fn                 54 core/chdk-dir.c     char    fn[FNMAX+1];        // current file name stored here by CHDKReadDir
fn                 97 core/chdk-dir.c                 dir->fn[0] = 0;
fn                163 core/chdk-dir.c             dir->fn[FNMAX-dir->lfnpos] = (char)uch;
fn                202 core/chdk-dir.c                     dir->fn[m] = dir->fe[n];
fn                207 core/chdk-dir.c                     dir->fn[m] = '.';
fn                213 core/chdk-dir.c                     dir->fn[m] = dir->fe[n];
fn                216 core/chdk-dir.c                 dir->fn[m] = 0;
fn                217 core/chdk-dir.c                 strcpy(dd, dir->fn);
fn                218 core/chdk-dir.c                 return (int)(dir->fn);
fn                233 core/chdk-dir.c                     strcpy(dd, (dir->fn)+FNMAX-dir->lfnpos+1);
fn                234 core/chdk-dir.c                     return (int)((dir->fn)+FNMAX-dir->lfnpos+1);
fn                269 core/chdk-dir.c                         memset(dir->fn, 0, FNMAX+1);
fn                286 core/chdk-dir.c         dir->fn[0] = 0;
fn                287 core/chdk-dir.c         strcpy(dd, dir->fn);
fn                647 core/gui.c     static void gui_draw_read_selected(const char *fn)
fn                649 core/gui.c         if (fn)
fn                651 core/gui.c     		libtxtread->read_file(fn);
fn                668 core/gui.c     static void gui_draw_rbf_selected(const char *fn)
fn                670 core/gui.c         if (fn) {
fn                671 core/gui.c             strcpy(conf.reader_rbf_file, fn);
fn               1369 core/gui.c     static void gui_load_curve_selected(const char *fn)
fn               1371 core/gui.c     	if (fn) {
fn               1373 core/gui.c     		strcpy(conf.curve_file,fn);
fn               1604 core/gui.c     static void gui_load_edge_selected( const char* fn )
fn               1606 core/gui.c         if (fn)
fn               1607 core/gui.c             libedgeovr->load_edge_overlay(fn);
fn               1640 core/gui.c     static void gui_grid_lines_load_selected(const char *fn)
fn               1642 core/gui.c         if (fn)
fn               1644 core/gui.c             libgrids->grid_lines_load(fn);
fn               1975 core/gui.c     static void gui_draw_lang_selected(const char *fn)
fn               1977 core/gui.c         if (fn) {
fn               1978 core/gui.c             strcpy(conf.lang_file, fn);
fn               2005 core/gui.c     static void gui_draw_menu_rbf_selected(const char *fn)
fn               2007 core/gui.c         if (fn) {
fn               2008 core/gui.c             strcpy(conf.menu_rbf_file, fn);
fn               2019 core/gui.c     static void gui_draw_symbol_rbf_selected(const char *fn)
fn               2021 core/gui.c         if (fn) {
fn               2022 core/gui.c             strcpy(conf.menu_symbol_rbf_file, fn);
fn                644 core/gui_script.c     char *fn = make_param_filename(MAKE_PARAM_FILENAME_V2);
fn                645 core/gui_script.c     int fd = open(fn, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0777);
fn                734 core/gui_script.c void script_load(const char *fn)
fn                738 core/gui_script.c     if ((fn == 0) || (fn[0] == 0))
fn                739 core/gui_script.c         fn = SCRIPT_DEFAULT_FILENAME;
fn                741 core/gui_script.c     strcpy(conf.script_file, fn);
fn                774 core/gui_script.c static void gui_load_script_selected(const char *fn)
fn                776 core/gui_script.c     if (fn)
fn                780 core/gui_script.c         script_load(fn);
fn                144 core/gui_user_menu.c void gui_load_user_menu_script(const char *fn) 
fn                146 core/gui_user_menu.c     if (fn)
fn                148 core/gui_user_menu.c         strcpy(sfname, fn);
fn                 10 core/gui_user_menu.h extern void gui_load_user_menu_script(const char *fn);
fn                 44 core/main.c        static char fn[32];
fn                 61 core/main.c                sprintf(fn, "A/DCIM/100CANON/CRW_%04d.JPG", cnt++);
fn                 62 core/main.c                if (stat(fn,0) != 0) {
fn                 63 core/main.c                    fd = open(fn, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0777);
fn                191 core/modules.c static void default_load_edge_overlay(const char* fn)
fn                195 core/modules.c         libedgeovr->load_edge_overlay(fn);
fn                512 core/modules.c static void default_grid_lines_load(const char *fn)
fn                516 core/modules.c         libgrids->grid_lines_load(fn);
fn                613 core/modules.c static void default_file_select(int title, const char* prev_dir, const char* default_dir, void (*on_select)(const char *fn))
fn                664 core/modules.c static int default_convert_dng_to_chdk_raw(char* fn)
fn                668 core/modules.c         return libdng->convert_dng_to_chdk_raw(fn);
fn                673 core/modules.c static void default_load_dng_to_rawbuffer(char *fn, char *rawadr)
fn                677 core/modules.c         libdng->load_dng_to_rawbuffer(fn, rawadr);
fn                787 core/modules.c static int default_read_file(const char *fn)
fn                791 core/modules.c         return libtxtread->read_file(fn);
fn                630 core/ptp.c             char *fn=NULL;
fn                649 core/ptp.c                     fn = malloc(fn_len+1);
fn                650 core/ptp.c                     if(!fn) {
fn                654 core/ptp.c                     memcpy(fn,rs.buf+4,fn_len);
fn                655 core/ptp.c                     fn[fn_len] = 0;
fn                656 core/ptp.c                     f = fopen(fn,"wb");
fn                657 core/ptp.c                     free(fn);
fn                683 core/ptp.c             char *fn;
fn                693 core/ptp.c             fn = (char *) malloc(temp_data_extra+1);
fn                694 core/ptp.c             if ( fn == NULL )
fn                703 core/ptp.c             memcpy(fn,temp_data.str,temp_data_extra);
fn                704 core/ptp.c             fn[temp_data_extra] = '\0';
fn                709 core/ptp.c             f = fopen(fn,"rb");
fn                715 core/ptp.c               free(fn);
fn                718 core/ptp.c             free(fn);
fn                 32 core/raw.c     static char fn[64];
fn                 50 core/raw.c             strcpy(fn,filename);
fn                116 core/raw.c         raw_get_path(fn);
fn                119 core/raw.c             sprintf(fn+strlen(fn), 
fn                126 core/raw.c             sprintf(fn+strlen(fn),
fn                132 core/raw.c         fd = open(fn, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0777);
fn                149 core/raw.c         utime(fn, &t);
fn                230 core/raw.c                 libdng->load_dng_to_rawbuffer(fn, rawadr);
fn                234 core/raw.c                 int fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY, 0777);
fn                 69 core/suba.c    check_cell(const allocator *suba, cell* c, char *fn, int ln)
fn                 77 core/suba.c        sprintf(buf, "%s bad cell - %x %x", fn, c, suba);
fn                104 core/usb_remote.c     char fn[12];
fn                106 core/usb_remote.c     sprintf(fn, "A/RC%05d.DAT", debug_num_rec_file);
fn                109 core/usb_remote.c     fd = open(fn, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0777);
fn                267 include/lolevel.h extern int _SetFileAttributes(const char *fn, int attr);
fn                 49 include/script.h extern void script_load(const char *fn);
fn                 85 include/std/stdlib.h extern unsigned char SetFileAttributes(const char* fn, unsigned char attr);
fn                486 lib/lua/lapi.c LUA_API void lua_pushcclosure (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction fn, int n) {
fn                492 lib/lua/lapi.c   cl->c.f = fn;
fn                111 lib/lua/lauxlib.h #define luaL_dofile(L, fn) \
fn                112 lib/lua/lauxlib.h 	(luaL_loadfile(L, fn) || lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0))
fn                278 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c static int twoargfn (lua_State *L, int fn) {
fn                282 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     switch(fn) {
fn                308 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c static int oneargfn (lua_State *L, int fn) {
fn                311 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     switch(fn) {
fn                340 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c static int boolfn (lua_State *L, int fn) {
fn                344 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     switch(fn) {
fn                361 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c static int intfn (lua_State *L, int fn) {
fn                365 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     switch(fn) {
fn                394 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c static int trigfn(lua_State *L, int fn) {
