height              9 core/console.c #define MAX_CONSOLE_LINES       (camera_screen.height/FONT_HEIGHT-1)
height            223 core/console.c         coord y = (camera_screen.height - (h+1) * FONT_HEIGHT) >> 1;
height            533 core/gps.c                         if (igps->height[1])
height            631 core/gps.c                 g_d_hei=gps.height[0]/(gps.height[1]*1.0);
height             32 core/gps.h         int     height[2];
height             47 core/gps.h         int     height[2];
height             51 core/gps_simulate.c         gps_dummy_data.height[0] = 3000 ;
height             52 core/gps_simulate.c         gps_dummy_data.height[1] = 100 ;
height            279 core/gui.c         coord y = (camera_screen.height - EXP_TEXT_HEIGHT*FONT_HEIGHT) >> 1;
height           2349 core/gui.c         y = ((camera_screen.height-logo_text_height)>>1) + 20;
height           2368 core/gui.c             int offset_y = ((camera_screen.height-LOGO_HEIGHT)>>1) - 66 ;
height           2370 core/gui.c             int offset_y = ((camera_screen.height-LOGO_HEIGHT)>>1) - 42 ;
height           2687 core/gui.c             w = draw_string_justified(camera_screen.disp_left, camera_screen.height-FONT_HEIGHT,
height           2694 core/gui.c                 draw_string_clipped(camera_screen.disp_left, camera_screen.height-FONT_HEIGHT, script_title, user_color(conf.menu_color), w);
height            225 core/gui_draw.c         rotate_base = (camera_screen.height - 1) * camera_screen.buffer_width + ASPECT_XCORRECTION(camera_screen.width) - 1;
height            271 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y+vrepeat >= camera_screen.height)/* || ((x == 0) && (y == 0))*/) return;
height            343 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x+1 >= camera_screen.width) || (y+vrepeat >= camera_screen.height)/* || ((x == 0) && (y == 0))*/) return;
height            392 core/gui_draw.c     if ((y < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y >= camera_screen.height)) return;
height            567 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y >= camera_screen.height) || ((x == 0) && (y == 0))) return;
height            584 core/gui_draw.c     if ((px < 0) || (py < 0) || (px >= camera_screen.width) || (py >= camera_screen.height) || ((px == 0) && (py == 0))) return;
height            672 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y >= camera_screen.height)) return 0;
height            778 core/gui_draw.c     if ((y < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y >= camera_screen.height)) return;
height            784 core/gui_draw.c         if ((y == camera_screen.height-1) && ((x+len) >= camera_screen.width-1)) { x--; len--; }   // Skip guard pixel
height            799 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y >= camera_screen.height)) return;
height            801 core/gui_draw.c     if ((y + len) > camera_screen.height) len = camera_screen.height - y;
height            818 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x2 < 0) || (y2 < 0) || (x1 >= camera_screen.width) || (y1 >= camera_screen.height))
height            859 core/gui_draw.c         if (y2 >= camera_screen.height) y2 = camera_screen.height - 1;
height             94 core/gui_mbox.c         coord y = (camera_screen.height - (h+2) * FONT_HEIGHT) >> 1;
height            733 core/gui_menu.c     num_lines = (camera_screen.height - camera_screen.ts_menu_border*2)/rbf_font_height()-1;
height            734 core/gui_menu.c     y = (camera_screen.height - ((num_lines - 1) * rbf_font_height())) >> 1;
height            760 core/gui_menu.c             y = (camera_screen.height - ((count - 1) * rbf_font_height())) >> 1;
height           1114 core/gui_osd.c     int DBGMISCVALS_Y = ((camera_screen.height/FONT_HEIGHT)-6);
height           1350 core/gui_osd.c         draw_rectangle(0, 0, camera_screen.width-1, camera_screen.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_WHITE), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height             20 core/gui_space.c static int perc, width, height;
height             46 core/gui_space.c     height = h;
height             52 core/gui_space.c     if (yy > (camera_screen.height-height-4)) {
height             53 core/gui_space.c         yy = camera_screen.height-height-4;
