CHDK_DE Vorschauversion  Trunk Rev. 6014
 Alle Datenstrukturen Dateien Funktionen Variablen Typdefinitionen Aufzählungen Aufzählungswerte Makrodefinitionen
#include "conf.h"
+ Include-Abhängigkeitsdiagramm für movie_rec.c:

gehe zum Quellcode dieser Datei


void set_quality (int *x)
void __attribute__ ((naked, noinline))
void change_video_tables (__attribute__((unused)) int a, __attribute__((unused)) int b)


int * video_quality = &conf.video_quality
int * video_mode = &conf.video_mode

Dokumentation der Funktionen

void __attribute__ ( (naked, noinline)  )

Definiert in Zeile 11 der Datei movie_rec.c.

11  {
12  asm volatile(
13  "STMFD SP!, {R2-R8,LR}\n"
14  "LDR R8, =0x346\n"
15  "LDR R7, =0x2710\n"
16  "LDR R4, =0x56C0\n"
17  "MOV R6, #0\n"
18  "MOV R5, #1\n"
19 "loc_FFD138E4:\n"
20  "LDR R0, [R4,#0x18]\n"
21  "MOV R2, #0\n"
22  "ADD R1, SP, #4\n"
23  "BL sub_FFC28E74 \n"
24  "LDR R0, [R4,#0x20]\n"
25  "CMP R0, #0\n"
26  "BNE loc_FFD139B4\n"
27  "LDR R0, [SP,#4]\n"
28  "LDR R1, [R0]\n"
29  "SUB R1, R1, #2\n"
30  "CMP R1, #9\n"
31  "ADDLS PC, PC, R1,LSL#2\n"
32  "B loc_FFD139B4\n"
33 "loc_FFD13918:\n"
34  "B loc_FFD13968\n"
35 "loc_FFD1391C:\n"
36  "B loc_FFD13988\n"
37 "loc_FFD13920:\n"
38  "B loc_FFD13998\n"
39 "loc_FFD13924:\n"
40  "B loc_FFD139A0\n"
41 "loc_FFD13928:\n"
42  "B loc_FFD13970\n"
43 "loc_FFD1392C:\n"
44  "B loc_FFD139A8\n"
45 "loc_FFD13930:\n"
46  "B loc_FFD13978\n"
47 "loc_FFD13934:\n"
48  "B loc_FFD139B4\n"
49 "loc_FFD13938:\n"
50  "B loc_FFD139B0\n"
51 "loc_FFD1393C:\n"
52  "B loc_FFD13940\n"
53 "loc_FFD13940:\n"
54  "LDR R0, =0xFFD135D8\n"
55  "STR R6, [R4,#0x34]\n"
56  "STR R0, [R4,#0xA8]\n"
57  "LDR R0, =0xFFD13068\n"
58  "LDR R2, =0xFFD12F84\n"
59  "LDR R1, =0x6F460\n"
60  "STR R6, [R4,#0x24]\n"
61  "BL sub_FFCBA128\n"
62  "STR R5, [R4,#0x38]\n"
63  "B loc_FFD139B4\n"
64 "loc_FFD13968:\n"
65  "BL unlock_optical_zoom\n" //+-----> inserted to unlock the zoom
66  "BL sub_FFD136D0\n"
67  "B loc_FFD139B4\n"
68 "loc_FFD13970:\n"
69  //"BL sub_FFD133D8\n"
70  "BL sub_FFD133D8_my\n" // ---------------->
71  "B loc_FFD139B4\n"
72 "loc_FFD13978:\n"
73  "LDR R1, [R0,#0x10]\n"
74  "LDR R0, [R0,#4]\n"
75  "BL sub_FFE034E8 \n"
76  "B loc_FFD139B4\n"
77 "loc_FFD13988:\n"
78  "LDR R0, [R4,#0x38]\n"
79  "CMP R0, #5\n"
80  "STRNE R5, [R4,#0x28]\n"
81  "B loc_FFD139B4\n"
82 "loc_FFD13998:\n"
83  "BL sub_FFD131F0\n"
84  "B loc_FFD139B4\n"
85 "loc_FFD139A0:\n"
86  "BL sub_FFD130B4\n"
87  "B loc_FFD139B4\n"
88 "loc_FFD139A8:\n"
89  "BL sub_FFD12F10\n"
90  "B loc_FFD139B4\n"
91 "loc_FFD139B0:\n"
92  "BL sub_FFD13B1C\n"
93 "loc_FFD139B4:\n"
94  "LDR R1, [SP,#4]\n"
95  "LDR R3, =0xFFD12DA0\n"
96  "STR R6, [R1]\n"
97  "STR R8, [SP]\n"
98  "LDR R0, [R4,#0x1C]\n"
99  "MOV R2, R7\n"
100  "BL sub_FFC0F528\n"
101  "B loc_FFD138E4\n"
103  );
104 }
void change_video_tables ( __attribute__((unused)) int  a,
__attribute__((unused)) int  b 

Definiert in Zeile 255 der Datei movie_rec.c.

255 {}
void set_quality ( int *  x)

Definiert in Zeile 6 der Datei movie_rec.c.

6  { // -17 highest; +12 lowest
7  if (conf.video_mode) *x=12-((conf.video_quality-1)*(12+17)/(99-1));
8 }


int* video_mode = &conf.video_mode

Definiert in Zeile 4 der Datei movie_rec.c.

int* video_quality = &conf.video_quality

Definiert in Zeile 3 der Datei movie_rec.c.