n                 163 core/action_stack.c long action_top(int n)
n                 166 core/action_stack.c         return active_stack->stack[active_stack->stack_ptr-n];
n                  19 core/action_stack.h long action_top(int n);
n                 151 core/chdk-dir.c     int n;
n                 152 core/chdk-dir.c     for (n=0; n<13; n++)
n                 155 core/chdk-dir.c         int uch = *(unsigned char*)(dir->fe+lfnchpos[n])+((*(unsigned char*)(dir->fe+lfnchpos[n]+1))<<8);
n                 197 core/chdk-dir.c                 int n, m;
n                 199 core/chdk-dir.c                 for (n=0; n<8; n++) // name
n                 201 core/chdk-dir.c                     if ( (n>0) && (dir->fe[n]==0x20) ) break;
n                 202 core/chdk-dir.c                     dir->fn[m] = dir->fe[n];
n                 210 core/chdk-dir.c                 for (n=8; n<11; n++) // extension
n                 212 core/chdk-dir.c                     if ( (dir->fe[n]==0x20) ) break;
n                 213 core/chdk-dir.c                     dir->fn[m] = dir->fe[n];
n                 224 core/chdk-dir.c                 int n;
n                 225 core/chdk-dir.c                 for (n = 0; n < 11; n++)
n                 227 core/chdk-dir.c                     cs = (((cs & 1) << 7) | ((cs & 0xfe) >> 1)) + dir->feu[n];
n                1390 core/conf.c        int i, n;
n                1393 core/conf.c        for (n=COLOR_FIRST_OVERRIDE; n<=COLOR_LAST_OVERRIDE; n++)
n                1395 core/conf.c            i = findConfInfo(osd_conf_info, n);
n                1578 core/conf.c    void conf_setAutosave(int n)
n                1580 core/conf.c        config_autosave = (n == 0) ? 0 : 1;
n                1317 core/gps.c         int n=0;
n                1357 core/gps.c             m=n;
n                   8 core/gps_math.c int fac(int n){
n                  12 core/gps_math.c     for (i=2; i<=n; i++) f*=i;
n                  16 core/gps_math.c double arctan(double x, int n){
n                  33 core/gps_math.c         } while( (--n) ); // as long as member number is not zero
n                  48 core/gps_math.c         } while( (--n) ); // as long as member number is not zero
n                 284 core/gps_math.c     rcb->n          = 0;
n                 308 core/gps_math.c     if (rcb->n >= rcb->size) {
n                 313 core/gps_math.c         rcb->n          -= 1;
n                 323 core/gps_math.c     if (rcb->n < rcb->size) {
n                 324 core/gps_math.c         rcb->n          += 1;
n                 350 core/gps_math.c     det = rcb->n*rcb->sxx - rcb->sx*rcb->sx;
n                 355 core/gps_math.c     rcb->s = (rcb->n * rcb->sxy - rcb->sx * rcb->sy ) / det;
n                   8 core/gps_math.h extern int fac(int n);
n                   9 core/gps_math.h extern double arctan(double x, int n);
n                  62 core/gps_math.h     double n;
n                  15 core/gui_batt.c     static unsigned int     n = 0, rn = 0;
n                  18 core/gui_batt.c     volt_aver-=volts[n];
n                  19 core/gui_batt.c     volts[n]=(unsigned short)stat_get_vbatt();
n                  20 core/gui_batt.c     volt_aver+=volts[n];
n                  21 core/gui_batt.c     if (++n>rn) rn=n;
n                  22 core/gui_batt.c     if (n>=VOLTS_N) n=0;
n                1303 core/gui_draw.c     int l = 0, n;
n                1309 core/gui_draw.c             n = e - s;
n                1314 core/gui_draw.c             n = strlen(s);
n                1317 core/gui_draw.c         if (n > width) width = n;
n                  78 core/gui_menu.c void menu_set_increment_factor(int n)
n                  80 core/gui_menu.c     int_incr = n;
n                 241 core/gui_menu.c     int n;
n                 243 core/gui_menu.c     for(n = 0; curr_menu->menu[n].text; n++);
n                 244 core/gui_menu.c     return n;
n                 402 core/gui_menu.c static int isText(int n)
n                 405 core/gui_menu.c             (curr_menu->menu[n].type & MENUITEM_MASK) == MENUITEM_TEXT ||
n                 406 core/gui_menu.c             (curr_menu->menu[n].type & MENUITEM_MASK) == MENUITEM_ERROR ||
n                 407 core/gui_menu.c             (curr_menu->menu[n].type & MENUITEM_MASK) == MENUITEM_WARNING ||
n                 408 core/gui_menu.c             (curr_menu->menu[n].type & MENUITEM_MASK) == MENUITEM_SEPARATOR
n                 794 core/gui_menu.c         int n = int_incr;
n                 795 core/gui_menu.c         while (n > 1)
n                 797 core/gui_menu.c             n /= 10;
n                 841 core/gui_menu.c         int n = int_incr;
n                 842 core/gui_menu.c         while (n > 0)
n                 845 core/gui_menu.c             n /= 10;
n                  83 core/gui_menu.h extern void menu_set_increment_factor(int n);
n                 130 core/gui_osd.c static short n, m; //string number
n                 136 core/gui_osd.c     draw_osd_string(conf.mode_state_pos, 0, n, osd_buf, user_color(conf.osd_color_override), conf.mode_state_scale);
n                 137 core/gui_osd.c     n+=FONT_HEIGHT;
n                 256 core/gui_osd.c     n=0;
n                1126 core/gui_osd.c             int n;
n                1127 core/gui_osd.c             for (n=0; n<32; n++) {
n                1128 core/gui_osd.c                 avbtsum += avb_times[n];
n                1129 core/gui_osd.c                 osd_buf[n] = avb_history[n]+'0';
n                 103 core/gui_script.c     int n = (l <= maxlen) ? l : maxlen;
n                 104 core/gui_script.c     strncpy(buf, p, n);
n                 105 core/gui_script.c     buf[n] = 0;
n                 861 core/gui_script.c     int n = f + script_param_count + 2;
n                 864 core/gui_script.c     if (script_submenu_items && (script_submenu_count < n))
n                 874 core/gui_script.c         script_submenu_items = malloc(n * sizeof(CMenuItem));
n                 875 core/gui_script.c         memset(script_submenu_items, 0, n * sizeof(CMenuItem));
n                 877 core/gui_script.c         if (script_submenu_count < n)
n                 878 core/gui_script.c             script_submenu_count = n;
n                  50 core/gui_user_menu.c     int i, n;
n                  52 core/gui_user_menu.c     memcpy(&n, p, sizeof(int));
n                  53 core/gui_user_menu.c     if (n > conf.user_menu_vars.cfg.num_items)
n                  54 core/gui_user_menu.c         init_user_menu(n);
n                  57 core/gui_user_menu.c     for (i=0; i<n; i++)
n                 213 core/lib_thumb.c void *memchr(const void *s, int c, int n)
n                 215 core/lib_thumb.c     while (n-- > 0)
n                 166 core/remotecap.c int filewrite_get_file_chunk(char **addr,unsigned *size, unsigned n, int *pos);
n                 986 core/shooting.c             int n = (v==1) ? 1 : 0;
n                 987 core/shooting.c             set_property_case(PROPCASE_ND_FILTER_STATE, &n, sizeof(n));
n                 536 include/conf.h extern void conf_setAutosave(int n);
n                  42 include/kbd_common.h void jogdial_control(int n);
n                 106 include/lolevel.h extern char *_Fgets_Fut(char *buf, int n, long f);
n                 122 include/lolevel.h extern int _strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, long n);
n                 125 include/lolevel.h extern char *_strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, long n);
n                 153 include/lolevel.h extern void *_memchr(const void *s, int c, int n);
n                 154 include/lolevel.h extern void *_memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, long n);
n                 155 include/lolevel.h extern void *_memset(void *s, int c, int n);
n                 156 include/lolevel.h extern int _memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, long n);
n                  38 include/std/stdio.h extern char *fgets(char *buf, int n, FILE *f);
n                  20 include/std/stdlib.h #define atoi(n) strtol((n),NULL,0)
n                  13 include/std/string.h extern int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, long n);
n                  16 include/std/string.h extern char *strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, long n);
n                  22 include/std/string.h extern void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, long n);
n                  23 include/std/string.h extern void *memset(void *s, int c, int n);
n                  24 include/std/string.h extern int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, long n);
n                  25 include/std/string.h extern void *memchr(const void *s, int c, int n);
n                   5 include/stubs_asm.h #define DEF(n,a) \
n                   6 include/stubs_asm.h     .globl n; n = a
n                  79 include/stubs_asm.h #define FAKEDEF(n, m) \
n                  80 include/stubs_asm.h     .globl n; n: ;\
n                  91 include/stubs_asm.h #define DEF_CONST(n, m) \
n                  92 include/stubs_asm.h     .globl n; n: ;\
n                  51 lib/armutil/cache.c static inline s32 log_2_n_round_up(u32 n)
n                  54 lib/armutil/cache.c     u32 temp = n;
n                  61 lib/armutil/cache.c     if (n & (n - 1))
n                  41 lib/lua/lapi.c #define api_checknelems(L, n)	api_check(L, (n) <= (L->top - L->base))
n                 110 lib/lua/lapi.c LUA_API void lua_xmove (lua_State *from, lua_State *to, int n) {
n                 114 lib/lua/lapi.c   api_checknelems(from, n);
n                 116 lib/lua/lapi.c   api_check(from, to->ci->top - to->top >= n);
n                 117 lib/lua/lapi.c   from->top -= n;
n                 118 lib/lua/lapi.c   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
n                 261 lib/lua/lapi.c   TValue n;
n                 263 lib/lua/lapi.c   return tonumber(o, &n);
n                 314 lib/lua/lapi.c   TValue n;
n                 316 lib/lua/lapi.c   if (tonumber(o, &n))
n                 324 lib/lua/lapi.c   TValue n;
n                 326 lib/lua/lapi.c   if (tonumber(o, &n)) {
n                 429 lib/lua/lapi.c LUA_API void lua_pushnumber (lua_State *L, lua_Number n) {
n                 431 lib/lua/lapi.c   setnvalue(L->top, n);
n                 437 lib/lua/lapi.c LUA_API void lua_pushinteger (lua_State *L, lua_Integer n) {
n                 439 lib/lua/lapi.c   setnvalue(L->top, cast_num(n));
n                 486 lib/lua/lapi.c LUA_API void lua_pushcclosure (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction fn, int n) {
n                 490 lib/lua/lapi.c   api_checknelems(L, n);
n                 491 lib/lua/lapi.c   cl = luaF_newCclosure(L, n, getcurrenv(L));
n                 493 lib/lua/lapi.c   L->top -= n;
n                 494 lib/lua/lapi.c   while (n--)
n                 495 lib/lua/lapi.c     setobj2n(L, &cl->c.upvalue[n], L->top+n);
n                 567 lib/lua/lapi.c LUA_API void lua_rawgeti (lua_State *L, int idx, int n) {
n                 572 lib/lua/lapi.c   setobj2s(L, L->top, luaH_getnum(hvalue(o), n));
n                 684 lib/lua/lapi.c LUA_API void lua_rawseti (lua_State *L, int idx, int n) {
n                 690 lib/lua/lapi.c   setobj2t(L, luaH_setnum(L, hvalue(o), n), L->top-1);
n                 990 lib/lua/lapi.c LUA_API void lua_concat (lua_State *L, int n) {
n                 992 lib/lua/lapi.c   api_checknelems(L, n);
n                 993 lib/lua/lapi.c   if (n >= 2) {
n                 995 lib/lua/lapi.c     luaV_concat(L, n, cast_int(L->top - L->base) - 1);
n                 996 lib/lua/lapi.c     L->top -= (n-1);
n                 998 lib/lua/lapi.c   else if (n == 0) {  /* push empty string */
n                1039 lib/lua/lapi.c static const char *aux_upvalue (StkId fi, int n, TValue **val) {
n                1044 lib/lua/lapi.c     if (!(1 <= n && n <= f->c.nupvalues)) return NULL;
n                1045 lib/lua/lapi.c     *val = &f->c.upvalue[n-1];
n                1050 lib/lua/lapi.c     if (!(1 <= n && n <= p->sizeupvalues)) return NULL;
n                1051 lib/lua/lapi.c     *val = f->l.upvals[n-1]->v;
n                1052 lib/lua/lapi.c     return getstr(p->upvalues[n-1]);
n                1057 lib/lua/lapi.c LUA_API const char *lua_getupvalue (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n) {
n                1061 lib/lua/lapi.c   name = aux_upvalue(index2adr(L, funcindex), n, &val);
n                1071 lib/lua/lapi.c LUA_API const char *lua_setupvalue (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n) {
n                1078 lib/lua/lapi.c   name = aux_upvalue(fi, n, &val);
n                 281 lib/lua/lauxlib.c   int n = (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER) ? lua_tointeger(L, -1) : -1;
n                 283 lib/lua/lauxlib.c   return n;
n                 302 lib/lua/lauxlib.c LUALIB_API void luaL_setn (lua_State *L, int t, int n) {
n                 308 lib/lua/lauxlib.c     lua_pushinteger(L, n);
n                 314 lib/lua/lauxlib.c     lua_pushinteger(L, n);
n                 322 lib/lua/lauxlib.c   int n;
n                 326 lib/lua/lauxlib.c   if ((n = checkint(L, 1)) >= 0) return n;
n                 330 lib/lua/lauxlib.c   if ((n = checkint(L, 2)) >= 0) return n;
n                  20 lib/lua/lauxlib.h LUALIB_API void (luaL_setn) (lua_State *L, int t, int n);
n                 102 lib/lua/lauxlib.h #define luaL_checkstring(L,n)	(luaL_checklstring(L, (n), NULL))
n                 103 lib/lua/lauxlib.h #define luaL_optstring(L,n,d)	(luaL_optlstring(L, (n), (d), NULL))
n                 104 lib/lua/lauxlib.h #define luaL_checkint(L,n)	((int)luaL_checkinteger(L, (n)))
n                 105 lib/lua/lauxlib.h #define luaL_optint(L,n,d)	((int)luaL_optinteger(L, (n), (d)))
n                 106 lib/lua/lauxlib.h #define luaL_checklong(L,n)	((long)luaL_checkinteger(L, (n)))
n                 107 lib/lua/lauxlib.h #define luaL_optlong(L,n,d)	((long)luaL_optinteger(L, (n), (d)))
n                 117 lib/lua/lauxlib.h #define luaL_getmetatable(L,n)	(lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, (n)))
n                 119 lib/lua/lauxlib.h #define luaL_opt(L,f,n,d)	(lua_isnoneornil(L,(n)) ? (d) : f(L,(n)))
n                 143 lib/lua/lauxlib.h #define luaL_addsize(B,n)	((B)->p += (n))
n                  35 lib/lua/lbaselib.c   int n = lua_gettop(L);  /* number of arguments */
n                  43 lib/lua/lbaselib.c   for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
n                  98 lib/lua/lbaselib.c     unsigned long n;
n                 100 lib/lua/lbaselib.c     n = strtoul(s1, &s2, base);
n                 104 lib/lua/lbaselib.c         lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)n);
n                 360 lib/lua/lbaselib.c   int n = lua_gettop(L);
n                 363 lib/lua/lbaselib.c   return lua_gettop(L) - n;
n                 376 lib/lua/lbaselib.c   int i, e, n;
n                 381 lib/lua/lbaselib.c   n = e - i + 1;  /* number of elements */
n                 382 lib/lua/lbaselib.c   if (n <= 0 || !lua_checkstack(L, n))  /* n <= 0 means arith. overflow */
n                 387 lib/lua/lbaselib.c   return n;
n                 392 lib/lua/lbaselib.c   int n = lua_gettop(L);
n                 394 lib/lua/lbaselib.c     lua_pushinteger(L, n-1);
n                 399 lib/lua/lbaselib.c     if (i < 0) i = n + i;
n                 400 lib/lua/lbaselib.c     else if (i > n) i = n;
n                 402 lib/lua/lbaselib.c     return n - i;
n                  35 lib/lua/lcode.c LUAI_FUNC void luaK_nil (FuncState *fs, int from, int n) {
n                  48 lib/lua/lcode.c           if (from+n-1 > pto)
n                  49 lib/lua/lcode.c             SETARG_B(*previous, from+n-1);
n                  55 lib/lua/lcode.c   luaK_codeABC(fs, OP_LOADNIL, from, from+n-1, 0);  /* else no optimization */
n                 199 lib/lua/lcode.c LUAI_FUNC void luaK_checkstack (FuncState *fs, int n) {
n                 200 lib/lua/lcode.c   int newstack = fs->freereg + n;
n                 209 lib/lua/lcode.c LUAI_FUNC void luaK_reserveregs (FuncState *fs, int n) {
n                 210 lib/lua/lcode.c   luaK_checkstack(fs, n);
n                 211 lib/lua/lcode.c   fs->freereg += n;
n                  48 lib/lua/lcode.h LUAI_FUNC void luaK_nil (FuncState *fs, int from, int n);
n                  49 lib/lua/lcode.h LUAI_FUNC void luaK_reserveregs (FuncState *fs, int n);
n                  50 lib/lua/lcode.h LUAI_FUNC void luaK_checkstack (FuncState *fs, int n);
n                 181 lib/lua/ldblib.c   int n = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
n                 184 lib/lua/ldblib.c   name = get ? lua_getupvalue(L, 1, n) : lua_setupvalue(L, 1, n);
n                 112 lib/lua/ldebug.c static const char *findlocal (lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, int n) {
n                 115 lib/lua/ldebug.c   if (fp && (name = luaF_getlocalname(fp, n, currentpc(L, ci))) != NULL)
n                 119 lib/lua/ldebug.c     if (limit - ci->base >= n && n > 0)  /* is 'n' inside 'ci' stack? */
n                 127 lib/lua/ldebug.c LUA_API const char *lua_getlocal (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n) {
n                 129 lib/lua/ldebug.c   const char *name = findlocal(L, ci, n);
n                 132 lib/lua/ldebug.c       luaA_pushobject(L, ci->base + (n - 1));
n                 138 lib/lua/ldebug.c LUA_API const char *lua_setlocal (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n) {
n                 140 lib/lua/ldebug.c   const char *name = findlocal(L, ci, n);
n                 143 lib/lua/ldebug.c       setobjs2s(L, ci->base + (n - 1), L->top - 1);
n                 161 lib/lua/ldo.c  LUAI_FUNC void luaD_growstack (lua_State *L, int n) {
n                 162 lib/lua/ldo.c    if (n <= L->stacksize)  /* double size is enough? */
n                 165 lib/lua/ldo.c      luaD_reallocstack(L, L->stacksize + n);
n                 309 lib/lua/ldo.c      int n;
n                 320 lib/lua/ldo.c      n = (*curr_func(L)->c.f)(L);  /* do the actual call */
n                 322 lib/lua/ldo.c      if (n < 0)  /* yielding? */
n                 325 lib/lua/ldo.c        luaD_poscall(L, L->top - n);
n                  16 lib/lua/ldo.h  #define luaD_checkstack(L,n)	\
n                  17 lib/lua/ldo.h    if ((char *)L->stack_last - (char *)L->top <= (n)*(int)sizeof(TValue)) \
n                  18 lib/lua/ldo.h      luaD_growstack(L, n); \
n                  25 lib/lua/ldo.h  #define restorestack(L,n)	((TValue *)((char *)L->stack + (n)))
n                  28 lib/lua/ldo.h  #define restoreci(L,n)		((CallInfo *)((char *)L->base_ci + (n)))
n                  49 lib/lua/ldo.h  LUAI_FUNC void luaD_growstack (lua_State *L, int n);
n                  26 lib/lua/ldump.c #define DumpMem(b,n,size,D)	DumpBlock(b,(n)*(size),D)
n                  55 lib/lua/ldump.c static void DumpVector(const void* b, int n, size_t size, DumpState* D)
n                  57 lib/lua/ldump.c  DumpInt(n,D);
n                  58 lib/lua/ldump.c  DumpMem(b,n,size,D);
n                  82 lib/lua/ldump.c  int i,n=f->sizek;
