
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
   2 #include "stubs_asm.h"
   4 // Camera info:
   5 //   DRYOS R59 (DRYOS version 2.3, release #0059+p3)
   6 //   Firmware Ver GM1.00A   // Found @ 0xff8a37d8, "GM1.00A" @ 0xff8a37e5
   7 //   Firmware build timestamp: Nov 11 2016 10:26:52
   8 //   Canon IXUS 185 
  10 // Values for
  11 //   DIGIC = 41# DIGIC 4+
  12 //   PLATFORMOSVER = 59
  13 //   PLATFORMID = 13012# (0x32d4) Found @ 0xffff0270
  14 //   MAXRAMADDR = 0x07ffffff
  15 //   MEMISOSTART = 0x0018aa24
  16 //   KEYSYS = d4j# Found @ 0xff812968
  17 //   NEED_ENCODED_DISKBOOT = 17# Found @ 0xff812978
  19 // Detected address ranges:
  20 // ROM      0xff810000 - 0xffffffff (8323072 bytes)
  21 // RAM code 0x006b1000 - 0x006bea08 copied from 0xffd401cc (  55816 bytes)
  22 // RAM data 0x00001900 - 0x0000f3c0 copied from 0xffd3270c (  56000 bytes)
  24 // Stubs below should be checked. Stub not matched 100%, or difference found to current 'stubs_entry_2.S'
  25 //    Name                                     Address      Rule  %  Comp to stubs_entry_2.S
  26 NHSTUB(DeleteFile_Fut                         ,0xff826cec) //  1 90%
  27 NHSTUB(GetFocusLensSubjectDistanceFromLens    ,0xff9abb7c) //  3 90%
  28 // ERROR: MakeDirectory_Fut is not found.                  //--- ---    *** != 0xff827984
  29 // ERROR: RefreshPhysicalScreen is not found.              //--- ---    *** != 0x00000000
  30 // ERROR: TurnOffBackLight is not found.                   //--- ---    *** != 0x00000000
  31 // ERROR: TurnOnBackLight is not found.                    //--- ---    *** != 0x00000000
  32 // ERROR: close is not found.                              //--- ---    *** != 0xff823e5c
  33 // ERROR: exmem_ualloc is not found.                       //--- ---    *** != 0xff8344e0
  34 // ERROR: exmem_ufree is not found.                        //--- ---    *** != 0xff834578
  35 // ERROR: open is not found.                               //--- ---    *** != 0xff823dac
  37 // Check of modemap from 'platform/CAMERA/shooting.c':
  38 // Firmware modemap table found @ffafe02c -> ffcf8ffc
  39 // No problems found with modemap table.
  41 // Values below can be overridden in 'stubs_min.S':
  42 DEF(physw_status                            ,0x0001015c) // Found @0xff82ce70
  43 DEF(physw_run                               ,0x00001be4) // Found @0xff82c998
  44 DEF(physw_sleep_delay                       ,0x00001bec) // Found @0xff82c998
  45 DEF(levent_table                            ,0xffc378ec) // Found @0xffc378ec
  46 DEF(FlashParamsTable                        ,0xffcf93c0) // Found @0xffcf93c0
  47 DEF(movie_status                            ,0x00007014) // Found @0xff9b2f68
  48 DEF(video_compression_rate                  ,0x00006fc4) // Found @0xff9b3c3c
  49 DEF(full_screen_refresh                     ,0x00007b98) // Found @0xff9d7384
  50 DEF(canon_menu_active                       ,0x00003e18) // Found @0xff8abfc0
  51 DEF(canon_shoot_menu_active                 ,0x0000921d) // Found @0xffa34b60
  52 //DEF(playrec_mode                            ,0x000038c0) // Found @0xff8998bc,          stubs_min = 0x000038c0 (0x000038C0)
  53 DEF(zoom_status                             ,0x0000a3a0) // Found @0xff951b3c
  54 // focus_len_table contains zoom focus lengths for use in 'get_focal_length' (main.c).
  55 // each entry contains 2 int value(s), the first is the zoom focus length.
