1 #include "stubs_asm.h" 2 3 DEF(file_counter_var ,0x00013148) // xfound by searching for "FileBackupProperty.c" 4 DEF(active_raw_buffer ,0x0000babc) // xFound @0xFC154b5c, 0xffffffff when uninited (0xC offset added similar to sx280) 5 DEF(raw_buffers_canon_raw ,0xfc631850) // found @fc177ede 6 DEF(raw_buffers_jpeg ,0xfc631be0) //near DevelopPipeline.c at fc178752 7 DEF(av_override_semaphore ,0x0002569c) //x found at 0xfc39d52a near aIrisCoeafficient 8 9 DEF(current_viewport_buffer ,0x8810) //found by searching near 0x875a 10 DEF(viewport_buffers ,0xfc5cf040)//memory search refs to fc5cf028 11 12 FAKEDEF(movie_status ,1) 13 FAKEDEF(video_compression_rate ,1) 14 FAKEDEF(full_screen_refresh ,1) // ,0x00014BD4) // xFound @0xFC333f00 15 DEF(canon_menu_active ,0x0000c238 + 0x8) //found at 0xfc2f5560 16 FAKEDEF(canon_shoot_menu_active ,1) // ??? not found 17 DEF(zoom_status ,0x00021C66) //x could be wrong in both 100f and 100b shoud be 21C80-24 Found @0xFC3752e8 or g7x wildly different 18 19 DEF(focus_len_table ,0xfdf317ec) // looks good 380 mmm 20 DEF(recreview_hold ,0x000091f0) 21 //above found using rmem -i32 0x9100 64 near 0x914c 22 23 DEF(bitmap_buffer, 0xc204) // look at 0xfc33702e must be some math 0000c1cc 24 DEF(active_bitmap_buffer, 0xc1fc) // subtract 8 25 DEF(dial_positions,0x0000fc88) //guess base is 00fc6c 26 //FAKEDEF(active_bitmap_buffer ,0) 27 28 // focus_len_table contains zoom focus lengths for use in 'get_focal_length' (main.c). 29 // each entry contains 2 int value(s), the first is the zoom focus length. 30 // there are 102 entries in the table - set NUM_FL to 101 31 // TO BE MIGRATED 32 33 34 //.globl bitmap_buffer; bitmap_buffer: ; .long 0x427e3000 ; .long 0x42621000 ; 35 // FAKEDEF(viewport_buffers, 1) // ? 36 // FAKEDEF(active_viewport_buffer, 1) // ? 37 38 // not porting the following 39 DEF(jog_position, 0xfc8c) // 40 DEF(jog_hw_pos, 0xd9854004) // todo found by browsing the 0xd985xxxx range... 41 42 //FAKEDEF(enabled_refresh_physical_screen, 1) 43 //DEF(displaytype, 0x95dc) //0x95c8 + 0x14, found @ fc135f2a (GetDisplayType) 44 DEF(displaytype, 0x9284)// (GetDisplayType) 45 DEF(current_fb_d ,0xfa9c) // found by searching near fa78 46 DEF(simple_movie_status, 0x13b18) // using rmem from looking at addresses in task-movie-re 47