n                  83 lib/lua/ldump.c  DumpInt(n,D);
n                  84 lib/lua/ldump.c  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
n                 106 lib/lua/ldump.c  n=f->sizep;
n                 107 lib/lua/ldump.c  DumpInt(n,D);
n                 108 lib/lua/ldump.c  for (i=0; i<n; i++) DumpFunction(f->p[i],f->source,D);
n                 113 lib/lua/ldump.c  int i,n;
n                 114 lib/lua/ldump.c  n= (D->strip) ? 0 : f->sizelineinfo;
n                 115 lib/lua/ldump.c  DumpVector(f->lineinfo,n,sizeof(int),D);
n                 116 lib/lua/ldump.c  n= (D->strip) ? 0 : f->sizelocvars;
n                 117 lib/lua/ldump.c  DumpInt(n,D);
n                 118 lib/lua/ldump.c  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
n                 124 lib/lua/ldump.c  n= (D->strip) ? 0 : f->sizeupvalues;
n                 125 lib/lua/ldump.c  DumpInt(n,D);
n                 126 lib/lua/ldump.c  for (i=0; i<n; i++) DumpString(f->upvalues[i],D);
n                  72 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c static double arg(lua_State *L, int n) {
n                  73 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     double* v = (double*)lua_touserdata(L, n);
n                  75 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c         int i = luaL_checknumber(L, n);
n                  91 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     int n = luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
n                  93 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     newval(L, (double)n / (double)d);
n                  14 lib/lua/lfunc.h #define sizeCclosure(n)	(cast(int, sizeof(CClosure)) + \
n                  15 lib/lua/lfunc.h                          cast(int, sizeof(TValue)*((n)-1)))
n                  17 lib/lua/lfunc.h #define sizeLclosure(n)	(cast(int, sizeof(LClosure)) + \
n                  18 lib/lua/lfunc.h                          cast(int, sizeof(TValue *)*((n)-1)))
n                  62 lib/lua/lgc.c  static void removeentry (Node *n) {
n                  63 lib/lua/lgc.c    lua_assert(ttisnil(gval(n)));
n                  64 lib/lua/lgc.c    if (iscollectable(gkey(n)))
n                  65 lib/lua/lgc.c      setttype(gkey(n), LUA_TDEADKEY);  /* dead key; remove it */
n                 185 lib/lua/lgc.c      Node *n = gnode(h, i);
n                 186 lib/lua/lgc.c      lua_assert(ttype(gkey(n)) != LUA_TDEADKEY || ttisnil(gval(n)));
n                 187 lib/lua/lgc.c      if (ttisnil(gval(n)))
n                 188 lib/lua/lgc.c        removeentry(n);  /* remove empty entries */
n                 190 lib/lua/lgc.c        lua_assert(!ttisnil(gkey(n)));
n                 191 lib/lua/lgc.c        if (!weakkey) markvalue(g, gkey(n));
n                 192 lib/lua/lgc.c        if (!weakvalue) markvalue(g, gval(n));
n                 366 lib/lua/lgc.c        Node *n = gnode(h, i);
n                 367 lib/lua/lgc.c        if (!ttisnil(gval(n)) &&  /* non-empty entry? */
n                 368 lib/lua/lgc.c            (iscleared(key2tval(n), 1) || iscleared(gval(n), 0))) {
n                 369 lib/lua/lgc.c          setnilvalue(gval(n));  /* remove value ... */
n                 370 lib/lua/lgc.c          removeentry(n);  /* remove entry from table */
n                 371 lib/lua/liolib.c static int read_chars (lua_State *L, FILE *f, size_t n) {
n                 379 lib/lua/liolib.c     if (rlen > n) rlen = n;  /* cannot read more than asked */
n                 382 lib/lua/liolib.c     n -= nr;  /* still have to read `n' chars */
n                 383 lib/lua/liolib.c   } while (n > 0 && nr == rlen);  /* until end of count or eof */
n                 385 lib/lua/liolib.c   return (n == 0 || lua_objlen(L, -1) > 0);
n                 392 lib/lua/liolib.c   int n;
n                 399 lib/lua/liolib.c     n = first+1;  /* to return 1 result */
n                 404 lib/lua/liolib.c     for (n = first; nargs-- && success; n++) {
n                 405 lib/lua/liolib.c       if (lua_type(L, n) == LUA_TNUMBER) {
n                 406 lib/lua/liolib.c         size_t l = (size_t)lua_tointeger(L, n);
n                 410 lib/lua/liolib.c         const char *p = lua_tostring(L, n);
n                 411 lib/lua/liolib.c         luaL_argcheck(L, p && p[0] == '*', n, "invalid option");
n                 424 lib/lua/liolib.c             return luaL_argerror(L, n, "invalid format");
n                 438 lib/lua/liolib.c   return n - first;
n                  53 lib/lua/llex.c   if (b->n + 1 > b->buffsize) {
n                  60 lib/lua/llex.c   b->buffer[b->n++] = cast(char, c);
n                 172 lib/lua/llex.c   size_t n = luaZ_bufflen(ls->buff);
n                 174 lib/lua/llex.c   while (n--)
n                 175 lib/lua/llex.c     if (p[n] == from) p[n] = to;
n                 163 lib/lua/lmathlib.c   int n = lua_gettop(L);  /* number of arguments */
n                 166 lib/lua/lmathlib.c   for (i=2; i<=n; i++) {
n                 177 lib/lua/lmathlib.c   int n = lua_gettop(L);  /* number of arguments */
n                 180 lib/lua/lmathlib.c   for (i=2; i<=n; i++) {
n                  19 lib/lua/lmem.h #define luaM_reallocv(L,b,on,n,e) \
n                  20 lib/lua/lmem.h 	((cast(size_t, (n)+1) <= MAX_SIZET/(e)) ?  /* +1 to avoid warnings */ \
n                  21 lib/lua/lmem.h 		luaM_realloc_(L, (b), (on)*(e), (n)*(e)) : \
n                  26 lib/lua/lmem.h #define luaM_freearray(L, b, n, t)   luaM_reallocv(L, (b), n, 0, sizeof(t))
n                  30 lib/lua/lmem.h #define luaM_newvector(L,n,t) \
n                  31 lib/lua/lmem.h 		cast(t *, luaM_reallocv(L, NULL, 0, n, sizeof(t)))
n                  37 lib/lua/lmem.h #define luaM_reallocvector(L, v,oldn,n,t) \
n                  38 lib/lua/lmem.h    ((v)=cast(t *, luaM_reallocv(L, v, oldn, n, sizeof(t))))
n                 102 lib/lua/loadlib.c   DWORD n = GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, buff, nsize);
n                 103 lib/lua/loadlib.c   if (n == 0 || n == nsize || (lb = strrchr(buff, '\\')) == NULL)
n                 526 lib/lua/loadlib.c static void dooptions (lua_State *L, int n) {
n                 528 lib/lua/loadlib.c   for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
n                 112 lib/lua/lobject.c   int n = 1;
n                 162 lib/lua/lobject.c     n += 2;
n                 166 lib/lua/lobject.c   luaV_concat(L, n+1, cast_int(L->top - L->base) - 1);
n                 167 lib/lua/lobject.c   L->top -= n;
n                  62 lib/lua/lobject.h   lua_Number n;
n                  93 lib/lua/lobject.h #define nvalue(o)	check_exp(ttisnumber(o), (o)->value.n)
n                 120 lib/lua/lobject.h   { TValue *i_o=(obj); i_o->value.n=(x); i_o->tt=LUA_TNUMBER; }
n                  71 lib/lua/lopcodes.h #define MASK1(n,p)	((~((~(Instruction)0)<<n))<<p)
n                  74 lib/lua/lopcodes.h #define MASK0(n,p)	(~MASK1(n,p))
n                 156 lib/lua/lparser.c #define new_localvarliteral(ls,v,n) \
n                 157 lib/lua/lparser.c   new_localvar(ls, luaX_newstring(ls, "" v, (sizeof(v)/sizeof(char))-1), n)
n                 160 lib/lua/lparser.c static void new_localvar (LexState *ls, TString *name, int n) {
n                 162 lib/lua/lparser.c   luaY_checklimit(fs, fs->nactvar+n+1, LUAI_MAXVARS, "local variables");
n                 163 lib/lua/lparser.c   fs->actvar[fs->nactvar+n] = cast(unsigned short, registerlocalvar(ls, name));
n                 207 lib/lua/lparser.c static int searchvar (FuncState *fs, TString *n) {
n                 210 lib/lua/lparser.c     if (n == getlocvar(fs, i).varname)
n                 224 lib/lua/lparser.c static int singlevaraux (FuncState *fs, TString *n, expdesc *var, int base) {
n                 230 lib/lua/lparser.c     int v = searchvar(fs, n);  /* look up at current level */
n                 238 lib/lua/lparser.c       if (singlevaraux(fs->prev, n, var, 0) == VGLOBAL)
n                 240 lib/lua/lparser.c       var->u.s.info = indexupvalue(fs, n, var);  /* else was LOCAL or UPVAL */
n                 598 lib/lua/lparser.c   int n = 1;  /* at least one expression */
n                 603 lib/lua/lparser.c     n++;
n                 605 lib/lua/lparser.c   return n;
n                  97 lib/lua/lstrlib.c   int n = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
n                  99 lib/lua/lstrlib.c   while (n-- > 0)
n                 111 lib/lua/lstrlib.c   int n, i;
n                 115 lib/lua/lstrlib.c   n = (int)(pose -  posi + 1);
n                 116 lib/lua/lstrlib.c   if (posi + n <= pose)  /* overflow? */
n                 118 lib/lua/lstrlib.c   luaL_checkstack(L, n, "string slice too long");
n                 119 lib/lua/lstrlib.c   for (i=0; i<n; i++)
n                 121 lib/lua/lstrlib.c   return n;
n                 126 lib/lua/lstrlib.c   int n = lua_gettop(L);  /* number of arguments */
n                 130 lib/lua/lstrlib.c   for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
n                 622 lib/lua/lstrlib.c       int n;
n                 624 lib/lua/lstrlib.c       n = push_captures(ms, s, e);
n                 625 lib/lua/lstrlib.c       lua_call(L, n, 1);
n                 651 lib/lua/lstrlib.c   int n = 0;
n                 661 lib/lua/lstrlib.c   while (n < max_s) {
n                 666 lib/lua/lstrlib.c       n++;
n                 678 lib/lua/lstrlib.c   lua_pushinteger(L, n);  /* number of substitutions */
n                  50 lib/lua/ltable.c #define hashpow2(t,n)      (gnode(t, lmod((n), sizenode(t))))
n                  60 lib/lua/ltable.c #define hashmod(t,n)	(gnode(t, ((n) % ((sizenode(t)-1)|1))))
n                  84 lib/lua/ltable.c static Node *hashnum (const Table *t, lua_Number n) {
n                  87 lib/lua/ltable.c   if (luai_numeq(n, 0))  /* avoid problems with -0 */
n                  89 lib/lua/ltable.c   memcpy(a, &n, sizeof(a));
n                 122 lib/lua/ltable.c     lua_Number n = nvalue(key);
n                 124 lib/lua/ltable.c     lua_number2int(k, n);
n                 125 lib/lua/ltable.c     if (luai_numeq(cast_num(k), n))
n                 144 lib/lua/ltable.c     Node *n = mainposition(t, key);
n                 147 lib/lua/ltable.c       if (luaO_rawequalObj(key2tval(n), key) ||
n                 148 lib/lua/ltable.c             (ttype(gkey(n)) == LUA_TDEADKEY && iscollectable(key) &&
n                 149 lib/lua/ltable.c              gcvalue(gkey(n)) == gcvalue(key))) {
n                 150 lib/lua/ltable.c         i = cast_int(n - gnode(t, 0));  /* key index in hash table */
n                 154 lib/lua/ltable.c       else n = gnext(n);
n                 155 lib/lua/ltable.c     } while (n);
n                 194 lib/lua/ltable.c   int n = 0;  /* optimal size for array part */
n                 199 lib/lua/ltable.c         n = twotoi;  /* optimal size (till now) */
n                 205 lib/lua/ltable.c   *narray = n;
n                 252 lib/lua/ltable.c     Node *n = &t->node[i];
n                 253 lib/lua/ltable.c     if (!ttisnil(gval(n))) {
n                 254 lib/lua/ltable.c       ause += countint(key2tval(n), nums);
n                 286 lib/lua/ltable.c       Node *n = gnode(t, i);
n                 287 lib/lua/ltable.c       gnext(n) = NULL;
n                 288 lib/lua/ltable.c       setnilvalue(gkey(n));
n                 289 lib/lua/ltable.c       setnilvalue(gval(n));
n                 403 lib/lua/ltable.c     Node *n = getfreepos(t);  /* get a free place */
n                 404 lib/lua/ltable.c     if (n == NULL) {  /* cannot find a free place? */
n                 408 lib/lua/ltable.c     lua_assert(n != dummynode);
n                 413 lib/lua/ltable.c       gnext(othern) = n;  /* redo the chain with `n' in place of `mp' */
n                 414 lib/lua/ltable.c       *n = *mp;  /* copy colliding node into free pos. (mp->next also goes) */
n                 420 lib/lua/ltable.c       gnext(n) = gnext(mp);  /* chain new position */
n                 421 lib/lua/ltable.c       gnext(mp) = n;
n                 422 lib/lua/ltable.c       mp = n;
n                 441 lib/lua/ltable.c     Node *n = hashnum(t, nk);
n                 443 lib/lua/ltable.c       if (ttisnumber(gkey(n)) && luai_numeq(nvalue(gkey(n)), nk))
n                 444 lib/lua/ltable.c         return gval(n);  /* that's it */
n                 445 lib/lua/ltable.c       else n = gnext(n);
n                 446 lib/lua/ltable.c     } while (n);
n                 456 lib/lua/ltable.c   Node *n = hashstr(t, key);
n                 458 lib/lua/ltable.c     if (ttisstring(gkey(n)) && rawtsvalue(gkey(n)) == key)
n                 459 lib/lua/ltable.c       return gval(n);  /* that's it */
n                 460 lib/lua/ltable.c     else n = gnext(n);
n                 461 lib/lua/ltable.c   } while (n);
n                 475 lib/lua/ltable.c       lua_Number n = nvalue(key);
n                 476 lib/lua/ltable.c       lua_number2int(k, n);
n                 482 lib/lua/ltable.c       Node *n = mainposition(t, key);
n                 484 lib/lua/ltable.c         if (luaO_rawequalObj(key2tval(n), key))
n                 485 lib/lua/ltable.c           return gval(n);  /* that's it */
n                 486 lib/lua/ltable.c         else n = gnext(n);
n                 487 lib/lua/ltable.c       } while (n);
n                 586 lib/lua/ltable.c int luaH_isdummy (Node *n) { return n == dummynode; }
n                  14 lib/lua/ltable.h #define gkey(n)		(&(n)->i_key.nk)
n                  15 lib/lua/ltable.h #define gval(n)		(&(n)->i_val)
n                  16 lib/lua/ltable.h #define gnext(n)	((n)->i_key.nk.next)
n                  18 lib/lua/ltable.h #define key2tval(n)	(&(n)->i_key.tvk)
n                  36 lib/lua/ltable.h LUAI_FUNC int luaH_isdummy (Node *n);
n                  19 lib/lua/ltablib.c #define aux_getn(L,n)	(luaL_checktype(L, n, LUA_TTABLE), luaL_getn(L, n))
n                  24 lib/lua/ltablib.c   int n = aux_getn(L, 1);
n                  26 lib/lua/ltablib.c   for (i=1; i <= n; i++) {
n                 257 lib/lua/ltablib.c   int n = aux_getn(L, 1);
n                 262 lib/lua/ltablib.c   auxsort(L, 1, n);
n                 116 lib/lua/lua.c  static int getargs (lua_State *L, char **argv, int n) {
n                 121 lib/lua/lua.c    narg = argc - (n + 1);  /* number of arguments to the script */
n                 123 lib/lua/lua.c    for (i=n+1; i < argc; i++)
n                 125 lib/lua/lua.c    lua_createtable(L, narg, n + 1);
n                 128 lib/lua/lua.c      lua_rawseti(L, -2, i - n);
n                 239 lib/lua/lua.c  static int handle_script (lua_State *L, char **argv, int n) {
n                 242 lib/lua/lua.c    int narg = getargs(L, argv, n);  /* collect arguments */
n                 244 lib/lua/lua.c    fname = argv[n];
n                 245 lib/lua/lua.c    if (strcmp(fname, "-") == 0 && strcmp(argv[n-1], "--") != 0) 
n                 294 lib/lua/lua.c  static int runargs (lua_State *L, char **argv, int n) {
n                 296 lib/lua/lua.c    for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
n                 128 lib/lua/lua.h  LUA_API void  (lua_xmove) (lua_State *from, lua_State *to, int n);
n                 161 lib/lua/lua.h  LUA_API void  (lua_pushnumber) (lua_State *L, lua_Number n);
n                 162 lib/lua/lua.h  LUA_API void  (lua_pushinteger) (lua_State *L, lua_Integer n);
n                 168 lib/lua/lua.h  LUA_API void  (lua_pushcclosure) (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction fn, int n);
n                 180 lib/lua/lua.h  LUA_API void  (lua_rawgeti) (lua_State *L, int idx, int n);
n                 193 lib/lua/lua.h  LUA_API void  (lua_rawseti) (lua_State *L, int idx, int n);
n                 241 lib/lua/lua.h  LUA_API void  (lua_concat) (lua_State *L, int n);
n                 254 lib/lua/lua.h  #define lua_pop(L,n)		lua_settop(L, -(n)-1)
n                 258 lib/lua/lua.h  #define lua_register(L,n,f) (lua_pushcfunction(L, (f)), lua_setglobal(L, (n)))
n                 264 lib/lua/lua.h  #define lua_isfunction(L,n)	(lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TFUNCTION)
n                 265 lib/lua/lua.h  #define lua_istable(L,n)	(lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TTABLE)
n                 266 lib/lua/lua.h  #define lua_islightuserdata(L,n)	(lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA)
n                 267 lib/lua/lua.h  #define lua_isnil(L,n)		(lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TNIL)
n                 268 lib/lua/lua.h  #define lua_isboolean(L,n)	(lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TBOOLEAN)
n                 269 lib/lua/lua.h  #define lua_isthread(L,n)	(lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TTHREAD)
n                 270 lib/lua/lua.h  #define lua_isnone(L,n)		(lua_type(L, (n)) == LUA_TNONE)
n                 271 lib/lua/lua.h  #define lua_isnoneornil(L, n)	(lua_type(L, (n)) <= 0)
n                 335 lib/lua/lua.h  LUA_API const char *lua_getlocal (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n);
n                 336 lib/lua/lua.h  LUA_API const char *lua_setlocal (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n);
n                 337 lib/lua/lua.h  LUA_API const char *lua_getupvalue (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n);
n                 338 lib/lua/lua.h  LUA_API const char *lua_setupvalue (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n);
n                 119 lib/lua/luac.c static const Proto* combine(lua_State* L, int n)
n                 121 lib/lua/luac.c  if (n==1)
n                 130 lib/lua/luac.c   pc=2*n+1;
n                 133 lib/lua/luac.c   f->p=luaM_newvector(L,n,Proto*);
n                 134 lib/lua/luac.c   f->sizep=n;
n                 136 lib/lua/luac.c   for (i=0; i<n; i++)
n                 138 lib/lua/luac.c    f->p[i]=toproto(L,i-n-1);
n                 547 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define lua_number2str(s,n)	sprintf((s), LUA_NUMBER_FMT, (n))
n                 599 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define lua_number2integer(i,n)		lua_number2int(i, n)
n                 608 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define lua_number2integer(i,n)		lua_number2int(i, n)
n                 762 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define luai_userstateresume(L,n)	((void)L)
n                 763 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define luai_userstateyield(L,n)	((void)L)
n                  43 lib/lua/lundump.c #define LoadMem(S,b,n,size)	LoadBlock(S,b,(n)*(size))
n                  46 lib/lua/lundump.c #define LoadVector(S,b,n,size)	LoadMem(S,b,n,size)
n                  92 lib/lua/lundump.c  int n=LoadInt(S);
n                  93 lib/lua/lundump.c  f->code=luaM_newvector(S->L,n,Instruction);
n                  94 lib/lua/lundump.c  f->sizecode=n;
n                  95 lib/lua/lundump.c  LoadVector(S,f->code,n,sizeof(Instruction));
n                 102 lib/lua/lundump.c  int i,n;
n                 103 lib/lua/lundump.c  n=LoadInt(S);
n                 104 lib/lua/lundump.c  f->k=luaM_newvector(S->L,n,TValue);
n                 105 lib/lua/lundump.c  f->sizek=n;
n                 106 lib/lua/lundump.c  for (i=0; i<n; i++) setnilvalue(&f->k[i]);
n                 107 lib/lua/lundump.c  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
n                 130 lib/lua/lundump.c  n=LoadInt(S);
n                 131 lib/lua/lundump.c  f->p=luaM_newvector(S->L,n,Proto*);
n                 132 lib/lua/lundump.c  f->sizep=n;
n                 133 lib/lua/lundump.c  for (i=0; i<n; i++) f->p[i]=NULL;
n                 134 lib/lua/lundump.c  for (i=0; i<n; i++) f->p[i]=LoadFunction(S,f->source);
n                 139 lib/lua/lundump.c  int i,n;
n                 140 lib/lua/lundump.c  n=LoadInt(S);
n                 141 lib/lua/lundump.c  f->lineinfo=luaM_newvector(S->L,n,int);
n                 142 lib/lua/lundump.c  f->sizelineinfo=n;
n                 143 lib/lua/lundump.c  LoadVector(S,f->lineinfo,n,sizeof(int));
n                 144 lib/lua/lundump.c  n=LoadInt(S);
n                 145 lib/lua/lundump.c  f->locvars=luaM_newvector(S->L,n,LocVar);
n                 146 lib/lua/lundump.c  f->sizelocvars=n;
n                 147 lib/lua/lundump.c  for (i=0; i<n; i++) f->locvars[i].varname=NULL;
n                 148 lib/lua/lundump.c  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
n                 154 lib/lua/lundump.c  n=LoadInt(S);
n                 155 lib/lua/lundump.c  f->upvalues=luaM_newvector(S->L,n,TString*);
n                 156 lib/lua/lundump.c  f->sizeupvalues=n;
n                 157 lib/lua/lundump.c  for (i=0; i<n; i++) f->upvalues[i]=NULL;
n                 158 lib/lua/lundump.c  for (i=0; i<n; i++) f->upvalues[i]=LoadString(S);
n                  51 lib/lua/lvm.c  LUAI_FUNC const TValue *luaV_tonumber (const TValue *obj, TValue *n) {
n                  55 lib/lua/lvm.c      setnvalue(n, num);
n                  56 lib/lua/lvm.c      return n;
n                  68 lib/lua/lvm.c      lua_Number n = nvalue(obj);
n                  69 lib/lua/lvm.c      lua_number2str(s, n);
n                 301 lib/lua/lvm.c      int n = 2;  /* number of elements handled in this pass (at least 2) */
n                 313 lib/lua/lvm.c        for (n = 1; n < total && tostring(L, top-n-1); n++) {
n                 314 lib/lua/lvm.c          size_t l = tsvalue(top-n-1)->len;
n                 320 lib/lua/lvm.c        for (i=n; i>0; i--) {  /* concat all strings */
n                 325 lib/lua/lvm.c        setsvalue2s(L, top-n, luaS_newlstr(L, buffer, tl));
n                 327 lib/lua/lvm.c      total -= n-1;  /* got `n' strings to create 1 new */
n                 328 lib/lua/lvm.c      last -= n-1;
n                 714 lib/lua/lvm.c          int n = GETARG_B(i);
n                 718 lib/lua/lvm.c          if (n == 0) {
n                 719 lib/lua/lvm.c            n = cast_int(L->top - ra) - 1;
n                 725 lib/lua/lvm.c          last = ((c-1)*LFIELDS_PER_FLUSH) + n;
n                 728 lib/lua/lvm.c          for (; n > 0; n--) {
n                 729 lib/lua/lvm.c            TValue *val = ra+n;
n                 763 lib/lua/lvm.c          int n = cast_int(ci->base - ci->func) - cl->p->numparams - 1;
n                 765 lib/lua/lvm.c            Protect(luaD_checkstack(L, n));
n                 767 lib/lua/lvm.c            b = n;
n                 768 lib/lua/lvm.c            L->top = ra + n;
n                 771 lib/lua/lvm.c            if (j < n) {
n                 772 lib/lua/lvm.c              setobjs2s(L, ra + j, ci->base - n + j);
n                  18 lib/lua/lvm.h  #define tonumber(o,n)	(ttype(o) == LUA_TNUMBER || \
n                  19 lib/lua/lvm.h                           (((o) = luaV_tonumber(o,n)) != NULL))
n                  27 lib/lua/lvm.h  LUAI_FUNC const TValue *luaV_tonumber (const TValue *obj, TValue *n);
n                  33 lib/lua/lzio.c   z->n = size - 1;
n                  40 lib/lua/lzio.c   if (z->n == 0) {
n                  44 lib/lua/lzio.c       z->n++;  /* luaZ_fill removed first byte; put back it */
n                  56 lib/lua/lzio.c   z->n = 0;
n                  63 lib/lua/lzio.c LUAI_FUNC size_t luaZ_read (ZIO *z, void *b, size_t n) {
n                  64 lib/lua/lzio.c   while (n) {
n                  67 lib/lua/lzio.c       return n;  /* return number of missing bytes */
n                  68 lib/lua/lzio.c     m = (n <= z->n) ? n : z->n;  /* min. between n and z->n */
n                  70 lib/lua/lzio.c     z->n -= m;
n                  73 lib/lua/lzio.c     n -= m;
n                  79 lib/lua/lzio.c LUAI_FUNC char *luaZ_openspace (lua_State *L, Mbuffer *buff, size_t n) {
n                  80 lib/lua/lzio.c   if (n > buff->buffsize) {
n                  81 lib/lua/lzio.c     if (n < LUA_MINBUFFER) n = LUA_MINBUFFER;
n                  82 lib/lua/lzio.c     luaZ_resizebuffer(L, buff, n);
n                  22 lib/lua/lzio.h #define zgetc(z)  (((z)->n--)>0 ?  char2int(*(z)->p++) : luaZ_fill(z))
n                  26 lib/lua/lzio.h   size_t n;
n                  34 lib/lua/lzio.h #define luaZ_bufflen(buff)	((buff)->n)
n                  36 lib/lua/lzio.h #define luaZ_resetbuffer(buff) ((buff)->n = 0)
n                  46 lib/lua/lzio.h LUAI_FUNC char *luaZ_openspace (lua_State *L, Mbuffer *buff, size_t n);
n                  49 lib/lua/lzio.h LUAI_FUNC size_t luaZ_read (ZIO* z, void* b, size_t n);	/* read next n bytes */
n                  57 lib/lua/lzio.h   size_t n;			/* bytes still unread */
n                  26 lib/lua/print.c  size_t i,n=ts->tsv.len;
n                  28 lib/lua/print.c  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
n                  77 lib/lua/print.c  int pc,n=f->sizecode;
n                  78 lib/lua/print.c  for (pc=0; pc<n; pc++)
n                 183 lib/lua/print.c  int i,n=f->sizek;
n                 184 lib/lua/print.c  printf("constants (%d) for %p:\n",n,VOID(f));
n                 185 lib/lua/print.c  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
n                 195 lib/lua/print.c  int i,n=f->sizelocvars;
n                 196 lib/lua/print.c  printf("locals (%d) for %p:\n",n,VOID(f));
n                 197 lib/lua/print.c  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
n                 206 lib/lua/print.c  int i,n=f->sizeupvalues;
n                 207 lib/lua/print.c  printf("upvalues (%d) for %p:\n",n,VOID(f));
n                 209 lib/lua/print.c  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
n                 217 lib/lua/print.c  int i,n=f->sizep;
n                 226 lib/lua/print.c  for (i=0; i<n; i++) PrintFunction(f->p[i],full);
n                 690 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c     int n = expr();
n                 692 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c     r = shooting_get_tv96_from_shutter_speed((float)n/(float)d);
n                   6 loader/sx520hs/main.c void debug_pisca_led(int n)
n                  11 loader/sx520hs/main.c 	for(;cnt<n;cnt++)
n                   6 loader/sx530hs/main.c void debug_pisca_led(int n)
n                  11 loader/sx530hs/main.c 	for(;cnt<n;cnt++)
n                 345 modules/cpuinfo_v7.c     int n;
n                 346 modules/cpuinfo_v7.c     for (n=0; n<8; n++) {
n                 347 modules/cpuinfo_v7.c         linebuf[7-n] = (val & (1<<n))?'1':'0';
n                1435 modules/cpuinfo_v7.c     unsigned n, *e, r, pr=42, cycl, l1a;
n                1443 modules/cpuinfo_v7.c         for (n=0; n<cycl; n++) {
n                 124 modules/exmem_inspector.c     unsigned int n;
n                 125 modules/exmem_inspector.c     for (n=0; n<extypcnt; n++) {
n                 126 modules/exmem_inspector.c         get_exmem_type_status(n, &eaitmp);
n                 127 modules/exmem_inspector.c         if (exm_prev[n].addr!=eaitmp.addr || exm_prev[n].len!=eaitmp.len) {
n                 130 modules/exmem_inspector.c                 exl[exlpnt].typ = n;
n                 136 modules/exmem_inspector.c         exm_prev[n].addr=eaitmp.addr;
n                 137 modules/exmem_inspector.c         exm_prev[n].len=eaitmp.len;
n                 147 modules/exmem_inspector.c     int n = 0;
n                 149 modules/exmem_inspector.c         sprintf(txt, "A/CHDK/LOGS/EXM_%04d.LOG", n++);
n                 154 modules/exmem_inspector.c     } while(n<9999);
n                 170 modules/exmem_inspector.c     for (n=0; n<LOG_LEN; n++)
n                 172 modules/exmem_inspector.c         char *s = get_exmem_type_name(exl[n].typ);
n                 182 modules/exmem_inspector.c         if (exl[n].tim)
n                 184 modules/exmem_inspector.c             sprintf(txt,"%d,%s,%08x,%08x\n", exl[n].tim, name, (unsigned int)exl[n].adr, exl[n].len);
n                 374 modules/eyefi.c char *eyefi_statusName(int n)
n                 386 modules/eyefi.c     if (n<0 || n>=(int)(sizeof(eyefi_status)/sizeof(*eyefi_status)))
n                 389 modules/eyefi.c     return eyefi_status[n];
n                 413 modules/eyefi.c     int n = eyefi_enableWlan(on_off);
n                 415 modules/eyefi.c     if (n <= 0)
n                 425 modules/eyefi.c         int n = eyefi_deleteNetwork(eyefi_selectedNetwork);
n                 426 modules/eyefi.c         gui_mbox_init(LANG_SUCCESS,n<=0?LANG_CANNOT_DELETE_NETWORK:LANG_NETWORK_DELETED,MBOX_BTN_OK,eyefi_exit);
n                 434 modules/eyefi.c     int i, n;
n                 442 modules/eyefi.c     n = eyefi_buf.c.count;
n                 443 modules/eyefi.c     for (i=0; i<n && i<MAX_NETWORK; i++)
n                 465 modules/eyefi.c     int i,n;
n                 476 modules/eyefi.c         n = eyefi_buf.c.count;
n                 477 modules/eyefi.c         for (i=0; i<n && i<MAX_NETWORK; i++)
n                 493 modules/eyefi.c     int n,i;
n                 497 modules/eyefi.c         n = eyefi_testNetwork(eyefi_selectedNetwork, eyefi_password);
n                 502 modules/eyefi.c             n = eyefi_getNetworkStatus();
n                 526 modules/eyefi.c     n = eyefi_addNetwork(eyefi_selectedNetwork, eyefi_password);
n                 527 modules/eyefi.c     if (n > 0)
n                 549 modules/eyefi.c     int i,n;
n                 557 modules/eyefi.c     n = eyefi_buf.a.count;
n                 558 modules/eyefi.c     for (i=0; i<n && i<MAX_NETWORK; i++)
n                 577 modules/eyefi.c     int i,n;
n                 588 modules/eyefi.c         n = eyefi_buf.a.count;
n                 590 modules/eyefi.c         if (n == 0)
n                 596 modules/eyefi.c             for (i=0; i<n && i<MAX_NETWORK; i++)
n                  22 modules/eyefi.h #define host_to_be32(n) __builtin_bswap32(n)
n                 638 modules/file_shelter.c     unsigned n, i;
n                 645 modules/file_shelter.c         for (n=0; n<exmem_type_count; n++) {
n                 646 modules/file_shelter.c             if (strncmp(exmemtypes[i],get_exmem_type_name(n),strlen(exmemtypes[i]))==0) {
n                 647 modules/file_shelter.c                 get_exmem_type_status(n, &ai);
n                 649 modules/file_shelter.c                     starea = exmem_alloc_uncached(n, storageneed+cushion, 0);
n                 650 modules/file_shelter.c                     get_exmem_type_status(n, &ai);
n                 653 modules/file_shelter.c                         exmem_free_uncached(n);
n                 355 modules/gui_bench.c     register unsigned int n, s;
n                 365 modules/gui_bench.c     for (n=0; n<32; ++n) {
n                 386 modules/gui_bench.c     register unsigned int n;
n                 396 modules/gui_bench.c         for (n=0; n<1024; ++n) {
n                 405 modules/gui_bench.c                 :: "r" (buf), "r" (buf+0x10000), "r" (n) : "r0", "r1"
n                 419 modules/gui_bench.c     register unsigned int n;
n                 429 modules/gui_bench.c         for (n=0; n<1024; ++n) {
n                 438 modules/gui_bench.c                 :: "r" (buf), "r" (buf+0x10000), "r" (n) : "r0", "r1"
n                 528 modules/gui_bench.c     unsigned int n, s;
n                 597 modules/gui_bench.c                     for (n=0; n<256; ++n)
n                 614 modules/gui_bench.c                     for (n=0; n<256; ++n)
n                  76 modules/gui_fselect.c     unsigned short  n;
n                 190 modules/gui_fselect.c         p->n = list->count;
n                 274 modules/gui_fselect.c                 sbuf[i]->n = i;
n                 280 modules/gui_fselect.c             list->tail->n = list->count - 1;
n                 586 modules/gui_fselect.c             while (((selected->n - top->n) < (BODY_LINES - 1)) && top->prev)
n                 601 modules/gui_fselect.c             if (((selected->n - top->n) == (BODY_LINES - 1)) && selected->next)
n                 820 modules/gui_fselect.c                 unsigned long n = ptr->size;
n                 823 modules/gui_fselect.c                   sum_size += n;
n                 825 modules/gui_fselect.c                 if (n < 1024)
n                 826 modules/gui_fselect.c                     sprintf(dbuf+j, "%5db", n); // " 1023 b"
n                 831 modules/gui_fselect.c                     if (n >= 4294967245ul)    // 4GB - 51 - avoid overflow
n                 834 modules/gui_fselect.c                         n = 4096;   // 4G
n                 839 modules/gui_fselect.c                         n += 51;
n                 841 modules/gui_fselect.c                         while (n >= 1024*1024)
n                 843 modules/gui_fselect.c                             n >>= 10;
n                 844 modules/gui_fselect.c                             n += 51;
n                 848 modules/gui_fselect.c                     unsigned long f = ((n & 0x3FF) * 10) >> 10;    // 1 digit of remainder % 1024
n                 849 modules/gui_fselect.c                     sprintf(dbuf+j, "%3d.%1d%c", n >> 10, f, suffixes[sfx]);
n                 885 modules/gui_fselect.c             i = ((i - j) * selected->n) / (items.count-1);
n                 138 modules/gui_grid.c static void process_element(char *ptr, int n, grid_elem_type type) {
n                 142 modules/gui_grid.c     for (i=0; i<(int)(sizeof(nums)/sizeof(nums[0])) && i<n; ++i) {
n                 142 modules/gui_read.c         int n, m, i, ii, ll, new_word=1;
n                 150 modules/gui_read.c             n=read(read_file, buffer, READ_BUFFER_SIZE);
n                 151 modules/gui_read.c             if (n==0) {
n                 157 modules/gui_read.c             else if (n<0) {
n                 164 modules/gui_read.c             while (i<n && yy<=y+h-rbf_font_height()) {
n                 184 modules/gui_read.c                                 for (ii=i, ll=0; ii<n && buffer[ii]!=' ' && buffer[ii]!='\t' && buffer[ii]!='\r' && buffer[ii]!='\n'; ++ii) {
n                 187 modules/gui_read.c                                 if (ii==n) {
n                 188 modules/gui_read.c                                     memcpy(buffer, buffer+i, n-i);
n                 189 modules/gui_read.c                                     n=ii=n-i;
n                 192 modules/gui_read.c                                     m=read(read_file, buffer+n, READ_BUFFER_SIZE-n);
n                 199 modules/gui_read.c                                     n+=m;
n                 200 modules/gui_read.c                                     for (; ii<n && buffer[ii]!=' ' && buffer[ii]!='\t' && buffer[ii]!='\r' && buffer[ii]!='\n'; ++ii) {
n                 232 modules/gui_read.c             n=i*read_on_screen/read_file_size;           // bar height
n                 233 modules/gui_read.c             if (n<20) n=20;
n                 234 modules/gui_read.c             i=(i-n)*conf.reader_pos/read_file_size;   // top pos
n                 236 modules/gui_read.c             draw_rectangle(x+w+6+2, y+i+n, x+w+6+6, y+h-1-1, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
n                 237 modules/gui_read.c             draw_rectangle(x+w+6+2, y+1+i, x+w+6+6, y+i+n,   MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_WHITE), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
n                 726 modules/module_load.c static int default_run(int n)
n                 728 modules/module_load.c     if (module_load(&h_run[n]))
n                 730 modules/module_load.c         if ((*h_run[n].lib)->run)
n                 732 modules/module_load.c             return (*h_run[n].lib)->run();
n                 737 modules/module_load.c             module_run_error(LANG_MODULE_NOT_SIMPLE, h_run[n].name);
n                 442 modules/raw_merge.c     char *n = strrchr(dest, '/');
n                 443 modules/raw_merge.c     if (n == 0) n = dest;
n                 444 modules/raw_merge.c     else n++;
n                 446 modules/raw_merge.c     strncpy(n, img_prefixes[conf.sub_batch_prefix], 4);
n                 452 modules/raw_merge.c         if (strncmp(n, "IMG", 3) == 0)
n                 453 modules/raw_merge.c             memcpy(n, "CRW", 3);
n                 455 modules/raw_merge.c             memcpy(n, "IMG", 3);
n                  64 modules/script_key_funcs.c __attribute__((short_call)) int script_keyid_by_name (const char *n)
n                  68 modules/script_key_funcs.c     if (strcmp(keynames[i].keyname,n) == 0)
n                  48 modules/user_menu_edit.c static int validrow(int n)
n                  50 modules/user_menu_edit.c     if (((curr_menu->menu[n].type & MENUITEM_MASK) != MENUITEM_SEPARATOR) &&
n                  51 modules/user_menu_edit.c         ((curr_menu->menu[n].type & MENUITEM_SCRIPT_PARAM) != MENUITEM_SCRIPT_PARAM) &&
n                  52 modules/user_menu_edit.c         ((curr_menu->menu[n].type & MENUITEM_TEXT) != MENUITEM_TEXT) &&
n                  53 modules/user_menu_edit.c         (curr_menu->menu[n].text != LANG_MENU_USER_MENU) &&
n                  54 modules/user_menu_edit.c         (curr_menu->menu[n].text != LANG_MENU_MAIN_TITLE))
n                  61 modules/user_menu_edit.c     int n, m;
n                  63 modules/user_menu_edit.c     for(n = 0, m = 0; curr_menu->menu[n].text; n++)
n                  64 modules/user_menu_edit.c         if (validrow(n)) m++;
n                  70 modules/user_menu_edit.c     int n;
n                  72 modules/user_menu_edit.c     for(n = 0; curr_menu->menu[n].text; n++);
n                  73 modules/user_menu_edit.c     return n;
n                  85 modules/user_menu_edit.c static int inUserMenu(int n)
n                  90 modules/user_menu_edit.c         if (user_submenu.menu[i].text == curr_menu->menu[n].text)
n                 681 modules/user_menu_edit.c                     char *n;
n                 683 modules/user_menu_edit.c                         n = lang_str(-mod->_module_info->moduleName);
n                 685 modules/user_menu_edit.c                         n = (char*)mod->_module_info->moduleName;
n                 686 modules/user_menu_edit.c                     add_module_to_user_menu(fn, n);
n                 478 modules/zebra.c         static int n=0;
n                 481 modules/zebra.c         n=draw_guard_pixel(); // will be 0 in PLAY mode, should be 1 or 2 in REC mode.
n                 486 modules/zebra.c             if (n==1) {
n                 120 platform/a1000/shooting.c     long n;
n                 122 platform/a1000/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 123 platform/a1000/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 124 platform/a1000/shooting.c     return n;
n                 128 platform/a1000/shooting.c     long n;
n                 130 platform/a1000/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 131 platform/a1000/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 132 platform/a1000/shooting.c     return n;
n                 113 platform/a1100/shooting.c     long n;
n                 115 platform/a1100/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 116 platform/a1100/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 117 platform/a1100/shooting.c     return n;
n                 121 platform/a1100/shooting.c     long n;
n                 123 platform/a1100/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 124 platform/a1100/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 125 platform/a1100/shooting.c     return n;
n                 123 platform/a1200/shooting.c     long n;
n                 125 platform/a1200/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 126 platform/a1200/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 127 platform/a1200/shooting.c     return n;
n                 139 platform/a1200/shooting.c     long n;
n                 141 platform/a1200/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 142 platform/a1200/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 143 platform/a1200/shooting.c     return n;
n                 112 platform/a1300/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 114 platform/a1300/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 115 platform/a1300/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 116 platform/a1300/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 128 platform/a1300/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 130 platform/a1300/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 131 platform/a1300/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 132 platform/a1300/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 149 platform/a2000/shooting.c     long n;
n                 151 platform/a2000/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 152 platform/a2000/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 153 platform/a2000/shooting.c     return n;
n                 157 platform/a2000/shooting.c     long n;
n                 159 platform/a2000/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 160 platform/a2000/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 161 platform/a2000/shooting.c     return n;
n                 148 platform/a2100/shooting.c     long n;
n                 150 platform/a2100/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 151 platform/a2100/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 152 platform/a2100/shooting.c     return n;
n                 156 platform/a2100/shooting.c     long n;
n                 158 platform/a2100/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 159 platform/a2100/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 160 platform/a2100/shooting.c     return n;
n                 134 platform/a2200/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 136 platform/a2200/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 137 platform/a2200/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 138 platform/a2200/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 150 platform/a2200/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 152 platform/a2200/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 153 platform/a2200/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 154 platform/a2200/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 112 platform/a2300/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 114 platform/a2300/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 115 platform/a2300/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 116 platform/a2300/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 128 platform/a2300/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 130 platform/a2300/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 131 platform/a2300/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 132 platform/a2300/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 111 platform/a2400/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 113 platform/a2400/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 114 platform/a2400/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 115 platform/a2400/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 127 platform/a2400/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 129 platform/a2400/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 130 platform/a2400/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 131 platform/a2400/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 112 platform/a2500/shooting.c     long n;
n                 114 platform/a2500/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 115 platform/a2500/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 116 platform/a2500/shooting.c     return n;
n                 126 platform/a2500/shooting.c     long n;
n                 128 platform/a2500/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 129 platform/a2500/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 130 platform/a2500/shooting.c     return n;
n                 112 platform/a2600/shooting.c     long n;
n                 114 platform/a2600/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 115 platform/a2600/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 116 platform/a2600/shooting.c     return n;
n                 126 platform/a2600/shooting.c     long n;
n                 128 platform/a2600/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 129 platform/a2600/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 130 platform/a2600/shooting.c     return n;
n                 116 platform/a3000/shooting.c     long n;
n                 118 platform/a3000/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 119 platform/a3000/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 120 platform/a3000/shooting.c     return n;
n                 132 platform/a3000/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 134 platform/a3000/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 135 platform/a3000/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 136 platform/a3000/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 118 platform/a3100/shooting.c     long n;
n                 120 platform/a3100/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 121 platform/a3100/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 122 platform/a3100/shooting.c     return n;
n                 134 platform/a3100/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 136 platform/a3100/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 137 platform/a3100/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 138 platform/a3100/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 113 platform/a3200/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 115 platform/a3200/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 116 platform/a3200/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 117 platform/a3200/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 129 platform/a3200/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 131 platform/a3200/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 132 platform/a3200/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 133 platform/a3200/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 114 platform/a3300/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 116 platform/a3300/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 117 platform/a3300/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 118 platform/a3300/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 130 platform/a3300/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 132 platform/a3300/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 133 platform/a3300/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 134 platform/a3300/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 110 platform/a3400/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 112 platform/a3400/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 113 platform/a3400/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 114 platform/a3400/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 126 platform/a3400/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 128 platform/a3400/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 129 platform/a3400/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 130 platform/a3400/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 111 platform/a4000/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 113 platform/a4000/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 114 platform/a4000/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 115 platform/a4000/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 127 platform/a4000/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 129 platform/a4000/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 130 platform/a4000/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 131 platform/a4000/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 115 platform/a410/shooting.c     long n;
n                 117 platform/a410/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 118 platform/a410/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 119 platform/a410/shooting.c     return n;
n                 123 platform/a410/shooting.c     long n;
n                 125 platform/a410/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 126 platform/a410/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 127 platform/a410/shooting.c     return n;
n                 128 platform/a420/shooting.c     long n;
n                 130 platform/a420/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 131 platform/a420/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 132 platform/a420/shooting.c     return n;
n                 136 platform/a420/shooting.c     long n;
n                 138 platform/a420/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 139 platform/a420/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 140 platform/a420/shooting.c     return n;
n                 117 platform/a430/shooting.c     long n;
n                 119 platform/a430/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 120 platform/a430/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 121 platform/a430/shooting.c     return n;
n                 125 platform/a430/shooting.c     long n;
n                 127 platform/a430/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 128 platform/a430/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 129 platform/a430/shooting.c     return n;
n                 116 platform/a450/shooting.c     long n;
n                 118 platform/a450/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 119 platform/a450/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 120 platform/a450/shooting.c     return n;
n                 124 platform/a450/shooting.c     long n;
n                 126 platform/a450/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 127 platform/a450/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 128 platform/a450/shooting.c     return n;
n                 119 platform/a460/shooting.c     long n;
n                 121 platform/a460/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 122 platform/a460/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 123 platform/a460/shooting.c     return n;
n                 127 platform/a460/shooting.c     long n;
n                 129 platform/a460/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 130 platform/a460/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 131 platform/a460/shooting.c     return n;
n                 129 platform/a470/shooting.c     long n;
n                 131 platform/a470/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 132 platform/a470/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 133 platform/a470/shooting.c     return n;
n                 137 platform/a470/shooting.c     long n;
n                 139 platform/a470/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 140 platform/a470/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 141 platform/a470/shooting.c     return n;
n                 107 platform/a480/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 109 platform/a480/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 110 platform/a480/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 111 platform/a480/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 115 platform/a480/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 117 platform/a480/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 118 platform/a480/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 119 platform/a480/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 106 platform/a490/shooting.c     long n;
n                 108 platform/a490/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 109 platform/a490/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 110 platform/a490/shooting.c     return n;
n                 122 platform/a490/shooting.c     long n;
n                 124 platform/a490/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 125 platform/a490/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 126 platform/a490/shooting.c     return n;
n                 105 platform/a495/shooting.c     long n;
n                 107 platform/a495/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 108 platform/a495/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 109 platform/a495/shooting.c     return n;
n                 121 platform/a495/shooting.c     long n;
n                 123 platform/a495/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 124 platform/a495/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 125 platform/a495/shooting.c     return n;
n                 129 platform/a530/shooting.c     long n;
n                 131 platform/a530/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 132 platform/a530/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 133 platform/a530/shooting.c     return n;
n                 137 platform/a530/shooting.c     long n;
n                 139 platform/a530/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 140 platform/a530/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 141 platform/a530/shooting.c     return n;
n                 124 platform/a540/shooting.c     long n;
n                 126 platform/a540/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 127 platform/a540/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 128 platform/a540/shooting.c     return n;
n                 132 platform/a540/shooting.c     long n;
n                 134 platform/a540/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 135 platform/a540/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 136 platform/a540/shooting.c     return n;
n                 122 platform/a550/shooting.c     long n;
n                 124 platform/a550/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 125 platform/a550/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 126 platform/a550/shooting.c     return n;
n                 130 platform/a550/shooting.c     long n;
n                 132 platform/a550/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 133 platform/a550/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 134 platform/a550/shooting.c     return n;
n                 120 platform/a560/shooting.c     long n;
n                 122 platform/a560/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 123 platform/a560/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 124 platform/a560/shooting.c     return n;
n                 128 platform/a560/shooting.c     long n;
n                 130 platform/a560/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 131 platform/a560/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 132 platform/a560/shooting.c     return n;
n                 127 platform/a570/shooting.c     long n;
n                 129 platform/a570/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 130 platform/a570/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 131 platform/a570/shooting.c     return n;
n                 135 platform/a570/shooting.c     long n;
n                 137 platform/a570/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 138 platform/a570/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 139 platform/a570/shooting.c     return n;
n                 130 platform/a580/shooting.c     long n;
n                 132 platform/a580/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 133 platform/a580/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 134 platform/a580/shooting.c     return n;
n                 138 platform/a580/shooting.c     long n;
n                 140 platform/a580/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 141 platform/a580/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 142 platform/a580/shooting.c     return n;
n                 138 platform/a590/shooting.c     long n;
n                 140 platform/a590/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 141 platform/a590/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 142 platform/a590/shooting.c     return n;
n                 146 platform/a590/shooting.c     long n;
n                 148 platform/a590/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 149 platform/a590/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 150 platform/a590/shooting.c     return n;
n                 121 platform/a610/shooting.c     long n;
n                 123 platform/a610/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 124 platform/a610/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 125 platform/a610/shooting.c     return n;
n                 129 platform/a610/shooting.c     long n;
n                 131 platform/a610/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 132 platform/a610/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 133 platform/a610/shooting.c     if (get_target_file_num()%100 == 1) ++n;
n                 134 platform/a610/shooting.c     return n;
n                 130 platform/a620/shooting.c     long n;
n                 132 platform/a620/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 133 platform/a620/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 134 platform/a620/shooting.c     return n;
n                 138 platform/a620/shooting.c     long n;
n                 140 platform/a620/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 141 platform/a620/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 142 platform/a620/shooting.c     if (get_target_file_num()%100 == 1) ++n;
n                 143 platform/a620/shooting.c     return n;
n                 128 platform/a630/shooting.c     long n;
n                 130 platform/a630/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 131 platform/a630/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 132 platform/a630/shooting.c     return n;
n                 136 platform/a630/shooting.c     long n;
n                 138 platform/a630/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 139 platform/a630/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 140 platform/a630/shooting.c     return n;
n                 131 platform/a640/shooting.c     long n;
n                 133 platform/a640/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 134 platform/a640/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 135 platform/a640/shooting.c     return n;
n                 139 platform/a640/shooting.c     long n;
n                 141 platform/a640/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 142 platform/a640/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 143 platform/a640/shooting.c     return n;
n                 127 platform/a650/shooting.c     long n;
n                 129 platform/a650/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 130 platform/a650/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 131 platform/a650/shooting.c     return n;
n                 135 platform/a650/shooting.c     long n;
n                 137 platform/a650/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 138 platform/a650/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 139 platform/a650/shooting.c     return n;
n                 134 platform/a700/shooting.c     long n;
n                 136 platform/a700/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 137 platform/a700/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 138 platform/a700/shooting.c     return n;
n                 142 platform/a700/shooting.c     long n;
n                 144 platform/a700/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 145 platform/a700/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 146 platform/a700/shooting.c     return n;
n                 126 platform/a710/shooting.c     long n;
n                 128 platform/a710/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 129 platform/a710/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 130 platform/a710/shooting.c     return n;
n                 134 platform/a710/shooting.c     long n;
n                 136 platform/a710/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 137 platform/a710/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 138 platform/a710/shooting.c     return n;
n                 127 platform/a720/shooting.c     long n;
n                 129 platform/a720/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 130 platform/a720/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 131 platform/a720/shooting.c     return n;
n                 135 platform/a720/shooting.c     long n;
n                 137 platform/a720/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 138 platform/a720/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 139 platform/a720/shooting.c     return n;
n                 104 platform/a800/shooting.c     long n;
n                 106 platform/a800/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 107 platform/a800/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 108 platform/a800/shooting.c     return n;
n                 120 platform/a800/shooting.c     long n;
n                 122 platform/a800/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 123 platform/a800/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 124 platform/a800/shooting.c     return n;
n                 112 platform/a810/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 114 platform/a810/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 115 platform/a810/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 116 platform/a810/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 128 platform/a810/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 130 platform/a810/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 131 platform/a810/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 132 platform/a810/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 142 platform/d10/shooting.c     long n;
n                 144 platform/d10/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 145 platform/d10/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 146 platform/d10/shooting.c     return n;
n                 150 platform/d10/shooting.c     long n;
n                 152 platform/d10/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 153 platform/d10/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 154 platform/d10/shooting.c     return n;
n                 118 platform/d20/shooting.c     long n;
n                 120 platform/d20/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 121 platform/d20/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 122 platform/d20/shooting.c     return n;
n                 126 platform/d20/shooting.c     long n;
n                 128 platform/d20/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 129 platform/d20/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 130 platform/d20/shooting.c     return n;
n                 118 platform/d30/shooting.c     long n;
n                 120 platform/d30/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 121 platform/d30/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 122 platform/d30/shooting.c     return n;
n                 126 platform/d30/shooting.c     long n;
n                 128 platform/d30/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 129 platform/d30/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 130 platform/d30/shooting.c     return n;
n                  84 platform/g10/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n)
n                  86 platform/g10/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 128 platform/g10/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 130 platform/g10/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 131 platform/g10/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 132 platform/g10/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 146 platform/g10/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 148 platform/g10/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 149 platform/g10/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 150 platform/g10/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 112 platform/g11/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 121 platform/g11/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 133 platform/g11/shooting.c     long n;
n                 135 platform/g11/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 136 platform/g11/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 137 platform/g11/shooting.c     return n;
n                 149 platform/g11/shooting.c     long n;
n                 151 platform/g11/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 152 platform/g11/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 153 platform/g11/shooting.c     return n;
n                 111 platform/g12/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n)
n                 113 platform/g12/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n)
n                 120 platform/g12/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 145 platform/g12/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 147 platform/g12/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 148 platform/g12/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 149 platform/g12/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 162 platform/g12/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 164 platform/g12/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 165 platform/g12/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 166 platform/g12/shooting.c 	return n;
n                  79 platform/g15/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n)
n                  81 platform/g15/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n)
n                  87 platform/g15/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 130 platform/g15/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 132 platform/g15/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 133 platform/g15/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 134 platform/g15/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 145 platform/g15/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 147 platform/g15/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 148 platform/g15/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 149 platform/g15/shooting.c 	return n;
n                  95 platform/g1x/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n)
n                  97 platform/g1x/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n)
n                 104 platform/g1x/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 178 platform/g1x/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 180 platform/g1x/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 181 platform/g1x/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 182 platform/g1x/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 194 platform/g1x/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 196 platform/g1x/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 197 platform/g1x/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 198 platform/g1x/shooting.c 	return n;
n                  19 platform/g5x/lib.c     int n = active_bitmap_buffer;
n                  20 platform/g5x/lib.c     _transfer_src_overlay(n^1);
n                  21 platform/g5x/lib.c     _transfer_src_overlay(n);
n                 114 platform/g7/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 121 platform/g7/kbd.c         if(!n) {
n                 126 platform/g7/kbd.c         if(n) {
n                 131 platform/g7/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 134 platform/g7/shooting.c     long n;
n                 136 platform/g7/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 137 platform/g7/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 138 platform/g7/shooting.c     return n;
n                 142 platform/g7/shooting.c     long n;
n                 144 platform/g7/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 145 platform/g7/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 146 platform/g7/shooting.c     return n;
n                  19 platform/g7x2/lib.c     int n = active_bitmap_buffer;
n                  20 platform/g7x2/lib.c     _transfer_src_overlay(n^1);
n                  21 platform/g7x2/lib.c     _transfer_src_overlay(n);
n                 125 platform/g9/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 134 platform/g9/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 143 platform/g9/shooting.c     long n;
n                 145 platform/g9/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 146 platform/g9/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 147 platform/g9/shooting.c     return n;
n                 151 platform/g9/shooting.c     long n;
n                 153 platform/g9/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 154 platform/g9/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 155 platform/g9/shooting.c     return n;
n                  69 platform/generic/capt_seq.c #define set_nrflag(n)   _nrflag = n
n                  71 platform/generic/capt_seq.c #define set_nrflag(n)   *nrflag = n
n                  30 platform/generic/filewrite.c int filewrite_get_file_chunk(char **addr,int *size,unsigned n,int *pos) {
n                  34 platform/generic/filewrite.c     if (n >= MAX_CHUNKS_FOR_FWT || file_chunks == NULL) {
n                  39 platform/generic/filewrite.c     *addr=(char *)file_chunks[n].address;
n                  40 platform/generic/filewrite.c     *size=file_chunks[n].length;
n                  41 platform/generic/filewrite.c     if (n < MAX_CHUNKS_FOR_FWT-1) {
n                  42 platform/generic/filewrite.c         if (file_chunks[n+1].length==0) {
n                  65 platform/generic/filewrite.c     if ( n == 0 ) { // first chunk for this shot
n                  73 platform/generic/filewrite.c     (void)n;
n                 814 platform/generic/wrappers.c char *fgets(char *buf, int n, FILE *f) {
n                 815 platform/generic/wrappers.c     return _Fgets_Fut(buf,n,(int)f);
n                 859 platform/generic/wrappers.c int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, long n) {
n                 860 platform/generic/wrappers.c     return _strncmp(s1, s2, n);
n                 871 platform/generic/wrappers.c char *strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, long n) {
n                 872 platform/generic/wrappers.c     return _strncpy(dest, src, n);
n                1091 platform/generic/wrappers.c void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, long n) {
n                1092 platform/generic/wrappers.c     return _memcpy(dest, src, n);
n                1095 platform/generic/wrappers.c void *memset(void *s, int c, int n) {
n                1096 platform/generic/wrappers.c     return _memset(s, c, n);
n                1099 platform/generic/wrappers.c int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, long n) {
n                1100 platform/generic/wrappers.c     return _memcmp(s1, s2, n);
n                1104 platform/generic/wrappers.c void *memchr(const void *s, int c, int n) {
n                1105 platform/generic/wrappers.c 	return _memchr(s,c,n);
n                 116 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 125 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 134 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 137 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 139 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 142 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 169 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 171 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 172 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 173 platform/ixus1000_sd4500/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 144 platform/ixus100_sd780/shooting.c     long n;
n                 146 platform/ixus100_sd780/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 147 platform/ixus100_sd780/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 148 platform/ixus100_sd780/shooting.c     return n;
n                 152 platform/ixus100_sd780/shooting.c     long n;
n                 154 platform/ixus100_sd780/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 155 platform/ixus100_sd780/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 156 platform/ixus100_sd780/shooting.c     return n;
n                 106 platform/ixus105_sd1300/shooting.c 	long n;	
n                 107 platform/ixus105_sd1300/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 108 platform/ixus105_sd1300/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 109 platform/ixus105_sd1300/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 121 platform/ixus110_sd960/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 122 platform/ixus110_sd960/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 124 platform/ixus110_sd960/shooting.c     long n;
n                 126 platform/ixus110_sd960/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 127 platform/ixus110_sd960/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 128 platform/ixus110_sd960/shooting.c     return n;
n                 132 platform/ixus110_sd960/shooting.c     long n;
n                 134 platform/ixus110_sd960/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 135 platform/ixus110_sd960/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 136 platform/ixus110_sd960/shooting.c     return n;
n                 145 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 147 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 149 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 151 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 161 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 163 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 164 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 165 platform/ixus115_elph100hs/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 116 platform/ixus120_sd940/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 118 platform/ixus120_sd940/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 119 platform/ixus120_sd940/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 120 platform/ixus120_sd940/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 132 platform/ixus120_sd940/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 134 platform/ixus120_sd940/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 135 platform/ixus120_sd940/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 136 platform/ixus120_sd940/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 122 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/shooting.c     long n;
n                 124 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 125 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 126 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/shooting.c     return n;
n                 130 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/shooting.c     long n;
n                 132 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 133 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 134 platform/ixus125_elph110hs/shooting.c     return n;
n                 143 platform/ixus130_sd1400/shooting.c     long n;
n                 145 platform/ixus130_sd1400/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 146 platform/ixus130_sd1400/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 147 platform/ixus130_sd1400/shooting.c     return n;
n                 160 platform/ixus130_sd1400/shooting.c     long n;
n                 162 platform/ixus130_sd1400/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 163 platform/ixus130_sd1400/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 164 platform/ixus130_sd1400/shooting.c     return n;
n                  12 platform/ixus130_sd1400/sub/100a/led.h void busy_wait(ulong n);
n                  89 platform/ixus200_sd980/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                  98 platform/ixus200_sd980/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 117 platform/ixus200_sd980/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 119 platform/ixus200_sd980/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 120 platform/ixus200_sd980/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 121 platform/ixus200_sd980/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 133 platform/ixus200_sd980/shooting.c     long n;
n                 135 platform/ixus200_sd980/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 136 platform/ixus200_sd980/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 137 platform/ixus200_sd980/shooting.c     return n;
n                 133 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 136 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 138 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 140 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/shooting.c     return n;
n                 150 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 152 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 153 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 154 platform/ixus220_elph300hs/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 127 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 130 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 132 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 134 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/shooting.c     return n;
n                 144 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 146 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 147 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 148 platform/ixus230_elph310hs/shooting.c 	return n;
n                  94 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c #define LB(x,n) TS_XL+x*TS_W, TS_YT+n*TS_H, TS_XL+(x+1)*TS_W, TS_YT+n*TS_H+TS_H
n                  95 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c #define RB(x,n) TS_XR-x*TS_W, TS_YT+n*TS_H, TS_XR+TS_W-x*TS_W, TS_YT+n*TS_H+TS_H
n                  96 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c #define RBW(x,n) TS_XR-TS_W-x*TS_W, TS_YT+n*TS_H, TS_XR+TS_W-x*TS_W, TS_YT+n*TS_H+TS_H
n                 117 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/shooting.c     long n;
n                 119 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 120 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 121 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/shooting.c     return n;
n                 132 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/shooting.c     long n;
n                 134 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 135 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 136 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/shooting.c     return n;
n                  87 platform/ixus300_sd4000/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                  89 platform/ixus300_sd4000/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n) {
n                  95 platform/ixus300_sd4000/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 144 platform/ixus300_sd4000/shooting.c     long n;
n                 146 platform/ixus300_sd4000/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 147 platform/ixus300_sd4000/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 148 platform/ixus300_sd4000/shooting.c     return n;
n                 161 platform/ixus300_sd4000/shooting.c         long n;
n                 163 platform/ixus300_sd4000/shooting.c         n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 164 platform/ixus300_sd4000/shooting.c         n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 165 platform/ixus300_sd4000/shooting.c         return n;
n                 122 platform/ixus30_sd200/shooting.c     long n;
n                 124 platform/ixus30_sd200/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 125 platform/ixus30_sd200/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 126 platform/ixus30_sd200/shooting.c     return n;
n                 130 platform/ixus30_sd200/shooting.c     long n;
n                 132 platform/ixus30_sd200/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 133 platform/ixus30_sd200/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 134 platform/ixus30_sd200/shooting.c     return n;
n                  56 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c #define LB(x,n,s)   TS_XL+x*TS_W, TS_YT+n*TS_H, TS_XL+(x+1)*TS_W-1, TS_YT+n*TS_H+TS_H-1, s
n                  57 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c #define RB(x,n,s)   TS_XR-x*TS_W, TS_YT+n*TS_H, TS_XR-(x-1)*TS_W-1, TS_YT+n*TS_H+TS_H-1, s
n                 147 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 149 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 150 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 151 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 163 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 165 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 166 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 167 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 122 platform/ixus40_sd300/shooting.c     long n;
n                 124 platform/ixus40_sd300/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 125 platform/ixus40_sd300/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 126 platform/ixus40_sd300/shooting.c     return n;
n                 130 platform/ixus40_sd300/shooting.c     long n;
n                 132 platform/ixus40_sd300/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 133 platform/ixus40_sd300/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 134 platform/ixus40_sd300/shooting.c     return n;
n                 118 platform/ixus50_sd400/shooting.c     long n;
n                 120 platform/ixus50_sd400/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 121 platform/ixus50_sd400/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 122 platform/ixus50_sd400/shooting.c     return n;
n                 126 platform/ixus50_sd400/shooting.c     long n;
n                 128 platform/ixus50_sd400/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 129 platform/ixus50_sd400/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 130 platform/ixus50_sd400/shooting.c     return n;
n                 120 platform/ixus55_sd450/shooting.c     long n;
n                 122 platform/ixus55_sd450/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 123 platform/ixus55_sd450/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 124 platform/ixus55_sd450/shooting.c     return n;
n                 128 platform/ixus55_sd450/shooting.c     long n;
n                 130 platform/ixus55_sd450/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 131 platform/ixus55_sd450/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 132 platform/ixus55_sd450/shooting.c     return n;
n                 125 platform/ixus60_sd600/shooting.c     long n;
n                 127 platform/ixus60_sd600/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 128 platform/ixus60_sd600/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 129 platform/ixus60_sd600/shooting.c     return n;
n                 133 platform/ixus60_sd600/shooting.c     long n;
n                 135 platform/ixus60_sd600/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 136 platform/ixus60_sd600/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 137 platform/ixus60_sd600/shooting.c     if (get_target_file_num()%100 == 1) ++n;
n                 138 platform/ixus60_sd600/shooting.c     return n;
n                 131 platform/ixus65_sd630/shooting.c     long n;
n                 133 platform/ixus65_sd630/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 134 platform/ixus65_sd630/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 135 platform/ixus65_sd630/shooting.c     return n;
n                 139 platform/ixus65_sd630/shooting.c     long n;
n                 141 platform/ixus65_sd630/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 142 platform/ixus65_sd630/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 143 platform/ixus65_sd630/shooting.c     if (get_target_file_num()%100 == 1) ++n;
n                 144 platform/ixus65_sd630/shooting.c     return n;
n                 123 platform/ixus700_sd500/shooting.c     long n;
n                 125 platform/ixus700_sd500/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 126 platform/ixus700_sd500/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 127 platform/ixus700_sd500/shooting.c     return n;
n                 131 platform/ixus700_sd500/shooting.c     long n;
n                 133 platform/ixus700_sd500/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 134 platform/ixus700_sd500/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 135 platform/ixus700_sd500/shooting.c     return n;
n                 130 platform/ixus70_sd1000/shooting.c     long n;
n                 132 platform/ixus70_sd1000/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 133 platform/ixus70_sd1000/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 134 platform/ixus70_sd1000/shooting.c     return n;
n                 138 platform/ixus70_sd1000/shooting.c     long n;
n                 140 platform/ixus70_sd1000/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 141 platform/ixus70_sd1000/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 142 platform/ixus70_sd1000/shooting.c     return n;
n                 121 platform/ixus750_sd550/shooting.c     long n;
n                 123 platform/ixus750_sd550/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 124 platform/ixus750_sd550/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 125 platform/ixus750_sd550/shooting.c     return n;
n                 129 platform/ixus750_sd550/shooting.c     long n;
n                 131 platform/ixus750_sd550/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 132 platform/ixus750_sd550/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 133 platform/ixus750_sd550/shooting.c     return n;
n                 132 platform/ixus75_sd750/shooting.c     long n;
n                 134 platform/ixus75_sd750/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 135 platform/ixus75_sd750/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 136 platform/ixus75_sd750/shooting.c     return n;
n                 140 platform/ixus75_sd750/shooting.c     long n;
n                 142 platform/ixus75_sd750/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 143 platform/ixus75_sd750/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 144 platform/ixus75_sd750/shooting.c     return n;
n                 131 platform/ixus800_sd700/shooting.c     long n;
n                 133 platform/ixus800_sd700/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 134 platform/ixus800_sd700/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 135 platform/ixus800_sd700/shooting.c     return n;
n                 139 platform/ixus800_sd700/shooting.c     long n;
n                 141 platform/ixus800_sd700/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 142 platform/ixus800_sd700/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 143 platform/ixus800_sd700/shooting.c     return n;
n                 144 platform/ixus80_sd1100/shooting.c     long n;
n                 146 platform/ixus80_sd1100/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 147 platform/ixus80_sd1100/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 148 platform/ixus80_sd1100/shooting.c     return n;
n                 152 platform/ixus80_sd1100/shooting.c     long n;
n                 154 platform/ixus80_sd1100/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 155 platform/ixus80_sd1100/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 156 platform/ixus80_sd1100/shooting.c     return n;
n                 130 platform/ixus850_sd800/shooting.c     long n;
n                 132 platform/ixus850_sd800/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 133 platform/ixus850_sd800/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 134 platform/ixus850_sd800/shooting.c     return n;
n                 138 platform/ixus850_sd800/shooting.c     long n;
n                 140 platform/ixus850_sd800/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 141 platform/ixus850_sd800/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 142 platform/ixus850_sd800/shooting.c     return n;
n                 170 platform/ixus85_sd770/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 172 platform/ixus85_sd770/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 173 platform/ixus85_sd770/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 174 platform/ixus85_sd770/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 179 platform/ixus85_sd770/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 181 platform/ixus85_sd770/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 182 platform/ixus85_sd770/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 183 platform/ixus85_sd770/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 133 platform/ixus860_sd870/shooting.c     long n;
n                 135 platform/ixus860_sd870/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 136 platform/ixus860_sd870/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 137 platform/ixus860_sd870/shooting.c     return n;
n                 141 platform/ixus860_sd870/shooting.c     long n;
n                 143 platform/ixus860_sd870/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 144 platform/ixus860_sd870/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 145 platform/ixus860_sd870/shooting.c     return n;
n                 145 platform/ixus870_sd880/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 154 platform/ixus870_sd880/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 160 platform/ixus870_sd880/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 162 platform/ixus870_sd880/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 163 platform/ixus870_sd880/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 164 platform/ixus870_sd880/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 168 platform/ixus870_sd880/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 170 platform/ixus870_sd880/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 171 platform/ixus870_sd880/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 172 platform/ixus870_sd880/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 142 platform/ixus900_sd900/shooting.c     long n;
n                 143 platform/ixus900_sd900/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 144 platform/ixus900_sd900/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 145 platform/ixus900_sd900/shooting.c     return n;
n                 149 platform/ixus900_sd900/shooting.c     long n;
n                 150 platform/ixus900_sd900/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 151 platform/ixus900_sd900/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 152 platform/ixus900_sd900/shooting.c     return n;
n                 131 platform/ixus90_sd790/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 140 platform/ixus90_sd790/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 124 platform/ixus90_sd790/shooting.c     long n;
n                 126 platform/ixus90_sd790/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 127 platform/ixus90_sd790/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 128 platform/ixus90_sd790/shooting.c     return n;
n                 132 platform/ixus90_sd790/shooting.c     long n;
n                 134 platform/ixus90_sd790/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 135 platform/ixus90_sd790/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 136 platform/ixus90_sd790/shooting.c     return n;
n                 141 platform/ixus950_sd850/shooting.c     long n;
n                 143 platform/ixus950_sd850/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 144 platform/ixus950_sd850/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 145 platform/ixus950_sd850/shooting.c     return n;
n                 149 platform/ixus950_sd850/shooting.c     long n;
n                 151 platform/ixus950_sd850/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 152 platform/ixus950_sd850/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 153 platform/ixus950_sd850/shooting.c     return n;
n                 119 platform/ixus95_sd1200/shooting.c     long n;
n                 121 platform/ixus95_sd1200/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 122 platform/ixus95_sd1200/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 123 platform/ixus95_sd1200/shooting.c     return n;
n                 127 platform/ixus95_sd1200/shooting.c     long n;
n                 129 platform/ixus95_sd1200/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 130 platform/ixus95_sd1200/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 131 platform/ixus95_sd1200/shooting.c     return n;
n                 121 platform/ixus960_sd950/shooting.c long n;
n                 123 platform/ixus960_sd950/shooting.c n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 124 platform/ixus960_sd950/shooting.c n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 125 platform/ixus960_sd950/shooting.c return n;
n                 128 platform/ixus960_sd950/shooting.c long n;
n                 130 platform/ixus960_sd950/shooting.c n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 131 platform/ixus960_sd950/shooting.c n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 132 platform/ixus960_sd950/shooting.c return n;
n                 119 platform/ixus970_sd890/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 128 platform/ixus970_sd890/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 182 platform/ixus970_sd890/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 184 platform/ixus970_sd890/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 185 platform/ixus970_sd890/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 186 platform/ixus970_sd890/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 191 platform/ixus970_sd890/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 193 platform/ixus970_sd890/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 194 platform/ixus970_sd890/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 195 platform/ixus970_sd890/shooting.c 	return n;
n                  92 platform/ixus980_sd990/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                  93 platform/ixus980_sd990/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 141 platform/ixus980_sd990/shooting.c     long n;
n                 143 platform/ixus980_sd990/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 144 platform/ixus980_sd990/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 145 platform/ixus980_sd990/shooting.c     return n;
n                 149 platform/ixus980_sd990/shooting.c     long n;
n                 151 platform/ixus980_sd990/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 152 platform/ixus980_sd990/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 153 platform/ixus980_sd990/shooting.c     return n;
n                  85 platform/ixus990_sd970/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                  86 platform/ixus990_sd970/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 162 platform/ixus990_sd970/shooting.c     long n;
n                 164 platform/ixus990_sd970/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 165 platform/ixus990_sd970/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 166 platform/ixus990_sd970/shooting.c     return n;
n                 170 platform/ixus990_sd970/shooting.c     long n;
n                 172 platform/ixus990_sd970/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 173 platform/ixus990_sd970/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 174 platform/ixus990_sd970/shooting.c     return n;
n                 114 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/shooting.c     long n;
n                 116 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 117 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 118 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/shooting.c     return n;
n                 122 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/shooting.c     long n;
n                 124 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 125 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 126 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/shooting.c     if (get_target_file_num()%100 == 1) ++n;
n                 127 platform/ixusizoom_sd30/shooting.c     return n;
n                 107 platform/ixusw_sd430/shooting.c     long n;
n                 109 platform/ixusw_sd430/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 110 platform/ixusw_sd430/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 111 platform/ixusw_sd430/shooting.c     return n;
n                 115 platform/ixusw_sd430/shooting.c     long n;
n                 117 platform/ixusw_sd430/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 118 platform/ixusw_sd430/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 119 platform/ixusw_sd430/shooting.c     return n;
n                  26 platform/ixusw_sd430/sub/110a/boot.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) my_blinker(int n) {
n                  31 platform/ixusw_sd430/sub/110a/boot.c     for (j=0; j<n; j++)
n                 101 platform/n/shooting.c     long n;
n                 103 platform/n/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 104 platform/n/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 105 platform/n/shooting.c     return n;
n                 117 platform/n/shooting.c     long n;
n                 119 platform/n/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 120 platform/n/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 121 platform/n/shooting.c     return n;
n                 101 platform/n_facebook/shooting.c     long n;
n                 103 platform/n_facebook/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 104 platform/n_facebook/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 105 platform/n_facebook/shooting.c     return n;
n                 117 platform/n_facebook/shooting.c     long n;
n                 119 platform/n_facebook/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 120 platform/n_facebook/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 121 platform/n_facebook/shooting.c     return n;
n                  85 platform/s100/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n)
n                  87 platform/s100/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n)
n                  91 platform/s100/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 147 platform/s100/shooting.c     long n;
n                 149 platform/s100/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 150 platform/s100/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 151 platform/s100/shooting.c     return n;
n                 162 platform/s100/shooting.c     long n;
n                 164 platform/s100/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 165 platform/s100/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 166 platform/s100/shooting.c     return n;
n                  87 platform/s110/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n)
n                  89 platform/s110/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n)
n                  93 platform/s110/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 161 platform/s110/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 163 platform/s110/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 164 platform/s110/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 165 platform/s110/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 176 platform/s110/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 178 platform/s110/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 179 platform/s110/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 180 platform/s110/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 115 platform/s2is/shooting.c     long n;
n                 117 platform/s2is/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 118 platform/s2is/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 119 platform/s2is/shooting.c     return n;
n                 123 platform/s2is/shooting.c     long n;
n                 125 platform/s2is/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 126 platform/s2is/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 127 platform/s2is/shooting.c     return n;
n                 119 platform/s3is/shooting.c     long n;
n                 121 platform/s3is/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 122 platform/s3is/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 123 platform/s3is/shooting.c     return n;
n                 127 platform/s3is/shooting.c     long n;
n                 129 platform/s3is/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 130 platform/s3is/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 131 platform/s3is/shooting.c     return n;
n                 133 platform/s5is/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 135 platform/s5is/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 136 platform/s5is/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 137 platform/s5is/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 141 platform/s5is/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 143 platform/s5is/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 144 platform/s5is/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 145 platform/s5is/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 144 platform/s80/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 153 platform/s80/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 112 platform/s80/shooting.c     long n;
n                 114 platform/s80/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 115 platform/s80/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 116 platform/s80/shooting.c     return n;
n                 120 platform/s80/shooting.c     long n;
n                 122 platform/s80/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 123 platform/s80/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 124 platform/s80/shooting.c     if (get_target_file_num()%100 == 1) ++n;
n                 125 platform/s80/shooting.c     return n;
n                  79 platform/s90/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n)
n                  81 platform/s90/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 137 platform/s90/shooting.c     long n;
n                 139 platform/s90/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 140 platform/s90/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 141 platform/s90/shooting.c     return n;
n                 153 platform/s90/shooting.c     long n;
n                 155 platform/s90/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 156 platform/s90/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 157 platform/s90/shooting.c     return n;
n                  81 platform/s95/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n)
n                  83 platform/s95/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 141 platform/s95/shooting.c     long n;
n                 143 platform/s95/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 144 platform/s95/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 145 platform/s95/shooting.c     return n;
n                 157 platform/s95/shooting.c     long n;
n                 159 platform/s95/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 160 platform/s95/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 161 platform/s95/shooting.c     return n;
n                 128 platform/sx1/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 137 platform/sx1/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 133 platform/sx1/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 135 platform/sx1/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 136 platform/sx1/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 137 platform/sx1/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 141 platform/sx1/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 143 platform/sx1/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 144 platform/sx1/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 145 platform/sx1/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 130 platform/sx10/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 139 platform/sx10/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 136 platform/sx10/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 138 platform/sx10/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 139 platform/sx10/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 140 platform/sx10/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 144 platform/sx10/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 146 platform/sx10/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 147 platform/sx10/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 148 platform/sx10/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 125 platform/sx100is/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 134 platform/sx100is/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 129 platform/sx100is/shooting.c     long n;
n                 131 platform/sx100is/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 132 platform/sx100is/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 133 platform/sx100is/shooting.c     return n;
n                 137 platform/sx100is/shooting.c     long n;
n                 139 platform/sx100is/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 140 platform/sx100is/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 141 platform/sx100is/shooting.c     return n;
n                 126 platform/sx110is/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 135 platform/sx110is/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 129 platform/sx110is/shooting.c     long n;
n                 131 platform/sx110is/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 132 platform/sx110is/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 133 platform/sx110is/shooting.c     return n;
n                 137 platform/sx110is/shooting.c     long n;
n                 139 platform/sx110is/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 140 platform/sx110is/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 141 platform/sx110is/shooting.c     return n;
n                 123 platform/sx120is/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 132 platform/sx120is/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 115 platform/sx120is/shooting.c     long n;
n                 117 platform/sx120is/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 118 platform/sx120is/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 119 platform/sx120is/shooting.c     return n;
n                 131 platform/sx120is/shooting.c     long n;
n                 133 platform/sx120is/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 134 platform/sx120is/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 135 platform/sx120is/shooting.c     return n;
n                  94 platform/sx130is/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 103 platform/sx130is/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 145 platform/sx130is/shooting.c     long n;
n                 147 platform/sx130is/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 148 platform/sx130is/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 149 platform/sx130is/shooting.c     return n;
n                 161 platform/sx130is/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 163 platform/sx130is/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 164 platform/sx130is/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 165 platform/sx130is/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 102 platform/sx150is/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 111 platform/sx150is/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 149 platform/sx150is/shooting.c     long n;
n                 151 platform/sx150is/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 152 platform/sx150is/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 153 platform/sx150is/shooting.c     return n;
n                 165 platform/sx150is/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 167 platform/sx150is/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 168 platform/sx150is/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 169 platform/sx150is/shooting.c 	return n;
n                  97 platform/sx160is/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                  98 platform/sx160is/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n) {
n                 103 platform/sx160is/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 111 platform/sx160is/shooting.c     long n;
n                 113 platform/sx160is/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 114 platform/sx160is/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 115 platform/sx160is/shooting.c     return n;
n                 129 platform/sx160is/shooting.c     long n;
n                 131 platform/sx160is/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 132 platform/sx160is/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 133 platform/sx160is/shooting.c     return n;
n                  76 platform/sx170is/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                  77 platform/sx170is/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n) {
n                  82 platform/sx170is/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 149 platform/sx20/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 158 platform/sx20/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 136 platform/sx20/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 138 platform/sx20/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 139 platform/sx20/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 140 platform/sx20/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 152 platform/sx20/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 154 platform/sx20/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 155 platform/sx20/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 156 platform/sx20/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 133 platform/sx200is/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 142 platform/sx200is/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 129 platform/sx200is/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 131 platform/sx200is/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 132 platform/sx200is/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 133 platform/sx200is/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 137 platform/sx200is/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 139 platform/sx200is/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 140 platform/sx200is/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 141 platform/sx200is/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 158 platform/sx210is/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                 167 platform/sx210is/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 139 platform/sx210is/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 142 platform/sx210is/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 144 platform/sx210is/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 147 platform/sx210is/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 166 platform/sx210is/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 168 platform/sx210is/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 169 platform/sx210is/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 170 platform/sx210is/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 110 platform/sx220hs/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n)
n                 112 platform/sx220hs/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n)
n                 118 platform/sx220hs/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 130 platform/sx220hs/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 133 platform/sx220hs/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 135 platform/sx220hs/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 137 platform/sx220hs/shooting.c     return n;
n                 147 platform/sx220hs/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 149 platform/sx220hs/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 150 platform/sx220hs/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 151 platform/sx220hs/shooting.c 	return n;
n                  94 platform/sx230hs/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n)
n                  96 platform/sx230hs/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n)
n                 102 platform/sx230hs/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 138 platform/sx230hs/shooting.c     long n;
n                 141 platform/sx230hs/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 143 platform/sx230hs/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 145 platform/sx230hs/shooting.c     return n;
n                 149 platform/sx230hs/shooting.c     long n;
n                 151 platform/sx230hs/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 152 platform/sx230hs/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 153 platform/sx230hs/shooting.c     return n;
n                  95 platform/sx240hs/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                  96 platform/sx240hs/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n) {
n                 101 platform/sx240hs/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 142 platform/sx240hs/shooting.c     long n;
n                 144 platform/sx240hs/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 145 platform/sx240hs/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 146 platform/sx240hs/shooting.c     return n;
n                 150 platform/sx240hs/shooting.c     long n;
n                 152 platform/sx240hs/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 153 platform/sx240hs/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 154 platform/sx240hs/shooting.c     return n;
n                  94 platform/sx260hs/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                  95 platform/sx260hs/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n) {
n                 100 platform/sx260hs/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 146 platform/sx260hs/shooting.c     long n;
n                 148 platform/sx260hs/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 149 platform/sx260hs/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 150 platform/sx260hs/shooting.c     return n;
n                 154 platform/sx260hs/shooting.c     long n;
n                 156 platform/sx260hs/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 157 platform/sx260hs/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 158 platform/sx260hs/shooting.c     return n;
n                 108 platform/sx30/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n)
n                 110 platform/sx30/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n)
n                 116 platform/sx30/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 138 platform/sx30/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 140 platform/sx30/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 141 platform/sx30/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 142 platform/sx30/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 155 platform/sx30/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 157 platform/sx30/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 158 platform/sx30/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 159 platform/sx30/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 120 platform/sx40hs/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n)
n                 122 platform/sx40hs/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n)
n                 128 platform/sx40hs/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 143 platform/sx40hs/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 145 platform/sx40hs/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 146 platform/sx40hs/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 147 platform/sx40hs/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 159 platform/sx40hs/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 161 platform/sx40hs/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 162 platform/sx40hs/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 163 platform/sx40hs/shooting.c 	return n;
n                  74 platform/sx500is/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                  75 platform/sx500is/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n) {
n                  80 platform/sx500is/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 111 platform/sx500is/shooting.c     long n;
n                 113 platform/sx500is/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 114 platform/sx500is/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 115 platform/sx500is/shooting.c     return n;
n                 127 platform/sx500is/shooting.c     long n;
n                 129 platform/sx500is/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 130 platform/sx500is/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 131 platform/sx500is/shooting.c     return n;
n                  85 platform/sx50hs/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n)
n                  87 platform/sx50hs/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n)
n                  93 platform/sx50hs/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                 135 platform/sx50hs/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 137 platform/sx50hs/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 138 platform/sx50hs/shooting.c 	n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 139 platform/sx50hs/shooting.c 	return n;
n                 151 platform/sx50hs/shooting.c 	long n;
n                 153 platform/sx50hs/shooting.c 	n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 154 platform/sx50hs/shooting.c 	n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 155 platform/sx50hs/shooting.c 	return n;
n                  76 platform/sx510hs/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                  77 platform/sx510hs/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n) {
n                  82 platform/sx510hs/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n;
n                  47 platform/sx510hs/sub/100d/boot.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) my_blinker(int n) {
n                  52 platform/sx510hs/sub/100d/boot.c 	for (j=0; j<n; j++)
n                  47 platform/sx510hs/sub/101a/boot.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) my_blinker(int n) {
n                  52 platform/sx510hs/sub/101a/boot.c 	for (j=0; j<n; j++)
n                  44 platform/sx510hs/sub/boot_hdr.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) my_blinker(int n) {
n                  49 platform/sx510hs/sub/boot_hdr.c 	for (j=0; j<n; j++)
n                  78 platform/sx520hs/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                  79 platform/sx520hs/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n) {
n                  84 platform/sx520hs/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n; 
n                  62 platform/sx520hs/sub/100b/boot.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) my_blinker(int n) {
n                  67 platform/sx520hs/sub/100b/boot.c 	for (j=0; j<n; j++)
n                  62 platform/sx520hs/sub/100c/boot.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) my_blinker(int n) {
n                  67 platform/sx520hs/sub/100c/boot.c 	for (j=0; j<n; j++)
n                  59 platform/sx520hs/sub/boot_hdr.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) my_blinker(int n) {
n                  64 platform/sx520hs/sub/boot_hdr.c 	for (j=0; j<n; j++)
n                  78 platform/sx530hs/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int n) {
n                  79 platform/sx530hs/kbd.c     if (jogdial_stopped && !n) {
n                  84 platform/sx530hs/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = n; 
n                  62 platform/sx530hs/sub/100a/boot.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) my_blinker(int n) {
n                  67 platform/sx530hs/sub/100a/boot.c 	for (j=0; j<n; j++)
n                  62 platform/sx530hs/sub/100c/boot.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) my_blinker(int n) {
n                  67 platform/sx530hs/sub/100c/boot.c 	for (j=0; j<n; j++)
n                  59 platform/sx530hs/sub/boot_hdr.c void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) my_blinker(int n) {
n                  64 platform/sx530hs/sub/boot_hdr.c 	for (j=0; j<n; j++)
n                 116 platform/tx1/shooting.c     long n;
n                 118 platform/tx1/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 119 platform/tx1/shooting.c     n = (n>>4)&0x3FFF;
n                 120 platform/tx1/shooting.c     return n;
n                 124 platform/tx1/shooting.c     long n;
n                 126 platform/tx1/shooting.c     n = get_file_next_counter();
n                 127 platform/tx1/shooting.c     n = (n>>18)&0x3FF;
n                 128 platform/tx1/shooting.c     return n;
n                  54 tools/capdis.c         struct lnode *p, *n;
n                  58 tools/capdis.c             n = p->next;
n                  60 tools/capdis.c             p = n;
n                 169 tools/chdk_dasm.c         struct lnode *p, *n;
n                 173 tools/chdk_dasm.c             n = p->next;
n                 175 tools/chdk_dasm.c             p = n;
n                 473 tools/chdk_dasm.c static char * reg(char * op, char c, t_value n) {
n                 475 tools/chdk_dasm.c     n&=15;
n                 476 tools/chdk_dasm.c     if (n>=10) { *op++='1'; n+='0'-10; } else n+='0';
n                 477 tools/chdk_dasm.c     *op++=(char)n;
n                1081 tools/chdk_dasm.c                     { int n=0;
n                1082 tools/chdk_dasm.c                     while (!(imm8&15)) { n+=4; imm8=imm8>>4; }
n                1084 tools/chdk_dasm.c                     n += (0x30002010 >> 4*(imm8-1))&15;
n                1085 tools/chdk_dasm.c                     n= 1<<n ;
n                1086 tools/chdk_dasm.c                     op = yhex8(fw, op, n);
n                1119 tools/chdk_dasm.c                 t_value n = instr&(31<<7);
n                1120 tools/chdk_dasm.c                 if (!n) {
n                1126 tools/chdk_dasm.c                     else n=32<<7;
n                1129 tools/chdk_dasm.c                 op = num(append(append(op,rot),"#"),n>>7,32);
n                 348 tools/code_gen.c     char *n;
n                 354 tools/code_gen.c             n = skip_string(c);
n                 355 tools/code_gen.c             strncpy(token, c, n-c);
n                 356 tools/code_gen.c             token[n-c] = 0;
n                 357 tools/code_gen.c             return skip_space((*n)?n+1:n);
n                 361 tools/code_gen.c             n = skip_token(c);
n                 362 tools/code_gen.c             strncpy(token, c, n-c);
n                 363 tools/code_gen.c             token[n-c] = 0;
n                 364 tools/code_gen.c             return skip_space(n);
n                 403 tools/code_gen.c     int n;
n                 404 tools/code_gen.c     for (n=0; n<largc; n++) fprintf(stderr,"\t%d %s\n",n,largs[n]);
n                 561 tools/code_gen.c     int n;
n                 564 tools/code_gen.c     for (n=1; n<largc; n++)
n                 566 tools/code_gen.c         if (strcmp(largs[n],"prelabel") == 0)
n                 573 tools/code_gen.c     for (n=1; n<largc; n++)
n                 575 tools/code_gen.c         if (strcmp(largs[n],"file") == 0)
n                 577 tools/code_gen.c             set_op_name(p,largs[++n]);
n                 590 tools/code_gen.c     int n;
n                 592 tools/code_gen.c     for (n=1; n<largc; n++)
n                 594 tools/code_gen.c         if (strcmp(largs[n], "name") == 0)
n                 596 tools/code_gen.c             set_op_name(p,largs[++n]);
n                 598 tools/code_gen.c         else if (strcmp(largs[n], "start") == 0)
n                 600 tools/code_gen.c             p->func_start = strtoul(largs[++n],0,0);
n                 602 tools/code_gen.c         else if (strcmp(largs[n], "end") == 0)
n                 604 tools/code_gen.c             p->func_end = strtoul(largs[++n],0,0);
n                 606 tools/code_gen.c         else if (strcmp(largs[n], "length") == 0)
n                 608 tools/code_gen.c             p->func_len = strtoul(largs[++n],0,0);
n                 610 tools/code_gen.c         else if (strcmp(largs[n], "ref") == 0)
n                 612 tools/code_gen.c             p->patch_ref = strtol(largs[++n],0,0);
n                 614 tools/code_gen.c         else if (strcmp(largs[n], "sig") == 0)
n                 616 tools/code_gen.c             osig *sig = find_sig(fw->sv->stubs, largs[++n]);
n                 644 tools/code_gen.c     int n;
n                 647 tools/code_gen.c     for (n=1; n<largc; n++)
n                 649 tools/code_gen.c         if (strcmp(largs[n],"prelabel") == 0)
n                 658 tools/code_gen.c     int n;
n                 660 tools/code_gen.c     for (n=1; n<largc; n++)
n                 662 tools/code_gen.c         switch (largs[n][0])
n                 665 tools/code_gen.c             p->fw_start = strtoul(largs[n]+1,0,0);
n                 668 tools/code_gen.c             p->fw_end = strtoul(largs[n]+1,0,0);
n                 671 tools/code_gen.c             p->fw_func_end_offset = strtol(largs[n]+1,0,0) * 4;
n                 675 tools/code_gen.c             p->fw_func_start_offset = strtol(largs[n]+1,0,0) * 4 - 4;
n                 679 tools/code_gen.c             if (strcmp(largs[n], "comment") == 0)
n                 681 tools/code_gen.c                 set_op_comment(p,largs[++n]);
n                 685 tools/code_gen.c                 p->fw_len = strtoul(largs[n],0,0);
n                 701 tools/code_gen.c     int n;
n                 703 tools/code_gen.c     for (n=1; n<largc; n++)
n                 705 tools/code_gen.c         if (strcmp(largs[n], "name") == 0)
n                 707 tools/code_gen.c             set_op_name(p,largs[++n]);
n                 709 tools/code_gen.c         else if (strcmp(largs[n], "ref") == 0)
n                 711 tools/code_gen.c             p->patch_ref = strtoul(largs[++n],0,0);
n                 713 tools/code_gen.c         else if (strcmp(largs[n], "comment") == 0)
n                 715 tools/code_gen.c             set_op_comment(p,largs[++n]);
n                 728 tools/code_gen.c     int n;
n                 730 tools/code_gen.c     for (n=1; n<largc; n++)
n                 732 tools/code_gen.c         if (strcmp(largs[n], "value") == 0)
n                 734 tools/code_gen.c             p->patch_new_val = strtoul(largs[++n],0,0);
n                 736 tools/code_gen.c         else if (strcmp(largs[n], "comment") == 0)
n                 738 tools/code_gen.c             set_op_comment(p,largs[++n]);
n                 855 tools/code_gen.c         op *n = p->next;
n                 857 tools/code_gen.c         while (n && cont)
n                 859 tools/code_gen.c             switch (n->operation)
n                 862 tools/code_gen.c                 if (n->fw_is_func_end_offset)
n                 869 tools/code_gen.c                     p->func_len += n->fw_len;
n                 878 tools/code_gen.c                 p->func_len += n->skip_len;
n                 884 tools/code_gen.c             n = n->next;
n                1111 tools/code_gen.c void error(__attribute__ ((unused))char *fmt, __attribute__ ((unused))int n)
n                1163 tools/code_gen.c     size_t n = fread(def, 1, len, fp);
n                1164 tools/code_gen.c     def[n] = 0;
n                  69 tools/finsig_dryos.c void error(char *fmt, int n)
n                  71 tools/finsig_dryos.c     bprintf(fmt, n);
n                1838 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 int n = find_Nth_inst(fw, isSTMFD_LR, idx_createdialogbox + 30, 140, m+1);
n                1839 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 if (n>0)
n                1841 tools/finsig_dryos.c                     uint32_t a1 = idx2adr(fw,n);
n                1890 tools/finsig_dryos.c         int n = idxFollowBranch(fw,idx_createdialogbox,0x01000001);
n                1891 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if (n>0)
n                1893 tools/finsig_dryos.c             fwAddMatch(fw,idx2adr(fw,n),32,0,122);
n                1904 tools/finsig_dryos.c         int n = idxFollowBranch(fw,idx_displaydialogbox,0x01000001);
n                1905 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if (n>0)
n                1907 tools/finsig_dryos.c             fwAddMatch(fw,idx2adr(fw,n),32,0,122);
n                1918 tools/finsig_dryos.c         int n = idxFollowBranch(fw,idx_adduitodialog,0x01000001);
n                1919 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if (n>0)
n                1921 tools/finsig_dryos.c             fwAddMatch(fw,idx2adr(fw,n),32,0,122);
n                1932 tools/finsig_dryos.c         int n = idxFollowBranch(fw,idx_getstring,0x01000001);
n                1933 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if (n>0)
n                1935 tools/finsig_dryos.c             fwAddMatch(fw,idx2adr(fw,n),32,0,122);
n                2165 tools/finsig_dryos.c     int f1, f2, n;
n                2166 tools/finsig_dryos.c     for (n=0; n<2; n++)
n                2366 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 int n;
n                2367 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 for (n=s1+1; n<s1+26; n++)
n                2369 tools/finsig_dryos.c                     if ( isBL(fw, n) )
n                2372 tools/finsig_dryos.c                         k = idxFollowBranch(fw,n,0x01000001);
n                4101 tools/finsig_dryos.c     BufRange *n;
n                4155 tools/finsig_dryos.c         for (n = fw->br; n != 0; n = n->next)
n                4157 tools/finsig_dryos.c             for (p = n->p, i = 0; i < n->len; p++, i++)
n                4177 tools/finsig_dryos.c                         if ((fw->buf[n->off+i+s->value] & 0x0F000000) == 0x0A000000)   // B
n                4179 tools/finsig_dryos.c                             idx = adr2idx(fw, followBranch2(fw, idx2adr(fw,n->off+i+s->value), 0xF0000001));
n                4222 tools/finsig_dryos.c                             if (isLDR_PC_cond(fw,n->off+i+s->offs))
n                4224 tools/finsig_dryos.c                                 int m = adr2idx(fw,LDR2val(fw,n->off+i+s->offs));
n                4230 tools/finsig_dryos.c                             else if (isADR_PC_cond(fw,n->off+i+s->offs))
n                4232 tools/finsig_dryos.c                                 int m = adr2idx(fw,ADR2adr(fw,n->off+i+s->offs));
n                4244 tools/finsig_dryos.c                     fwAddMatch(fw,idx2adr(fw,i+n->off),success,fail,func_list[j].ver);
n                5044 tools/finsig_dryos.c     uint32_t n;
n                5045 tools/finsig_dryos.c     for (n=0; n<exm_typ_cnt; n++)
n                5047 tools/finsig_dryos.c         bprintf("// %s %i\n",adr2ptr(fw, fwval(fw,ii+n)),n);
n                5067 tools/finsig_dryos.c     int n;
n                5069 tools/finsig_dryos.c     for (n=1; n<16; n++)
n                5071 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if ( ((fwval(fw,i+n)&0xffff0000)==0xe59f0000) ) // ldr rx, [pc, #imm]
n                5073 tools/finsig_dryos.c             u = LDR2val(fw, i+n);
n                5074 tools/finsig_dryos.c             if (u>fw->data_start && u<fw->data_start+fw->data_len*4 && (fwRd(fw,i+n)>3))
n                5097 tools/finsig_dryos.c         for (n=0; n<32; n++)
n                5099 tools/finsig_dryos.c             if ( (fwval(fw,ii+n)!=0) && isASCIIstring(fw, fwval(fw,ii+n)) )
n                5101 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 extyp = adr2ptr(fw, fwval(fw,ii+n));
n                5114 tools/finsig_dryos.c     for (n=1; n<42; n++)
n                5116 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if ( ((fwval(fw,i+n)&0xffff0000)==0xe59f0000) ) // ldr rx, [pc, #imm]
n                5118 tools/finsig_dryos.c             u = LDR2val(fw, i+n);
n                5119 tools/finsig_dryos.c             if (u>fw->data_start+fw->data_len*4 && u<fw->memisostart && (fwRd(fw,i+n)>3))
n                5128 tools/finsig_dryos.c         print_stubs_min(fw,"exmem_alloc_table",u,idx2adr(fw,i+n));
n                6549 tools/finsig_dryos.c                     int n = 1;
n                6551 tools/finsig_dryos.c                     while (n < 32)
n                6553 tools/finsig_dryos.c                         if (isSTRB(fw,k1+n))
n                6555 tools/finsig_dryos.c                             o2 = fwval(fw,k1+n)&0xfff;
n                6561 tools/finsig_dryos.c                         else if (isBX_LR(fw,k1+n) || isB(fw,k1+n))
n                6565 tools/finsig_dryos.c                         n++;
n                6570 tools/finsig_dryos.c                         n = k1+j2-1;
n                6571 tools/finsig_dryos.c                         while (n >= k1)
n                6573 tools/finsig_dryos.c                             if (isMOV_immed(fw, n) && (fwRd(fw, n) == r1))
n                6575 tools/finsig_dryos.c                                 leds[j3].addr = ALUop2a(fw,n);
n                6580 tools/finsig_dryos.c                             n--;
n                6628 tools/finsig_dryos.c         int n;
n                6630 tools/finsig_dryos.c         for (n=0; n<5; n++)
n                6637 tools/finsig_dryos.c                     n = -1;
n                6642 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if (n >= 0)
n                6706 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 int n = 1;
n                6708 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 while (n < 32)
n                6710 tools/finsig_dryos.c                     if (isSTRB(fw,k1+n))
n                6712 tools/finsig_dryos.c                         o2 = fwval(fw,k1+n)&0xfff;
n                6718 tools/finsig_dryos.c                     else if (isBX_LR(fw,k1+n) || isB(fw,k1+n))
n                6722 tools/finsig_dryos.c                     n++;
n                6727 tools/finsig_dryos.c                     n = k1+j2-1;
n                6728 tools/finsig_dryos.c                     while (n >= k1)
n                6730 tools/finsig_dryos.c                         if (isMOV_immed(fw, n) && (fwRd(fw, n) == r1))
n                6732 tools/finsig_dryos.c                             leds[j3].addr = ALUop2a(fw,n);
n                6737 tools/finsig_dryos.c                         n--;
n                6796 tools/finsig_dryos.c     int j, k, n, fnd;
n                6840 tools/finsig_dryos.c         n = find_Nth_inst(fw, isBL, m, 6, 2);
n                6841 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if (n != -1)
n                6843 tools/finsig_dryos.c             n = idxFollowBranch(fw,n,0x01000001);
n                6844 tools/finsig_dryos.c             n = find_inst(fw, isSTR, n, 8);
n                6845 tools/finsig_dryos.c             if (n != -1)
n                6847 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 m = fwRn(fw, n);    // this register holds the base address pointer of TCB area
n                6848 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 n = find_inst_rev(fw, isLDR_PC, n-1, 4);
n                6849 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 if (n != -1)
n                6851 tools/finsig_dryos.c                     if (fwRd(fw, n) != m)
n                6853 tools/finsig_dryos.c                         n = find_inst_rev(fw, isLDR_PC, n-1, 3);
n                6854 tools/finsig_dryos.c                         if ((n != -1) && (fwRd(fw, n) == m))
n                6856 tools/finsig_dryos.c                             u = LDR2val(fw, n);
n                6857 tools/finsig_dryos.c                             v = idx2adr(fw, n);
n                6879 tools/finsig_dryos.c         int n;
n                6880 tools/finsig_dryos.c         for (n=1; n<16; n++)
n                6882 tools/finsig_dryos.c             if (fwval(fw,j1+n) == 0xe3500a32) // cmp  r0, #0x32000
n                6885 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 sizeloc = idx2adr(fw,j1+n);
n                6888 tools/finsig_dryos.c             else if (fwval(fw,j1+n) == 0xe3500a22) // cmp  r0, #0x22000
n                6891 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 sizeloc = idx2adr(fw,j1+n);
n                6895 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if (n >= 15)
n                6896 tools/finsig_dryos.c             n = 0;
n                6897 tools/finsig_dryos.c         j1 += n;
n                6898 tools/finsig_dryos.c         for (n=0; n<=16; n++)
n                6900 tools/finsig_dryos.c             r = LDR2val(fw,j1+n);
n                6901 tools/finsig_dryos.c             if ( isLDR_PC(fw,j1+n) && (r>fw->memisostart) && (r<fw->maxram) )
n                6904 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 startloc = idx2adr(fw,j1+n);
n                7120 tools/finsig_dryos.c     uint32_t n;
n                7121 tools/finsig_dryos.c     for (n=0; n<PROPCASE_HANDLED_COUNT; n++)
n                7123 tools/finsig_dryos.c         used += knownprops[n].use>0?1:0;
n                7124 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if (knownprops[n].id >= 0)
n                7126 tools/finsig_dryos.c             if (knownprops[n].use)
n                7128 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps2) hits[2-1] += 1;
n                7129 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps3) hits[3-1] += 1;
n                7130 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps4) hits[4-1] += 1;
n                7131 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps5) hits[5-1] += 1;
n                7132 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps6) hits[6-1] += 1;
n                7133 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps7) hits[7-1] += 1;
n                7134 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps8) hits[8-1] += 1;
n                7135 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps9) hits[9-1] += 1;
n                7136 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps10) hits[10-1] += 1;
n                7137 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps11) hits[11-1] += 1;
n                7138 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps12) hits[12-1] += 1;
n                7139 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps13) hits[13-1] += 1;
n                7141 tools/finsig_dryos.c             if (knownprops[n].use == 1)
n                7143 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 bprintf("// #define %s %i\n", prop_names[n], knownprops[n].id);
n                7148 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 bprintf("// //      %s %i\n", prop_names[n], knownprops[n].id);
n                7153 tools/finsig_dryos.c             bprintf("//         %s not found\n", prop_names[n]);
n                7160 tools/finsig_dryos.c     for (n=1; n<KNOWN_PROPSET_COUNT; n++)
n                7162 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if (hits[n] == used)
n                7165 tools/finsig_dryos.c             bprintf("%i", n+1);
n                7166 tools/finsig_dryos.c             if (fw->sv->propset == n+1) okay = 1; // if the propset equals to (one of) the complete propset matches
n                7169 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if (hits[n] > fmax) fmax = hits[n];
n                7174 tools/finsig_dryos.c         for (n=1; n<KNOWN_PROPSET_COUNT; n++)
n                7176 tools/finsig_dryos.c             if (hits[n] == fmax)
n                7179 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 bprintf("%i", n+1);
n                7180 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 if (fw->sv->propset == n+1) okay = 1; // if the propset equals to (one of) the most complete propset matches
n                7615 tools/finsig_dryos.c void add_func_name(char *n, uint32_t eadr, char *suffix)
n                7619 tools/finsig_dryos.c     char *s = n;
n                7622 tools/finsig_dryos.c         s = malloc(strlen(n) + strlen(suffix) + 1);
n                7623 tools/finsig_dryos.c         sprintf(s, "%s%s", n, suffix);
n                7634 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 if (s != n) free(s);
n                7639 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 if (s != n) free(s);
n                7654 tools/finsig_dryos.c     char *n = (char*)adr2ptr(fw,nadr);
n                7657 tools/finsig_dryos.c         char *s = malloc(strlen(n) + 3);
n                7658 tools/finsig_dryos.c         sprintf(s,"j_%s",n);
n                7662 tools/finsig_dryos.c     add_func_name(n, eadr, suffix);
n                  27 tools/finsig_thumb2.c #define SIG_NEAR_AFTER(max_insns,n) (((max_insns)&SIG_NEAR_OFFSET_MASK) \
n                  28 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                                 | (((n)<<SIG_NEAR_COUNT_SHIFT)&SIG_NEAR_COUNT_MASK))
n                  29 tools/finsig_thumb2.c #define SIG_NEAR_BEFORE(max_insns,n) (SIG_NEAR_AFTER(max_insns,n)|SIG_NEAR_REV)
n                 573 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     int n = 0;
n                 574 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     while (knownprops[n].name) {
n                 575 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         if (strcmp(knownprops[n].name,name) == 0) {
n                 576 tools/finsig_thumb2.c             knownprops[n].id = id;
n                 579 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         n++;
n                 807 tools/finsig_thumb2.c void add_func_name(firmware *fw, char *n, uint32_t eadr, char *suffix)
n                 811 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     char *s = n;
n                 815 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         s = malloc(strlen(n) + strlen(suffix) + 1);
n                 816 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         sprintf(s, "%s%s", n, suffix);
n                3220 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     int n;
n                3221 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     for (n=0; n<2; n++) {
n                3222 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         if (adr[n] < fw->data_start+fw->data_len) {
n                3223 tools/finsig_thumb2.c             uint32_t ladr = adr[n]-fw->data_start+fw->data_init_start;
n                3224 tools/finsig_thumb2.c             save_misc_val("exmem_types_table",ladr,0,fnd[n]);
n                3243 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         else if (adr[n] < fw->memisostart) {
n                3244 tools/finsig_thumb2.c             save_misc_val("exmem_alloc_table",adr[n],0,fnd[n]);
n                5055 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     int n=(rule->param&SIG_NEAR_COUNT_MASK)>>SIG_NEAR_COUNT_SHIFT;
n                5069 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                 if(n_calls == n) {
n                5074 tools/finsig_thumb2.c             if(insn_match_find_nth(fw,is,max_insns,n,insn_match)) {
n                5259 tools/finsig_thumb2.c #define SIG_NAMED_NTH(n,type)   ((SIG_NAMED_NTH_MASK&((n)<<SIG_NAMED_NTH_SHIFT)) | (SIG_NAMED_##type))
n                5261 tools/finsig_thumb2.c #define SIG_NAMED_NTH_RANGE(n)   ((SIG_NAMED_NTH_RANGE_MASK&((n)<<SIG_NAMED_NTH_RANGE_SHIFT)))
n                5929 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         int n = 0;
n                5930 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         while(++n<=(8-2))
n                6479 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     int n = 0;
n                6480 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     while (knownprops[n].name) {
n                6481 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         used += knownprops[n].use>0?1:0;
n                6482 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         if (knownprops[n].id >= 0)
n                6484 tools/finsig_thumb2.c             if (knownprops[n].use)
n                6486 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps6) hits[6-ps_offset] += 1;
n                6487 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps7) hits[7-ps_offset] += 1;
n                6488 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps8) hits[8-ps_offset] += 1;
n                6489 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps9) hits[9-ps_offset] += 1;
n                6490 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps10) hits[10-ps_offset] += 1;
n                6491 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps11) hits[11-ps_offset] += 1;
n                6492 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps12) hits[12-ps_offset] += 1;
n                6493 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                 if (knownprops[n].id == knownprops[n].id_ps13) hits[13-ps_offset] += 1;
n                6495 tools/finsig_thumb2.c             if (knownprops[n].use == 1)
n                6497 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                 bprintf("// #define %s %i\n", knownprops[n].name, knownprops[n].id);
