bits               11 modules/cpuinfo.c     unsigned bits;
bits               67 modules/cpuinfo.c     unsigned mask,bits;
bits               93 modules/cpuinfo.c             bits = cpuinfo_desc[i].fields[j].bits;
bits               94 modules/cpuinfo.c             mask = ~(0xFFFFFFFF << bits);
bits              102 modules/cpuinfo.c             wordval >>= bits;
bits               84 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c     int offs, bits, value;
bits               94 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c     bits = (undo_curr%10)*3;
bits               95 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c     undo[offs] &= ~(7<<bits);
bits               96 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c     undo[offs] |= (value&7)<<bits;
bits              114 modules/md5.c  	u32 bits[2];
bits              196 modules/md5.c      ctx->bits[0] = 0;
bits              197 modules/md5.c      ctx->bits[1] = 0;
bits              210 modules/md5.c      t = ctx->bits[0];
bits              211 modules/md5.c      if ((ctx->bits[0] = t + ((u32) len << 3)) < t)
bits              212 modules/md5.c  	ctx->bits[1]++;		/* Carry from low to high */
bits              213 modules/md5.c      ctx->bits[1] += len >> 29;
bits              258 modules/md5.c      count = (ctx->bits[0] >> 3) & 0x3F;
bits              284 modules/md5.c      ((u32 *) ctx->in)[14] = ctx->bits[0];
bits              285 modules/md5.c      ((u32 *) ctx->in)[15] = ctx->bits[1];
bits              497 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned bits;
bits              540 modules/rawhookops.c     int bits=luaL_optnumber(L,8,camera_sensor.bits_per_pixel);
bits              541 modules/rawhookops.c     if(bits > camera_sensor.bits_per_pixel || bits < 1) {
bits              544 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned shift = camera_sensor.bits_per_pixel - bits;
bits              545 modules/rawhookops.c     unsigned entries = 1 << bits;
bits              576 modules/rawhookops.c     h->bits = bits;
bits              667 modules/rawhookops.c     lua_pushnumber(L,h->bits);
bits              543 modules/sha1.c #define rol(value, bits) (((value) << (bits)) | ((value) >> (32 - (bits))))
bits             7275 tools/finsig_dryos.c     uint32_t    bits;
bits             7290 tools/finsig_dryos.c     key_info[kcount].bits = b;
bits             7339 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if (p1->bits > p2->bits)
bits             7343 tools/finsig_dryos.c         else if (p1->bits < p2->bits)
bits             7351 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if (kshutter_min_bits > p2->bits)
bits             7355 tools/finsig_dryos.c         else if (kshutter_min_bits < p2->bits)
bits             7362 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if (p1->bits > kshutter_min_bits)
bits             7366 tools/finsig_dryos.c         else if (p1->bits < kshutter_min_bits)
bits             7371 tools/finsig_dryos.c     if (p1->bits > p2->bits)
bits             7375 tools/finsig_dryos.c     else if (p1->bits < p2->bits)
bits             7392 tools/finsig_dryos.c         bprintf("//    { %d, %-20s,0x%08x }, // Found @0x%08x, levent 0x%02x%s\n",key_info[k].reg,key_info[k].nm,key_info[k].bits,key_info[k].fadr,key_info[k].ev,(key_info[k].inv==0)?"":" (uses inverted logic in physw_status)");
bits             6670 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     uint32_t    bits;
bits             6685 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     key_info[kcount].bits = b;
bits             6720 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         if (p1->bits > p2->bits)
bits             6724 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         else if (p1->bits < p2->bits)
bits             6732 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         if (kshutter_min_bits > p2->bits)
bits             6736 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         else if (kshutter_min_bits < p2->bits)
bits             6743 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         if (p1->bits > kshutter_min_bits)
bits             6747 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         else if (p1->bits < kshutter_min_bits)
bits             6752 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     if (p1->bits > p2->bits)
bits             6756 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     else if (p1->bits < p2->bits)
bits             6773 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         bprintf("//    { %d, %-20s,0x%08x }, // Found @0x%08x, levent 0x%02x%s\n",key_info[k].reg,key_info[k].nm,key_info[k].bits,key_info[k].fadr,key_info[k].ev,(key_info[k].inv==0)?"":" (uses inverted logic in physw_status)");
bits             5481 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     uint32_t    bits;
bits             5496 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     key_info[kcount].bits = b;
bits             5545 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         if (p1->bits > p2->bits)
bits             5549 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         else if (p1->bits < p2->bits)
bits             5557 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         if (kshutter_min_bits > p2->bits)
bits             5561 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         else if (kshutter_min_bits < p2->bits)
bits             5568 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         if (p1->bits > kshutter_min_bits)
bits             5572 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         else if (p1->bits < kshutter_min_bits)
bits             5577 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     if (p1->bits > p2->bits)
bits             5581 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     else if (p1->bits < p2->bits)
bits             5598 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         bprintf("//    { %d, %-20s,0x%08x }, // Found @0x%08x, levent 0x%02x%s\n",key_info[k].reg,key_info[k].nm,key_info[k].bits,key_info[k].fadr,key_info[k].ev,(key_info[k].inv==0)?"":" (uses inverted logic in physw_status)");
bits              306 tools/gensig_dryos.c                     sprintf(tbuf+strlen(tbuf), " %s:%d:0x%08X", instrs[j].cmd, bits(instrs[j].mask), buf[i]);
bits              311 tools/gensig_vxworks.c        		sprintf(tbuf+strlen(tbuf), " %s:%d:0x%08X", instrs[j].cmd, bits(instrs[j].mask), buf[i]);
bits              404 tools/packfi2/deflate.c int ZEXPORT deflatePrime (strm, bits, value)
bits              406 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     int bits;
bits              410 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     strm->state->bi_valid = bits;
bits              411 tools/packfi2/deflate.c     strm->state->bi_buf = (ush)(value & ((1 << bits) - 1));
bits              243 tools/packfi2/trees.c     int bits;     /* bit counter */
bits              293 tools/packfi2/trees.c     for (bits = 0; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) bl_count[bits] = 0;
bits              502 tools/packfi2/trees.c     int bits;           /* bit length */
bits              507 tools/packfi2/trees.c     for (bits = 0; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) s->bl_count[bits] = 0;
bits              516 tools/packfi2/trees.c         bits = tree[tree[n].Dad].Len + 1;
bits              517 tools/packfi2/trees.c         if (bits > max_length) bits = max_length, overflow++;
bits              518 tools/packfi2/trees.c         tree[n].Len = (ush)bits;
bits              523 tools/packfi2/trees.c         s->bl_count[bits]++;
bits              527 tools/packfi2/trees.c         s->opt_len += (ulg)f * (bits + xbits);
bits              537 tools/packfi2/trees.c         bits = max_length-1;
bits              538 tools/packfi2/trees.c         while (s->bl_count[bits] == 0) bits--;
bits              539 tools/packfi2/trees.c         s->bl_count[bits]--;      /* move one leaf down the tree */
bits              540 tools/packfi2/trees.c         s->bl_count[bits+1] += 2; /* move one overflow item as its brother */
bits              553 tools/packfi2/trees.c     for (bits = max_length; bits != 0; bits--) {
bits              554 tools/packfi2/trees.c         n = s->bl_count[bits];
bits              558 tools/packfi2/trees.c             if ((unsigned) tree[m].Len != (unsigned) bits) {
bits              559 tools/packfi2/trees.c                 Trace((stderr,"code %d bits %d->%d\n", m, tree[m].Len, bits));
bits              560 tools/packfi2/trees.c                 s->opt_len += ((long)bits - (long)tree[m].Len)
bits              562 tools/packfi2/trees.c                 tree[m].Len = (ush)bits;
bits              584 tools/packfi2/trees.c     int bits;                  /* bit index */
bits              590 tools/packfi2/trees.c     for (bits = 1; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) {
bits              591 tools/packfi2/trees.c         next_code[bits] = code = (code + bl_count[bits-1]) << 1;
bits              654 tools/packfi2/zlib.h                                      int bits,
bits              800 tools/packfi2/zlib.h                                      int bits,