ssize              19 lib/lang/fileutil.c 	int ssize = -1;     // stat() size
ssize              30 lib/lang/fileutil.c 		ssize = st.st_size;
ssize              31 lib/lang/fileutil.c 		if ((st_size != 0) && (*st_size > 0) && (ssize > *st_size))       // Limit size read to the size requested
ssize              32 lib/lang/fileutil.c 		    ssize = *st_size;
ssize              33 lib/lang/fileutil.c 	    if (ssize > 0)
ssize              45 lib/lang/fileutil.c     	            buf = malloc(ssize+add0);
ssize              51 lib/lang/fileutil.c                         while (lsize < ssize)
ssize              53 lib/lang/fileutil.c                             int len = ssize - lsize;
ssize              59 lib/lang/fileutil.c                         if (add0) buf[ssize] = 0;
ssize              70 lib/lang/fileutil.c     if (st_size) *st_size = ssize;
ssize              83 lib/lang/fileutil.c 	int rsize, ssize = length;
ssize              85 lib/lang/fileutil.c 	char* buf = _load_file(name, &rsize, &ssize, add0);
ssize              89 lib/lang/fileutil.c 	if (rsize != ssize)