CHDK_DE Vorschauversion  Trunk Rev. 5663
 Alle Datenstrukturen Dateien Funktionen Variablen Typdefinitionen Aufzählungen Aufzählungswerte Makrodefinitionen
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "../lib/font/font_8x16_uni.h"
#include "../lib/font/codepages.h"
+ Include-Abhängigkeitsdiagramm für font_8x16_pack.c:

gehe zum Quellcode dieser Datei




static int font_make_lookuptable ()
static unsigned short font_find_matching_glyph (int index)
static unsigned short font_find_offset (unsigned short charcode)
static void font_init_data (unsigned short *src, int st, int num)
static void check_used (unsigned short *cp)
int main ()


unsigned char font_data [16384]
unsigned short char_codes [4096]
unsigned short font_offsets [4096]
unsigned char fontdata_lookup [256]
int fontdata_ltlength = 0
unsigned char fdata_usage [256]



Definiert in Zeile 14 der Datei font_8x16_pack.c.

Dokumentation der Funktionen

static void check_used ( unsigned short *  cp)

Definiert in Zeile 114 der Datei font_8x16_pack.c.

115 {
116  int i;
117  for (i=0; i<128; i++)
118  {
119  unsigned short c = cp[i];
120  int j;
121  for (j=0; orig_font_data[j].charcode != -1; j++)
122  {
123  if (orig_font_data[j].charcode == c)
124  {
125  orig_font_data[j].isUsed++;
126  }
127  }
128  }
129 }
static unsigned short font_find_matching_glyph ( int  index)

Definiert in Zeile 65 der Datei font_8x16_pack.c.

66 {
67  int i;
68  int j;
70  for (i=0; orig_font_data[i].charcode != -1; i++)
71  {
72  if (i >= index)
73  {
74  break;
75  }
76  j = memcmp(&orig_font_data[i].data[0], &orig_font_data[index].data[0], 16);
77  if ((j == 0) && (orig_font_data[i].isUsed))
78  {
79  return i;
80  }
81  }
82  return 0xffff;
83 }
static unsigned short font_find_offset ( unsigned short  charcode)

Definiert in Zeile 86 der Datei font_8x16_pack.c.

87 {
88  int i=0;
90  for (i=0; char_codes[i] != 0xFFFF; i++)
91  {
92  if (char_codes[i] == charcode)
93  return font_offsets[i];
94  }
95  return 0xFFFF;
96 }
static void font_init_data ( unsigned short *  src,
int  st,
int  num 

Definiert in Zeile 99 der Datei font_8x16_pack.c.

100 {
101  int i;
102  unsigned short f;
104  for (i=0; i<num; ++i)
105  {
106  f = font_find_offset(src[i]);
107  if (f == 0xFFFF)
109  src[st+i] = f;
110  }
111 }
static int font_make_lookuptable ( )

Definiert in Zeile 29 der Datei font_8x16_pack.c.

30 {
31  int i, j;
32  unsigned char k;
34  memset(fdata_usage,0,256);
36  // determine if a byte is used
37  for (i=0; orig_font_data[i].charcode != -1; i++)
38  {
39  if (orig_font_data[i].isUsed > 0)
40  {
41  for (j=0; j<16; j++)
42  {
43  k = orig_font_data[i].data[j];
44  fdata_usage[k] = 1;
45  }
46  }
47  }
49  memset(fontdata_lookup, 0, 256);
50  for (i=0, j=0; j<256; j++)
51  {
52  if (fdata_usage[j] != 0)
53  {
54  fontdata_lookup[i] = j;
55  fdata_usage[j] = i; // store index
56  i++;
57  }
58  }
61  return i;
62 }
int main ( )

Definiert in Zeile 133 der Datei font_8x16_pack.c.

