c                  90 core/console.c             int c, i;
c                  91 core/console.c             for (c = 0, i = console_cur_line; c < console_num_lines; ++c, --i)
c                  96 core/console.c                 draw_string_justified(x, y - c * FONT_HEIGHT, buf, col, 0, console_line_length * FONT_WIDTH, TEXT_LEFT|TEXT_FILL);
c                 231 core/console.c         int c, i;
c                 232 core/console.c         for (c = h-1, i = console_cur_line-console_scroll; c >= 0; --c, --i)
c                 235 core/console.c             draw_string_justified(x-1, y + c * FONT_HEIGHT, console_buf[i], col, 0, w * FONT_WIDTH, TEXT_LEFT|TEXT_FILL);
c                 309 core/gui.c     	int c;
c                 313 core/gui.c     		c = 0;
c                 319 core/gui.c     				++c;
c                 321 core/gui.c     				draw_string(16,FONT_HEIGHT*c,buf,MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_YELLOW));
c                 324 core/gui.c     			if( c == 12 )
c                 326 core/gui.c     				++c;
c                 328 core/gui.c     				draw_string(16,FONT_HEIGHT*c,buf,MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_YELLOW));
c                 330 core/gui.c     				c = 0;
c                 333 core/gui.c     		++c;
c                 335 core/gui.c     		draw_string(16,FONT_HEIGHT*c,buf,MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_YELLOW));
c                2375 core/gui.c                 color c = logo_colors[(data>>5) & 0x07];
c                2378 core/gui.c                     if (c!=0x00)
c                2380 core/gui.c                         draw_pixel(offset_x+mx,offset_y+my,c);
c                1403 core/gui_draw.c void draw_osd_string(OSD_pos pos, int xo, int yo, char *s, twoColors c, OSD_scale scale)
c                1406 core/gui_draw.c         draw_string(pos.x+xo, pos.y+yo, s, c);
c                1408 core/gui_draw.c         draw_string_scaled(pos.x+(xo*scale.x), pos.y+(yo*scale.y), s, c, scale.x, scale.y);
c                1413 core/gui_draw.c void draw_osd_string(OSD_pos pos, int xo, int yo, char *s, twoColors c, OSD_scale scale)
c                1417 core/gui_draw.c         draw_string(pos.x+xo, pos.y+yo, s, c);
c                1421 core/gui_draw.c         draw_string_scaled(pos.x+(xo>>1), pos.y+(yo>>1), s, c, scale.x, scale.y);
c                1425 core/gui_draw.c         draw_string_scaled(pos.x+(xo*scale.x), pos.y+(yo*scale.y), s, c, scale.x, scale.y);
c                 131 core/gui_draw.h extern void draw_osd_string(OSD_pos pos, int xo, int yo, char *s, twoColors c, OSD_scale scale);
c                 142 core/gui_draw.h extern color chdkColorToCanonColor(chdkColor c);
c                 143 core/gui_draw.h extern twoColors user_color(confColor c);
c                 128 core/gui_menu.c         CMenuItem *c = (CMenuItem*)(curr_menu->menu[gui_menu_curr_item].value);
c                 129 core/gui_menu.c         item_flags = c[0].type;
c                 131 core/gui_menu.c         item_arg = c[0].arg;
c                 132 core/gui_menu.c         item_val = *(c[0].value);
c                 471 core/gui_menu.c     int c, j;
c                 474 core/gui_menu.c     if (camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press || kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_ZOOM_IN) || kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_ZOOM_OUT)) c=4; else c=1;
c                 476 core/gui_menu.c     for (j = 0; j < c; ++j)
c                 580 core/gui_menu.c                             CMenuItem *c = (CMenuItem*)(curr_menu->menu[gui_menu_curr_item].value);
c                 581 core/gui_menu.c                             if (*(c[1].value) == 0)
c                 582 core/gui_menu.c                                 update_bool_value(&c[1]);
c                 583 core/gui_menu.c                             switch (c[0].type & MENUITEM_MASK)
c                 586 core/gui_menu.c                                     update_int_value(&c[0],-1);
c                 590 core/gui_menu.c                                     update_enum_value(&c[0],-1);
c                 622 core/gui_menu.c                             CMenuItem *c = (CMenuItem*)(curr_menu->menu[gui_menu_curr_item].value);
c                 623 core/gui_menu.c                             if (*(c[1].value) == 0)
c                 624 core/gui_menu.c                                 update_bool_value(&c[1]);
c                 625 core/gui_menu.c                             switch (c[0].type & MENUITEM_MASK)
c                 628 core/gui_menu.c                                     update_int_value(&c[0],1);
c                 632 core/gui_menu.c                                     update_enum_value(&c[0],1);
c                 682 core/gui_menu.c                             CMenuItem *c = (CMenuItem*)(curr_menu->menu[gui_menu_curr_item].value);
c                 683 core/gui_menu.c                             if ((c[1].type & MENUITEM_MASK) == MENUITEM_ENUM)
c                 684 core/gui_menu.c                                 update_enum_value(&c[1],1);
c                 686 core/gui_menu.c                                 update_bool_value(&c[1]);
c                 875 core/gui_menu.c static void gui_menu_draw_state_value(CMenuItem *c)
c                 880 core/gui_menu.c     if (c[0].text != 0)
c                 881 core/gui_menu.c         text = c[0].text;
c                 884 core/gui_menu.c     if ((c[1].type & MENUITEM_MASK) == MENUITEM_ENUM)
c                 892 core/gui_menu.c     if ((c[1].type & MENUITEM_MASK) == MENUITEM_ENUM)
c                 893 core/gui_menu.c         xx += rbf_draw_string_len(xx, yy, len_space*3, ((const char* (*)(int change, int arg))(c[1].value))(0, c[1].arg), cl);
c                 895 core/gui_menu.c         xx += rbf_draw_string_len(xx, yy, len_bool, (*(c[1].value))?"\x95":"", cl);
c                 898 core/gui_menu.c     switch (c[0].type & MENUITEM_MASK)
c                 901 core/gui_menu.c         get_int_disp_string(*(c[0].value), (c[0].type & MENUITEM_SD_INT)?6:4);
c                 902 core/gui_menu.c         gui_set_int_cursor((c[0].type & MENUITEM_SD_INT)?6:4);
c                 906 core/gui_menu.c         if (c[0].value)
c                 907 core/gui_menu.c             ch = ((const char* (*)(int change, int arg))(c[0].value))(0, c[0].arg);
c                 908 core/gui_menu.c         if ((c[0].type & MENUITEM_HHMMSS) && (gui_menu_curr_item==imenu))
c                 923 core/gui_menu.c         else if (c[0].type & MENUITEM_DECIMAL)
c                 930 core/gui_menu.c         else if (c[0].type & MENUITEM_SD_INT)
c                 941 core/gui_menu.c         if (c[0].value)
c                 944 core/gui_menu.c             ch = gui_change_enum2(c, 0);
c                 957 core/gui_menu.c static void menu_text(color c)
c                 960 core/gui_menu.c     cl = MAKE_COLOR(BG_COLOR(cl), c);
c                 436 core/gui_script.c     const char *c = get_script_filename();
c                 437 core/gui_script.c     strncpy(script_title, c, sizeof(script_title)-1);
c                 154 core/lib_thumb.c static int _ctype(int c,int t) {
c                 156 core/lib_thumb.c     return ctypes[c&0xFF] & t;
c                 159 core/lib_thumb.c int isdigit(int c) { return _ctype(c,_D); }
c                 160 core/lib_thumb.c int isspace(int c) { return _ctype(c,_S); }
c                 161 core/lib_thumb.c int isalpha(int c) { return _ctype(c,(_U|_L)); }
c                 162 core/lib_thumb.c int isupper(int c) { return _ctype(c,_U); }
c                 163 core/lib_thumb.c int islower(int c) { return _ctype(c,_L); }
c                 164 core/lib_thumb.c int ispunct(int c) { return _ctype(c,_P); }
c                 165 core/lib_thumb.c int isxdigit(int c) { return _ctype(c,(_X|_D)); }
c                 166 core/lib_thumb.c int iscntrl(int c) { return _ctype(c,_C); }
c                 168 core/lib_thumb.c int tolower(int c) { return isupper(c) ? c | 0x20 : c; }
c                 169 core/lib_thumb.c int toupper(int c) { return islower(c) ? c & ~0x20 : c; }
c                 174 core/lib_thumb.c int iscntrl(int c) { return ((c >=0 && c <32) || c == 127); }
c                 178 core/lib_thumb.c int isalnum(int c) { return (isdigit(c) || isalpha(c)); }
c                 213 core/lib_thumb.c void *memchr(const void *s, int c, int n)
c                 217 core/lib_thumb.c         if (*(char *)s == c)
c                  61 core/suba.c    #define CELL2ALLOC(c)       (void*)((void*)c + sizeof(cell_hdr))
c                  64 core/suba.c    #define CEND(c)             ((cell*)((char*)c + c->h.size))
c                  69 core/suba.c    check_cell(const allocator *suba, cell* c, char *fn, int ln)
c                  71 core/suba.c        if (suba && (c > (cell*)suba) && (c < (cell*)((char*)suba + suba->size))) {
c                  72 core/suba.c            if (c->h.magic != CELL_MAGIC)
c                  74 core/suba.c            return c;
c                  77 core/suba.c        sprintf(buf, "%s bad cell - %x %x", fn, c, suba);