  56 // there are 101 entries in the table - set NUM_FL to 101
  57 DEF(focus_len_table                         ,0xffffcb7c) // Found @0xffffcb7c
  58 DEF(zoom_busy                               ,0x00006ed0) // Found @0xff9ae368
  59 DEF(focus_busy                              ,0x00006d9c) // Found @0xff9aa5e0
  60 // Palette colour tables  found @ 0xffc3bcb8
  61 // Camera appears to have only 1 RAW buffer @ 0x43727660 (Found @0xffba697c)
  62 DEF(fileio_semaphore                        ,0x00001c64) // Found @0xff82f2a4
  63 DEF(exmem_alloc_table                       ,0x00011724) // Found @0xff833eb4
  64 DEF(exmem_types_table                       ,0xffd32b04) // Found @0x00001cf8
  65 DEF_CONST(exmem_type_count                  ,0x00000015)
  66 DEF(imager_active                           ,0x00001fc0) // Found @0xff84cb88 (0x1fbc + 4)
  67 DEF_CONST(uiprop_count                      ,0x000000e9) // Found @0xff9cd4d8
  68 DEF(cameracon_state                         ,0x00002384) // Found @0xff85a818
  70 // Values below go in 'lib.c':
  71 //void *vid_get_bitmap_fb()        { return (void*)0x40711000; }             // Found @0xff86ac90
  72 //void *vid_get_viewport_fb()      { return (void*)0x40866b80; }             // Found @0xffba4e00
  73 DEF(viewport_fb_d                           ,0x000035ec) // Found 0x3590 (@0xff8896f8) + 0x5c (@0xff889730)
  74 //void *vid_get_viewport_fb_d()    { return (void*)(*(int*)(0x3590+0x5c)); } // Found @0xff8896f8 & 0xff889730
  75 DEF(jpeg_count_str                          ,0x000d7400) // Found @0xffa1e798
  76 //char *camera_jpeg_count_str()    { return (char*)0x000d7400; }             // Found @0xffa1e798
  78 // Bitmap masks and physw_status index values for SD_READONLY and USB power flags (for kbd.c).
  79 //#define SD_READONLY_FLAG    0x02000000 // Found @0xffbf5a44, levent 0x30a
  80 //#define SD_READONLY_IDX     2
  81 //#define USB_MASK            0x10000000 // Found @0xffbf5a54, levent 0x302
  82 //#define USB_IDX             2
  83 //#define BATTCOVER_FLAG      0x04000000 // Found @0xffbf5a4c, levent 0x305
  84 //#define BATTCOVER_IDX       2
  85 //#define ANALOG_AV_FLAG      0x00002000 // Found @0xffbf59f4, levent 0x300 (non-inverted logic)
  86 //#define ANALOG_AV_IDX       0
  88 // Keymap values for kbd.c. Additional keys may be present, only common values included here.
  89 //static KeyMap keymap[] = {
  90 //    { 0, KEY_VIDEO           ,0x00000002 }, // Found @0xffbf59b4, levent 0x02
  91 //    { 0, KEY_POWER           ,0x00000020 }, // Found @0xffbf59bc, levent 0x100
  92 //    { 0, KEY_PLAYBACK        ,0x00000040 }, // Found @0xffbf59c4, levent 0x101
  93 //    { 0, KEY_SET             ,0x00000100 }, // Found @0xffbf59cc, levent 0x0a
  94 //    { 0, KEY_UP              ,0x00000200 }, // Found @0xffbf59d4, levent 0x06
  95 //    { 0, KEY_RIGHT           ,0x00000400 }, // Found @0xffbf59dc, levent 0x09
  96 //    { 0, KEY_DOWN            ,0x00000800 }, // Found @0xffbf59e4, levent 0x07
  97 //    { 0, KEY_LEFT            ,0x00001000 }, // Found @0xffbf59ec, levent 0x08
  98 //    { 0, KEY_HELP            ,0x00004000 }, // Found @0xffbf59fc, levent 0x0d
  99 //    { 2, KEY_SHOOT_FULL      ,0x00000003 }, // Found @0xffbf5a14, levent 0x01
 100 //    { 2, KEY_SHOOT_FULL_ONLY ,0x00000002 }, // Found @0xffbf5a14, levent 0x01
 101 //    { 2, KEY_SHOOT_HALF      ,0x00000001 }, // Found @0xffbf5a0c, levent 0x00
 102 //    { 2, KEY_ZOOM_OUT        ,0x00000010 }, // Found @0xffbf5a1c, levent 0x04
 103 //    { 2, KEY_ZOOM_IN         ,0x00000020 }, // Found @0xffbf5a24, levent 0x03
 104 //    { 0, 0, 0 }
 105 //};
 107 // Values below go in 'platform_camera.h':
 108 //#define CAM_DRYOS         1
 109 //#define CAM_DRYOS_2_3_R39 1 // Defined for cameras with DryOS version R39 or higher
 110 //#define CAM_DRYOS_2_3_R47 1 // Defined for cameras with DryOS version R47 or higher
 111 //#define CAM_DRYOS_2_3_R59 1 // Defined for cameras with DryOS version R59 or higher
 112 //#define CAM_RAW_ROWPIX    5248 // Found @0xff985a80
 113 //#define CAM_RAW_ROWS      3920 // Found @0xff985a88
 114 //#undef  CAM_UNCACHED_BIT
 115 //#define CAM_UNCACHED_BIT  0x40000000 // Found @0xff828008
 116 //#define CAM_DATE_FOLDER_NAMING 0x080 // Found @0xffacb464 (pass as 3rd param to GetImageFolder)
 117 //#define PARAM_CAMERA_NAME 3 // Found @0xffcf7b48
 118 //#define CAM_3ARG_DebugAssert 1
 120 // Below goes in 'filewrite.c' or 'platform_camera.h':
 121 //#define MAX_CHUNKS_FOR_FWT 7 // Found @0xffad9880
 123 // Known propcases
 124 // //      PROPCASE_AFSTEP 13
 125 // #define PROPCASE_FOCUS_STATE 18
 126 // #define PROPCASE_AV 23
 127 // #define PROPCASE_BV 40
 129 // #define PROPCASE_DELTA_SV 87
 130 // //      PROPCASE_DELTA_ND 88
 131 // #define PROPCASE_EV_CORRECTION_2 219
 133 // #define PROPCASE_SV_MARKET 259
 134 // //      PROPCASE_SVFIX 260
 135 // #define PROPCASE_TV 276
 136 // Guessed propset: 11
 138 // Misc stuff
 139 DEF(ctypes, 0xffbf2d5c)
 141 // EXMEM types:
 142 // EXMEM_COM            0
 143 // EXMEM_FORMATTER      1
 144 // EXMEM_FIRMUP         2
 147 // EXMEM_DVLPWORK       5
 148 // EXMEM_GPS            6
 149 // EXMEM_FACEAUTH       7
 150 // EXMEM_OHYEARLOG      8
 151 // EXMEM_WIFI           9
 152 // EXMEM_LENS_FIRMUP    10
 154 // EXMEM_FILESTORE      12
 155 // EXMEM_MOVIE_REC      13
 156 // EXMEM_MOVIE_PLY      14
 157 // EXMEM_WIDE           15
 159 // EXMEM_NP_GIS_MODE    17
 161 // EXMEM_HSHQ_MODE      19
 162 // EXMEM_CRAW_REC       20
 164 // ISR flag: 0x194c, pointer to current task's control block: 0x1948
 165 // pointer to TCB area: 0x19cc, found @ 0xffd4178c
 167 // LED table init @ 0xff95fd3c
 168 // LED #1: 0xc022d200 (#98 in GPIO table), offset 0x98
 169 // LED #2: 0xc022d1fc (#97 in GPIO table), offset 0x8
 170 // GPIO table @ 0xffbf5444
 172 // Stubs below matched 100%.
 173 //    Name                                     Address                Comp to stubs_entry_2.S
 174 NHSTUB(AllocateUncacheableMemory              ,0xff827fc4) //112
 175 NHSTUB(Close                                  ,0xff827410) //120
 176 NHSTUB(CreateBinarySemaphore                  ,0xff8280a8) //115
 177 NHSTUB(CreateTask                             ,0xff82513c) //120
 178 NHSTUB(DebugAssert                            ,0xff8254fc) //107
 179 NHSTUB(DeleteDirectory_Fut                    ,0xff826d60) //116
 180 NHSTUB(DeleteSemaphore                        ,0xff82818c) //120
 181 NHSTUB(DoAELock                               ,0xff832b4c) //120
 182 NHSTUB(DoAFLock                               ,0xff832784) //120
 183 NHSTUB(EnterToCompensationEVF                 ,0xff832a74) //104
 184 NHSTUB(ExecuteEventProcedure                  ,0xff83497c) //104
 185 NHSTUB(ExitFromCompensationEVF                ,0xff832ac8) //104
 186 NHSTUB(ExitTask                               ,0xff8254ac) //120
 187 NHSTUB(ExpCtrlTool_StartContiAE               ,0xff844c08) //104
 188 NHSTUB(ExpCtrlTool_StopContiAE                ,0xff844f88) //104
 189 NHSTUB(Fclose_Fut                             ,0xff826df8) //120
 190 NHSTUB(Feof_Fut                               ,0xff826fe4) //  1
 191 NHSTUB(Fflush_Fut                             ,0xff827020) //  1
 192 NHSTUB(Fgets_Fut                              ,0xff826f4c) //  6
 193 NHSTUB(Fopen_Fut                              ,0xff826db8) //120
 194 NHSTUB(Fread_Fut                              ,0xff826ea4) //120
 195 NHSTUB(FreeUncacheableMemory                  ,0xff828000) //112
 196 NHSTUB(Fseek_Fut                              ,0xff826f98) //120
 197 NHSTUB(Fwrite_Fut                             ,0xff826ef8) //120
 198 NHSTUB(GetBatteryTemperature                  ,0xff873b84) //102
 199 NHSTUB(GetCCDTemperature                      ,0xff873b10) //102
 200 NHSTUB(GetCurrentAvValue                      ,0xff88d4ec) //120
 201 NHSTUB(GetCurrentShutterSpeed                 ,0xff92005c) //120
 202 NHSTUB(GetUsableMaxAv                         ,0xff986288) //120
 203 NHSTUB(GetUsableMinAv                         ,0xff98626c) //120
 204 NHSTUB(GetDrive_ClusterSize                   ,0xff830908) //122
 205 NHSTUB(GetDrive_FreeClusters                  ,0xff8310b0) //119
 206 NHSTUB(GetDrive_TotalClusters                 ,0xff831084) //122
 207 NHSTUB(GetFocusLensSubjectDistance            ,0xff9ab798) //102
 208 NHSTUB(GetImageFolder                         ,0xff98e1c8) //122
 209 NHSTUB(GetKbdState                            ,0xff8702dc) //109
 210 NHSTUB(GetMemInfo                             ,0xff823544) //115
 211 NHSTUB(GetOpticalTemperature                  ,0xff873bf8) //120
 212 NHSTUB(GetParameterData                       ,0xff9ce028) //101
 213 NHSTUB(GetPropertyCase                        ,0xff8a50e0) //101
 214 NHSTUB(GetSystemTime                          ,0xffafba38) //120
 215 NHSTUB(GetVRAMHPixelsSize                     ,0xff8519cc) //120
 216 NHSTUB(GetVRAMVPixelsSize                     ,0xff8519d8) //120
 217 NHSTUB(GetZoomLensCurrentPoint                ,0xff9ae7fc) //120
 218 NHSTUB(GetZoomLensCurrentPosition             ,0xffaec308) //102
 219 NHSTUB(GiveSemaphore                          ,0xff828334) //120
 220 NHSTUB(IsStrobeChargeCompleted                ,0xff8cee74) //102
 221 NHSTUB(LEDDrive                               ,0xff9b4b44) //120
 222 NHSTUB(LocalTime                              ,0xff8bb618) //115
 223 NHSTUB(LockMainPower                          ,0xff8a7bc0) //120
 224 NHSTUB(MakeSDCardBootable                     ,0xff831610) //105
 225 NHSTUB(MoveFocusLensToDistance                ,0xffba89e0) //102
