CHDK_DE Vorschauversion  Trunk Rev. 6014
 Alle Datenstrukturen Dateien Funktionen Variablen Typdefinitionen Aufzählungen Aufzählungswerte Makrodefinitionen
+ Dieser Graph zeigt, welche Datei direkt oder indirekt diese Datei enthält:

gehe zum Quellcode dieser Datei


struct  led_control


long * _GetSystemTime (long *t)
long _GetZoomLensCurrentPosition ()
long _GetZoomLensCurrentPoint ()
long _MoveZoomLensWithPoint (short *pos)
long _SetZoomActuatorSpeedPercent (short *perc)
long _GetFocusLensCurrentPosition ()
long _GetFocusLensSubjectDistance ()
long _GetFocusLensSubjectDistanceFromLens ()
void _MoveFocusLensToDistance (short *dist)
void _PutInNdFilter ()
void _PutOutNdFilter ()
short _get_nd_value (void)
short _get_current_nd_value (void)
long _GetCurrentShutterSpeed ()
long _GetCurrentAvValue ()
long _get_current_deltasv (void)
long _GetCurrentDriveBaseSvValue (void)
short _GetUsableMinAv (void)
short _GetUsableMaxAv (void)
long _GetCurrentTargetDistance ()
long _GetPropertyCase (long opt_id, void *buf, long bufsize)
long _SetPropertyCase (long opt_id, void *buf, long bufsize)
short _PTM_GetCurrentItem (long id)
long _IsStrobeChargeCompleted ()
long _VbattGet ()
int _GetBatteryTemperature ()
int _GetCCDTemperature ()
int _GetOpticalTemperature ()
int _GetAdChValue (int *)
void _PT_PlaySound (short, void *, int unk)
void _RefreshPhysicalScreen (long f)
void _Unmount_FileSystem ()
void _Mount_FileSystem ()
void _SleepTask (long msec)
int _CreateTask (const char *name, int prio, int stack_size, void *entry, long parm)
void __attribute__ ((noreturn)) _ExitTask()
int _taskNameToId (char *taskName)
const char * _taskName (int taskID)
int _taskIdListGet (int *idlist, int max)
void _taskSuspend (int taskId)
void _taskResume (int taskId)
int _errnoOfTaskGet (int tid)
long _SetEventFlag (void *flag, long what)
long _CheckAnyEventFlag (void *flag, long mask, long *res)
long _GetEventFlagValue (void *flag, long *res)
long _ReceiveMessageQueue (void *msgq, long *dst, long unk1)
long _GetParameterData (long id, void *buf, long size)
long _SetParameterData (long id, void *buf, long size)
void _UpdateMBROnFlash (int driveno, long offset, char *str)
int _open (const char *name, int flags, int mode)
int _close (int fd)
int _lseek (int fd, long offset, int whence)
long _mkdir (const char *dirname)
int _Open (const char *name, int flags, int mode)
int _Close (int fd)
int _Write (int fd, const void *buffer, long nbytes)
int _Read (int fd, void *buffer, long nbytes)
int _Lseek (int fd, long offset, int whence)
int _Remove (const char *name)
long _Fopen_Fut (const char *filename, const char *mode)
long _Fclose_Fut (long file)
long _Fread_Fut (void *buf, long elsize, long count, long f)
long _Fwrite_Fut (const void *buf, long elsize, long count, long f)
long _Fseek_Fut (long file, long offset, long whence)
long _Fflush_Fut (long file)
long _Feof_Fut (long file)
char * _Fgets_Fut (char *buf, int n, long f)
long _RenameFile_Fut (const char *oldname, const char *newname)
long _DeleteFile_Fut (const char *name)
long _MakeDirectory_Fut (const char *name, int unk)
long _DeleteDirectory_Fut (const char *name)
int _isdigit (int c)
int _isspace (int c)
int _isalpha (int c)
int _isupper (int c)
int _islower (int c)
int _ispunct (int c)
int _isxdigit (int c)
long _strlen (const char *s)
int _strcmp (const char *s1, const char *s2)
int _strncmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, long n)
char * _strchr (const char *s, int c)
char * _strcpy (char *dest, const char *src)
char * _strncpy (char *dest, const char *src, long n)
char * _strcat (char *dest, const char *app)
char * _strrchr (const char *s, int c)
char * _strpbrk (const char *s, const char *accept)
long _strtol (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
unsigned long _strtoul (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
long _strtolx (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base, int mode)
int _tolower (int c)
int _toupper (int c)
int _vsprintf (char *buf, const char *fmt, __builtin_va_list va_list)
int _printf (char *buf,...)
void * _malloc (long size)
void _free (void *p)
void * _AllocateUncacheableMemory (long size)
void _FreeUncacheableMemory (void *p)
void * _memchr (const void *s, int c, int n)
void * _memcpy (void *dest, const void *src, long n)
void * _memset (void *s, int c, int n)
int _memcmp (const void *s1, const void *s2, long n)
void _qsort (void *__base, int __nelem, int __size, int(*__cmp)(const void *__e1, const void *__e2))
long _taskLock ()
long _taskUnlock ()
int _taskCreateHookAdd (void *createHook)
int _taskDeleteHookAdd (void *deleteHook)
long _iosDevAdd (void *, void *, int)
long _iosDevDelete (void *)
long _iosDrvInstall (void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *)
int _TakeSemaphore (int sem, int timeout)
void _GiveSemaphore (int sem)
void _DeleteSemaphore (int sem)
long _kbd_p1_f ()
void _kbd_p2_f ()
void _kbd_pwr_on ()
void _kbd_pwr_off ()
void _kbd_read_keys_r2 (void *p)
void __attribute__ ((naked, noinline)) mykbd_task()
 *-------------------------------------------------------------------— Mehr ...
void capt_seq_task ()
void dvlp_seq_task ()
void movie_record_task ()
void init_file_modules_task ()
void exp_drv_task ()
void filewritetask ()
void kbd_fetch_data (long *dst)
void _UniqueLedOn (void *addr, long brightness)
void _UniqueLedOff (void *addr)
int _PostLEDMessage (struct led_control *)
int _LEDDrive (int led, int action)
long _LockMainPower ()
long _UnlockMainPower ()
void _SetAutoShutdownTime (int t)
int _PostLogicalEventForNotPowerType (int event, int unk)
int _PostLogicalEventToUI (int event, int unk)
void _SetLogicalEventActive (unsigned event, unsigned state)
void _SetScriptMode (unsigned mode)
int _rand (void)
void * _srand (unsigned int seed)
double __log (double x)
double __log10 (double x)
double __pow (double x, double y)
double __sqrt (double x)
int _utime (const char *file, void *newTimes)
unsigned long _time (unsigned long *timer)
void * _localtime (const unsigned long *_tod)
void * _LocalTime (const unsigned long *_tod, void *t_m)
long _strftime (char *s, unsigned long maxsize, const char *format, const void *timp)
long _mktime (void *timp)
long _mktime_ext (void *tim_extp)
int _SetDate (void *setdate_p)
int _SetFileTimeStamp (int fd, int time1, int time2)
void _SetFileAttributes (int fd, int attr)
int _stat (const char *name, void *pStat)
unsigned long _GetDrive_ClusterSize (int drive)
unsigned long _GetDrive_TotalClusters (int drive)
unsigned long _GetDrive_FreeClusters (int drive)
int _WriteSDCard (unsigned int drive, unsigned int start_sect, unsigned int num_sect, void *buf)
void _UnsetZoomForMovie (void)
void _TurnOffMic (void)
void _TurnOnMic (void)
void _MakeAFScan (int *, int)
void _ExpCtrlTool_StartContiAE (int, int)
void _ExpCtrlTool_StopContiAE (int, int)
short _SetAE_ShutterSpeed (short *tv)
void _EnterToCompensationEVF (void)
void _ExitFromCompensationEVF (void)
void _TurnOnBackLight (void)
void _TurnOffBackLight (void)
void _TurnOnDisplay (void)
void _TurnOffDisplay (void)
void _DoAELock (void)
void _UnlockAE (void)
void _DoAFLock (void)
void _UnlockAF (void)
void _MFOn (void)
void _MFOff (void)
void _PT_MFOn (void)
void _PT_MFOff (void)
void _SS_MFOn (void)
void _SS_MFOff (void)
int _EngDrvRead (int gpio_reg)
int _apex2us (int)
void _ScreenLock ()
void _SetCurrentCaptureModeType ()
unsigned _ExecuteEventProcedure (const char *name,...)
void _Restart (unsigned option)
void _reboot_fw_update (const char *bootfile)
int _add_ptp_handler (int, void *, int)
void _set_control_event (int)
void _PB2Rec ()
void _Rec2PB (int event)
int _get_ptp_buf_size (int slot)
char * _get_ptp_file_buf (void)
void * _exmem_ualloc (unsigned int type, unsigned int size, void *allocinf)
void _exmem_ufree (unsigned int type)
int _memPartFindMax (int mempart_id)
int _memPartInfoGet (int mempart_id, int *info)


volatile long zoom_busy
volatile long focus_busy
const char aPhysw
long physw_run
long physw_sleep_delay
long physw_status [3]
long physw_copy [3]
long playrec_mode
void * led_table
int some_flag_for_af_scan
int parameter_for_af_scan

Dokumentation der Funktionen

void __attribute__ ( (noreturn)  )

Definiert in Zeile 13 der Datei main.c.

14 {
15  {
16  // char *dst = dst_void;
17  // const char *src = src_void;
18  long *dst = (long*)MEMISOSTART;
19  const long *src = blob_chdk_core;
20  long length = (blob_chdk_core_size + 3) >> 2;
22  core_copy(src, dst, length);
24 }
26  asm volatile (
27  "MRS R0, CPSR\n"
28  "BIC R0, R0, #0x3F\n"
29  "ORR R0, R0, #0xD3\n"
30  "MSR CPSR, R0\n"
31  "LDR R1, =0xC0200000\n"
32  "MOV R0, #0xFFFFFFFF\n"
33  "STR R0, [R1,#0x10C]\n"
34  "STR R0, [R1,#0xC]\n"
35  "STR R0, [R1,#0x1C]\n"
36  "STR R0, [R1,#0x2C]\n"
37  "STR R0, [R1,#0x3C]\n"
38  "STR R0, [R1,#0x4C]\n"
39  "STR R0, [R1,#0x5C]\n"
40  "STR R0, [R1,#0x6C]\n"
41  "STR R0, [R1,#0x7C]\n"
42  "STR R0, [R1,#0x8C]\n"
43  "STR R0, [R1,#0x9C]\n"
44  "STR R0, [R1,#0xAC]\n"
45  "STR R0, [R1,#0xBC]\n"
46  "STR R0, [R1,#0xCC]\n"
47  "STR R0, [R1,#0xDC]\n"
48  "STR R0, [R1,#0xEC]\n"
49  "CMP R4, #7\n"
50  "STR R0, [R1,#0xFC]\n"
51  "LDMEQFD SP!, {R4,PC}\n"
52  "MOV R0, #0x78\n"
53  "MCR p15, 0, R0,c1,c0\n"
54  "MOV R0, #0\n"
55  "MCR p15, 0, R0,c7,c10, 4\n"
56  "MCR p15, 0, R0,c7,c5\n"
57  "MCR p15, 0, R0,c7,c6\n"
58  "MOV R0, #0x40000006\n"
59  "MCR p15, 0, R0,c9,c1\n"
60  "MCR p15, 0, R0,c9,c1, 1\n"
61  "MRC p15, 0, R0,c1,c0\n"
62  "ORR R0, R0, #0x50000\n"
63  "MCR p15, 0, R0,c1,c0\n"
64  "LDR R0, =0x12345678\n"
65  "MOV R1, #0x40000000\n"
66  "STR R0, [R1,#0xFFC]\n"
67  //"LDR R0, =0xFF810000\n" // original jump-vector
68  "MOV R0, %0\n" // new jump-vector
69  "LDMFD SP!, {R4,LR}\n"
70  //"BX %0\n"
71  "BX R0\n"
72  : : "r"(MEMISOSTART) : "memory","r0","r1","r2","r3","r4");
73  //);
75  while(1);
76 }
void __attribute__ ( (naked, noinline)  )



IS_ERROR( hSoundHandle )

IS_ERROR( RetCode )

IS_ERROR( RetCode )

IS_ERROR( RetCode )

IS_ERROR( RetCode )

"MOV R3, #0\n" "STR R3, [R9]\n"

TODO! below is from sd400

"MOV R3, #0\n" "STR R3, [R9]\n"

TODO! below is from sd400



ASM1989 -> In sx200:FF857190 //"Mounter.c"

ASM1989 -> In sx200:FF81B284 // DebugAssert

Definiert in Zeile 204 der Datei cache.c.

204  {
205  asm volatile (
206  "MRC p15, 0, R0,c0,c0,1\n"
207  "BX LR\n"
208  );
209 }
double __log ( double  x)
double __log10 ( double  x)
double __pow ( double  x,
double  y 
double __sqrt ( double  x)
int _add_ptp_handler ( int  ,
void *  ,
void* _AllocateUncacheableMemory ( long  size)
int _apex2us ( int  )
long _CheckAnyEventFlag ( void *  flag,
long  mask,
long *  res 
int _close ( int  fd)
int _Close ( int  fd)
int _CreateTask ( const char *  name,
int  prio,
int  stack_size,
void *  entry,
long  parm 
long _DeleteDirectory_Fut ( const char *  name)
long _DeleteFile_Fut ( const char *  name)
void _DeleteSemaphore ( int  sem)
void _DoAELock ( void  )
void _DoAFLock ( void  )
int _EngDrvRead ( int  gpio_reg)
void _EnterToCompensationEVF ( void  )

Definiert in Zeile 49 der Datei lib.c.

49 {} // Dummy function. To be removed after stub is found. See stubs_entry_2.S.
int _errnoOfTaskGet ( int  tid)
unsigned _ExecuteEventProcedure ( const char *  name,
void _ExitFromCompensationEVF ( void  )

Definiert in Zeile 50 der Datei lib.c.

50 {} // Dummy function. To be removed after stub is found. See stubs_entry_2.S.
void* _exmem_ualloc ( unsigned int  type,
unsigned int  size,
void *  allocinf 
void _exmem_ufree ( unsigned int  type)
void _ExpCtrlTool_StartContiAE ( int  ,
void _ExpCtrlTool_StopContiAE ( int  ,
long _Fclose_Fut ( long  file)
long _Feof_Fut ( long  file)
long _Fflush_Fut ( long  file)
char* _Fgets_Fut ( char *  buf,
int  n,
long  f 
long _Fopen_Fut ( const char *  filename,
const char *  mode 
long _Fread_Fut ( void *  buf,
long  elsize,
long  count,
long  f 
void _free ( void *  p)
void _FreeUncacheableMemory ( void *  p)
long _Fseek_Fut ( long  file,
long  offset,
long  whence 
long _Fwrite_Fut ( const void *  buf,
long  elsize,
long  count,
long  f 
long _get_current_deltasv ( void  )
short _get_current_nd_value ( void  )

Definiert in Zeile 94 der Datei lib.c.

95 {
96  return 0;
97 }
short _get_nd_value ( void  )

Definiert in Zeile 90 der Datei lib.c.

91 {
92  return 0;
93 }
int _get_ptp_buf_size ( int  slot)
char* _get_ptp_file_buf ( void  )
int _GetAdChValue ( int *  )
int _GetBatteryTemperature ( )

Definiert in Zeile 56 der Datei lib.c.

57 {
58  return -99;
59 }
int _GetCCDTemperature ( )
long _GetCurrentAvValue ( )
long _GetCurrentDriveBaseSvValue ( void  )
long _GetCurrentShutterSpeed ( )
long _GetCurrentTargetDistance ( )
unsigned long _GetDrive_ClusterSize ( int  drive)
unsigned long _GetDrive_FreeClusters ( int  drive)
unsigned long _GetDrive_TotalClusters ( int  drive)
long _GetEventFlagValue ( void *  flag,
long *  res 
long _GetFocusLensCurrentPosition ( )
long _GetFocusLensSubjectDistance ( )
long _GetFocusLensSubjectDistanceFromLens ( )
int _GetOpticalTemperature ( )
long _GetParameterData ( long  id,
void *  buf,
long  size 
long _GetPropertyCase ( long  opt_id,
void *  buf,
long  bufsize 

Definiert in Zeile 41 der Datei wrappers.c.

42 {
43  extern long _GetPropertyCase_FW(long opt_id, void *buf, long bufsize);
44  long rv = _GetPropertyCase_FW(opt_id, buf, bufsize);
45  // Fake drive mode 1 if camera set to high speed mode
46  if (opt_id == PROPCASE_DRIVE_MODE)
47  if (*((short*)buf) == 4)
48  *((short*)buf) = 1;
49  return rv;
50 }
long* _GetSystemTime ( long *  t)
short _GetUsableMaxAv ( void  )
short _GetUsableMinAv ( void  )
long _GetZoomLensCurrentPoint ( )
long _GetZoomLensCurrentPosition ( )
void _GiveSemaphore ( int  sem)
long _iosDevAdd ( void *  ,
void *  ,
long _iosDevDelete ( void *  )
long _iosDrvInstall ( void *  ,
void *  ,
void *  ,
void *  ,
void *  ,
void *  ,
void *   
int _isalpha ( int  c)
int _isdigit ( int  c)
int _islower ( int  c)
int _ispunct ( int  c)
int _isspace ( int  c)
long _IsStrobeChargeCompleted ( )
int _isupper ( int  c)
int _isxdigit ( int  c)
long _kbd_p1_f ( )
void _kbd_p2_f ( )
void _kbd_pwr_off ( )
void _kbd_pwr_on ( )
void _kbd_read_keys_r2 ( void *  p)
int _LEDDrive ( int  led,
int  action 
void* _localtime ( const unsigned long *  _tod)
void* _LocalTime ( const unsigned long *  _tod,
void *  t_m 
long _LockMainPower ( )
int _lseek ( int  fd,
long  offset,
int  whence 
int _Lseek ( int  fd,
long  offset,
int  whence 
void _MakeAFScan ( int *  ,
long _MakeDirectory_Fut ( const char *  name,
int  unk 
void* _malloc ( long  size)
void* _memchr ( const void *  s,
int  c,
int  n 
int _memcmp ( const void *  s1,
const void *  s2,
long  n 
void* _memcpy ( void *  dest,
const void *  src,
long  n 
int _memPartFindMax ( int  mempart_id)
int _memPartInfoGet ( int  mempart_id,
int *  info 
void* _memset ( void *  s,
int  c,
int  n 
void _MFOff ( void  )
void _MFOn ( void  )
long _mkdir ( const char *  dirname)
long _mktime ( void *  timp)
long _mktime_ext ( void *  tim_extp)
void _Mount_FileSystem ( )
void _MoveFocusLensToDistance ( short *  dist)

Definiert in Zeile 56 der Datei wrappers.c.

57 {
58  // Crashes unless camera is set to manual focus in Canon GUI
59  extern void _MoveFocusLensToDistance_FW(int, void*, int);
60  _MoveFocusLensToDistance_FW(*(int*)dist, null_func, 0);
61 }
long _MoveZoomLensWithPoint ( short *  pos)
int _open ( const char *  name,
int  flags,
int  mode 
int _Open ( const char *  name,
int  flags,
int  mode 
void _PB2Rec ( )
int _PostLEDMessage ( struct led_control )
int _PostLogicalEventForNotPowerType ( int  event,
int  unk 
int _PostLogicalEventToUI ( int  event,
int  unk 
int _printf ( char *  buf,

No STUBS! You can't use these two directly from THUMB code (core), only from platform.

void _PT_MFOff ( void  )
void _PT_MFOn ( void  )
void _PT_PlaySound ( short  ,
void *  ,
int  unk 
short _PTM_GetCurrentItem ( long  id)
void _PutInNdFilter ( )

Definiert in Zeile 44 der Datei wrappers.c.

45 {
46  extern void _PutInNdFilter_FW(void*, int);
47  _PutInNdFilter_FW(null_func, 0);
48 }
void _PutOutNdFilter ( )

Definiert in Zeile 50 der Datei wrappers.c.

51 {
52  extern void _PutOutNdFilter_FW(void*, int);
53  _PutOutNdFilter_FW(null_func, 0);
54 }
void _qsort ( void *  __base,
int  __nelem,
int  __size,
int(*)(const void *__e1, const void *__e2)  __cmp 
int _rand ( void  )
int _Read ( int  fd,
void *  buffer,
long  nbytes 
void _reboot_fw_update ( const char *  bootfile)
void _Rec2PB ( int  event)
long _ReceiveMessageQueue ( void *  msgq,
long *  dst,
long  unk1 
void _RefreshPhysicalScreen ( long  f)
int _Remove ( const char *  name)
long _RenameFile_Fut ( const char *  oldname,
const char *  newname 
void _Restart ( unsigned  option)
void _ScreenLock ( )
void _set_control_event ( int  )
short _SetAE_ShutterSpeed ( short *  tv)
void _SetAutoShutdownTime ( int  t)
void _SetCurrentCaptureModeType ( )
int _SetDate ( void *  setdate_p)
long _SetEventFlag ( void *  flag,
long  what 
void _SetFileAttributes ( int  fd,
int  attr 
int _SetFileTimeStamp ( int  fd,
int  time1,
int  time2 
void _SetLogicalEventActive ( unsigned  event,
unsigned  state 
long _SetParameterData ( long  id,
void *  buf,
long  size 
long _SetPropertyCase ( long  opt_id,
void *  buf,
long  bufsize 

Definiert in Zeile 107 der Datei lib.c.

107  {
108 /*
110 */
111  if (cse == PROPCASE_SHOOTING){
112  //do nothing
113  return 0;
114  }else{
115  return _SetPropertyCase_orig(cse, ptr, len);
116  }
117 }
void _SetScriptMode ( unsigned  mode)
long _SetZoomActuatorSpeedPercent ( short *  perc)
void _SleepTask ( long  msec)
void* _srand ( unsigned int  seed)
void _SS_MFOff ( void  )
void _SS_MFOn ( void  )
int _stat ( const char *  name,
void *  pStat 
char* _strcat ( char *  dest,
const char *  app 
char* _strchr ( const char *  s,
int  c 
int _strcmp ( const char *  s1,
const char *  s2 
char* _strcpy ( char *  dest,
const char *  src 
long _strftime ( char *  s,
unsigned long  maxsize,
const char *  format,
const void *  timp 
long _strlen ( const char *  s)
int _strncmp ( const char *  s1,
const char *  s2,
long  n 
char* _strncpy ( char *  dest,
const char *  src,
long  n 
char* _strpbrk ( const char *  s,
const char *  accept 
char* _strrchr ( const char *  s,
int  c 
long _strtol ( const char *  nptr,
char **  endptr,
int  base 
long _strtolx ( const char *  nptr,
char **  endptr,
int  base,
int  mode 
unsigned long _strtoul ( const char *  nptr,
char **  endptr,
int  base 
int _TakeSemaphore ( int  sem,
int  timeout 
int _taskCreateHookAdd ( void *  createHook)
int _taskDeleteHookAdd ( void *  deleteHook)
int _taskIdListGet ( int *  idlist,
int  max 
long _taskLock ( )
const char* _taskName ( int  taskID)
int _taskNameToId ( char *  taskName)
void _taskResume ( int  taskId)
void _taskSuspend ( int  taskId)
long _taskUnlock ( )
unsigned long _time ( unsigned long *  timer)
int _tolower ( int  c)
int _toupper ( int  c)
void _TurnOffBackLight ( void  )
void _TurnOffDisplay ( void  )
void _TurnOffMic ( void  )
void _TurnOnBackLight ( void  )
void _TurnOnDisplay ( void  )
void _TurnOnMic ( void  )
void _UniqueLedOff ( void *  addr)
void _UniqueLedOn ( void *  addr,
long  brightness 
void _UnlockAE ( void  )
void _UnlockAF ( void  )
long _UnlockMainPower ( )
void _Unmount_FileSystem ( )
void _UnsetZoomForMovie ( void  )
void _UpdateMBROnFlash ( int  driveno,
long  offset,
char *  str 
int _utime ( const char *  file,
void *  newTimes 
long _VbattGet ( )
int _vsprintf ( char *  buf,
const char *  fmt,
__builtin_va_list  va_list 
int _Write ( int  fd,
const void *  buffer,
long  nbytes 
int _WriteSDCard ( unsigned int  drive,
unsigned int  start_sect,
unsigned int  num_sect,
void *  buf 
void capt_seq_task ( )
void dvlp_seq_task ( )
void exp_drv_task ( )
void filewritetask ( )
void init_file_modules_task ( )
void kbd_fetch_data ( long *  dst)

Definiert in Zeile 124 der Datei kbd.c.

125 {
126  volatile long *mmio0 = (void*)0xc0220200;
127  volatile long *mmio1 = (void*)0xc0220204;
128  volatile long *mmio2 = (void*)0xc0220208;
130  dst[0] = *mmio0;
131  dst[1] = *mmio1;
132  dst[2] = *mmio2 & 0xffff;
133 }
void movie_record_task ( )

Definiert in Zeile 4 der Datei main.c.

5 {
6 }


const char aPhysw
volatile long focus_busy
void* led_table
int parameter_for_af_scan

Definiert in Zeile 281 der Datei fw_functions.h.

long physw_copy[3]

Definiert in Zeile 42 der Datei kbd.c.

long physw_run
long physw_sleep_delay
long physw_status[3]
long playrec_mode
int some_flag_for_af_scan

Definiert in Zeile 280 der Datei fw_functions.h.

volatile long zoom_busy