pspeed            156 core/gps.c     static t_polar pspeed;                                 // actual position of regression in m/s + angle
pspeed            285 core/gps.c         rect2polar              (&mspeed, &pspeed);                             // convert to direction and speed.
pspeed            286 core/gps.c         direction = radian2deg  (pspeed.alpha);                                 // get direction
pspeed            291 core/gps.c         angle  = radian2deg     (pdelta.alpha-pspeed.alpha);                    // Angle relative to the direction of march
pspeed            320 core/gps.c                 sprintf(vBuf, lang_str(LANG_MENU_GPS_t_11), formatDouble (anz1, ( * 3.6), 0, 1));