
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
   1 #include "stubs_asm.h"
   3 // BEWARE: thumb functions NEED the thumb bit in the below list
   5 #define NULL_SUB 0xfc0204a1 // movs r0, #0; bx lr
   7 // shifted above ~ 0xfc2929d0 when compared to 110d
   9 NHSTUB(DeleteDirectory_Fut,                    0xfc38a1b9)
  10 NHSTUB(DeleteFile_Fut,                         0xfc38a16f)
  11 NHSTUB(EnterToCompensationEVF,                 0xfc2a5f9f)
  12 NHSTUB(ExitFromCompensationEVF,                0xfc2a5fe1)
  13 NHSTUB(ExpCtrlTool_StartContiAE,               0xfc2bb64f)
  14 NHSTUB(ExpCtrlTool_StopContiAE,                0xfc2bb7e5)
  15 NHSTUB(Feof_Fut,                               0xfc38a35d)
  16 NHSTUB(Fflush_Fut,                             0xfc38a385)
  17 NHSTUB(GetDrive_TotalClusters,                 0xFC38938F)
  18 //NHSTUB(GetDrive_FreeClusters,                  0xfc076ab3) // also updates while recording, but is rather heavy
  19 NHSTUB(GetFocusLensSubjectDistanceFromLens,    NULL_SUB) // useless, returns zero
  20 NHSTUB(MoveFocusLensToDistance,                NULL_SUB) // MoveFocusLensWithDistance_FW, seems to do nothing useful (calls lots of emptied functions)
  21 NHSTUB(PT_PlaySound,                           0xfc38c953) // no longer an eventproc?
  22 NHSTUB(RenameFile_Fut,                         0xfc38a10d)
  23 NHSTUB(Restart,                                0xfc12790b)
  24 NHSTUB(ScreenLock,                             0xfc38c539)
  25 NHSTUB(ScreenUnlock,                           0xfc38c56f)
  26 NHSTUB(SetFileAttributes,                      0xfc389b4d)
  27 NHSTUB(SetFileTimeStamp,                       0xfc389b05)
  28 NHSTUB(SetParameterData,                       0xfc27e64f) // PTM_BackupUIProperty_FW
  29 NHSTUB(WriteSDCard,                            0x10e2c9d)  // found @ fc388ab8
  30 NHSTUB(apex2us,                                0xFC1B1D07)
  31 NHSTUB(reboot_fw_update, NULL_SUB) // todo
  32 NHSTUB(strtolx,                                0xfc13b209)
  33 NHSTUB(CancelHPTimer,                          0xfc1faa7d)
  34 NHSTUB(SetHPTimerAfterNow,                     0xfc1fa9e5)
  35 //SetHPTimerAfterTimeout 0xfc1faa2b
  37 // additional
  38 NHSTUB(displaybusyonscreen,                    0xfc327407)
  39 NHSTUB(undisplaybusyonscreen,                  0xfc32749d)
  40 NHSTUB(displayblankscreen,                     0xFC3274D5)
  41 NHSTUB(undisplayblankscreen,                   0xFC327575)
  42 NHSTUB(MakeSDCardBootable,                     0xfc38971d)
  43 NHSTUB(GetImageFolder,                         0xfc3134f1)
  44 NHSTUB(GetLensCurrentFocalLength,              0xfc43fab5)
  45 NHSTUB(GetLensWideFocalLength,                 0xfc43fac7)
  46 //NHSTUB(GetLensTeleFocalLength,                 0xfc43fad9)
  47 // GetDisplayType 0xfc1f0252, see "DisplayType : %d"
  49 NHSTUB(LogCameraEvent,                         0xfc362abf)
  50 NHSTUB(GetLogToFile,                           0xfc18db55)

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */