
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
   1 #include "stubs_asm.h"
   2 DEF(file_counter_var,              0x0001385c) // unchanged from 100d - found @fc1d0ff4 by searching for "FileBackupProperty.c", similar to sx280hs 
   3 // first raw buffer when canon raw enabled 0x4427bfa0, possibly 0x46063fa0, more?
   4 DEF(raw_buffers_canon_raw         ,0xfc66e8cc) // equivalent to 100d - Found @fc184334, near DevelopAddress.c assert, after GetPropertyCase similar to sx280hs
   5 // canon raw disabled, uses 0x435ee300 0x453d6300 0x471be300
   6 DEF(raw_buffers_jpeg              ,0xfc66ed64) // equivalent to 100d @fc184cf6 - Found based on partial image in raw enabled buffer, refs @fc184cf6, fc14c6be
   7 DEF(active_raw_buffer             ,0x0000be08+0xc) // unchanged from 100d - Found @fc152724, similar to sx280hs 0xffffffff when uninited, seems valid range 0-2
   8 DEF(av_override_semaphore         ,0x0002708c) // unchanged from 100d - Found in MoveIrisWithAv 0xfc3d1af9, required for bracketing Created by Mecha.Create in fc3d1a74
   9 DEF(canon_menu_active             ,0x0000ca70+0x8) // unchanged from 100d - found @fc31ddac, via call to sub_fc31ddaa, after ref to "MviCon_ClrEvt" @fc33a7d0
  10 // unchanged from 100d - via sub_fc13b3da, struct ref'd by 0x880c-0x58 near start.
  11 // Contains viewport address that updates at ~30fps in rec mode, 0 or last rec value in pb
  12 DEF(current_viewport_buffer       ,0x000087f0)
  13 DEF(viewport_buffers              ,0xfc612b70) // via fc13b25c ref to fc612b60 vs 100d ref to fc612b74, assume x+0x10
  14 DEF(current_fb_d                  ,0x00010140) // assumed same as 100d -
  15 //FAKEDEF(movie_status,1)
  16 DEF(simple_movie_status,0xbbb4) // unchanged from 100d - 0x0000bae8 + 0x80 + 0x4c found @fc14a03c sub_fc14a00c via task_MovieRecord. 1 when recording or busy after, 0 otherwise
  17 FAKEDEF(video_compression_rate, 1)
  18 FAKEDEF(canon_shoot_menu_active, 1)
  19 FAKEDEF(full_screen_refresh, 1)
  20 DEF(zoom_status                             ,0x0000fdb0+4) // unchanged from 100d - Found @0xfc1b5116, unclear which offset should be used
  21 // 100d comment below is 1 for both timed review and hold 0xfc33be5e "StartRecReviewTimer", goes to 0 when time expires even if button held
  22 //DEF(recreview_hold              ,0x91D4) 
  23 // 0xfc33aeac "ShtCon_StopReview" originally from 
  24 // 1 for both timed review and hold 0xfc33be6a "StartRecReviewTimer", stays 1 after time expires if shutter held
  25 DEF(recreview_hold                ,0x9194)
  26 // based on search for 8800 100
  27 // unchanged from 100d - 101 entries, 2 words each, first is fl
  28 DEF(focus_len_table                         ,0xfdf2deb4)
  29 DEF(bitmap_buffer, 0xca3c) // equivalent to 100d - struct starts @ 0xca04, from sub @0xfc361a80
  30 DEF(dial_positions,0x00010320) //  equivalent to 100d - from sub_fc0774e4, Jogdial at 0x00010320 0x00010328, front dial at 0x00010324 0x0001032c
  32 // to hook asserts for debugging
  33 //DEF(assert_handler,0x00008434) // from DebugAssert, 0x010e5cb8 in RAM code
  35 // TODO sx280 C&P
  36 //DEF(led_table,)
  37 //DEF(error_table                             ,0xfc512234) // Found @0xfc1abf24
  38 // DEF(jog_hw_pos,                             0xd9854004) // found by browsing the 0xd985xxxx range...
  39 //FAKEDEF(enabled_refresh_physical_screen,    1)
  40 //DEF(displaytype,                            0x8eb8) //0x8ea4 + 0x14, found  @ fc135f2a (GetDisplayType)

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