st                 41 core/raw.c             struct stat st;
st                 42 core/raw.c             if ((stat(filename,&st) != 0) || (st.st_size < camera_sensor.raw_size))
st                 46 core/raw.c             if (st.st_size == camera_sensor.raw_size)
st                 16 include/std/stdlib.h extern long sprintf(char *s, const char *st, ...);
st                 26 lib/lang/fileutil.c 	struct stat st;
st                 27 lib/lang/fileutil.c     if (stat(name,&st) == 0)
st                 30 lib/lang/fileutil.c 		ssize = st.st_size;
st                275 lib/lua/ldo.c      StkId st, base;
st                297 lib/lua/ldo.c      for (st = L->top; st < ci->top; st++)
st                298 lib/lua/ldo.c        setnilvalue(st);
st                427 lib/lua/loslib.c   struct stat st;
st                429 lib/lua/loslib.c   int result = stat(name,&st);
st                446 lib/lua/loslib.c     setfield(L,"size",st.st_size);	/* size of file, in bytes */
st                450 lib/lua/loslib.c     setfield(L,"mtime",st.st_mtime);	/* time of last modification */
st                451 lib/lua/loslib.c     setfield(L,"ctime",st.st_ctime);	/* time of last change of file status */
st                458 lib/lua/loslib.c     setfield(L,"blocks",(st.st_size/512) + (st.st_size%512)?1:0); 
st                460 lib/lua/loslib.c     if ( S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) ) {
st                468 lib/lua/loslib.c       if S_ISREG(st.st_mode) {
st                477 lib/lua/loslib.c     setfield(L,"attrib",st.st_attrib);	/* file attribute byte (dosFs only) */
st                480 lib/lua/loslib.c 	setboolfield(L,"is_dir",st.st_attrib & DOS_ATTR_DIRECTORY);
st                481 lib/lua/loslib.c 	setboolfield(L,"is_file",!(st.st_attrib & (DOS_ATTR_DIRECTORY | DOS_ATTR_VOL_LABEL)));
st                484 lib/lua/loslib.c     setfield(L,"reserved1",st.reserved1);
st                485 lib/lua/loslib.c     setfield(L,"reserved2",st.reserved2);
st                486 lib/lua/loslib.c     setfield(L,"reserved3",st.reserved3);
st                487 lib/lua/loslib.c     setfield(L,"reserved4",st.reserved4);
st                488 lib/lua/loslib.c     setfield(L,"reserved5",st.reserved5);
st                489 lib/lua/loslib.c     setfield(L,"reserved6",st.reserved6);
st                795 modules/dng.c      struct stat st;
st                798 modules/dng.c      if (stat(fn, &st) != 0 || st.st_size<=camera_sensor.raw_size)
st                817 modules/dng.c                      fseek(dng, st.st_size-camera_sensor.raw_size, SEEK_SET); // SEEK_END is not working?
st                847 modules/dng.c      struct stat st;
st                848 modules/dng.c      if ((stat(fn,&st) == 0) && (st.st_size >= camera_sensor.raw_size))
st                853 modules/dng.c              lseek(fd, st.st_size-camera_sensor.raw_size, SEEK_SET);
st               1016 modules/dng.c      struct stat st;
st               1028 modules/dng.c      if (stat(filename,&st)!=0) return;
st               1029 modules/dng.c      filesize=st.st_size;
st                344 modules/file_shelter.c             struct stat st;
st                350 modules/file_shelter.c             else if (stat(pbuf, &st) == 0)
st                352 modules/file_shelter.c                 de->size  = st.st_size;
st                353 modules/file_shelter.c                 de->mtime = st.st_mtime;
st                355 modules/file_shelter.c                 de->isdir = ((st.st_attrib & DOS_ATTR_DIRECTORY) != 0);
st                356 modules/file_shelter.c                 de->ishidden = ((st.st_attrib & DOS_ATTR_HIDDEN) != 0);
st                290 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c         struct stat st;
st                292 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c         if (stat((char *)level_file_name,&st) != 0 || st.st_size==0) 
st                299 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c         buf=malloc(st.st_size+1);
st                305 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c         fread(buf,1,st.st_size,fd);
st                306 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c         buf[st.st_size]=0;
st                397 modules/gui_fselect.c             struct stat st;
st                398 modules/gui_fselect.c             if (stat(selected_file, &st) == 0)
st                494 modules/gui_fselect.c             struct stat st;
st                500 modules/gui_fselect.c             else if (stat(pbuf, &st) == 0)
st                502 modules/gui_fselect.c                 de->size  = st.st_size;
st                503 modules/gui_fselect.c                 de->mtime = st.st_mtime;
st                505 modules/gui_fselect.c                 de->isdir = ((st.st_attrib & DOS_ATTR_DIRECTORY) != 0);
st                506 modules/gui_fselect.c                 de->ishidden = ((st.st_attrib & DOS_ATTR_HIDDEN) != 0);
st                672 modules/gui_fselect.c         struct stat st;
st                674 modules/gui_fselect.c         if (stat(items.dir,&st) == 0)
st                677 modules/gui_fselect.c             if ((st.st_attrib & DOS_ATTR_DIRECTORY) == 0)
st                 71 modules/gui_read.c     static struct stat   st;
st                 79 modules/gui_read.c     read_file_size = (read_file>=0 && stat((char*)file, &st)==0)?st.st_size:0;
st                 56 modules/raw_merge.c     struct stat st;
st                 59 modules/raw_merge.c     if (stat(from,&st) != 0 || st.st_size < camera_sensor.raw_size)
st                 64 modules/raw_merge.c     fromDNG = st.st_size - camera_sensor.raw_size;
st                 67 modules/raw_merge.c     if (stat(sub,&st) != 0 || st.st_size < camera_sensor.raw_size)
st                 72 modules/raw_merge.c     subDNG = st.st_size - camera_sensor.raw_size;
st                316 modules/raw_merge.c     struct stat st;
st                324 modules/raw_merge.c     if (stat(filename,&st) != 0 || st.st_size < camera_sensor.raw_size)
st                329 modules/raw_merge.c     int fcrawDNG = st.st_size - camera_sensor.raw_size;
st                430 modules/raw_merge.c     struct stat st;
st                431 modules/raw_merge.c     if (stat(namebuf,&st) != 0 || st.st_size < camera_sensor.raw_size)
st                436 modules/raw_merge.c     int destDNG = st.st_size - camera_sensor.raw_size;
st                557 platform/generic/wrappers.c     struct stat st;
st                558 platform/generic/wrappers.c     if (stat(name,&st) == 0)
st                560 platform/generic/wrappers.c         if (st.st_attrib & DOS_ATTR_DIRECTORY)
st                904 platform/generic/wrappers.c long sprintf(char *s, const char *st, ...)
st                908 platform/generic/wrappers.c     __builtin_va_start(va, st);
st                909 platform/generic/wrappers.c     res = _vsprintf(s, st, va);
st               1133 tools/capdis.c     struct stat st;
st               1134 tools/capdis.c     if(stat(dumpname,&st) != 0) {
st               1138 tools/capdis.c     int dumpsize = st.st_size;
st               1138 tools/code_gen.c     struct stat st;
st               1139 tools/code_gen.c     if (stat(av[2],&st) != 0)
st               1144 tools/code_gen.c     size_t len = st.st_size;
st                 79 tools/dumputil.c 	struct stat st;
st                 93 tools/dumputil.c     if (stat(dumpname,&st) != 0) {
st                 98 tools/dumputil.c 	if (st.st_size < MIN_DUMP_SIZE) {
st                103 tools/dumputil.c     if ((p = malloc(st.st_size)) == NULL ) {
st                104 tools/dumputil.c         fprintf(stderr,"error: unable to allocate %lu bytes\n",(unsigned long)st.st_size);
st                116 tools/dumputil.c     rcnt=fread(p, 1, st.st_size, dumpfile);
st                119 tools/dumputil.c     if (rcnt != (size_t)st.st_size) {
st                125 tools/dumputil.c 	dump->size=st.st_size;
st                 99 tools/font_8x16_pack.c static void font_init_data(unsigned short *src, int st, int num)
st                109 tools/font_8x16_pack.c         src[st+i] = f;
st                232 tools/makeexport.c     static struct stat st;
st                237 tools/makeexport.c         size = (stat((char*)filename, &st)==0)?st.st_size:0;
st                187 tools/makelang.c     static struct stat st;
st                192 tools/makelang.c         size = (stat((char*)filename, &st)==0)?st.st_size:0;
st                236 tools/rawconvert.c 	struct stat st;
st                291 tools/rawconvert.c 	if(stat(iname,&st) != 0) {
st                307 tools/rawconvert.c 	in_data=malloc(st.st_size);
st                313 tools/rawconvert.c 	rcount=fread(in_data,1,st.st_size,fp);
st                314 tools/rawconvert.c 	assert(rcount==(size_t)st.st_size);
st                319 tools/rawconvert.c 	if((npixels*op->ibpp) >> 3 != st.st_size) {
st                321 tools/rawconvert.c 					argv[0], iname, width, height, op->ibpp, (npixels*op->ibpp) >> 3, (unsigned)st.st_size);
st                328 tools/rawconvert.c 	fprintf(stderr,"input:  %s %ux%u %u bpp %u bytes\n",iname, width, height, op->ibpp, (unsigned)(st.st_size));
st                 70 tools/yuvconvert.c 	struct stat st;
st                118 tools/yuvconvert.c 	if(stat(iname,&st) != 0) {
st                130 tools/yuvconvert.c 	if(isize > st.st_size) {
st                132 tools/yuvconvert.c 				argv[0],width,height,isize,(unsigned long)st.st_size);
st                134 tools/yuvconvert.c 	} else if ( isize < st.st_size) {
st                136 tools/yuvconvert.c 				argv[0],width,height,isize,(unsigned long)st.st_size);