sym               895 core/gui_draw.c     unsigned char *sym = get_cdata(&offset, &size, ch);
sym               909 core/gui_draw.c         dsym = fontdata_lookup[sym[j] & 0x7f];
sym               910 core/gui_draw.c         rep = sym[j] & 0x80;
sym               912 core/gui_draw.c         dsym = sym[j];
sym               944 core/gui_draw.c     unsigned char *sym = get_cdata(&offset, &size, ch);
sym               968 core/gui_draw.c         dsym = fontdata_lookup[sym[j] & 0x7f];
sym               969 core/gui_draw.c         rep = sym[j] & 0x80;
sym               971 core/gui_draw.c         dsym = sym[j];
sym              1029 core/gui_draw.c     unsigned char *sym = get_cdata(&offset, &size, ch);
sym              1050 core/gui_draw.c         dsym = fontdata_lookup[sym[j] & 0x7f];
sym              1051 core/gui_draw.c         rep = sym[j] & 0x80;
sym              1053 core/gui_draw.c         dsym = sym[j];
sym              1101 core/gui_draw.c     unsigned char *sym = get_cdata(&offset, &size, ch);
sym              1116 core/gui_draw.c         dsym = fontdata_lookup[sym[j] & 0x7f];
sym              1117 core/gui_draw.c         rep = sym[j] & 0x80;
sym              1119 core/gui_draw.c         dsym = sym[j];
sym              1161 core/gui_draw.c     unsigned char *sym = get_cdata(&offset, &size, ch);
sym              1179 core/gui_draw.c         dsym = fontdata_lookup[sym[j] & 0x7f];
sym              1180 core/gui_draw.c         rep = sym[j] & 0x80;
sym              1182 core/gui_draw.c         dsym = sym[j];
sym                71 core/gui_menu.h #define MENU_ITEM(sym, txt, typ, val, arg)  { (char)sym, 0, (short)typ, (int)txt, (int*)val, (int)arg }
sym                72 core/gui_menu.h #define MENU_ENUM2(sym, txt, val, arg)      { (char)sym, sizeof(arg)/sizeof(arg[0]), MENUITEM_ENUM2, (int)txt, (int*)val, (int)arg }
sym                73 core/gui_menu.h #define MENU_ENUM2a(sym, txt, val, arg, num){ (char)sym, (char)num, MENUITEM_ENUM2, (int)txt, (int*)val, (int)arg }
sym               204 core/gui_user_menu.c static void set_user_menu_extern(int menu, int var, char sym, short type, int* func)
sym               207 core/gui_user_menu.c     user_submenu_items[menu].symbol = sym;
sym                48 lib/lua/loadlib.c static lua_CFunction ll_sym (lua_State *L, void *lib, const char *sym);
sym                76 lib/lua/loadlib.c static lua_CFunction ll_sym (lua_State *L, void *lib, const char *sym) {
sym                77 lib/lua/loadlib.c   lua_CFunction f = (lua_CFunction)dlsym(lib, sym);
sym               135 lib/lua/loadlib.c static lua_CFunction ll_sym (lua_State *L, void *lib, const char *sym) {
sym               136 lib/lua/loadlib.c   lua_CFunction f = (lua_CFunction)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)lib, sym);
sym               213 lib/lua/loadlib.c static lua_CFunction ll_sym (lua_State *L, void *lib, const char *sym) {
sym               214 lib/lua/loadlib.c   NSSymbol nss = NSLookupSymbolInModule((NSModule)lib, sym);
sym               216 lib/lua/loadlib.c     lua_pushfstring(L, "symbol " LUA_QS " not found", sym);
sym               253 lib/lua/loadlib.c static lua_CFunction ll_sym (lua_State *L, void *lib, const char *sym) {
sym               254 lib/lua/loadlib.c   (void)lib; (void)sym;  /* to avoid warnings */
sym               297 lib/lua/loadlib.c static int ll_loadfunc (lua_State *L, const char *path, const char *sym) {
sym               303 lib/lua/loadlib.c     lua_CFunction f = ll_sym(L, *reg, sym);
sym               243 modules/user_menu_edit.c static void add_extern_to_user_menu(const char* fname, char* title, char sym, short type, int* func)
sym               263 modules/user_menu_edit.c             items[i].symbol = sym;
sym                21 tools/elf2flt/elf-arm.c 		   struct elf32_sym *sym,
sym                28 tools/elf2flt/elf-arm.c   uint32_t tgt_fulloffset = tgt_sect->flat_offset + sym->st_value;	// full offset in flat target symbol
sym                34 tools/elf2flt/elf-arm.c   int ret = b_seek_read(strtaboff + sym->st_name, symbuf, sizeof(symbuf));
sym                59 tools/elf2flt/elf-arm.c 					tgt_sect->base_addr + addend + sym->st_value,
sym                60 tools/elf2flt/elf-arm.c 					tgt_sect->name, sym->st_value, addend, symname
sym               109 tools/elf2flt/elf-arm.c                 if ((ELF32_ST_TYPE(sym->st_info) == STT_FUNC &&
sym               116 tools/elf2flt/elf-arm.c                              sym->st_value);
sym               197 tools/elf2flt/elf-arm.c                       printf( "...Patched 0x%x(__div0)->0x%x (__div0_from_arm) for %s\n",  sym->st_value, offs_div0_from_arm, patch_name);
sym               217 tools/elf2flt/elf-arm.c 		   struct elf32_sym *sym
sym               226 tools/elf2flt/elf-arm.c   int ret = b_seek_read(strtaboff + sym->st_name, symbuf, sizeof(symbuf));
sym                71 tools/elf2flt/elfflt.h 		   struct elf32_sym *sym,
sym                78 tools/elf2flt/elfflt.h 		   struct elf32_sym *sym
sym               164 tools/elf2flt/myio.c int find_import_symbol(char* sym)
sym               172 tools/elf2flt/myio.c 	if (strlen(sym)==0)
sym               175 tools/elf2flt/myio.c 	if ( !strncmp( sym, prefix, prefixsize ) )
sym               176 tools/elf2flt/myio.c 	 { sym+=prefixsize; }
sym               181 tools/elf2flt/myio.c 	  if (strcmp(sym,import_syms[idx]) == 0)
sym               248 tools/elf2flt/myio.c 	char* sym=0, *finsym=0;
sym               254 tools/elf2flt/myio.c 		sym=cur;
sym               256 tools/elf2flt/myio.c 		if ( cur==sym ) {
sym               262 tools/elf2flt/myio.c 		record.symbol = sym;	
sym               295 tools/elf2flt/myio.c int stoplist_check(char *sym)
sym               302 tools/elf2flt/myio.c 		if ( !strcmp( sym, cur->symbol) ) {
sym                25 tools/elf2flt/myio.h int find_import_symbol(char* sym);
sym                29 tools/elf2flt/myio.h int stoplist_check(char *sym);	//1 - found in stoplist, 0- not found
sym                11 tools/makeexport.c void cut_export_token( char* sym );
sym                12 tools/makeexport.c char* find_last_token(char* sym );
sym                26 tools/makeexport.c void add_hash(unsigned int val, char *sym)
sym                34 tools/makeexport.c             fprintf(stderr,"Hash collision for 0x%08x (%s and %s)\n",val, sym, hash_vals[i].symbol);
sym                41 tools/makeexport.c     strcpy(hash_vals[hash_idx].symbol,sym);
sym               250 tools/makeexport.c void cut_export_token( char* sym )
sym               256 tools/makeexport.c 	fin=sym+strlen(sym)-sizetoken;
sym               257 tools/makeexport.c 	for(;sym<=fin;sym++) {
sym               258 tools/makeexport.c 		if (!memcmp(sym,token,sizetoken)) {
sym               259 tools/makeexport.c 			for (src=sym+strlen(token); *src; src++,sym++)
sym               260 tools/makeexport.c 				*sym=*src;
sym               261 tools/makeexport.c 			*sym=0;
sym               267 tools/makeexport.c char* find_last_token(char* sym )
sym               269 tools/makeexport.c 	char* token=sym;
sym               271 tools/makeexport.c 	for (;*sym;sym++)
sym               273 tools/makeexport.c 		if ( *sym==' ' && sym[1]>' ')
sym               274 tools/makeexport.c 		 token=sym+1;