134 {
135  int i, j, f = 0, cc = 0, r;
136  unsigned char uc;
137  unsigned short matches;
139  int ncp = sizeof(codepages)/(sizeof(unsigned short*));
141  int lte = 0; // encoding via lookup-table, if true
143  // Check if chars in font are used in any codepages
145  for (j=0; j<ncp; j++)
146  {
147  check_used(codepages[j]);
148  }
150  // make lookup-table, return number of distinct bytes in font data
151  lte = (font_make_lookuptable() < 128);
153  printf("#ifndef GET_FONT_COMPRESSION_MODE\n\n");
154  printf("// This is a compressed version of font_8x16_uni.h produced by the tools/font_8x16_pack program\n\n");
155  printf("// Format of each character is 'FontData' structure, followed by FontData.size bytes of character data.\n\n");
156  printf("static unsigned char font_data[] = {\n");
158  for (i=0; orig_font_data[i].charcode != -1; i++)
159  {
160  if (orig_font_data[i].isUsed > 0)
161  {
162  int top = 0;
163  int bottom = 0;
164  for (j=0; j<16 && orig_font_data[i].data[j] == 0; j++) { top++; }
165  for (j=15; j>=top && orig_font_data[i].data[j] == 0; j--) { bottom++; }
166  if (top == 16) // Blank character
167  {
168  // Fix values to fit into 4 bits each (sorted out in draw_char function)
169  top--;
170  bottom++;
171  }
174  font_offsets[cc] = f;
175  cc++;
176  matches = font_find_matching_glyph(i);
177  if (matches != 65535)
178  {
179  printf("/*%04x == %04x*/", orig_font_data[i].charcode, orig_font_data[matches].charcode);
180  font_offsets[cc-1] = font_find_offset(orig_font_data[matches].charcode);
181  }
182  else
183  {
185  font_data[f++] = (top << 4) | bottom;
187  printf("/*%04x*/ 0x%02x,", orig_font_data[i].charcode, (top << 4) | bottom);
188  r = f;
189  for (j=top; j<16-bottom; j++)
190  {
191  if (!lte)
192  {
193  font_data[f++] = orig_font_data[i].data[j] & 0xFF;
194  printf(" 0x%02x,",orig_font_data[i].data[j] & 0xFF);
195  }
196  else
197  {
198  // lookup-table based encoding
199  uc = orig_font_data[i].data[j] & 0xFF;
200  font_data[f] = fdata_usage[uc]; // byte's index in lookup table
201  if ( (j > top) && (font_data[f] == font_data[f-1]) )
202  {
203  // repetition found inside glyph data, set bit7 of previous byte
204  font_data[f-1] = font_data[f-1] | 0x80;
205  }
206  else
207  {
208  f++;
209  }
210  }
211  }
212  if (lte)
213  {
214  for (j=r; j<f; j++)
215  {
216  printf(" 0x%02x,",font_data[j]);
217  }
218  }
219  }
220  printf("\n");
221  }
222  }
224  char_codes[cc] = 0xFFFF;
226  printf("};\n\n");
227  printf("// font_data length: %d bytes\n", f);
229  if (lte)
230  {
231  printf("unsigned char fontdata_lookup[] = {\n ");
232  for (i=0; i<fontdata_ltlength; i++)
233  {
234  printf("0x%02x,", fontdata_lookup[i]);
235  if ( ((i+1) & 0xf) == 0 )
236  {
237  printf("\n ");
238  }
239  }
240  printf("};\n");
241  printf("// lookup table length: %d bytes\n\n", fontdata_ltlength);
242 #if 0
243  printf(" /* font data byte distribution\n ");
244  for (i=0; i<256; i++)
245  {
246  printf("0x%02x,", fdata_usage[i]);
247  if ( ((i+1) & 0xf) == 0 )
248  {
249  printf("\n ");
250  }
251  }
252  printf("*/\n\n");
253 #endif
254  }
256  // Set up codepage entries, and save to file
257  font_init_data(cp_common, 0, 128);
259  printf("// Offsets to font character data stored in the font_data array.\n\n");
260  printf("static unsigned short cp_common[] =\n{\n");
261  for (i=0; i<128; i++)
262  {
263  if ((i & 15) == 0) printf(" ");
264  printf("0x%04x,", cp_common[i]);
265  if ((i & 15) == 15) printf("\n");
266  }
267  printf("};\n");
269  for (j=0; j<ncp; j++)
270  {
271  font_init_data(codepages[j], 0, 128);
272  printf("static unsigned short cp_win_%s[] =\n{\n", cp_names[j]);
273  for (i=0; i<128; i++)
274  {
275  if ((i & 15) == 0) printf(" ");
276  printf("0x%04x,", codepages[j][i]);
277  if ((i & 15) == 15) printf("\n");
278  }
279  printf("};\n");
280  }
282  printf("\n// Array of pointers to codepage tables.\n\n");
283  printf("static unsigned short* codepages[] =\n{\n");
284  for (j=0; j<ncp; j++)
285  {
286  printf(" cp_win_%s,\n", cp_names[j]);
287  }
288  printf("};\n");
290  printf("\n// Codepage names for menu UI in gui.c (gui_font_enum).\n\n");
291  printf("int num_codepages = %d;\n",ncp);
292  printf("char* codepage_names[] =\n{\n");
293  for (j=0; j<ncp; j++)
294  {
295  printf(" \"Win%s\",\n", cp_names[j]);
296  }
297  printf("};\n\n");
298  printf("#endif // !GET_FONT_COMPRESSION_MODE\n\n");
300  if (lte)
301  {
302  printf("#define BUILTIN_FONT_RLE_COMPRESSED 1\n\n");
303  }
305  return 0;
306 }


unsigned short char_codes[4096]

Definiert in Zeile 19 der Datei font_8x16_pack.c.

unsigned char fdata_usage[256]

Definiert in Zeile 26 der Datei font_8x16_pack.c.

unsigned char font_data[16384]

Definiert in Zeile 18 der Datei font_8x16_pack.c.

unsigned short font_offsets[4096]

Definiert in Zeile 20 der Datei font_8x16_pack.c.

unsigned char fontdata_lookup[256]

Definiert in Zeile 21 der Datei font_8x16_pack.c.

int fontdata_ltlength = 0

Definiert in Zeile 22 der Datei font_8x16_pack.c.