
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. usb_one_press_switch
  2. usb_two_press_switch
  3. usb_ricoh_ca1_switch
  4. usb_null_driver

   1 /*===================================================================================================================================================
   3     USB Remote : Input Device Driver Modules
   5         -   device driver modules are responsible for monitoring the state of USB power and translating
   6             that into a "virtual switch" state
   7         -   the "virtual switch" state is monitored by the current control logic module for processing - there is no response expected back from the module
   8         -   the active device driver module is selected from a menu entry in the USB Remote menu
   9         -   to add a device driver, create a new function here, add name string to gui_USB_switch_types[]
  10             in gui.c and add ptr below to structure (*usb_driver[10])()
  12   ===================================================================================================================================================*/
  14 #include "camera_info.h"
  15 #include "clock.h"
  16 #include "conf.h"
  17 #include "usb_remote.h"
  20 /*===================================================================================================
  21     Debug and error handling
  22   ===================================================================================================*/
  26 extern int debug_errors[] ;
  27 extern void debug_error(int ) ;
  29 #else
  31 extern void debug_error(int ) ;
  33 #endif
  37 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38     Device Driver :  "one press" switch
  39         -  goes to HALF_PRESS when USB power applied and then pulses FULL_PRESS when USB power removed
  40   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  41 void usb_one_press_switch(int usb_state)
  42 {
  43     static int time_stamp = 0 ;
  44     int current_time ;
  46     current_time = get_tick_count();
  48     switch( driver_state )
  49     {
  50         case SW_RESET :
  51             virtual_remote_state = REMOTE_RELEASE ;
  52             driver_state = SW_IDLE ;
  53             break ;
  54         case SW_IDLE :
  55             virtual_remote_state = REMOTE_RELEASE ;
  56             if ( usb_state == USB_POWER_ON )
  57             {
  58                 driver_state = SW_POWER_CONNECT ;
  59                 time_stamp = current_time ;
  60             }
  61             break ;
  62         case SW_POWER_CONNECT :
  63             if ( usb_state == USB_POWER_ON )
  64             {
  65                 if ( current_time - time_stamp > DEBOUNCE_TIME )        // debounce
  66                 {
  67                     driver_state = SW_POWER_ON ;
  68                     virtual_remote_state = REMOTE_HALF_PRESS ;
  69                     time_stamp = current_time ;
  70                 }
  71             }
  72             else
  73             {
  74                 driver_state = SW_IDLE ;
  75             }
  76             break ;
  77         case SW_POWER_ON :
  78             if ( usb_state != USB_POWER_ON )
  79             {
  80                 if ( current_time - time_stamp > DEBOUNCE_TIME )        // debounce
  81                 {
  82                     driver_state = SW_POWER_DISCONNECT ;
  83                     virtual_remote_state = REMOTE_FULL_PRESS ;
  84                     time_stamp = current_time ;
  85                 }
  86             }
  87             break ;
  88         case SW_POWER_DISCONNECT :
  89             if ( current_time - time_stamp > FULL_PRESS_PULSE_TIME )
  90             {
  91                 driver_state = SW_IDLE ;
  92                 virtual_remote_state = REMOTE_RELEASE ;
  93             }
  94             break ;
  95         default :
  96             debug_error(INVALID_STATE) ;
  97             break ;
  98     }
 100 };
 103 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 104     Device Driver :  "two press" switch
 105     -  goes to HALF_PRESS when USB power applied and then FULL_PRESS if USB power removed and quickly reapplied
 106   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 108 void usb_two_press_switch(int usb_state)
 109 {
 110     static int time_stamp = 0 ;
 111     int current_time ;
 113     current_time = get_tick_count() ;
 115     switch( driver_state )
 116     {
 117         case SW_RESET :
 118             virtual_remote_state = REMOTE_RELEASE ;
 119             driver_state = SW_IDLE ;
 120             break ;
 121         case SW_IDLE :
 122             if ( usb_state == USB_POWER_ON )
 123             {
 124                 driver_state = SW_POWER_CONNECT ;
 125                 time_stamp = current_time ;
 126             }
 127             break ;
 128         case SW_POWER_CONNECT :
 129             if ( usb_state == USB_POWER_ON )
 130             {
 131                 if ( current_time - time_stamp > DEBOUNCE_TIME )        // debounce
 132                 {
 133                     driver_state = SW_POWER_ON ;
 134                     virtual_remote_state = REMOTE_HALF_PRESS ;
 135                     time_stamp = current_time ;
 136                 }
 137             }
 138             else
 139             {
 140                 driver_state = SW_IDLE ;
 141             }
 142             break ;
 143         case SW_POWER_ON :
 144             if ( usb_state == USB_POWER_OFF )
 145             {
 146                 if ( current_time - time_stamp > DEBOUNCE_TIME )        // debounce
 147                 {
 148                     driver_state = SW_POWER_DISCONNECT ;
 149                     time_stamp = current_time ;
 150                 }
 151             }
 152             break ;
 153         case SW_POWER_DISCONNECT :
 154             if ( usb_state == USB_POWER_ON )
 155             {
 156                 if ( current_time - time_stamp > DEBOUNCE_TIME )        // debounce
 157                 {
 158                     driver_state = SW_FULL_PRESS_ACTIVE;
 159                     virtual_remote_state = REMOTE_FULL_PRESS ;
 160                     time_stamp = current_time ;
 161                 }
 162             }
 163             else
 164             {
 165                 if ( current_time - time_stamp > MAX_FULL_PRESS_DELAY ) // timeout if no second press
 166                 {
 167                     virtual_remote_state =  REMOTE_RELEASE ;
 168                     driver_state = SW_IDLE ;
 169                 }
 170             }
 171             break ;
 172         case SW_FULL_PRESS_ACTIVE :
 173             if ( usb_state == USB_POWER_OFF )
 174             {
 175                 virtual_remote_state = REMOTE_RELEASE ;
 176                 driver_state = SW_IDLE ;
 177             }
 178             break ;
 179         default :
 180             debug_error(INVALID_STATE) ;
 181             break ;
 182     }
 183 } ;
 185 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 186     Device Driver :   Ricoh CA-1 switch
 187         - measures USB pulse widths to detect RICOH CA-1 half press, full press and cancel sequences
 188           and sets virtual switch state appropriately
 189   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 191 #define CA1_MAX_SHORT_PULSE_TIME 30
 192 #define CA1_MAX_GAP_TIME 50
 194 /*
 196   |30|30|30| ms
 197  _/~~\_____________   half-press   100
 199  _/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_   full-press   111
 201  _/~~\__/~~\_______   release      101
 203 */
 205 void usb_ricoh_ca1_switch(int usb_state)
 206 {
 207     static int time_stamp = 0 ;
 208     int current_time ;
 210     current_time = get_tick_count() ;
 212     switch( driver_state )
 213     {
 214         case SW_RESET :
 215             virtual_remote_state = REMOTE_RELEASE ;
 216             driver_state = SW_IDLE ;
 217             break ;
 218         case SW_IDLE :                                                  // wait for USB power to be applied
 219             if ( usb_state == USB_POWER_ON )
 220             {
 221                 driver_state = SW_CA1_1XX ;
 222                 time_stamp = current_time ;
 223             }
 224             break ;
 225         case SW_CA1_1XX :                                               // decide between CA-1  30 mSec / 150 mSec pulse
 226             if ( usb_state == USB_POWER_OFF )
 227             {
 228                 driver_state = SW_CA1_10X ;
 229                 time_stamp = current_time ;
 230             }
 231             else if ( current_time - time_stamp > CA1_MAX_SHORT_PULSE_TIME )
 232             {
 233                 driver_state = SW_CA1_11 ;                              // we can set FULL_PRESS either here or wait for USB_POWER_OFF
 234                 virtual_remote_state = REMOTE_FULL_PRESS ;              // note : setting FULL_PRESS here means that we can use the end of the current 150 mSec pulse for synch
 235             }
 236             break ;
 237         case SW_CA1_10X :
 238             if ( usb_state == USB_POWER_ON)                             // is the CA-1 30 mSec pulse followed by another one ?
 239             {
 240                 driver_state = SW_CA1_101 ;
 241             }
 242             else if ( current_time - time_stamp > CA1_MAX_GAP_TIME)
 243             {
 244                 driver_state = SW_CA1_100 ;
 245             }
 246             break ;
 247         case SW_CA1_101 :                                               // CA-1 release
 248             if ( usb_state == USB_POWER_OFF )                           // wait for end of pulse
 249             {
 250                 driver_state = SW_IDLE ;
 251                 virtual_remote_state = REMOTE_RELEASE ;
 252             }
 253             break ;
 254         case SW_CA1_100 :                                               // CA-1 half-press
 255             driver_state = SW_IDLE ;
 256             virtual_remote_state = REMOTE_HALF_PRESS ;
 257             break ;
 258         case SW_CA1_11 :                                                // CA-1 full press
 259             if ( usb_state == USB_POWER_OFF )
 260             {
 261                 driver_state = SW_IDLE ;                                // this is always followed by the release pulse
 262                 virtual_remote_state = REMOTE_RELEASE ;                 // so we can set the state already here
 263             }
 264             break ;
 265         default :
 266             debug_error(INVALID_STATE) ;
 267             break ;
 268     }
 269 } ;
 272  /*===================================================================================================
 274     Input Driver Jump Table
 276    ===================================================================================================*/
 279 void usb_null_driver(__attribute__ ((unused))int i) { return ; } ;
 281 void (*usb_driver[NUM_USB_INPUT_DRV])(int) =    // jump table for input drivers - must match gui_USB_switch_types[] in gui.c
 282     {
 283             usb_null_driver ,
 284             usb_one_press_switch ,
 285             usb_two_press_switch ,
 286             usb_ricoh_ca1_switch ,
 287             usb_null_driver                     // <- insert new devices here - update NUM_USB_INPUT_DRV if necessary
 288     };

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */