
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. get_space_perc
  2. space_color
  3. spacebar_outer
  4. gui_space_draw_spacebar_horizontal
  5. gui_space_draw_spacebar_vertical
  6. gui_space_draw_icon
  7. gui_space_draw_value
  8. gui_space_draw_osd

   1 #include "camera_info.h"
   2 #include "conf.h"
   3 #include "sd_card.h"
   4 #include "gui_draw.h"
   5 #include "gui_space.h"
   6 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
   8 static char osd_buf[32];
  10 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
  12 unsigned long get_space_perc() {
  13     // accuracy reduced to support cards up to 2TB
  14     return (GetFreeCardSpaceKb()>>6)*100/(GetTotalCardSpaceKb()>>6);
  15 }
  17 // Local variables used by various space display functions, setup in space_color
  18 static twoColors cl;
  19 static coord xx, yy;
  20 static int perc, width, height;
  22 // Set up color and percent free variables for free space OSD
  23 static void space_color()
  24 {
  25     perc = get_space_perc();
  26     cl = user_color(conf.space_color);
  27     if (((conf.space_warn_type == 0) && (perc <= conf.space_perc_warn)) ||
  28         ((conf.space_warn_type == 1) && (GetFreeCardSpaceKb() <= (unsigned)conf.space_mb_warn*1024)))
  29     {
  30         cl = user_color(conf.osd_color_warn);
  31     }
  32 }
  34 // Setup position and size variables then draw free space bar, outer shape
  35 static void spacebar_outer(OSD_pos pos, int w, int h)
  36 {
  37     // Get color and percent free
  38     space_color();
  40     // space icon / bar position
  41     xx = pos.x;
  42     yy = pos.y;
  44     // space icon / bar size
  45     width = w;
  46     height = h;
  48     // Clamp co-ordinates to keep bar on screen
  49     if (xx > (camera_screen.width-width-4)) {
  50         xx = camera_screen.width-width-4;
  51     }
  52     if (yy > (camera_screen.height-height-4)) {
  53         yy = camera_screen.height-height-4;
  54     }
  56     draw_rectangle(xx, yy, xx+width+3, yy+height+3, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER1);     // Outer black rectangle
  57     draw_rectangle(xx+1, yy+1, xx+width+2, yy+height+2, cl, RECT_BORDER1);          // Inner white/red rectangle
  58 }
  60 static void gui_space_draw_spacebar_horizontal()
  61 {
  62     coord x;
  64     // Setup and draw outer shape
  65     spacebar_outer(conf.space_hor_pos, (camera_screen.width / (4 >> conf.space_bar_size)) - 4, conf.space_bar_width);
  67     // space bar fill
  68     x = width - ((perc*width)/100);
  69     if (x < 1) x = 1;
  70     if (x >= width) x = width;
  71     else draw_rectangle(xx+x+2, yy+2, xx+width+1, yy+height+1, MAKE_COLOR(FG_COLOR(cl), FG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED); // If not empty fill 'free' space area
  72     draw_rectangle(xx+2, yy+2, xx+x+1, yy+height+1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_TRANSPARENT, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED);  // fill 'used' space area
  73 }
  75 static void gui_space_draw_spacebar_vertical() {
  76     coord y;
  78     // Setup and draw outer shape
  79     spacebar_outer(conf.space_ver_pos, conf.space_bar_width, (camera_screen.height / (4 >> conf.space_bar_size)) - 4);
  81     // space bar fill
  82     y = height - ((perc*height)/100);
  83     if (y < 1) y = 1;
  84     if (y >= height) y = height;
  85     else draw_rectangle(xx+2, yy+y+2, xx+width+1, yy+height+1, MAKE_COLOR(FG_COLOR(cl), FG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED); // If not empty fill 'free' space area
  86     draw_rectangle(xx+2, yy+2, xx+width+1, yy+y+1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_TRANSPARENT, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED);   // fill 'used' space area
  87 }
  89 static icon_cmd space_icon[] =
  90 {
  91         { IA_HLINE,        0,  0, 30,  0, IDX_COLOR_GREY_LT,     IDX_COLOR_GREY_LT     },
