
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
   1 #include "lolevel.h"
   2 #include "platform.h"
   4 typedef struct {
   5     unsigned int address;
   6     unsigned int length;
   7 } cam_ptp_data_chunk; //camera specific structure
   9 #define MAX_CHUNKS_FOR_FWT 7   // filewritetask is prepared for this many chunks
  10 /*
  11  * fwt_data_struct: defined here as it's camera dependent
  12  * unneeded members are designated with unkn
  13  * pdc is required, everything after that is optional (DryOS < R50)
  14  * file_offset, full_size, seek_flag only needs to be defined for DryOS>=r50 generation cameras
  15  */
  16 typedef struct
  17 {
  18     int unkn1;
  19     int file_offset;
  20     int full_size;
  21     int unkn2, unkn3;
  22     cam_ptp_data_chunk pdc[MAX_CHUNKS_FOR_FWT];
  23     int seek_flag;      // offset from start 0x4c = 76 bytes = 19 words
  24     int unkn4, unkn5;
  25     char name[32];      // offset from start 0x58 = 88 bytes = 22 words
  26 } fwt_data_struct;
  27 // seek_flag is different:
  28 // seek state is activated (from state 0xc, open) when
  29 // (word at 0x4c) AND 0x40
  30 // OR
  31 // write offset is not 0
  32 #define FWT_MUSTSEEK    0x40   // value of the masked seek_flag indicating seek is required
  33 #define FWT_SEEKMASK    0x40   // masks out unneeded bits of seek_flag
  35 #include "../../../generic/filewrite.c"

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */