p 47 core/action_stack.c action_stack_t *p = action_stacks; p 48 core/action_stack.c while (p) p 50 core/action_stack.c if (p->comp_id == comp_id) p 52 core/action_stack.c p = p->next; p 106 core/action_stack.c static void action_stack_finish(action_stack_t *p) p 109 core/action_stack.c if (p->comp_id == 0) return; p 112 core/action_stack.c if (p == action_stacks) p 119 core/action_stack.c while (prev && (prev->next != p)) p 132 core/action_stack.c p->comp_id = 0; p 133 core/action_stack.c p->stack_ptr = -1; p 137 core/action_stack.c p->next = free_stacks; p 138 core/action_stack.c free_stacks = p; p 145 core/action_stack.c action_stack_t *p = action_stacks; p 146 core/action_stack.c while (p) p 148 core/action_stack.c if (p->comp_id == comp_id) p 150 core/action_stack.c action_stack_finish(p); p 153 core/action_stack.c p = p->next; p 190 core/action_stack.c void action_push(long p) p 193 core/action_stack.c active_stack->stack[++active_stack->stack_ptr] = p; p 20 core/action_stack.h void action_push(long p); p 1119 core/conf.c char *p = buf; p 1125 core/conf.c memcpy(p, &t, sizeof(t)); p 1126 core/conf.c p += sizeof(t); p 1129 core/conf.c memcpy(p, &t, sizeof(t)); p 1130 core/conf.c p += sizeof(t); p 1134 core/conf.c ((ConfInfoSave*)p)->id = ci[i].id; p 1135 core/conf.c ((ConfInfoSave*)p)->size = ci[i].size; p 1136 core/conf.c p += sizeof(ConfInfoSave); p 1140 core/conf.c p = cfg->save(p); p 1144 core/conf.c memcpy(p, ci[i].var, ci[i].size); p 1147 core/conf.c memset(p+strlen(ci[i].var), 0, CONF_STR_LEN-strlen(ci[i].var)); p 1148 core/conf.c p += ci[i].size; p 1152 core/conf.c write(fd, buf, p-buf); p 103 core/gps.c rect2polar (t_rectangular* r, t_polar* p) { p 104 core/gps.c p->delta = sqrt (r->north*r->north + r->east*r->east); p 105 core/gps.c p->alpha = arctan2 (r->east, r->north); p 110 core/gps.c polar2rect (t_rectangular* r, t_polar* p) { p 111 core/gps.c r->east = sin(p->alpha) * p->delta; p 112 core/gps.c r->north= cos(p->alpha) * p->delta; p 839 core/gps.c int o=1, p=1, q=0; p 934 core/gps.c p=1; p 944 core/gps.c p=1; p 957 core/gps.c if ((p == (int)conf.gps_play_dark_time) && ((int)conf.gps_play_dark_set == 1)) p 1094 core/gps.c p++; p 142 core/gps_math.c char* p; p 259 core/gps_math.c p = result; p 260 core/gps_math.c while (p[1]==' ') p++; p 261 core/gps_math.c p[0] = *sign; p 308 core/gui.c int p; p 316 core/gui.c p = (arg==0)?shooting_get_prop(i):get_uiprop_value(i); p 317 core/gui.c if( props[i] != p ) p 320 core/gui.c sprintf(buf,"%4d is %8d was %8d",i,p,props[i]); p 323 core/gui.c props[i] = p; p 1211 core/gui_osd.c int r,i, p, len; p 1216 core/gui_osd.c p = conf.debug_propcase_page*10+i; p 1217 core/gui_osd.c get_property_case(p, &r, 4); p 1218 core/gui_osd.c sprintf(osd_buf, "%3d: %d ", p, r); p 1230 core/gui_osd.c p = conf.debug_propcase_page*10+i; p 1231 core/gui_osd.c if (p>=get_flash_params_count()) { p 1232 core/gui_osd.c sprintf(osd_buf, "%3d: This parameter does not exists", p); p 1234 core/gui_osd.c len = get_parameter_size(p); p 1236 core/gui_osd.c get_parameter_data(p, &r, len); p 1237 core/gui_osd.c sprintf(osd_buf, "%3d: %30d :%2d ", p, r,len); p 1241 core/gui_osd.c get_parameter_data(p, &s, count); p 1243 core/gui_osd.c sprintf(osd_buf, "%3d: %30s :%2d ", p, s,len); p 1252 core/gui_osd.c p = conf.debug_propcase_page*10+i; p 1253 core/gui_osd.c if (p>=uiprop_count) { p 1254 core/gui_osd.c sprintf(osd_buf, "%3d: Does not exist ", p); p 1256 core/gui_osd.c r = get_uiprop_value(p); p 1257 core/gui_osd.c sprintf(osd_buf, "%3d: %hi ", p, r); p 46 core/gui_script.c sc_param *p = script_params; p 47 core/gui_script.c while (p) p 49 core/gui_script.c if ((p->name != 0) && (strcmp(name, p->name) == 0)) p 51 core/gui_script.c p = p->next; p 53 core/gui_script.c return p; p 59 core/gui_script.c sc_param *p = malloc(sizeof(sc_param)); p 60 core/gui_script.c memset(p, 0, sizeof(sc_param)); p 63 core/gui_script.c tail->next = p; p 64 core/gui_script.c tail = p; p 68 core/gui_script.c script_params = tail = p; p 74 core/gui_script.c p->name = malloc(strlen(name)+1); p 75 core/gui_script.c strcpy(p->name, name); p 78 core/gui_script.c return p; p 83 core/gui_script.c #define IS_SPACE(p) ((*p == ' ') || (*p == '\t')) p 84 core/gui_script.c #define IS_EOL(p) ((*p == '\n') || (*p == '\r')) p 86 core/gui_script.c const char* skip_whitespace(const char* p) { while (IS_SPACE(p)) p++; return p; } // Skip past whitespace p 87 core/gui_script.c const char* skip_to_token(const char* p) { while (IS_SPACE(p) || (*p == '=')) p++; return p; } // Skip to next token p 88 core/gui_script.c const char* skip_token(const char* p) { while (*p && !IS_EOL(p) && !IS_SPACE(p) && (*p != '=')) p++; return p; } // Skip past current token value p 89 core/gui_script.c const char* skip_toeol(const char* p) { while (*p && !IS_EOL(p)) p++; return p; } // Skip to end of line p 90 core/gui_script.c const char* skip_eol(const char *p) { p = skip_toeol(p); if (*p == '\r') p++; if (*p == '\n') p++; return p; } // Skip past end of line p 92 core/gui_script.c const char* skip_tochar(const char *p, char end) p 94 core/gui_script.c while (!IS_EOL(p) && (*p != end)) p++; p 95 core/gui_script.c return p; p 99 core/gui_script.c const char* get_token(const char *p, char *buf, int maxlen) p 101 core/gui_script.c p = skip_whitespace(p); p 102 core/gui_script.c int l = skip_token(p) - p; p 104 core/gui_script.c strncpy(buf, p, n); p 106 core/gui_script.c return p + l; p 112 core/gui_script.c const char* get_name(const char *p, int maxlen, sc_param **sp, int create) p 116 core/gui_script.c p = skip_whitespace(p); p 117 core/gui_script.c if (p[0] && isalpha(p[0])) p 119 core/gui_script.c p = get_token(p, str, maxlen); p 124 core/gui_script.c return p; p 162 core/gui_script.c sc_param *p = new_param(0); p 163 core/gui_script.c p->desc = malloc(l+1); p 164 core/gui_script.c strncpy(p->desc, ptr, l); p 165 core/gui_script.c p->desc[l] = 0; p 166 core/gui_script.c p->range_type = MENUITEM_SEPARATOR; p 177 core/gui_script.c sc_param *p; p 178 core/gui_script.c ptr = get_name(ptr, MAX_PARAM_NAME_LEN, &p, 0); p 179 core/gui_script.c if (p) p 191 core/gui_script.c sc_param *p; p 192 core/gui_script.c ptr = get_name(ptr, MAX_PARAM_NAME_LEN, &p, 1); p 193 core/gui_script.c if (p) p 198 core/gui_script.c p->desc = malloc(l+1); p 199 core/gui_script.c strncpy(p->desc, ptr, l); p 200 core/gui_script.c p->desc[l] = 0; p 207 core/gui_script.c static const char* get_default(sc_param *p, const char *ptr, int isScript) p 210 core/gui_script.c if (p) p 216 core/gui_script.c p->val = 1; p 223 core/gui_script.c p->val = 0; p 229 core/gui_script.c p->val = strtol(ptr, NULL, 0); p 231 core/gui_script.c p->old_val = p->val; p 234 core/gui_script.c p->def_val = p->val; p 235 core/gui_script.c p->range = range; p 236 core/gui_script.c p->range_type = type; p 244 core/gui_script.c sc_param *p; p 245 core/gui_script.c ptr = get_name(ptr, MAX_PARAM_NAME_LEN, &p, isScript); p 246 core/gui_script.c get_default(p, ptr, isScript); p 252 core/gui_script.c static const char* get_range(sc_param *p, const char *ptr, char end) p 259 core/gui_script.c if (p) p 261 core/gui_script.c p->range = MENU_MINMAX(min,max); p 262 core/gui_script.c p->range_type = MENUITEM_INT|MENUITEM_F_MINMAX|MENUITEM_SCRIPT_PARAM; p 263 core/gui_script.c if ((p->range == MENU_MINMAX(0,1)) || (p->range == MENU_MINMAX(1,0))) p 264 core/gui_script.c p->range_type = MENUITEM_BOOL|MENUITEM_SCRIPT_PARAM; p 266 core/gui_script.c p->range_type |= MENUITEM_F_UNSIGNED; p 276 core/gui_script.c sc_param *p; p 277 core/gui_script.c ptr = get_name(ptr, MAX_PARAM_NAME_LEN, &p, 1); p 278 core/gui_script.c get_range(p, ptr, 0); p 284 core/gui_script.c static const char* get_values(sc_param *p, const char *ptr, char end) p 289 core/gui_script.c if (p) p 291 core/gui_script.c p->range = 0; p 292 core/gui_script.c p->range_type = MENUITEM_ENUM2|MENUITEM_SCRIPT_PARAM; p 294 core/gui_script.c p->option_buf = malloc(len+1); p 295 core/gui_script.c strncpy(p->option_buf, ptr, len); p 296 core/gui_script.c p->option_buf[len] = 0; p 298 core/gui_script.c const char *s = p->option_buf; p 305 core/gui_script.c p->option_count = cnt; p 306 core/gui_script.c p->options = malloc(cnt * sizeof(char*)); p 308 core/gui_script.c s = p->option_buf; p 312 core/gui_script.c p->options[cnt] = s; p 330 core/gui_script.c sc_param *p; p 331 core/gui_script.c ptr = get_name(ptr, MAX_PARAM_NAME_LEN, &p, 1); p 332 core/gui_script.c get_values(p, ptr, 0); p 342 core/gui_script.c sc_param *p; p 343 core/gui_script.c ptr = get_name(ptr, MAX_PARAM_NAME_LEN, &p, 1); p 344 core/gui_script.c if (p) p 346 core/gui_script.c ptr = get_default(p, ptr, 1); p 351 core/gui_script.c p->desc = malloc(s-ptr); p 352 core/gui_script.c strncpy(p->desc, ptr+1, s-ptr-1); p 353 core/gui_script.c p->desc[s-ptr-1] = 0; p 364 core/gui_script.c ptr = get_range(p, ptr+1, ']'); p 368 core/gui_script.c ptr = get_values(p, ptr+1, '}'); p 372 core/gui_script.c p->data_type = DTYPE_TABLE; p 373 core/gui_script.c p->val--; // Initial value is 1 based for Lua table, convert to 0 based for C code p 374 core/gui_script.c p->def_val--; // also adjust default p 380 core/gui_script.c p->range = MENU_MINMAX(1,0); // Force boolean data type in Lua (ToDo: this is clunky, needs fixing) p 381 core/gui_script.c p->range_type = MENUITEM_BOOL|MENUITEM_SCRIPT_PARAM; p 387 core/gui_script.c p->range = 9999999; p 388 core/gui_script.c p->range_type = MENUITEM_INT|MENUITEM_SD_INT; p 405 core/gui_script.c sc_param *p = script_params; p 406 core/gui_script.c while (p) p 408 core/gui_script.c if (p->name) free(p->name); p 409 core/gui_script.c if (p->desc) free(p->desc); p 410 core/gui_script.c if (p->options) free(p->options); p 411 core/gui_script.c if (p->option_buf) free(p->option_buf); p 412 core/gui_script.c sc_param *l = p; p 413 core/gui_script.c p = p->next; p 649 core/gui_script.c sc_param *p = script_params; p 650 core/gui_script.c while (p) p 653 core/gui_script.c if (p->name != 0) p 656 core/gui_script.c sprintf(buf,"#%s=%d\n",p->name,p->val); p 659 core/gui_script.c p = p->next; p 692 core/gui_script.c sc_param *p = script_params; p 693 core/gui_script.c while (p) p 695 core/gui_script.c if (p->old_val != p->val) p 698 core/gui_script.c p->old_val = p->val; p 700 core/gui_script.c p = p->next; p 716 core/gui_script.c sc_param *p = script_params; p 717 core/gui_script.c while (p) p 719 core/gui_script.c p->val = p->def_val; p 720 core/gui_script.c p = p->next; p 851 core/gui_script.c sc_param *p; p 905 core/gui_script.c for (i=f, p=script_params; p; i++, p=p->next) p 908 core/gui_script.c script_submenu_items[i].text = (int)p->desc; p 909 core/gui_script.c script_submenu_items[i].type = p->range_type; p 910 core/gui_script.c script_submenu_items[i].value = &p->val; p 911 core/gui_script.c script_submenu_items[i].arg = p->range; p 913 core/gui_script.c if (p->option_count != 0) p 915 core/gui_script.c script_submenu_items[i].opt_len = p->option_count; p 916 core/gui_script.c script_submenu_items[i].arg = (int)p->options; p 27 core/gui_user_menu.c static char* user_menu_store_data(char *p) p 31 core/gui_user_menu.c memcpy(p, &conf.user_menu_vars.cfg.num_items, sizeof(int)); p 32 core/gui_user_menu.c p += sizeof(int); p 36 core/gui_user_menu.c memcpy(p, &conf.user_menu_vars.items[i].var, sizeof(int)); p 37 core/gui_user_menu.c p += sizeof(int); p 38 core/gui_user_menu.c memset(p, 0, CONF_STR_LEN * 2); p 39 core/gui_user_menu.c if (conf.user_menu_vars.items[i].script_file) memcpy(p, conf.user_menu_vars.items[i].script_file, strlen(conf.user_menu_vars.items[i].script_file)); p 40 core/gui_user_menu.c p += CONF_STR_LEN; p 41 core/gui_user_menu.c if (conf.user_menu_vars.items[i].script_title) memcpy(p, conf.user_menu_vars.items[i].script_title, strlen(conf.user_menu_vars.items[i].script_title)); p 42 core/gui_user_menu.c p += CONF_STR_LEN; p 45 core/gui_user_menu.c return p; p 48 core/gui_user_menu.c static int user_menu_load_data(char *p) p 52 core/gui_user_menu.c memcpy(&n, p, sizeof(int)); p 55 core/gui_user_menu.c p += sizeof(int); p 59 core/gui_user_menu.c memcpy(&conf.user_menu_vars.items[i].var, p, sizeof(int)); p 60 core/gui_user_menu.c p += sizeof(int); p 61 core/gui_user_menu.c if (*p) p 65 core/gui_user_menu.c strcpy(conf.user_menu_vars.items[i].script_file,p); p 67 core/gui_user_menu.c p += CONF_STR_LEN; p 68 core/gui_user_menu.c if (*p) p 72 core/gui_user_menu.c strcpy(conf.user_menu_vars.items[i].script_title,p); p 74 core/gui_user_menu.c p += CONF_STR_LEN; p 201 core/lib_thumb.c const char *p = s1; p 204 core/lib_thumb.c for (; (p = strchr(p, *s2)) != 0; p++) p 206 core/lib_thumb.c if (strncmp(p, s2, len) == 0) p 207 core/lib_thumb.c return (char*)p; p 14 core/memmgmt.c extern int suba_free(void *heap, void *p); p 64 core/memmgmt.c unsigned long *p; p 65 core/memmgmt.c for (p=(unsigned long*)h->start; p<(unsigned long*)h->end; p++) *p = 0xDEADBEEF; p 83 core/memmgmt.c static int chdk_free(chdk_heap *h, void *p) p 85 core/memmgmt.c if (h && h->heap && (p >= h->start) && (p < h->end)) p 87 core/memmgmt.c suba_free(h->heap,p); p 124 core/memmgmt.c unsigned long* p = (unsigned long*)h->start; p 127 core/memmgmt.c while (p < (unsigned long*)h->end) p 129 core/memmgmt.c if (p[0] != 0xDEADBEEF) p 131 core/memmgmt.c l = p; p 132 core/memmgmt.c if (f == 0) f = p; p 135 core/memmgmt.c p++; p 292 core/memmgmt.c void *p = chdk_malloc(&aram_heap,size); p 294 core/memmgmt.c if (p == 0) p 295 core/memmgmt.c p = chdk_malloc(&exmem_heap,size); p 297 core/memmgmt.c if (p == 0) p 298 core/memmgmt.c p = canon_malloc(size); p 300 core/memmgmt.c return p; p 303 core/memmgmt.c void free(void *p) p 305 core/memmgmt.c extern void canon_free(void *p); p 307 core/memmgmt.c if (!chdk_free(&aram_heap,p)) p 308 core/memmgmt.c if (!chdk_free(&exmem_heap,p)) p 309 core/memmgmt.c canon_free(p); p 303 core/script.c sc_param *p = script_params; p 304 core/script.c while (p) p 306 core/script.c if (p->name != 0) p 308 core/script.c libscriptapi->set_variable(p->name, p->val, (p->range == 1), (p->data_type == DTYPE_TABLE), p->option_count, p->options); p 310 core/script.c p = p->next; p 62 core/suba.c #define ALLOC2CELL(p) (cell*)((void*)p - sizeof(cell_hdr)) p 362 core/suba.c void *p = NULL; p 366 core/suba.c p = CELL2ALLOC(this_cell); p 367 core/suba.c if (zero) memset(p, 0, ALLOCSIZE(cellsize)); p 370 core/suba.c return p; p 149 include/lolevel.h extern void _free(void *p); p 151 include/lolevel.h extern void _FreeUncacheableMemory(void *p); p 180 include/lolevel.h extern void _kbd_read_keys_r2(void*p); p 23 include/std/stdlib.h extern void free(void *p); p 90 include/std/stdlib.h extern void ufree(void *p); p 29 lib/armutil/callfunc_test.c char *p=dest; p 34 lib/armutil/callfunc_test.c p+=sprintf(p,"%d ",__builtin_va_arg(va,int)); p 63 lib/lang/lang.c char *p; p 67 lib/lang/lang.c p = placelstr(strlen(str)+1); p 68 lib/lang/lang.c if (p) { p 69 lib/lang/lang.c strings[num] = -(1 + p - langbuf); // lang string offsets are encoded as negative p 72 lib/lang/lang.c if (*str == '"' || *str == '\\') *(p-1)=*str; p 73 lib/lang/lang.c else if (*str == 'n') *(p-1)='\n'; p 74 lib/lang/lang.c else *p++=*str; p 77 lib/lang/lang.c *p++=*str; p 83 lib/lang/lang.c *p=0; p 92 lib/lang/lang.c char *p, *s, *e, *b; p 115 lib/lang/lang.c p = e+1; p 116 lib/lang/lang.c while (*p && (*p=='\r' || *p=='\n')) ++p; //skip empty lines p 117 lib/lang/lang.c i = strtol(p, &e, 0/*autodetect base oct-dec-hex*/); // convert "*p" to long "i" and return pointer beyond to e p 118 lib/lang/lang.c if (e!=p) { p 119 lib/lang/lang.c p = e; p 120 lib/lang/lang.c e = strpbrk(p, "\r\n"); //break string with zero on \r|\n p 123 lib/lang/lang.c while (*p && *p!='\"') ++p; // cut string from "" if it exists p 124 lib/lang/lang.c if (*p) ++p; p 125 lib/lang/lang.c s = p; p 126 lib/lang/lang.c while (*p && (*p!='\"' || *(p-1)=='\\')) ++p; p 127 lib/lang/lang.c *p=0; p 143 lib/lang/lang.c e = strpbrk(p, "\r\n"); p 177 lib/lang/lang.c char *p = preparsed_lang_default_start; p 181 lib/lang/lang.c array[i] = 1 + p - preparsed_lang_default_start; p 182 lib/lang/lang.c while (*p) p++; p 183 lib/lang/lang.c p++; p 185 lib/lang/lang.c return p; p 181 lib/lua/lapi.c StkId p; p 183 lib/lua/lapi.c p = index2adr(L, idx); p 184 lib/lua/lapi.c api_checkvalidindex(L, p); p 185 lib/lua/lapi.c while (++p < L->top) setobjs2s(L, p-1, p); p 192 lib/lua/lapi.c StkId p; p 195 lib/lua/lapi.c p = index2adr(L, idx); p 196 lib/lua/lapi.c api_checkvalidindex(L, p); p 197 lib/lua/lapi.c for (q = L->top; q>p; q--) setobjs2s(L, q, q-1); p 198 lib/lua/lapi.c setobjs2s(L, p, L->top); p 511 lib/lua/lapi.c LUA_API void lua_pushlightuserdata (lua_State *L, void *p) { p 513 lib/lua/lapi.c setpvalue(L->top, p); p 882 lib/lua/lapi.c status = luaU_dump(L, clvalue(o)->l.p, writer, data, 0); p 1049 lib/lua/lapi.c Proto *p = f->l.p; p 1050 lib/lua/lapi.c if (!(1 <= n && n <= p->sizeupvalues)) return NULL; p 1052 lib/lua/lapi.c return getstr(p->upvalues[n-1]); p 125 lib/lua/lauxlib.c void *p = lua_touserdata(L, ud); p 126 lib/lua/lauxlib.c if (p != NULL) { /* value is a userdata? */ p 131 lib/lua/lauxlib.c return p; p 339 lib/lua/lauxlib.c LUALIB_API const char *luaL_gsub (lua_State *L, const char *s, const char *p, p 342 lib/lua/lauxlib.c size_t l = strlen(p); p 345 lib/lua/lauxlib.c while ((wild = strstr(s, p)) != NULL) { p 390 lib/lua/lauxlib.c #define bufflen(B) ((B)->p - (B)->buffer) p 401 lib/lua/lauxlib.c B->p = B->buffer; p 457 lib/lua/lauxlib.c memcpy(B->p, s, vl); /* put it there */ p 458 lib/lua/lauxlib.c B->p += vl; p 472 lib/lua/lauxlib.c B->p = B->buffer; p 85 lib/lua/lauxlib.h LUALIB_API const char *(luaL_gsub) (lua_State *L, const char *s, const char *p, p 130 lib/lua/lauxlib.h char *p; /* current position in buffer */ p 137 lib/lua/lauxlib.h ((void)((B)->p < ((B)->buffer+LUAL_BUFFERSIZE) || luaL_prepbuffer(B)), \ p 138 lib/lua/lauxlib.h (*(B)->p++ = (char)(c))) p 143 lib/lua/lauxlib.h #define luaL_addsize(B,n) ((B)->p += (n)) p 40 lib/lua/ldebug.c return pcRel(ci->savedpc, ci_func(ci)->l.p); p 49 lib/lua/ldebug.c return getline(ci_func(ci)->l.p, pc); p 108 lib/lua/ldebug.c return (isLua(ci) ? ci_func(ci)->l.p : NULL); p 158 lib/lua/ldebug.c ar->source = getstr(cl->l.p->source); p 159 lib/lua/ldebug.c ar->linedefined = cl->l.p->linedefined; p 160 lib/lua/ldebug.c ar->lastlinedefined = cl->l.p->lastlinedefined; p 183 lib/lua/ldebug.c int *lineinfo = f->l.p->lineinfo; p 185 lib/lua/ldebug.c for (i=0; i<f->l.p->sizelineinfo; i++) p 453 lib/lua/ldebug.c nup = pt->p[b]->nups; p 489 lib/lua/ldebug.c static const char *kname (Proto *p, int c) { p 490 lib/lua/ldebug.c if (ISK(c) && ttisstring(&p->k[INDEXK(c)])) p 491 lib/lua/ldebug.c return svalue(&p->k[INDEXK(c)]); p 500 lib/lua/ldebug.c Proto *p = ci_func(ci)->l.p; p 503 lib/lua/ldebug.c *name = luaF_getlocalname(p, stackpos+1, pc); p 506 lib/lua/ldebug.c i = symbexec(p, pc, stackpos); /* try symbolic execution */ p 511 lib/lua/ldebug.c lua_assert(ttisstring(&p->k[g])); p 512 lib/lua/ldebug.c *name = svalue(&p->k[g]); p 524 lib/lua/ldebug.c *name = kname(p, k); p 529 lib/lua/ldebug.c *name = p->upvalues ? getstr(p->upvalues[u]) : "?"; p 534 lib/lua/ldebug.c *name = kname(p, k); p 549 lib/lua/ldebug.c i = ci_func(ci)->l.p->code[currentpc(L, ci)]; p 560 lib/lua/ldebug.c StkId p; p 561 lib/lua/ldebug.c for (p = ci->base; p < ci->top; p++) p 562 lib/lua/ldebug.c if (o == p) return 1; p 14 lib/lua/ldebug.h #define pcRel(pc, p) (cast(int, (pc) - (p)->code) - 1) p 208 lib/lua/ldo.c static StkId adjust_varargs (lua_State *L, Proto *p, int actual) { p 210 lib/lua/ldo.c int nfixargs = p->numparams; p 216 lib/lua/ldo.c if (p->is_vararg & VARARG_NEEDSARG) { /* compat. with old-style vararg? */ p 218 lib/lua/ldo.c lua_assert(p->is_vararg & VARARG_HASARG); p 220 lib/lua/ldo.c luaD_checkstack(L, p->maxstacksize); p 246 lib/lua/ldo.c StkId p; p 251 lib/lua/ldo.c for (p = L->top; p > func; p--) setobjs2s(L, p, p-1); p 276 lib/lua/ldo.c Proto *p = cl->p; p 277 lib/lua/ldo.c luaD_checkstack(L, p->maxstacksize + p->numparams); p 279 lib/lua/ldo.c if (!p->is_vararg) { /* no varargs? */ p 281 lib/lua/ldo.c if (L->top > base + p->numparams) p 282 lib/lua/ldo.c L->top = base + p->numparams; p 286 lib/lua/ldo.c base = adjust_varargs(L, p, nargs); p 292 lib/lua/ldo.c ci->top = L->base + p->maxstacksize; p 294 lib/lua/ldo.c L->savedpc = p->code; /* starting point */ p 495 lib/lua/ldo.c struct SParser *p = cast(struct SParser *, ud); p 496 lib/lua/ldo.c int c = luaZ_lookahead(p->z); p 498 lib/lua/ldo.c tf = ((c == LUA_SIGNATURE[0]) ? luaU_undump : luaY_parser)(L, p->z, p 499 lib/lua/ldo.c &p->buff, p->name); p 501 lib/lua/ldo.c cl->l.p = tf; p 510 lib/lua/ldo.c struct SParser p; p 512 lib/lua/ldo.c p.z = z; p.name = name; p 513 lib/lua/ldo.c luaZ_initbuffer(L, &p.buff); p 514 lib/lua/ldo.c status = luaD_pcall(L, f_parser, &p, savestack(L, L->top), L->errfunc); p 515 lib/lua/ldo.c luaZ_freebuffer(L, &p.buff); p 24 lib/lua/ldo.h #define savestack(L,p) ((char *)(p) - (char *)L->stack) p 27 lib/lua/ldo.h #define saveci(L,p) ((char *)(p) - (char *)L->base_ci) p 78 lib/lua/ldump.c static void DumpFunction(const Proto* f, const TString* p, DumpState* D); p 108 lib/lua/ldump.c for (i=0; i<n; i++) DumpFunction(f->p[i],f->source,D); p 129 lib/lua/ldump.c static void DumpFunction(const Proto* f, const TString* p, DumpState* D) p 131 lib/lua/ldump.c DumpString((f->source==p || D->strip) ? NULL : f->source,D); p 104 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c int p = luaL_optnumber(L, 2, 6); p 105 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c if (p < 0) p = 0; p 106 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c if (p > 9) p = 9; p 108 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c double m = pow(10.0, p); p 115 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c if (p > 0) { p 120 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c sprintf(fmt, "%s%%u.%%0%du", s, p); p 56 lib/lua/lfunc.c UpVal *p; p 58 lib/lua/lfunc.c while (*pp != NULL && (p = ngcotouv(*pp))->v >= level) { p 59 lib/lua/lfunc.c lua_assert(p->v != &p->u.value); p 60 lib/lua/lfunc.c if (p->v == level) { /* found a corresponding upvalue? */ p 61 lib/lua/lfunc.c if (isdead(g, obj2gco(p))) /* is it dead? */ p 62 lib/lua/lfunc.c changewhite(obj2gco(p)); /* ressurect it */ p 63 lib/lua/lfunc.c return p; p 65 lib/lua/lfunc.c pp = &p->next; p 120 lib/lua/lfunc.c f->p = NULL; p 143 lib/lua/lfunc.c luaM_freearray(L, f->p, f->sizep, Proto *); p 131 lib/lua/lgc.c GCObject **p = &g->mainthread->next; p 133 lib/lua/lgc.c while ((curr = *p) != NULL) { p 135 lib/lua/lgc.c p = &curr->gch.next; /* don't bother with them */ p 138 lib/lua/lgc.c p = &curr->gch.next; p 143 lib/lua/lgc.c *p = curr->gch.next; p 213 lib/lua/lgc.c if (f->p[i]) p 214 lib/lua/lgc.c markobject(g, f->p[i]); p 233 lib/lua/lgc.c lua_assert(cl->l.nupvalues == cl->l.p->nups); p 234 lib/lua/lgc.c markobject(g, cl->l.p); p 308 lib/lua/lgc.c Proto *p = gco2p(o); p 309 lib/lua/lgc.c g->gray = p->gclist; p 310 lib/lua/lgc.c traverseproto(g, p); p 311 lib/lua/lgc.c return sizeof(Proto) + sizeof(Instruction) * p->sizecode + p 312 lib/lua/lgc.c sizeof(Proto *) * p->sizep + p 313 lib/lua/lgc.c sizeof(TValue) * p->sizek + p 314 lib/lua/lgc.c sizeof(int) * p->sizelineinfo + p 315 lib/lua/lgc.c sizeof(LocVar) * p->sizelocvars + p 316 lib/lua/lgc.c sizeof(TString *) * p->sizeupvalues; p 404 lib/lua/lgc.c #define sweepwholelist(L,p) sweeplist(L,p,MAX_LUMEM) p 407 lib/lua/lgc.c static GCObject **sweeplist (lua_State *L, GCObject **p, lu_mem count) { p 411 lib/lua/lgc.c while ((curr = *p) != NULL && count-- > 0) { p 417 lib/lua/lgc.c p = &curr->gch.next; p 421 lib/lua/lgc.c *p = curr->gch.next; p 427 lib/lua/lgc.c return p; p 86 lib/lua/lgc.h #define luaC_barrier(L,p,v) { if (valiswhite(v) && isblack(obj2gco(p))) \ p 87 lib/lua/lgc.h luaC_barrierf(L,obj2gco(p),gcvalue(v)); } p 92 lib/lua/lgc.h #define luaC_objbarrier(L,p,o) \ p 93 lib/lua/lgc.h { if (iswhite(obj2gco(o)) && isblack(obj2gco(p))) \ p 94 lib/lua/lgc.h luaC_barrierf(L,obj2gco(p),obj2gco(o)); } p 109 lib/lua/liolib.c FILE **p = tofilep(L); p 110 lib/lua/liolib.c int ok = lua_pclose(L, *p); p 111 lib/lua/liolib.c *p = NULL; p 121 lib/lua/liolib.c FILE **p = tofilep(L); p 122 lib/lua/liolib.c int ok = (fclose(*p) == 0); p 123 lib/lua/liolib.c *p = NULL; p 354 lib/lua/liolib.c char *p = luaL_prepbuffer(&b); p 355 lib/lua/liolib.c if (fgets(p, LUAL_BUFFERSIZE, f) == NULL) { /* eof? */ p 359 lib/lua/liolib.c l = strlen(p); p 360 lib/lua/liolib.c if (l == 0 || p[l-1] != '\n') p 378 lib/lua/liolib.c char *p = luaL_prepbuffer(&b); p 380 lib/lua/liolib.c nr = fread(p, sizeof(char), rlen, f); p 410 lib/lua/liolib.c const char *p = lua_tostring(L, n); p 411 lib/lua/liolib.c luaL_argcheck(L, p && p[0] == '*', n, "invalid option"); p 412 lib/lua/liolib.c switch (p[1]) { p 173 lib/lua/llex.c char *p = luaZ_buffer(ls->buff); p 175 lib/lua/llex.c if (p[n] == from) p[n] = to; p 42 lib/lua/llimits.h #define IntPoint(p) ((unsigned int)(lu_mem)(p)) p 425 lib/lua/loadlib.c const char *p = strchr(name, '.'); p 427 lib/lua/loadlib.c if (p == NULL) return 0; /* is root */ p 428 lib/lua/loadlib.c lua_pushlstring(L, name, p - name); p 61 lib/lua/lobject.h void *p; p 92 lib/lua/lobject.h #define pvalue(o) check_exp(ttislightuserdata(o), (o)->value.p) p 123 lib/lua/lobject.h { TValue *i_o=(obj); i_o->value.p=(x); i_o->tt=LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA; } p 235 lib/lua/lobject.h struct Proto **p; /* functions defined inside the function */ p 304 lib/lua/lobject.h struct Proto *p; p 71 lib/lua/lopcodes.h #define MASK1(n,p) ((~((~(Instruction)0)<<n))<<p) p 74 lib/lua/lopcodes.h #define MASK0(n,p) (~MASK1(n,p)) p 315 lib/lua/lparser.c luaM_growvector(ls->L, f->p, fs->np, f->sizep, Proto *, p 317 lib/lua/lparser.c while (oldsize < f->sizep) f->p[oldsize++] = NULL; p 318 lib/lua/lparser.c f->p[fs->np++] = func->f; p 368 lib/lua/lparser.c luaM_reallocvector(L, f->p, f->sizep, fs->np, Proto *); p 142 lib/lua/lstate.h struct Proto p; p 155 lib/lua/lstate.h #define gco2p(o) check_exp((o)->gch.tt == LUA_TPROTO, &((o)->p)) p 33 lib/lua/lstring.c GCObject *p = tb->hash[i]; p 34 lib/lua/lstring.c while (p) { /* for each node in the list */ p 35 lib/lua/lstring.c GCObject *next = p->gch.next; /* save next */ p 36 lib/lua/lstring.c unsigned int h = gco2ts(p)->hash; p 39 lib/lua/lstring.c p->gch.next = newhash[h1]; /* chain it */ p 40 lib/lua/lstring.c newhash[h1] = p; p 41 lib/lua/lstring.c p = next; p 202 lib/lua/lstrlib.c static const char *classend (MatchState *ms, const char *p) { p 203 lib/lua/lstrlib.c switch (*p++) { p 205 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (*p == '\0') p 207 lib/lua/lstrlib.c return p+1; p 210 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (*p == '^') p++; p 212 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (*p == '\0') p 214 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (*(p++) == L_ESC && *p != '\0') p 215 lib/lua/lstrlib.c p++; /* skip escapes (e.g. `%]') */ p 216 lib/lua/lstrlib.c } while (*p != ']'); p 217 lib/lua/lstrlib.c return p+1; p 220 lib/lua/lstrlib.c return p; p 245 lib/lua/lstrlib.c static int matchbracketclass (int c, const char *p, const char *ec) { p 247 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (*(p+1) == '^') { p 249 lib/lua/lstrlib.c p++; /* skip the `^' */ p 251 lib/lua/lstrlib.c while (++p < ec) { p 252 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (*p == L_ESC) { p 253 lib/lua/lstrlib.c p++; p 254 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (match_class(c, uchar(*p))) p 257 lib/lua/lstrlib.c else if ((*(p+1) == '-') && (p+2 < ec)) { p 258 lib/lua/lstrlib.c p+=2; p 259 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (uchar(*(p-2)) <= c && c <= uchar(*p)) p 262 lib/lua/lstrlib.c else if (uchar(*p) == c) return sig; p 268 lib/lua/lstrlib.c static int singlematch (int c, const char *p, const char *ep) { p 269 lib/lua/lstrlib.c switch (*p) { p 271 lib/lua/lstrlib.c case L_ESC: return match_class(c, uchar(*(p+1))); p 272 lib/lua/lstrlib.c case '[': return matchbracketclass(c, p, ep-1); p 273 lib/lua/lstrlib.c default: return (uchar(*p) == c); p 278 lib/lua/lstrlib.c static const char *match (MatchState *ms, const char *s, const char *p); p 282 lib/lua/lstrlib.c const char *p) { p 283 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (*p == 0 || *(p+1) == 0) p 285 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (*s != *p) return NULL; p 287 lib/lua/lstrlib.c int b = *p; p 288 lib/lua/lstrlib.c int e = *(p+1); p 302 lib/lua/lstrlib.c const char *p, const char *ep) { p 304 lib/lua/lstrlib.c while ((s+i)<ms->src_end && singlematch(uchar(*(s+i)), p, ep)) p 317 lib/lua/lstrlib.c const char *p, const char *ep) { p 322 lib/lua/lstrlib.c else if (s<ms->src_end && singlematch(uchar(*s), p, ep)) p 330 lib/lua/lstrlib.c const char *p, int what) { p 337 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if ((res=match(ms, s, p)) == NULL) /* match failed? */ p 344 lib/lua/lstrlib.c const char *p) { p 348 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if ((res = match(ms, s, p)) == NULL) /* match failed? */ p 365 lib/lua/lstrlib.c static const char *match (MatchState *ms, const char *s, const char *p) { p 367 lib/lua/lstrlib.c switch (*p) { p 369 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (*(p+1) == ')') /* position capture? */ p 370 lib/lua/lstrlib.c return start_capture(ms, s, p+2, CAP_POSITION); p 372 lib/lua/lstrlib.c return start_capture(ms, s, p+1, CAP_UNFINISHED); p 375 lib/lua/lstrlib.c return end_capture(ms, s, p+1); p 378 lib/lua/lstrlib.c switch (*(p+1)) { p 380 lib/lua/lstrlib.c s = matchbalance(ms, s, p+2); p 382 lib/lua/lstrlib.c p+=4; goto init; /* else return match(ms, s, p+4); */ p 386 lib/lua/lstrlib.c p += 2; p 387 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (*p != '[') p 390 lib/lua/lstrlib.c ep = classend(ms, p); /* points to what is next */ p 392 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (matchbracketclass(uchar(previous), p, ep-1) || p 393 lib/lua/lstrlib.c !matchbracketclass(uchar(*s), p, ep-1)) return NULL; p 394 lib/lua/lstrlib.c p=ep; goto init; /* else return match(ms, s, ep); */ p 397 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (isdigit(uchar(*(p+1)))) { /* capture results (%0-%9)? */ p 398 lib/lua/lstrlib.c s = match_capture(ms, s, uchar(*(p+1))); p 400 lib/lua/lstrlib.c p+=2; goto init; /* else return match(ms, s, p+2) */ p 410 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (*(p+1) == '\0') /* is the `$' the last char in pattern? */ p 415 lib/lua/lstrlib.c const char *ep = classend(ms, p); /* points to what is next */ p 416 lib/lua/lstrlib.c int m = s<ms->src_end && singlematch(uchar(*s), p, ep); p 422 lib/lua/lstrlib.c p=ep+1; goto init; /* else return match(ms, s, ep+1); */ p 425 lib/lua/lstrlib.c return max_expand(ms, s, p, ep); p 428 lib/lua/lstrlib.c return (m ? max_expand(ms, s+1, p, ep) : NULL); p 431 lib/lua/lstrlib.c return min_expand(ms, s, p, ep); p 435 lib/lua/lstrlib.c s++; p=ep; goto init; /* else return match(ms, s+1, ep); */ p 498 lib/lua/lstrlib.c const char *p = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &l2); p 503 lib/lua/lstrlib.c strpbrk(p, SPECIALS) == NULL)) { /* or no special characters? */ p 505 lib/lua/lstrlib.c const char *s2 = lmemfind(s+init, l1-init, p, l2); p 514 lib/lua/lstrlib.c int anchor = (*p == '^') ? (p++, 1) : 0; p 522 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if ((res=match(&ms, s1, p)) != NULL) { p 552 lib/lua/lstrlib.c const char *p = lua_tostring(L, lua_upvalueindex(2)); p 562 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if ((e = match(&ms, src, p)) != NULL) { p 647 lib/lua/lstrlib.c const char *p = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); p 650 lib/lua/lstrlib.c int anchor = (*p == '^') ? (p++, 1) : 0; p 664 lib/lua/lstrlib.c e = match(&ms, src, p); p 726 lib/lua/lstrlib.c const char *p = strfrmt; p 727 lib/lua/lstrlib.c while (*p != '\0' && strchr(FLAGS, *p) != NULL) p++; /* skip flags */ p 728 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if ((size_t)(p - strfrmt) >= sizeof(FLAGS)) p 730 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (isdigit(uchar(*p))) p++; /* skip width */ p 731 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (isdigit(uchar(*p))) p++; /* (2 digits at most) */ p 732 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (*p == '.') { p 733 lib/lua/lstrlib.c p++; p 734 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (isdigit(uchar(*p))) p++; /* skip precision */ p 735 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (isdigit(uchar(*p))) p++; /* (2 digits at most) */ p 737 lib/lua/lstrlib.c if (isdigit(uchar(*p))) p 740 lib/lua/lstrlib.c strncpy(form, strfrmt, p - strfrmt + 1); p 741 lib/lua/lstrlib.c form += p - strfrmt + 1; p 743 lib/lua/lstrlib.c return p; p 53 lib/lua/ltable.c #define hashboolean(t,p) hashpow2(t, p) p 63 lib/lua/ltable.c #define hashpointer(t,p) hashmod(t, IntPoint(p)) p 495 lib/lua/ltable.c const TValue *p = luaH_get(t, key); p 497 lib/lua/ltable.c if (p != luaO_nilobject) p 498 lib/lua/ltable.c return cast(TValue *, p); p 509 lib/lua/ltable.c const TValue *p = luaH_getnum(t, key); p 510 lib/lua/ltable.c if (p != luaO_nilobject) p 511 lib/lua/ltable.c return cast(TValue *, p); p 521 lib/lua/ltable.c const TValue *p = luaH_getstr(t, key); p 522 lib/lua/ltable.c if (p != luaO_nilobject) p 523 lib/lua/ltable.c return cast(TValue *, p); p 154 lib/lua/lua.c const char *p; p 156 lib/lua/lua.c p = lua_tostring(L, -1); p 157 lib/lua/lua.c if (p == NULL) p = (firstline ? LUA_PROMPT : LUA_PROMPT2); p 159 lib/lua/lua.c return p; p 60 lib/lua/lua.h typedef int (*lua_Writer) (lua_State *L, const void* p, size_t sz, void* ud); p 170 lib/lua/lua.h LUA_API void (lua_pushlightuserdata) (lua_State *L, void *p); p 117 lib/lua/luac.c #define toproto(L,i) (clvalue(L->top+(i))->l.p) p 133 lib/lua/luac.c f->p=luaM_newvector(L,n,Proto*); p 138 lib/lua/luac.c f->p[i]=toproto(L,i-n-1); p 147 lib/lua/luac.c static int writer(lua_State* L, const void* p, size_t size, void* u) p 150 lib/lua/luac.c return (fwrite(p,size,1,(FILE*)u)!=1) && (size!=0); p 301 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define lua_readline(L,b,p) ((void)L, ((b)=readline(p)) != NULL) p 307 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define lua_readline(L,b,p) \ p 308 lib/lua/luaconf.h ((void)L, fputs(p, stdout), fflush(stdout), /* show prompt */ \ p 549 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define lua_str2number(s,p) strtol((s), (p), 10) p 98 lib/lua/lundump.c static Proto* LoadFunction(LoadState* S, TString* p); p 131 lib/lua/lundump.c f->p=luaM_newvector(S->L,n,Proto*); p 133 lib/lua/lundump.c for (i=0; i<n; i++) f->p[i]=NULL; p 134 lib/lua/lundump.c for (i=0; i<n; i++) f->p[i]=LoadFunction(S,f->source); p 161 lib/lua/lundump.c static Proto* LoadFunction(LoadState* S, TString* p) p 167 lib/lua/lundump.c f->source=LoadString(S); if (f->source==NULL) f->source=p; p 85 lib/lua/lvm.c Proto *p = ci_func(L->ci)->l.p; p 86 lib/lua/lvm.c int npc = pcRel(pc, p); p 87 lib/lua/lvm.c int newline = getline(p, npc); p 90 lib/lua/lvm.c if (npc == 0 || pc <= oldpc || newline != getline(p, pcRel(oldpc, p))) p 403 lib/lua/lvm.c k = cl->p->k; p 640 lib/lua/lvm.c lua_assert(L->top == L->base + clvalue(func)->l.p->maxstacksize); p 740 lib/lua/lvm.c Proto *p; p 743 lib/lua/lvm.c p = cl->p->p[GETARG_Bx(i)]; p 744 lib/lua/lvm.c nup = p->nups; p 746 lib/lua/lvm.c ncl->l.p = p; p 763 lib/lua/lvm.c int n = cast_int(ci->base - ci->func) - cl->p->numparams - 1; p 34 lib/lua/lzio.c z->p = buff; p 35 lib/lua/lzio.c return char2int(*(z->p++)); p 45 lib/lua/lzio.c z->p--; p 48 lib/lua/lzio.c return char2int(*z->p); p 57 lib/lua/lzio.c z->p = NULL; p 69 lib/lua/lzio.c memcpy(b, z->p, m); p 71 lib/lua/lzio.c z->p += m; p 22 lib/lua/lzio.h #define zgetc(z) (((z)->n--)>0 ? char2int(*(z)->p++) : luaZ_fill(z)) p 58 lib/lua/lzio.h const char *p; /* current position in buffer */ p 21 lib/lua/print.c #define VOID(p) ((const void*)(p)) p 145 lib/lua/print.c printf("\t; %p",VOID(f->p[bx])); p 226 lib/lua/print.c for (i=0; i<n; i++) PrintFunction(f->p[i],full); p 76 loader/a1200/main.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_OR; // turned off later p 85 loader/a1200/main.c *p = 0x44; // led off. p 92 loader/a1200/main.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF; p 96 loader/a1200/main.c p[0]=0x46; // led on. p 102 loader/a1200/main.c p[0]=0x44; // led off. p 96 loader/g10/main.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PWR; // turned off later, so assumed to be power p 105 loader/g10/main.c *p = 0x44; // led off. p 113 loader/g10/main.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PWR; p 117 loader/g10/main.c p[0]=0x46; p 123 loader/g10/main.c p[0]=0x44; p 31 loader/g7x2/main.c volatile int* p = (int*)0xD20801E4; p 32 loader/g7x2/main.c *p = 0x24D0002; p 53 loader/generic/check_compat.c volatile long *p = (void*)led; p 57 loader/generic/check_compat.c *p = (*p & 0xFFFFFFCF) | ((state) ? 0x00 : 0x20); p 61 loader/generic/check_compat.c *p = ((state) ? 0x93d800 : 0x83dc00); p 65 loader/generic/check_compat.c *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003); p 69 loader/generic/check_compat.c *p = ((state) ? 0x024d0002 : 0x024c0003); p 72 loader/generic/check_compat.c *p = ((state) ? 0x46 : 0x44); p 80 loader/ixus120_sd940/main.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_ORANGE; // turned off later, so assumed to be power p 89 loader/ixus120_sd940/main.c *p = 0x44; // led off. p 97 loader/ixus120_sd940/main.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_ORANGE; p 101 loader/ixus120_sd940/main.c p[0]=0x46; p 107 loader/ixus120_sd940/main.c p[0]=0x44; p 30 loader/s90/main.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; // turned off later, so assumed to be power p 39 loader/s90/main.c *p = 0x44; // led off. p 47 loader/s90/main.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 51 loader/s90/main.c p[0]=0x46; p 57 loader/s90/main.c p[0]=0x44; p 29 loader/sx1/main.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; // turned off later, so assumed to be power p 38 loader/sx1/main.c *p = 0x44; // led off. p 46 loader/sx1/main.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 50 loader/sx1/main.c p[0]=0x46; p 56 loader/sx1/main.c p[0]=0x44; p 15 loader/sx1/resetcode/main.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_AF; // turned off later, so assumed to be power p 20 loader/sx1/resetcode/main.c counter = DELAY; *p = 0x46; while (counter--) { asm("nop\n nop\n"); }; p 21 loader/sx1/resetcode/main.c counter = DELAY; *p = 0x44; while (counter--) { asm("nop\n nop\n"); }; p 8 loader/sx520hs/main.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022D1FC; p 13 loader/sx520hs/main.c *p = 0x93d800; p 20 loader/sx520hs/main.c *p = 0x83dc00; p 8 loader/sx530hs/main.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022D1FC; p 13 loader/sx530hs/main.c *p = 0x93d800; p 20 loader/sx530hs/main.c *p = 0x83dc00; p 70 modules/cpuinfo.c char *p; p 92 modules/cpuinfo.c p=buf; p 96 modules/cpuinfo.c p+=sprintf(p," %-20s 0x%X %d",cpuinfo_desc[i].fields[j].name,fieldval,fieldval); p 98 modules/cpuinfo.c p+=sprintf(p," [%s]",cpuinfo_desc[i].fields[j].desc_fn(fieldval)); p 100 modules/cpuinfo.c strcat(p,"\n"); p 1226 modules/cpuinfo_v7.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) get_mmuregs_vmsa(__attribute__ ((unused))void *p) { p 326 modules/dng.c ifd_entry* p = get_ifd(ifd); p 327 modules/dng.c if (p) p 330 modules/dng.c for (i=0; p->entry[i].type != T_EOL; i++) p 332 modules/dng.c if (p->entry[i].tag == tag) p 333 modules/dng.c return &p->entry[i]; p 489 modules/file_shelter.c int is_valid_stptr(void *p) p 491 modules/file_shelter.c if (p>starea+stmax-sizeof(fs_fheader) || p<starea) { p 521 modules/file_shelter.c char *p = *currptr; p 522 modules/file_shelter.c if (!is_valid_stptr(p)) { p 525 modules/file_shelter.c fs_fheader *fh = (void*)p; p 527 modules/file_shelter.c p += sizeof(fs_fheader) + wordpad(fh->nlen) + wordpad(fh->size); p 528 modules/file_shelter.c if (!is_valid_stptr(p)) { p 531 modules/file_shelter.c fh = (void*)p; p 533 modules/file_shelter.c *currptr = (void*)p; p 541 modules/file_shelter.c char *get_object_name(void *p) p 543 modules/file_shelter.c if (!is_valid_stptr(p)) { p 546 modules/file_shelter.c fs_fheader *fh = p; p 547 modules/file_shelter.c p += sizeof(fs_fheader); p 548 modules/file_shelter.c if (!is_valid_stptr(p) || !is_valid_stptr(p+fh->nlen)) { p 551 modules/file_shelter.c return (char*)p; p 555 modules/file_shelter.c char *get_object_data(void *p) p 557 modules/file_shelter.c if (!is_valid_stptr(p)) { p 560 modules/file_shelter.c fs_fheader *fh = p; p 561 modules/file_shelter.c p += sizeof(fs_fheader) + wordpad(fh->nlen); p 562 modules/file_shelter.c if (!is_valid_stptr(p) || !is_valid_stptr(p+fh->size)) { p 565 modules/file_shelter.c return (char*)p; p 159 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c const char *p; p 187 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c p=buf; p 190 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c while (*p) { p 191 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c if (*p==MARKER_LINE_END) { p 198 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c ++p; p 209 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c p=buf; p 210 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c for (y=(FIELD_HEIGHT-h)/2; y<FIELD_HEIGHT; ++y, ++p) { p 211 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c for (x=(FIELD_WIDTH-w)/2; x<FIELD_WIDTH && *p && *p!=MARKER_LINE_END; ++x, ++p) { p 212 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c field[y][x]=*p; p 217 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c if (!*p || (*p == MARKER_LINE_END && !*(p+1))) break; p 288 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c char *buf,*p; p 308 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c p = buf; p 311 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c p = strpbrk(p,LEVEL_CHARS); p 313 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c if (p) { p 314 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c unsigned pos = p - buf; p 319 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c p=strchr(p,MARKER_LEVEL_END); p 321 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c if(p) { p 322 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c unsigned len = p - (buf + level_start_list[num_levels]); p 331 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c } while(p && num_levels < MAX_LEVELS); p 187 modules/gui_fselect.c fitem *p = malloc(sizeof(fitem) + strlen(name)); p 188 modules/gui_fselect.c if (p) p 190 modules/gui_fselect.c p->n = list->count; p 191 modules/gui_fselect.c strcpy(p->name, name); p 192 modules/gui_fselect.c p->size = size; p 193 modules/gui_fselect.c p->mtime = mtime; p 194 modules/gui_fselect.c p->marked = marked; p 195 modules/gui_fselect.c p->isdir = isdir; p 196 modules/gui_fselect.c p->isparent = isparent; p 197 modules/gui_fselect.c p->isvalid = isvalid; p 199 modules/gui_fselect.c p->next = 0; p 200 modules/gui_fselect.c p->prev = list->tail; p 202 modules/gui_fselect.c list->tail->next = p; p 203 modules/gui_fselect.c list->tail = p; p 205 modules/gui_fselect.c list->head = p; p 670 modules/gui_fselect.c char *p = strrchr(items.dir,'/'); p 680 modules/gui_fselect.c strcpy(selected_file, p+1); p 681 modules/gui_fselect.c *p = 0; p 688 modules/gui_fselect.c if (p) p 689 modules/gui_fselect.c *p = 0; p 722 modules/gui_fselect.c fitem *p = items.head; p 723 modules/gui_fselect.c while (p) p 725 modules/gui_fselect.c if (chk_name(p->name,selected_file)) p 729 modules/gui_fselect.c p = p->next; p 732 modules/gui_fselect.c if (!p) selected_file[0] = 0; p 1274 modules/gui_fselect.c char *p = buf + sprintf(buf,"%s %s\n",selected->name,lang_str(LANG_FSELECT_SUB_FROM)); p 1281 modules/gui_fselect.c sprintf(p, "%s\n",ptr->name); p 1285 modules/gui_fselect.c p += strlen(p); p 1294 modules/gui_fselect.c sprintf(p,lang_str(LANG_FSELECT_SUB_AND_MORE),i - (MAX_SUB_NAMES - 1)); p 41 modules/gui_grid.c gline* p = head; p 43 modules/gui_grid.c free(p); p 54 modules/gui_grid.c gline* p = malloc(sizeof(gline)); p 55 modules/gui_grid.c if (p) { p 56 modules/gui_grid.c memset(p, 0, sizeof(gline)); p 57 modules/gui_grid.c if (!head) head = p; p 58 modules/gui_grid.c if (last) last->next = p; p 59 modules/gui_grid.c last = p; p 61 modules/gui_grid.c return p; p 65 modules/gui_grid.c static char* skip_whitespace(char* p) { p 66 modules/gui_grid.c while (*p && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == ',')) p += 1; // skip whitespace or comma p 67 modules/gui_grid.c return p; p 70 modules/gui_grid.c static char* skip_to_eol(char* p) { p 71 modules/gui_grid.c while (*p && *p != '\n') p += 1; // skip to eol p 72 modules/gui_grid.c if (*p) p += 1; p 73 modules/gui_grid.c return p; p 76 modules/gui_grid.c static char* skip_token(char* p) { p 77 modules/gui_grid.c while (*p && *p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != ',' && *p != '\n') p += 1; p 78 modules/gui_grid.c return p; p 95 modules/gui_grid.c static int get_color(char*p, char** np) { p 97 modules/gui_grid.c if (strncmp(p,"trans",5) == 0) rv = 255+1; p 98 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"black",5) == 0) rv = 255+2; p 99 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"white",5) == 0) rv = 255+3; p 100 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"red_dark",8) == 0) rv = 255+5; p 101 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"red_light",9) == 0) rv = 255+6; p 102 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"red",3) == 0) rv = 255+4; p 103 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"green_dark",10) == 0) rv = 255+8; p 104 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"green_light",11) == 0) rv = 255+9; p 105 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"green",5) == 0) rv = 255+7; p 106 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"blue_dark",9) == 0) rv = 255+11; p 107 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"blue_light",10) == 0) rv = 255+12; p 108 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"blue",4) == 0) rv = 255+10; p 109 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"grey_trans",10) == 0) rv = 255+19; p 110 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"grey_dark",9) == 0) rv = 255+14; p 111 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"grey_light",10) == 0) rv = 255+15; p 112 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"grey",4) == 0) rv = 255+13; p 113 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"yellow_dark",11) == 0) rv = 255+17; p 114 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"yellow_light",12) == 0) rv = 255+18; p 115 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"yellow",6) == 0) rv = 255+16; p 116 modules/gui_grid.c else if (strncmp(p,"magenta",7) == 0) rv = 255+20; p 118 modules/gui_grid.c while (*p && *p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != ',' && *p != '\n') p += 1; p 119 modules/gui_grid.c if (np) *np = p; p 123 modules/gui_grid.c static int get_value(char* p, int* failed, int is_color) { p 126 modules/gui_grid.c char *np = p; p 127 modules/gui_grid.c rv = strtol(p, &np, 0); p 128 modules/gui_grid.c if (np != p) fnd = 1; p 130 modules/gui_grid.c char* np = p; p 131 modules/gui_grid.c rv = get_color(p, &np); p 132 modules/gui_grid.c if (np != p) fnd = 1; p 117 modules/histogram.c unsigned char *p = p_row; p 119 modules/histogram.c for(;p < p_row_end; p+= xstep_bytes) { p 121 modules/histogram.c y = p[1]; p 123 modules/histogram.c u = (signed char)p[0]; p 124 modules/histogram.c v = (signed char)p[2]; p 126 modules/histogram.c u = (int)p[0] - 128; p 127 modules/histogram.c v = (int)p[2] - 128; p 220 modules/md5.c unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) ctx->in + t; p 224 modules/md5.c os_memcpy(p, buf, len); p 227 modules/md5.c os_memcpy(p, buf, t); p 255 modules/md5.c unsigned char *p; p 262 modules/md5.c p = ctx->in + count; p 263 modules/md5.c *p++ = 0x80; p 271 modules/md5.c os_memset(p, 0, count); p 279 modules/md5.c os_memset(p, 0, count - 8); p 41 modules/shot_histogram.c short p; p 60 modules/shot_histogram.c p = get_raw_pixel(x,y); p 61 modules/shot_histogram.c shot_histogram[p]++; p 71 modules/shot_histogram.c p = get_raw_pixel(x,y) >> shift; p 72 modules/shot_histogram.c shot_histogram[p]++; p 599 modules/user_menu_edit.c const char* skip_whitespace(const char* p) { while (*p==' ' || *p=='\t') p++; return p; } // Skip past whitespace p 600 modules/user_menu_edit.c const char* skip_toeol(const char* p) { while (*p && *p!='\r' && *p!='\n') p++; return p; } // Skip to end of line p 601 modules/user_menu_edit.c const char* skip_eol(const char *p) { p = skip_toeol(p); if (*p == '\r') p++; if (*p == '\n') p++; return p; } // Skip past end of line p 6 platform/a1000/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 15 platform/a1000/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/a1000/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/a1000/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/a1000/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 19 platform/a1100/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 28 platform/a1100/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 11 platform/a1200/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_AF; p 20 platform/a1200/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 100 platform/a1200/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 102 platform/a1200/lib.c if (p) p += 8; p 103 platform/a1200/lib.c return p; p 36 platform/a1200/sub/100b/boot.c volatile int *p=(void*)LED_AF; p 37 platform/a1200/sub/100b/boot.c *p=0x46; p 36 platform/a1200/sub/100c/boot.c volatile int *p=(void*)LED_AF; p 37 platform/a1200/sub/100c/boot.c *p=0x46; p 9 platform/a1300/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 18 platform/a1300/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 68 platform/a1300/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 70 platform/a1300/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 71 platform/a1300/lib.c return p; p 84 platform/a1400/lib.c int *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer]; p 87 platform/a1400/lib.c if(!p) { p 88 platform/a1400/lib.c p = palette_buffer_ptr[0]; // rec mode buffer appears to always be initialized p 90 platform/a1400/lib.c return (p+1); p 31 platform/a2000/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC02200A0; p 40 platform/a2000/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 605 platform/a2000/sub/100c/boot.c volatile long *p=(void*)0xC02200CC; p 611 platform/a2000/sub/100c/boot.c p[0]=0x46; p 616 platform/a2000/sub/100c/boot.c p[0]=0x44; p 21 platform/a2100/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC0220084; // G10 @ 0xFF829EE4,0xFF829EE8 & 0xFF829EEC p 31 platform/a2100/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 10 platform/a2200/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_AF; p 19 platform/a2200/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 98 platform/a2200/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 100 platform/a2200/lib.c if (p) p += 8; p 101 platform/a2200/lib.c return p; p 10 platform/a2300/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 19 platform/a2300/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 84 platform/a2300/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 86 platform/a2300/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 87 platform/a2300/lib.c return p; p 10 platform/a2400/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 19 platform/a2400/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 88 platform/a2400/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 90 platform/a2400/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 91 platform/a2400/lib.c return p; p 86 platform/a2500/lib.c int *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer]; p 89 platform/a2500/lib.c if(!p) { p 90 platform/a2500/lib.c p = palette_buffer_ptr[0]; // rec mode buffer appears to always be initialized p 92 platform/a2500/lib.c return (p+1); p 86 platform/a2600/lib.c int *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer]; p 89 platform/a2600/lib.c if(!p) { p 90 platform/a2600/lib.c p = palette_buffer_ptr[0]; // rec mode buffer appears to always be initialized p 92 platform/a2600/lib.c return (p+1); p 6 platform/a3000/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC0220010; p 15 platform/a3000/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/a3000/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/a3000/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/a3000/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 14 platform/a3000/sub/100b/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 15 platform/a3000/sub/100b/boot.c p-=17; p 16 platform/a3000/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC73674) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 17 platform/a3000/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC5C198) p[0]=(int)task_CaptSeqTask_my; p 18 platform/a3000/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC94FF8) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 19 platform/a3000/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFD1381C) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 22 platform/a3000/sub/100b/boot.c void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p 23 platform/a3000/sub/100b/boot.c p-=17; p 24 platform/a3000/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC73674) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 25 platform/a3000/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC94FF8) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 13 platform/a3000/sub/100c/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 14 platform/a3000/sub/100c/boot.c p-=17; p 15 platform/a3000/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC736C4) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; // 1.00c * p 16 platform/a3000/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC5C1E8) p[0]=(int)task_CaptSeqTask_my; // 1.00c * p 17 platform/a3000/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC95048) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; // 1.00c * p 18 platform/a3000/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFD138CC) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; // 1.00c * p 21 platform/a3000/sub/100c/boot.c void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p 22 platform/a3000/sub/100c/boot.c p-=17; p 23 platform/a3000/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC736C4) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 24 platform/a3000/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC95048) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 13 platform/a3000/sub/100d/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 14 platform/a3000/sub/100d/boot.c p-=17; p 15 platform/a3000/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC736C4) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 16 platform/a3000/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC5C1E8) p[0]=(int)task_CaptSeqTask_my; p 17 platform/a3000/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC95048) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 18 platform/a3000/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFD138CC) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 21 platform/a3000/sub/100d/boot.c void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p 22 platform/a3000/sub/100d/boot.c p-=17; p 23 platform/a3000/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC736C4) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 24 platform/a3000/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC95048) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 6 platform/a3100/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC0220010; p 15 platform/a3100/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/a3100/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/a3100/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/a3100/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 65 platform/a3100/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_BASE + leds[led]; p 67 platform/a3100/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 69 platform/a3100/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 48 platform/a3200/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 50 platform/a3200/lib.c if (p) p += 8; p 51 platform/a3200/lib.c return p; p 48 platform/a3300/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 50 platform/a3300/lib.c if (p) p += 8; p 51 platform/a3300/lib.c return p; p 9 platform/a3400/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 18 platform/a3400/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 82 platform/a3400/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer & 7]; p 84 platform/a3400/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 85 platform/a3400/lib.c return p; p 9 platform/a4000/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 18 platform/a4000/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 83 platform/a4000/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 85 platform/a4000/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 86 platform/a4000/lib.c return p; p 8 platform/a410/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 17 platform/a410/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/a410/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/a410/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/a410/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 37 platform/a410/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF + leds[led-4]; p 39 platform/a410/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 41 platform/a410/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 9 platform/a410/sub/100f/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD2A438_my(long p) p 11 platform/a410/sub/100f/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 33 platform/a410/sub/100f/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD2748C_my(long p) p 35 platform/a410/sub/100f/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 8 platform/a420/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 17 platform/a420/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/a420/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/a420/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/a420/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 37 platform/a420/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF + leds[led-4]; p 39 platform/a420/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 41 platform/a420/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 9 platform/a420/sub/100b/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD290DC_my(long p) p 11 platform/a420/sub/100b/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 35 platform/a420/sub/100b/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD25ECC_my(long p) p 37 platform/a420/sub/100b/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 8 platform/a430/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 17 platform/a430/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/a430/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/a430/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/a430/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 37 platform/a430/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF + leds[led-4]; p 39 platform/a430/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 41 platform/a430/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 12 platform/a430/sub/100b/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD2C9B8_my(long p) p 14 platform/a430/sub/100b/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 38 platform/a430/sub/100b/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD297A4_my(long p) p 40 platform/a430/sub/100b/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 8 platform/a450/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 17 platform/a450/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/a450/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/a450/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/a450/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 37 platform/a450/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF + leds[led-4]; p 39 platform/a450/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 41 platform/a450/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 8 platform/a460/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 17 platform/a460/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/a460/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/a460/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/a460/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 37 platform/a460/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF + leds[led-4]; p 39 platform/a460/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 41 platform/a460/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 25 platform/a470/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 34 platform/a470/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 44 platform/a470/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 46 platform/a470/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 48 platform/a470/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 22 platform/a470/sub/100e/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 23 platform/a470/sub/100e/boot.c p-=16; p 24 platform/a470/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc488a4) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 25 platform/a470/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc900b8) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 26 platform/a470/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffdc0ea8) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 27 platform/a470/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc5ebf8) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 28 platform/a470/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc453d8) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 22 platform/a470/sub/101b/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 23 platform/a470/sub/101b/boot.c p-=16; p 24 platform/a470/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc488a4) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 25 platform/a470/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc900b8) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 26 platform/a470/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffdc0ea4) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 27 platform/a470/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc5ebf8) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 28 platform/a470/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc453d8) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 22 platform/a470/sub/102c/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 23 platform/a470/sub/102c/boot.c p-=16; p 24 platform/a470/sub/102c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc48dc0) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 25 platform/a470/sub/102c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc905d4) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 26 platform/a470/sub/102c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffdc18e4) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 27 platform/a470/sub/102c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc5f114) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 28 platform/a470/sub/102c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc458f4) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 14 platform/a480/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 23 platform/a480/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 11 platform/a490/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; // Green LED p 20 platform/a490/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 21 platform/a495/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; // Green LED p 30 platform/a495/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 9 platform/a530/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 18 platform/a530/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 26 platform/a530/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 28 platform/a530/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 30 platform/a530/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 38 platform/a530/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF + leds[led-4]; p 40 platform/a530/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 42 platform/a530/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 150 platform/a530/sub/100a/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD37A98_my(long p) p 152 platform/a530/sub/100a/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 178 platform/a530/sub/100a/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD34704_my(long p) p 180 platform/a530/sub/100a/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 11 platform/a540/debug.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 15 platform/a540/debug.c p[0]=0x46; p 21 platform/a540/debug.c p[0]=0x44; p 8 platform/a540/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 17 platform/a540/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/a540/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/a540/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/a540/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 37 platform/a540/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF + leds[led-4]; p 39 platform/a540/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 41 platform/a540/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 24 platform/a540/sub/100b/boot.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 28 platform/a540/sub/100b/boot.c p[0]=0x46; p 34 platform/a540/sub/100b/boot.c p[0]=0x44; p 10 platform/a540/sub/100b/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD483A4_my(long p) p 12 platform/a540/sub/100b/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 36 platform/a540/sub/100b/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD45048_my(long p) p 38 platform/a540/sub/100b/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 11 platform/a550/debug.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 15 platform/a550/debug.c p[0]=0x46; p 21 platform/a550/debug.c p[0]=0x44; p 8 platform/a550/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 17 platform/a550/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/a550/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/a550/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/a550/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 37 platform/a550/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF + leds[led-4]; p 39 platform/a550/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 41 platform/a550/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 9 platform/a550/sub/100c/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFE72574_my(long p) p 11 platform/a550/sub/100c/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 46 platform/a550/sub/100c/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFE6F5FC_my(long p) p 48 platform/a550/sub/100c/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 5 platform/a560/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 14 platform/a560/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 24 platform/a560/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 26 platform/a560/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 28 platform/a560/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 43 platform/a560/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_BASE + leds[led-4]; p 45 platform/a560/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 47 platform/a560/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 9 platform/a560/sub/100a/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFE96FA8_my(long p) p 11 platform/a560/sub/100a/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 46 platform/a560/sub/100a/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFE93F70_my(long p) p 48 platform/a560/sub/100a/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 5 platform/a570/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 14 platform/a570/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 24 platform/a570/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 26 platform/a570/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 28 platform/a570/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 43 platform/a570/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_BASE + leds[led-4]; p 45 platform/a570/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 47 platform/a570/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 9 platform/a570/sub/100e/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFEABF20_my(long p) p 11 platform/a570/sub/100e/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 46 platform/a570/sub/100e/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFEA8DDC_my(long p) p 48 platform/a570/sub/100e/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 10 platform/a570/sub/101a/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFEABF94_my(long p) p 12 platform/a570/sub/101a/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 47 platform/a570/sub/101a/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFEA8E50_my(long p) p 49 platform/a570/sub/101a/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 5 platform/a580/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 14 platform/a580/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 24 platform/a580/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 26 platform/a580/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 28 platform/a580/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 21 platform/a580/sub/100c/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 22 platform/a580/sub/100c/boot.c p-=16; p 23 platform/a580/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC49B38) p[0]=(int)task_CaptSeqTask_my; //done p 24 platform/a580/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC118BC) p[0]=(int)mykbd_task; //done p 25 platform/a580/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC5FEA0) p[0]=(int)task_InitFileModules_my; //done p 26 platform/a580/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC46678) p[0]=(int)MovieRecord_Task_my; //done p 27 platform/a580/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC91194) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; //done p 28 platform/a580/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFDCB5A8) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 31 platform/a580/sub/100c/boot.c void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p 32 platform/a580/sub/100c/boot.c p-=16; p 33 platform/a580/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC5FEA0) p[0]=(int)task_InitFileModules_my; //done p 21 platform/a580/sub/101b/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 22 platform/a580/sub/101b/boot.c p-=16; p 23 platform/a580/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC49B38) p[0]=(int)task_CaptSeqTask_my; //done p 24 platform/a580/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC118BC) p[0]=(int)mykbd_task; //done p 25 platform/a580/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC5FEA0) p[0]=(int)task_InitFileModules_my; //done p 26 platform/a580/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC46678) p[0]=(int)MovieRecord_Task_my; //done p 27 platform/a580/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC91194) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; //done p 28 platform/a580/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFDCB5A8) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 31 platform/a580/sub/101b/boot.c void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p 32 platform/a580/sub/101b/boot.c p-=16; p 33 platform/a580/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC5FEA0) p[0]=(int)task_InitFileModules_my; //done p 7 platform/a590/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 16 platform/a590/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 26 platform/a590/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 28 platform/a590/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 30 platform/a590/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 22 platform/a590/sub/100e/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 23 platform/a590/sub/100e/boot.c p-=16; p 24 platform/a590/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC4F0F8) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 25 platform/a590/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC973E4) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 26 platform/a590/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC4BBBC) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 27 platform/a590/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFDD6408) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 28 platform/a590/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC657B4) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 22 platform/a590/sub/101b/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 23 platform/a590/sub/101b/boot.c p-=16; p 24 platform/a590/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC4F0F8) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 25 platform/a590/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC973E4) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 26 platform/a590/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC4BBBC) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 27 platform/a590/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFDD6404) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 28 platform/a590/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC657B4) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 8 platform/a610/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 17 platform/a610/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/a610/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/a610/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/a610/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 37 platform/a610/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF + leds[led-4]; p 39 platform/a610/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 41 platform/a610/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 10 platform/a610/sub/100e/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD39620_my(long p) p 12 platform/a610/sub/100e/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 37 platform/a610/sub/100e/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD364B0_my(long p) p 39 platform/a610/sub/100e/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 9 platform/a610/sub/100f/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD399A8_my(long p) p 11 platform/a610/sub/100f/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 34 platform/a610/sub/100f/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD36838_my(long p) p 36 platform/a610/sub/100f/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 8 platform/a620/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 17 platform/a620/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/a620/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/a620/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/a620/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 37 platform/a620/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF + leds[led-4]; p 39 platform/a620/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 41 platform/a620/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 8 platform/a630/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 17 platform/a630/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/a630/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/a630/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/a630/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 37 platform/a630/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF + leds[led-4]; p 39 platform/a630/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 41 platform/a630/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 44 platform/a630/sub/100c/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD56070_my(long p) p 46 platform/a630/sub/100c/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 80 platform/a630/sub/100c/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD5307C_my(long p) p 82 platform/a630/sub/100c/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 8 platform/a640/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 17 platform/a640/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/a640/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/a640/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/a640/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 37 platform/a640/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF + leds[led-4]; p 39 platform/a640/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 41 platform/a640/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 5 platform/a650/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 14 platform/a650/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 24 platform/a650/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 26 platform/a650/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 28 platform/a650/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 38 platform/a650/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF + leds[led-4]; p 40 platform/a650/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 42 platform/a650/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 22 platform/a650/sub/100d/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 23 platform/a650/sub/100d/boot.c p-=16; p 24 platform/a650/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc4db88) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 25 platform/a650/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc93848) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 26 platform/a650/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc4aa38) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 27 platform/a650/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffdce728) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 28 platform/a650/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc60ae8) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 8 platform/a700/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 17 platform/a700/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/a700/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/a700/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/a700/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 8 platform/a710/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 17 platform/a710/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/a710/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/a710/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/a710/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 9 platform/a710/sub/100a/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD5F178_my(long p) p 11 platform/a710/sub/100a/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 45 platform/a710/sub/100a/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFD5C2C4_my(long p) p 47 platform/a710/sub/100a/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 5 platform/a720/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 14 platform/a720/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 24 platform/a720/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 26 platform/a720/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 28 platform/a720/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 18 platform/a720/sub/100c/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 19 platform/a720/sub/100c/boot.c p-=16; p 20 platform/a720/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc4cb64) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 21 platform/a720/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc91454) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 22 platform/a720/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc49b18) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 23 platform/a720/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffdbfc80) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 24 platform/a720/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc5f754) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 11 platform/a800/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; // Green LED p 20 platform/a800/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 9 platform/a810/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 18 platform/a810/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 68 platform/a810/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 70 platform/a810/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 71 platform/a810/lib.c return p; p 12 platform/d10/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc0220014; // from task_by (not really complete) p 21 platform/d10/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 31 platform/d10/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 33 platform/d10/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 35 platform/d10/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 32 platform/d20/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)GREEN_LED; p 42 platform/d20/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 131 platform/d20/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 133 platform/d20/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 134 platform/d20/lib.c return p; p 184 platform/d30/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 186 platform/d30/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 187 platform/d30/lib.c return p; p 14 platform/g10/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; // G10 @ 0xFF829EE4,0xFF829EE8 & 0xFF829EEC p 23 platform/g10/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 84 platform/g10/sub/102a/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 85 platform/g10/sub/102a/boot.c p-=17; p 87 platform/g10/sub/102a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_InitFileModules) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 88 platform/g10/sub/102a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_MovieRecord) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 89 platform/g10/sub/102a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_CaptSeq) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 90 platform/g10/sub/102a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_ExpDrv) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 91 platform/g10/sub/102a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_RotaryEncoder) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 92 platform/g10/sub/102a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_FileWrite) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 95 platform/g10/sub/102a/boot.c void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p 96 platform/g10/sub/102a/boot.c p-=17; p 97 platform/g10/sub/102a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_InitFileModules) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 98 platform/g10/sub/102a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_ExpDrv) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 99 platform/g10/sub/102a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_FileWrite) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 84 platform/g10/sub/103b/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 85 platform/g10/sub/103b/boot.c p-=17; p 87 platform/g10/sub/103b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_InitFileModules) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 88 platform/g10/sub/103b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_MovieRecord) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 89 platform/g10/sub/103b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_CaptSeq) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 90 platform/g10/sub/103b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_ExpDrv) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 91 platform/g10/sub/103b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_RotaryEncoder) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 92 platform/g10/sub/103b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_FileWrite) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 95 platform/g10/sub/103b/boot.c void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p 96 platform/g10/sub/103b/boot.c p-=17; p 97 platform/g10/sub/103b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_InitFileModules) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 98 platform/g10/sub/103b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_ExpDrv) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 99 platform/g10/sub/103b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_FileWrite) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 84 platform/g10/sub/104a/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 85 platform/g10/sub/104a/boot.c p-=17; p 87 platform/g10/sub/104a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_InitFileModules) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 88 platform/g10/sub/104a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_MovieRecord) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 89 platform/g10/sub/104a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_CaptSeq) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 90 platform/g10/sub/104a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_ExpDrv) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 91 platform/g10/sub/104a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_RotaryEncoder) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 92 platform/g10/sub/104a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_FileWrite) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 95 platform/g10/sub/104a/boot.c void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p 96 platform/g10/sub/104a/boot.c p-=17; p 97 platform/g10/sub/104a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_InitFileModules) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 98 platform/g10/sub/104a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_ExpDrv) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 99 platform/g10/sub/104a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)task_FileWrite) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 81 platform/g10/sub/boot_hdr.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 82 platform/g10/sub/boot_hdr.c p-=17; p 84 platform/g10/sub/boot_hdr.c if (p[0]==(int)task_InitFileModules) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 85 platform/g10/sub/boot_hdr.c if (p[0]==(int)task_MovieRecord) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 86 platform/g10/sub/boot_hdr.c if (p[0]==(int)task_CaptSeq) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 87 platform/g10/sub/boot_hdr.c if (p[0]==(int)task_ExpDrv) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 88 platform/g10/sub/boot_hdr.c if (p[0]==(int)task_RotaryEncoder) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 89 platform/g10/sub/boot_hdr.c if (p[0]==(int)task_FileWrite) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 92 platform/g10/sub/boot_hdr.c void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p 93 platform/g10/sub/boot_hdr.c p-=17; p 94 platform/g10/sub/boot_hdr.c if (p[0]==(int)task_InitFileModules) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 95 platform/g10/sub/boot_hdr.c if (p[0]==(int)task_ExpDrv) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 96 platform/g10/sub/boot_hdr.c if (p[0]==(int)task_FileWrite) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 6 platform/g11/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC0220240; // G11 p 15 platform/g11/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/g11/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/g11/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/g11/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 41 platform/g12/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 50 platform/g12/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 247 platform/g12/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 249 platform/g12/lib.c if (p) p += 8; p 250 platform/g12/lib.c return p; p 19 platform/g15/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 28 platform/g15/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 40 platform/g15/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 41 platform/g15/lib.c *p = (*p & 0xFFFFFFCF) | ((state) ? 0x00 : 0x20); p 220 platform/g15/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 222 platform/g15/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 223 platform/g15/lib.c return p; p 38 platform/g16/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 39 platform/g16/lib.c *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003); p 41 platform/g1x/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 50 platform/g1x/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 62 platform/g1x/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 63 platform/g1x/lib.c *p = (*p & 0xFFFFFFCF) | ((state) ? 0x00 : 0x20); p 229 platform/g1x/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 231 platform/g1x/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 232 platform/g1x/lib.c return p; p 67 platform/g5x/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*) LED_PR; p 68 platform/g5x/lib.c *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003); p 5 platform/g7/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 14 platform/g7/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 24 platform/g7/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 26 platform/g7/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 28 platform/g7/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 37 platform/g7/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_BASE + leds[led-4]; p 39 platform/g7/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 41 platform/g7/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 43 platform/g7x/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 44 platform/g7x/lib.c *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003); p 63 platform/g7x2/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*) LED_PR; p 64 platform/g7x2/lib.c *p = ((state) ? 0x24D0002 : 0x24C0003); p 5 platform/g9/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc022006C; p 14 platform/g9/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 29 platform/g9/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 31 platform/g9/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 33 platform/g9/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 43 platform/g9/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_BASE + leds[led-4]; p 45 platform/g9/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 47 platform/g9/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 28 platform/g9/sub/100d/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 29 platform/g9/sub/100d/boot.c p-=16; p 30 platform/g9/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff861210) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 31 platform/g9/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff8b8b90) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 32 platform/g9/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff85d4c0) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 33 platform/g9/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffa2ac20) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 34 platform/g9/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff877284) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 35 platform/g9/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff849530) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 28 platform/g9/sub/100g/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 29 platform/g9/sub/100g/boot.c p-=16; p 30 platform/g9/sub/100g/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff861210) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 31 platform/g9/sub/100g/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff8b8b90) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 32 platform/g9/sub/100g/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff85d4c0) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 33 platform/g9/sub/100g/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffa2ac90) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 34 platform/g9/sub/100g/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff877284) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 35 platform/g9/sub/100g/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff849530) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 28 platform/g9/sub/100i/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 29 platform/g9/sub/100i/boot.c p-=16; p 30 platform/g9/sub/100i/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff861210) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 31 platform/g9/sub/100i/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff8b8b90) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 32 platform/g9/sub/100i/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff85d4c0) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 33 platform/g9/sub/100i/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffa2acb8) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 34 platform/g9/sub/100i/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff877284) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 35 platform/g9/sub/100i/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff849530) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 1054 platform/generic/wrappers.c void canon_free(void *p) p 1057 platform/generic/wrappers.c _free(p); p 1060 platform/generic/wrappers.c _free(p); p 1080 platform/generic/wrappers.c void ufree(void *p) { p 1082 platform/generic/wrappers.c _FreeUncacheableMemory(p); p 1085 platform/generic/wrappers.c _FreeUncacheableMemory(p); p 1375 platform/generic/wrappers.c int i,j,p; p 1403 platform/generic/wrappers.c for(p=1; p<partition_count; ++p) p 1405 platform/generic/wrappers.c mbr_buf[i+(p-1)*16+0x1BE]=mbr_buf[i+p*16+0x1BE]; p 1859 platform/generic/wrappers.c void *p; p 1863 platform/generic/wrappers.c p = vid_get_viewport_fb_d(); p 1865 platform/generic/wrappers.c p = vid_get_viewport_live_fb(); p 1866 platform/generic/wrappers.c if ( !p ) p 1868 platform/generic/wrappers.c p = vid_get_viewport_fb(); p 1872 platform/generic/wrappers.c return p; p 50 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 59 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 115 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/100d/boot.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 119 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/100d/boot.c p[0]=0x46; p 125 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/100d/boot.c p[0]=0x44; p 14 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/100f/boot.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 18 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/100f/boot.c p[0]=0x46; p 24 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/100f/boot.c p[0]=0x44; p 118 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/102b/boot.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 122 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/102b/boot.c p[0]=0x46; p 128 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/sub/102b/boot.c p[0]=0x44; p 13 platform/ixus100_sd780/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc022001C; // from task_by (not really complete) p 22 platform/ixus100_sd780/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 32 platform/ixus100_sd780/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 34 platform/ixus100_sd780/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 36 platform/ixus100_sd780/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 34 platform/ixus105_sd1300/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc022001C; p 43 platform/ixus105_sd1300/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 53 platform/ixus105_sd1300/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 55 platform/ixus105_sd1300/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 57 platform/ixus105_sd1300/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 13 platform/ixus110_sd960/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc022001c; // from task_by (not really complete) p 22 platform/ixus110_sd960/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 32 platform/ixus110_sd960/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 34 platform/ixus110_sd960/lib.c p[0]=p[1]=0x46; p 36 platform/ixus110_sd960/lib.c p[0]=p[1]=0x44; p 20 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 29 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 95 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 97 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/lib.c if (p) p += 8; p 98 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/lib.c return p; p 31 platform/ixus120_sd940/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_AF; p 40 platform/ixus120_sd940/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 226 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 228 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 229 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/lib.c return p; p 31 platform/ixus130_sd1400/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc022001C; // from task_by (not really complete) p 40 platform/ixus130_sd1400/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 35 platform/ixus132_elph115/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 37 platform/ixus132_elph115/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 39 platform/ixus132_elph115/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 94 platform/ixus132_elph115/lib.c int *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer]; p 97 platform/ixus132_elph115/lib.c if(!p) { p 98 platform/ixus132_elph115/lib.c p = palette_buffer_ptr[0]; // rec mode buffer appears to always be initialized p 100 platform/ixus132_elph115/lib.c return (p+1); p 35 platform/ixus135_elph120/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 37 platform/ixus135_elph120/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 39 platform/ixus135_elph120/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 94 platform/ixus135_elph120/lib.c int *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer]; p 97 platform/ixus135_elph120/lib.c if(!p) { p 98 platform/ixus135_elph120/lib.c p = palette_buffer_ptr[0]; // rec mode buffer appears to always be initialized p 100 platform/ixus135_elph120/lib.c return (p+1); p 33 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 35 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 37 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 244 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c int *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer]; p 247 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c if(!p) { p 248 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c p = palette_buffer_ptr[0]; // rec mode buffer normally initialized p 249 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c if(!p) { // but may be null on video out switch p 253 platform/ixus140_elph130/lib.c return (p+1); p 121 platform/ixus145_elph135/lib.c int *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer]; p 124 platform/ixus145_elph135/lib.c if(!p) { p 125 platform/ixus145_elph135/lib.c p = palette_buffer_ptr[0]; // rec mode buffer appears to always be initialized p 127 platform/ixus145_elph135/lib.c return (p+1); p 52 platform/ixus150_elph140/lib.c int *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer]; p 53 platform/ixus150_elph140/lib.c if(!p) { p 54 platform/ixus150_elph140/lib.c p = palette_buffer_ptr[0]; p 56 platform/ixus150_elph140/lib.c return (p+1); p 118 platform/ixus155_elph150/lib.c int *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer]; p 121 platform/ixus155_elph150/lib.c if(!p) { p 122 platform/ixus155_elph150/lib.c p = palette_buffer_ptr[0]; // rec mode buffer normally initialized p 123 platform/ixus155_elph150/lib.c if(!p) { // but may be null on video out switch p 127 platform/ixus155_elph150/lib.c return (p+1); p 51 platform/ixus160_elph160/lib.c int *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer]; p 52 platform/ixus160_elph160/lib.c if(!p) { p 53 platform/ixus160_elph160/lib.c p = palette_buffer_ptr[0]; p 55 platform/ixus160_elph160/lib.c return (p+1); p 48 platform/ixus170_elph170/lib.c int *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer]; p 49 platform/ixus170_elph170/lib.c if(!p) { p 50 platform/ixus170_elph170/lib.c p = palette_buffer_ptr[0]; p 52 platform/ixus170_elph170/lib.c return (p+1); p 46 platform/ixus175_elph180/lib.c int *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer]; p 47 platform/ixus175_elph180/lib.c if(!p) { p 48 platform/ixus175_elph180/lib.c p = palette_buffer_ptr[0]; p 50 platform/ixus175_elph180/lib.c return (p+1); p 16 platform/ixus200_sd980/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 25 platform/ixus200_sd980/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 18 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 27 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 96 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 98 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/lib.c if (p) p += 8; p 99 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/lib.c return p; p 17 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 26 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 146 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 148 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/lib.c if (p) p += 8; p 149 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/lib.c return p; p 44 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 53 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 202 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/lib.c char *p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer + color_option]; p 204 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/lib.c if(p) { p 205 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/lib.c p+=4; p 207 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/lib.c return p; p 29 platform/ixus255_elph330hs/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 31 platform/ixus255_elph330hs/lib.c p[0]=0x93d800; p 33 platform/ixus255_elph330hs/lib.c p[0]=0x83dc00; p 211 platform/ixus255_elph330hs/lib.c int *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer]; p 214 platform/ixus255_elph330hs/lib.c if(!p) { p 215 platform/ixus255_elph330hs/lib.c p = palette_buffer_ptr[0]; // rec mode buffer appears to always be initialized p 217 platform/ixus255_elph330hs/lib.c return (p+1); p 6 platform/ixus300_sd4000/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC0223030; // Red AF Led (front) p 16 platform/ixus300_sd4000/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 30 platform/ixus300_sd4000/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_DEBUG2; p 33 platform/ixus300_sd4000/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 35 platform/ixus300_sd4000/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 121 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc022002c; p 130 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c *p = 0x46; p 190 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c volatile long *p; p 192 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c case (LED_GREEN) : p=(void*)0xc02200D8; break; p 193 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c case (LED_ORANGE): p=(void*)0xc02200DC; break; p 194 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c case (LED_YELLOW): p=(void*)0xc02200E0; break; p 195 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c case (LED_BLUE) : p=(void*)0xc02200E4; break; p 196 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c case (LED_AF_BEAM): p=(void*)0xc02200EC; break; p 203 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c *p=0x46; p 212 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c volatile long *p; p 214 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c case (LED_GREEN) : p=(void*)0xc02200D8; break; p 215 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c case (LED_ORANGE): p=(void*)0xc02200DC; break; p 216 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c case (LED_YELLOW): p=(void*)0xc02200E0; break; p 217 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c case (LED_BLUE) : p=(void*)0xc02200E4; break; p 218 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c case (LED_AF_BEAM): p=(void*)0xc02200EC; break; p 225 platform/ixus30_sd200/lib.c *p=0x44; p 244 platform/ixus30_sd200/sub/100k/boot.c return ((int(*)(void *p, void *p2, int l))tyWrite)(tty, buffer, nBytes); p 41 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 50 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 172 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer+color_option]; p 174 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/lib.c if (p) p += 8; p 175 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/lib.c return p; p 117 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc022002c; p 126 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c *p = 0x46; p 186 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c volatile long *p; p 188 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c case (LED_GREEN) : p=(void*)0xc02200D8; break; p 189 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c case (LED_ORANGE): p=(void*)0xc02200DC; break; p 190 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c case (LED_YELLOW): p=(void*)0xc02200E0; break; p 191 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c case (LED_BLUE) : p=(void*)0xc02200E4; break; p 192 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c case (LED_AF_BEAM): p=(void*)0xc02200EC; break; p 199 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c *p=0x46; p 208 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c volatile long *p; p 210 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c case (LED_GREEN) : p=(void*)0xc02200D8; break; p 211 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c case (LED_ORANGE): p=(void*)0xc02200DC; break; p 212 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c case (LED_YELLOW): p=(void*)0xc02200E0; break; p 213 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c case (LED_BLUE) : p=(void*)0xc02200E4; break; p 214 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c case (LED_AF_BEAM): p=(void*)0xc02200EC; break; p 221 platform/ixus40_sd300/lib.c *p=0x44; p 255 platform/ixus40_sd300/sub/100j/boot.c return ((int(*)(void *p, void *p2, int l))tyWrite)(tty, buffer, nBytes); p 250 platform/ixus40_sd300/sub/100k/boot.c return ((int(*)(void *p, void *p2, int l))tyWrite)(tty, buffer, nBytes); p 6 platform/ixus50_sd400/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc022002c; p 15 platform/ixus50_sd400/lib.c *p = 0x46; p 12 platform/ixus50_sd400/sub/101a/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FF95F450_my(long p) p 14 platform/ixus50_sd400/sub/101a/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 41 platform/ixus50_sd400/sub/101a/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FF95C3EC_my(long p) p 43 platform/ixus50_sd400/sub/101a/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 12 platform/ixus50_sd400/sub/101b/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FF95F4A4_my(long p) p 14 platform/ixus50_sd400/sub/101b/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 41 platform/ixus50_sd400/sub/101b/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FF95C440_my(long p) p 43 platform/ixus50_sd400/sub/101b/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 5 platform/ixus55_sd450/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 14 platform/ixus55_sd450/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 24 platform/ixus55_sd450/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 26 platform/ixus55_sd450/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 28 platform/ixus55_sd450/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 38 platform/ixus55_sd450/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_BASE+ leds[led-4]; p 40 platform/ixus55_sd450/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 42 platform/ixus55_sd450/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 8 platform/ixus60_sd600/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 17 platform/ixus60_sd600/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/ixus60_sd600/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/ixus60_sd600/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/ixus60_sd600/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 37 platform/ixus60_sd600/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF + leds[led-4]; p 39 platform/ixus60_sd600/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 41 platform/ixus60_sd600/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 8 platform/ixus65_sd630/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 17 platform/ixus65_sd630/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/ixus65_sd630/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/ixus65_sd630/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/ixus65_sd630/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 37 platform/ixus65_sd630/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF + leds[led-4]; p 39 platform/ixus65_sd630/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 41 platform/ixus65_sd630/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 6 platform/ixus700_sd500/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc022002c; p 15 platform/ixus700_sd500/lib.c *p = 0x46; p 12 platform/ixus70_sd1000/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC02200A0; p 21 platform/ixus70_sd1000/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 31 platform/ixus70_sd1000/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 33 platform/ixus70_sd1000/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 35 platform/ixus70_sd1000/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 50 platform/ixus70_sd1000/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_BASE + leds[led-4]; p 52 platform/ixus70_sd1000/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 54 platform/ixus70_sd1000/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 9 platform/ixus70_sd1000/sub/100c/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFB01DBC_my(long p) p 11 platform/ixus70_sd1000/sub/100c/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 47 platform/ixus70_sd1000/sub/100c/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFAFEBE4_my(long p) p 49 platform/ixus70_sd1000/sub/100c/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 9 platform/ixus70_sd1000/sub/101b/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFB01E30_my(long p) p 11 platform/ixus70_sd1000/sub/101b/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 45 platform/ixus70_sd1000/sub/101b/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFAFEC58_my(long p) p 47 platform/ixus70_sd1000/sub/101b/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 9 platform/ixus70_sd1000/sub/102a/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFB01EB0_my(long p) p 11 platform/ixus70_sd1000/sub/102a/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 47 platform/ixus70_sd1000/sub/102a/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFAFECD8_my(long p) p 49 platform/ixus70_sd1000/sub/102a/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 5 platform/ixus750_sd550/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 14 platform/ixus750_sd550/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 24 platform/ixus750_sd550/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 26 platform/ixus750_sd550/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 28 platform/ixus750_sd550/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 38 platform/ixus750_sd550/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_BASE+ leds[led-4]; p 40 platform/ixus750_sd550/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 42 platform/ixus750_sd550/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 12 platform/ixus75_sd750/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC02200A0; p 21 platform/ixus75_sd750/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 31 platform/ixus75_sd750/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 33 platform/ixus75_sd750/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 35 platform/ixus75_sd750/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 50 platform/ixus75_sd750/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_BASE + leds[led-4]; p 52 platform/ixus75_sd750/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 54 platform/ixus75_sd750/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 9 platform/ixus800_sd700/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 18 platform/ixus800_sd700/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 27 platform/ixus800_sd700/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 29 platform/ixus800_sd700/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 31 platform/ixus800_sd700/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 11 platform/ixus80_sd1100/leds.c void blink_it(volatile long *p) { p 16 platform/ixus80_sd1100/leds.c counter = DELAY; *p = 0x46; p 18 platform/ixus80_sd1100/leds.c counter = DELAY; *p = 0x44; p 37 platform/ixus80_sd1100/leds.h void blink_it(volatile long *p); p 6 platform/ixus80_sd1100/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 15 platform/ixus80_sd1100/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 23 platform/ixus80_sd1100/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 25 platform/ixus80_sd1100/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 27 platform/ixus80_sd1100/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 36 platform/ixus80_sd1100/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)0xc0220000 + leds[(led-3)%sizeof(leds)]; p 38 platform/ixus80_sd1100/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 40 platform/ixus80_sd1100/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 17 platform/ixus80_sd1100/sub/100c/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 18 platform/ixus80_sd1100/sub/100c/boot.c p-=16; p 19 platform/ixus80_sd1100/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff85de08) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 20 platform/ixus80_sd1100/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff8b3d68) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 21 platform/ixus80_sd1100/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffa08e84) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 22 platform/ixus80_sd1100/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff877140) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 23 platform/ixus80_sd1100/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff859e28) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 17 platform/ixus80_sd1100/sub/101a/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 18 platform/ixus80_sd1100/sub/101a/boot.c p-=16; p 19 platform/ixus80_sd1100/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff85de08) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 20 platform/ixus80_sd1100/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff8b3d68) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 21 platform/ixus80_sd1100/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffa08e80) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 22 platform/ixus80_sd1100/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff877140) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 23 platform/ixus80_sd1100/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff859e28) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 12 platform/ixus850_sd800/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 21 platform/ixus850_sd800/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 30 platform/ixus850_sd800/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 32 platform/ixus850_sd800/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 34 platform/ixus850_sd800/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 48 platform/ixus850_sd800/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_BASE + leds[led-4]; p 50 platform/ixus850_sd800/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 52 platform/ixus850_sd800/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 9 platform/ixus850_sd800/sub/100e/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FF99BA84_my(long p) p 11 platform/ixus850_sd800/sub/100e/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 47 platform/ixus850_sd800/sub/100e/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FF998960_my(long p) p 49 platform/ixus850_sd800/sub/100e/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 13 platform/ixus85_sd770/leds.h void led_blink(volatile long *p); p 8 platform/ixus85_sd770/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 17 platform/ixus85_sd770/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 7 platform/ixus85_sd770/sub/100a/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) p 9 platform/ixus85_sd770/sub/100a/boot.c p-=16; p 10 platform/ixus85_sd770/sub/100a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF821ACC) p[0]=(int)mykbd_task; // OK // WORK! p 11 platform/ixus85_sd770/sub/100a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF859DF8) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; // OK // WORK! p 12 platform/ixus85_sd770/sub/100a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF85DE30) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; // OK p 13 platform/ixus85_sd770/sub/100a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF87719C) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; // OK // WORK! p 14 platform/ixus85_sd770/sub/100a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8B478C) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; // OK p 15 platform/ixus85_sd770/sub/100a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFA0AFE8) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 5 platform/ixus860_sd870/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 14 platform/ixus860_sd870/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 28 platform/ixus860_sd870/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 30 platform/ixus860_sd870/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 32 platform/ixus860_sd870/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 43 platform/ixus860_sd870/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR + leds[led-4]; p 45 platform/ixus860_sd870/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 47 platform/ixus860_sd870/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 20 platform/ixus860_sd870/sub/100c/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 21 platform/ixus860_sd870/sub/100c/boot.c p-=16; p 22 platform/ixus860_sd870/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff85bd10) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 23 platform/ixus860_sd870/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff8aebf4) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 24 platform/ixus860_sd870/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff85821c) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 25 platform/ixus860_sd870/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffa021bc) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 26 platform/ixus860_sd870/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff870ce8) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 27 platform/ixus860_sd870/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff8e6dc0) p[0]=(int)my_touchw_task; p 27 platform/ixus870_sd880/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; // from sub_FF829230 (e.g. called at end of task_Bye) p 37 platform/ixus870_sd880/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 9 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/100e/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 10 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/100e/boot.c p-=17; p 12 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF861CFC) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 14 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF821814) p[0]=(int)mykbd_task; p 16 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF87C980) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 18 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF846338) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 20 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF85E03C) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 22 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8A4608) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 24 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFA1E5B0) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 27 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/100e/boot.c void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p 28 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/100e/boot.c p-=17; p 30 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF87C980) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 32 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8A4608) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 34 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFA1E5B0) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 9 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/101a/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 10 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/101a/boot.c p-=17; p 12 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF861CFC) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 14 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF821814) p[0]=(int)mykbd_task; p 16 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF87C980) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 18 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF846338) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 20 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF85E03C) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 22 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8A4608) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 24 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFA1E5C0) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 27 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/101a/boot.c void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p 28 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/101a/boot.c p-=17; p 30 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF87C980) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 32 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8A4608) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 34 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFA1E5C0) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 9 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/102b/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 10 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/102b/boot.c p-=17; p 12 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/102b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF861CFC) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 14 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/102b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF821814) p[0]=(int)mykbd_task; p 16 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/102b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF87C980) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 18 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/102b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF846338) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 20 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/102b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF85E03C) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 22 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/102b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8A4608) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 24 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/102b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFA1E5C0) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 27 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/102b/boot.c void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p 28 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/102b/boot.c p-=17; p 30 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/102b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF87C980) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 32 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/102b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8A4608) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 34 platform/ixus870_sd880/sub/102b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFA1E5C0) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 13 platform/ixus900_sd900/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 21 platform/ixus900_sd900/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 34 platform/ixus900_sd900/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 36 platform/ixus900_sd900/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 38 platform/ixus900_sd900/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 46 platform/ixus900_sd900/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_BASE + leds[led-4]; p 48 platform/ixus900_sd900/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 50 platform/ixus900_sd900/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 124 platform/ixus900_sd900/sub/100c/debug.c return ((int(*)(void *p, void *p2, int l))tyWrite)(tty, buffer, nBytes); p 7 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 16 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 23 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_ORANGE; p 25 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 27 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 32 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c volatile long *p; p 34 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c p=(void*)LED_PR; p 36 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c p=(void*)LED_GREEN; p 38 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c p=(void*)LED_ORANGE; p 40 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c p=(void*)LED_AF; p 43 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 45 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 56 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)0xc0220000 + leds[(led-4)%sizeof(leds)]; p 58 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 60 platform/ixus90_sd790/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 13 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100c/boot.c void taskCreateHook(unsigned int *p) p 15 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100c/boot.c p-=16; p 16 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==0xFF821ADC) p[0]=(unsigned int)mykbd_task; p 17 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==0xFF842C84) p[0]=(unsigned int)jogdial_task_my; p 18 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==0xFF85A278) p[0]=(unsigned int)movie_record_task; p 19 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==0xFF85E2b0) p[0]=(unsigned int)capt_seq_task; p 20 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==0xFF8791D0) p[0]=(unsigned int)init_file_modules_task; p 21 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==0xFF8b6A80) p[0]=(unsigned int)exp_drv_task; p 22 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==0xFFA0F034) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 13 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100d/boot.c void taskCreateHook(unsigned int *p) p 15 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100d/boot.c p-=16; p 16 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==0xFF821ADC) p[0]=(unsigned int)mykbd_task; p 17 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==0xFF842C84) p[0]=(unsigned int)jogdial_task_my; p 18 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==0xFF85A278) p[0]=(unsigned int)movie_record_task; p 19 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==0xFF85E2b0) p[0]=(unsigned int)capt_seq_task; p 20 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==0xFF8791D0) p[0]=(unsigned int)init_file_modules_task; p 21 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==0xFF8b6A80) p[0]=(unsigned int)exp_drv_task; p 22 platform/ixus90_sd790/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==0xFFA0F030) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 9 platform/ixus950_sd850/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 18 platform/ixus950_sd850/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 35 platform/ixus950_sd850/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 37 platform/ixus950_sd850/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 39 platform/ixus950_sd850/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 49 platform/ixus950_sd850/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_BASE + leds[led-4]; p 51 platform/ixus950_sd850/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 53 platform/ixus950_sd850/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 9 platform/ixus950_sd850/sub/100c/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFB0D8E4_my(long p) p 11 platform/ixus950_sd850/sub/100c/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 46 platform/ixus950_sd850/sub/100c/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFB10B64_my(long p) p 48 platform/ixus950_sd850/sub/100c/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 90 platform/ixus950_sd850/sub/100c/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFB0D80C_my(long p) p 92 platform/ixus950_sd850/sub/100c/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 14 platform/ixus95_sd1200/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc022001C; // from task_by (not really complete) p 23 platform/ixus95_sd1200/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 38 platform/ixus95_sd1200/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)0xc0220000 + leds[(led-4)%sizeof(leds)]; p 40 platform/ixus95_sd1200/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 42 platform/ixus95_sd1200/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 8 platform/ixus95_sd1200/sd1200_debug.h #define LED_ON(x) { volatile long *p = (void *)x; *p = 0x46; } p 9 platform/ixus95_sd1200/sd1200_debug.h #define LED_OFF(x) { volatile long *p = (void *)x; *p = 0x44; } p 11 platform/ixus95_sd1200/sd1200_debug.h #define LED_ON_1S(x) { volatile long *p = (void *)x; *p = 0x46; \ p 13 platform/ixus95_sd1200/sd1200_debug.h #define LED_OFF_1S(x) { volatile long *p = (void *)x; *p = 0x44; \ p 5 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 14 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 20 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 22 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 24 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 31 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR + leds[led-4]; p 33 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 35 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 39 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF; p 41 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 43 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 48 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_ORANGE; p 50 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 52 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 56 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_ORANGE; p 58 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 60 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 65 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_GREEN; p 67 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 69 platform/ixus960_sd950/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 21 platform/ixus960_sd950/sub/100d/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 22 platform/ixus960_sd950/sub/100d/boot.c p-=16; p 23 platform/ixus960_sd950/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff85c038) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 24 platform/ixus960_sd950/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff8af7b0) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 25 platform/ixus960_sd950/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff8584ec) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 26 platform/ixus960_sd950/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffa082a4) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 27 platform/ixus960_sd950/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff871070) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 28 platform/ixus960_sd950/sub/100d/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff8e85f8) p[0]=(int)my_touchw_task; p 13 platform/ixus970_sd890/leds.h void led_blink(volatile long *p); p 8 platform/ixus970_sd890/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 17 platform/ixus970_sd890/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 21 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100b/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 22 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100b/boot.c p-=16; p 23 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF821ACC) p[0]=(int)mykbd_task; p 24 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF842A44) p[0]=(int)jogdial_task_my; p 25 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF85A004) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 26 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF85E03C) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 27 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF878F84) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 28 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8B6864) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 29 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFA10248) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 21 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100c/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 22 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100c/boot.c p-=16; p 23 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF821ACC) p[0]=(int)mykbd_task; p 24 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF842A44) p[0]=(int)jogdial_task_my; p 25 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF85A004) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 26 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF85E03C) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 27 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF878F84) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 28 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8B6864) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 29 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFA10248) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 21 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100f/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) p 23 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100f/boot.c p-=16; p 24 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100f/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF821ACC) p[0]=(int)mykbd_task; p 25 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100f/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF842A40) p[0]=(int)jogdial_task_my; p 26 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100f/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF859F88) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 27 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100f/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF85DFC0) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 28 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100f/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF878F08) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 29 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100f/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8B67E8) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 30 platform/ixus970_sd890/sub/100f/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFA101b8) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 13 platform/ixus980_sd990/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc022001C; // from task_by (not really complete) p 22 platform/ixus980_sd990/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 32 platform/ixus980_sd990/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 34 platform/ixus980_sd990/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 36 platform/ixus980_sd990/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 13 platform/ixus990_sd970/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc022001C; // from task_by (not really complete) p 22 platform/ixus990_sd970/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 32 platform/ixus990_sd970/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 34 platform/ixus990_sd970/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 36 platform/ixus990_sd970/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 8 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 17 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 37 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_AF + leds[led-4]; p 39 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 41 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 5 platform/ixusw_sd430/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200b0; // Yellow LED p 14 platform/ixusw_sd430/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 24 platform/ixusw_sd430/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 26 platform/ixusw_sd430/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 28 platform/ixusw_sd430/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 38 platform/ixusw_sd430/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_BASE+ leds[led-4]; p 40 platform/ixusw_sd430/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 42 platform/ixusw_sd430/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 87 platform/m10/kbd.c int p; p 88 platform/m10/kbd.c p = jog_hw_pos & 0x7fffc; p 89 platform/m10/kbd.c if (p > 0x3fffc) { p 90 platform/m10/kbd.c p |= 0xfff80000; p 92 platform/m10/kbd.c return p; p 32 platform/m10/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 33 platform/m10/lib.c *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003); p 117 platform/m3/kbd.c int p; p 118 platform/m3/kbd.c p = jog_hw_pos & 0x7fffc; p 119 platform/m3/kbd.c if (p > 0x3fffc) { p 120 platform/m3/kbd.c p |= 0xfff80000; p 122 platform/m3/kbd.c return p; p 46 platform/m3/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 47 platform/m3/lib.c *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003); p 182 platform/n/lib.c void *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer+theme]; p 183 platform/n/lib.c if(p) { p 184 platform/n/lib.c p += 4; p 186 platform/n/lib.c return p; p 182 platform/n_facebook/lib.c void *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer+theme]; p 183 platform/n_facebook/lib.c if(p) { p 184 platform/n_facebook/lib.c p += 4; p 186 platform/n_facebook/lib.c return p; p 18 platform/s100/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 27 platform/s100/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 39 platform/s100/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 40 platform/s100/lib.c *p = (*p & 0xFFFFFFCF) | ((state) ? 0x00 : 0x20); p 195 platform/s100/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 197 platform/s100/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 198 platform/s100/lib.c return p; p 18 platform/s110/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 27 platform/s110/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 36 platform/s110/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 38 platform/s110/lib.c *p = *p | 0x21; p 40 platform/s110/lib.c *p = (*p & 0xFFFFFFDF) | 0x1; p 217 platform/s110/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 219 platform/s110/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 220 platform/s110/lib.c return p; p 6 platform/s2is/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc022002c; p 15 platform/s2is/lib.c *p = 0x46; p 6 platform/s3is/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc022002c; p 15 platform/s3is/lib.c *p = 0x46; p 9 platform/s3is/sub/100a/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FF97DD78_my(long p) p 11 platform/s3is/sub/100a/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 34 platform/s3is/sub/100a/capt_seq.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FF97A124_my(long p) p 36 platform/s3is/sub/100a/capt_seq.c (void)p; p 8 platform/s5is/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; // SD-write led on S5 p 17 platform/s5is/lib.c *p = 0x44; // led off. p 18 platform/s5is/sub/101a/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 19 platform/s5is/sub/101a/boot.c p-=16; p 20 platform/s5is/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff866d48) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 21 platform/s5is/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff8d3888) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 22 platform/s5is/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffa25bd8) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 23 platform/s5is/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff87bff0) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 24 platform/s5is/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff862f10) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 18 platform/s5is/sub/101b/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 19 platform/s5is/sub/101b/boot.c p-=16; p 20 platform/s5is/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff866c80) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 21 platform/s5is/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff8d37c0) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 22 platform/s5is/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffa25b10) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 23 platform/s5is/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff87bf28) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 24 platform/s5is/sub/101b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xff862e48) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 6 platform/s80/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200dc; p 15 platform/s80/lib.c *p = 0x46; // should this be 0x46 or 0x44? p 26 platform/s80/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 30 platform/s80/lib.c p[0]=0x47; p 33 platform/s80/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 6 platform/s90/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc022012C; // S90 p 15 platform/s90/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 25 platform/s90/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 27 platform/s90/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 29 platform/s90/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 15 platform/s90/sub/100c/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 16 platform/s90/sub/100c/boot.c p-=17; p 17 platform/s90/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF87A208) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 18 platform/s90/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF96172C) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 19 platform/s90/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8982E8) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 20 platform/s90/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8C0E54) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 21 platform/s90/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF85E508) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 22 platform/s90/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFA78FA0) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 25 platform/s90/sub/100c/boot.c void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p 26 platform/s90/sub/100c/boot.c p-=17; p 27 platform/s90/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8982E8) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 28 platform/s90/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8C0E54) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 29 platform/s90/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFA78FA0) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 15 platform/s90/sub/101a/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 16 platform/s90/sub/101a/boot.c p-=17; p 17 platform/s90/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF87A208) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 18 platform/s90/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF961780) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 19 platform/s90/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF898314) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 20 platform/s90/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8C0E80) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 21 platform/s90/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF85E508) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 22 platform/s90/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFA78FF4) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 25 platform/s90/sub/101a/boot.c void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p 26 platform/s90/sub/101a/boot.c p-=17; p 27 platform/s90/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF898314) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 28 platform/s90/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8C0E80) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 29 platform/s90/sub/101a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFA78FF4) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 15 platform/s90/sub/101c/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 16 platform/s90/sub/101c/boot.c p-=17; p 17 platform/s90/sub/101c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF87A258) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 18 platform/s90/sub/101c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF96193C) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 19 platform/s90/sub/101c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF898364) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 20 platform/s90/sub/101c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8C0ED0) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 21 platform/s90/sub/101c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF85E508) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 22 platform/s90/sub/101c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFA791B0) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 25 platform/s90/sub/101c/boot.c void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p 26 platform/s90/sub/101c/boot.c p-=17; p 27 platform/s90/sub/101c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF898364) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 28 platform/s90/sub/101c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8C0ED0) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 29 platform/s90/sub/101c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFA791B0) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 7 platform/s95/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc022012C; // from S90 p 16 platform/s95/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 246 platform/s95/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 248 platform/s95/lib.c if (p) p += 8; p 249 platform/s95/lib.c return p; p 39 platform/s95/sub/100e/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) p 41 platform/s95/sub/100e/boot.c p-=17; p 43 platform/s95/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF88322C) p 44 platform/s95/sub/100e/boot.c p[0] = (int) capt_seq_task; p 46 platform/s95/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF986420) p 47 platform/s95/sub/100e/boot.c p[0] = (int) movie_record_task; p 49 platform/s95/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF8A0AA0) p 50 platform/s95/sub/100e/boot.c p[0] = (int) init_file_modules_task; p 52 platform/s95/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF8CF1A8) p 53 platform/s95/sub/100e/boot.c p[0] = (int) exp_drv_task; p 55 platform/s95/sub/100e/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF865894) p 56 platform/s95/sub/100e/boot.c p[0] = (int) JogDial_task_my; p 39 platform/s95/sub/100h/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) p 41 platform/s95/sub/100h/boot.c p-=17; p 43 platform/s95/sub/100h/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF88322C) p 44 platform/s95/sub/100h/boot.c p[0] = (int) capt_seq_task; p 46 platform/s95/sub/100h/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF98642C) p 47 platform/s95/sub/100h/boot.c p[0] = (int) movie_record_task; p 49 platform/s95/sub/100h/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF8A0AA0) p 50 platform/s95/sub/100h/boot.c p[0] = (int) init_file_modules_task; p 52 platform/s95/sub/100h/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF8CF1A8) p 53 platform/s95/sub/100h/boot.c p[0] = (int) exp_drv_task; p 55 platform/s95/sub/100h/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF865894) p 56 platform/s95/sub/100h/boot.c p[0] = (int) JogDial_task_my; p 39 platform/s95/sub/100i/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) p 41 platform/s95/sub/100i/boot.c p-=17; p 43 platform/s95/sub/100i/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF88322C) p 44 platform/s95/sub/100i/boot.c p[0] = (int) capt_seq_task; p 46 platform/s95/sub/100i/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF98642C) p 47 platform/s95/sub/100i/boot.c p[0] = (int) movie_record_task; p 49 platform/s95/sub/100i/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF8A0AA0) p 50 platform/s95/sub/100i/boot.c p[0] = (int) init_file_modules_task; p 52 platform/s95/sub/100i/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF8CF1A8) p 53 platform/s95/sub/100i/boot.c p[0] = (int) exp_drv_task; p 55 platform/s95/sub/100i/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF865894) p 56 platform/s95/sub/100i/boot.c p[0] = (int) JogDial_task_my; p 39 platform/s95/sub/100k/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) p 41 platform/s95/sub/100k/boot.c p-=17; p 43 platform/s95/sub/100k/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF88322C) p 44 platform/s95/sub/100k/boot.c p[0] = (int) capt_seq_task; p 46 platform/s95/sub/100k/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF98642C) p 60 platform/s95/sub/100k/boot.c p[0] = (int) movie_record_task; p 62 platform/s95/sub/100k/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF8A0AA0) p 63 platform/s95/sub/100k/boot.c p[0] = (int) init_file_modules_task; p 65 platform/s95/sub/100k/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF8CF1A8) p 71 platform/s95/sub/100k/boot.c p[0] = (int) exp_drv_task; p 73 platform/s95/sub/100k/boot.c if (p[0] == (int)0xFF865894) p 74 platform/s95/sub/100k/boot.c p[0] = (int) JogDial_task_my; p 14 platform/sx1/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 23 platform/sx1/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 9 platform/sx1/sub/200h/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 10 platform/sx1/sub/200h/boot.c p-=17; p 11 platform/sx1/sub/200h/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF86CB80) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 12 platform/sx1/sub/200h/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF821764) p[0]=(int)mykbd_task; p 13 platform/sx1/sub/200h/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8892BC) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 14 platform/sx1/sub/200h/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF84DAF0) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 15 platform/sx1/sub/200h/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF867D90) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 16 platform/sx1/sub/200h/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8B3E4C) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 19 platform/sx1/sub/200h/boot.c void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p 20 platform/sx1/sub/200h/boot.c p-=17; p 21 platform/sx1/sub/200h/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8892BC) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 22 platform/sx1/sub/200h/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8B3E4C) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 9 platform/sx1/sub/201a/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 10 platform/sx1/sub/201a/boot.c p-=17; p 11 platform/sx1/sub/201a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF86CB80) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 12 platform/sx1/sub/201a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF821764) p[0]=(int)mykbd_task; p 13 platform/sx1/sub/201a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8892BC) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 14 platform/sx1/sub/201a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF84DAF0) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 15 platform/sx1/sub/201a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF867D90) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 16 platform/sx1/sub/201a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8B3E4C) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 19 platform/sx1/sub/201a/boot.c void taskCreateHook2(int *p) { p 20 platform/sx1/sub/201a/boot.c p-=17; p 21 platform/sx1/sub/201a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8892BC) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 22 platform/sx1/sub/201a/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFF8B3E4C) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 20 platform/sx10/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 29 platform/sx10/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 5 platform/sx100is/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 14 platform/sx100is/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 26 platform/sx100is/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)0; p 29 platform/sx100is/lib.c p = (void*)LED_RED; p 32 platform/sx100is/lib.c p = (void*)LED_GRN; p 35 platform/sx100is/lib.c p = (void*)LED_PWR; p 38 platform/sx100is/lib.c p = (void*)LED_PR; p 41 platform/sx100is/lib.c if(p) { p 42 platform/sx100is/lib.c p[0] = 0x46; p 48 platform/sx100is/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)0; p 51 platform/sx100is/lib.c p = (void*)LED_RED; p 54 platform/sx100is/lib.c p = (void*)LED_GRN; p 57 platform/sx100is/lib.c p = (void*)LED_PWR; p 60 platform/sx100is/lib.c p = (void*)LED_PR; p 63 platform/sx100is/lib.c if(p) { p 64 platform/sx100is/lib.c p[0] = 0x44; p 70 platform/sx100is/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 72 platform/sx100is/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 74 platform/sx100is/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 20 platform/sx100is/sub/100b/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 21 platform/sx100is/sub/100b/boot.c p-=16; p 22 platform/sx100is/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc4e2ac) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 23 platform/sx100is/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc98ee4) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 24 platform/sx100is/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc4ae14) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 25 platform/sx100is/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffdda764) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 26 platform/sx100is/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc63558) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 27 platform/sx100is/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc37ff8) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 20 platform/sx100is/sub/100c/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 21 platform/sx100is/sub/100c/boot.c p-=16; p 22 platform/sx100is/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc4e2e0) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 23 platform/sx100is/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc98f18) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 24 platform/sx100is/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc4ae48) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 25 platform/sx100is/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffdda798) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 26 platform/sx100is/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc6358c) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 27 platform/sx100is/sub/100c/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xffc3802c) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 31 platform/sx110is/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC02200A0; p 40 platform/sx110is/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 20 platform/sx110is/sub/100b/boot.c volatile long *p = (void*)DP; // turned off later, so assumed to be power p 27 platform/sx110is/sub/100b/boot.c *p = 0x46; p 32 platform/sx110is/sub/100b/boot.c *p = 0x44; p 33 platform/sx120is/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC02200A0; p 42 platform/sx120is/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 58 platform/sx120is/sub/100b/boot.c void taskCreateHook(int *p) { p 59 platform/sx120is/sub/100b/boot.c p-=17; p 60 platform/sx120is/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC4F640) p[0]=(int)capt_seq_task; p 61 platform/sx120is/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC11638) p[0]=(int)mykbd_task; p 62 platform/sx120is/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC696AC) p[0]=(int)init_file_modules_task; p 63 platform/sx120is/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC37070) p[0]=(int)JogDial_task_my; p 64 platform/sx120is/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFD144F0) p[0]=(int)movie_record_task; p 65 platform/sx120is/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFC86E80) p[0]=(int)exp_drv_task; p 66 platform/sx120is/sub/100b/boot.c if (p[0]==(int)0xFFDFA744) p[0]=(int)filewritetask; p 132 platform/sx130is/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 141 platform/sx130is/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 182 platform/sx130is/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 184 platform/sx130is/lib.c if (p) p += 8; p 185 platform/sx130is/lib.c return p; p 67 platform/sx150is/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 76 platform/sx150is/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 119 platform/sx150is/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 121 platform/sx150is/lib.c if (p) p += 8; p 122 platform/sx150is/lib.c return p; p 152 platform/sx160is/lib.c int *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer]; p 155 platform/sx160is/lib.c if(!p) { p 156 platform/sx160is/lib.c p = palette_buffer_ptr[0]; p 157 platform/sx160is/lib.c if(!p) { p 161 platform/sx160is/lib.c return (p+1); p 43 platform/sx170is/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 45 platform/sx170is/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 47 platform/sx170is/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 99 platform/sx170is/lib.c int *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer]; p 102 platform/sx170is/lib.c if(!p) { p 103 platform/sx170is/lib.c p = palette_buffer_ptr[0]; // rec mode buffer appears to always be initialized p 105 platform/sx170is/lib.c return (p+1); p 26 platform/sx20/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 35 platform/sx20/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 29 platform/sx200is/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 38 platform/sx200is/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 40 platform/sx210is/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 49 platform/sx210is/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 19 platform/sx220hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 28 platform/sx220hs/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 145 platform/sx220hs/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 147 platform/sx220hs/lib.c if (p) p += 8; p 148 platform/sx220hs/lib.c return p; p 21 platform/sx230hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 30 platform/sx230hs/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 114 platform/sx230hs/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 116 platform/sx230hs/lib.c if (p) p += 8; p 117 platform/sx230hs/lib.c return p; p 16 platform/sx240hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 26 platform/sx240hs/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 175 platform/sx240hs/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 177 platform/sx240hs/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 178 platform/sx240hs/lib.c return p; p 16 platform/sx260hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 26 platform/sx260hs/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 177 platform/sx260hs/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 179 platform/sx260hs/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 180 platform/sx260hs/lib.c return p; p 84 platform/sx280hs/kbd.c int p; p 85 platform/sx280hs/kbd.c p = jog_hw_pos & 0x7fffc; p 86 platform/sx280hs/kbd.c if (p > 0x3fffc) { p 87 platform/sx280hs/kbd.c p |= 0xfff80000; p 89 platform/sx280hs/kbd.c return p; p 32 platform/sx280hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 33 platform/sx280hs/lib.c *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003); p 41 platform/sx30/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 50 platform/sx30/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 211 platform/sx30/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 213 platform/sx30/lib.c if (p) p += 8; p 214 platform/sx30/lib.c return p; p 41 platform/sx400is/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 43 platform/sx400is/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 45 platform/sx400is/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 148 platform/sx400is/lib.c int *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer]; p 151 platform/sx400is/lib.c if(!p) { p 152 platform/sx400is/lib.c p = palette_buffer_ptr[0]; // rec mode buffer appears to always be initialized p 154 platform/sx400is/lib.c return (p+1); p 41 platform/sx40hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 50 platform/sx40hs/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 62 platform/sx40hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 63 platform/sx40hs/lib.c *p = (*p & 0xFFFFFFCF) | ((state) ? 0x00 : 0x20); p 237 platform/sx40hs/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 239 platform/sx40hs/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 240 platform/sx40hs/lib.c return p; p 17 platform/sx500is/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 26 platform/sx500is/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 135 platform/sx500is/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 137 platform/sx500is/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 138 platform/sx500is/lib.c return p; p 19 platform/sx50hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xC022001C; p 28 platform/sx50hs/lib.c *p = 0x44; // power off. p 40 platform/sx50hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 41 platform/sx50hs/lib.c *p = (*p & 0xFFFFFFCF) | ((state) ? 0x00 : 0x20); p 216 platform/sx50hs/lib.c void* p = palette_buffer[active_palette_buffer]; p 218 platform/sx50hs/lib.c if (p) p += 4; p 219 platform/sx50hs/lib.c return p; p 50 platform/sx510hs/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 52 platform/sx510hs/lib.c p[0]=0x46; p 54 platform/sx510hs/lib.c p[0]=0x44; p 155 platform/sx510hs/lib.c int *p = palette_buffer_ptr[active_palette_buffer]; p 158 platform/sx510hs/lib.c if(!p) { p 159 platform/sx510hs/lib.c p = palette_buffer_ptr[0]; // rec mode buffer appears to always be initialized p 161 platform/sx510hs/lib.c return (p+1); p 55 platform/sx520hs/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 57 platform/sx520hs/lib.c p[0]=0x93d800; p 59 platform/sx520hs/lib.c p[0]=0x83dc00; p 55 platform/sx530hs/lib.c volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR; p 57 platform/sx530hs/lib.c p[0]=0x93d800; p 59 platform/sx530hs/lib.c p[0]=0x83dc00; p 97 platform/sx60hs/kbd.c int p; p 98 platform/sx60hs/kbd.c p = get_dial_hw_position(5); p 106 platform/sx60hs/kbd.c return p; p 39 platform/sx60hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 40 platform/sx60hs/lib.c *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003); p 37 platform/sx700hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 38 platform/sx700hs/lib.c *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003); p 37 platform/sx710hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 38 platform/sx710hs/lib.c *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003); p 37 platform/sx730hs/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)LED_PR; p 38 platform/sx730hs/lib.c *p = ((state) ? 0x4d0002 : 0x4c0003); p 6 platform/tx1/lib.c volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0; p 15 platform/tx1/lib.c *p = 0x44; p 54 tools/capdis.c struct lnode *p, *n; p 55 tools/capdis.c p = lst->head; p 56 tools/capdis.c while (p) p 58 tools/capdis.c n = p->next; p 59 tools/capdis.c free(p); p 60 tools/capdis.c p = n; p 122 tools/capdis.c struct lnode *p, *l; p 124 tools/capdis.c p = ls->head; p 125 tools/capdis.c while (p) p 127 tools/capdis.c if (p->address == addr) p 130 tools/capdis.c l->next = p->next; p 132 tools/capdis.c ls->head = p->next; p 136 tools/capdis.c l = p; p 137 tools/capdis.c p = p->next; p 329 tools/capdis.c char *p=comment+l; p 330 tools/capdis.c *p++=' '; p 333 tools/capdis.c *p++='*'; p 335 tools/capdis.c *p++='"'; p 339 tools/capdis.c e=p+strlen(s); p 343 tools/capdis.c *p++='"'; p 344 tools/capdis.c *p++=0; p 347 tools/capdis.c e=p+r - 3; p 350 tools/capdis.c while(p < e) { p 352 tools/capdis.c *p++='\\'; p 353 tools/capdis.c *p++='r'; p 355 tools/capdis.c *p++='\\'; p 356 tools/capdis.c *p++='n'; p 358 tools/capdis.c *p++=*s; p 363 tools/capdis.c strcpy(p,"..."); p 364 tools/capdis.c p+=3; p 366 tools/capdis.c *p++='"'; p 367 tools/capdis.c *p++=0; p 402 tools/capdis.c uint32_t *p=(uint32_t *)adr2ptr(fw,adr); p 403 tools/capdis.c if(p) { p 404 tools/capdis.c ostub = find_sig_val(fw->sv->stubs,*p); p 702 tools/capdis.c uint8_t *p=adr2ptr(fw,adr); p 703 tools/capdis.c if(!p) { p 707 tools/capdis.c uint32_t target = ti->start+2**p; p 711 tools/capdis.c printf("\" .byte 0x%02x\\n\" %s invalid juptable data?\n",*p,comment_start); p 713 tools/capdis.c printf(" .byte 0x%02x ; invalid juptable data?\n",*p); p 722 tools/capdis.c printf(" .byte 0x%02x %s jump to loc_%08x (case %d)\n",*p,comment_start,target,i); p 735 tools/capdis.c uint8_t *p=adr2ptr(fw,adr); p 736 tools/capdis.c if(p) { p 738 tools/capdis.c printf(" .byte 0x%02x\n",*p); p 764 tools/capdis.c uint16_t *p=(uint16_t *)adr2ptr(fw,adr); p 765 tools/capdis.c if(!p) { p 769 tools/capdis.c uint32_t target = ti->start+2**p; p 773 tools/capdis.c printf("\" .short 0x%04x\\n\" %s invalid juptable data?\n",*p,comment_start); p 775 tools/capdis.c printf(" .short 0x%04x ; invalid juptable data?\n",*p); p 784 tools/capdis.c printf(" .short 0x%04x %s jump to loc_%08x (case %d)\n",*p,comment_start,target,i); p 801 tools/capdis.c uint8_t *p=adr2ptr(fw,adr); p 802 tools/capdis.c if(!p) { p 808 tools/capdis.c off=(uint16_t)*p; p 810 tools/capdis.c off=*(uint16_t *)p; p 169 tools/chdk_dasm.c struct lnode *p, *n; p 170 tools/chdk_dasm.c p = lst->head; p 171 tools/chdk_dasm.c while (p) p 173 tools/chdk_dasm.c n = p->next; p 174 tools/chdk_dasm.c free(p); p 175 tools/chdk_dasm.c p = n; p 237 tools/chdk_dasm.c struct lnode *p, *l; p 239 tools/chdk_dasm.c p = ls->head; p 240 tools/chdk_dasm.c while (p) p 242 tools/chdk_dasm.c if (p->address == addr) p 245 tools/chdk_dasm.c l->next = p->next; p 247 tools/chdk_dasm.c ls->head = p->next; p 251 tools/chdk_dasm.c l = p; p 252 tools/chdk_dasm.c p = p->next; p 290 tools/chdk_dasm.c char *p = adr2ptr(fw, w); p 292 tools/chdk_dasm.c while (*p) p 294 tools/chdk_dasm.c switch (*p) p 309 tools/chdk_dasm.c s[i++] = *p; p 312 tools/chdk_dasm.c p++; p 46 tools/chdk_dasm.h #define declstruct(name) typedef struct name s##name, * p##name p 48 tools/chdk_dasm.h #define defequiv(new,old) typedef struct old s##new, * p##new p 462 tools/code_gen.c void set_op_name(op *p, char *nm) p 466 tools/code_gen.c p->name = malloc(strlen(nm)+1); p 467 tools/code_gen.c strcpy(p->name,nm); p 471 tools/code_gen.c p->name = 0; p 475 tools/code_gen.c void set_op_comment(op *p, char *s) p 479 tools/code_gen.c p->comment = malloc(strlen(s)+1); p 480 tools/code_gen.c strcpy(p->comment,s); p 484 tools/code_gen.c p->comment = 0; p 490 tools/code_gen.c op *p = malloc(sizeof(op)); p 492 tools/code_gen.c p->operation = type; p 494 tools/code_gen.c p->source = malloc(strlen(last_line)+1); p 495 tools/code_gen.c strcpy(p->source,last_line); p 496 tools/code_gen.c p->lineno = lineno; p 498 tools/code_gen.c p->name = 0; p 499 tools/code_gen.c p->comment = 0; p 500 tools/code_gen.c p->prelabel = 0; p 501 tools/code_gen.c p->func_start = 0; p 502 tools/code_gen.c p->func_end = 0; p 503 tools/code_gen.c p->func_len = 0; p 504 tools/code_gen.c p->patch_ref = -1; p 505 tools/code_gen.c p->fw_start = 0; p 506 tools/code_gen.c p->fw_end = 0; p 507 tools/code_gen.c p->fw_func_end_offset = 0; p 508 tools/code_gen.c p->fw_is_func_end_offset = 0; p 509 tools/code_gen.c p->fw_func_start_offset = 0; p 510 tools/code_gen.c p->fw_is_func_start_offset = 0; p 511 tools/code_gen.c p->fw_len = -1; p 512 tools/code_gen.c p->patch_new_val = 0; p 513 tools/code_gen.c p->skip_len = 0; p 514 tools/code_gen.c p->li_state = 0; p 518 tools/code_gen.c op_tail->next = p; p 522 tools/code_gen.c op_head = p; p 525 tools/code_gen.c op_tail = p; p 526 tools/code_gen.c p->next = 0; p 528 tools/code_gen.c return p; p 531 tools/code_gen.c void chk_args(int count, char *msg, op *p) p 536 tools/code_gen.c fprintf(stderr,"LINE - %d, SOURCE - %s\n",p->lineno,p->source); p 546 tools/code_gen.c op *p = new_op(FILE_OP); p 547 tools/code_gen.c chk_args(1,"Missing FILE name",p); p 548 tools/code_gen.c set_op_name(p,largs[1]); p 560 tools/code_gen.c op *p = new_op(COPY_OP); p 567 tools/code_gen.c p->prelabel = 1; p 577 tools/code_gen.c set_op_name(p,largs[++n]); p 589 tools/code_gen.c op *p = new_op(FUNC_OP); p 596 tools/code_gen.c set_op_name(p,largs[++n]); p 600 tools/code_gen.c p->func_start = strtoul(largs[++n],0,0); p 604 tools/code_gen.c p->func_end = strtoul(largs[++n],0,0); p 608 tools/code_gen.c p->func_len = strtoul(largs[++n],0,0); p 612 tools/code_gen.c p->patch_ref = strtol(largs[++n],0,0); p 617 tools/code_gen.c if (sig == 0) chk_args(-1,"Can't find firmware function for 'sig='",p); p 618 tools/code_gen.c p->func_start = sig->val; p 619 tools/code_gen.c p->name = sig->nm; p 623 tools/code_gen.c chk_args(-1,"Invalid FUNC argument",p); p 643 tools/code_gen.c op *p = new_op(ENDASM_OP); p 650 tools/code_gen.c p->prelabel = 1; p 657 tools/code_gen.c op *p = new_op(FW_OP); p 665 