  92         { IA_VLINE,        0,  0,  0, 13, IDX_COLOR_GREY_LT,     IDX_COLOR_GREY_LT     },
  93         { IA_VLINE,       31,  0,  0, 19, IDX_COLOR_GREY,        IDX_COLOR_GREY        },
  94         { IA_LINE,         1, 13,  5, 17, IDX_COLOR_GREY,        IDX_COLOR_GREY        },
  95         { IA_HLINE,        6, 18, 24,  0, IDX_COLOR_GREY,        IDX_COLOR_GREY        },
  96         { IA_FILLED_RECT,  1,  1, 30, 13, IDX_COLOR_GREY_DK,     IDX_COLOR_GREY_DK     },
  97         { IA_FILLED_RECT,  5, 14, 30, 17, IDX_COLOR_GREY_DK,     IDX_COLOR_GREY_DK     },
  98         { IA_FILLED_RECT,  3, 14,  6, 15, IDX_COLOR_GREY_DK,     IDX_COLOR_GREY_DK     },
  99         { IA_FILLED_RECT,  2,  2,  6,  4, IDX_COLOR_YELLOW_DK,   IDX_COLOR_YELLOW_DK   },
 100         { IA_FILLED_RECT,  2,  6,  6,  7, IDX_COLOR_YELLOW_DK,   IDX_COLOR_YELLOW_DK   },
 101         { IA_FILLED_RECT,  2,  9,  6, 10, IDX_COLOR_YELLOW_DK,   IDX_COLOR_YELLOW_DK   },
 102         { IA_FILLED_RECT,  2, 12,  6, 13, IDX_COLOR_YELLOW_DK,   IDX_COLOR_YELLOW_DK   },
 103         { IA_FILLED_RECT,  5, 15,  9, 13, IDX_COLOR_YELLOW_DK,   IDX_COLOR_YELLOW_DK   },
 104         { IA_HLINE,        8,  0,  2,  0, IDX_COLOR_TRANSPARENT, IDX_COLOR_TRANSPARENT },
 105         { IA_HLINE,       11,  0,  3,  0, IDX_COLOR_WHITE,       IDX_COLOR_WHITE       },
 106         { IA_HLINE,       11, 18,  2,  0, IDX_COLOR_TRANSPARENT, IDX_COLOR_TRANSPARENT },
 107         { IA_RECT,         9,  5, 28, 13, 0,                     0                     },
 108         { IA_FILLED_RECT, 27,  6, 27, 12, 0,                     0                     },
 109         { IA_END }
 110 };
 112 static void gui_space_draw_icon()
 113 {
 114     space_color();
 116     color cl1 = IDX_COLOR_GREEN_DK;
 117     color cl2 = IDX_COLOR_GREEN;
 118     if (((conf.space_warn_type == 0) && (perc <= conf.space_perc_warn)) ||
 119         ((conf.space_warn_type == 1) && (GetFreeCardSpaceKb() <= (unsigned)conf.space_mb_warn*1024)))
 120     {
 121         cl1 = IDX_COLOR_RED_DK;
 122         cl2 = IDX_COLOR_RED;
 123     } 
 125     // Set dynamic properties for space left
 126     space_icon[16].cb = cl1;
 127     space_icon[17].x1 = 27 - (17 * perc / 100);
 128     space_icon[17].cf = space_icon[17].cb = cl2;
 130     // Draw icon
 131     draw_icon_cmds(conf.space_icon_pos.x, conf.space_icon_pos.y, space_icon);
 132 }
 134 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
 135 static void gui_space_draw_value(int force)
 136 {
 137     int offset = 0;
 139     space_color();
 141     if ((conf.show_partition_nr) && (get_part_count() > 1))
 142     {
 143         sprintf(osd_buf, "%1d:\0", get_active_partition());
 144         offset = 2;
 145     }
 147     if (is_partition_changed())
 148     {
 149         sprintf(osd_buf+offset, "???\0");
 150     }
 151     else
 152     {
 153         if (conf.space_perc_show || force)
 154         {
 155             sprintf(osd_buf+offset, "%3d%%\0", perc);
 156         }
 157         else if (conf.space_mb_show)
 158         {
 159             unsigned int freemb = GetFreeCardSpaceKb()/1024;
 160             if (freemb < 10000) sprintf(osd_buf+offset, "%4dM\0",freemb);
 161             else sprintf(osd_buf+offset, "%4dG\0",freemb/1024);   // if 10 GiB or more free, print in GiB instead of MiB
 162         }
 163     }
 165     draw_osd_string(conf.space_txt_pos, 0, 0, osd_buf, cl, conf.space_txt_scale);
 166 }
 168 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
 170 void gui_space_draw_osd(int is_osd_edit)
 171 {
 172     if (conf.space_icon_show || is_osd_edit)
 173         gui_space_draw_icon();
 175     if (conf.space_perc_show || conf.space_mb_show || is_osd_edit)
 176         gui_space_draw_value(is_osd_edit);
 178     if ((conf.space_bar_show == 1) || is_osd_edit)
 179         gui_space_draw_spacebar_horizontal();
 181     if (conf.space_bar_show == 2 || is_osd_edit)
 182         gui_space_draw_spacebar_vertical();
 183 }

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