
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. taskHook
  2. CreateTask_spytask
  3. boot
  4. sub_FFC001A0_my
  5. sub_FFC00FC4_my
  6. sub_FFC04D38_my
  7. taskcreate_Startup_my
  8. task_Startup_my
  9. init_file_modules_task
  10. sub_FFC59CC8_my
  11. sub_FFC3E9BC_my
  12. sub_FFC3E75C_my
  13. sub_FFC3E4EC_my

   1 #include "lolevel.h"
   2 #include "platform.h"
   3 #include "core.h"
   4 #include "dryos31.h"
   6 #define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((int) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)
   8 const char * const new_sa = &_end;
  10 extern void task_CaptSeq();
  11 extern void task_InitFileModules();
  12 extern void task_MovieRecord();
  13 extern void task_ExpDrv();
  14 extern void task_PhySw();
  15 extern void task_FileWrite();
  17 void taskHook(context_t **context) { 
  18         task_t *tcb=(task_t*)((char*)context-offsetof(task_t, context));
  20         // Replace firmware task addresses with ours
  21         if(tcb->entry == (void*)task_PhySw)                             tcb->entry = (void*)mykbd_task;
  22         if(tcb->entry == (void*)task_CaptSeq)                   tcb->entry = (void*)capt_seq_task; 
  23         if(tcb->entry == (void*)task_InitFileModules)   tcb->entry = (void*)init_file_modules_task;
  24         if(tcb->entry == (void*)task_MovieRecord)               tcb->entry = (void*)movie_record_task;
  25         if(tcb->entry == (void*)task_ExpDrv)                    tcb->entry = (void*)exp_drv_task;
  26     if(tcb->entry == (void*)task_FileWrite)         tcb->entry = (void*)filewritetask;
  27 } 
  29 void CreateTask_spytask() {
  31         _CreateTask("SpyTask", 0x19, 0x2000, core_spytask, 0);
  32 };
  35 void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) boot() {
  37     asm volatile (
  38                  "LDR     R1, =0xC0410000\n"
  39                  "MOV     R0, #0\n"
  40                  "STR     R0, [R1]\n"
  41                  "MOV     R1, #0x78\n"
  42                  "MCR     p15, 0, R1,c1,c0\n"
  43                  "MOV     R1, #0\n"
  44                  "MCR     p15, 0, R1,c7,c10, 4\n"
  45 " loc_FFC00028:\n"                                                    
  46                  "MCR     p15, 0, R1,c7,c5\n"
  47                  "MCR     p15, 0, R1,c7,c6\n"
  48                  "MOV     R0, #0x3D\n"
  49                  "MCR     p15, 0, R0,c6,c0\n"
  50                  "MOV     R0, #0xC000002F\n"
  51                  "MCR     p15, 0, R0,c6,c1\n"
  52                  "MOV     R0, #0x33\n"
  53                  "MCR     p15, 0, R0,c6,c2\n"
  54                  "MOV     R0, #0x40000033\n"
  55                  "MCR     p15, 0, R0,c6,c3\n"
  56                  "MOV     R0, #0x80000017\n"
  57                  "MCR     p15, 0, R0,c6,c4\n"
  58                  "LDR     R0, =0xFFC0002B\n"
  59                  "MCR     p15, 0, R0,c6,c5\n"
  60                  "MOV     R0, #0x34\n"
  61                  "MCR     p15, 0, R0,c2,c0\n"
  62                  "MOV     R0, #0x34\n"
  63                  "MCR     p15, 0, R0,c2,c0, 1\n"
  64                  "MOV     R0, #0x34\n"
  65                  "MCR     p15, 0, R0,c3,c0\n"
  66                  "LDR     R0, =0x3333330\n"
  67                  "MCR     p15, 0, R0,c5,c0, 2\n"
  68                  "LDR     R0, =0x3333330\n"
  69                  "MCR     p15, 0, R0,c5,c0, 3\n"
  70                  "MRC     p15, 0, R0,c1,c0\n"
  71                  "ORR     R0, R0, #0x1000\n"
  72                  "ORR     R0, R0, #4\n"
  73                  "ORR     R0, R0, #1\n"
  74                  "MCR     p15, 0, R0,c1,c0\n"
  75                  "MOV     R1, #0x80000006\n"
  76                  "MCR     p15, 0, R1,c9,c1\n"
  77                  "MOV     R1, #6\n"
  78                  "MCR     p15, 0, R1,c9,c1, 1\n"
  79                  "MRC     p15, 0, R1,c1,c0\n"
  80                  "ORR     R1, R1, #0x50000\n"
  81                  "MCR     p15, 0, R1,c1,c0\n"
  82                  "LDR     R2, =0xC0200000\n"
  83                  "MOV     R1, #1\n"
  84                  "STR     R1, [R2,#0x10C]\n"
  85                  "MOV     R1, #0xFF\n"
  86                  "STR     R1, [R2,#0xC]\n"
  87                  "STR     R1, [R2,#0x1C]\n"
  88                  "STR     R1, [R2,#0x2C]\n"
  89                  "STR     R1, [R2,#0x3C]\n"
  90                  "STR     R1, [R2,#0x4C]\n"
  91                  "STR     R1, [R2,#0x5C]\n"
  92                  "STR     R1, [R2,#0x6C]\n"
  93                  "STR     R1, [R2,#0x7C]\n"
  94                  "STR     R1, [R2,#0x8C]\n"
  95                  "STR     R1, [R2,#0x9C]\n"
  96                  "STR     R1, [R2,#0xAC]\n"
  97                  "STR     R1, [R2,#0xBC]\n"
  98                  "STR     R1, [R2,#0xCC]\n"
  99                  "STR     R1, [R2,#0xDC]\n"
 100                  "STR     R1, [R2,#0xEC]\n"
 101                  "STR     R1, [R2,#0xFC]\n"
 102                  "LDR     R1, =0xC0400008\n"
 103                  "LDR     R2, =0x430005\n"
 104                  "STR     R2, [R1]\n"
 105                  "MOV     R1, #1\n"
 106                  "LDR     R2, =0xC0243100\n"
 107                  "STR     R2, [R1]\n"
 108                  "LDR     R2, =0xC0242010\n"
 109                  "LDR     R1, [R2]\n"
 110                  "ORR     R1, R1, #1\n"
 111                  "STR     R1, [R2]\n"
 112                  "LDR     R0, =0xFFED53A0\n"
 113                  "LDR     R1, =0x1900\n"
 114                  "LDR     R3, =0xB1B0\n"
 115  "loc_FFC0013C:\n"                          
 116                  "CMP     R1, R3\n"
 117                  "LDRCC   R2, [R0],#4\n"
 118                  "STRCC   R2, [R1],#4\n"
 119                  "BCC     loc_FFC0013C\n"
 120                  "LDR     R1, =0x12ED1C\n"
 121                  "MOV     R2, #0\n"
 122  "loc_FFC00154:\n"                           
 123                  "CMP     R3, R1\n"
 124                  "STRCC   R2, [R3],#4\n"
 125                  "BCC     loc_FFC00154\n"
 126                //  "B       loc_FFC001A0\n"
 127                                                         "B        sub_FFC001A0_my\n"
 128     );
 129 };
 132 void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFC001A0_my() {
 134      //*(int*)0x1930=(int)taskHook;
 135      *(int*)0x1934=(int)taskHook;
 136      *(int*)0x1938=(int)taskHook;
 138      *(int*)(0x2234)= (*(int*)0xC0220134)&1 ?0x200000 : 0x100000; // replacement of sub_FFC3040C for correct power-on.
 141    asm volatile (
 142                 "LDR     R0, =0xFFC00218\n"
 143                  "MOV     R1, #0   \n"
 144                  "LDR     R3, =0xFFC00250\n"
 145  "loc_FFC001AC:\n"                           
 146                  "CMP     R0, R3\n"
 147                  "LDRCC   R2, [R0],#4\n"
 148                  "STRCC   R2, [R1],#4\n"
 149                  "BCC     loc_FFC001AC\n"
 150                  "LDR     R0, =0xFFC00250\n"
 151                  "MOV     R1, #0x4B0\n"
 152                  "LDR     R3, =0xFFC00464\n"
 153  "loc_FFC001C8:\n"                        
 154                  "CMP     R0, R3\n"
 155                  "LDRCC   R2, [R0],#4\n"
 156                  "STRCC   R2, [R1],#4\n"
 157                  "BCC     loc_FFC001C8\n"
 158                  "MOV     R0, #0xD2\n"
 159                  "MSR     CPSR_cxsf, R0\n"
 160                  "MOV     SP, #0x1000\n"
 161                  "MOV     R0, #0xD3\n"
 162                  "MSR     CPSR_cxsf, R0\n"
 163                  "MOV     SP, #0x1000\n"
 164                  "LDR     R0, =0x6C4\n"
 165                  "LDR     R2, =0xEEEEEEEE\n"
 166                  "MOV     R3, #0x1000\n"
 167  "loc_FFC001FC:\n"                        
 168                  "CMP     R0, R3\n"
 169                  "STRCC   R2, [R0],#4\n"
 170                  "BCC     loc_FFC001FC\n"
 171                //  "BL      sub_FFC00FC4\n"
 172                  "BL      sub_FFC00FC4_my\n" //-------->
 173      );
 174 }
 175 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to doing
 176 void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFC00FC4_my() {
 178      asm volatile (
 179                  "STR     LR, [SP,#-4]!\n"
 180                  "SUB     SP, SP, #0x74\n"
 181                  "MOV     R0, SP\n"
 182                  "MOV     R1, #0x74\n"               
 183                 "BL      sub_FFE6C5B0\n"       
 184                  "MOV     R0, #0x53000\n"
 185                  "STR     R0, [SP,#4]\n"
 186 #if defined(CHDK_NOT_IN_CANON_HEAP) // use original heap offset if CHDK is loaded in high memory
 187                  "LDR     R0, =0x12ED1C\n"
 188 #else
 189                          "LDR     R0, =new_sa\n"
 190                      "LDR     R0, [R0]\n"
 191 #endif
 193                  "LDR     R2, =0x2F9C00\n"
 194                  "LDR     R1, =0x2F24A8\n"
 195                  "STR     R0, [SP,#8]\n"
 196                  "SUB     R0, R1, R0\n"
 197                  "ADD     R3, SP, #0xC\n"
 198                  "STR     R2, [SP]\n"
 199                  "STMIA   R3, {R0-R2}\n"
 200                  "MOV     R0, #0x22\n"
 201                  "STR     R0, [SP,#0x18]\n"
 202                  "MOV     R0, #0x68\n"
 203                  "STR     R0, [SP,#0x1C]\n"
 204                  "LDR     R0, =0x19B\n"
 205              //    "LDR     R1, =sub_FFC04D38\n"
 206                   "LDR     R1, =sub_FFC04D38_my\n"  //--------->
 208                                  "B       sub_FFC01018 \n"      // continue in firmware
 209      );
 210 }
 212 //需要修改
 213 void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFC04D38_my() {
 215         asm volatile (
 216                  "STMFD   SP!, {R4,LR}\n"
 217                  "BL      sub_FFC00954\n"
 218                  "BL      sub_FFC090B4\n"
 219                  "CMP     R0, #0\n"
 220               //   "ADRLT   R0, sub_FFC04E4C\n"  //  ; "dmSetup"\n"
 221                         "LDRLT     R0,=0xFFC04E4C\n"
 222                  "BLLT    sub_FFC04E2C\n"
 223                  "BL      sub_FFC04974\n"
 224                  "CMP     R0, #0\n"
 225              //    "ADRLT   R0, sub_FFC04E54\n"// ; "termDriverInit"\n"
 226                         "LDRLT     R0,=0xFFC04E54\n"
 227                  "BLLT    sub_FFC04E2C\n"
 228                 // "ADR     R0, sub_FFC04E64\n"      //; "/_term"
 229                  "LDR     R0,=0xFFC04E64\n"
 230                  "BL      sub_FFC04A5C\n"
 231                  "CMP     R0, #0\n"
 232                //  "ADRLT   R0, sub_FFC04E6C \n"//; "termDeviceCreate"
 233                  "LDRLT     R0,=0xFFC04E6C\n"
 234                  "BLLT    sub_FFC04E2C\n"
 235               //   "ADR     R0, sub_FFC04E64 \n"    // ; "/_term"
 236                   "LDR     R0,=0xFFC04E64 \n"
 237                  "BL      sub_FFC03578\n"
 238                  "CMP     R0, #0\n"
 239                //  "ADRLT   R0, sub_FFC04E80\n" //; "stdioSetup"
 240                   "LDRLT     R0,=0xFFC04E80\n"
 241                  "BLLT    sub_FFC04E2C\n"
 242                  "BL      sub_FFC08BCC\n"
 243                  "CMP     R0, #0\n"
 244              //    "ADRLT   R0, sub_FFC04E8C\n" //; "stdlibSetup"
 245                    "LDRLT     R0,=0xFFC04E8C\n"
 246                  "BLLT    sub_FFC04E2C\n"
 247                  "BL      sub_FFC014A8\n"
 248                  "CMP     R0, #0\n"
 249               //   "ADRLT   R0, sub_FFC04E98\n" //; "armlib_setup"
 250                    "LDRLT     R0,=0xFFC04E98\n"
 251                  "BLLT    sub_FFC04E2C\n"
 252                  "LDMFD   SP!, {R4,LR}\n"
 253             //     "B       taskcreate_Startup\n"
 254                   "B       taskcreate_Startup_my\n" //-------->
 256         );
 257 };
 259 void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) taskcreate_Startup_my() {
 261      asm volatile (   
 262                 "STMFD   SP!, {R3,LR}\n"
 263              //   "BL      j_nullsub_178\n"
 264                 "BL      sub_FFC18680\n"
 265                 "CMP     R0, #0\n"
 266                 "BNE     loc_FFC0C29C\n"
 267                 "BL      sub_FFC117B0\n"
 268                 "CMP     R0, #0\n"
 269                 "BNE     loc_FFC0C29C\n"
 270                 "BL      sub_FFC10E84\n"
 271                 "LDR     R1, =0xC0220000\n"
 272                 "MOV     R0, #0x44\n"
 273                 "STR     R0, [R1,#0x84]\n"
 274                 "STR     R0, [R1,#0x80]\n"
 275                 "BL      sub_FFC11074\n"
 276 "loc_FFC0C298:\n"                          
 277                 "B       loc_FFC0C298\n"
 278 "loc_FFC0C29C:\n"                                             
 279              //   "BL      sub_FFC117BC\n"    // removed for correct power-on on 'on/off' button.
 280              //   "BL      j_nullsub_179\n"
 281                 "BL      sub_FFC1693C\n"
 282                 "LDR     R1, =0x34E000\n"
 283                 "MOV     R0, #0\n"
 284                 "BL      sub_FFC16D84\n"
 285                 "BL      sub_FFC16B30\n"
 286                 "MOV     R3, #0\n"
 287                 "STR     R3, [SP]\n"
 288               //  "ADR     R3, task_Startup\n"
 289                 "LDR     R3, =task_Startup_my\n"  //-------->
 290                 "MOV     R2, #0\n"
 291                 "MOV     R1, #0x19\n"
 292             //    "ADR     R0, aStartup\n"    ; "Startup"
 293                         "LDR     R0,=0xFFC0C2E4\n"
 294                 "BL      sub_FFC0AFAC\n"
 295                 "MOV     R0, #0\n"
 296                 "LDMFD   SP!, {R12,PC}\n"
 297      );
 298 }
 300 void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) task_Startup_my() {
 302      asm volatile (
 303                  "STMFD   SP!, {R4,LR}\n"
 304                  "BL      sub_FFC05394\n"
 305                  "BL      sub_FFC128A0\n"
 306                  "BL      sub_FFC10B28\n"
 307                //  "BL      j_nullsub_182\n"
 308                  "BL      sub_FFC188A4\n"
 309               //   "BL      sub_FFC18754\n"   // //start diskboot.bin, //StartDiskboot --> removed
 310                  "BL      sub_FFC18A40\n"
 311                  "BL      sub_FFC0FB94\n"
 312                  "BL      sub_FFC188D4\n"
 313                  "BL      sub_FFC15F3C\n"
 314                  "BL      sub_FFC18A44\n"
 315                   "BL   CreateTask_spytask\n"    // <--- function added
 316                  "BL      sub_FFC116B0\n"     //taskcreate_PhySw
 317                  "BL      sub_FFC146BC\n"
 318                  "BL      sub_FFC18A5C\n"
 319               //   "BL      nullsub_2\n"
 320                  "BL      sub_FFC104B0\n"
 321                  "BL      sub_FFC18464\n"
 322                  "BL      sub_FFC10AD8\n"
 323                  "BL      sub_FFC103D4\n"
 324                  "BL      sub_FFC0FBC8\n"
 325                  "BL      sub_FFC194A4\n"
 326                  "BL      sub_FFC103AC\n"
 327                  "LDMFD   SP!, {R4,LR}\n"
 328                  "B       sub_FFC054B4\n"
 329      );
 330 }
 332 /*******************************************************************/
 334 void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) init_file_modules_task() {
 335  asm volatile(
 336                 "STMFD   SP!, {R4-R6,LR}\n"
 337                 "BL      sub_FFC59C9C\n"
 338                 "LDR     R5, =0x5006\n"
 339                 "MOVS    R4, R0\n"
 340                 "MOVNE   R1, #0\n"
 341                 "MOVNE   R0, R5\n"
 342                 "BLNE    sub_FFC5C35C\n"
 343                  "BL      sub_FFC59CC8_my\n"             //------------->
 344              //   "BL      sub_FFC59CC8\n"
 345              "BL      core_spytask_can_start\n"      // + set "it's safe to start" flag for spytask
 346                 "CMP     R4, #0\n"
 347                 "MOVEQ   R0, R5\n"
 348                 "LDMEQFD SP!, {R4-R6,LR}\n"
 349                 "MOVEQ   R1, #0\n"
 350                 "BEQ     sub_FFC5C35C\n"
 351                 "LDMFD   SP!, {R4-R6,PC}\n"
 352  );
 353 }
 355 void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFC59CC8_my() {
 357  asm volatile(
 358                  "STMFD   SP!, {R4,LR}\n"
 359                  "MOV     R0, #3\n"
 360                  //"BL      sub_FFC3E9BC\n"
 361                  "BL      sub_FFC3E9BC_my\n"    //---------->
 362                //  "BL      nullsub_64\n"
 363                  "LDR     R4, =0x2B70\n"
 364                  "LDR     R0, [R4,#4]\n"
 365                  "CMP     R0, #0\n"
 366                  "BNE     loc_FFC59D00\n"
 367                  "BL      sub_FFC3DD80\n"
 368                  "BL      sub_FFCCF594\n"
 369                  "BL      sub_FFC3DD80\n"
 370                  "BL      sub_FFC3A1E4\n"
 371                  "BL      sub_FFC3DC80\n"
 372                  "BL      sub_FFCCF658\n"
 373  "loc_FFC59D00:\n"                           // ; CODE XREF: sub_FFC59CC8+1C
 374                  "MOV     R0, #1\n"
 375                  "STR     R0, [R4]\n"
 376                  "LDMFD   SP!, {R4,PC}\n"
 378  );
 379 }
 382 void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFC3E9BC_my() {
 383  asm volatile(
 384                  "STMFD   SP!, {R4-R8,LR}\n"
 385                  "MOV     R6, R0\n"
 386                  "BL      sub_FFC3E924\n"
 387                  "LDR     R1, =0xE5D8\n"
 388                  "MOV     R5, R0\n"
 389                  "ADD     R4, R1, R0,LSL#7\n"
 390                  "LDR     R0, [R4,#0x70]\n"
 391                  "CMP     R0, #4\n"
 392                  "LDREQ   R1, =0x6D8\n"
 393                //  "ADREQ   R0, aMounter_c\n"//  ; "Mounter.c"
 394                  "LDREQ   R0,=0xFFC3E448\n"
 395                  "BLEQ    sub_FFC0B284\n"
 396                  "MOV     R1, R6\n"
 397                  "MOV     R0, R5\n"
 398                  "BL      sub_FFC3E390\n"
 399                  "LDR     R0, [R4,#0x38]\n"
 400                  "BL      sub_FFC3EEE8\n"
 401                  "CMP     R0, #0\n"
 402                  "STREQ   R0, [R4,#0x70]\n"
 403                  "MOV     R0, R5\n"
 404                  "BL      sub_FFC3E468\n"
 405                  "MOV     R0, R5\n"
 406                //  "BL      sub_FFC3E75C\n"
 407                 "BL      sub_FFC3E75C_my\n"  //--------->
 409                                  "B       sub_FFC3EA14 \n"      // continue in firmware
 410  );
 411 }
 413 void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFC3E75C_my() {
 414  asm volatile(
 415                    "STMFD   SP!, {R4-R6,LR}\n"
 416                  "MOV     R5, R0\n"
 417                  "LDR     R0, =0xE5D8\n"
 418                  "ADD     R4, R0, R5,LSL#7\n"
 419                  "LDR     R0, [R4,#0x70]\n"
 420                  "TST     R0, #2\n"
 421                  "MOVNE   R0, #1\n"
 422                  "LDMNEFD SP!, {R4-R6,PC}\n"
 423                  "LDR     R0, [R4,#0x38]\n"
 424                  "MOV     R1, R5\n"
 425                 // "BL      sub_FFC3E4EC\n"
 426                    "BL      sub_FFC3E4EC_my\n"  //--------->
 428                                  "B       sub_FFC3E788 \n"      // Continue in firmware
 429  );
 430 }
 432 void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) sub_FFC3E4EC_my() {
 433  asm volatile(