height             56 core/gui_space.c     draw_rectangle(xx, yy, xx+width+3, yy+height+3, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER1);     // Outer black rectangle
height             57 core/gui_space.c     draw_rectangle(xx+1, yy+1, xx+width+2, yy+height+2, cl, RECT_BORDER1);          // Inner white/red rectangle
height             71 core/gui_space.c     else draw_rectangle(xx+x+2, yy+2, xx+width+1, yy+height+1, MAKE_COLOR(FG_COLOR(cl), FG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED); // If not empty fill 'free' space area
height             72 core/gui_space.c     draw_rectangle(xx+2, yy+2, xx+x+1, yy+height+1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_TRANSPARENT, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED);  // fill 'used' space area
height             79 core/gui_space.c     spacebar_outer(conf.space_ver_pos, conf.space_bar_width, (camera_screen.height / (4 >> conf.space_bar_size)) - 4);
height             82 core/gui_space.c     y = height - ((perc*height)/100);
height             84 core/gui_space.c     if (y >= height) y = height;
height             85 core/gui_space.c     else draw_rectangle(xx+2, yy+y+2, xx+width+1, yy+height+1, MAKE_COLOR(FG_COLOR(cl), FG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED); // If not empty fill 'free' space area
height             76 core/live_view.c     lv.bm.visible_height = camera_screen.height;
height             57 include/camera_info.h             int width, height;  // DNG JPEG size
height             95 include/camera_info.h     int     width, height, size;                        // Size of bitmap screen in CHDK co-ordinates
height             21 lib/font/rbf_font.c     int height;                 // font height in pixels
height             91 lib/font/rbf_font.c         f->width = 8 * f->hdr.charSize / f->hdr.height;
height            220 lib/font/rbf_font.c                 conf.menu_symbol_enable=(rbf_font->hdr.height>=rbf_symbol_font->hdr.height);
height            251 lib/font/rbf_font.c         rbf_font->hdr.height    = FONT_HEIGHT;
height            274 lib/font/rbf_font.c     return rbf_font->hdr.height;
height            278 lib/font/rbf_font.c     return rbf_symbol_font->hdr.height;
height            311 lib/font/rbf_font.c void font_draw_char(int x, int y, char *cdata, int width, int height, int pixel_width, twoColors cl) {
height            316 lib/font/rbf_font.c         for (yy=0; yy<height; ++yy)
height            333 lib/font/rbf_font.c         font_draw_char(x, y, cdata, rbf_font->width, rbf_font->hdr.height, rbf_font->wTable[ch], cl);
height            343 lib/font/rbf_font.c     if (rbf_font->hdr.height<rbf_symbol_font->hdr.height || ch==0x0) return 0;
height            348 lib/font/rbf_font.c     sym_height = rbf_symbol_font->hdr.height;
height            350 lib/font/rbf_font.c     txt_height = rbf_font->hdr.height;
height            433 lib/font/rbf_font.c         draw_rectangle(x+l, y, x+len-1, y+rbf_font->hdr.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(BG_COLOR(cl), BG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height            445 lib/font/rbf_font.c         draw_rectangle(x, y, x+l-1, y+rbf_font->hdr.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(BG_COLOR(cl), BG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height            258 modules/dng.c      {0x0006, T_RATIONAL,          1,  (int)gps_data.height},          //Altitude
height            525 modules/dng.c              crop_size[1] = camera_sensor.jpeg.height;
height            905 modules/dng.c      int y_inc = camera_sensor.jpeg.height / DNG_TH_HEIGHT;
height            748 modules/edgeoverlay.c     if ((vid_get_viewport_width() > camera_screen.width) || (vid_get_viewport_height() > camera_screen.height))
height            260 modules/exmem_inspector.c         disph = camera_screen.height / FONT_HEIGHT;
height            287 modules/exmem_inspector.c             draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left, 0, camera_screen.disp_right, camera_screen.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height            339 modules/exmem_inspector.c             while (showidx < (unsigned)camera_screen.height)
height            984 modules/file_shelter.c         disph = camera_screen.height / FONT_HEIGHT;
height            986 modules/file_shelter.c         helph = camera_screen.height / FONT_HEIGHT - 5;
height           1024 modules/file_shelter.c             draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left, 0, camera_screen.disp_right, camera_screen.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height           1101 modules/file_shelter.c             draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left, FONT_HEIGHT*5, camera_screen.disp_right, camera_screen.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height            202 modules/games/gui_4wins.c     y = ((camera_screen.height) >> 1);
height            334 modules/games/gui_4wins.c     if (camera_screen.height * 3 > camera_screen.width * 2)
height            337 modules/games/gui_4wins.c         rect_size = 8 * (camera_screen.height - FONT_HEIGHT - 20) / (9 * FIELD_HEIGHT);
height            341 modules/games/gui_4wins.c         rect_size = (camera_screen.height - FONT_HEIGHT - 20) / FIELD_HEIGHT;
height            348 modules/games/gui_4wins.c     draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left, 0, camera_screen.disp_right, camera_screen.height - 1, MAKE_COLOR(BK_COLOR, BK_COLOR), RECT_BORDER0 | DRAW_FILLED);		// draw backgraund
height            350 modules/games/gui_4wins.c     draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_right - 16 * FONT_WIDTH, 5 * FONT_HEIGHT, camera_screen.disp_right - FONT_WIDTH, camera_screen.height - 10, MAKE_COLOR(INFO_COLOR, INFO_COLOR), RECT_BORDER0 | DRAW_FILLED | RECT_ROUND_CORNERS);
height            370 modules/games/gui_4wins.c     draw_string(camera_screen.disp_right - (10 + strlen(str)) * FONT_WIDTH, camera_screen.height - 9 * FONT_HEIGHT, str, MAKE_COLOR(INFO_COLOR, P1_COLOR));
height            372 modules/games/gui_4wins.c     draw_string(camera_screen.disp_right - 9 * FONT_WIDTH, camera_screen.height - 9 * FONT_HEIGHT, str, INFO_TEXT_COLOR);
height            374 modules/games/gui_4wins.c     draw_string(camera_screen.disp_right - 7 * FONT_WIDTH, camera_screen.height - 9 * FONT_HEIGHT, str, MAKE_COLOR(INFO_COLOR, P2_COLOR));
height            416 modules/games/gui_4wins.c     draw_string(camera_screen.disp_right - 12 * FONT_WIDTH, camera_screen.height - 2 * FONT_HEIGHT, str, INFO_TEXT_COLOR);
height            417 modules/games/gui_4wins.c     gui_osd_draw_clock(camera_screen.disp_right - 11 * FONT_WIDTH, camera_screen.height - 3 * FONT_HEIGHT, INFO_TEXT_COLOR, 1);
height             93 modules/games/gui_mastermind.c     draw_string(camera_screen.disp_right-24*FONT_WIDTH, camera_screen.height-6*FONT_HEIGHT-FONT_HEIGHT/2, msg, TEXT_COLOR);
height            133 modules/games/gui_mastermind.c     if (camera_screen.height * 3 > camera_screen.width * 2)
height            136 modules/games/gui_mastermind.c         cell_size = 8 * (camera_screen.height - FONT_HEIGHT * 2) / (9 * 9);
height            140 modules/games/gui_mastermind.c         cell_size = (camera_screen.height - FONT_HEIGHT * 2) / 10;
height            146 modules/games/gui_mastermind.c     draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left, 0, camera_screen.disp_right, camera_screen.height - 1, BK_COLOR, RECT_BORDER0 | DRAW_FILLED);
height            169 modules/games/gui_mastermind.c     draw_string(camera_screen.disp_right - 24 * FONT_WIDTH, camera_screen.height - 3 * FONT_HEIGHT, lang_str(LANG_MENU_GAMES_CURSOR1), TEXT_COLOR);
height            170 modules/games/gui_mastermind.c     draw_string(camera_screen.disp_right - 24 * FONT_WIDTH, camera_screen.height - 4 * FONT_HEIGHT, lang_str(LANG_MENU_GAMES_CURSOR2), TEXT_COLOR);
height            171 modules/games/gui_mastermind.c     draw_string(camera_screen.disp_right - 24 * FONT_WIDTH, camera_screen.height - 5 * FONT_HEIGHT, lang_str(LANG_MENU_GAMES_CURSOR3), TEXT_COLOR);
height            273 modules/games/gui_mastermind.c     draw_string_justified(camera_screen.disp_left, camera_screen.height-FONT_HEIGHT,
height            222 modules/games/gui_reversi.c                    camera_screen.height-FONT_HEIGHT*4-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLUE), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height            234 modules/games/gui_reversi.c                    camera_screen.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLUE), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height            235 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     field_size = camera_screen.height & 0xFFF8;
height            237 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     field_y = camera_screen.height-field_size;
height            424 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     draw_string_justified(camera_screen.disp_left, camera_screen.height-FONT_HEIGHT,
height            301 modules/games/gui_snake.c     draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left,0,camera_screen.disp_right,camera_screen.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_GREY,COLOR_GREY), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height            303 modules/games/gui_snake.c     draw_string(camera_screen.disp_width / 2 - strlen(str_buf)*FONT_WIDTH/2,camera_screen.height/2-FONT_HEIGHT/2,str_buf, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_GREY, COLOR_BLUE));
height            452 modules/games/gui_snake.c         draw_string(camera_screen.disp_width/2 - strlen(str_buf)*FONT_WIDTH/2, camera_screen.height-FONT_HEIGHT-4, str_buf, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_GREY, COLOR_BLUE));
height            458 modules/games/gui_snake.c     snake_scale = camera_screen.height / 240;
height            462 modules/games/gui_snake.c     screen_top = (camera_screen.height - FONT_HEIGHT - 4 - RING_HEIGHT * snake_screen_size)/2;
height            464 modules/games/gui_snake.c     draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left,0,camera_screen.disp_right,camera_screen.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_GREY,COLOR_GREY), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height            340 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c     if (camera_screen.height*3 > camera_screen.width*2) {
height            342 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c         cell_size = 8*camera_screen.height/(9*FIELD_HEIGHT);
height            345 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c         cell_size = camera_screen.height/FIELD_HEIGHT;
height            405 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c         draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left, 0, camera_screen.disp_right, camera_screen.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height            441 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c         draw_line(camera_screen.disp_left+cell_size*FIELD_WIDTH, 0, camera_screen.disp_left+cell_size*FIELD_WIDTH, camera_screen.height-1, COLOR_WHITE);
height            442 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c         draw_line(camera_screen.disp_left+cell_size*FIELD_WIDTH+1, 0, camera_screen.disp_left+cell_size*FIELD_WIDTH+1, camera_screen.height-1, COLOR_BLACK);
height            456 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c     draw_string_justified(camera_screen.disp_left, camera_screen.height-FONT_HEIGHT,
height            261 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 	draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left, 0, camera_screen.disp_right, camera_screen.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(SUDOKU_BG_COLOR,SUDOKU_BG_COLOR), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height            992 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c     if (camera_screen.height-yFieldBorder*2 > xMenuPos-xFieldBorder)
height            998 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c         fieldLineDistance=(camera_screen.height-yFieldBorder*2)/9;
height            247 modules/games/gui_tetris.c     draw_string(tx, camera_screen.height - yo * 11, str_buf, cl);
height            249 modules/games/gui_tetris.c     draw_string(tx, camera_screen.height - yo * 10, str_buf, cl);
height            251 modules/games/gui_tetris.c     draw_string(tx, camera_screen.height - yo * 9, str_buf, cl);
height            253 modules/games/gui_tetris.c     draw_string(tx, camera_screen.height - yo * 8, str_buf, cl);
height            255 modules/games/gui_tetris.c     draw_string(tx, camera_screen.height - yo * 6, str_buf, cl);
height            257 modules/games/gui_tetris.c     draw_string(tx, camera_screen.height - yo * 5, str_buf, cl);
height            261 modules/games/gui_tetris.c     draw_string(tx, camera_screen.height - yo * 3, str_buf, cl);
height            263 modules/games/gui_tetris.c     draw_string(tx, camera_screen.height - yo * 2, str_buf, cl);
