1 .section .entry 2 3 LDR SP, =MEMBASEADDR 4 BL check_compat 5 6 7 // SD card off stuff does not seem to be needed 8 9 // for testing, blink I/O LED 10 times at boot 10 /* 11 LDR R3, =0xc0220158 12 LDR R4, =0xc022c020 13 MOV R1,#10 14 2: 15 MOV R2, #0x46 16 STR R2, [R3] 17 STR R2, [R4] 18 MOV R0, #0x8000 19 1: 20 SUB R0,R0,#1 21 CMP R0,#0 22 BNE 1b 23 MOV R2, #0x44 24 STR R2, [R3] 25 STR R2, [R4] 26 MOV R0, #0x8000 27 1: 28 SUB R0,R0,#1 29 CMP R0,#0 30 BNE 1b 31 32 SUB R1,R1,#1 33 CMP R1,#0 34 BNE 2b 35 // ordinary startup... 36 */ 37 MOV SP, #0x1900 // Found @ 0xff00014c 38 MOV R11, #0 39 B my_restart