width             222 core/console.c         coord x = (camera_screen.width - w * FONT_WIDTH) >> 1;
width             207 core/gps.c         draw_txt_string( (camera_screen.width/FONT_WIDTH-strlen(buf))>>1 , line, buf, color) ;
width             278 core/gui.c         coord x = (camera_screen.width  - EXP_TEXT_WIDTH*FONT_WIDTH) >> 1;
width            2348 core/gui.c         x = (camera_screen.width-logo_text_width)>>1; 
width            2366 core/gui.c             int offset_x = (camera_screen.width-LOGO_WIDTH)>>1;
width            2585 core/gui.c         int x = ((camera_screen.width/2)-(FONT_WIDTH*35/2));
width             225 core/gui_draw.c         rotate_base = (camera_screen.height - 1) * camera_screen.buffer_width + ASPECT_XCORRECTION(camera_screen.width) - 1;
width             271 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y+vrepeat >= camera_screen.height)/* || ((x == 0) && (y == 0))*/) return;
width             343 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x+1 >= camera_screen.width) || (y+vrepeat >= camera_screen.height)/* || ((x == 0) && (y == 0))*/) return;
width             392 core/gui_draw.c     if ((y < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y >= camera_screen.height)) return;
width             394 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x + len) > camera_screen.width) len = camera_screen.width - x;
width             567 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y >= camera_screen.height) || ((x == 0) && (y == 0))) return;
width             584 core/gui_draw.c     if ((px < 0) || (py < 0) || (px >= camera_screen.width) || (py >= camera_screen.height) || ((px == 0) && (py == 0))) return;
width             672 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y >= camera_screen.height)) return 0;
width             778 core/gui_draw.c     if ((y < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y >= camera_screen.height)) return;
width             780 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x + len) > camera_screen.width) len = camera_screen.width - x;
width             784 core/gui_draw.c         if ((y == camera_screen.height-1) && ((x+len) >= camera_screen.width-1)) { x--; len--; }   // Skip guard pixel
width             799 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x < 0) || (x >= camera_screen.width) || (y >= camera_screen.height)) return;
width             818 core/gui_draw.c     if ((x2 < 0) || (y2 < 0) || (x1 >= camera_screen.width) || (y1 >= camera_screen.height))
width             858 core/gui_draw.c         if (x2 >= camera_screen.width)  x2 = camera_screen.width - 1;
width            1239 core/gui_draw.c 	    if ((x>=camera_screen.width) && (*s))
width            1251 core/gui_draw.c     return draw_string_clipped(x, y, s, cl, camera_screen.width);
width            1301 core/gui_draw.c int text_dimensions(const char *s, int width, int max_chars, int *max_lines)
width            1317 core/gui_draw.c         if (n > width) width = n;
width            1323 core/gui_draw.c     if (width > max_chars) width = max_chars;
width            1324 core/gui_draw.c     return width;
width            1358 core/gui_draw.c         if ((x>=camera_screen.width) && (*s))
width            1377 core/gui_draw.c             if ((x>=camera_screen.width) && (*s))
width            1391 core/gui_draw.c             if ((x>=camera_screen.width) && (*s))
width             124 core/gui_draw.h extern int  text_dimensions(const char *s, int width, int max_chars, int *max_lines);
width              93 core/gui_mbox.c         coord x = (camera_screen.width - w * FONT_WIDTH) >> 1;
width            1113 core/gui_osd.c     int DBGMISCVALS_X = ((camera_screen.width/FONT_WIDTH)-17);
width            1350 core/gui_osd.c         draw_rectangle(0, 0, camera_screen.width-1, camera_screen.height-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_WHITE), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
width              20 core/gui_space.c static int perc, width, height;
width              45 core/gui_space.c     width = w;
width              49 core/gui_space.c     if (xx > (camera_screen.width-width-4)) {
width              50 core/gui_space.c         xx = camera_screen.width-width-4;
width              56 core/gui_space.c     draw_rectangle(xx, yy, xx+width+3, yy+height+3, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER1);     // Outer black rectangle
width              57 core/gui_space.c     draw_rectangle(xx+1, yy+1, xx+width+2, yy+height+2, cl, RECT_BORDER1);          // Inner white/red rectangle
width              65 core/gui_space.c     spacebar_outer(conf.space_hor_pos, (camera_screen.width / (4 >> conf.space_bar_size)) - 4, conf.space_bar_width);
width              68 core/gui_space.c     x = width - ((perc*width)/100);
width              70 core/gui_space.c     if (x >= width) x = width;
width              71 core/gui_space.c     else draw_rectangle(xx+x+2, yy+2, xx+width+1, yy+height+1, MAKE_COLOR(FG_COLOR(cl), FG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED); // If not empty fill 'free' space area
width              85 core/gui_space.c     else draw_rectangle(xx+2, yy+y+2, xx+width+1, yy+height+1, MAKE_COLOR(FG_COLOR(cl), FG_COLOR(cl)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED); // If not empty fill 'free' space area
width              86 core/gui_space.c     draw_rectangle(xx+2, yy+2, xx+width+1, yy+y+1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_TRANSPARENT, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED);   // fill 'used' space area
width              57 include/camera_info.h             int width, height;  // DNG JPEG size
width              95 include/camera_info.h     int     width, height, size;                        // Size of bitmap screen in CHDK co-ordinates
width              37 lib/font/rbf_font.c     int width;                  // font element width in pixels
width              88 lib/font/rbf_font.c         f->width = FONT_WIDTH;
width              91 lib/font/rbf_font.c         f->width = 8 * f->hdr.charSize / f->hdr.height;
width              96 lib/font/rbf_font.c     memset(f->wTable, f->width, 256);
width             311 lib/font/rbf_font.c void font_draw_char(int x, int y, char *cdata, int width, int height, int pixel_width, twoColors cl) {
width             318 lib/font/rbf_font.c                 draw_pixel(x+xx ,y+yy, (cdata[yy*width/8+xx/8] & (1<<(xx%8))) ? FG_COLOR(cl) : BG_COLOR(cl));
width             333 lib/font/rbf_font.c         font_draw_char(x, y, cdata, rbf_font->width, rbf_font->hdr.height, rbf_font->wTable[ch], cl);
width             364 lib/font/rbf_font.c       font_draw_char(x, y, cdata, rbf_symbol_font->width, sym_height, pixel_width, cl);
width             524 modules/dng.c              crop_size[0] = camera_sensor.jpeg.width;
width             904 modules/dng.c      int x_inc = camera_sensor.jpeg.width / DNG_TH_WIDTH;
width             748 modules/edgeoverlay.c     if ((vid_get_viewport_width() > camera_screen.width) || (vid_get_viewport_height() > camera_screen.height))
width             985 modules/file_shelter.c         dispw = camera_screen.width / FONT_WIDTH;
width             201 modules/games/gui_4wins.c     x = (camera_screen.width - w) >> 1;
width             334 modules/games/gui_4wins.c     if (camera_screen.height * 3 > camera_screen.width * 2)
width             133 modules/games/gui_mastermind.c     if (camera_screen.height * 3 > camera_screen.width * 2)
width             327 modules/games/gui_reversi.c     mid = ((camera_screen.width-field_size) >> 2);
width             340 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c     if (camera_screen.height*3 > camera_screen.width*2) {
width             270 modules/games/gui_tetris.c static void setMatrixCells(int *matrix, int width, int height, int value)
width             273 modules/games/gui_tetris.c     for (i = 0; i < width; ++i)
width             277 modules/games/gui_tetris.c             *(matrix + i + (j * width)) = value;
width             284 modules/gui_bench.c             gui_bench_draw_results_text(9, bench.text_cps, bench.textnonalign_cps, camera_screen.width * camera_screen.height);
width              89 modules/gui_calendar.c     cal_x = (camera_screen.width-cal_w)/2;
width             704 modules/gui_fselect.c     main_x = (camera_screen.width  - main_w) >> 1;
width              50 modules/gui_grid.c     resize = (camera_screen.width != 360) || (camera_screen.height != 240);
width             239 modules/gui_grid.c                 xo = (camera_screen.width - xs) / 2;
width              51 modules/gui_hexbox.c     if (w > camera_screen.width - 4 * FONT_WIDTH) {
width              52 modules/gui_hexbox.c         w = camera_screen.width - 4 * FONT_WIDTH;
width              56 modules/gui_hexbox.c     x = (camera_screen.width - w) >> 1;
width              59 modules/gui_hexbox.c     offs_title = ((camera_screen.width - strlen(box_title)*FONT_WIDTH)>>1);
width              60 modules/gui_hexbox.c     offs_num = ((camera_screen.width - (10+6+1)*FONT_WIDTH)>>1); // "0x12345678 4095M+"
width             106 modules/gui_mpopup.c         x = (camera_screen.width - w*FONT_WIDTH) / 2;
width             155 modules/gui_osd_edit.c         if (osd[curr_item].pos->x < camera_screen.width-SCL(osd[curr_item].size.x,0))
width             157 modules/gui_osd_edit.c             osd[curr_item].pos->x+=(camera_screen.width-SCL(osd[curr_item].size.x,0)-osd[curr_item].pos->x>step)?step:camera_screen.width-SCL(osd[curr_item].size.x,0)-osd[curr_item].pos->x;
width             160 modules/gui_osd_edit.c             osd[curr_item].pos->x = camera_screen.width-SCL(osd[curr_item].size.x,0);
width             187 modules/gui_tbox.c             key_offset_x = (camera_screen.width - tbox_width*FONT_WIDTH) >> 1;
width             189 modules/gui_tbox.c             coord x = (camera_screen.width - tbox_width * FONT_WIDTH) >> 1;
width            1374 modules/luascript.c     lua_pushnumber( L, camera_screen.width );
width             804 modules/motion_detector.c     int x_size = camera_screen.width-xoffset * 2;
width             221 modules/rawhookops.c     lua_pushnumber(L,camera_sensor.jpeg.width);
width             361 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned int width=luaL_checknumber(L,3);
width             366 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned int xmax = xstart + width;
width             536 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned width=luaL_checknumber(L,4);
width             551 modules/rawhookops.c         || width == 0 || height == 0) {
width             555 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned xmax=xstart+width;
width              45 modules/shot_histogram.c     int width  = camera_sensor.active_area.x2 - camera_sensor.active_area.x1;
width              49 modules/shot_histogram.c     x0 = camera_sensor.active_area.x1 + ((shot_margin_left   * width)  / 10);
width              50 modules/shot_histogram.c     x1 = camera_sensor.active_area.x2 - ((shot_margin_right  * width)  / 10);
width             365 modules/zebra.c             aspOffset = camera_screen.width / 8; // half of the difference in width between equal height 16:9 and 4:3 screens, = black bar width
width             378 modules/zebra.c             for (x=0; x<camera_screen.width; x+=step_x, s+=step_x, v+=step_v) {
width             382 modules/zebra.c                 if (!bWide && (x + aspOffset >= camera_screen.width - aspOffset)) continue; // do not draw "outside screen" 
width             405 modules/zebra.c             s+=camera_screen.buffer_width-camera_screen.width;
width             712 modules/zebra.c     if ((vid_get_viewport_width() > camera_screen.width) || (vid_get_viewport_height() > camera_screen.height))
width             266 platform/g5x/lib.c     unsigned int    width;
width             279 platform/g5x/lib.c     short           width;
width             303 platform/g5x/lib.c             camera_screen.width = ximr->width;
width             309 platform/g5x/lib.c             camera_screen.disp_right = camera_screen.width - 1;
width             310 platform/g5x/lib.c             camera_screen.disp_width = camera_screen.width;
width             313 platform/g5x/lib.c             camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.width;
width             314 platform/g5x/lib.c             camera_screen.size = camera_screen.width * camera_screen.height;
width             326 platform/g7x/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 640;
width             335 platform/g7x/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = 720;
width             343 platform/g7x/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 960;
width             348 platform/g7x/lib.c             camera_screen.width = 1024;
width             232 platform/g7x2/lib.c     unsigned int    width;
width             245 platform/g7x2/lib.c     short           width;
width             268 platform/g7x2/lib.c             camera_screen.width = ximr->width;
width             274 platform/g7x2/lib.c             camera_screen.disp_right = camera_screen.width - 1;
width             275 platform/g7x2/lib.c             camera_screen.disp_width = camera_screen.width;
width             278 platform/g7x2/lib.c             camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.width;
width             279 platform/g7x2/lib.c             camera_screen.size = camera_screen.width * camera_screen.height;
width            1630 platform/generic/wrappers.c 	return camera_screen.width;
width             187 platform/m10/lib.c int vid_get_viewport_fullscreen_width()			{ return camera_screen.width; }
width             228 platform/m10/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 640;
width             237 platform/m10/lib.c             camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.width = 720;
width             246 platform/m10/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 960;
width             252 platform/m10/lib.c             camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.width = 720;
width             260 platform/m10/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 1024;
width             266 platform/m10/lib.c             camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.width = 900;
width             209 platform/m3/lib.c int vid_get_viewport_fullscreen_width()			{ return camera_screen.width; }
width             255 platform/m3/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 640;
width             264 platform/m3/lib.c             camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.width = 720;
width             273 platform/m3/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 960;
width             279 platform/m3/lib.c             camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.width = 720;
width             287 platform/m3/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 1024;
width             215 platform/sx280hs/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 640;
width             224 platform/sx280hs/lib.c             camera_screen.width = 720;
width             233 platform/sx280hs/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 960;
width             257 platform/sx60hs/lib.c int vid_get_viewport_fullscreen_width()         { return camera_screen.width; }
width             295 platform/sx60hs/lib.c                 old_displaytype, displaytype, camera_screen.width,
width             297 platform/sx60hs/lib.c     camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 640;
width             306 platform/sx60hs/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 640;
width             316 platform/sx60hs/lib.c             camera_screen.width = 720;
width             324 platform/sx60hs/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 960;
width             238 platform/sx700hs/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 640;
width             247 platform/sx700hs/lib.c             camera_screen.width = 720;
width             256 platform/sx700hs/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 960;
width             240 platform/sx710hs/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 640;
width             250 platform/sx710hs/lib.c             camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.width = 720;
width             259 platform/sx710hs/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 960;
width             265 platform/sx710hs/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 1024;
width             271 platform/sx710hs/lib.c             camera_screen.width = 900;
width             285 platform/sx710hs/lib.c         vp_full_width = camera_screen.width;
width             234 platform/sx730hs/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 640;
width             244 platform/sx730hs/lib.c             camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.width = 720;
width             253 platform/sx730hs/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 960;
width             259 platform/sx730hs/lib.c             camera_screen.width = camera_screen.physical_width = camera_screen.buffer_width = 1024;
width             265 platform/sx730hs/lib.c             camera_screen.width = 900;
width             279 platform/sx730hs/lib.c         vp_full_width = camera_screen.width;
width             205 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_types.h     unsigned int    width;
width             230 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_types.h     short           width;
width             326 tools/packfi2/trees.c #  define SEPARATOR(i, last, width) \
width             328 tools/packfi2/trees.c        ((i) % (width) == (width)-1 ? ",\n" : ", "))
width             228 tools/rawconvert.c 	unsigned width=0;
width             247 tools/rawconvert.c 			width=atoi(argv[i]+3);
width             286 tools/rawconvert.c 	if(!height || !width) {
width             296 tools/rawconvert.c 	if((width*op->ibpp)%8 != 0) {
width             297 tools/rawconvert.c 		fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: width %u not an integral number of bytes at %u bpp\n",width,op->ibpp);
width             299 tools/rawconvert.c 	if((width*op->obpp)%8 != 0) {
width             300 tools/rawconvert.c 		fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: width %u not an integral number of bytes at %u bpp\n",width,op->obpp);
width             318 tools/rawconvert.c 	npixels=height*width;
width             321 tools/rawconvert.c 					argv[0], iname, width, height, op->ibpp, (npixels*op->ibpp) >> 3, (unsigned)st.st_size);
width             328 tools/rawconvert.c 	fprintf(stderr,"input:  %s %ux%u %u bpp %u bytes\n",iname, width, height, op->ibpp, (unsigned)(st.st_size));
width             344 tools/rawconvert.c 		unsigned in_row_bytes=(width*op->ibpp)>>3;
width             345 tools/rawconvert.c 		unsigned out_row_bytes=(width*op->obpp)>>3;
width             347 tools/rawconvert.c 			pixel_value = op->get_pixel(in_data, in_row_bytes, i%width, i/width);
width             356 tools/rawconvert.c 			op->set_pixel(out_data, out_row_bytes, i%width, i/width, pixel_value);
width             364 tools/rawconvert.c 		fprintf(fp, "P5\n%d\n%d\n%d\n", width, height, (1 << op->obpp)-1);
width              61 tools/yuvconvert.c 	unsigned width=0;
width              81 tools/yuvconvert.c 			width=atoi(argv[i]+3);
width             113 tools/yuvconvert.c 	if(!height || !width) {
width             123 tools/yuvconvert.c 	if((width*12)%8 != 0) {
width             124 tools/yuvconvert.c 		fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: width %u not an integral number of bytes at 12 bpp\n",width);
width             128 tools/yuvconvert.c 	npixels=height*width;
width             132 tools/yuvconvert.c 				argv[0],width,height,isize,(unsigned long)st.st_size);
width             136 tools/yuvconvert.c 				argv[0],width,height,isize,(unsigned long)st.st_size);
width             156 tools/yuvconvert.c 	fprintf(stderr,"input:  %s %ux%u UYVYYY %u bytes\n",iname, width, height, isize);
width             159 tools/yuvconvert.c 		fprintf(stderr,"output: %s.Y %ux%u %s.U,V %ux%u\n", oname, width, height,oname,width/4,height);
width             203 tools/yuvconvert.c 			owidth = width/2;
width             205 tools/yuvconvert.c 			owidth = width;