UNUSED            249 lib/lua/lapi.c   UNUSED(L);
UNUSED             69 lib/lua/llimits.h #ifndef UNUSED
UNUSED             72 lib/lua/lstate.c   UNUSED(ud);
UNUSED            194 lib/lua/lstate.c   UNUSED(ud);
UNUSED            149 lib/lua/luac.c  UNUSED(L);
UNUSED            217 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "ExportToEventProcedure_FW", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            218 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "CreateJumptable", UNUSED },
UNUSED            219 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_uartr_req", UNUSED },
UNUSED            220 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "StartRecModeMenu", UNUSED },
UNUSED            221 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "LogCameraEvent", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            222 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "getImageDirName", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            224 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "AllocateMemory", UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            228 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "CreateCountingSemaphore", UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            248 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "FreeMemory", UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            279 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "Lseek", UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            286 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "NewTaskShell", UNUSED },
UNUSED            300 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "Remove", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            340 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "exmem_free", UNUSED|OPTIONAL },
UNUSED            343 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "exmem_assert", UNUSED|OPTIONAL|LIST_ALWAYS }, // helper, r23 or lower
UNUSED            346 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "get_current_exp", UNUSED | OPTIONAL }, // helper, underlying function of ShowCurrentExp
UNUSED            349 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "GetUsableAvRange", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            350 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "GetBaseSv", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            374 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "read", UNUSED|OPTIONAL },
UNUSED            406 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "write", UNUSED|OPTIONAL },
UNUSED            408 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "EngDrvIn", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            409 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "EngDrvOut", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            411 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "EngDrvBits", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            414 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "PTM_SetCurrentItem", UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            415 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "PTM_NextItem", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            416 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "PTM_PrevItem", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            417 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "PTM_SetPropertyEnable", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            422 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_GetSystemTime", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // only for locating timer functions
UNUSED            423 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "SetTimerAfter", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            424 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "SetTimerWhen", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            425 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "CancelTimer", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            427 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "SetHPTimerAfterTimeout", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            429 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "CreateTaskStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            430 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "CreateTaskStrictly_alt", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // widely used in r59, identical to CreateTaskStrictly
UNUSED            431 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "CreateMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            432 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "CreateRecursiveLock", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            433 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "GetSemaphoreValue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            434 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "TryTakeSemaphore", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            435 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "CreateMessageQueueStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            436 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "CreateEventFlagStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            437 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            438 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "CreateCountingSemaphoreStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            439 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "CreateRecursiveLockStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            440 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "TakeSemaphoreStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // r23+
UNUSED            441 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "ReceiveMessageQueueStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // r23+
UNUSED            442 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "PostMessageQueueStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },    // r23+
UNUSED            443 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "WaitForAnyEventFlagStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // r23+
UNUSED            444 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "WaitForAllEventFlagStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // r23+
UNUSED            445 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "AcquireRecursiveLockStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // r23+
UNUSED            446 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "DeleteMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            447 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "PostMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            448 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "ReceiveMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            449 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "TryReceiveMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            450 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "TryPostMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            451 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "GetNumberOfPostedMessages", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            452 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "DeleteRecursiveLock", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            453 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "AcquireRecursiveLock", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            454 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "ReleaseRecursiveLock", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            455 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "WaitForAnyEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            456 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "WaitForAllEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            457 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "ClearEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            458 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "SetEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            459 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "GetEventFlagValue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            460 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "CreateEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            461 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "DeleteEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            462 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "CheckAnyEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            463 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "CheckAllEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            464 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "RegisterInterruptHandler", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            465 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "UnregisterInterruptHandler", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            466 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "GetSRAndDisableInterrupt", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // disables IRQ, returns a value
UNUSED            467 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "SetSR", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // enables IRQ, puts back value returned by GetSR
UNUSED            468 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "EnableInterrupt", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // enables IRQ
UNUSED            469 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_divmod_signed_int", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // division for signed integers, remainder is returned in r1
UNUSED            470 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_divmod_unsigned_int", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // division for unsigned integers, remainder is returned in r1
UNUSED            471 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_dflt", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // int -> double
UNUSED            472 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_dfltu", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // uint -> double
UNUSED            473 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_dfix", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // double -> int
UNUSED            474 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_dfixu", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // double -> uint
UNUSED            475 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_dmul", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // double precision float multiplication
UNUSED            476 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_ddiv", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // double precision float division
UNUSED            477 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_dadd", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // addition for doubles
UNUSED            478 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_dsub", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // subtraction for doubles
UNUSED            479 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_drsb", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // reverse subtraction for doubles (?)
UNUSED            480 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_dcmp", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // comparison of 2 doubles, only updates condition flags
UNUSED            481 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_dcmp_reverse", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // like _dcmp, but operands in reverse order, only updates condition flags
UNUSED            482 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_safe_sqrt", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // only calls _sqrt for numbers >= 0
UNUSED            483 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_scalbn", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // double scalbn (double x, long exp), returns x * FLT_RADIX ** exp
UNUSED            484 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_fflt", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // int -> float
UNUSED            485 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_ffltu", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // uint -> float
UNUSED            486 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_ffix", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // float -> int
UNUSED            487 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_ffixu", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // float -> uint
UNUSED            488 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_fmul", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // single precision float multiplication
UNUSED            489 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_fdiv", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // single precision float division
UNUSED            490 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "_f2d", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // float -> double
UNUSED            491 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "DisplayBusyOnScreen", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // displays full screen "busy" message
UNUSED            492 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "UndisplayBusyOnScreen", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS},
UNUSED            493 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "CreateDialogBox", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS},
UNUSED            494 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "DisplayDialogBox", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS},
UNUSED            495 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "add_ui_to_dialog", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // name made up, assigns resources to a dialog
UNUSED            496 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "get_string_by_id", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // name made up, retrieves a localised or unlocalised string by its ID
UNUSED            497 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "malloc_strictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // name made up
UNUSED            498 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "GetCurrentMachineTime", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // reads usec counter, name from ixus30
UNUSED            499 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "HwOcReadICAPCounter", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // reads usec counter, name from ixus30
UNUSED            500 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "get_self_task_id", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // gets ID of own task
UNUSED            501 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "get_task_properties", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // gets copy of task's data (different struct, not the real TCB)
UNUSED            502 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "get_self_task_errno_pointer", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // gets pointer to own task's errno
UNUSED            503 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "EnableDispatch", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // enables task switching (high level wrapper)
UNUSED            504 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "DisableDispatch", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // disables task switching (high level wrapper)
UNUSED            505 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "EnableDispatch_low", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // enables task switching
UNUSED            506 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "DisableDispatch_low", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // disables task switching
UNUSED            507 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "GetValidSystemCalender", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // name from ixus30
UNUSED            508 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "SetValidSystemCalender", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // name from ixus30
UNUSED            509 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "GetTimeFromRTC", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            510 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "IsInvalidTime", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // name from ixus30
UNUSED            511 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "PauseTimeOfSystem", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // name from ixus30
UNUSED            512 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "ResumeTimeOfSystem", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // name from ixus30
UNUSED            514 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "cache_flush_and_enable", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // older dryos
UNUSED            515 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "cache_clean_flush_and_disable", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // older dryos
UNUSED            516 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "cache_flush_range", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // older dryos
UNUSED            517 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "cache_clean_flush_range", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // older dryos
UNUSED            518 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "cache_clean_range", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // older dryos
UNUSED            520 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "icache_flush_and_enable", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // newer dryos
UNUSED            521 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "icache_disable_and_flush", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // newer dryos
UNUSED            522 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "dcache_flush_and_enable", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // newer dryos
UNUSED            523 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "dcache_clean_flush_and_disable", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // newer dryos
UNUSED            524 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "dcache_flush_range", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // newer dryos
UNUSED            525 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "dcache_clean_range", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // newer dryos
UNUSED            526 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "dcache_clean_flush_range", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // newer dryos
UNUSED            527 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "icache_flush_range", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // newer dryos
UNUSED            530 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "bzero", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            531 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "dry_memzero", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            532 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "dry_memcpy", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            535 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "GetSDProtect", UNUSED },
UNUSED            536 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "DispCon_ShowBitmapColorBar", UNUSED },
UNUSED            537 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "ResetZoomLens", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            538 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "ResetFocusLens", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            539 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "NR_GetDarkSubType", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            540 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "NR_SetDarkSubType", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            541 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "SavePaletteData", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            542 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "GUISrv_StartGUISystem", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            543 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "get_resource_pointer", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // name made up, gets a pointer to a certain resource (font, dialog, icon)
UNUSED            544 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "CalcLog10", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // helper
UNUSED            545 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "ImagerActivate", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // helper
UNUSED            546 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "DoMovieFrameCapture", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            547 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "SetImageMode", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            548 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "MenuIn", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            549 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "MenuOut", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            568 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "cameracon_set_state", UNUSED }, // made up name, helper for cameracon_state variable
UNUSED            569 tools/finsig_dryos.c     { "cameracon_get_state", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // for information only, match doesn't work on early dry
UNUSED           4297 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if (func_names[k].flags & UNUSED) return;
UNUSED           4316 tools/finsig_dryos.c         if (ostub2 || (func_names[k].flags & UNUSED))
UNUSED           7646 tools/finsig_dryos.c     func_names[next_func_entry].flags = OPTIONAL|UNUSED;
UNUSED            105 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "ExportToEventProcedure_FW", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            106 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "RegisterEventProcedure", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            107 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "RegisterEventProcedure_alt1", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            108 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "RegisterEventProcedure_alt2", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            109 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "RegisterEventProcTable", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            110 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "UnRegisterEventProcTable", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            111 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "UnRegisterEventProcedure", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            112 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "PrepareDirectory_1", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            113 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "PrepareDirectory_x", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            114 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "PrepareDirectory_0", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            115 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CreateTaskStrictly", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            116 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CreateTaskStrictly_alt", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            117 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CreateTask_alt", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            118 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CreateTask_low", UNUSED | OPTIONAL },
UNUSED            119 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CreateJumptable", UNUSED },
UNUSED            120 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_uartr_req", UNUSED },
UNUSED            121 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "StartRecModeMenu", UNUSED },
UNUSED            122 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "LogCameraEvent", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            123 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "getImageDirName", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            125 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "AllocateMemory", UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            129 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CreateCountingSemaphore", UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            149 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "FreeMemory", UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            160 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "GetUsableAvRange", UNUSED |OPTIONAL },
UNUSED            162 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "get_current_exp", UNUSED | OPTIONAL }, // helper, underlying function of ShowCurrentExp
UNUSED            167 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "GetDrive_FreeClusters", UNUSED }, // live_free_cluster_count variable is used instead
UNUSED            187 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "Lseek", UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            193 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "NewTaskShell", UNUSED },
UNUSED            207 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "Remove", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            210 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "screenlock_helper", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            229 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "UIFS_WriteFirmInfoToFile", OPTIONAL|UNUSED},
UNUSED            249 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "exmem_free", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            276 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "read", UNUSED|OPTIONAL },
UNUSED            293 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "strstr", UNUSED|OPTIONAL},
UNUSED            307 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "hook_CreateTask_low", UNUSED}, // unused changed at runtime if CreateTask in ROM
UNUSED            311 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "write", UNUSED|OPTIONAL },
UNUSED            314 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "EngDrvIn", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            315 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "EngDrvOut", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            317 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "EngDrvBits", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            320 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "PTM_SetCurrentItem", UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            321 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "PTM_NextItem", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            322 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "PTM_PrevItem", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            323 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "PTM_SetPropertyEnable", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            328 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_GetSystemTime", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // only for locating timer functions
UNUSED            329 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "SetTimerAfter", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            330 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "SetTimerWhen", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            331 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CancelTimer", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            333 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "SetHPTimerAfterTimeout", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            335 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CreateTaskStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            336 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CreateMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            337 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CreateRecursiveLock", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            338 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "GetSemaphoreValue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            339 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "TryTakeSemaphore", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            340 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CreateMessageQueueStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            341 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CreateEventFlagStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            342 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            343 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CreateCountingSemaphoreStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            344 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CreateRecursiveLockStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            345 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "TakeSemaphoreStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // r23+
UNUSED            346 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "ReceiveMessageQueueStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // r23+
UNUSED            347 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "PostMessageQueueStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },    // r23+
UNUSED            348 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "WaitForAnyEventFlagStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // r23+
UNUSED            349 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "WaitForAllEventFlagStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // r23+
UNUSED            350 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "AcquireRecursiveLockStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // r23+
UNUSED            351 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "DeleteMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            352 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "PostMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            353 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "ReceiveMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            354 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "TryReceiveMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            355 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "TryPostMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            356 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "GetNumberOfPostedMessages", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            357 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "DeleteRecursiveLock", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            358 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "AcquireRecursiveLock", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            359 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "ReleaseRecursiveLock", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            360 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "WaitForAnyEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            361 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "WaitForAllEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            362 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "ClearEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            364 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "GetEventFlagValue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            365 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CreateEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            366 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "DeleteEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            367 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CheckAnyEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            368 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CheckAllEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            369 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "RegisterInterruptHandler", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            370 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "UnregisterInterruptHandler", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            371 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "GetSRAndDisableInterrupt", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // disables IRQ, returns a value
UNUSED            372 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "SetSR", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // enables IRQ, puts back value returned by GetSR
UNUSED            373 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "EnableInterrupt", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // enables IRQ
UNUSED            374 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_divmod_signed_int", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // division for signed integers, remainder is returned in r1
UNUSED            375 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_divmod_unsigned_int", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // division for unsigned integers, remainder is returned in r1
UNUSED            376 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_dflt", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // int -> double
UNUSED            377 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_dfltu", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // uint -> double
UNUSED            378 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_dfix", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // double -> int
UNUSED            379 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_dfixu", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // double -> uint
UNUSED            380 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_dmul", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // double precision float multiplication
UNUSED            381 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_ddiv", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // double precision float division
UNUSED            382 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_dadd", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // addition for doubles
UNUSED            383 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_dsub", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // subtraction for doubles
UNUSED            384 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_drsb", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // reverse subtraction for doubles (?)
UNUSED            385 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_dcmp", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // comparison of 2 doubles, only updates condition flags
UNUSED            386 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_dcmp_reverse", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // like _dcmp, but operands in reverse order, only updates condition flags
UNUSED            387 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_safe_sqrt", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // only calls _sqrt for numbers >= 0
UNUSED            388 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_scalbn", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // double scalbn (double x, long exp), returns x * FLT_RADIX ** exp
UNUSED            389 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_fflt", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // int -> float
UNUSED            390 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_ffltu", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // uint -> float
UNUSED            391 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_ffix", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // float -> int
UNUSED            392 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_ffixu", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // float -> uint
UNUSED            393 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_fmul", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // single precision float multiplication
UNUSED            394 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_fdiv", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // single precision float division
UNUSED            395 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "_f2d", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // float -> double
UNUSED            396 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "DisplayBusyOnScreen", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // displays full screen "busy" message
UNUSED            397 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "UndisplayBusyOnScreen", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS},
UNUSED            398 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CreateDialogBox", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS},
UNUSED            399 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "DisplayDialogBox", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS},
UNUSED            400 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "add_ui_to_dialog", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // name made up, assigns resources to a dialog
UNUSED            401 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "get_string_by_id", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS}, // name made up, retrieves a localised or unlocalised string by its ID
UNUSED            402 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "malloc_strictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // name made up
UNUSED            403 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "GetCurrentMachineTime", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // reads usec counter, name from ixus30
UNUSED            404 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "HwOcReadICAPCounter", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // reads usec counter, name from ixus30
UNUSED            405 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "transfer_src_overlay_helper",UNUSED}, // helper for other related functions
UNUSED            407 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "GraphicSystemCoreFinish_helper", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // function that calls GraphicSystemCoreFinish
UNUSED            408 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "GraphicSystemCoreFinish", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // used to identify mzrm message functions
UNUSED            409 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "mzrm_createmsg", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            410 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "mzrm_sendmsg", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            411 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "zicokick_start", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // used to identify Zico core Xtensa blobs
UNUSED            412 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "zicokick_copy", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // used to identify Zico core Xtensa blobs
UNUSED            413 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "init_ex_drivers", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // used to identify Omar core ARM blobs
UNUSED            414 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "omar_init", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // used to identify Omar core ARM blobs
UNUSED            415 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "init_error_handlers", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // used to identify assert, exception and panic handlers
UNUSED            416 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "set_assert_handler", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            417 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "set_exception_handler", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            418 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "set_panic_handler", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            419 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "default_assert_handler", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            420 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "default_exception_handler", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            421 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "default_panic_handler", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            422 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "get_self_task_errno_pointer", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            423 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "get_self_task_id", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            424 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "get_task_properties", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            425 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "dry_error_printf", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            426 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "heap_alloc", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            427 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "heap_free", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            428 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "umalloc_strictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            429 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "GetRomID", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            430 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "init_task_error", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            431 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "dry_panic", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            432 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "dry_panic_low", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            433 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "dry_con_printf", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            434 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "cameracon_set_state", UNUSED },
UNUSED            435 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "cameracon_get_state", UNUSED },
UNUSED            437 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "createsemaphore_low", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            439 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "givesemaphore_low", OPTIONAL|UNUSED}, // OPT_CONSOLE_REDIR_ENABLED
UNUSED            440 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "takesemaphore_low", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            443 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "dry_memset", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            444 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "dry_memzero", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            445 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "dry_memcpy_bytes", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            446 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "dry_memmove_bytes", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            451 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "dcache_flush_and_enable", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            452 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "dcache_clean_flush_and_disable", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            453 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "dcache_flush_range", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            454 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "dcache_clean_range", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            456 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "icache_flush_range", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            457 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "data_synchronization_barrier", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            460 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "GetSDProtect", UNUSED },
UNUSED            461 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "DispCon_ShowBitmapColorBar", UNUSED },
UNUSED            462 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "ResetZoomLens", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            463 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "ResetFocusLens", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            464 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "NR_GetDarkSubType", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            465 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "NR_SetDarkSubType", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            466 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "SavePaletteData", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            467 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "GUISrv_StartGUISystem", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS },
UNUSED            468 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "get_resource_pointer", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // name made up, gets a pointer to a certain resource (font, dialog, icon)
UNUSED            469 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CalcLog10", OPTIONAL|UNUSED|LIST_ALWAYS }, // helper
UNUSED            470 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "CalcSqrt", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // helper
UNUSED            471 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "dry_memcpy", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // helper, memcpy-like function in dryos kernel code
UNUSED            472 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "get_playrec_mode", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // helper, made up name
UNUSED            473 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "DebugAssert2", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // helper, made up name, two arg form of DebugAssert
UNUSED            474 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "get_canon_mode_list", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // helper, made up name
UNUSED            475 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "taskcreate_LowConsole", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // helper, made up name
UNUSED            476 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "ImagerActivate", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // helper
UNUSED            477 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "imager_active_callback", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // helper
UNUSED            478 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "file_counter_var_init", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // helper
UNUSED            479 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "get_displaytype", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // for camera bitmap res change
UNUSED            481 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "Close_low", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            482 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "Open_low", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            485 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "fclose_low", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            488 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "fgets_low", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            489 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "fopen_low", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            490 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "fut_prepare", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            491 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "fut_finish", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            492 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "fut_flush", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            493 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "fread_low", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            494 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "fseek_low", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            495 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "fwrite_low", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            513 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "is_movie_recording", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            516 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "ui_malloc", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            517 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "ui_malloc_default", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            518 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "ui_free", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            519 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "ui_free_default", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            522 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "pvm_get_largest_free_block_size_ptr", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // wrapper for following that puts return ptr arg
UNUSED            523 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "pvm_get_largest_free_block_size", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            524 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "pvm_malloc", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            525 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "pvm_free", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            526 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "pvm_init_pool", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            528 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     { "fw_yuv_layer_buf_helper", UNUSED},
UNUSED            855 tools/finsig_thumb2.c     sig_names[next_sig_entry].flags = OPTIONAL|UNUSED;
UNUSED           6412 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         ct->flags |= UNUSED;
UNUSED           6416 tools/finsig_thumb2.c             ctl->flags &= ~UNUSED;
UNUSED           6418 tools/finsig_thumb2.c             hctl->flags &= ~UNUSED;
UNUSED           7205 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         if (sig->flags & UNUSED) return;
UNUSED           7227 tools/finsig_thumb2.c         if (ostub2 || (sig->flags & UNUSED))
UNUSED            218 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "ExportToEventProcedure_FW", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            219 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "RegisterEventProcedure_FW", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            221 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "_uartr_req", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            222 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "StartRecModeMenu", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            223 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "LogCameraEvent", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            224 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "IsControlEventActive", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT }, // helper, vx
UNUSED            225 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "GetLogicalEventName", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT }, // helper, vx, name made up
UNUSED            227 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "AllocateMemory", UNUSED },
UNUSED            231 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "CreateCountingSemaphore", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            234 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "DeleteDirectory_Fut", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            244 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "ExpCtrlTool_StopContiAE", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            251 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "FreeMemory", UNUSED },
UNUSED            267 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "GetKbdState", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            268 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "GetMemInfo", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            273 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "GetVRAMHPixelsSize", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            274 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "GetVRAMVPixelsSize", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            282 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "Lseek", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            288 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "NewTaskShell", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            290 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "PB2Rec", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            300 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "Rec2PB", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            302 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "Remove", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            312 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "SetFileTimeStamp", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            323 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "UIFS_WriteFirmInfoToFile", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            342 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "exmem_free", UNUSED|OPTIONAL },
UNUSED            343 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "exmem_alloc_low", UNUSED|OPTIONAL }, // helper
UNUSED            344 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "exmem_free_low", UNUSED|OPTIONAL }, // helper
UNUSED            347 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "exmem_assert", UNUSED|OPTIONAL|LIST_ALWAYS }, // helper
UNUSED            350 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "get_current_exp", UNUSED|OPTIONAL },
UNUSED            353 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "GetBaseSv", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            359 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "kbd_read_keys", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            370 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "mktime_ext", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            376 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "read", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            378 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "reboot_fw_update", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            379 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "set_control_event", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            429 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "task_CaptSeq", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            430 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "task_ExpDrv", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            431 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "task_FileWrite", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            432 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "task_InitFileModules", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            433 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "task_MovieRecord", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            434 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "task_PhySw", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            435 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "task_SwitchCheck", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT }, // old name for task_PhySw
UNUSED            436 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "task_RotaryEncoder", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            443 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "write", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            445 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "EngDrvIn", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            446 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "EngDrvOut", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            448 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "EngDrvBits", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            451 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "PTM_SetCurrentItem", UNUSED },
UNUSED            452 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "PTM_NextItem", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            453 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "PTM_PrevItem", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            454 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "PTM_SetPropertyEnable", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            457 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "PT_GetSystemTime", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // only for locating timer functions
UNUSED            458 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "_GetSystemTime", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // only for locating timer functions
UNUSED            459 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "SetTimerAfter", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            460 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "SetTimerWhen", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            461 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "CancelTimer", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            463 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "SetHPTimerAfterTimeout", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            465 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "CreateTaskStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            466 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "CreateMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            467 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "CreateRecursiveLock", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            468 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "GetSemaphoreValue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            469 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "TryTakeSemaphore", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            470 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "CreateMessageQueueStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            471 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "CreateEventFlagStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            472 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "CreateBinarySemaphoreStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            473 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "CreateCountingSemaphoreStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            474 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "CreateRecursiveLockStrictly", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            475 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "DeleteMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            476 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "PostMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            477 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "ReceiveMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            478 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "TryReceiveMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            479 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "TryPostMessageQueue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            480 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "GetNumberOfPostedMessages", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            481 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "DeleteRecursiveLock", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            482 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "AcquireRecursiveLock", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            483 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "ReleaseRecursiveLock", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            484 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "WaitForAnyEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            485 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "WaitForAllEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            486 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "ClearEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            487 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "SetEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            488 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "GetEventFlagValue", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            489 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "CreateEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            490 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "DeleteEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            491 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "CheckAnyEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            492 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "CheckAllEventFlag", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            493 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "RegisterInterruptHandler", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            494 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "UnregisterInterruptHandler", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            495 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "GetSRAndDisableInterrupt", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // disables IRQ, returns a value
UNUSED            496 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "SetSR", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // enables IRQ, puts back value returned by GetSR
UNUSED            497 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "EnableInterrupt", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // enables IRQ
UNUSED            498 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "GetCurrentMachineTime", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // reads usec counter, name from ixus30
UNUSED            499 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "HwOcReadICAPCounter", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // reads usec counter, name from ixus30
UNUSED            500 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "EnableDispatch", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // enables task switching (high level wrapper)
UNUSED            501 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "DisableDispatch", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // disables task switching (high level wrapper)
UNUSED            502 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "EnableDispatch_low", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // enables task switching
UNUSED            503 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "DisableDispatch_low", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // disables task switching
UNUSED            506 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "GetSDProtect", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },
UNUSED            507 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "DispCon_ShowBitmapColorBar", UNUSED },
UNUSED            508 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "ResetZoomLens", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            509 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "ResetFocusLens", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            510 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "NR_GetDarkSubType", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            511 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "NR_SetDarkSubType", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            512 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "SavePaletteData", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            513 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "GUISrv_StartGUISystem", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            514 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "get_resource_pointer", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // name made up, gets a pointer to a certain resource (font, dialog, icon)
UNUSED            516 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "wrapped_malloc", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT},    // helper to find malloc, finds the other allocator on ixus30/40
UNUSED            517 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "malloc_alt", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT },       // should be the same as malloc when found
UNUSED            518 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "WaitForEventFlag", UNUSED|DONT_EXPORT }, // helper to find other eventflag functions
UNUSED            520 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "filesem_init", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // file semaphore init function, needed for verification
UNUSED            521 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "ImagerActivate", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // helper
UNUSED            522 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "DoMovieFrameCapture", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            523 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "MenuIn", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            524 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "MenuOut", OPTIONAL|UNUSED },
UNUSED            533 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     { "cameracon_set_state", OPTIONAL|UNUSED }, // made up name, helper for cameracon_state variable
UNUSED           3279 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         if (func_names[k].flags & UNUSED) return;
UNUSED           3298 tools/finsig_vxworks.c         if (ostub2 || (func_names[k].flags & UNUSED))
UNUSED           5773 tools/finsig_vxworks.c     func_names[next_func_entry].flags = OPTIONAL|UNUSED;