KEY_ERASE        2524 core/gui.c         case KEY_ERASE:
KEY_ERASE         547 core/gui_menu.c         case KEY_ERASE:
KEY_ERASE         964 core/gui_osd.c         if (kbd_is_key_clicked(KEY_ERASE))
KEY_ERASE         508 include/camera.h         #define SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_RAW         KEY_ERASE
KEY_ERASE         377 modules/games/gui_reversi.c         case KEY_ERASE:
KEY_ERASE         327 modules/games/gui_snake.c         case KEY_ERASE:
KEY_ERASE         390 modules/games/gui_sokoban.c         case KEY_ERASE:
KEY_ERASE         872 modules/games/gui_sudoku.c 		case KEY_ERASE:
KEY_ERASE         836 modules/games/gui_tetris.c         case KEY_ERASE:
KEY_ERASE         120 modules/gui_calendar.c         case KEY_ERASE:
KEY_ERASE        1612 modules/gui_fselect.c         case KEY_ERASE:
KEY_ERASE          41 modules/script_key_funcs.c     { KEY_ERASE,            "erase"      },
KEY_ERASE         744 modules/user_menu_edit.c         case KEY_ERASE:
KEY_ERASE          27 platform/a1000/kbd.c 	{ 1, KEY_ERASE		, 0x00800000 }, 
KEY_ERASE          42 platform/a2000/kbd.c 	{ 1, KEY_ERASE		, 0x00800000 },  // NOTE actually FACE, came does not have erase button
KEY_ERASE          27 platform/a530/kbd.c     {2, KEY_ERASE   , 0x00000800 },
KEY_ERASE          28 platform/a540/kbd.c 	{2,KEY_ERASE	, 0x00000800 },
KEY_ERASE          27 platform/a570/kbd.c 	{1, KEY_ERASE	, 0x00800000 },
KEY_ERASE          27 platform/a590/kbd.c 	{ 1, KEY_ERASE		, 0x00800000 }, 
KEY_ERASE          27 platform/a610/kbd.c 	{2, KEY_ERASE	, 0x00000800 },
KEY_ERASE          27 platform/a620/kbd.c 	{2, KEY_ERASE	, 0x00000800 },
KEY_ERASE          27 platform/a630/kbd.c 	{2, KEY_ERASE	, 0x00000800 },
KEY_ERASE          27 platform/a640/kbd.c 	{2, KEY_ERASE	, 0x00000800 },
KEY_ERASE          27 platform/a650/kbd.c 	{ 1, KEY_ERASE		, 0x00800000 }, 
KEY_ERASE          27 platform/a700/kbd.c 	{2, KEY_ERASE	, 0x00000100 },
KEY_ERASE          27 platform/a710/kbd.c 	{2, KEY_ERASE	, 0x00000100 },
KEY_ERASE          27 platform/a720/kbd.c 	{ 1, KEY_ERASE		, 0x00800000 }, 
KEY_ERASE          33 platform/g10/kbd.c     { 1, KEY_ERASE           , 0x00010000 }, //
KEY_ERASE          28 platform/g11/kbd.c 	{ 0, KEY_ERASE		, 0x00010000 }, // g11
KEY_ERASE          18 platform/g12/kbd.c     { 0, KEY_ERASE      , 0x00080000 },
KEY_ERASE         146 platform/g12/platform_camera.h     #define SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_HISTO               KEY_ERASE   // On camera Shutter Half Press + Up = switch MF on/off
KEY_ERASE          22 platform/g15/kbd.c     { 0, KEY_ERASE           ,0x00010000 }, 
KEY_ERASE          46 platform/g15/platform_camera.h     #define CAM_ALT_BUTTON_OPTIONS              { KEY_PRINT, KEY_PLAYBACK, KEY_VIDEO, KEY_METERING, KEY_AE_LOCK, KEY_ERASE }
KEY_ERASE         160 platform/g15/platform_camera.h     #define SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_ZEBRA               KEY_ERASE   // On camera Shutter Half Press + Up = switch MF on/off
KEY_ERASE          38 platform/g16/kbd.c     { 0, KEY_ERASE           ,0x00001000 }, // G16 erase or ISO key
KEY_ERASE          17 platform/g1x/kbd.c     { 0, KEY_ERASE           ,0x00010000 },
KEY_ERASE          45 platform/g1x/platform_camera.h     #define CAM_ALT_BUTTON_OPTIONS              { KEY_PRINT, KEY_VIDEO, KEY_DISPLAY, KEY_AE_LOCK, KEY_ERASE }
KEY_ERASE         164 platform/g1x/platform_camera.h     #define SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_ZEBRA               KEY_ERASE   // On camera Shutter Half Press + Up = switch MF on/off
KEY_ERASE          32 platform/g5x/kbd.c     { 0, KEY_ERASE           ,0x00000400 },
KEY_ERASE          27 platform/g7/kbd.c     { 1, KEY_ERASE,             0x01000000 },
KEY_ERASE          47 platform/g7x/kbd.c     { 0, KEY_ERASE           ,0x00000400 }, // ring func / erase, from watching  physw
KEY_ERASE          41 platform/g9/kbd.c 	{ 1, KEY_ERASE		, 0x01000000 }, // g7
KEY_ERASE          21 platform/ixus175_elph180/kbd.c     { 0, KEY_ERASE            ,0x00004000 }, // Found @0xffbe39e4, levent 0x0d Change from KEY_HELP by black hole due to no HELP button
KEY_ERASE          91 platform/ixus175_elph180/platform_camera.h     #define CAM_ALT_BUTTON_OPTIONS          { KEY_PLAYBACK, KEY_ERASE, KEY_VIDEO }
KEY_ERASE          21 platform/ixus185_elph185/kbd.c     { 0, KEY_ERASE           ,0x00004000 }, // actually "auto zoom"
KEY_ERASE          21 platform/s100/kbd.c     { 0, KEY_ERASE           ,0x00000001 },
KEY_ERASE          21 platform/s110/kbd.c     { 0, KEY_ERASE           ,0x00000001 }, // RING FUNC
KEY_ERASE         155 platform/s110/platform_camera.h     #define SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_ZEBRA               KEY_ERASE   // On camera Shutter Half Press + Up = switch MF on/off
KEY_ERASE          31 platform/s2is/kbd.c     { 1, KEY_ERASE		, 0x00400000 },
KEY_ERASE          29 platform/s3is/kbd.c     { 1, KEY_ERASE          , 0x00400000 },
KEY_ERASE          48 platform/s5is/kbd.c 	{ 1, KEY_ERASE    , 0x00004000 }, 
KEY_ERASE          27 platform/s80/kbd.c         { 1, KEY_ERASE		, 0x20000000 }, // ok
KEY_ERASE          43 platform/sx1/kbd.c     { 1, KEY_ERASE		, 0x00000080 },
KEY_ERASE          46 platform/sx10/kbd.c     { 1, KEY_ERASE		     ,0x00000080 },
KEY_ERASE          37 platform/sx100is/kbd.c 	{ 1, KEY_ERASE    , 0x01000000 },
KEY_ERASE          34 platform/sx110is/kbd.c 	{ 1, KEY_ERASE     , 0x04000000 }, 
KEY_ERASE          34 platform/sx120is/kbd.c 	{ 2, KEY_ERASE     , 0x00008000 },
KEY_ERASE          23 platform/sx130is/kbd.c 	{ 2, KEY_ERASE     , 0x00008000 },
KEY_ERASE          24 platform/sx150is/kbd.c 	{ 2, KEY_ERASE     , 0x00008000 },
KEY_ERASE          45 platform/sx160is/kbd.c     { 1, KEY_ERASE           ,0x08000000 },
KEY_ERASE          30 platform/sx170is/kbd.c     { 1, KEY_ERASE           ,0x08000000 },
KEY_ERASE          63 platform/sx20/kbd.c 	{ 1, KEY_ERASE          , 0x00000080 },
KEY_ERASE          56 platform/sx30/kbd.c 	{ 0, KEY_ERASE		        ,0x00080000 },
KEY_ERASE         130 platform/sx30/platform_camera.h     #define SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_ZEBRA               KEY_ERASE   // On camera Shutter Half Press + Up = switch MF on/off
KEY_ERASE          24 platform/sx40hs/kbd.c     { 0, KEY_ERASE           ,0x00080000 },
KEY_ERASE         133 platform/sx40hs/platform_camera.h     #define SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_ZEBRA               KEY_ERASE   // On camera Shutter Half Press + Up = switch MF on/off
KEY_ERASE          23 platform/sx500is/kbd.c     { 0, KEY_ERASE           ,0x00080000 }, // Found @0xff39e3a8, levent 0x0a
KEY_ERASE          36 platform/sx50hs/kbd.c 	{ 0, KEY_ERASE		     ,0x00020000 },	
KEY_ERASE          24 platform/sx510hs/kbd.c     { 0, KEY_ERASE           ,0x00080000 },
KEY_ERASE          21 platform/sx520hs/kbd.c     { 0, KEY_ERASE	         ,0x00040000 },  
KEY_ERASE          21 platform/sx530hs/kbd.c     { 0, KEY_ERASE	         ,0x00040000 },  
KEY_ERASE          40 platform/sx60hs/kbd.c     { 0, KEY_ERASE           ,0x00000400 }, //found by testing 
KEY_ERASE          46 platform/sx730hs/kbd.c     { 0, KEY_ERASE           ,0x00001000 }, // Found @0xfc637e78, levent 0x0b