 226 NHSTUB(MoveIrisWithAv                         ,0xffaf6b6c) //120
 227 NHSTUB(MoveZoomLensWithPoint                  ,0xffaf6d20) //120
 228 NHSTUB(MoveOpticalZoomAt                      ,0xff8320e4) //109
 229 NHSTUB(Open                                   ,0xff8273ac) //120
 230 NHSTUB(PB2Rec                                 ,0xff85ca40) //104
 231 NHSTUB(PT_MoveDigitalZoomToWide               ,0xff9b5cb8) //102
 232 NHSTUB(PT_MoveOpticalZoomAt                   ,0xff9b5c88) //102
 233 NHSTUB(PT_PlaySound                           ,0xff8b6310) //122
 234 NHSTUB(PostLogicalEventForNotPowerType        ,0xff8a7054) //120
 235 NHSTUB(PostLogicalEventToUI                   ,0xff8a70ac) //120
 236 NHSTUB(PutInNdFilter                          ,0xffaf69d8) //102
 237 NHSTUB(PutOutNdFilter                         ,0xffaf69fc) //102
 238 NHSTUB(Read                                   ,0xff824000) //120
 239 NHSTUB(ReadFastDir                            ,0xffadae60) //115
 240 NHSTUB(Rec2PB                                 ,0xff85af64) //104
 241 NHSTUB(RenameFile_Fut                         ,0xff826c58) //116
 242 NHSTUB(Restart                                ,0xff837a00) //122
 243 NHSTUB(ScreenLock                             ,0xff8ab86c) //117
 244 NHSTUB(ScreenUnlock                           ,0xff8ab8c0) //117
 245 NHSTUB(SetAE_ShutterSpeed                     ,0xffba3c20) //102
 246 NHSTUB(SetAutoShutdownTime                    ,0xff8a7c34) //120
 247 NHSTUB(SetCurrentCaptureModeType              ,0xff8b2a30) //120
 248 NHSTUB(SetDate                                ,0xffba5ab4) //120
 249 NHSTUB(SetFileAttributes                      ,0xff8278ec) //  6
 250 NHSTUB(SetFileTimeStamp                       ,0xff827874) //  6
 251 NHSTUB(SetLogicalEventActive                  ,0xff8a7720) //120
 252 NHSTUB(SetParameterData                       ,0xff9cdf88) //101
 253 NHSTUB(SetPropertyCase                        ,0xff8a4f0c) //101
 254 NHSTUB(SetScriptMode                          ,0xff8a7774) //120
 255 NHSTUB(SleepTask                              ,0xff8390d4) //120
 256 NHSTUB(TakeSemaphore                          ,0xff828250) //120
 257 NHSTUB(TurnOnDisplay                          ,0xff86b070) //120
 258 NHSTUB(TurnOffDisplay                         ,0xff86b080) //120
 259 NHSTUB(UIFS_WriteFirmInfoToFile               ,0xff9eb678) //120
 260 NHSTUB(UnlockAE                               ,0xff832bdc) //120
 261 NHSTUB(UnlockAF                               ,0xff8327b4) //120
 262 NHSTUB(UnlockMainPower                        ,0xff8a7b18) //120
 263 NHSTUB(VbattGet                               ,0xff82bc3c) //120
 264 NHSTUB(Write                                  ,0xff827b7c) //120
 265 NHSTUB(WriteSDCard                            ,0xff8871d8) //108
 266 NHSTUB(_log                                   ,0x006bb4b8) //111
 267 NHSTUB(_log10                                 ,0x006bb9f8) //112
 268 NHSTUB(_pow                                   ,0x006bbb70) //121
 269 NHSTUB(_sqrt                                  ,0x006bd810) //  6
 270 NHSTUB(add_ptp_handler                        ,0xffa8ff18) //121
 271 NHSTUB(apex2us                                ,0xffa7b7d4) //121
 272 NHSTUB(err_init_task                          ,0xff8248cc) //111
 273 NHSTUB(free                                   ,0xff82583c) //112
 274 NHSTUB(get_nd_value                           ,0xffae9ce4) //123
 275 NHSTUB(get_current_nd_value                   ,0xffae9c84) //122
 276 NHSTUB(get_current_deltasv                    ,0xff91c99c) //122
 277 NHSTUB(GetCurrentDriveBaseSvValue             ,0xff8c63a4) //120
 278 NHSTUB(kbd_p1_f                               ,0xff82cec0) //109