height            270 modules/games/gui_tetris.c static void setMatrixCells(int *matrix, int width, int height, int value)
height            275 modules/games/gui_tetris.c         for (j = 0; j < height; ++j)
height            767 modules/games/gui_tetris.c     tile_size = camera_screen.height / (BOARD_HEIGHT+2);
height            769 modules/games/gui_tetris.c     draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left, 0, camera_screen.disp_right, camera_screen.height - 1, MAKE_COLOR(TETRIS_COLOR_BG, TETRIS_COLOR_BG), RECT_BORDER0 | DRAW_FILLED);
height            247 modules/gui_bench.c             draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left, 0, camera_screen.disp_right, camera_screen.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height            284 modules/gui_bench.c             gui_bench_draw_results_text(9, bench.text_cps, bench.textnonalign_cps, camera_screen.width * camera_screen.height);
height             69 modules/gui_calendar.c     draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left, 0, camera_screen.disp_right, camera_screen.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height             90 modules/gui_calendar.c     cal_y = FONT_HEIGHT+(camera_screen.height-FONT_HEIGHT-cal_h)/2;
height             80 modules/gui_debug.c             draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left, 0, camera_screen.disp_right, camera_screen.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height            705 modules/gui_fselect.c     main_y = (camera_screen.height - MAIN_H) >> 1;
height             50 modules/gui_grid.c     resize = (camera_screen.width != 360) || (camera_screen.height != 240);
height            238 modules/gui_grid.c                 xs = (camera_screen.height * 4) / 3;
height            240 modules/gui_grid.c                 ys = camera_screen.height;
height             57 modules/gui_hexbox.c     y = ((camera_screen.height - h)>>5)<<4;
height            107 modules/gui_mpopup.c         y = (camera_screen.height - h*FONT_HEIGHT) / 2;
height             83 modules/gui_osd_edit.c         draw_string(0, (osd[curr_item].pos->x<strlen(osd_buf)*FONT_WIDTH+4 && osd[curr_item].pos->y<FONT_HEIGHT+4)?camera_screen.height-FONT_HEIGHT:0,
height            170 modules/gui_osd_edit.c         if (osd[curr_item].pos->y < camera_screen.height-osd[curr_item].size.y)
height            172 modules/gui_osd_edit.c             osd[curr_item].pos->y+=(camera_screen.height-osd[curr_item].size.y-osd[curr_item].pos->y>step)?step:camera_screen.height-osd[curr_item].size.y-osd[curr_item].pos->y;
height            175 modules/gui_osd_edit.c             osd[curr_item].pos->y = camera_screen.height-osd[curr_item].size.y;
height            155 modules/gui_palette.c         draw_rectangle(xl, 0, xr, camera_screen.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height            199 modules/gui_palette.c             h = (camera_screen.height - (2 * FONT_HEIGHT)) / 3;
height            214 modules/gui_palette.c             h = (camera_screen.height - (2 * FONT_HEIGHT)) / 3;
height            229 modules/gui_palette.c             h = (camera_screen.height - (2 * FONT_HEIGHT)) / 4;
height            266 modules/gui_palette.c         cellsize = (camera_screen.height - FONT_HEIGHT - 3 * BORDER_SIZE -1 ) / 17;
height            267 modules/gui_palette.c         disptop = camera_screen.height + DISP_TOP_CHDK - cellsize * 16 - FONT_HEIGHT - 2 * BORDER_SIZE - 1;
height            288 modules/gui_palette.c         draw_rectangle(xl, DISP_TOP_CHDK-BORDER_SIZE, xr, camera_screen.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_GREY, COLOR_GREY), RECT_BORDER6); // outer border
height             88 modules/gui_read.c     h=camera_screen.height-y;
height            129 modules/gui_read.c                        camera_screen.disp_right, camera_screen.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(BG_COLOR(col), BG_COLOR(col)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height            190 modules/gui_tbox.c             coord y = (camera_screen.height - (tbox_height+6) * FONT_HEIGHT-SPACING_BELOW_TEXT) >> 1;
height            102 modules/histogram.c void histogram_sample_stage(unsigned char *img, int stage, int byte_width, int vis_byte_width, int height, int xstep_bytes, int ystep)
height            107 modules/histogram.c     unsigned char *p_max = img + byte_width*(height-ystep);
height           1380 modules/luascript.c     lua_pushnumber( L, camera_screen.height );
height            143 modules/module_inspector.c     	draw_rectangle(camera_screen.disp_left, 0, camera_screen.disp_right, camera_screen.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
height            805 modules/motion_detector.c     int y_size = camera_screen.height-yoffset * 2;
height            230 modules/rawhookops.c     lua_pushnumber(L,camera_sensor.jpeg.height);
height            362 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned int height=luaL_checknumber(L,4);
height            367 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned int ymax = ystart + height;
height            537 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned height=luaL_checknumber(L,5);
height            551 modules/rawhookops.c         || width == 0 || height == 0) {
height            556 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned ymax=ystart+height;
height             46 modules/shot_histogram.c     int height = camera_sensor.active_area.y2 - camera_sensor.active_area.y1;
height             51 modules/shot_histogram.c     y0 = camera_sensor.active_area.y1 + ((shot_margin_top    * height) / 10);
height             52 modules/shot_histogram.c     y1 = camera_sensor.active_area.y2 - ((shot_margin_bottom * height) / 10);
height            309 modules/user_menu_edit.c     num_lines = camera_screen.height/rbf_font_height()-1;
height            420 modules/user_menu_edit.c         y = ((camera_screen.height-(num_lines-1)*rbf_font_height())>>1);
height            430 modules/user_menu_edit.c             y = (camera_screen.height-(count-1)*rbf_font_height())>>1; 
height            434 modules/user_menu_edit.c             y = ((camera_screen.height-(num_lines-1)*rbf_font_height())>>1);  
height            144 modules/zebra.c             buffer_size = camera_screen.buffer_size - (camera_screen.buffer_height - camera_screen.height) * camera_screen.buffer_width;
height            406 modules/zebra.c             if (y*camera_screen.height/viewport_height == (s+camera_screen.buffer_width)/camera_screen.buffer_width) {
height            712 modules/zebra.c     if ((vid_get_viewport_width() > camera_screen.width) || (vid_get_viewport_height() > camera_screen.height))
height            206 platform/g16/lib.c int vid_get_viewport_fullscreen_height()        { return camera_screen.height; }
height            267 platform/g5x/lib.c     unsigned int    height;
height            280 platform/g5x/lib.c     short           height;
height            304 platform/g5x/lib.c             camera_screen.height = ximr->height;
height            314 platform/g5x/lib.c             camera_screen.size = camera_screen.width * camera_screen.height;
height            327 platform/g7x/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            337 platform/g7x/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            344 platform/g7x/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 540;
height            350 platform/g7x/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 768;
height            233 platform/g7x2/lib.c     unsigned int    height;
height            246 platform/g7x2/lib.c     short           height;
height            269 platform/g7x2/lib.c             camera_screen.height = ximr->height;
height            279 platform/g7x2/lib.c             camera_screen.size = camera_screen.width * camera_screen.height;
height            229 platform/m10/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            239 platform/m10/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            247 platform/m10/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 540;
height            254 platform/m10/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            261 platform/m10/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 768;
height            268 platform/m10/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 600;
height            256 platform/m3/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            266 platform/m3/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            274 platform/m3/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 540;
height            281 platform/m3/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            288 platform/m3/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 768;
height            170 platform/sx280hs/lib.c int vid_get_viewport_fullscreen_height()        { return camera_screen.height; } // may not be always ok
height            216 platform/sx280hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            226 platform/sx280hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            234 platform/sx280hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 540;
height            258 platform/sx60hs/lib.c int vid_get_viewport_fullscreen_height()        { return camera_screen.height; }
height            296 platform/sx60hs/lib.c                  camera_screen.height, camera_screen.size);
height            298 platform/sx60hs/lib.c     camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            307 platform/sx60hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            318 platform/sx60hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            325 platform/sx60hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 540;
height            239 platform/sx700hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            249 platform/sx700hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            257 platform/sx700hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 540;
height            241 platform/sx710hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            252 platform/sx710hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            260 platform/sx710hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 540;
height            266 platform/sx710hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 768;
height            273 platform/sx710hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 600;
height            287 platform/sx710hs/lib.c         vp_full_height = camera_screen.height;
height            235 platform/sx730hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            246 platform/sx730hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 480;
height            254 platform/sx730hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 540;
height            260 platform/sx730hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 768;
height            267 platform/sx730hs/lib.c             camera_screen.height = camera_screen.buffer_height = 600;
height            281 platform/sx730hs/lib.c         vp_full_height = camera_screen.height;
height            206 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_types.h     unsigned int    height;
height            231 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_types.h     short           height;
height            227 tools/rawconvert.c 	unsigned height=0;
height            244 tools/rawconvert.c 			height=atoi(argv[i]+3);
height            286 tools/rawconvert.c 	if(!height || !width) {
height            318 tools/rawconvert.c 	npixels=height*width;
height            321 tools/rawconvert.c 					argv[0], iname, width, height, op->ibpp, (npixels*op->ibpp) >> 3, (unsigned)st.st_size);
height            328 tools/rawconvert.c 	fprintf(stderr,"input:  %s %ux%u %u bpp %u bytes\n",iname, width, height, op->ibpp, (unsigned)(st.st_size));
height            364 tools/rawconvert.c 		fprintf(fp, "P5\n%d\n%d\n%d\n", width, height, (1 << op->obpp)-1);
height             60 tools/yuvconvert.c 	unsigned height=0;
height             78 tools/yuvconvert.c 			height=atoi(argv[i]+3);
height            113 tools/yuvconvert.c 	if(!height || !width) {
height            128 tools/yuvconvert.c 	npixels=height*width;
height            132 tools/yuvconvert.c 				argv[0],width,height,isize,(unsigned long)st.st_size);
height            136 tools/yuvconvert.c 				argv[0],width,height,isize,(unsigned long)st.st_size);
height            156 tools/yuvconvert.c 	fprintf(stderr,"input:  %s %ux%u UYVYYY %u bytes\n",iname, width, height, isize);
height            159 tools/yuvconvert.c 		fprintf(stderr,"output: %s.Y %ux%u %s.U,V %ux%u\n", oname, width, height,oname,width/4,height);
height            207 tools/yuvconvert.c 		osize = (owidth*height)*3;
height            216 tools/yuvconvert.c 		fprintf(stderr,"output: %s %ux%u RGB8 %u bytes\n", rgbname, owidth, height, osize);