
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. get_usb_bit
  2. get_analog_av_bit
  3. wrap_kbd_p1_f
  4. mykbd_task
  5. xtra_kbd_cb
  6. my_kbd_read_keys
  7. kbd_fetch_data

   1 #include "lolevel.h"
   2 #include "platform.h"
   3 #include "keyboard.h"
   4 #include "kbd_common.h"
   6 extern void _GetKbdState(long *);
   8 long kbd_new_state[3] = { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF };
   9 long kbd_prev_state[3] = { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF };
  10 long kbd_mod_state[3] = { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF };
  12 KeyMap keymap[] = {//copy from stubs_entry.S
  13     { 0, KEY_VIDEO           ,0x00000002 }, // Found @0xffbe399c, levent 0x02
  14 //    { 0, KEY_POWER           ,0x00000020 }, // Found @0xffbe39a4, levent 0x100 comment out (blackhole)
  15     { 0, KEY_PLAYBACK        ,0x00000040 }, // Found @0xffbe39ac, levent 0x101
  16     { 0, KEY_SET             ,0x00000100 }, // Found @0xffbe39b4, levent 0x0a
  17     { 0, KEY_UP              ,0x00000200 }, // Found @0xffbe39bc, levent 0x06
  18     { 0, KEY_RIGHT           ,0x00000400 }, // Found @0xffbe39c4, levent 0x09
  19     { 0, KEY_DOWN            ,0x00000800 }, // Found @0xffbe39cc, levent 0x07
  20     { 0, KEY_LEFT            ,0x00001000 }, // Found @0xffbe39d4, levent 0x08
  21     { 0, KEY_ERASE            ,0x00004000 }, // Found @0xffbe39e4, levent 0x0d Change from KEY_HELP by black hole due to no HELP button
  22         { 0, KEY_MENU            ,0x00008000 }, // my insert by guess from ixus160 
  23     { 2, KEY_SHOOT_FULL      ,0x00000003 }, // Found @0xffbe39fc, levent 0x01
  24     { 2, KEY_SHOOT_FULL_ONLY ,0x00000002 }, // Found @0xffbe39fc, levent 0x01
  25     { 2, KEY_SHOOT_HALF      ,0x00000001 }, // Found @0xffbe39f4, levent 0x00
  26     { 2, KEY_ZOOM_OUT        ,0x00000010 }, // Found @0xffbe3a04, levent 0x04
  27     { 2, KEY_ZOOM_IN         ,0x00000020 }, // Found @0xffbe3a0c, levent 0x03
  28     { 0, 0, 0 }
  29 };
  31 int get_usb_bit()
  32 {
  33     long usb_physw[3];
  34     usb_physw[USB_IDX] = 0;
  35     _kbd_read_keys_r2(usb_physw);
  36     return(( usb_physw[USB_IDX] & USB_MASK)==USB_MASK);
  37 }
  39 #ifdef ANALOG_AV_FLAG
  40 int get_analog_av_bit() {
  41     long av_physw[3];
  42     av_physw[ANALOG_AV_IDX] = 0;
  43     _GetKbdState(av_physw);
  44     return( ((av_physw[ANALOG_AV_IDX] & ANALOG_AV_FLAG)==ANALOG_AV_FLAG)?0:1) ;
  45 }
  46 #endif
  48 long __attribute__((naked,noinline)) wrap_kbd_p1_f() {
  49     // ixus150 100c 0xff82bdf8
  50     asm volatile(
  51         "STMFD  SP!, {R1-R7,LR} \n"
  52         "MOV    R5, #0 \n"
  53         "BL     my_kbd_read_keys \n"    // patched
  54         //"B      _kbd_p1_f_cont \n"    // -
  55         "B      kbd_p1_f_cont_my \n"    // additional override in boot.c
  56     );
  58     return 0; // shut up the compiler
  59 }
  61 void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) mykbd_task() {
  62     while (physw_run) {
  63         _SleepTask(physw_sleep_delay);
  64         if (wrap_kbd_p1_f() == 1) {   // autorepeat ?
  65             _kbd_p2_f();
  66         }
  67     }
  68     _ExitTask();
  69 }
  71 static long kbdxtra = 0;
  73 // callback, to be called from kbd_p1_f_cont_my (see boot.c)
  74 long xtra_kbd_cb()
  75 {
  76     if (kbdxtra)
  77     {
  78         kbdxtra = 0;
  79         return physw_status[2] & 0xffff; // firmware specific value, see 0xff86ba38 in 100c
  80     }
  81     return -1;
  82 }
  84 void my_kbd_read_keys() {
  85     long status = kbd_update_key_state();
  87     if (status)
  88     {
  89         kbdxtra = 1;
  90     }
  92     kbd_update_physw_bits();
  93 }
  95 void kbd_fetch_data(long *dst)
  96 {
  97     _GetKbdState(dst);
  98     _kbd_read_keys_r2(dst);
  99 }

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */