r0               1232 platform/m10/sub/110d/movie_rec.c void getchunkinfo(int *r0) { // for each model, firmware struct needs to be verified
r0               1235 platform/m10/sub/110d/movie_rec.c     m = *r0; // num of chunks
r0               1236 platform/m10/sub/110d/movie_rec.c     int *cl = (int*)(*(r0+1));
r0               1232 platform/m10/sub/110f/movie_rec.c void getchunkinfo(int *r0) { // for each model, firmware struct needs to be verified
r0               1235 platform/m10/sub/110f/movie_rec.c     m = *r0; // num of chunks
r0               1236 platform/m10/sub/110f/movie_rec.c     int *cl = (int*)(*(r0+1));
r0               1232 platform/m10/sub/111a/movie_rec.c void getchunkinfo(int *r0) { // for each model, firmware struct needs to be verified
r0               1235 platform/m10/sub/111a/movie_rec.c     m = *r0; // num of chunks
r0               1236 platform/m10/sub/111a/movie_rec.c     int *cl = (int*)(*(r0+1));
r0               1441 platform/m3/sub/101a/movie_rec.c void getchunkinfo(int *r0) { // for each model, firmware struct needs to be verified
r0               1444 platform/m3/sub/101a/movie_rec.c     m = *r0; // num of chunks
r0               1445 platform/m3/sub/101a/movie_rec.c     int *cl = (int*)(*(r0+1));
r0               1441 platform/m3/sub/120f/movie_rec.c void getchunkinfo(int *r0) { // for each model, firmware struct needs to be verified
r0               1444 platform/m3/sub/120f/movie_rec.c     m = *r0; // num of chunks
r0               1445 platform/m3/sub/120f/movie_rec.c     int *cl = (int*)(*(r0+1));
r0               1441 platform/m3/sub/121a/movie_rec.c void getchunkinfo(int *r0) { // for each model, firmware struct needs to be verified
r0               1444 platform/m3/sub/121a/movie_rec.c     m = *r0; // num of chunks
r0               1445 platform/m3/sub/121a/movie_rec.c     int *cl = (int*)(*(r0+1));
r0                666 platform/sx280hs/sub/102b/movie_rec.c void getchunkinfo(int *r0) { // for each model, firmware struct needs to be verified
r0                669 platform/sx280hs/sub/102b/movie_rec.c     m = *r0; // num of chunks
r0                670 platform/sx280hs/sub/102b/movie_rec.c     int *cl = (int*)(*(r0+1));
r0                668 platform/sx280hs/sub/102c/movie_rec.c void getchunkinfo(int *r0) { // for each model, firmware struct needs to be verified
r0                671 platform/sx280hs/sub/102c/movie_rec.c     m = *r0; // num of chunks
r0                672 platform/sx280hs/sub/102c/movie_rec.c     int *cl = (int*)(*(r0+1));
r0               2466 tools/finsig_dryos.c     int r0, r1, cnt;
r0               2467 tools/finsig_dryos.c     r0 = find_str(fw,"Booting"); // for sx230 (extra task on a few models)
r0               2468 tools/finsig_dryos.c     if (r0 == -1) {
r0               2469 tools/finsig_dryos.c         r0 = find_str(fw,"Startup"); // locating taskcreate_Startup
r0               2471 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if (r0 == r1) { // for s5is
r0               2472 tools/finsig_dryos.c             r0 = find_Nth_str(fw,"Startup",2);
r0               2475 tools/finsig_dryos.c     r0 = find_nxt_str_ref(fw,r0,r0-1024);
r0               2476 tools/finsig_dryos.c     if(r0 < 0)
r0               2478 tools/finsig_dryos.c     r0 = adr2idx(fw,idx2adr(fw,r0)); // needed on cams with code copied to RAM
r0               2480 tools/finsig_dryos.c     while (r0!=-1 && cnt<5) {
r0               2481 tools/finsig_dryos.c         r0 = find_inst_rev(fw,isBL,r0-1,10);
r0               2482 tools/finsig_dryos.c         int b1 = idxFollowBranch(fw,r0,0x01000001);