target            169 lib/lua/lcode.c LUAI_FUNC void luaK_patchlist (FuncState *fs, int list, int target) {
target            170 lib/lua/lcode.c   if (target == fs->pc)
target            173 lib/lua/lcode.c     lua_assert(target < fs->pc);
target            174 lib/lua/lcode.c     patchlistaux(fs, list, target, NO_REG, target);
target             66 lib/lua/lcode.h LUAI_FUNC void luaK_patchlist (FuncState *fs, int list, int target);
target            421 tools/capdis.c void describe_prop_call(firmware *fw,iter_state_t *is, unsigned dis_opts, char *comment, uint32_t target)
target            423 tools/capdis.c     if(!(dis_opts & DIS_OPT_PROPS) || (target != get_prop && target != set_prop)) {
target            440 tools/capdis.c void describe_simple_func(firmware *fw, unsigned dis_opts, char *comment, uint32_t target)
target            446 tools/capdis.c     if(!check_simple_func(fw, target, MATCH_SIMPLE_FUNC_ANY, &info)) {
target            460 tools/capdis.c     uint32_t target = B_target(fw,is->insn);
target            462 tools/capdis.c     if(!target) {
target            463 tools/capdis.c         target = CBx_target(fw,is->insn);
target            464 tools/capdis.c         if(!target) {
target            474 tools/capdis.c        ostub = find_sig_val(fw->sv->stubs,target|is->thumb);
target            483 tools/capdis.c             if(fw_disasm_iter_single(fw,target|is->thumb)) {
target            503 tools/capdis.c             sprintf(ops,"%sloc_%08x",op_pfx,target);
target            508 tools/capdis.c     uint32_t desc_adr = (j_target)?j_target:target;
target            522 tools/capdis.c     uint32_t target = get_branch_call_insn_target(fw,is); // target with thumb bit set appropriately
target            527 tools/capdis.c        ostub = find_sig_val(fw->sv->stubs,target);
target            536 tools/capdis.c             if(fw_disasm_iter_single(fw,target)) {
target            557 tools/capdis.c             sprintf(ops,"sub_%08x",ADR_CLEAR_THUMB(target));
target            562 tools/capdis.c     uint32_t desc_adr = (j_target)?j_target:target;
target            707 tools/capdis.c         uint32_t target = ti->start+2**p;
target            709 tools/capdis.c         if(target <= adr) {
target            720 tools/capdis.c             printf("\"    .byte((loc_%08x - branchtable_%08x) / 2)\\n\" %s (case %d)\n",target,ti->start,comment_start,i);
target            722 tools/capdis.c             printf("    .byte 0x%02x %s jump to loc_%08x (case %d)\n",*p,comment_start,target,i);
target            769 tools/capdis.c         uint32_t target = ti->start+2**p;
target            771 tools/capdis.c         if(target <= adr) {
target            782 tools/capdis.c             printf("\"    .short((loc_%08x - branchtable_%08x) / 2)\\n\" %s (case %d)\n",target,ti->start,comment_start,i);
target            784 tools/capdis.c             printf("    .short 0x%04x %s jump to loc_%08x (case %d)\n",*p,comment_start,target,i);
target            812 tools/capdis.c         uint32_t target = ti->start+2*off;
target            814 tools/capdis.c         if(target <= adr) {
target            819 tools/capdis.c             addr_hash_add(branch_list,target);
target             76 tools/chdk_dasm.c     t_address target;			/* address instr refers to */
target           1035 tools/chdk_dasm.c         { t_address target = ((t_address) addr ) + 8 + ((t_address) ((((int)instr)<<8) >>6 )) ;
target           1037 tools/chdk_dasm.c         op = sub_hex8(fw, op, target);
target           1039 tools/chdk_dasm.c      = target;
target           1102 tools/chdk_dasm.c       ; result.target_type=target_Unknown;
target           1230 tools/chdk_dasm.c             = (instr&Ubit) ? addr+8 + offset
target           1236 tools/chdk_dasm.c                         op = sub_ahex8(fw, result.addrstart,;
target           1238 tools/chdk_dasm.c                     op = ahex8(fw, result.addrstart,;
target            924 tools/firmware_load_ng.c         uint32_t target = ti->start+2*off;
target            926 tools/firmware_load_ng.c         if(target <= adr) {
target            927 tools/firmware_load_ng.c             fprintf(stderr,"get_TBx_PC_info: jumptable target 0x%08x inside jumptable %d at 0x%08x\n",target,off,adr);
target            930 tools/firmware_load_ng.c         if(!ti->first_target || target < ti->first_target) {
target            931 tools/firmware_load_ng.c             ti->first_target=target;
target            932 tools/firmware_load_ng.c             if(target < max_adr) {
target            933 tools/firmware_load_ng.c                 max_adr=target; // assume jump table ends at/before first target