fn                399 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     switch(fn) {
fn                416 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c static int atrigfn(lua_State *L, int fn) {
fn                419 lib/lua/lfmathlib.c     switch(fn) {
fn                168 lib/lua/lua.h  LUA_API void  (lua_pushcclosure) (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction fn, int n);
fn                789 modules/dng.c  static int convert_dng_to_chdk_raw(char* fn)
fn                798 modules/dng.c      if (stat(fn, &st) != 0 || st.st_size<=camera_sensor.raw_size)
fn                807 modules/dng.c          dng=fopen(fn,"rb");
fn                813 modules/dng.c                  i=strlen(fn)-3;
fn                814 modules/dng.c                  if (strncmp(fn+i,"CR",2)==0) strcpy(fn+i,"WAV"); else strcpy(fn+i,"CRW");
fn                815 modules/dng.c                  raw=fopen(fn,"w+b");
fn                829 modules/dng.c                      utime(fn, &t);
fn                843 modules/dng.c  static void load_dng_to_rawbuffer(char *fn, char *rawadr)
fn                848 modules/dng.c      if ((stat(fn,&st) == 0) && (st.st_size >= camera_sensor.raw_size))
fn                850 modules/dng.c          int fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY, 0777);
fn                 25 modules/dng.h  	int (*convert_dng_to_chdk_raw)(char* fn);
fn                 27 modules/dng.h      void (*load_dng_to_rawbuffer)(char *fn, char *rawadr);
fn                114 modules/edgeoverlay.c static int get_edge_file_num(const char* fn)
fn                117 modules/edgeoverlay.c     if( strncmp(fn,EDGE_FILE_PREFIX,sizeof(EDGE_FILE_PREFIX)-1) == 0 )
fn                120 modules/edgeoverlay.c         fn += sizeof(EDGE_FILE_PREFIX);
fn                121 modules/edgeoverlay.c         while( *fn == '0' ) // skip leading 0s
fn                123 modules/edgeoverlay.c             ++fn;
fn                125 modules/edgeoverlay.c         while( isdigit(*fn) )
fn                128 modules/edgeoverlay.c             num += *fn - '0';
fn                129 modules/edgeoverlay.c             ++fn;
fn                140 modules/edgeoverlay.c     char fn[64];
fn                177 modules/edgeoverlay.c     sprintf(fn, EDGE_SAVE_DIR "/" EDGE_FILE_FORMAT, fnum );
fn                178 modules/edgeoverlay.c     fd = fopen(fn, "wb");
fn                186 modules/edgeoverlay.c         utime(fn, &t);
fn                187 modules/edgeoverlay.c         sprintf(msg, "Saved as %s",fn);
fn                194 modules/edgeoverlay.c void load_edge_overlay(const char* fn)
fn                201 modules/edgeoverlay.c     fd = fopen(fn,"rb");
fn                 17 modules/edgeoverlay.h     void (*load_edge_overlay)(const char* fn);
fn                113 modules/file_shelter.c int read_file_f(char *fn, void *buf, int size)
fn                116 modules/file_shelter.c     FILE *fd = fopen(fn, "r+b");
fn                130 modules/file_shelter.c int read_file_o(char *fn, void *buf, int size)
fn                133 modules/file_shelter.c     int fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY, 0777);
fn                147 modules/file_shelter.c int compute_file_crc_f(char *fn, void *buf, int size, int bufsize, unsigned long *crc)
fn                150 modules/file_shelter.c     if (!fn || !buf || !crc || !bufsize) {
fn                153 modules/file_shelter.c     FILE *fd = fopen(fn, "r+b");
fn                175 modules/file_shelter.c int compute_file_crc_o(char *fn, void *buf, int size, int bufsize, unsigned long *crc)
fn                178 modules/file_shelter.c     if (!fn || !buf || !crc || !bufsize) {
fn                181 modules/file_shelter.c     int fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY, 0777);
fn                203 modules/file_shelter.c int write_file_f(char *fn, void *buf, int size)
fn                206 modules/file_shelter.c     FILE *fd = fopen(fn, "w+b");
fn                220 modules/file_shelter.c int write_file_o(char *fn, void *buf, int size)
fn                223 modules/file_shelter.c     int fd = open(fn, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0777);
fn                239 modules/file_shelter.c int read_file(char *fn, void *buf, int size)
fn                242 modules/file_shelter.c         return read_file_o(fn, buf, size);
fn                244 modules/file_shelter.c     return read_file_f(fn, buf, size);
fn                249 modules/file_shelter.c int write_file(char *fn, void *buf, int size)
fn                252 modules/file_shelter.c         return write_file_o(fn, buf, size);
fn                254 modules/file_shelter.c     return write_file_f(fn, buf, size);
fn                259 modules/file_shelter.c int compute_file_crc(char *fn, void *buf, int size, int bufsize, unsigned long *crc)
fn                262 modules/file_shelter.c         return compute_file_crc_o(fn, buf, size, bufsize, crc);
fn                264 modules/file_shelter.c     return compute_file_crc_f(fn, buf, size, bufsize, crc);
fn                730 modules/file_shelter.c             char *fn = get_object_name(storptr);
fn                731 modules/file_shelter.c             if (fn) {
fn                732 modules/file_shelter.c                 fn +=2; // chop off A/
fn                749 modules/file_shelter.c             sprintf(buf,"%s/%s",dest,fn);
fn                753 modules/file_shelter.c                     console_add_line(fn);
fn                761 modules/file_shelter.c                         console_add_line(fn);
fn                767 modules/file_shelter.c                             console_add_line(fn);
fn                113 modules/gui_fselect.c static void (*fselect_on_select)(const char *fn);
fn                699 modules/gui_fselect.c void gui_fselect_init(int title, const char* prev_dir, const char* default_dir, void (*on_select)(const char *fn))
fn                 13 modules/gui_fselect.h     void (*file_select)(int title, const char* prev_dir, const char* default_dir, void (*on_select)(const char *fn));
fn                209 modules/gui_grid.c void grid_lines_load(const char *fn)
fn                212 modules/gui_grid.c     if (process_file(fn, parse_grid_file, 1) > 0)  // non-zero length file found?
fn                216 modules/gui_grid.c             char* c = strrchr(fn, '/');
fn                217 modules/gui_grid.c             strncpy(conf.grid_title, (c)?c+1:fn, sizeof(conf.grid_title));
fn                220 modules/gui_grid.c         strcpy(conf.grid_lines_file, fn);
fn                 14 modules/gui_grid.h     void (*grid_lines_load)(const char *fn);
fn                 13 modules/gui_read.h     int (*read_file)(const char *fn);
fn                346 modules/motion_detector.c     char buf[200], fn[30];
fn                359 modules/motion_detector.c     strcpy(fn,"A/MD_INFO.TXT");//,BUILD_NUMBER,motion_detector.pixels_step);
fn                360 modules/motion_detector.c     fd = open(fn, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0777);
fn                393 modules/motion_detector.c     utime(fn, &t);
fn                399 modules/motion_detector.c     char fn[36];
fn                409 modules/motion_detector.c         sprintf(fn, "A/MD/%04d.FB", cnt);
fn                410 modules/motion_detector.c         fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY, 0777);
fn                418 modules/motion_detector.c     sprintf(fn, "A/MD/%04d.FB", cnt );
fn                419 modules/motion_detector.c     fd = open(fn, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0777);
fn                 37 modules/scrdump.c static char fn[32];
fn                 59 modules/scrdump.c         sprintf(fn, "A/DCIM/100CANON/CRW_%04d.JPG", cnt++);
fn                 60 modules/scrdump.c         if (stat(fn,0) != 0) {
fn                 61 modules/scrdump.c             fd = open(fn, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0777);
fn                 87 modules/scrdump.c         utime(fn, &t);
fn                 82 modules/shot_histogram.c     char fn[64];
fn                 85 modules/shot_histogram.c     raw_get_path(fn);
fn                 87 modules/shot_histogram.c     sprintf(fn+strlen(fn), "HST_%04d.DAT", get_target_file_num());
fn                 89 modules/shot_histogram.c     int fd = open(fn, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0777);
fn                616 modules/user_menu_edit.c static void gui_uedit_script_selected(const char *fn)
fn                618 modules/user_menu_edit.c     if (fn)
fn                620 modules/user_menu_edit.c         char *ext = strrchr(fn,'.');
fn                625 modules/user_menu_edit.c             buf = load_file(fn, 0, 1);
fn                635 modules/user_menu_edit.c                 c=strrchr(fn, '/');
fn                636 modules/user_menu_edit.c                 strncpy(script_title, (c)?c+1:fn, sizeof(script_title));
fn                661 modules/user_menu_edit.c                 add_script_to_user_menu(fn, script_title);
fn                668 modules/user_menu_edit.c static void gui_uedit_module_selected(const char *fn)
fn                670 modules/user_menu_edit.c     if (fn)
fn                672 modules/user_menu_edit.c         char *ext = strrchr(fn,'.');
fn                676 modules/user_menu_edit.c             flat_hdr* mod = module_preload(fn, fn, v);  // Pass fn as both path and name (file browser sends us full path to module)
fn                686 modules/user_menu_edit.c                     add_module_to_user_menu(fn, n);
fn                691 modules/user_menu_edit.c                     sprintf(msgbuf, lang_str(LANG_MODULE_NOT_SIMPLE), fn);
fn               1805 platform/generic/wrappers.c unsigned char SetFileAttributes(const char* fn, unsigned char attr)
fn               1808 platform/generic/wrappers.c     return _SetFileAttributes(fn, attr);
fn               1813 platform/generic/wrappers.c     fd = open(fn, 0, 0);
fn               7240 tools/finsig_dryos.c         char fn[100], rn[100];
fn               7241 tools/finsig_dryos.c         strcpy(fn,name); strcat(fn,sfx);
fn               7248 tools/finsig_dryos.c         bprintf("//#define %-20s0x%08x // Found @0x%08x, levent 0x%x%s\n",fn,b,tadr,ev,i?" (non-inverted logic)":"");
fn                923 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     match_fns[0].fn=search_calls_multi_end;
fn                938 tools/finsig_thumb2.c             match_fns[i].fn=search_calls_multi_end;
fn               5899 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                     uint32_t fn=*p;
fn               5901 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                     add_event_proc(fw,nm,fn);
fn               5962 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                 uint32_t fn=*p;
fn               5965 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                 add_event_proc(fw,nm,fn);
fn               6090 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                             search_calls_multi_fn fn,
fn               6096 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         match_fns[max_funcs-1].fn=NULL;
fn               6100 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     match_fns[*match_fn_count].fn=fn;
fn               6103 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     match_fns[*match_fn_count].fn=NULL;
fn               6109 tools/finsig_thumb2.c                                 search_calls_multi_fn fn,
fn               6117 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     add_generic_func_match(match_fns,match_fn_count,MAX_GENERIC_FUNCS,fn,adr);
fn               6122 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         add_generic_func_match(match_fns,match_fn_count,MAX_GENERIC_FUNCS,fn,adr);
fn               6658 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     char fn[100], rn[100];
fn               6659 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     strcpy(fn,name); strcat(fn,sfx);
fn               6662 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     bprintf("//#define %-20s0x%08x // Found @0x%08x, levent 0x%x%s\n",fn,v.bit,adr,v.ev,v.no_invert?" (non-inverted logic)":"");
fn               5467 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         char fn[100], rn[100];
fn               5468 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         strcpy(fn,name); strcat(fn,sfx);
fn               5474 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         bprintf("//#define %-20s0x%08x // Found @0x%08x, levent 0x%x\n",fn,b,tadr,ev);
fn               1271 tools/firmware_load_ng.c                 return data->fn(fw,is,sub);
fn               1287 tools/firmware_load_ng.c                 return data->fn(fw,is,sub);
fn               1297 tools/firmware_load_ng.c                 return data->fn(fw,is,sub);
fn                444 tools/firmware_load_ng.h     search_calls_multi_fn fn;
fn                259 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall int SetFileAttributes(const char *fn, int attr);
fn                516 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_functions.h __stdcall controller_t *CreateController_FW(controller_fn *fn, void *controller_data);
fn                170 tools/ghidra_scripts/datatypes/fw_types.h     controller_fn fn;
fn                329 tools/stubs_load.c void load_propcases(stub_values *sv,char *fn)
fn                331 tools/stubs_load.c     FILE *f = fopen(fn, "rb");
fn                371 tools/stubs_load.c void load_a_makefile(stub_values *sv, char *fn)
fn                373 tools/stubs_load.c     FILE *f = fopen(fn, "rb");