
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
   1 // G16 1.00h
   3 #include "stubs_asm.h"
   5 // BEWARE: thumb functions NEED the thumb bit set in the below list (i.e odd addresses only (0x00000001) )
   7 #define NULL_SUB 0xfc0210b9
   9 NHSTUB(apex2us                                ,0xfc33792f) // Shutter.c asserts in sub_fc2e0ca2, similar to sx280 sub_fc2a63d6 and g7x sub_fc16e57e
  10 NHSTUB(CancelHPTimer                          ,0xfc158795) // at 0xfc103e76, in section with "LcdSequence.c" , after TakeSemaphoreStrictly calls
  11 NHSTUB(EnterToCompensationEVF                 ,0xfc254c45) // search for "ExpOn"
  12 NHSTUB(ExitFromCompensationEVF                ,0xfc254c81) // search for "ExpOff"
  13 NHSTUB(ExpCtrlTool_StartContiAE               ,0xfc2428d1) // search for "ExpCtrl.c" followed by "StartContiAE"
  14 NHSTUB(ExpCtrlTool_StopContiAE                ,0xfc2429b1) // search for "ExpCtrl.c" followed by "StopContiAE"
  15 NHSTUB(Feof_Fut                               ,0xfc2b0365)  // next after after Fseek a jump table
  16 NHSTUB(Fflush_Fut                             ,0xfc2b038d) // directly after Feof_Fut in ROM
  17 NHSTUB(GetDrive_TotalClusters                 ,0xfc3092d5) // function immediately before GetDrive_FreeClusters in ROM
  18 NHSTUB(GetFocusLensSubjectDistanceFromLens    ,0xfc2c77b1) // in "FocusLensController.c" just before a call to GetFocusLensSubjectDistance
  19 NHSTUB(GetImageFolder                         ,0xfc2abc11) //?matches SX60 - close on G7x or SX280 - search routines with "CobjMngr.c" and compare each find to code for SX60
  20 NHSTUB(MakeSDCardBootable                     ,0xfc3096e3) // in function before ref to "SCRIPT" @0xfc3092ae                                              
  21 NHSTUB(realloc                                ,0xfc4c5a79) // called just before string "fatal error - scanner input buffer overflow"                                              
  22 NHSTUB(reboot_fw_update                       ,0xfc39050d) // look for "FirmUpgrade.c"                                              
  23 //NHSTUB(RefreshPhysicalScreen                  ,0xfc15a367) // look for "Reduce ScreenUnLock"
  24 NHSTUB(RenameFile_Fut                         ,0xfc2b0115) // found after a call to PrepareDirectory_1
  25 NHSTUB(Restart                                ,0xfc0b59b5) // one of the calls to StopRedirectUART_FW
  26 NHSTUB(SetFileAttributes                      ,0xfc309a61) // function following SetFileTimeStamp in ROM
  27 NHSTUB(SetFileTimeStamp                       ,0xfc309a4d) // from ref to 0x12cea600 @0xfc309ab0, similar to g7x & sx280hs
  28 NHSTUB(SetHPTimerAfterNow                     ,0xfc1586fd) // call before "BattAdjust.c"
  29 NHSTUB(SetParameterData                       ,0xfc0ccdf1) // same as PTM_BackupUIProperty_FW
  30 NHSTUB(WriteSDCard                            ,0xfc10e525) // above the first occurance of the string "Mounter.c"
  31 NHSTUB(err_init_task                          ,0xfc5237bd) // search for "\n-- %s() error in init_task() -"
  32 NHSTUB(get_dial_hw_position                   ,0xfc42fa53) // match to g7x address  ( search for 0xd9850000 until you find a match )
  33 NHSTUB(LogCameraEvent                         ,0xfc3084c7)
  34 NHSTUB(captseq_raw_addr_init                  ,0xfc155347) // ifrom code hooked in capt_seq.c
  35 NHSTUB(SetZoomActuatorSpeedPercent            ,NULL_SUB)   // most recent cams don't support this
  37 //******* values below need to be checked *************
  38 //NHSTUB(refresh_bitmap_buf_from                ,NULL_SUB)

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */