
state              72 platform/tx1/lib.c 	if (state) {
state              30 platform/tx1/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state              39 platform/tx1/wrappers.c   if (!camera_info.state.mode_play) {
state             232 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void SetLogicalEventActive(unsigned event, unsigned state);
state             512 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void cameracon_set_state(int state);
state             203 tools/packfi2/aes128.c static void ShiftRows (unsigned char *state)
state             208 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	state[0] = Sbox[state[0]], state[4] = Sbox[state[4]];
state             209 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	state[8] = Sbox[state[8]], state[12] = Sbox[state[12]];
state             212 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp = Sbox[state[1]], state[1] = Sbox[state[5]];
state             213 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	state[5] = Sbox[state[9]], state[9] = Sbox[state[13]], state[13] = tmp;
state             216 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp = Sbox[state[2]], state[2] = Sbox[state[10]], state[10] = tmp;
state             217 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp = Sbox[state[6]], state[6] = Sbox[state[14]], state[14] = tmp;
state             220 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp = Sbox[state[15]], state[15] = Sbox[state[11]];
state             221 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	state[11] = Sbox[state[7]], state[7] = Sbox[state[3]], state[3] = tmp;
state             227 tools/packfi2/aes128.c static void InvShiftRows (unsigned char *state)
state             232 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	state[0] = InvSbox[state[0]], state[4] = InvSbox[state[4]];
state             233 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	state[8] = InvSbox[state[8]], state[12] = InvSbox[state[12]];
state             236 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp = InvSbox[state[13]], state[13] = InvSbox[state[9]];
state             237 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	state[9] = InvSbox[state[5]], state[5] = InvSbox[state[1]], state[1] = tmp;
state             240 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp = InvSbox[state[2]], state[2] = InvSbox[state[10]], state[10] = tmp;
state             241 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp = InvSbox[state[6]], state[6] = InvSbox[state[14]], state[14] = tmp;
state             244 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp = InvSbox[state[3]], state[3] = InvSbox[state[7]];
state             245 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	state[7] = InvSbox[state[11]], state[11] = InvSbox[state[15]], state[15] = tmp;
state             249 tools/packfi2/aes128.c static void MixSubColumns (unsigned char *state)
state             254 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[0] = Xtime2Sbox[state[0]] ^ Xtime3Sbox[state[5]] ^ Sbox[state[10]] ^ Sbox[state[15]];
state             255 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[1] = Sbox[state[0]] ^ Xtime2Sbox[state[5]] ^ Xtime3Sbox[state[10]] ^ Sbox[state[15]];
state             256 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[2] = Sbox[state[0]] ^ Sbox[state[5]] ^ Xtime2Sbox[state[10]] ^ Xtime3Sbox[state[15]];
state             257 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[3] = Xtime3Sbox[state[0]] ^ Sbox[state[5]] ^ Sbox[state[10]] ^ Xtime2Sbox[state[15]];
state             260 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[4] = Xtime2Sbox[state[4]] ^ Xtime3Sbox[state[9]] ^ Sbox[state[14]] ^ Sbox[state[3]];
state             261 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[5] = Sbox[state[4]] ^ Xtime2Sbox[state[9]] ^ Xtime3Sbox[state[14]] ^ Sbox[state[3]];
state             262 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[6] = Sbox[state[4]] ^ Sbox[state[9]] ^ Xtime2Sbox[state[14]] ^ Xtime3Sbox[state[3]];
state             263 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[7] = Xtime3Sbox[state[4]] ^ Sbox[state[9]] ^ Sbox[state[14]] ^ Xtime2Sbox[state[3]];
state             266 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[8] = Xtime2Sbox[state[8]] ^ Xtime3Sbox[state[13]] ^ Sbox[state[2]] ^ Sbox[state[7]];
state             267 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[9] = Sbox[state[8]] ^ Xtime2Sbox[state[13]] ^ Xtime3Sbox[state[2]] ^ Sbox[state[7]];
state             268 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[10]  = Sbox[state[8]] ^ Sbox[state[13]] ^ Xtime2Sbox[state[2]] ^ Xtime3Sbox[state[7]];
state             269 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[11]  = Xtime3Sbox[state[8]] ^ Sbox[state[13]] ^ Sbox[state[2]] ^ Xtime2Sbox[state[7]];
state             272 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[12] = Xtime2Sbox[state[12]] ^ Xtime3Sbox[state[1]] ^ Sbox[state[6]] ^ Sbox[state[11]];
state             273 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[13] = Sbox[state[12]] ^ Xtime2Sbox[state[1]] ^ Xtime3Sbox[state[6]] ^ Sbox[state[11]];
state             274 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[14] = Sbox[state[12]] ^ Sbox[state[1]] ^ Xtime2Sbox[state[6]] ^ Xtime3Sbox[state[11]];
state             275 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[15] = Xtime3Sbox[state[12]] ^ Sbox[state[1]] ^ Sbox[state[6]] ^ Xtime2Sbox[state[11]];
state             277 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	memcpy (state, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
state             281 tools/packfi2/aes128.c static void InvMixSubColumns (unsigned char *state)
state             287 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[0] = XtimeE[state[0]] ^ XtimeB[state[1]] ^ XtimeD[state[2]] ^ Xtime9[state[3]];
state             288 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[5] = Xtime9[state[0]] ^ XtimeE[state[1]] ^ XtimeB[state[2]] ^ XtimeD[state[3]];
state             289 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[10] = XtimeD[state[0]] ^ Xtime9[state[1]] ^ XtimeE[state[2]] ^ XtimeB[state[3]];
state             290 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[15] = XtimeB[state[0]] ^ XtimeD[state[1]] ^ Xtime9[state[2]] ^ XtimeE[state[3]];
state             293 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[4] = XtimeE[state[4]] ^ XtimeB[state[5]] ^ XtimeD[state[6]] ^ Xtime9[state[7]];
state             294 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[9] = Xtime9[state[4]] ^ XtimeE[state[5]] ^ XtimeB[state[6]] ^ XtimeD[state[7]];
state             295 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[14] = XtimeD[state[4]] ^ Xtime9[state[5]] ^ XtimeE[state[6]] ^ XtimeB[state[7]];
state             296 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[3] = XtimeB[state[4]] ^ XtimeD[state[5]] ^ Xtime9[state[6]] ^ XtimeE[state[7]];
state             299 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[8] = XtimeE[state[8]] ^ XtimeB[state[9]] ^ XtimeD[state[10]] ^ Xtime9[state[11]];
state             300 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[13] = Xtime9[state[8]] ^ XtimeE[state[9]] ^ XtimeB[state[10]] ^ XtimeD[state[11]];
state             301 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[2]  = XtimeD[state[8]] ^ Xtime9[state[9]] ^ XtimeE[state[10]] ^ XtimeB[state[11]];
state             302 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[7]  = XtimeB[state[8]] ^ XtimeD[state[9]] ^ Xtime9[state[10]] ^ XtimeE[state[11]];
state             305 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[12] = XtimeE[state[12]] ^ XtimeB[state[13]] ^ XtimeD[state[14]] ^ Xtime9[state[15]];
state             306 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[1] = Xtime9[state[12]] ^ XtimeE[state[13]] ^ XtimeB[state[14]] ^ XtimeD[state[15]];
state             307 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[6] = XtimeD[state[12]] ^ Xtime9[state[13]] ^ XtimeE[state[14]] ^ XtimeB[state[15]];
state             308 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	tmp[11] = XtimeB[state[12]] ^ XtimeD[state[13]] ^ Xtime9[state[14]] ^ XtimeE[state[15]];
state             311 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 		state[i] = InvSbox[tmp[i]];
state             318 tools/packfi2/aes128.c static void AddRoundKey (uint32_t *state, uint32_t *key)
state             323 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 		state[idx] ^= key[idx];
state             369 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	unsigned char state[Nb * 4];
state             372 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	memcpy (state, in, Nb * 4);
state             373 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	AddRoundKey ((uint32_t *)state, (uint32_t *)expkey);
state             377 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 			MixSubColumns (state);
state             379 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 			ShiftRows (state);
state             381 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 		AddRoundKey ((uint32_t *)state, (uint32_t *)expkey + round * Nb);
state             384 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	memcpy (out, state, sizeof(state));
state             391 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	unsigned char state[Nb * 4];
state             394 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	memcpy (state, in, sizeof(state));
state             396 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	AddRoundKey ((uint32_t *)state, (uint32_t *)expkey + Nr * Nb);
state             397 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	InvShiftRows(state);
state             401 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 		AddRoundKey ((uint32_t *)state, (uint32_t *)expkey + round * Nb);
state             403 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 			InvMixSubColumns (state);
state             406 tools/packfi2/aes128.c 	memcpy (out, state, sizeof(state));
state             273 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     strm->state = (struct internal_state FAR *)s;
state             325 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL || dictionary == Z_NULL ||
state             326 tools/packfi2/deflate.c         strm->state->wrap == 2 ||
state             327 tools/packfi2/deflate.c         (strm->state->wrap == 1 && strm->state->status != INIT_STATE))
state             330 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     s = strm->state;
state             362 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL ||
state             371 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     s = (deflate_state *)strm->state;
state             397 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
state             398 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     if (strm->state->wrap != 2) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
state             399 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     strm->state->gzhead = head;
state             409 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
state             410 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     strm->state->bi_valid = bits;
state             411 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     strm->state->bi_buf = (ush)(value & ((1 << bits) - 1));
state             425 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
state             426 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     s = strm->state;
state             463 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
state             464 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     s = strm->state;
state             501 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL)
state             505 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     s = strm->state;
state             535 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     unsigned len = strm->state->pending;
state             540 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     zmemcpy(strm->next_out, strm->state->pending_out, len);
state             542 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     strm->state->pending_out  += len;
state             545 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     strm->state->pending -= len;
state             546 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     if (strm->state->pending == 0) {
state             547 tools/packfi2/deflate.c         strm->state->pending_out = strm->state->pending_buf;
state             559 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL ||
state             563 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     s = strm->state;
state             864 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
state             866 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     status = strm->state->status;
state             878 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     TRY_FREE(strm, strm->state->pending_buf);
state             879 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     TRY_FREE(strm, strm->state->head);
state             880 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     TRY_FREE(strm, strm->state->prev);
state             881 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     TRY_FREE(strm, strm->state->window);
state             883 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     ZFREE(strm, strm->state);
state             884 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     strm->state = Z_NULL;
state             906 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     if (source == Z_NULL || dest == Z_NULL || source->state == Z_NULL) {
state             910 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     ss = source->state;
state             916 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     dest->state = (struct internal_state FAR *) ds;
state             968 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     if (strm->state->wrap == 1) {
state             972 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     else if (strm->state->wrap == 2) {
state              92 tools/packfi2/zlib.h     struct internal_state FAR *state; /* not visible by applications */
state             216 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright)
state             218 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c     printf("*** set led %d %d %d ***\n",led, state, bright);
state             225 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c void camera_set_script_autostart(int state)
state             227 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c 	autostart = state;
state             871 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c int force_usb_state(int state)
state             873 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c     printf("*** force_usb_state  %d ***\n", state);
state             877 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c int kbd_force_analog_av(int state)
state             879 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c     printf("*** force_analog_av  %d ***\n", state);
state              25 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.h void camera_set_led(int led, int state, int bright);
state              28 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.h void camera_set_script_autostart(int state);