n                6502 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                 bprintf("// //      %s %i\n", knownprops[n].name, knownprops[n].id);
n                6507 tools/finsig_thumb2.c             bprintf("//         %s not found\n", knownprops[n].name);
n                6509 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         n++;
n                6516 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     for (n=0; n<KNOWN_PROPSET_COUNT; n++)
n                6518 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         if (hits[n] == used)
n                6521 tools/finsig_thumb2.c             bprintf("%i", n+ps_offset);
n                6522 tools/finsig_thumb2.c             if (fw->sv->propset == n+ps_offset) okay = 1; // if the propset equals to (one of) the complete propset matches
n                6525 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         if (hits[n] > fmax) fmax = hits[n];
n                6530 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         for (n=0; n<KNOWN_PROPSET_COUNT; n++)
n                6532 tools/finsig_thumb2.c             if (hits[n] == fmax)
n                6535 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                 bprintf("%i", n+ps_offset);
n                6536 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                 if (fw->sv->propset == n+ps_offset) okay = 1; // if the propset equals to (one of) the most complete propset matches
n                6560 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     uint32_t n;
n                6561 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     for (n=0; n<etc->val; n++) {
n                6562 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         char *extyp = (char*)adr2ptr(fw, fw_u32(fw,ett->val+n*4));
n                6563 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         bprintf("// %s %i\n", extyp, n);
n                  70 tools/finsig_vxworks.c void error(char *fmt, int n)
n                  72 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     bprintf(fmt, n);
n                 951 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     int j1, j2, k, found, n;
n                 983 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             n = 0;
n                 986 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             while (n<7)
n                1000 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                 n++;
n                1216 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     int n;
n                1217 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     for (n=j+8; n<j+36; n++)
n                1219 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         if (isBL(fw,n))
n                1221 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             if (idx2adr(fw,idxFollowBranch(fw,n,0x01000001)) == idx2adr(fw,k))
n                1223 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                 int m = find_inst_rev(fw,isBL,n-1,4);
n                1238 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     for (n=50; n<1000; n++) {
n                1239 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         if (isBL(fw,k+n)) {
n                1240 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             int m = idxFollowBranch(fw,k+n,0x01000001);
n                1243 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                 j = find_inst_rev(fw,isSTMFD_LR,k+n,23);
n                1283 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     int n;
n                1284 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     for (n=70; n<1000; n++) {
n                1285 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         if (isBL(fw,k+n)) {
n                1286 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             m = idxFollowBranch(fw,k+n,0x01000001);
n                1289 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                 j = find_inst_rev(fw,isSTMFD_LR,k+n,14);
n                1310 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     int n;
n                1311 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     for (n=50; n<1000; n++) {
n                1312 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         if (isBL(fw,k+n)) {
n                1313 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             int m = idxFollowBranch(fw,k+n,0x01000001);
n                1319 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                     if ((fwval(fw,k+n-o)&0xfff00fff) == 0xe3c00201) { // bic rx, rx, 0x10000000
n                1327 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                 int j = find_inst_rev(fw,isSTMFD_LR,k+n,30);
n                1346 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     int n;
n                1347 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     for (n=70; n<1000; n++) {
n                1348 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         if (isBL(fw,k+n)) {
n                1349 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             int m = idxFollowBranch(fw,k+n,0x01000001);
n                1355 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                     if ((fwval(fw,k+n+o)&0xfff00fff) == 0xe3c00201) { // bic rx, rx, 0x10000000
n                1363 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                 int j = find_inst_rev(fw,isSTMFD_LR,k+n,16);
n                1444 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                 int n;
n                1445 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                 for (n=s1+1; n<s1+26; n++)
n                1447 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                     if ( isBL(fw, n) )
n                1450 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                         k = idxFollowBranch(fw,n,0x01000001);
n                2908 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     char *n = (char*)adr2ptr(fw,sadr);
n                2910 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     if (n) {
n                2911 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         nl = strlen(n);
n                3083 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     BufRange *n;
n                3137 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         for (n = fw->br; n != 0; n = n->next)
n                3139 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             for (p = n->p, i = 0; i < n->len; p++, i++)
n                3159 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                         if ((fw->buf[n->off+i+s->value] & 0x0F000000) == 0x0A000000)   // B
n                3161 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                             idx = adr2idx(fw, followBranch2(fw, idx2adr(fw,n->off+i+s->value), 0xF0000001));
n                3204 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                             if (isLDR_PC_cond(fw,n->off+i+s->offs))
n                3206 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                                 int m = adr2idx(fw,LDR2val(fw,n->off+i+s->offs));
n                3212 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                             else if (isADR_PC_cond(fw,n->off+i+s->offs))
n                3214 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                                 int m = adr2idx(fw,ADR2adr(fw,n->off+i+s->offs));
n                3226 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                     fwAddMatch(fw,idx2adr(fw,i+n->off),success,fail,func_list[j].ver);
n                3831 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         int n;
n                3832 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         for (n=k+1; n<k+20; n++)
n                3834 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             if (((fw->buf[n] & 0xFFF00000) == 0xE3500000) && ((fw->buf[n] & 0x000F0000) == r))  // CMP, Rn #val
n                3837 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                 bprintf("//int get_flash_params_count(void) { return 0x%02x; }                          // Found @0x%08x\n",(fw->buf[n]&0xFFF)+1,idx2adr(fw,n));
n                4090 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     uint32_t n;
n                4091 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     for (n=0; n<exm_typ_cnt; n++)
n                4093 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         bprintf("// %s %i\n",adr2ptr(fw, fwval(fw,ii+n)),n);
n                4108 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     int n;
n                4109 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     for (n=1; n<16; n++)
n                4111 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         if ( ((fwval(fw,i+n)&0xffff0000)==0xe59f0000) ) // ldr rx, [pc, #imm]
n                4113 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             u = LDR2val(fw, i+n);
n                4126 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         for (n=0; n<32; n++)
n                4128 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             if ( (fwval(fw,ii+n)!=0) && isASCIIstring(fw, fwval(fw,ii+n)) )
n                4130 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                 extyp = adr2ptr(fw, fwval(fw,ii+n));
n                4143 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     for (n=1; n<54; n++)
n                4145 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         if ( ((fwval(fw,i+n)&0xffff0000)==0xe59f0000) ) // ldr rx, [pc, #imm]
n                4147 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             u = LDR2val(fw, i+n);
n                4148 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             if (u>fw->data_start && u<fw->data_start+fw->data_len*4 && (fwRd(fw,i+n)>3))
n                4157 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         print_stubs_min(fw,"exmem_alloc_table",u,idx2adr(fw,i+n));
n                5361 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     int j1, j2, m, n;
n                5391 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             n = j1-1;
n                5392 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             while (!isSTMFD_LR(fw,n))
n                5394 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                 if ((fwval(fw,n)&0xfffff000) == (0xe2800000+(led.reg<<12)+(led.reg<<16))) // ADD Rx, Rx, #0xc00000yz
n                5396 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                     if ( ALUop2a(fw,n) >= 0xc0000000 )
n                5398 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                         led.addr += ALUop2a(fw,n);
n                5401 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                 else if ((fwval(fw,n)&0xfffff000) == (0xe3a00000+(led.reg<<12))) // MOV Rx, #imm
n                5403 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                     led.addr += ALUop2a(fw,n);
n                5404 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                     m = n+1;
n                5417 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                 n--;
n                5749 tools/finsig_vxworks.c void add_func_name(char *n, uint32_t eadr, char *suffix)
n                5753 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     char *s = n;
n                5756 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         s = malloc(strlen(n) + strlen(suffix) + 1);
n                5757 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         sprintf(s, "%s%s", n, suffix);
n                5768 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             if (s != n) free(s);
n                5781 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     char *n = (char*)adr2ptr(fw,nadr);
n                5782 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     if (*n)
n                5786 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             char *s = malloc(strlen(n) + 3);
n                5787 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             sprintf(s,"j_%s",n);
n                5791 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         add_func_name(n, eadr, suffix);
n                  55 tools/firmware_load.c     BufRange *n = malloc(sizeof(BufRange));
n                  56 tools/firmware_load.c     n->p = fw->buf + o;
n                  57 tools/firmware_load.c     n->off = o;
n                  58 tools/firmware_load.c     n->len = l;
n                  59 tools/firmware_load.c     n->next = 0;
n                  62 tools/firmware_load.c         fw->br = n;
n                  66 tools/firmware_load.c         fw->last->next = n;
n                  68 tools/firmware_load.c     fw->last = n;
n                 212 tools/firmware_load.c void set_ignore_errors(int n)
n                 214 tools/firmware_load.c     ignore_errors = n;
n                 855 tools/firmware_load.c         uint32_t n = idxFollowBranch(fw, k, 0x01000001);
n                 856 tools/firmware_load.c         if (n == v1)
n                 868 tools/firmware_load.c         uint32_t n = idxFollowBranch(fw, k, 0x00000001);
n                 869 tools/firmware_load.c         if (n == v1)
n                  97 tools/firmware_load.h void set_ignore_errors(int n);
n                  15 tools/firmware_load_ng.c     BufRange *n = malloc(sizeof(BufRange));
n                  16 tools/firmware_load_ng.c     n->p = fw->buf32 + o;
n                  17 tools/firmware_load_ng.c     n->off = o;
n                  18 tools/firmware_load_ng.c     n->len = l;
n                  19 tools/firmware_load_ng.c     n->next = 0;
n                  22 tools/firmware_load_ng.c         fw->br = n;
n                  26 tools/firmware_load_ng.c         fw->last->next = n;
n                  28 tools/firmware_load_ng.c     fw->last = n;
n                 422 tools/firmware_load_ng.c int fw_memcmp(firmware *fw, uint32_t adr,const void *cmp, size_t n)
n                 428 tools/firmware_load_ng.c     if(n >= fw->size8 - (adr - fw->base)) {
n                 431 tools/firmware_load_ng.c     return memcmp(p,cmp,n);
n                 221 tools/firmware_load_ng.h int fw_memcmp(firmware *fw, uint32_t adr,const void *cmp, size_t n);
n                 127 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall char * Fgets_Fut(char *buf, int n, FILE *f);
n                 143 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, int n);
n                 146 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall char * strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, int n);
n                 174 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void * memchr(const void *s, int c, int n);
n                 175 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void * memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, int n);
n                 176 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void * memset(void *s, int c, int n);
n                 177 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, int n);
n                 403 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void dry_memcpy(void *dst, void *src, int n);
n                 404 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void bzero(void *p, int n);
n                 405 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void memset32(void *p, int n, int v);
n                 448 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall char * fgets_low(char *buf, int n, FILE *f);
n                 493 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void dry_memset(void *dst, unsigned n, int c);
n                 494 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void dry_memzero(void *dst, unsigned n);
n                 496 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void dry_memcpy_bytes(void *dst, void *src, unsigned n);
n                 498 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void dry_memmove_bytes(void *dst, void *src, unsigned n);
n                 189 tools/makeexport.c     int n;
n                 194 tools/makeexport.c     for (n=0; n<hash_idx; n++)
n                 196 tools/makeexport.c         if (hash_vals[n].symbol[0] == '&')  // variable
n                 198 tools/makeexport.c             fprintf(out_hash,"extern int %s;\n",hash_vals[n].symbol+1);
n                 202 tools/makeexport.c             fprintf(out_hash,"extern void %s(void);\n",hash_vals[n].symbol);
n                 206 tools/makeexport.c     for (n=0; n<hash_idx; n++)
n                 208 tools/makeexport.c         fprintf(out_hash,"{ 0x%08x, %s },\n",hash_vals[n].hash,hash_vals[n].symbol);
n                  63 tools/packfi2/adler32.c     unsigned n;
n                  99 tools/packfi2/adler32.c         n = NMAX / 16;          /* NMAX is divisible by 16 */
n                 103 tools/packfi2/adler32.c         } while (--n);
n                 109 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     int n, k;
n                 123 tools/packfi2/crc32.c         for (n = 0; n < sizeof(p)/sizeof(unsigned char); n++)
n                 124 tools/packfi2/crc32.c             poly |= 1UL << (31 - p[n]);
n                 127 tools/packfi2/crc32.c         for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) {
n                 128 tools/packfi2/crc32.c             c = (unsigned long)n;
n                 131 tools/packfi2/crc32.c             crc_table[0][n] = c;
n                 137 tools/packfi2/crc32.c         for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) {
n                 138 tools/packfi2/crc32.c             c = crc_table[0][n];
n                 139 tools/packfi2/crc32.c             crc_table[4][n] = REV(c);
n                 142 tools/packfi2/crc32.c                 crc_table[k][n] = c;
n                 143 tools/packfi2/crc32.c                 crc_table[k + 4][n] = REV(c);
n                 187 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     int n;
n                 189 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     for (n = 0; n < 256; n++)
n                 190 tools/packfi2/crc32.c         fprintf(out, "%s0x%08lxUL%s", n % 5 ? "" : "    ", table[n],
n                 191 tools/packfi2/crc32.c                 n == 255 ? "\n" : (n % 5 == 4 ? ",\n" : ", "));
n                 363 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     int n;
n                 365 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     for (n = 0; n < GF2_DIM; n++)
n                 366 tools/packfi2/crc32.c         square[n] = gf2_matrix_times(mat, mat[n]);
n                 375 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     int n;
n                 387 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     for (n = 1; n < GF2_DIM; n++) {
n                 388 tools/packfi2/crc32.c         odd[n] = row;
n                 322 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     uInt n;
n                 349 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     for (n = 0; n <= length - MIN_MATCH; n++) {
n                 350 tools/packfi2/deflate.c         INSERT_STRING(s, n, hash_head);
n                1269 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     register unsigned n, m;
n                1307 tools/packfi2/deflate.c             n = s->hash_size;
n                1308 tools/packfi2/deflate.c             p = &s->head[n];
n                1312 tools/packfi2/deflate.c             } while (--n);
n                1314 tools/packfi2/deflate.c             n = wsize;
n                1316 tools/packfi2/deflate.c             p = &s->prev[n];
n                1323 tools/packfi2/deflate.c             } while (--n);
n                1342 tools/packfi2/deflate.c         n = read_buf(s->strm, s->window + s->strstart + s->lookahead, more);
n                1343 tools/packfi2/deflate.c         s->lookahead += n;
n                 242 tools/packfi2/trees.c     int n;        /* iterates over tree elements */
n                 263 tools/packfi2/trees.c         for (n = 0; n < (1<<extra_lbits[code]); n++) {
n                 278 tools/packfi2/trees.c         for (n = 0; n < (1<<extra_dbits[code]); n++) {
n                 286 tools/packfi2/trees.c         for (n = 0; n < (1<<(extra_dbits[code]-7)); n++) {
n                 294 tools/packfi2/trees.c     n = 0;
n                 295 tools/packfi2/trees.c     while (n <= 143) static_ltree[n++].Len = 8, bl_count[8]++;
n                 296 tools/packfi2/trees.c     while (n <= 255) static_ltree[n++].Len = 9, bl_count[9]++;
n                 297 tools/packfi2/trees.c     while (n <= 279) static_ltree[n++].Len = 7, bl_count[7]++;
n                 298 tools/packfi2/trees.c     while (n <= 287) static_ltree[n++].Len = 8, bl_count[8]++;
n                 306 tools/packfi2/trees.c     for (n = 0; n < D_CODES; n++) {
n                 307 tools/packfi2/trees.c         static_dtree[n].Len = 5;
n                 308 tools/packfi2/trees.c         static_dtree[n].Code = bi_reverse((unsigned)n, 5);
n                 414 tools/packfi2/trees.c     int n; /* iterates over tree elements */
n                 417 tools/packfi2/trees.c     for (n = 0; n < L_CODES;  n++) s->dyn_ltree[n].Freq = 0;
n                 418 tools/packfi2/trees.c     for (n = 0; n < D_CODES;  n++) s->dyn_dtree[n].Freq = 0;
n                 419 tools/packfi2/trees.c     for (n = 0; n < BL_CODES; n++) s->bl_tree[n].Freq = 0;
n                 445 tools/packfi2/trees.c #define smaller(tree, n, m, depth) \
n                 446 tools/packfi2/trees.c    (tree[n].Freq < tree[m].Freq || \
n                 447 tools/packfi2/trees.c    (tree[n].Freq == tree[m].Freq && depth[n] <= depth[m]))
n                 501 tools/packfi2/trees.c     int n, m;           /* iterate over the tree elements */
n                 515 tools/packfi2/trees.c         n = s->heap[h];
n                 516 tools/packfi2/trees.c         bits = tree[tree[n].Dad].Len + 1;
n                 518 tools/packfi2/trees.c         tree[n].Len = (ush)bits;
n                 521 tools/packfi2/trees.c         if (n > max_code) continue; /* not a leaf node */
n                 525 tools/packfi2/trees.c         if (n >= base) xbits = extra[n-base];
n                 526 tools/packfi2/trees.c         f = tree[n].Freq;
n                 528 tools/packfi2/trees.c         if (stree) s->static_len += (ulg)f * (stree[n].Len + xbits);
n                 554 tools/packfi2/trees.c         n = s->bl_count[bits];
n                 555 tools/packfi2/trees.c         while (n != 0) {
n                 564 tools/packfi2/trees.c             n--;
n                 585 tools/packfi2/trees.c     int n;                     /* code index */
n                 600 tools/packfi2/trees.c     for (n = 0;  n <= max_code; n++) {
n                 601 tools/packfi2/trees.c         int len = tree[n].Len;
n                 604 tools/packfi2/trees.c         tree[n].Code = bi_reverse(next_code[len]++, len);
n                 607 tools/packfi2/trees.c              n, (isgraph(n) ? n : ' '), len, tree[n].Code, next_code[len]-1));
n                 626 tools/packfi2/trees.c     int n, m;          /* iterate over heap elements */
n                 636 tools/packfi2/trees.c     for (n = 0; n < elems; n++) {
n                 637 tools/packfi2/trees.c         if (tree[n].Freq != 0) {
n                 638 tools/packfi2/trees.c             s->heap[++(s->heap_len)] = max_code = n;
n                 639 tools/packfi2/trees.c             s->depth[n] = 0;
n                 641 tools/packfi2/trees.c             tree[n].Len = 0;
n                 662 tools/packfi2/trees.c     for (n = s->heap_len/2; n >= 1; n--) pqdownheap(s, tree, n);
n                 669 tools/packfi2/trees.c         pqremove(s, tree, n);  /* n = node of least frequency */
n                 672 tools/packfi2/trees.c         s->heap[--(s->heap_max)] = n; /* keep the nodes sorted by frequency */
n                 676 tools/packfi2/trees.c         tree[node].Freq = tree[n].Freq + tree[m].Freq;
n                 677 tools/packfi2/trees.c         s->depth[node] = (uch)((s->depth[n] >= s->depth[m] ?
n                 678 tools/packfi2/trees.c                                 s->depth[n] : s->depth[m]) + 1);
n                 679 tools/packfi2/trees.c         tree[n].Dad = tree[m].Dad = (ush)node;
n                 683 tools/packfi2/trees.c                     node, tree[node].Freq, n, tree[n].Freq, m, tree[m].Freq);
n                 712 tools/packfi2/trees.c     int n;                     /* iterates over all tree elements */
n                 723 tools/packfi2/trees.c     for (n = 0; n <= max_code; n++) {
n                 724 tools/packfi2/trees.c         curlen = nextlen; nextlen = tree[n+1].Len;
n                 757 tools/packfi2/trees.c     int n;                     /* iterates over all tree elements */
n                 768 tools/packfi2/trees.c     for (n = 0; n <= max_code; n++) {
n                 769 tools/packfi2/trees.c         curlen = nextlen; nextlen = tree[n+1].Len;
n                1129 tools/packfi2/trees.c     int n;
n                1131 tools/packfi2/trees.c     for (n = 0; n < 9; n++)
n                1132 tools/packfi2/trees.c         if (s->dyn_ltree[n].Freq != 0)
n                1134 tools/packfi2/trees.c     if (n == 9)
n                1135 tools/packfi2/trees.c         for (n = 14; n < 32; n++)
n                1136 tools/packfi2/trees.c             if (s->dyn_ltree[n].Freq != 0)
n                1138 tools/packfi2/trees.c     s->strm->data_type = (n == 32) ? Z_TEXT : Z_BINARY;
n                 242 tools/packfi2/zutil.c     int n;
n                 248 tools/packfi2/zutil.c     for (n = 0; n < next_ptr; n++) {
n                 249 tools/packfi2/zutil.c         if (ptr != table[n].new_ptr) continue;
n                 251 tools/packfi2/zutil.c         farfree(table[n].org_ptr);
n                 252 tools/packfi2/zutil.c         while (++n < next_ptr) {
n                 253 tools/packfi2/zutil.c             table[n-1] = table[n];
n                  86 tools/stubs_load.c 	uint32_t v = 0, n = 0;
n                  91 tools/stubs_load.c 			sscanf(val,"%x",&n);
n                  92 tools/stubs_load.c 			v += n;
n                  17 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c void console_set_autoredraw(int n) {
n                  18 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c     printf("*** console_set_auto_redraw %d ***\n",n);
n                 889 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c long action_top(int n)
n                 891 tools/ubasic_test/camera_functions.c     printf("*** action_top  %d ***\n", n);