tools/code_gen.c p->fw_start = strtoul(largs[n]+1,0,0); p 668 tools/code_gen.c p->fw_end = strtoul(largs[n]+1,0,0); p 671 tools/code_gen.c p->fw_func_end_offset = strtol(largs[n]+1,0,0) * 4; p 672 tools/code_gen.c p->fw_is_func_end_offset = 1; p 675 tools/code_gen.c p->fw_func_start_offset = strtol(largs[n]+1,0,0) * 4 - 4; p 676 tools/code_gen.c p->fw_is_func_start_offset = 1; p 681 tools/code_gen.c set_op_comment(p,largs[++n]); p 685 tools/code_gen.c p->fw_len = strtoul(largs[n],0,0); p 686 tools/code_gen.c if (p->fw_len == 0) p->fw_len++; p 692 tools/code_gen.c if ((p->fw_start != 0) && (p->fw_end != 0)) p 693 tools/code_gen.c p->fw_len = (p->fw_end - p->fw_start) / 4 + 1; p 700 tools/code_gen.c op *p = new_op(PATCHSUB_OP); p 707 tools/code_gen.c set_op_name(p,largs[++n]); p 711 tools/code_gen.c p->patch_ref = strtoul(largs[++n],0,0); p 715 tools/code_gen.c set_op_comment(p,largs[++n]); p 719 tools/code_gen.c chk_args(-1,"Invalid PATCHSUB argument",p); p 727 tools/code_gen.c op *p = new_op(PATCHVAL_OP); p 734 tools/code_gen.c p->patch_new_val = strtoul(largs[++n],0,0); p 738 tools/code_gen.c set_op_comment(p,largs[++n]); p 742 tools/code_gen.c chk_args(-1,"Invalid PATCHVAL argument",p); p 751 tools/code_gen.c op *p = new_op(REM_OP); p 755 tools/code_gen.c set_op_comment(p,largs[1]); p 762 tools/code_gen.c op *p = new_op(SKIP_OP); p 765 tools/code_gen.c p->skip_len = strtol(largs[1],0,0); p 767 tools/code_gen.c p->skip_len = 1; p 779 tools/code_gen.c op *p = new_op(LI_OP); p 781 tools/code_gen.c p->li_state = strtol(largs[1],0,0); p 786 tools/code_gen.c void op_prelabel(op *p) p 789 tools/code_gen.c if (in_func && (p->prelabel == 0) && (addr <= options.end_address)) p 800 tools/code_gen.c void op_COPY(op *p) p 804 tools/code_gen.c op_prelabel(p); p 807 tools/code_gen.c if (p->name) p 809 tools/code_gen.c FILE *fp = fopen(p->name,"r"); p 812 tools/code_gen.c fprintf(stderr,"Can't open file '%s'\n",p->name); p 832 tools/code_gen.c void op_FUNC(op *p) p 838 tools/code_gen.c cur_func = p; p 840 tools/code_gen.c if (p->name) p 841 tools/code_gen.c strcpy(func_name, p->name); p 843 tools/code_gen.c if (p->patch_ref >= 0) p 845 tools/code_gen.c p->func_start = patch_ref_address[p->patch_ref]; p 846 tools/code_gen.c strcpy(func_name, patch_ref_name[p->patch_ref]); p 851 tools/code_gen.c if (p->func_start == 0) chk_args(-1,"Missing FUNC start address",p); p 853 tools/code_gen.c if ((p->func_end == 0) && (p->func_len == 0)) p 855 tools/code_gen.c op *n = p->next; p 865 tools/code_gen.c p->func_len = 0; p 869 tools/code_gen.c p->func_len += n->fw_len; p 875 tools/code_gen.c p->func_len++; p 878 tools/code_gen.c p->func_len += n->skip_len; p 887 tools/code_gen.c if (p->func_len == 0) p 889 tools/code_gen.c p->func_end = find_end(fw, p->func_start); p 890 tools/code_gen.c if (p->func_end == 0) p 891 tools/code_gen.c chk_args(-1,"Missing FUNC end address or length",p); p 895 tools/code_gen.c if ((p->func_end == 0) && (p->func_len > 0)) p 896 tools/code_gen.c p->func_end = p->func_start + p->func_len * 4 - 4; p 897 tools/code_gen.c if ((p->func_len == 0) && (p->func_end > 0)) p 898 tools/code_gen.c p->func_len = (p->func_end - p->func_start) / 4 + 1; p 899 tools/code_gen.c if (p->func_end < p->func_start) chk_args(-1,"FUNC start > end",p); p 900 tools/code_gen.c if (p->func_len != (int)((p->func_end - p->func_start) / 4 + 1)) chk_args(-1,"FUNC start/end/length mismatch",p); p 903 tools/code_gen.c sprintf(func_name, "sub_%08X_my", p->func_start); p 905 tools/code_gen.c options.start_address = p->func_start; p 906 tools/code_gen.c options.end_address = p->func_end; p 910 tools/code_gen.c disassemble1(fw, p->func_start, p->func_len); p 915 tools/code_gen.c fprintf(outfile,"\n//** %s @ 0x%08X - 0x%08X, length=%d\n", func_name, p->func_start, last_used_addr, (last_used_addr - p->func_start) / 4 + 1 ) ; p 918 tools/code_gen.c addr = p->func_start; p 922 tools/code_gen.c void op_FW(op *p) p 927 tools/code_gen.c patch_comment = p->comment; p 933 tools/code_gen.c if (p->fw_start > 0) p 934 tools/code_gen.c start_address = p->fw_start; p 935 tools/code_gen.c if (p->fw_end > 0) p 936 tools/code_gen.c end_address = p->fw_end; p 937 tools/code_gen.c if (p->fw_is_func_end_offset) p 938 tools/code_gen.c end_address = cur_func->func_end + p->fw_func_end_offset; p 939 tools/code_gen.c if (p->fw_is_func_start_offset) p 940 tools/code_gen.c end_address = cur_func->func_start + p->fw_func_start_offset; p 941 tools/code_gen.c if (p->fw_len > 0) p 942 tools/code_gen.c end_address = start_address + p->fw_len * 4 - 4; p 949 tools/code_gen.c void op_PATCHSUB(op *p) p 951 tools/code_gen.c patch_func_name = p->name; p 952 tools/code_gen.c save_patch_ref = p->patch_ref; p 953 tools/code_gen.c patch_comment = p->comment; p 965 tools/code_gen.c void op_PATCHVAL(op *p) p 967 tools/code_gen.c patch_new_val = p->patch_new_val; p 968 tools/code_gen.c patch_comment = p->comment; p 981 tools/code_gen.c void op_REM(op *p) p 983 tools/code_gen.c patch_comment = p->comment; p 997 tools/code_gen.c void do_ops(op *p) p 999 tools/code_gen.c switch (p->operation) p 1003 tools/code_gen.c outfile = fopen(p->name, "w"); p 1004 tools/code_gen.c fprintf(outfile, "/*\n * %s - auto-generated by CHDK code_gen.\n */\n", p->name); p 1015 tools/code_gen.c op_COPY(p); p 1018 tools/code_gen.c fprintf(outfile, "%s\n", p->comment); p 1021 tools/code_gen.c op_FUNC(p); p 1034 tools/code_gen.c op_prelabel(p); p 1038 tools/code_gen.c op_FW(p); p 1041 tools/code_gen.c op_PATCHSUB(p); p 1044 tools/code_gen.c op_PATCHVAL(p); p 1047 tools/code_gen.c op_REM(p); p 1051 tools/code_gen.c addr += (p->skip_len * 4); p 1060 tools/code_gen.c if (p->li_state != 0) p 1200 tools/code_gen.c op *p = new_op(COPY_LINE); p 1201 tools/code_gen.c set_op_comment(p,line); p 1214 tools/code_gen.c op *p = op_head; p 1215 tools/code_gen.c while (p) p 1217 tools/code_gen.c last_op = p; p 1218 tools/code_gen.c do_ops(p); p 1219 tools/code_gen.c p = p->next; p 78 tools/dumputil.c uint8_t *p; p 103 tools/dumputil.c if ((p = malloc(st.st_size)) == NULL ) { p 112 tools/dumputil.c free(p); p 116 tools/dumputil.c rcnt=fread(p, 1, st.st_size, dumpfile); p 121 tools/dumputil.c free(p); p 124 tools/dumputil.c dump->pb=p; p 129 tools/elf2flt/myio.c char* p=import_buf; p 130 tools/elf2flt/myio.c char* s=p; p 131 tools/elf2flt/myio.c for (;*p;p++) { p 132 tools/elf2flt/myio.c if (*p==13) { p 138 tools/elf2flt/myio.c if (*p==10) { p 139 tools/elf2flt/myio.c *p=0; p 145 tools/elf2flt/myio.c s = p + 1; p 3156 tools/finsig_dryos.c uint32_t *p; p 3162 tools/finsig_dryos.c for (p = br->p, j = br->off; j < br->off+br->len-nlen/4; p++, j++) p 3164 tools/finsig_dryos.c if ((nm0 == *p) && (memcmp(p+1,sig->ev_name+4,nlen-4+inc_eos) == 0)) p 3180 tools/finsig_dryos.c char *p; p 3186 tools/finsig_dryos.c for (p = (char*)br->p, j = 0; j < br->len*4-nlen; p++, j++) p 3188 tools/finsig_dryos.c if (strcmp(p,sig->ev_name) == 0) p 3204 tools/finsig_dryos.c uint32_t *p; p 3210 tools/finsig_dryos.c for (p = br->p, j = br->off; j < br->off+br->len; p++, j++) p 4102 tools/finsig_dryos.c uint32_t *p; p 4157 tools/finsig_dryos.c for (p = n->p, i = 0; i < n->len; p++, i++) p 4163 tools/finsig_dryos.c if ((p[s->offs] & s->mask) != s->value) p 4169 tools/finsig_dryos.c if (((p[sig->offs] & sig->mask) != sig->value) && (sig->offs == 0) && (sig->value == 0xe92d0000)) success = 0; p 4389 tools/finsig_dryos.c uint16_t *p = (uint16_t*)(&fw->buf[k]); p 4391 tools/finsig_dryos.c while ((*p != 0xFFFF) && (k < 50)) p 4393 tools/finsig_dryos.c if (((fw->dryos_ver < 47) && ((*p < 8000) || (*p > 8999))) || ((fw->dryos_ver >= 47) && ((*p < 4000) || (*p > 4999)))) p 4395 tools/finsig_dryos.c osig *m = find_sig_val(fw->sv->modemap, *p); p 4398 tools/finsig_dryos.c char *s = mode_name(*p); p 4399 tools/finsig_dryos.c bprintf("// Mode %5d in firmware but not in current modemap",*p); p 4410 tools/finsig_dryos.c p++; p 665 tools/finsig_thumb2.c misc_val_t *p=misc_vals; p 666 tools/finsig_thumb2.c while(p->name) { p 667 tools/finsig_thumb2.c if(strcmp(name,p->name) == 0) { p 668 tools/finsig_thumb2.c return p; p 670 tools/finsig_thumb2.c p++; p 678 tools/finsig_thumb2.c misc_val_t *p=get_misc_val(name); p 679 tools/finsig_thumb2.c if(!p) { p 683 tools/finsig_thumb2.c return p->val; p 687 tools/finsig_thumb2.c misc_val_t *p=get_misc_val(name); p 688 tools/finsig_thumb2.c if(!p) { p 692 tools/finsig_thumb2.c p->val = base + offset; p 693 tools/finsig_thumb2.c p->base = base; p 694 tools/finsig_thumb2.c p->offset = offset; p 695 tools/finsig_thumb2.c p->ref_adr = ref_adr; p 696 tools/finsig_thumb2.c p->blobs = NULL; p 700 tools/finsig_thumb2.c misc_val_t *p=get_misc_val(name); p 701 tools/finsig_thumb2.c if(!p) { p 705 tools/finsig_thumb2.c p->val = p->base = p->offset = 0; p 706 tools/finsig_thumb2.c p->ref_adr = ref_adr; p 707 tools/finsig_thumb2.c p->blobs = blobs; p 3709 tools/finsig_thumb2.c uint32_t *p=(uint32_t *)adr2ptr(fw,adr); p 3710 tools/finsig_thumb2.c if(!p) { p 3714 tools/finsig_thumb2.c if(*(p+1) != 0x800) { p 3715 tools/finsig_thumb2.c printf("sig_match_levent_table: expected 0x800 not 0x%x at 0x%08x ref 0x%"PRIx64"\n",*(p+1),adr,is->insn->address); p 5887 tools/finsig_thumb2.c uint32_t *p=(uint32_t*)adr2ptr_with_data(fw,tbla); p 5888 tools/finsig_thumb2.c if(p) { p 5889 tools/finsig_thumb2.c while(*p) { p 5890 tools/finsig_thumb2.c uint32_t nm_adr=*p; p 5898 tools/finsig_thumb2.c p++; p 5899 tools/finsig_thumb2.c uint32_t fn=*p; p 5900 tools/finsig_thumb2.c p++; p 5950 tools/finsig_thumb2.c uint32_t *p=(uint32_t*)adr2ptr_with_data(fw,regs[0]); p 5953 tools/finsig_thumb2.c if(p) { p 5954 tools/finsig_thumb2.c while(*p) { p 5955 tools/finsig_thumb2.c uint32_t nm_adr=*p; p 5961 tools/finsig_thumb2.c p++; p 5962 tools/finsig_thumb2.c uint32_t fn=*p; p 5963 tools/finsig_thumb2.c p++; p 2069 tools/finsig_vxworks.c uint32_t *p; p 2075 tools/finsig_vxworks.c for (p = br->p, j = br->off; j < br->off+br->len-nlen/4; p++, j++) p 2077 tools/finsig_vxworks.c if ((nm0 == *p) && (memcmp(p+1,sig->ev_name+4,nlen-4+inc_eos) == 0)) p 2093 tools/finsig_vxworks.c char *p; p 2099 tools/finsig_vxworks.c for (p = (char*)br->p, j = 0; j < br->len*4-nlen; p++, j++) p 2101 tools/finsig_vxworks.c if (strcmp(p,sig->ev_name) == 0) p 2117 tools/finsig_vxworks.c uint32_t *p; p 2123 tools/finsig_vxworks.c for (p = br->p, j = br->off; j < br->off+br->len; p++, j++) p 3084 tools/finsig_vxworks.c uint32_t *p; p 3139 tools/finsig_vxworks.c for (p = n->p, i = 0; i < n->len; p++, i++) p 3145 tools/finsig_vxworks.c if ((p[s->offs] & s->mask) != s->value) p 3151 tools/finsig_vxworks.c if (((p[sig->offs] & sig->mask) != sig->value) && (sig->offs == 0) && (sig->value == 0xe92d0000)) success = 0; p 3372 tools/finsig_vxworks.c uint16_t *p = (uint16_t*)(&fw->buf[k]); p 3374 tools/finsig_vxworks.c while ((*p != 0xFFFF) && (k < l*2)) p 3376 tools/finsig_vxworks.c osig *m = find_sig_val(fw->sv->modemap, *p); p 3379 tools/finsig_vxworks.c char *s = mode_name(*p); p 3380 tools/finsig_vxworks.c bprintf("// Mode %5d in firmware but not in current modemap",*p); p 3390 tools/finsig_vxworks.c p++; p 3397 tools/finsig_vxworks.c uint32_t *p = (uint32_t*)(&fw->buf[k]); p 3401 tools/finsig_vxworks.c osig *m = find_sig_val(fw->sv->modemap, *p); p 3404 tools/finsig_vxworks.c osig *m = find_sig_val(fw->sv->modemap, (*p)&0xffff); p 3407 tools/finsig_vxworks.c char *s = mode_name(*p); p 3408 tools/finsig_vxworks.c if ((*p)&0xffff0000) p 3409 tools/finsig_vxworks.c bprintf("// Strange mode 0x%08x in firmware but not in current modemap",*p); p 3411 tools/finsig_vxworks.c bprintf("// Mode %d in firmware but not in current modemap",*p); p 3418 tools/finsig_vxworks.c char *s = mode_name((*p)&0xffff); p 3419 tools/finsig_vxworks.c if ((*p)&0xffff0000) p 3420 tools/finsig_vxworks.c bprintf("// Strange mode 0x%08x in firmware, found in modemap as %d (%s)",*p,m->val,m->nm); p 3422 tools/finsig_vxworks.c bprintf("// Mode %d in firmware, found in modemap as %d (%s)",*p,m->val,m->nm); // impossible? p 3434 tools/finsig_vxworks.c p++; p 56 tools/firmware_load.c n->p = fw->buf + o; p 622 tools/firmware_load.c unsigned char *p = (unsigned char*)adr2ptr(fw, adr); p 624 tools/firmware_load.c for (i = 0; (i < 100) && (p[i] != 0); i++) p 626 tools/firmware_load.c if (!((p[i] == '\r') || (p[i] == '\n') || (p[i] == '\t') || ((p[i] >= 0x20) && (p[i] <= 0x7f)))) p 631 tools/firmware_load.c if ((i >= 2) && (p[i] == 0)) p 646 tools/firmware_load.c uint32_t *p; p 652 tools/firmware_load.c for (p = br->p, j = 0; j < br->len - nlen/4; j++, p++) p 654 tools/firmware_load.c if ((nm0 == *p) && ((nlen<=4) || (memcmp(p+1,str+4,nlen-4) == 0)) ) p 675 tools/firmware_load.c BufRange *p = fw->br; p 676 tools/firmware_load.c while (p) p 679 tools/firmware_load.c for (k = p->off*4; k < (p->off + p->len)*4; k++) p 684 tools/firmware_load.c p = p->next; p 883 tools/firmware_load.c BufRange *p = fw->br; p 884 tools/firmware_load.c while (p) p 887 tools/firmware_load.c for (k = p->off; k <= p->off + p->len - len; k++) p 893 tools/firmware_load.c p = p->next; p 905 tools/firmware_load.c BufRange *p = fw->br; p 906 tools/firmware_load.c while (p) p 909 tools/firmware_load.c for (k = p->off*4; k < (p->off + p->len)*4; k++) p 914 tools/firmware_load.c p = p->next; p 24 tools/firmware_load.h uint32_t *p; p 16 tools/firmware_load_ng.c n->p = fw->buf32 + o; p 103 tools/firmware_load_ng.c uint32_t *p; p 109 tools/firmware_load_ng.c for (p = br->p, j = 0; j < br->len - nlen/4; j++, p++) p 111 tools/firmware_load_ng.c if ((nm0 == *p) && ((nlen<=4) || (memcmp(p+1,str+4,nlen-4) == 0)) ) p 149 tools/firmware_load_ng.c BufRange *p = getBufRangeForIndex(fw,(start_adr - fw->base)/4); p 150 tools/firmware_load_ng.c if(!p) { p 157 tools/firmware_load_ng.c for (; k < (p->off + p->len)*4; k++) p 163 tools/firmware_load_ng.c p = p->next; p 164 tools/firmware_load_ng.c if(!p) { p 167 tools/firmware_load_ng.c k = p->off*4; p 230 tools/firmware_load_ng.c unsigned char *p = (unsigned char*)adr2ptr_with_data(fw, adr); p 231 tools/firmware_load_ng.c if(!p) { p 236 tools/firmware_load_ng.c for (i = 0; (i < 100) && (p[i] != 0); i++) p 238 tools/firmware_load_ng.c if (!((p[i] == '\r') || (p[i] == '\n') || (p[i] == '\t') || ((p[i] >= 0x20) && (p[i] <= 0x7f)))) p 243 tools/firmware_load_ng.c if ((i >= 2) && (p[i] == 0)) p 383 tools/firmware_load_ng.c uint32_t *p=(uint32_t *)adr2ptr(fw,start); p 384 tools/firmware_load_ng.c if(!p) { p 395 tools/firmware_load_ng.c while(p<=p_end) { p 396 tools/firmware_load_ng.c if(*p==val) { p 397 tools/firmware_load_ng.c return ptr2adr(fw,(uint8_t *)p); p 399 tools/firmware_load_ng.c p++; p 413 tools/firmware_load_ng.c uint32_t *p=(uint32_t *)adr2ptr(fw,adr); p 414 tools/firmware_load_ng.c if(!p) { p 418 tools/firmware_load_ng.c return *p; p 424 tools/firmware_load_ng.c uint32_t *p=(uint32_t *)adr2ptr(fw,adr); p 425 tools/firmware_load_ng.c if(!p) { p 431 tools/firmware_load_ng.c return memcmp(p,cmp,n); p 757 tools/firmware_load_ng.c uint32_t *p=LDR_PC2valptr(fw,insn); p 758 tools/firmware_load_ng.c if(p) { p 759 tools/firmware_load_ng.c return *p; p 907 tools/firmware_load_ng.c uint8_t *p=adr2ptr(fw,adr); p 908 tools/firmware_load_ng.c if(!p) { p 914 tools/firmware_load_ng.c off=(uint16_t)*p; p 916 tools/firmware_load_ng.c off=*(uint16_t *)p; p 992 tools/firmware_load_ng.c uint8_t *p=adr2ptr(fw,adr); p 993 tools/firmware_load_ng.c if(!p) { p 1002 tools/firmware_load_ng.c is->code=p; p 1003 tools/firmware_load_ng.c is->size=fw->size8 - (p-fw->buf8); p 1077 tools/firmware_load_ng.c uint8_t *p=adr2ptr(fw,adr); p 1078 tools/firmware_load_ng.c if(!p) { p 1082 tools/firmware_load_ng.c return cs_disasm(fw->cs_handle, p, fw->size8 - (p-fw->buf8), adr, count, insn); p 1154 tools/firmware_load_ng.c uint32_t *br_end = br->p + br->len; p 1160 tools/firmware_load_ng.c if(p_adr < br->p) { p 1161 tools/firmware_load_ng.c adr=ptr2adr(fw,(uint8_t *)br->p); p 2147 tools/firmware_load_ng.c BufRange *p = fw->br; p 2148 tools/firmware_load_ng.c while (p) p 2151 tools/firmware_load_ng.c for (k = p->off*4; k < (p->off + p->len)*4; k++) p 2156 tools/firmware_load_ng.c p = p->next; p 37 tools/firmware_load_ng.h uint32_t *p; p 170 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void free(void *p); p 172 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void FreeUncacheableMemory(void *p); p 199 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void kbd_read_keys_r2(int *p); p 404 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void bzero(void *p, int n); p 405 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void memset32(void *p, int n, int v); p 406 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall char *sprintf_FW(char *p, const char *fmt,...); p 411 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int GetSemaphoreValue(int sem, int *p); p 483 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void heap_free(void *heap, void *p); p 528 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void ui_free(void *p); p 529 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void ui_free_default(void *p); p 531 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void pvm_free(void *pool, void *p); p 140 tools/makelang.c char *p, *s, *e; p 149 tools/makelang.c p = e+1; p 150 tools/makelang.c while (*p && (*p=='\r' || *p=='\n')) ++p; //skip empty lines p 151 tools/makelang.c i = strtol(p, &e, 0/*autodetect base oct-dec-hex*/); // convert "*p" to long "i" and return pointer beyond to e p 157 tools/makelang.c e = strpbrk(p, "\r\n"); //find eol p 161 tools/makelang.c if (e!=p) { p 162 tools/makelang.c p = e; p 163 tools/makelang.c e = strpbrk(p, "\r\n"); //break string with zero on \r|\n p 166 tools/makelang.c while (*p && *p!='\"') ++p; // cut string from "" if it exists p 167 tools/makelang.c if (*p) ++p; p 168 tools/makelang.c s = p; p 169 tools/makelang.c while (*p && (*p!='\"' || *(p-1)=='\\')) ++p; p 170 tools/makelang.c *p=0; p 176 tools/makelang.c e = strpbrk(p, "\r\n"); p 207 tools/makelang.c char* skip_space(char *p) p 209 tools/makelang.c while (*p && ((*p == ' ') || (*p == '\t'))) p++; p 210 tools/makelang.c return p; p 213 tools/makelang.c char* next_token(char *p, char* buf) p 216 tools/makelang.c p = skip_space(p); p 217 tools/makelang.c if ((*p == '\r') || (*p == '\n')) return 0; p 218 tools/makelang.c while (*p && (*p != ' ') && (*p != '\t') && (*p != '\r') && (*p != '\n')) *buf++ = *p++; p 220 tools/makelang.c return p; p 235 tools/makelang.c char *p, *e; p 244 tools/makelang.c p = e; p 245 tools/makelang.c if (strncmp(p, "#define", 7) == 0) p 247 tools/makelang.c p = next_token(p+7, name); p 248 tools/makelang.c if (p) p 250 tools/makelang.c p = next_token(p, index); p 251 tools/makelang.c if (p) p 253 tools/makelang.c p = next_token(p, cond); p 254 tools/makelang.c if (p && (strcmp(cond, "//CONDITIONAL:") == 0)) p 256 tools/makelang.c p = next_token(p, cond); p 257 tools/makelang.c if (p) p 113 tools/packfi2/crc32.c static const unsigned char p[] = {0,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,12,16,22,23,26}; p 123 tools/packfi2/crc32.c for (n = 0; n < sizeof(p)/sizeof(unsigned char); n++) p 124 tools/packfi2/crc32.c poly |= 1UL << (31 - p[n]); p 1270 tools/packfi2/deflate.c register Posf *p; p 1308 tools/packfi2/deflate.c p = &s->head[n]; p 1310 tools/packfi2/deflate.c m = *--p; p 1311 tools/packfi2/deflate.c *p = (Pos)(m >= wsize ? m-wsize : NIL); p 1316 tools/packfi2/deflate.c p = &s->prev[n]; p 1318 tools/packfi2/deflate.c m = *--p; p 1319 tools/packfi2/deflate.c *p = (Pos)(m >= wsize ? m-wsize : NIL); p 75 tools/packfi2/fi2enc.c unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)dst; p 81 tools/packfi2/fi2enc.c if( !p ) return -1; p 95 tools/packfi2/fi2enc.c p[i/2] = i & 1 ? p[i/2] | c : c << 4; p 267 tools/packfi2/zutil.h #define TRY_FREE(s, p) {if (p) ZFREE(s, p);} p 245 tools/pakwif.c pak_t *p; p 253 tools/pakwif.c p = malloc(sizeof(pak_t)); p 254 tools/pakwif.c p->f = f; p 275 tools/pakwif.c return p; p 297 tools/pakwif.c int pak_add_file(pak_t *p, p 326 tools/pakwif.c fseek(p->f, HEADER_SIZE, SEEK_CUR); p 333 tools/pakwif.c crypt_fwrite(buff, bcnt, p->f); p 338 tools/pakwif.c fseek(p->f, -filelen-HEADER_SIZE, SEEK_CUR); p 346 tools/pakwif.c crypt_fwrite(&h,HEADER_SIZE,p->f); p 347 tools/pakwif.c fseek(p->f, filelen, SEEK_CUR); p 354 tools/pakwif.c int pak_add_4byteid(pak_t *p, p 366 tools/pakwif.c crypt_fwrite(&h,HEADER_SIZE,p->f); p 367 tools/pakwif.c crypt_fwrite(&id,4,p->f); p 372 tools/pakwif.c void pak_close(pak_t *p) p 379 tools/pakwif.c len = ftell(p->f); p 381 tools/pakwif.c fseek(p->f, HEADER_SIZE, SEEK_SET); p 383 tools/pakwif.c bcnt = crypt_fread(buff, BLKSIZE, p->f); p 386 tools/pakwif.c bcnt = crypt_fread(buff, BLKSIZE, p->f); p 389 tools/pakwif.c fseek(p->f, 32*3, SEEK_SET); p 390 tools/pakwif.c crypt_fwrite(&len, 4, p->f); p 391 tools/pakwif.c crypt_fwrite(&cs, 4, p->f); p 393 tools/pakwif.c fclose(p->f); p 394 tools/pakwif.c free(p); p 406 tools/pakwif.c pak_t *p; p 428 tools/pakwif.c p = pak_create(fir_fn); p 431 tools/pakwif.c pak_add_4byteid(p,"VersionID", cbuf, ver); p 432 tools/pakwif.c pak_add_4byteid(p,"VersionCheck", "0(no)", 0); p 433 tools/pakwif.c pak_add_4byteid(p,"CipherToLog", "1(yes)", 1); p 435 tools/pakwif.c pak_add_file(p,"PROGRAM", "Program", "WriterInFIR.bin", wif_fn, 0xffffffff); p 442 tools/pakwif.c pak_add_4byteid(p,"ModelID", "0x01660000", 0x01660000); p 445 tools/pakwif.c pak_add_4byteid(p,"ProductID", cbuf, camid); p 447 tools/pakwif.c pak_close(p); p 42 tools/rawconvert.c typedef unsigned (*get_pixel_func_t)(uint8_t *p, unsigned row_bytes, unsigned x, unsigned y); p 43 tools/rawconvert.c typedef void (*set_pixel_func_t)(uint8_t *p, unsigned row_bytes, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned value); p 54 tools/rawconvert.c void set_12_pixel(uint8_t *p,unsigned row_bytes, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned value) p 56 tools/rawconvert.c uint8_t* addr=p+y*row_bytes+(x>>2)*6; p 77 tools/rawconvert.c unsigned get_12_pixel(uint8_t *p, unsigned row_bytes, unsigned x, unsigned y) p 79 tools/rawconvert.c uint8_t* addr = p + y * row_bytes + (x>>2) * 6; p 89 tools/rawconvert.c unsigned get_10_pixel(uint8_t *p, unsigned row_bytes, unsigned x, unsigned y) p 91 tools/rawconvert.c uint8_t* addr = p + y * row_bytes + (x>>3) * 10; p 105 tools/rawconvert.c void set_10_pixel(uint8_t *p, unsigned row_bytes, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned value) p 107 tools/rawconvert.c uint8_t* addr = p + y*row_bytes + (x>>3)*10; p 19 tools/stubs_load.c stub_values *p = malloc(sizeof(stub_values)); p 20 tools/stubs_load.c p->stubs = 0; p 21 tools/stubs_load.c p->stubs_min = 0; p 22 tools/stubs_load.c p->modemap = 0; p 23 tools/stubs_load.c p->makevals = 0; p 24 tools/stubs_load.c p->min_focus_len = 0; p 25 tools/stubs_load.c p->max_focus_len = 0; p 26 tools/stubs_load.c p->propcases = 0; p 27 tools/stubs_load.c p->propset = 0; p 28 tools/stubs_load.c return p; p 77 tools/stubs_load.c osig *p = malloc(sizeof(osig)); p 78 tools/stubs_load.c strcpy(p->nm, nm); p 79 tools/stubs_load.c strcpy(p->sval, val); p 80 tools/stubs_load.c p->pct = 0; p 81 tools/stubs_load.c p->is_comment = is_comment; p 82 tools/stubs_load.c p->type = 0; p 83 tools/stubs_load.c p->nxt = *hdr; p 84 tools/stubs_load.c *hdr = p; p 102 tools/stubs_load.c p->val = v; p 103 tools/stubs_load.c return p; p 109 tools/stubs_load.c osig* find_sig(osig* p, const char *nm) p 111 tools/stubs_load.c while (p) p 113 tools/stubs_load.c if (strcmp(p->nm, nm) == 0) return p; p 114 tools/stubs_load.c p = p->nxt; p 120 tools/stubs_load.c osig* find_sig_val(osig* p, uint32_t val) p 122 tools/stubs_load.c while (p) p 124 tools/stubs_load.c if (p->val == val) return p; p 125 tools/stubs_load.c p = p->nxt; p 131 tools/stubs_load.c osig* find_sig_val_by_type(osig* p, uint32_t val, int typ) p 133 tools/stubs_load.c while (p) p 135 tools/stubs_load.c if ((p->val == val) && (p->type == typ)) return p; p 136 tools/stubs_load.c p = p->nxt; p 145 tools/stubs_load.c osig* find_match(osig *p, const char *nm, uint32_t val) p 147 tools/stubs_load.c p = find_sig(p, nm); p 148 tools/stubs_load.c osig *f = p; p 149 tools/stubs_load.c while (p) p 151 tools/stubs_load.c if (p->val == val) p 152 tools/stubs_load.c return p; p 153 tools/stubs_load.c p = find_sig(p->nxt, nm); p 177 tools/stubs_load.c osig *p = add_sig(nm, val, &sv->stubs, 1); p 178 tools/stubs_load.c p->type = TYPE_NHSTUB; p 218 tools/stubs_load.c osig *p = add_sig(nm, val, hdr, ((c != 0) && (c <= s)) ? 1 : 0); p 219 tools/stubs_load.c p->type = typ; p 38 tools/stubs_load.h osig* find_sig(osig* p, const char *nm); p 39 tools/stubs_load.h osig* find_sig_val(osig* p, uint32_t val); p 40 tools/stubs_load.h osig* find_match(osig *p, const char *nm, uint32_t val); p 41 tools/stubs_load.h osig* find_sig_val_by_type(osig* p, uint32_t val, int typ);