c                  82 core/suba.c    #define check_cell(s, c, f, l) (c)
c                  89 core/suba.c        cell *c = &suba->head;
c                  90 core/suba.c        printf("%x %d => ", c, suba->mincell);
c                  91 core/suba.c        while (c->h.size != 0)
c                  93 core/suba.c            printf("%x %d %x, ", c, c->h.size, c->next);
c                  94 core/suba.c            c = c->next;
c                  96 core/suba.c        printf("%x %d %x\n", c, c->h.size, c->next);
c                 106 core/suba.c            cell* c = check_cell(suba, &suba->head, "suba_getmeminfo", __LINE__);
c                 107 core/suba.c            while (c->h.size != 0)
c                 110 core/suba.c                free_size += ALLOCSIZE(c->h.size);
c                 111 core/suba.c                if (c->h.size > largest->h.size) largest = c;
c                 112 core/suba.c                c = check_cell(suba, c->next, "suba_getmeminfo", __LINE__);
c                 152 core/suba.c        cell *c = &suba->head;
c                 153 core/suba.c        sprintf(buf, "%x %d %x %d =>\n", c, suba->mincell, suba->largest_block, suba->largest_block->h.size);
c                 155 core/suba.c        while (c->h.size != 0)
c                 157 core/suba.c            sprintf(buf, "%x %d %x\n", c, c->h.size, c->next);
c                 159 core/suba.c            c = c->next;
c                 161 core/suba.c        sprintf(buf, "%x %d %x\n", c, c->h.size, c->next);
c                 171 core/suba.c        cell* c = check_cell(suba, &suba->head, "check_stats", __LINE__);
c                 172 core/suba.c        while (c->h.size != 0)
c                 175 core/suba.c            free_size += ALLOCSIZE(c->h.size);
c                 176 core/suba.c            if (c->h.size > largest->h.size) largest = c;
c                 177 core/suba.c            c = check_cell(suba, c->next, "check_stats", __LINE__);
c                 215 core/suba.c                cell* c = check_cell(suba, &suba->head, "suba_getmeminfo", __LINE__);
c                 216 core/suba.c                while (c->h.size != 0)
c                 218 core/suba.c                    if (c->h.size > largest->h.size) largest = c;
c                 219 core/suba.c                    c = check_cell(suba, c->next, "suba_getmeminfo", __LINE__);
c                  31 include/color.h #define FG_COLOR(c)         ((color)(c     ))
c                  32 include/color.h #define BG_COLOR(c)         ((color)(c >> 8))
c                 112 include/lolevel.h extern int _isdigit(int c);
c                 113 include/lolevel.h extern int _isspace(int c);
c                 114 include/lolevel.h extern int _isalpha(int c);
c                 115 include/lolevel.h extern int _isupper(int c);
c                 116 include/lolevel.h extern int _islower(int c);
c                 117 include/lolevel.h extern int _ispunct(int c);
c                 118 include/lolevel.h extern int _isxdigit(int c);
c                 123 include/lolevel.h extern char *_strchr(const char *s, int c);
c                 127 include/lolevel.h extern char *_strrchr(const char *s, int c);
c                 136 include/lolevel.h extern int _tolower(int c);
c                 137 include/lolevel.h extern int _toupper(int c);
c                 153 include/lolevel.h extern void *_memchr(const void *s, int c, int n);
c                 155 include/lolevel.h extern void *_memset(void *s, int c, int n);
c                  11 include/std/ctype.h extern int isdigit(int c);
c                  12 include/std/ctype.h extern int isspace(int c);
c                  13 include/std/ctype.h extern int isalpha(int c);
c                  14 include/std/ctype.h extern int isupper(int c);
c                  15 include/std/ctype.h extern int islower(int c);
c                  16 include/std/ctype.h extern int ispunct(int c);
c                  17 include/std/ctype.h extern int isxdigit(int c);
c                  18 include/std/ctype.h extern int iscntrl(int c);
c                  19 include/std/ctype.h extern int isalnum(int c);
c                  21 include/std/ctype.h extern int tolower(int c);
c                  22 include/std/ctype.h extern int toupper(int c);
c                  14 include/std/string.h extern char *strchr(const char *s, int c);
c                  18 include/std/string.h extern char *strrchr(const char *s, int c);
c                  23 include/std/string.h extern void *memset(void *s, int c, int n);
c                  25 include/std/string.h extern void *memchr(const void *s, int c, int n);
c                 376 lib/font/rbf_font.c int rbf_draw_string_c(int x, int y, const char *str, twoColors c1, int c, twoColors c2) {
c                 380 lib/font/rbf_font.c           l+=rbf_draw_char(x+l, y, *str++, (i==c)?c2:c1);
c                  64 lib/lua/lapi.c       sethvalue(L, &L->env, func->c.env);
c                  71 lib/lua/lapi.c       return (idx <= func->c.nupvalues)
c                  72 lib/lua/lapi.c                 ? &func->c.upvalue[idx-1]
c                  84 lib/lua/lapi.c     return func->c.env;
c                 215 lib/lua/lapi.c     func->c.env = hvalue(L->top - 1);
c                 381 lib/lua/lapi.c   return (!iscfunction(o)) ? NULL : clvalue(o)->c.f;
c                 492 lib/lua/lapi.c   cl->c.f = fn;
c                 495 lib/lua/lapi.c     setobj2n(L, &cl->c.upvalue[n], L->top+n);
c                 623 lib/lua/lapi.c       sethvalue(L, L->top, clvalue(o)->c.env);
c                 744 lib/lua/lapi.c       clvalue(o)->c.env = hvalue(L->top - 1);
c                 799 lib/lua/lapi.c   struct CallS *c = cast(struct CallS *, ud);
c                 800 lib/lua/lapi.c   luaD_call(L, c->func, c->nresults);
c                 806 lib/lua/lapi.c   struct CallS c;
c                 819 lib/lua/lapi.c   c.func = L->top - (nargs+1);  /* function to be called */
c                 820 lib/lua/lapi.c   c.nresults = nresults;
c                 821 lib/lua/lapi.c   status = luaD_pcall(L, f_call, &c, savestack(L, c.func), func);
c                 838 lib/lua/lapi.c   struct CCallS *c = cast(struct CCallS *, ud);
c                 841 lib/lua/lapi.c   cl->c.f = c->func;
c                 844 lib/lua/lapi.c   setpvalue(L->top, c->ud);  /* push only argument */
c                 851 lib/lua/lapi.c   struct CCallS c;
c                 854 lib/lua/lapi.c   c.func = func;
c                 855 lib/lua/lapi.c   c.ud = ud;
c                 856 lib/lua/lapi.c   status = luaD_pcall(L, f_Ccall, &c, savestack(L, L->top), 0);
c                1043 lib/lua/lapi.c   if (f->c.isC) {
c                1044 lib/lua/lapi.c     if (!(1 <= n && n <= f->c.nupvalues)) return NULL;
c                1045 lib/lua/lapi.c     *val = &f->c.upvalue[n-1];
c                 571 lib/lua/lauxlib.c   int c;
c                 583 lib/lua/lauxlib.c   c = getc(lf.f);
c                 584 lib/lua/lauxlib.c   if (c == '#') {  /* Unix exec. file? */
c                 586 lib/lua/lauxlib.c     while ((c = getc(lf.f)) != EOF && c != '\n') ;  /* skip first line */
c                 587 lib/lua/lauxlib.c     if (c == '\n') c = getc(lf.f);
c                 589 lib/lua/lauxlib.c   if (c == LUA_SIGNATURE[0] && filename) {  /* binary file? */
c                 593 lib/lua/lauxlib.c    while ((c = getc(lf.f)) != EOF && c != LUA_SIGNATURE[0]) ;
c                 596 lib/lua/lauxlib.c   ungetc(c, lf.f);
c                 611 lib/lua/lauxlib.c   char c;
c                 618 lib/lua/lauxlib.c   readerror = ((fread(&c, 1, 1, lf.f) < 1) && !feof(lf.f));
c                 136 lib/lua/lauxlib.h #define luaL_addchar(B,c) \
c                 138 lib/lua/lauxlib.h    (*(B)->p++ = (char)(c)))
c                 141 lib/lua/lauxlib.h #define luaL_putchar(B,c)	luaL_addchar(B,c)
c                 804 lib/lua/lcode.c LUAI_FUNC int luaK_codeABC (FuncState *fs, OpCode o, int a, int b, int c) {
c                 807 lib/lua/lcode.c   lua_assert(getCMode(o) != OpArgN || c == 0);
c                 808 lib/lua/lcode.c   return luaK_code(fs, CREATE_ABC(o, a, b, c), fs->ls->lastline);
c                 820 lib/lua/lcode.c   int c =  (nelems - 1)/LFIELDS_PER_FLUSH + 1;
c                 823 lib/lua/lcode.c   if (c <= MAXARG_C)
c                 824 lib/lua/lcode.c     luaK_codeABC(fs, OP_SETLIST, base, b, c);
c                 827 lib/lua/lcode.c     luaK_code(fs, cast(Instruction, c), fs->ls->lastline);
c                 151 lib/lua/ldebug.c   if (cl->c.isC) {
c                 178 lib/lua/ldebug.c   if (f == NULL || f->c.isC) {
c                 211 lib/lua/ldebug.c         ar->nups = f->c.nupvalues;
c                 327 lib/lua/ldebug.c     int c = 0;
c                 333 lib/lua/ldebug.c         c = GETARG_C(i);
c                 335 lib/lua/ldebug.c         check(checkArgMode(pt, c, getCMode(op)));
c                 375 lib/lua/ldebug.c         if (c == 1) {  /* does it jump? */
c                 403 lib/lua/ldebug.c         check(b < c);  /* at least two operands */
c                 407 lib/lua/ldebug.c         check(c >= 1);  /* at least one result (control variable) */
c                 408 lib/lua/ldebug.c         checkreg(pt, a+2+c);  /* space for results */
c                 428 lib/lua/ldebug.c         c--;  /* c = num. returns */
c                 429 lib/lua/ldebug.c         if (c == LUA_MULTRET) {
c                 432 lib/lua/ldebug.c         else if (c != 0)
c                 433 lib/lua/ldebug.c           checkreg(pt, a+c-1);
c                 444 lib/lua/ldebug.c         if (c == 0) {
c                 489 lib/lua/ldebug.c static const char *kname (Proto *p, int c) {
c                 490 lib/lua/ldebug.c   if (ISK(c) && ttisstring(&p->k[INDEXK(c)]))
c                 491 lib/lua/ldebug.c     return svalue(&p->k[INDEXK(c)]);
c                 320 lib/lua/ldo.c      n = (*curr_func(L)->c.f)(L);  /* do the actual call */
c                 496 lib/lua/ldo.c    int c = luaZ_lookahead(p->z);
c                 498 lib/lua/ldo.c    tf = ((c == LUA_SIGNATURE[0]) ? luaU_undump : luaY_parser)(L, p->z,
c                  24 lib/lua/lfunc.c   Closure *c = cast(Closure *, luaM_malloc(L, sizeCclosure(nelems)));
c                  25 lib/lua/lfunc.c   luaC_link(L, obj2gco(c), LUA_TFUNCTION);
c                  26 lib/lua/lfunc.c   c->c.isC = 1;
c                  27 lib/lua/lfunc.c   c->c.env = e;
c                  28 lib/lua/lfunc.c   c->c.nupvalues = cast_byte(nelems);
c                  29 lib/lua/lfunc.c   return c;
c                  34 lib/lua/lfunc.c   Closure *c = cast(Closure *, luaM_malloc(L, sizeLclosure(nelems)));
c                  35 lib/lua/lfunc.c   luaC_link(L, obj2gco(c), LUA_TFUNCTION);
c                  36 lib/lua/lfunc.c   c->l.isC = 0;
c                  37 lib/lua/lfunc.c   c->l.env = e;
c                  38 lib/lua/lfunc.c   c->l.nupvalues = cast_byte(nelems);
c                  39 lib/lua/lfunc.c   while (nelems--) c->l.upvals[nelems] = NULL;
c                  40 lib/lua/lfunc.c   return c;
c                 152 lib/lua/lfunc.c LUAI_FUNC void luaF_freeclosure (lua_State *L, Closure *c) {
c                 153 lib/lua/lfunc.c   int size = (c->c.isC) ? sizeCclosure(c->c.nupvalues) :
c                 154 lib/lua/lfunc.c                           sizeLclosure(c->l.nupvalues);
c                 155 lib/lua/lfunc.c   luaM_freemem(L, c, size);
c                  28 lib/lua/lfunc.h LUAI_FUNC void luaF_freeclosure (lua_State *L, Closure *c);
c                  91 lib/lua/lgc.c        gco2cl(o)->c.gclist = g->gray;
c                 225 lib/lua/lgc.c    markobject(g, cl->c.env);
c                 226 lib/lua/lgc.c    if (cl->c.isC) {
c                 228 lib/lua/lgc.c      for (i=0; i<cl->c.nupvalues; i++)  /* mark its upvalues */
c                 229 lib/lua/lgc.c        markvalue(g, &cl->c.upvalue[i]);
c                 292 lib/lua/lgc.c        g->gray = cl->c.gclist;
c                 294 lib/lua/lgc.c        return (cl->c.isC) ? sizeCclosure(cl->c.nupvalues) :
c                  31 lib/lua/limathlib.c     int c = luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
c                  32 lib/lua/limathlib.c     if (c == 0) luaL_error(L, "divide by 0");
c                  34 lib/lua/limathlib.c         luaL_checknumber(L, 2), c));
c                  45 lib/lua/limathlib.c     int c = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
c                  46 lib/lua/limathlib.c     if (c == 0) luaL_error(L, "divide by 0");
c                  47 lib/lua/limathlib.c     lua_pushnumber(L, muldivScaled(INT_SCALE, luaL_checknumber(L, 1), c));
c                 283 lib/lua/liolib.c   char c;
c                 288 lib/lua/liolib.c     if(fread(&c,1,1,f) != 1) return 0;
c                 289 lib/lua/liolib.c   } while( isspace(c) );
c                 290 lib/lua/liolib.c   if(c == '-') {
c                 292 lib/lua/liolib.c     if(fread(&c,1,1,f) != 1) return 0;
c                 295 lib/lua/liolib.c     if(isdigit(c)) {
c                 296 lib/lua/liolib.c       s[count++] = c;
c                 305 lib/lua/liolib.c     if( fread(&c,1,1,f) != 1 ) break;
c                 335 lib/lua/liolib.c   int c = getc(f);
c                 336 lib/lua/liolib.c   ungetc(c, f);
c                 338 lib/lua/liolib.c   return (c != EOF);
c                  51 lib/lua/llex.c static void save (LexState *ls, int c) {
c                  60 lib/lua/llex.c   b->buffer[b->n++] = cast(char, c);
c                 294 lib/lua/llex.c         int c;
c                 297 lib/lua/llex.c           case 'a': c = '\a'; break;
c                 298 lib/lua/llex.c           case 'b': c = '\b'; break;
c                 299 lib/lua/llex.c           case 'f': c = '\f'; break;
c                 300 lib/lua/llex.c           case 'n': c = '\n'; break;
c                 301 lib/lua/llex.c           case 'r': c = '\r'; break;
c                 302 lib/lua/llex.c           case 't': c = '\t'; break;
c                 303 lib/lua/llex.c           case 'v': c = '\v'; break;
c                 312 lib/lua/llex.c               c = 0;
c                 314 lib/lua/llex.c                 c = 10*c + (ls->current-'0');
c                 317 lib/lua/llex.c               if (c > UCHAR_MAX)
c                 319 lib/lua/llex.c               save(ls, c);
c                 324 lib/lua/llex.c         save(ls, c);
c                 442 lib/lua/llex.c           int c = ls->current;
c                 444 lib/lua/llex.c           return c;  /* single-char tokens (+ - / ...) */
c                  57 lib/lua/llimits.h #define check_exp(c,e)		(lua_assert(c), (e))
c                  62 lib/lua/llimits.h #define lua_assert(c)		((void)0)
c                  63 lib/lua/llimits.h #define check_exp(c,e)		(e)
c                 310 lib/lua/lobject.h   CClosure c;
c                 315 lib/lua/lobject.h #define iscfunction(o)	(ttype(o) == LUA_TFUNCTION && clvalue(o)->c.isC)
c                 316 lib/lua/lobject.h #define isLfunction(o)	(ttype(o) == LUA_TFUNCTION && !clvalue(o)->c.isC)
c                  59 lib/lua/lopcodes.c #define opmode(t,a,b,c,m) (((t)<<7) | ((a)<<6) | ((b)<<4) | ((c)<<2) | (m))
c                 104 lib/lua/lopcodes.h #define CREATE_ABC(o,a,b,c)	((cast(Instruction, o)<<POS_OP) \
c                 107 lib/lua/lopcodes.h 			| (cast(Instruction, c)<<POS_C))
c                  80 lib/lua/lparser.c static int testnext (LexState *ls, int c) {
c                  81 lib/lua/lparser.c   if (ls->t.token == c) {
c                  89 lib/lua/lparser.c static void check (LexState *ls, int c) {
c                  90 lib/lua/lparser.c   if (ls->t.token != c)
c                  91 lib/lua/lparser.c     error_expected(ls, c);
c                  94 lib/lua/lparser.c static void checknext (LexState *ls, int c) {
c                  95 lib/lua/lparser.c   check(ls, c);
c                 100 lib/lua/lparser.c #define check_condition(ls,c,msg)	{ if (!(c)) luaX_syntaxerror(ls, msg); }
c                  61 lib/lua/lstate.h #define f_isLua(ci)	(!ci_func(ci)->c.isC)
c                  24 lib/lua/lstrlib.c #define uchar(c)        ((unsigned char)(c))
c                 131 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     int c = luaL_checkint(L, i);
c                 132 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     luaL_argcheck(L, uchar(c) == c, i, "invalid value");
c                 133 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     luaL_addchar(&b, uchar(c));
c                 226 lib/lua/lstrlib.c static int match_class (int c, int cl) {
c                 229 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     case 'a' : res = isalpha(c); break;
c                 230 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     case 'c' : res = iscntrl(c); break;
c                 231 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     case 'd' : res = isdigit(c); break;
c                 232 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     case 'l' : res = islower(c); break;
c                 233 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     case 'p' : res = ispunct(c); break;
c                 234 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     case 's' : res = isspace(c); break;
c                 235 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     case 'u' : res = isupper(c); break;
c                 236 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     case 'w' : res = isalnum(c); break;
c                 237 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     case 'x' : res = isxdigit(c); break;
c                 238 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     case 'z' : res = (c == 0); break;
c                 239 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     default: return (cl == c);
c                 245 lib/lua/lstrlib.c static int matchbracketclass (int c, const char *p, const char *ec) {
c                 254 lib/lua/lstrlib.c       if (match_class(c, uchar(*p)))
c                 259 lib/lua/lstrlib.c       if (uchar(*(p-2)) <= c && c <= uchar(*p))
c                 262 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     else if (uchar(*p) == c) return sig;
c                 268 lib/lua/lstrlib.c static int singlematch (int c, const char *p, const char *ep) {
c                 271 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     case L_ESC: return match_class(c, uchar(*(p+1)));
c                 272 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     case '[': return matchbracketclass(c, p, ep-1);
c                 273 lib/lua/lstrlib.c     default:  return (uchar(*p) == c);
c                 643 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define LUAI_THROW(L,c)	throw(c)
c                 644 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define LUAI_TRY(L,c,a)	try { a } catch(...) \
c                 645 lib/lua/luaconf.h 	{ if ((c)->status == 0) (c)->status = -1; }
c                 650 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define LUAI_THROW(L,c)	_longjmp((c)->b, 1)
c                 651 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define LUAI_TRY(L,c,a)	if (_setjmp((c)->b) == 0) { a }
c                 656 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define LUAI_THROW(L,c)	longjmp((c)->b, 1)
c                 657 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define LUAI_TRY(L,c,a)	if (setjmp((c)->b) == 0) { a }
c                 705 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define lua_popen(L,c,m)	((void)L, fflush(NULL), popen(c,m))
c                 710 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define lua_popen(L,c,m)	((void)L, _popen(c,m))
c                 715 lib/lua/luaconf.h #define lua_popen(L,c,m)	((void)((void)c, m),  \
c                  31 lib/lua/lundump.c #define IF(c,s)
c                  34 lib/lua/lundump.c #define IF(c,s)		if (c) error(S,s)
c                  35 lib/lua/lvm.c      LUA_NUMBER c = 1;
c                  38 lib/lua/lvm.c  	c *= a;
c                  41 lib/lua/lvm.c  	return c;
c                 336 lib/lua/lvm.c    const TValue *b, *c;
c                 338 lib/lua/lvm.c        (c = luaV_tonumber(rc, &tempc)) != NULL) {
c                 339 lib/lua/lvm.c      lua_Number nb = nvalue(b), nc = nvalue(c);
c                 361 lib/lua/lvm.c  #define runtime_check(L, c)	{ if (!(c)) break; }
c                 479 lib/lua/lvm.c          int c = GETARG_C(i);
c                 480 lib/lua/lvm.c          sethvalue(L, ra, luaH_new(L, luaO_fb2int(b), luaO_fb2int(c)));
c                 552 lib/lua/lvm.c          int c = GETARG_C(i);
c                 553 lib/lua/lvm.c          Protect(luaV_concat(L, c-b+1, c); luaC_checkGC(L));
c                 715 lib/lua/lvm.c          int c = GETARG_C(i);
c                 722 lib/lua/lvm.c          if (c == 0) c = cast_int(*pc++);
c                 725 lib/lua/lvm.c          last = ((c-1)*LFIELDS_PER_FLUSH) + n;
c                  20 lib/lua/lzio.h #define char2int(c)	cast(int, cast(unsigned char, (c)))
c                  30 lib/lua/print.c   int c=s[i];
c                  31 lib/lua/print.c   switch (c)
c                  42 lib/lua/print.c    default:	if (isprint((unsigned char)c))
c                  43 lib/lua/print.c    			putchar(c);
c                  45 lib/lua/print.c 			printf("\\%03u",(unsigned char)c);
c                  84 lib/lua/print.c   int c=GETARG_C(i);
c                  96 lib/lua/print.c     if (getCMode(o)!=OpArgN) printf(" %d",ISK(c) ? (-1-INDEXK(c)) : c);
c                 120 lib/lua/print.c     if (ISK(c)) { printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(c)); }
c                 131 lib/lua/print.c     if (ISK(b) || ISK(c))
c                 136 lib/lua/print.c      if (ISK(c)) PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(c)); else printf("-");
c                 148 lib/lua/print.c     if (c==0) printf("\t; %d",(int)code[++pc]);
c                 149 lib/lua/print.c     else printf("\t; %d",c);
c                  58 modules/cordic_math.c LUALIB_API fixed muldivScaled(fixed a, fixed b, fixed c) {
c                  60 modules/cordic_math.c     if (c != 0) {
c                  61 modules/cordic_math.c         int sign = cordic_sign(a) * cordic_sign(b) / cordic_sign(c);
c                  62 modules/cordic_math.c         res = FLOAT(cordic_abs(a)) * FLOAT(cordic_abs(b)) / FLOAT(cordic_abs(c));
c                  73 modules/cordic_math.h LUALIB_API fixed muldivScaled(fixed a, fixed b, fixed c);
c                 952 modules/dng.c      unsigned short c[9];
c                 980 modules/dng.c                      c[++xlen] = y | ((ylen-1) << 13);
c                 983 modules/dng.c                          c[0] = x | ((xlen-1) << 13);
c                 984 modules/dng.c                          fwrite(c, 2, xlen+1, f);
c                 994 modules/dng.c              c[0] = x | ((xlen-1) << 13);
c                 995 modules/dng.c              fwrite(c, 2, xlen+1, f);
c                 142 modules/eyefi.c         configured_nets c;          // list of configured networks
c                 156 modules/eyefi.c static u8 atoh(char c)
c                 158 modules/eyefi.c     char lc = tolower(c);
c                 159 modules/eyefi.c     if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
c                 160 modules/eyefi.c         return c - '0';
c                 442 modules/eyefi.c     n = eyefi_buf.c.count;
c                 455 modules/eyefi.c     strcpy(eyefi_selectedNetwork, eyefi_buf.c.nets[i].essid);
c                 476 modules/eyefi.c         n = eyefi_buf.c.count;
c                 479 modules/eyefi.c             popup_eyefi[i].text = (int)(eyefi_buf.c.nets[i].essid);
c                 216 modules/games/gui_snake.c       char c = COLOR_RED;
c                 225 modules/games/gui_snake.c         case 'R': c = COLOR_RED; break;
c                 226 modules/games/gui_snake.c         case 'G': c = COLOR_GREEN; break;
c                 227 modules/games/gui_snake.c         case 'B': c = COLOR_BLACK; break;
c                 228 modules/games/gui_snake.c         case 'b': c = COLOR_BLUE; break;
c                 229 modules/games/gui_snake.c         case 'Y': c = COLOR_YELLOW; break;
c                 230 modules/games/gui_snake.c         case 'O': c = 0x28; break;
c                 231 modules/games/gui_snake.c         default: c = COLOR_WHITE; break;
c                 235 modules/games/gui_snake.c               draw_pixel( x+px, y+py, c );
c                  15 modules/gui_bench.c #define draw_txt_string(x,y,s,c) draw_string((x)*FONT_WIDTH,(y)*FONT_HEIGHT,s,c)
c                  16 modules/gui_bench.c #define draw_txt_stringnonalign(x,y,s,c) draw_string((x)*FONT_WIDTH+1,(y)*FONT_HEIGHT,s,c)
c                 326 modules/gui_bench.c     register char c;
c                 333 modules/gui_bench.c     for (c=0; c<64; ++c) {
c                 342 modules/gui_bench.c             :: "r" (c), "r" (scr), "r" (scr+s) : "r0", "r1"
c                 452 modules/gui_bench.c     register int c;
c                 458 modules/gui_bench.c         for (c=0; c<16; c++) {
c                 471 modules/gui_bench.c         for (c=0; c<16; c++) {
c                 509 modules/gui_bench.c     unsigned int t, best, c;
c                 513 modules/gui_bench.c     for (c=0; c<4; c++) {
c                 216 modules/gui_grid.c             char* c = strrchr(fn, '/');
c                 217 modules/gui_grid.c             strncpy(conf.grid_title, (c)?c+1:fn, sizeof(conf.grid_title));
c                 147 modules/gui_palette.c     color c;
c                 197 modules/gui_palette.c             c = 0;
c                 202 modules/gui_palette.c                 for (x=0; x<4; x++, c++)
c                 204 modules/gui_palette.c                     draw_rectangle(xl+(x*w), (2*FONT_HEIGHT)+(y*h), xl+(x*w)+w-1, (2*FONT_HEIGHT)+(y*h)+h-FONT_HEIGHT-6, MAKE_COLOR(cols[test_page][c],cols[test_page][c]), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
c                 205 modules/gui_palette.c                     draw_string(xl+(x*w),(2*FONT_HEIGHT)+(y*h)+h-FONT_HEIGHT-3, nams[test_page][c], MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE));
c                 212 modules/gui_palette.c             c = 0;
c                 217 modules/gui_palette.c                 for (x=0; x<2; x++, c++)
c                 219 modules/gui_palette.c                     draw_rectangle(xl+(x*w), (2*FONT_HEIGHT)+(y*h), xl+(x*w)+w-1, (2*FONT_HEIGHT)+(y*h)+h-FONT_HEIGHT-6, MAKE_COLOR(cols[test_page][c],cols[test_page][c]), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
c                 220 modules/gui_palette.c                     draw_string(xl+(x*w),(2*FONT_HEIGHT)+(y*h)+h-FONT_HEIGHT-3, nams[test_page][c], MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE));
c                 227 modules/gui_palette.c             c = 0;
c                 232 modules/gui_palette.c                 for (x=0; x<5; x++, c++)
c                 235 modules/gui_palette.c                             MAKE_COLOR(get_script_color(cols[test_page][c]+256),get_script_color(cols[test_page][c]+256)), RECT_BORDER0|DRAW_FILLED);
c                 236 modules/gui_palette.c                     draw_string(xl+(x*w),(2*FONT_HEIGHT)+(y*h)+h-FONT_HEIGHT-3, nams[test_page][c], MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE));
c                 259 modules/gui_palette.c     color c;
c                 294 modules/gui_palette.c         c = 0;
c                 295 modules/gui_palette.c         for (x=DISP_LEFT; x<DISP_LEFT+CELL_SIZE*(IDX_COLOR_MAX+1); x+=CELL_SIZE, c++)
c                 297 modules/gui_palette.c             draw_rectangle(xl+x, DISP_TOP_CHDK, xl+x+CELL_SIZE, DISP_TOP_CHDK+CELL_SIZE, MAKE_COLOR(chdk_colors[c],COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED);
c                 303 modules/gui_palette.c         c = 0;
c                 306 modules/gui_palette.c             for (x=DISP_LEFT; x<DISP_RIGHT; x+=CELL_SIZE, c++)
c                 308 modules/gui_palette.c                 draw_rectangle(xl+x, y, xl+x+CELL_SIZE, y+CELL_SIZE, MAKE_COLOR(c,COLOR_BLACK), RECT_BORDER1|DRAW_FILLED);
c                 151 modules/histogram.c     int i, c;
c                 224 modules/histogram.c             for (c=0; c<5; ++c) {
c                 225 modules/histogram.c                 memset(histogram_proc[c],0,256*sizeof(unsigned short));
c                 226 modules/histogram.c                 histo_max[c] = histo_max_center[c] = 0;
c                 242 modules/histogram.c             for (i=0, c=0; i<HISTO_WIDTH; ++i, c+=2) { // G
c                 246 modules/histogram.c                 histogram_proc[HISTO_Y][i] = histogram_proc[HISTO_Y][c] + histogram_proc[HISTO_Y][c+1];
c                 247 modules/histogram.c                 histogram_proc[HISTO_R][i] = histogram_proc[HISTO_R][c] + histogram_proc[HISTO_R][c+1];
c                 248 modules/histogram.c                 histogram_proc[HISTO_G][i] = histogram_proc[HISTO_G][c] + histogram_proc[HISTO_G][c+1];
c                 249 modules/histogram.c                 histogram_proc[HISTO_B][i] = histogram_proc[HISTO_B][c] + histogram_proc[HISTO_B][c+1];
c                 256 modules/histogram.c             for (c=0; c<5; ++c) {
c                 258 modules/histogram.c                     if (histo_max[c]<histogram_proc[c][i])
c                 259 modules/histogram.c                         histo_max[c]=histogram_proc[c][i];
c                 260 modules/histogram.c                     if (histo_max_center[c]<histogram_proc[c][i] && i>=conf.histo_ignore_boundary && i<HISTO_WIDTH-conf.histo_ignore_boundary)
c                 261 modules/histogram.c                         histo_max_center[c]=histogram_proc[c][i];
c                 264 modules/histogram.c                 if (histo_max_center[c] > 0) {
c                 265 modules/histogram.c                     histo_max_center_invw[c] = ((float)HISTO_HEIGHT)/histogram_transform((float)histo_max_center[c]);
c                 266 modules/histogram.c                 } else if (histo_max[c] > 0) {
c                 267 modules/histogram.c                     histo_max_center_invw[c] = ((float)HISTO_HEIGHT)/histogram_transform((float)histo_max[c]);
c                 269 modules/histogram.c                     histo_max_center_invw[c] = 0.0f;
c                 290 modules/histogram.c             for (c=0; c<5; ++c) {
c                 291 modules/histogram.c                 histo_fill[c]=0;
c                 293 modules/histogram.c                     histogram[c][i] = (histogram_transform((float)histogram_proc[c][i]))*histo_max_center_invw[c];
c                 294 modules/histogram.c                     if (histogram[c][i] > HISTO_HEIGHT)
c                 295 modules/histogram.c                         histogram[c][i] = HISTO_HEIGHT;
c                 296 modules/histogram.c                     histo_fill[c]+=histogram[c][i];
c                 304 modules/histogram.c                     for (c=0; c<5; ++c) {
c                 306 modules/histogram.c                             histogram[c][i] = histogram[c][i] * histo_magnification / 100;
c                 307 modules/histogram.c                             if (histogram[c][i] > HISTO_HEIGHT)
c                 308 modules/histogram.c                                 histogram[c][i] = HISTO_HEIGHT;
c                 312 modules/md5.c      register u32 a, b, c, d;
c                 316 modules/md5.c      c = buf[2];
c                 319 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F1, a, b, c, d, in[0] + 0xd76aa478, 7);
c                 320 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F1, d, a, b, c, in[1] + 0xe8c7b756, 12);
c                 321 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F1, c, d, a, b, in[2] + 0x242070db, 17);
c                 322 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F1, b, c, d, a, in[3] + 0xc1bdceee, 22);
c                 323 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F1, a, b, c, d, in[4] + 0xf57c0faf, 7);
c                 324 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F1, d, a, b, c, in[5] + 0x4787c62a, 12);
c                 325 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F1, c, d, a, b, in[6] + 0xa8304613, 17);
c                 326 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F1, b, c, d, a, in[7] + 0xfd469501, 22);
c                 327 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F1, a, b, c, d, in[8] + 0x698098d8, 7);
c                 328 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F1, d, a, b, c, in[9] + 0x8b44f7af, 12);
c                 329 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F1, c, d, a, b, in[10] + 0xffff5bb1, 17);
c                 330 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F1, b, c, d, a, in[11] + 0x895cd7be, 22);
c                 331 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F1, a, b, c, d, in[12] + 0x6b901122, 7);
c                 332 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F1, d, a, b, c, in[13] + 0xfd987193, 12);
c                 333 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F1, c, d, a, b, in[14] + 0xa679438e, 17);
c                 334 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F1, b, c, d, a, in[15] + 0x49b40821, 22);
c                 336 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F2, a, b, c, d, in[1] + 0xf61e2562, 5);
c                 337 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F2, d, a, b, c, in[6] + 0xc040b340, 9);
c                 338 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F2, c, d, a, b, in[11] + 0x265e5a51, 14);
c                 339 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F2, b, c, d, a, in[0] + 0xe9b6c7aa, 20);
c                 340 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F2, a, b, c, d, in[5] + 0xd62f105d, 5);
c                 341 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F2, d, a, b, c, in[10] + 0x02441453, 9);
c                 342 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F2, c, d, a, b, in[15] + 0xd8a1e681, 14);
c                 343 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F2, b, c, d, a, in[4] + 0xe7d3fbc8, 20);
c                 344 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F2, a, b, c, d, in[9] + 0x21e1cde6, 5);
c                 345 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F2, d, a, b, c, in[14] + 0xc33707d6, 9);
c                 346 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F2, c, d, a, b, in[3] + 0xf4d50d87, 14);
c                 347 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F2, b, c, d, a, in[8] + 0x455a14ed, 20);
c                 348 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F2, a, b, c, d, in[13] + 0xa9e3e905, 5);
c                 349 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F2, d, a, b, c, in[2] + 0xfcefa3f8, 9);
c                 350 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F2, c, d, a, b, in[7] + 0x676f02d9, 14);
c                 351 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F2, b, c, d, a, in[12] + 0x8d2a4c8a, 20);
c                 353 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F3, a, b, c, d, in[5] + 0xfffa3942, 4);
c                 354 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F3, d, a, b, c, in[8] + 0x8771f681, 11);
c                 355 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F3, c, d, a, b, in[11] + 0x6d9d6122, 16);
c                 356 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F3, b, c, d, a, in[14] + 0xfde5380c, 23);
c                 357 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F3, a, b, c, d, in[1] + 0xa4beea44, 4);
c                 358 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F3, d, a, b, c, in[4] + 0x4bdecfa9, 11);
c                 359 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F3, c, d, a, b, in[7] + 0xf6bb4b60, 16);
c                 360 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F3, b, c, d, a, in[10] + 0xbebfbc70, 23);
c                 361 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F3, a, b, c, d, in[13] + 0x289b7ec6, 4);
c                 362 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F3, d, a, b, c, in[0] + 0xeaa127fa, 11);
c                 363 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F3, c, d, a, b, in[3] + 0xd4ef3085, 16);
c                 364 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F3, b, c, d, a, in[6] + 0x04881d05, 23);
c                 365 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F3, a, b, c, d, in[9] + 0xd9d4d039, 4);
c                 366 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F3, d, a, b, c, in[12] + 0xe6db99e5, 11);
c                 367 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F3, c, d, a, b, in[15] + 0x1fa27cf8, 16);
c                 368 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F3, b, c, d, a, in[2] + 0xc4ac5665, 23);
c                 370 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F4, a, b, c, d, in[0] + 0xf4292244, 6);
c                 371 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F4, d, a, b, c, in[7] + 0x432aff97, 10);
c                 372 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F4, c, d, a, b, in[14] + 0xab9423a7, 15);
c                 373 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F4, b, c, d, a, in[5] + 0xfc93a039, 21);
c                 374 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F4, a, b, c, d, in[12] + 0x655b59c3, 6);
c                 375 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F4, d, a, b, c, in[3] + 0x8f0ccc92, 10);
c                 376 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F4, c, d, a, b, in[10] + 0xffeff47d, 15);
c                 377 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F4, b, c, d, a, in[1] + 0x85845dd1, 21);
c                 378 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F4, a, b, c, d, in[8] + 0x6fa87e4f, 6);
c                 379 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F4, d, a, b, c, in[15] + 0xfe2ce6e0, 10);
c                 380 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F4, c, d, a, b, in[6] + 0xa3014314, 15);
c                 381 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F4, b, c, d, a, in[13] + 0x4e0811a1, 21);
c                 382 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F4, a, b, c, d, in[4] + 0xf7537e82, 6);
c                 383 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F4, d, a, b, c, in[11] + 0xbd3af235, 10);
c                 384 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F4, c, d, a, b, in[2] + 0x2ad7d2bb, 15);
c                 385 modules/md5.c      MD5STEP(F4, b, c, d, a, in[9] + 0xeb86d391, 21);
c                 389 modules/md5.c      buf[2] += c;
c                  47 modules/module_load.c     int c;
c                  50 modules/module_load.c     while ((c = *str++) != 0)
c                  51 modules/module_load.c         hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) ^ toupper(c); /* hash * 33 xor c */
c                 841 modules/motion_detector.c                 twoColors c = MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_TRANSPARENT, COLOR_GREEN);
c                 844 modules/motion_detector.c                     c = MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_TRANSPARENT, COLOR_RED);
c                 850 modules/motion_detector.c                     draw_string(x_start+4, y_start+2, mdbuff, c);
c                 855 modules/motion_detector.c                     draw_rectangle(x_start+2, y_start+2, x_end-2, y_end-2, c, RECT_BORDER1);
c                 767 modules/rawhookops.c         int c = (camera_sensor.cfa_pattern >> 8*i) & 0xFF;
c                 769 modules/rawhookops.c         switch(c) {
c                 591 modules/sha1.c 	u32 a, b, c, d, e;
c                 593 modules/sha1.c 		unsigned char c[64];
c                 607 modules/sha1.c 	c = state[2];
c                 611 modules/sha1.c 	R0(a,b,c,d,e, 0); R0(e,a,b,c,d, 1); R0(d,e,a,b,c, 2); R0(c,d,e,a,b, 3);
c                 612 modules/sha1.c 	R0(b,c,d,e,a, 4); R0(a,b,c,d,e, 5); R0(e,a,b,c,d, 6); R0(d,e,a,b,c, 7);
c                 613 modules/sha1.c 	R0(c,d,e,a,b, 8); R0(b,c,d,e,a, 9); R0(a,b,c,d,e,10); R0(e,a,b,c,d,11);
c                 614 modules/sha1.c 	R0(d,e,a,b,c,12); R0(c,d,e,a,b,13); R0(b,c,d,e,a,14); R0(a,b,c,d,e,15);
c                 615 modules/sha1.c 	R1(e,a,b,c,d,16); R1(d,e,a,b,c,17); R1(c,d,e,a,b,18); R1(b,c,d,e,a,19);
c                 616 modules/sha1.c 	R2(a,b,c,d,e,20); R2(e,a,b,c,d,21); R2(d,e,a,b,c,22); R2(c,d,e,a,b,23);
c                 617 modules/sha1.c 	R2(b,c,d,e,a,24); R2(a,b,c,d,e,25); R2(e,a,b,c,d,26); R2(d,e,a,b,c,27);
c                 618 modules/sha1.c 	R2(c,d,e,a,b,28); R2(b,c,d,e,a,29); R2(a,b,c,d,e,30); R2(e,a,b,c,d,31);
c                 619 modules/sha1.c 	R2(d,e,a,b,c,32); R2(c,d,e,a,b,33); R2(b,c,d,e,a,34); R2(a,b,c,d,e,35);
c                 620 modules/sha1.c 	R2(e,a,b,c,d,36); R2(d,e,a,b,c,37); R2(c,d,e,a,b,38); R2(b,c,d,e,a,39);
c                 621 modules/sha1.c 	R3(a,b,c,d,e,40); R3(e,a,b,c,d,41); R3(d,e,a,b,c,42); R3(c,d,e,a,b,43);
c                 622 modules/sha1.c 	R3(b,c,d,e,a,44); R3(a,b,c,d,e,45); R3(e,a,b,c,d,46); R3(d,e,a,b,c,47);
c                 623 modules/sha1.c 	R3(c,d,e,a,b,48); R3(b,c,d,e,a,49); R3(a,b,c,d,e,50); R3(e,a,b,c,d,51);
c                 624 modules/sha1.c 	R3(d,e,a,b,c,52); R3(c,d,e,a,b,53); R3(b,c,d,e,a,54); R3(a,b,c,d,e,55);
c                 625 modules/sha1.c 	R3(e,a,b,c,d,56); R3(d,e,a,b,c,57); R3(c,d,e,a,b,58); R3(b,c,d,e,a,59);
c                 626 modules/sha1.c 	R4(a,b,c,d,e,60); R4(e,a,b,c,d,61); R4(d,e,a,b,c,62); R4(c,d,e,a,b,63);
c                 627 modules/sha1.c 	R4(b,c,d,e,a,64); R4(a,b,c,d,e,65); R4(e,a,b,c,d,66); R4(d,e,a,b,c,67);
c                 628 modules/sha1.c 	R4(c,d,e,a,b,68); R4(b,c,d,e,a,69); R4(a,b,c,d,e,70); R4(e,a,b,c,d,71);
c                 629 modules/sha1.c 	R4(d,e,a,b,c,72); R4(c,d,e,a,b,73); R4(b,c,d,e,a,74); R4(a,b,c,d,e,75);
c                 630 modules/sha1.c 	R4(e,a,b,c,d,76); R4(d,e,a,b,c,77); R4(c,d,e,a,b,78); R4(b,c,d,e,a,79);
c                 634 modules/sha1.c 	state[2] += c;
c                 638 modules/sha1.c 	a = b = c = d = e = 0;
c                 140 modules/user_menu_edit.c         int i, c;
c                 147 modules/user_menu_edit.c         for (c = 1; c < USER_MENU_ITEMS + 1; c++)
c                 149 modules/user_menu_edit.c             if (items[c].text == mod_menu_item.text)
c                 151 modules/user_menu_edit.c                 for (i = c; items[i].text; i++)
c                 366 modules/user_menu_edit.c     int c, j;
c                 371 modules/user_menu_edit.c     if (camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press || kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_ZOOM_IN) || kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_ZOOM_OUT)) c=4; else c=1;
c                 373 modules/user_menu_edit.c     for (j = 0; j < c; ++j)
c                 482 modules/user_menu_edit.c static void gui_draw_state_value(CMenuItem *c)
c                 485 modules/user_menu_edit.c     if (c[0].text != 0)
c                 486 modules/user_menu_edit.c         text = c[0].text;
c                 631 modules/user_menu_edit.c                 char *c;
c                 635 modules/user_menu_edit.c                 c=strrchr(fn, '/');
c                 636 modules/user_menu_edit.c                 strncpy(script_title, (c)?c+1:fn, sizeof(script_title));
c                 126 platform/g16/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int c)
c                 128 platform/g16/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = c;
c                 117 platform/g5x/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int c)
c                 119 platform/g5x/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = c;
c                 126 platform/g7x/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int c) {
c                 127 platform/g7x/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = c;
c                 114 platform/g7x2/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int c)
c                 116 platform/g7x2/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = c;
c                  25 platform/generic/wrappers.c int isdigit(int c) { return _isdigit(c); }
c                  26 platform/generic/wrappers.c int isspace(int c) { return _isspace(c); }
c                  27 platform/generic/wrappers.c int isalpha(int c) { return _isalpha(c); }
c                  28 platform/generic/wrappers.c int isupper(int c) { return _isupper(c); }
c                  29 platform/generic/wrappers.c int islower(int c) { return _islower(c); }
c                  30 platform/generic/wrappers.c int ispunct(int c) { return _ispunct(c); }
c                  31 platform/generic/wrappers.c int isxdigit(int c) { return _isxdigit(c); }
c                  33 platform/generic/wrappers.c int tolower(int c) { return _tolower(c); }
c                  34 platform/generic/wrappers.c int toupper(int c) { return _toupper(c); }
c                 863 platform/generic/wrappers.c char *strchr(const char *s, int c) {
c                 864 platform/generic/wrappers.c     return _strchr(s, c);
c                 879 platform/generic/wrappers.c char *strrchr(const char *s, int c) {
c                 880 platform/generic/wrappers.c     return _strrchr(s, c);
c                1095 platform/generic/wrappers.c void *memset(void *s, int c, int n) {
c                1096 platform/generic/wrappers.c     return _memset(s, c, n);
c                1104 platform/generic/wrappers.c void *memchr(const void *s, int c, int n) {
c                1105 platform/generic/wrappers.c 	return _memchr(s,c,n);
c                1376 platform/generic/wrappers.c     char c;
c                1402 platform/generic/wrappers.c         c=mbr_buf[i+0x1BE];
c                1407 platform/generic/wrappers.c         mbr_buf[i+(partition_count-1)*16+0x1BE]=c;
c                1426 platform/generic/wrappers.c     int c = mbr_buf[0x01C8+(i)*16];
c                1428 platform/generic/wrappers.c     partition_start[i] = (((((d<<8) +c)<<8) +b)<<8) +a;
c                 381 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c static int draw_test_pixel(coord x, coord y, color c)
c                 385 platform/ixus240_elph320hs/kbd.c     return (bitmap_buffer[active_bitmap_buffer][y * camera_screen.buffer_width + ASPECT_XCORRECTION(x)] == c);
c                 175 platform/ixus30_sd200/sub/100k/boot.c  	 	void mytty_putc(char c); 
c                 219 platform/ixus30_sd200/sub/100k/boot.c  	 	void mytty_putc(char c) 
c                 221 platform/ixus30_sd200/sub/100k/boot.c  	 	    if (c == 0xa){ 
c                 228 platform/ixus30_sd200/sub/100k/boot.c  	 	        console_buf[console_buf_line][console_buf_line_ptr++] = c; 
c                 203 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c static int draw_test_pixel(coord x, coord y, color c)
c                 208 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c         return (bitmap_buffer[active_bitmap_buffer][(240-y) * camera_screen.buffer_width + ASPECT_XCORRECTION(480-x) - 1] == c);
c                 210 platform/ixus310_elph500hs/kbd.c         return (bitmap_buffer[active_bitmap_buffer][y * camera_screen.buffer_width + ASPECT_XCORRECTION(x)] == c);
c                 186 platform/ixus40_sd300/sub/100j/boot.c  	 	void mytty_putc(char c); 
c                 230 platform/ixus40_sd300/sub/100j/boot.c  	 	void mytty_putc(char c) 
c                 232 platform/ixus40_sd300/sub/100j/boot.c  	 	    if (c == 0xa){ 
c                 239 platform/ixus40_sd300/sub/100j/boot.c  	 	        console_buf[console_buf_line][console_buf_line_ptr++] = c; 
c                 181 platform/ixus40_sd300/sub/100k/boot.c  	 	void mytty_putc(char c); 
c                 225 platform/ixus40_sd300/sub/100k/boot.c  	 	void mytty_putc(char c) 
c                 227 platform/ixus40_sd300/sub/100k/boot.c  	 	    if (c == 0xa){ 
c                 234 platform/ixus40_sd300/sub/100k/boot.c  	 	        console_buf[console_buf_line][console_buf_line_ptr++] = c; 
c                  59 platform/ixus900_sd900/sub/100c/debug.c     void mytty_putc(char c);
c                 101 platform/ixus900_sd900/sub/100c/debug.c     void mytty_putc(char c) {
c                 102 platform/ixus900_sd900/sub/100c/debug.c         if (c == 0xa) {
c                 109 platform/ixus900_sd900/sub/100c/debug.c             console_buf[console_buf_line][console_buf_line_ptr++] = c;
c                 115 platform/m10/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int c) {
c                 116 platform/m10/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = c;
c                 145 platform/m3/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int c) {
c                 146 platform/m3/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = c;
c                 112 platform/sx280hs/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int c) {
c                 113 platform/sx280hs/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = c;
c                 131 platform/sx60hs/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int c) {
c                 132 platform/sx60hs/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = c;
c                 121 platform/sx700hs/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int c) {
c                 122 platform/sx700hs/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = c;
c                 126 platform/sx710hs/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int c) {
c                 127 platform/sx710hs/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = c;
c                 135 platform/sx730hs/kbd.c void jogdial_control(int c) {
c                 136 platform/sx730hs/kbd.c     jogdial_stopped = c;
c                 280 tools/chdk_dasm.c     char c;
c                 281 tools/chdk_dasm.c     while ((c=*ip++)!=0) *op++=c;
c                 473 tools/chdk_dasm.c static char * reg(char * op, char c, t_value n) {
c                 474 tools/chdk_dasm.c     *op++=c;
c                 844 tools/chdk_dasm.c                         { char c = "SDE*"[((instr>>7)&1) + ((instr>>18)&2)];
c                 845 tools/chdk_dasm.c                         if (c=='*') goto lhUndefined; else *flagp++=c;
c                 984 tools/chdk_dasm.c     char c;
c                 989 tools/chdk_dasm.c     while ((c=*ip++) != 0) {
c                 990 tools/chdk_dasm.c         switch(c) {
c                1074 tools/chdk_dasm.c             if (c=='*') {
c                1253 tools/chdk_dasm.c         op = append(op, regnames[(instr>>(4*(c-'0')))&15]);
c                1257 tools/chdk_dasm.c         *op++=(char)('0' + ((instr>>(4*(c-'5')))&7));
c                1266 tools/chdk_dasm.c         if (c<=5)
c                1267 tools/chdk_dasm.c             op = reg(op, 'c', instr >> (4*(c-1)));
c                1268 tools/chdk_dasm.c         else *op++ = c;
c                 326 tools/code_gen.c char* skip_space(char* c)
c                 328 tools/code_gen.c     while (*c && ((*c == ' ') || (*c == '\t') || (*c == '='))) c++;
c                 329 tools/code_gen.c     return c;
c                 332 tools/code_gen.c char* skip_token(char* c)
c                 334 tools/code_gen.c     while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\t') && (*c != '=')) c++;
c                 335 tools/code_gen.c     return c;
c                 338 tools/code_gen.c char* skip_string(char* c)
c                 340 tools/code_gen.c     while (*c && (*c != '"')) c++;
c                 341 tools/code_gen.c     return c;
c                 347 tools/code_gen.c     char *c = skip_space(line);
c                 349 tools/code_gen.c     if (*c)
c                 351 tools/code_gen.c         if (*c == '"')
c                 353 tools/code_gen.c             c++;
c                 354 tools/code_gen.c             n = skip_string(c);
c                 355 tools/code_gen.c             strncpy(token, c, n-c);
c                 356 tools/code_gen.c             token[n-c] = 0;
c                 361 tools/code_gen.c             n = skip_token(c);
c                 362 tools/code_gen.c             strncpy(token, c, n-c);
c                 363 tools/code_gen.c             token[n-c] = 0;
c                 367 tools/code_gen.c     return c;
c                2501 tools/finsig_dryos.c             int c = 1;
c                2502 tools/finsig_dryos.c             while (c<3) {
c                2503 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 int b2 = find_Nth_inst(fw,isBL,b1,12,c);
c                2520 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 c++;
c                4749 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 int c = 1;
c                4750 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 for (;isB(fw,k1+k) && idxFollowBranch(fw,k1+k,1) == idxFollowBranch(fw,k1+k-1,1);k++,c++);
c                4752 tools/finsig_dryos.c                 bprintf("//#define MAX_CHUNKS_FOR_FWT %d // Found @0x%08x\n",c,idx2adr(fw,k+k1));
c                8164 tools/finsig_dryos.c         char *c = strrchr(fw->firmware_ver_str,' ') + 1; // points after the last space char
c                8165 tools/finsig_dryos.c         uint32_t k = j + c - fw->firmware_ver_str;
c                8168 tools/finsig_dryos.c             bprintf("//   %s   // Found @ 0x%08x, \"%s\" @ 0x%08x\n",fw->firmware_ver_str,j,c,k);
c                6316 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         char *c = strrchr(fw->firmware_ver_str,' ') + 1; // points after the last space char
c                6318 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         uint32_t k = j + c - fw->firmware_ver_str;
c                6321 tools/finsig_thumb2.c             bprintf("//   %s   // Found @ 0x%08x, \"%s\" @ 0x%08x\n",fw->firmware_ver_str,j,c,k);
c                5827 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                 int c = 1;
c                5829 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                 while (c<4)
c                5831 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                     int k1 = find_Nth_inst_rev(fw, isLDR_PC, k, 15, c);
c                5873 tools/finsig_vxworks.c                     c++;
c                6230 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         char *c = strrchr(fw->firmware_ver_str,' ') + 1; // points after the last space char
c                6231 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         uint32_t k = j + c - fw->firmware_ver_str;
c                6234 tools/finsig_vxworks.c             bprintf("//   %s   // Found @ 0x%08x, \"%s\" @ 0x%08x\n",fw->firmware_ver_str,j,c,k);
c                1959 tools/firmware_load_ng.c     int c = -1, c_min = -1, c_max = -1;
c                1963 tools/firmware_load_ng.c             c = i;
c                1973 tools/firmware_load_ng.c     if( c < 0 || c_min < 0 || c_max < 0) {
c                1976 tools/firmware_load_ng.c     return (c >= c_min && c <= c_max);
c                 119 tools/font_8x16_pack.c         unsigned short c = cp[i];
c                 123 tools/font_8x16_pack.c             if (orig_font_data[j].charcode == c)
c                  97 tools/gen_conf_lua.c                 char *c = strstr(line, "//");
c                  98 tools/gen_conf_lua.c                 if ((c == 0) || (c > s))
c                 133 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int isdigit(int c);
c                 134 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int isspace(int c);
c                 135 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int isalpha(int c);
c                 136 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int isupper(int c);
c                 137 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int islower(int c);
c                 138 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int ispunct(int c);
c                 139 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int isxdigit(int c);
c                 144 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall char * strchr(const char *s, int c);
c                 148 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall char * strrchr(const char *s, int c);
c                 157 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int tolower(int c);
c                 158 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int toupper(int c);
c                 174 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void * memchr(const void *s, int c, int n);
c                 176 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void * memset(void *s, int c, int n);
c                 493 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void dry_memset(void *dst, unsigned n, int c);
c                  62 tools/makeexport.c     int c;
c                  65 tools/makeexport.c     while ((c = *str++) != 0)
c                  66 tools/makeexport.c         hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) ^ c; /* hash * 33 xor c */
c                 108 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     unsigned long c;
c                 128 tools/packfi2/crc32.c             c = (unsigned long)n;
c                 130 tools/packfi2/crc32.c                 c = c & 1 ? poly ^ (c >> 1) : c >> 1;
c                 131 tools/packfi2/crc32.c             crc_table[0][n] = c;
c                 138 tools/packfi2/crc32.c             c = crc_table[0][n];
c                 139 tools/packfi2/crc32.c             crc_table[4][n] = REV(c);
c                 141 tools/packfi2/crc32.c                 c = crc_table[0][c & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
c                 142 tools/packfi2/crc32.c                 crc_table[k][n] = c;
c                 143 tools/packfi2/crc32.c                 crc_table[k + 4][n] = REV(c);
c                 256 tools/packfi2/crc32.c #define DOLIT4 c ^= *buf4++; \
c                 257 tools/packfi2/crc32.c         c = crc_table[3][c & 0xff] ^ crc_table[2][(c >> 8) & 0xff] ^ \
c                 258 tools/packfi2/crc32.c             crc_table[1][(c >> 16) & 0xff] ^ crc_table[0][c >> 24]
c                 267 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     register u4 c;
c                 270 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     c = (u4)crc;
c                 271 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     c = ~c;
c                 273 tools/packfi2/crc32.c         c = crc_table[0][(c ^ *buf++) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
c                 289 tools/packfi2/crc32.c         c = crc_table[0][(c ^ *buf++) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
c                 291 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     c = ~c;
c                 292 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     return (unsigned long)c;
c                 296 tools/packfi2/crc32.c #define DOBIG4 c ^= *++buf4; \
c                 297 tools/packfi2/crc32.c         c = crc_table[4][c & 0xff] ^ crc_table[5][(c >> 8) & 0xff] ^ \
c                 298 tools/packfi2/crc32.c             crc_table[6][(c >> 16) & 0xff] ^ crc_table[7][c >> 24]
c                 307 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     register u4 c;
c                 310 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     c = REV((u4)crc);
c                 311 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     c = ~c;
c                 313 tools/packfi2/crc32.c         c = crc_table[4][(c >> 24) ^ *buf++] ^ (c << 8);
c                 331 tools/packfi2/crc32.c         c = crc_table[4][(c >> 24) ^ *buf++] ^ (c << 8);
c                 333 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     c = ~c;
c                 334 tools/packfi2/crc32.c     return (unsigned long)(REV(c));
c                 170 tools/packfi2/deflate.c #define UPDATE_HASH(s,h,c) (h = (((h)<<s->hash_shift) ^ (c)) & s->hash_mask)
c                 268 tools/packfi2/deflate.h #define put_byte(s, c) {s->pending_buf[s->pending++] = (c);}
c                 308 tools/packfi2/deflate.h # define _tr_tally_lit(s, c, flush) \
c                 309 tools/packfi2/deflate.h   { uch cc = (c); \
c                 326 tools/packfi2/deflate.h # define _tr_tally_lit(s, c, flush) flush = _tr_tally(s, 0, c)
c                  74 tools/packfi2/fi2enc.c 	unsigned char c;
c                  87 tools/packfi2/fi2enc.c 		c = str[i];
c                  88 tools/packfi2/fi2enc.c 		if( c < ('9'+1) && c >= '0' ) c-= 0x30;
c                  89 tools/packfi2/fi2enc.c 		else if( c < 'G' && c >= 'A' ) c -= ('A' - 0x0A);
c                  90 tools/packfi2/fi2enc.c 		else if( c < 'g' && c >= 'a' ) c -= ('a' - 0x0A);
c                  92 tools/packfi2/fi2enc.c 			printf("Non-hex character \'%c\' at %d in string %s\n", c, i+1, str );
c                  95 tools/packfi2/fi2enc.c 		p[i/2] = i & 1 ? p[i/2] | c : c << 4;
c                 167 tools/packfi2/trees.c #  define send_code(s, c, tree) send_bits(s, tree[c].Code, tree[c].Len)
c                 171 tools/packfi2/trees.c #  define send_code(s, c, tree) \
c                 172 tools/packfi2/trees.c      { if (z_verbose>2) fprintf(stderr,"\ncd %3d ",(c)); \
c                 173 tools/packfi2/trees.c        send_bits(s, tree[c].Code, tree[c].Len); }
c                1151 tools/packfi2/zlib.h ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT    gzputc OF((gzFile file, int c));
c                1163 tools/packfi2/zlib.h ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT    gzungetc OF((int c, gzFile file));
c                 249 tools/packfi2/zutil.h #  define Tracec(c,x) {if (z_verbose>0 && (c)) fprintf x ;}
c                 250 tools/packfi2/zutil.h #  define Tracecv(c,x) {if (z_verbose>1 && (c)) fprintf x ;}
c                 256 tools/packfi2/zutil.h #  define Tracec(c,x)
c                 257 tools/packfi2/zutil.h #  define Tracecv(c,x)
c                 210 tools/stubs_load.c             char *c = strstr(line, "//");
c                 211 tools/stubs_load.c             if ((exclude_comments == 0) || (c == 0) || (c > s))
c                 218 tools/stubs_load.c                 osig *p = add_sig(nm, val, hdr, ((c != 0) && (c <= s)) ? 1 : 0);
c                 261 tools/stubs_load.c 				char *c = strstr(line, "//");
c                 262 tools/stubs_load.c 				if ((c == 0) || (c > s))
c                 296 tools/stubs_load.c 			char *c = strstr(line, "//");
c                 297 tools/stubs_load.c 			if ((c == 0) || (c > s))
c                 315 tools/stubs_load.c             char *c = strstr(line, "//");
c                 316 tools/stubs_load.c             if ((c == 0) || (c > s))
c                 345 tools/stubs_load.c         char *c = strstr(line, "//");
c                 346 tools/stubs_load.c         if (c && c < s)
c                 387 tools/stubs_load.c             char *c = strstr(line, "#");
c                 388 tools/stubs_load.c 			if ((c == 0) || (c > s))
c                 390 tools/stubs_load.c                 if (c) *c = 0;