unk 185 core/memmgmt.c extern void *exmem_alloc_cached(unsigned int pool_id,unsigned int size,int unk,int unk2); unk 47 include/levent.h extern void PostLogicalEventForNotPowerType(unsigned event, unsigned unk); unk 48 include/levent.h extern void PostLogicalEventToUI(unsigned event, unsigned unk); unk 51 include/lolevel.h extern void _PT_PlaySound(short , void*, int unk); unk 109 include/lolevel.h extern long _MakeDirectory_Fut(const char *name,int unk); unk 232 include/lolevel.h extern int _PostLogicalEventForNotPowerType(int event, int unk); unk 233 include/lolevel.h extern int _PostLogicalEventToUI(int event, int unk); unk 342 include/lolevel.h extern void *_exmem_alloc(unsigned int pool_id,unsigned int size,int unk,int unk2); unk 1024 platform/generic/wrappers.c void *exmem_alloc_cached(unsigned int pool_id,unsigned int size,int unk,int unk2) unk 1026 platform/generic/wrappers.c return _exmem_alloc(pool_id,size,unk,unk2); unk 76 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void PT_PlaySound(short , void*, int unk); unk 130 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int MakeDirectory_Fut(const char *name,int unk); unk 224 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int PostLogicalEventForNotPowerType(int event, int unk); unk 225 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int PostLogicalEventToUI(int event, int unk); unk 321 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int add_ptp_handler(int opcode, ptp_handler handler, int unk); unk 337 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall void * exmem_alloc(unsigned int pool_id,unsigned int size,int unk,int unk2); unk 431 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int RegisterInterruptHandler(const char *name, int int_num, int (*int_handler)(),int unk); unk 432 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int CreateMessageQueue(const char *name/*?*/, int unk/*size? Flags?*/); unk 433 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int CreateMessageQueueStrictly(const char *name/*?*/, int unk/*size? Flags?*/); unk 450 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int fut_prepare(const char *name, int unk); unk 452 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int fut_finish(int unk); unk 485 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall mzrm_msg * mzrm_createmsg(mzrm_context *ctx, int unk, int msg_type, int payload_size); unk 500 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int GetRomID(void *adr, int unk); unk 162 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_types.h int unk; unk 175 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_types.h int unk[2]; // all <= r52 seem to be 5 words total unk 177 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_types.h int unk[7]; // actual size varies, g*x and M cams seem to be 10 words total, others mostly 5 unk 180 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_types.h int unk; // vx appears to always be 4 words total