
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. my_restart

   1 #include "../generic/check_compat.c"
   3 // static void __attribute__((noreturn)) shutdown();
   4 // static void __attribute__((noreturn)) panic(int cnt);
   6 extern long *blob_chdk_core;
   7 // extern long *blob_copy_and_reset;
   8 extern long blob_chdk_core_size;
   9 // extern long blob_copy_and_reset_size;
  13 void __attribute__((noreturn)) my_restart() 
  14 {
  15   {
  16   // char *dst = dst_void;
  17   // const char *src = src_void;
  18   long *dst = (long*)MEMISOSTART;
  19   const long *src = blob_chdk_core;
  20   long length = (blob_chdk_core_size + 3) >> 2;
  22   core_copy(src, dst, length);
  24 }
  26         /*
  27          * The following asm volatile is used to:
  28          *  - Change the processor mode to supervisor mode and disable interrupts
  29          *  - Write all 1s from ___ base over offsets 0x00C to 0x10C
  30          *  - Do some stuff with co-processor 15 (system control coprocessor)
  31          *  - Some more stuff
  32          *  - Adjust the SP, LR and PC.  PC points to passed argument dst_void, 
  33          *    which is a pointer to a character. (Currently MEMISOSTART, see end of func)
  34          */
  35     asm volatile(
  36         "MRS     R1, CPSR\n"            // Save 'current processor status registers' to R1
  37         "BIC     R1, R1, #0x3F\n"       // Change CPSR register to use ARM instruction set and ...
  38         "ORR     R1, R1, #0xD3\n"       // disable interrupts (fast and normal) and set supervisor mode (10011).
  39         "MSR     CPSR_cf, R1\n"         // Write new CPSR back into CPSR reg
  41         "LDR     R2, =0xC0200000\n" // Load register with word from memory - this is used as an address base.  Where is this?
  42         "MOV     R1, #0xFFFFFFFF\n"     // Load all 1s into R1 for memory writes that follow.
  43         "STR     R1, [R2,#0x10C]\n"     // This entire block of store commands writes all 1s from base address stored in R2
  44         "STR     R1, [R2,#0xC]\n"       // over the offsets 0x00C to 0x10C.  
  45         "STR     R1, [R2,#0x1C]\n"
  46         "STR     R1, [R2,#0x2C]\n"
  47         "STR     R1, [R2,#0x3C]\n"
  48         "STR     R1, [R2,#0x4C]\n"
  49         "STR     R1, [R2,#0x5C]\n"
  50         "STR     R1, [R2,#0x6C]\n"
  51         "STR     R1, [R2,#0x7C]\n"
  52         "STR     R1, [R2,#0x8C]\n"
  53         "STR     R1, [R2,#0x9C]\n"
  54         "STR     R1, [R2,#0xAC]\n"
  55         "STR     R1, [R2,#0xBC]\n"
  56         "STR     R1, [R2,#0xCC]\n"
  57         "STR     R1, [R2,#0xDC]\n"
  58         "STR     R1, [R2,#0xEC]\n"
  59         "STR     R1, [R2,#0xFC]\n"      // Done setting all 1s to memory block described above
  61         /*
  62          * The following code makes use of co-processor 15 (system control coprocessor)
  63          * CP15 c2-c6, c8, c10, c13 are allocated to memory protection system.
  64          * CP15 c7, c9 are allocated to the control of caches and write buffers.
  65          * CP15 c11 is allocated to level 1 memory DMA support.
  66          * CP15 c12, c14 are reserved.
  67          */
  68         // Register 1 is for cache and write buffer control bits
  69         "MOV     R1, #0x78\n"                           // 0111 1000
  70         "MCR     p15, 0, R1,c1,c0\n"            // disable cache, enable write buffer, disable instruction cache
  71         "MOV     R1, #0\n"                                      
  72         // Register 7 writes are cache management functions
  73         "MCR     p15, 0, R1,c7,c10, 4\n"        // c10, 4 is data sync barrier (used to be drain write buffer) a memory barrier (blocks memory access?)
  74                                                                                 // that completes when: memory access before this instruction are done, all cache ,branch predictor and 
  75                                                                                 // translation lookaside buffer (TLB) maintenance operations preceding this instruction are done.
  76         "MCR     p15, 0, R1,c7,c5\n"            // c5, 0 invalidates entire instruction cache
  77         "MCR     p15, 0, R1,c7,c6\n"            // c6, 0 invalidates entire data cache
  78         // Register 9 is responsible for cache lockdown functions
  79         "MOV     R2, #0x40000000\n"                     
  80         "ORR     R1, R2, #6\n"
  81         "MCR     p15, 0, R1,c9,c1\n"
  82         "ORR     R1, R1, #6\n"
  83         "MCR     p15, 0, R1,c9,c1, 1\n"
  84         // see above for register 1 functions
  85         "MRC     p15, 0, R1,c1,c0\n"            // following lines of code set bits 16 and 18 
  86         "ORR     R1, R1, #0x50000\n"
  87         "MCR     p15, 0, R1,c1,c0\n"
  89         "MOV     R3, #0xFF0\n"
  90         "LDR     R1, =0x12345678\n"
  91         "ADD     R3, R3, #0x4000000C\n"
  92         "STR     R1, [R3]\n"
  94         "MOV     SP, #0x1900\n"
  95         "MOV     LR, PC\n"
  96         "MOV     PC, %0\n"
  97     : : "r"(MEMISOSTART) : "memory","r1","r2","r3");
  99     while(1);
 100 }
 102 // #define LED_PR 0xc0220084
 103 // 
 104 // static void __attribute__((noreturn)) shutdown()
 105 // {
 106 //     volatile long *p = (void*)0xc02200a0;
 107 //         
 108 //     asm(
 109 //          "MRS     R1, CPSR\n"
 110 //          "AND     R0, R1, #0x80\n"
 111 //          "ORR     R1, R1, #0x80\n"
 112 //          "MSR     CPSR_cf, R1\n"
 113 //          :::"r1","r0");
 114 //         
 115 //     *p = 0x44;
 116 // 
 117 //     while(1);
 118 // }
 119 // 
 120 // 
 121 // static void __attribute__((noreturn)) panic(int cnt)
 122 // {
 123 //      volatile long *p=(void*)LED_PR;
 124 //      int i;
 125 // 
 126 //      for(;cnt>0;cnt--){
 127 //              p[0]=0x46;
 128 // 
 129 //              for(i=0;i<0x200000;i++){
 130 //                      asm ("nop\n");
 131 //                      asm ("nop\n");
 132 //              }
 133 //              p[0]=0x44;
 134 //              for(i=0;i<0x200000;i++){
 135 //                      asm ("nop\n");
 136 //                      asm ("nop\n");
 137 //              }
 138 //      }
 139 //      shutdown();
 140 // }

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