
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
   1 #include "stubs_asm.h"
   3 // Found in sub_FF9754AC. Again, ewavr found this one, he did supply one pointer
   4 // 'search for LDR R12, =0x3007'. I guess this is the right one then :)
   5 // ROM:FF9754AC 000                 STMFD   SP!, {R4,LR}
   6 // ROM:FF9754B0 008                 LDR     R1, =0xBD60
   7 // ROM:FF9754B4 008                 LDR     R12, =0x3007
   8 // ROM:FF9754B8 008                 LDR     R2, [R1,#0xCC]
   9 DEF(recreview_hold,                     0xBE2C) // 0xBD60 + 0xCC
  11 // found in taskcreate_LEDCon (sub_FF84CCD0)
  12 // ROM:FF84CCD4   LDR     R4, =0x270C     @ Base addr
  13 // ROM:FF84CCD8   LDR     R0, [R4]        @ Load value (dereference)
  14 // ROM:FF84CCDC   CMP     R0, #0          @ If it's not 0, it's already initialized,
  15 // ROM:FF84CCE0   BNE     locret_FF84CDC8 @ so return.
  16 // ROM:FF84CCE4   MOV     R0, #0x3C0      @ Else (if it's 1)
  17 // ROM:FF84CCE8   BL      sub_FF82AC28    @ R0 = malloc(0x3C0); // allocate the LED table
  18 // ..
  19 // ROM:FF84CCFC   STR     R0, [R4,#4]     @ Store the address of the LED table (base+4)
  20 DEF(led_table,                          0x2710) // 0x270C + 4
  22 // found in sub_FF957174 (called from MoveZoomLensWithPoint (sub_FF957B34))
  23 // ROM:FF957178   LDR     R4, =0xB37C
  24 // ..
  25 // ROM:FF9571BC   LDR     R0, [R4,#0x34]
  26 // ROM:FF9571C0   CMP     R0, #0
  27 // ROM:FF9571C4   MOVNE   R1, #0xE0
  28 // ROM:FF9571C8   ADRNE   R0, aZoomlenscontro @ "ZoomLensController.c"
  29 // ROM:FF9571CC   BLNE    assert
  30 DEF(zoom_busy,                          0xB3B0)  //0xB37C + 0x34
  32 DEF(some_f_for_dng,                     0x9B94)
  33 DEF(second_ext_for_dng,                 0x9BB8)
  35 DEF(fileio_semaphore,                   0x2EE8) // See sub_FF85846C (101a)

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */