max               180 core/gps.c       unsigned max = 0;    
max               183 core/gps.c         if (number[i] > max) max = number[i];
max               185 core/gps.c       number[n_task] = max + 1 ;
max               100 core/gui_menu.c     int max = 1;
max               103 core/gui_menu.c         max *= 10;
max               106 core/gui_menu.c     return max;
max               137 core/gui_menu.c     int max = (item_flags & MENUITEM_DECIMAL) ? 100000 : (item_type == MENUITEM_INT) ? ((item_val < 0) ? 1000 : 10000) : 1;
max               162 core/gui_menu.c         max = menu_calc_max_increment_factor(vmax);
max               168 core/gui_menu.c         max = 100;
max               172 core/gui_menu.c     if (int_incr < max)
max               177 core/gui_menu.c     if (int_incr > max)
max               179 core/gui_menu.c         int_incr = max;
max                44 core/gui_menu.h #define MENU_MINMAX(min, max)   (((max)<<16)|(min&0xFFFF))
max               257 core/gui_script.c     int max = strtol(ptr,NULL,0);
max               261 core/gui_script.c         p->range = MENU_MINMAX(min,max);
max               265 core/gui_script.c         else if ((min >= 0) && (max >= 0))
max               361 core/main.c                    camera_info.perf.af_led.last, camera_info.perf.af_led.min, camera_info.perf.af_led.max, 
max               114 include/camera_info.h     unsigned int    last, min, max, sum, count;
max                62 include/lolevel.h extern int _taskIdListGet(int *idlist,int max); // VxWorks only for now
max               241 lib/lua/lgc.c  static void checkstacksizes (lua_State *L, StkId max) {
max               243 lib/lua/lgc.c    int s_used = cast_int(max - L->stack);  /* part of stack in use */
max                57 lib/lua/ltablib.c   lua_Number max = 0;
max                64 lib/lua/ltablib.c       if (v > max) max = v;
max                67 lib/lua/ltablib.c   lua_pushnumber(L, max);
max               355 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c     int max = expr();
max               361 lib/ubasic/ubasic.c     r = min + rand()%(max-min+1);
max               225 modules/module_load.c     int min = 0, max = EXPORTLIST_COUNT-1;
max               228 modules/module_load.c         int mid = (min + max) >> 1;
max               234 modules/module_load.c             max = mid - 1;
max               235 modules/module_load.c     } while (min <= max);
max               128 modules/motion_detector.c     if (t->last > t->max)
max               129 modules/motion_detector.c         t->max = t->last;
max              5213 tools/finsig_thumb2.c #define SIG_NAMED_LAST_RANGE(min,max)   ((SIG_NAMED_LAST_MIN_MASK&((min)<<SIG_NAMED_LAST_MIN_SHIFT)) \
max              5214 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                                          | (SIG_NAMED_LAST_MAX_MASK&(max)))
max              5220 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     int max = (rule->param&SIG_NAMED_LAST_MAX_MASK);
max              5230 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     uint32_t fadr = find_last_call_from_func(fw,is,min,max);
max               174 tools/firmware_load_ng.c int find_bytes_all(firmware *fw, const void *bytes, size_t len, uint32_t adr, uint32_t *result, int max)
max               177 tools/firmware_load_ng.c     for(i=0,adr=find_next_bytes_range(fw,bytes,len,0,0); adr && (i < max); adr=find_next_bytes_range(fw,bytes,len,adr+len,0),i++) {
max                85 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int taskIdListGet(int *idlist,int max); // VxWorks only for now
max              1689 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     uInt max;           /* maximum length of run */
max              1709 tools/packfi2/deflate.c             max = s->lookahead < MAX_MATCH ? s->lookahead : MAX_MATCH;
max              1715 tools/packfi2/deflate.c             } while (++run < max);