
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. my_restart

   1 #include "../generic/check_compat.c"
   3 extern long *blob_chdk_core;
   4 extern long blob_chdk_core_size;
   6 void __attribute__((noreturn)) my_restart()
   7 {
   8     check_compat();
  10     long *dst = (long*)MEMISOSTART;
  11     const long *src = blob_chdk_core;
  12     long length = (blob_chdk_core_size + 3) >> 2;
  14     core_copy(src, dst, length);
  16     // light up green LED
  17     *(volatile int*)0xd20b0994 = 0x4d0002;
  18     // blinker
  19     /*
  20     while(1) {
  21         int i;
  22         *(volatile int*)0xd20b0994 = 0x4d0002;
  23         for(i=0;i<1000000;i++) {
  24             asm volatile(
  25             "nop\n"
  26             );
  27         }
  28         *(volatile int*)0xd20b0994 = 0x4c0003;
  29         for(i=0;i<1000000;i++) {
  30             asm volatile(
  31             "nop\n"
  32             );
  33         }
  34     }
  35     */
  37     // allows boot on short press without fiddling sub_fc075b56 values or modifying/replacing sub_fc0781f4 (100d addresses)
  38     // not clear why not set after DISKBOOT.BIN reboot
  39     *(volatile unsigned *)(0x4ffc)=0x12345678;
  40 // Restart appears to be fc0bd9de (refs to 12345678, fc020001,)
  41 // similar to sx280 fc095c40, but cp15 manipulation does not appear to be the same
  42 // fc157748 called at equivalent location does some, but not equivalent to sx280 code
  43     asm volatile ( 
  44     "mov     r1, %1\n"
  45     "mov     r0, %0\n"
  46     "ldr     r2, =0xfc133daf\n" // based on sx280, identical in 100b, 100c and 100d. function called in startup after ROM->RAM code copy
  47     "blx     r2\n"              // doesn't appear to flush/clean instruction cache?
  49     // start execution at MEMISOSTART in thumb mode
  50     "mov     r0, %0\n"
  51     "add     r0, r0, #1\n"
  52     "bx      r0\n"
  53     : : "r"(MEMISOSTART), "r"(((blob_chdk_core_size+3)>>2)<<2) : "memory","r0","r1","r2","r3","r4"
  54     );
  55     while(1);
  56 }

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