 434                  "STMFD   SP!, {R4-R8,LR}\n"
 435                  "MOV     R8, R0\n"
 436                  "LDR     R0, =0xE5D8\n"
 437                  "MOV     R7, #0\n"
 438                  "ADD     R5, R0, R1,LSL#7\n"
 439                  "LDR     R0, [R5,#0x3C]\n"
 440                  "MOV     R6, #0\n"
 441                  "CMP     R0, #7\n"
 442                  "ADDLS   PC, PC, R0,LSL#2\n"
 443                  "B       loc_FFC3E63C\n"
 444  "loc_FFC3E514:\n"                            
 445                  "B       loc_FFC3E54C\n"
 446  "loc_FFC3E518:\n"                            
 447                  "B       loc_FFC3E534\n"
 448  "loc_FFC3E51C:\n"                            
 449                  "B       loc_FFC3E534\n"
 450  "loc_FFC3E520:\n"     
 451                                          "B       loc_FFC3E534\n"                       
 452  "loc_FFC3E524:\n"                            
 453                  "B       loc_FFC3E534\n"
 454  "loc_FFC3E528:\n"                            
 455                  "B       loc_FFC3E634\n"
 456  "loc_FFC3E52C:\n"                            
 457                  "B       loc_FFC3E534\n"
 458  "loc_FFC3E530:\n"                            
 459                 "B       loc_FFC3E534\n"
 460  "loc_FFC3E534:\n"                                                                   
 461                  "MOV     R2, #0\n"
 462                  "MOV     R1, #0x200\n"
 463                  "MOV     R0, #2\n"
 464                  "BL      sub_FFC53D0C\n"
 465                  "MOVS    R4, R0\n"
 466                  "BNE     loc_FFC3E554\n"
 467  "loc_FFC3E54C:\n"                            
 468                  "MOV     R0, #0\n"
 469                  "LDMFD   SP!, {R4-R8,PC}\n"
 470  "loc_FFC3E554:\n"                            
 471                  "LDR     R12, [R5,#0x4C]\n"
 472                  "MOV     R3, R4\n"
 473                  "MOV     R2, #1\n"
 474                  "MOV     R1, #0\n"
 475                  "MOV     R0, R8\n"
 476                  "BLX     R12\n"
 477                  "CMP     R0, #1\n"
 478                  "BNE     loc_FFC3E580\n"
 479                  "MOV     R0, #2\n"
 480                  "BL      sub_FFC53E58\n"
 481                  "B       loc_FFC3E54C\n"
 482  "loc_FFC3E580:\n"                          
 483                  "LDR     R1, [R5,#0x68]\n"
 484                  "MOV     R0, R8\n"
 485                  "BLX     R1\n"
 487           "MOV   R1, R4\n"           // + pointer to MBR in R1
 488                   "BL    mbr_read_dryos\n"   // + total sectors count in R0 before and after call                                             需要修改
 490           // Start of DataGhost's FAT32 autodetection code
 491           // Policy: If there is a partition which has type W95 FAT32, use the first one of those for image storage
 492           // According to the code below, we can use R1, R2, R3 and R12.
 493           // LR wasn't really used anywhere but for storing a part of the partition signature. This is the only thing
 494           // that won't work with an offset, but since we can load from LR+offset into LR, we can use this to do that :)
 495           "MOV     R12, R4\n"                    // Copy the MBR start address so we have something to work with
 496           "MOV     LR, R4\n"                     // Save old offset for MBR signature
 497           "MOV     R1, #1\n"                     // Note the current partition number
 498           "B       dg_sd_fat32_enter\n"          // We actually need to check the first partition as well, no increments yet!
 499      "dg_sd_fat32:\n"
 500           "CMP     R1, #4\n"                     // Did we already see the 4th partition?
 501           "BEQ     dg_sd_fat32_end\n"            // Yes, break. We didn't find anything, so don't change anything.
 502           "ADD     R12, R12, #0x10\n"            // Second partition
 503           "ADD     R1, R1, #1\n"                 // Second partition for the loop
 504      "dg_sd_fat32_enter:\n"
 505           "LDRB    R2, [R12, #0x1BE]\n"          // Partition status
 506           "LDRB    R3, [R12, #0x1C2]\n"          // Partition type (FAT32 = 0xB)
 507           "CMP     R3, #0xB\n"                   // Is this a FAT32 partition?
 508           "CMPNE   R3, #0xC\n"                   // Not 0xB, is it 0xC (FAT32 LBA) then?
 509           "BNE     dg_sd_fat32\n"                // No, it isn't. Loop again.
 510           "CMP     R2, #0x00\n"                  // It is, check the validity of the partition type
 511           "CMPNE   R2, #0x80\n"
 512           "BNE     dg_sd_fat32\n"                // Invalid, go to next partition
 513                                                  // This partition is valid, it's the first one, bingo!
 514           "MOV     R4, R12\n"                    // Move the new MBR offset for the partition detection.
 516      "dg_sd_fat32_end:\n"
 517           // End of DataGhost's FAT32 autodetection code
 519                  "LDRB    R1, [R4,#0x1C9]\n"
 520                  "LDRB    R3, [R4,#0x1C8]\n"
 521                  "LDRB    R12, [R4,#0x1CC]\n"
 522                  "MOV     R1, R1,LSL#24\n"
 523                  "ORR     R1, R1, R3,LSL#16\n"
 524                  "LDRB    R3, [R4,#0x1C7]\n"
 525                  "LDRB    R2, [R4,#0x1BE]\n"
 526              //    "LDRB    LR, [R4,#0x1FF]\n"
 527                  "ORR     R1, R1, R3,LSL#8\n"
 528                  "LDRB    R3, [R4,#0x1C6]\n"
 529                  "CMP     R2, #0\n"
 530                  "CMPNE   R2, #0x80\n"
 531                  "ORR     R1, R1, R3\n"
 532                  "LDRB    R3, [R4,#0x1CD]\n"
 533                  "MOV     R3, R3,LSL#24\n"
 534                  "ORR     R3, R3, R12,LSL#16\n"
 535                  "LDRB    R12, [R4,#0x1CB]\n"
 536                  "ORR     R3, R3, R12,LSL#8\n"
 537                  "LDRB    R12, [R4,#0x1CA]\n"
 538                  "ORR     R3, R3, R12\n"
 539               //   "LDRB    R12, [R4,#0x1FE]\n"
 540                "LDRB    R12, [LR,#0x1FE]\n"           // + First MBR signature byte (0x55), LR is original offset.
 541                  "LDRB    LR, [LR,#0x1FF]\n"            // + Last MBR signature byte (0xAA), LR is original offset.
 542                  "MOV     R4, #0\n"
 543                  "BNE     loc_FFC3E60C\n"
 544                  "CMP     R0, R1\n"
 545                  "BCC     loc_FFC3E60C\n"
 546                  "ADD     R2, R1, R3\n"
 547                  "CMP     R2, R0\n"
 548                  "CMPLS   R12, #0x55\n"
 549                  "CMPEQ   LR, #0xAA\n"
 550                  "MOVEQ   R7, R1\n"
 551                  "MOVEQ   R6, R3\n"
 552                  "MOVEQ   R4, #1\n"
 553  "loc_FFC3E60C:\n"                          
 554                  "MOV     R0, #2\n"
 555                  "BL      sub_FFC53E58\n"
 556                  "CMP     R4, #0\n"
 557                  "BNE     loc_FFC3E648\n"
 558                  "LDR     R1, [R5,#0x68]\n"
 559                  "MOV     R7, #0\n"
 560                  "MOV     R0, R8\n"
 561                  "BLX     R1\n"
 562                  "MOV     R6, R0\n"
 563                  "B       loc_FFC3E648\n"
 564  "loc_FFC3E634:\n"                                                            
 565                  "MOV     R6, #0x40\n"
 566                  "B       loc_FFC3E648\n"
 567  "loc_FFC3E63C:\n"                                                                
 568                  "LDR     R1, =0x5C9\n"
 569                 // "ADR     R0, aMounter_c\n"  ; "Mounter.c"
 570                 "LDR    R0,=0xFFC3E448\n"
 571                  "BL      sub_FFC0B284\n"
 572  "loc_FFC3E648:\n"                                                            
 573                  "STR     R7, [R5,#0x44]!\n"
 574                  "MOV     R0, #1\n"
 575                  "STR     R6, [R5,#4]\n"
 576                  "LDMFD   SP!, {R4-R8,PC}\n"
 577  );
 578 }

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