new_frontdial     123 platform/g12/kbd.c static short new_jogdial = 0, old_jogdial = 0, new_frontdial = 0, old_frontdial = 0;
new_frontdial     130 platform/g12/kbd.c     old_frontdial = new_frontdial;
new_frontdial     131 platform/g12/kbd.c     new_frontdial = front_dial_position;
new_frontdial     135 platform/g12/kbd.c     else if (old_frontdial > new_frontdial) return FRONTDIAL_LEFT;
new_frontdial     136 platform/g12/kbd.c     else if (old_frontdial < new_frontdial) return FRONTDIAL_RIGHT;
new_frontdial     101 platform/g16/kbd.c     static int new_jogdial=0, old_jogdial=0, new_frontdial=0, old_frontdial=0;
new_frontdial     105 platform/g16/kbd.c     old_frontdial=new_frontdial;
new_frontdial     106 platform/g16/kbd.c     new_frontdial=get_dial_hw_position(DIAL_HW_FRONT);
new_frontdial     110 platform/g16/kbd.c     if (old_frontdial>new_frontdial)      return FRONTDIAL_RIGHT;
new_frontdial     111 platform/g16/kbd.c     else if (old_frontdial<new_frontdial) return FRONTDIAL_LEFT;
new_frontdial     107 platform/g1x/kbd.c static short new_jogdial = 0, old_jogdial = 0, new_frontdial = 0, old_frontdial = 0;
new_frontdial     114 platform/g1x/kbd.c     old_frontdial = new_frontdial;
new_frontdial     115 platform/g1x/kbd.c     new_frontdial = front_dial_position;
new_frontdial     119 platform/g1x/kbd.c     else if (old_frontdial > new_frontdial) return FRONTDIAL_LEFT;
new_frontdial     120 platform/g1x/kbd.c     else if (old_frontdial < new_frontdial) return FRONTDIAL_RIGHT;
new_frontdial      88 platform/g5x/kbd.c     static int new_jogdial = 0, old_jogdial = 0, new_frontdial = 0, old_frontdial = 0;
new_frontdial      93 platform/g5x/kbd.c     old_frontdial = new_frontdial;
new_frontdial      94 platform/g5x/kbd.c     new_frontdial = get_dial_hw_position(DIAL_HW_FRONT);
new_frontdial      98 platform/g5x/kbd.c     if (old_frontdial > new_frontdial) return FRONTDIAL_LEFT;  // counter clockwise with camera aimed away from you
new_frontdial      99 platform/g5x/kbd.c     else if (old_frontdial < new_frontdial) return FRONTDIAL_RIGHT;
new_frontdial     100 platform/g7x/kbd.c     static int new_jogdial=0, old_jogdial=0, new_frontdial=0, old_frontdial=0;
new_frontdial     105 platform/g7x/kbd.c     old_frontdial=new_frontdial;
new_frontdial     106 platform/g7x/kbd.c     new_frontdial=get_dial_hw_position(DIAL_HW_FRONT);
new_frontdial     110 platform/g7x/kbd.c     if (old_frontdial<new_frontdial) return FRONTDIAL_LEFT;  // counter clockwise with camera aimed away from you
new_frontdial     111 platform/g7x/kbd.c     else if (old_frontdial>new_frontdial) return FRONTDIAL_RIGHT;
new_frontdial      87 platform/g7x2/kbd.c     static int new_jogdial = 0, old_jogdial = 0, new_frontdial = 0, old_frontdial = 0;
new_frontdial      92 platform/g7x2/kbd.c     old_frontdial = new_frontdial;
new_frontdial      93 platform/g7x2/kbd.c     new_frontdial = get_dial_hw_position(DIAL_HW_FRONT);
new_frontdial      97 platform/g7x2/kbd.c     if (old_frontdial > new_frontdial) return FRONTDIAL_LEFT;  // counter clockwise with camera aimed away from you
new_frontdial      98 platform/g7x2/kbd.c     else if (old_frontdial < new_frontdial) return FRONTDIAL_RIGHT;