 279 NHSTUB(kbd_p1_f_cont                          ,0xff82cecc) //109
 280 NHSTUB(kbd_p2_f                               ,0xff82c5c4) //109
 281 NHSTUB(kbd_read_keys                          ,0xff82ce70) //109
 282 NHSTUB(kbd_read_keys_r2                       ,0xff86fc8c) //109
 283 NHSTUB(lseek                                  ,0xff827720) //120
 284 NHSTUB(malloc                                 ,0xff8257e4) //112
 285 NHSTUB(memcmp                                 ,0xff8255bc) //120
 286 NHSTUB(memcpy                                 ,0xff8bc01c) //120
 287 NHSTUB(memset                                 ,0xffa38968) //120
 288 NHSTUB(mkdir                                  ,0xff827984) //121
 289 NHSTUB(mktime_ext                             ,0xff8bb8a4) //  1
 290 NHSTUB(OpenFastDir                            ,0xffadad0c) //115
 291 NHSTUB(closedir                               ,0xffadacbc) //121
 292 NHSTUB(get_fstype                             ,0xff830880) //122
 293 NHSTUB(qsort                                  ,0xffb5ecf8) //  6
 294 NHSTUB(rand                                   ,0xffa38938) //121
 295 NHSTUB(realloc                                ,0xffa389e4) //115
 296 NHSTUB(reboot_fw_update                       ,0xffafa570) //106
 297 NHSTUB(set_control_event                      ,0xff8a73e0) //111
 298 NHSTUB(srand                                  ,0xffa3892c) //122
 299 NHSTUB(stat                                   ,0xff827768) //109
 300 NHSTUB(strcat                                 ,0xff839cec) //  1
 301 NHSTUB(strchr                                 ,0xff839d74) //  1
 302 NHSTUB(strcmp                                 ,0xff8256b8) //120
 303 NHSTUB(strcpy                                 ,0xff8255a4) //120
 304 NHSTUB(strftime                               ,0xff8bb8f0) //113
 305 NHSTUB(strlen                                 ,0xff8256fc) //120
 306 NHSTUB(strncmp                                ,0xff839d28) //  1
 307 NHSTUB(strncpy                                ,0xff828c30) //  1
 308 NHSTUB(strrchr                                ,0xff8bc168) //  1
 309 NHSTUB(strtol                                 ,0xff839cd8) //101
 310 NHSTUB(strtolx                                ,0xff839adc) //109
 311    DEF(task_CaptSeq                           ,0xff892484) //120
 312    DEF(task_DvlpSeqTask                       ,0xff9b9ca8) //120
 313    DEF(task_ExpDrv                            ,0xff8ea6dc) //120
 314    DEF(task_FileWrite                         ,0xffad9824) //120
 315    DEF(task_InitFileModules                   ,0xff85d4ec) //120
 316    DEF(task_MovieRecord                       ,0xff9b3d08) //120
 317    DEF(task_PhySw                             ,0xff82c994) //120
 318    DEF(hook_CreateTask                        ,0xff82513c) //105
 319 NHSTUB(time                                   ,0xff839480) //119
 320 NHSTUB(vsprintf                               ,0xff828bf0) //115
 321 NHSTUB(EngDrvRead                             ,0xff82cfd0) //102
 322 NHSTUB(PTM_GetCurrentItem                     ,0xff8a9818) //105
 323 NHSTUB(CancelHPTimer                          ,0xff8a17a8) //119
 324 NHSTUB(SetHPTimerAfterNow                     ,0xff8a16a0) //119
 325 NHSTUB(SS_MFOn                                ,0xff9b5d4c) //120
 326 NHSTUB(SS_MFOff                               ,0xff9b5d5c) //120
 327 NHSTUB(GetAdChValue                           ,0xff86c25c) //120
 328 NHSTUB(get_ptp_buf_size                       ,0xff93933c) //122
 329 NHSTUB(get_ptp_file_buf                       ,0xffa91b94) //121
 330 NHSTUB(SetVideoOutType                        ,0xffba4444) //109
 331 NHSTUB(GetVideoOutType                        ,0xffba43b8) //120

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */